• 沒有找到結果。

Session 21 EDB - page 85 Details of the relevant institutions, selected programmes and the respective number of subsidised places, the annual subsidy amount per student for each programme for the cohorts admitted/to be admitted in the 2015/16, 2016/17 and 2017/18 academic years, and the number of actual intakes in the 2015/16 and 2016/17 academic year are set out at Annex. The Education Bureau will announce the details of the relevant institutions, selected programmes and the respective number of subsidised places for the cohort to be admitted in the 2018/19 academic year later this year after consulting policy bureaux.

Session 21 EDB - page 86 Annex

Relevant Institutions, Selected Programmes, Number of Subsidised Places and Actual Intakes, and Annual Subsidy Amount for the Cohort Admitted in the 2015/16 Academic Year

Institutions Disciplines Programmes Number of

subsidised places

Number of actual


Annual subsidy amount

($) Chu Hai

College of Higher Education

Architecture and


Bachelor of Architecture (Honours) 40 20 40,000

Hang Seng Management College

Logistics Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in Supply Chain Management

70 70 40,000

The Open University of Hong Kong

Creative Industry

Bachelor of Fine Arts with Honours in Animation and Visual Effects

80 74 70,000

Health Care Bachelor of Nursing with Honours in General Health Care

150 150 70,000 Health Care Bachelor of Nursing with Honours in Mental

Health Care

70 70 70,000

Testing and Certification

Bachelor of Science with Honours in Testing and Certification

50 50 70,000

Tung Wah College

Health Care Bachelor of Health Science (Honours) – Major in Nursing

200 200 70,000 Technological

and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong, Vocational Training Council

Architecture and


Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Landscape Architecture

10 10 40,000

Architecture and


Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Civil Engineering

60 60 70,000

Architecture and


Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Environmental Engineering and Management

60 60 70,000

Creative Industry

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Fashion Design

60 60 70,000

Creative Industry

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Product Design

60 59 70,000

Tourism and Hospitality

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Culinary Arts and Management

30 30 40,000

Total 940 913

Session 21 EDB - page 87 Relevant Institutions, Selected Programmes, Number of Subsidised Places and Actual Intakes,

and Annual Subsidy Amount for the Cohort Admitted in the 2016/17 Academic Year

Institutions Disciplines Programmes Number of

subsidised places

Number of actual


Annual subsidy amount

($) Caritas Institute of

Higher Education

Health Care Bachelor of Nursing (Honours) 60 60 70,000 Chu Hai College of

Higher Education

Architecture and Engineering

Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Architecture

40 22 40,000

Hang Seng Management College

Logistics Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in Supply Chain Management

70 70 40,000

The Open University of Hong Kong

Creative Industry

Bachelor of Fine Arts with Honours in Animation and Visual Effects

80 80 70,000

Health Care Bachelor of Nursing with Honours in General Health Care

150 150 70,000 Health Care Bachelor of Nursing with Honours in

Mental Health Care

70 70 70,000

Testing and Certification

Bachelor of Science with Honours in Testing and Certification

50 48 70,000

Tung Wah College Health Care Bachelor of Health Science (Honours) – Major in Nursing

200 200 70,000 Technological and

Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong, Vocational Training Council

Architecture and Engineering

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Horticulture and Landscape Management

30 30 40,000

Architecture and Engineering

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Landscape Architecture

10 10 40,000

Architecture and Engineering

Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Civil Engineering

60 60 70,000

Architecture and Engineering

Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Environmental Engineering and Management

60 60 70,000

Creative Industry

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Fashion Design

60 44 70,000

Creative Industry

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Product Design

60 57 70,000

Tourism and Hospitality

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Culinary Arts and Management

30 30 40,000

Total 1 030 991

Session 21 EDB - page 88 Relevant Institutions, Selected Programmes, Number of Subsidised Places

and Annual Subsidy Amount for the Cohort to be Admitted in the 2017/18 Academic Year

Institutions Disciplines Programmes Number of

subsidised places

Annual subsidy amount

($) Caritas Institute of

Higher Education

Health Care Bachelor of Nursing (Honours) 60 70,000

Chu Hai College of Higher Education

Architecture and Engineering

Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Architecture

40 40,000

Hang Seng Management College

Logistics Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in Supply Chain Management

70 40,000

The Open University of Hong Kong

Creative Industry

Bachelor of Fine Arts with Honours in Animation and Visual Effects

80 70,000

Health Care Bachelor of Nursing with Honours in General Health Care

150 70,000

Health Care Bachelor of Nursing with Honours in Mental Health Care

70 70,000

Testing and Certification

Bachelor of Engineering with Honours in Testing and Certification

50 70,000

Tung Wah College Health Care Bachelor of Health Science (Honours) – Major in Nursing

200 70,000

Health Care Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Medical Laboratory Science

20 70,000

Health Care Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Radiation Therapy

12 70,000

Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong, Vocational Training Council

Architecture and Engineering

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Horticulture and Landscape Management

30 40,000

Architecture and Engineering

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Landscape Architecture

10 40,000

Architecture and Engineering

Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Civil Engineering

60 70,000

Architecture and Engineering

Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Environmental Engineering and Management

60 70,000

Creative Industry

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Fashion Design

60 70,000

Creative Industry

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Product Design

60 70,000

Tourism and Hospitality

Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Culinary Arts and Management

30 40,000

Total 1 062

- End -

Session 21 EDB - page 89 Examination of Estimates of Expenditure 2017-18


(Question Serial No. 0232)

Head: (156) Government Secretariat: Education Bureau Subhead (No. & title): (-) Not specified

Programme: (7) Post-secondary, Vocational and Professional Education Controlling Officer: Permanent Secretary for Education (Mrs Marion LAI) Director of Bureau: Secretary for Education


The Government has allocated $288 million to the Vocational Training Council (VTC) to launch a pilot scheme which integrates structured apprenticeship training programmes with on-the-job training since the 2014/15 academic year. The scheme aims to attract and retain talent for industries with keen demand for labour, and will benefit four cohorts of 4 000 trainees in total.

In this connection, please advise this Committee of the industries involved, the number of industries involved, and the actual number of trainees participating in the scheme.

Asked by: Hon CHIANG Lai-wan (Member Question No. 2) Reply:

The Pilot Training and Support Scheme (Pilot Scheme) aims to attract and retain talent for specific industries with a keen demand for labour, by integrating structured apprenticeship training programmes and clear career progression pathways. With the funding approval of the Legislative Council Finance Committee in July 2014, the Vocational Training Council (VTC) has implemented the Pilot Scheme starting from the 2014/15 academic year (AY), which targets to benefit 2 000 students with an original commitment of $144 million.

In the 2016 Policy Address, the Chief Executive announced that the Government accepted all the recommendations of the Task Force on Promotion of Vocational Education. Among others, the Task Force recommended to extend the Pilot Scheme to benefit more students pending a review. According to a review conducted by VTC in 2015, the Pilot Scheme was in general well received by the participating employers and students. Therefore, the Government has decided to extend the Pilot Scheme for two more cohorts of students admitted in the 2016/17 and 2017/18 academic years, benefitting 2 000 more students with an additional estimated non-recurrent expenditure of $144 million.

The Pilot Scheme aims to cover industries meeting the following criteria –

(a) the industry is facing labour shortage and/or ageing problems, and it has difficulties in hiring and retaining young people;

(b) the relevant trades covered under the industry are very specialized and with a high level of technology contents; and

(c) the industry is committed to provide allowance or subsidy to trainees and to offer a certain salary level to trainees who have completed the apprenticeship training and are willing to join relevant industries.

As at 28 February 2017, the electrical and mechanical (E&M) trades of the construction industry, printing, watch & clock, automobile, testing & certification and medical centre operations trades have joined the Pilot

Reply Serial No.
