• 沒有找到結果。

Key Stage One Key Stage Two Knowledge and

understanding (Con'd)

• to know the importance of rules and regulations to the life of Hong Kong residents

• to recognise the regional flag and regional emblem of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR)

• to understand the functions of and major services provided by the government and local social institutions in response to the needs and interests of Hong Kong residents

Skills • to identify diverse customs, practices and traditions in society

• to identify ways in which one’s own needs and the needs of others are met, individually and co-operatively

• to acquire the skills necessary for participating in a group

• to exercise one’s rights appropriately and make good use of community services and facilities

• to identify behaviours that one should

practise in order to be a responsible citizen

• to identify the regional symbols of the HKSAR

• to grasp the skills in collecting information on history and current affairs

• to analyse some family, school and social issues, and attempt to suggest solutions to the problems

• to suggest ways to help members of family, school and society get along harmoniously with one another

• to reflect on the balance between one’s rights and responsibilities in various settings through different channels

Values and attitudes

• to appreciate the efforts and contributions of people who work to meet our needs and maintain a harmonious community

• to show concern for the development of the local community and conservation of cultural heritage

Key Stage One Key Stage Two Values and

attitudes (Con'd)

• to respect people from different backgrounds and their rights

• to recognise the need for fair rules and be willing to observe rules and regulations

• to develop a sense of belonging to the local community

• to develop a concern for community issues

• to appreciate the ways the people of Hong Kong adapt to the changing society

• to have an awareness that economic decisions of the individual, family and society can affect our lives as well as the environment

• to be willing to get along harmoniously with other members in different communities.

• to appreciate the contributions made by different sectors in Hong Kong

• to appreciate and respect the multi-cultures of Hong Kong

• to respect and be willing to observe the Basic Law, rules and laws

• to be willing to contribute to the

collective interest of the community

• to recognise the importance of basic rights and observe duties in appropriate situations

• to develop a concern for and willing to participate in local affairs

Core Elements Key Stage One:

❖ family members

❖ roles and responsibilities of individuals as a member in a group (family, school and community)

❖ characteristics of our community

❖ goods, facilities and services in the community

❖ diversified background of Hong Kong residents (e.g. occupation, ethnicity and religion)

❖ people who work to satisfy our needs and maintain a harmonious community

❖ conduct of goods and services exchange activities to meet our needs and the needs of others

❖ our rights and responsibilities as consumers of goods and services and in using community facilities

❖ the differences among people and the need to respect the rights of others

❖ communicating and getting along with others in the community

❖ the need for order and regulations

❖ origin of the Basic Law

❖ the importance of the Basic Law to the life of Hong Kong residents

❖ local symbols (e.g. flag, emblem) of the HKSAR and their meanings Key Stage Two:

❖ maintain harmony with members of different communities

❖ the history of Hong Kong

❖ major features of the Hong Kong economy

❖ factors affecting the economic development of Hong Kong

❖ the benefits for Hong Kong in trading with other parts of the world

❖ the functions of and services provided by the government and local institutions in response to the needs of Hong Kong residents

❖ rights and responsibilities of Hong Kong residents according to the Basic Law

❖ the importance of observing rules and laws

❖ the importance of participation in local affairs, e.g. participating in fund-raising activities or voluntary work in the community

❖ channels and ways to express opinions to government, organisations or groups

Suggestions for Extension

Schools can deepen and/or extend the exploration of core learning elements by providing extended learning activities for their students. Here are examples of such learning activities:

❖ School can enhance students’ understanding on local history by organising field trips to local historical sites related to students’ interest, such as Ping Shan Heritage Trail, to discover relevant historical information. Afterwards, students suggest ways to conserve these monuments. Students can also join some guided tours of monuments in other districts, e.g. History field trip organised by the Hong Kong Museum of History in Lung Yeuk Tau, and then compare the characteristics of monuments in different districts.

❖ When students are learning topics on rights and responsibilities, they can search for information about “the rights of children” through project learning, thus enhancing their understanding of their rights, knowledge on the living situations of other children in the world, as well as nurturing an attitude of caring for others.

❖ Through the activity of visiting the Legislative Council Building, students understand how the “One Country, Two Systems” and the election system stipulated in the Basic Law are implemented in the HKSAR.

❖ When students are investigating the importance of maintaining law and order in society, they can understand the operation of relevant organisations through firsthand information. e.g. paying a visit to a police station or Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC). They can