• 沒有找到結果。

Formally Conferring the Precept-body

在文檔中 Dual Saṅgha Ordination Rite (頁 30-33)

Karman ācārya (palms joined): May the upādhyāyā and the great assembly be unstinting in your kindness and compassion, and generously offer these precepts. Let us generate the same motivation to perform the karman together and not allow our minds to wander to other objects. In order to help these three disciples generate the complete and ideal precept-body, I will now perform the karman. Listen as I make the motion:

Virtuous saṅgha, please listen attentively. Śikṣamāṇā _____ and others request bhikṣuṇī upādhyāyā Vinaya Master _____ for full ordination. They now request the saṅgha to confer on them the full ordination with Vinaya Master _____ as their bhikṣuṇī upādhyāyā. _____ and others have declared their purity, they do not have any obstacles or hindrances, they are over 20 years old, and they have robes and an alms bowl. If the saṅgha is ready, may the saṅgha agree to confer the full ordination on _____ and others with Vinaya Master _____ as their bhikṣuṇī upādhyāyā.

This is the motion. Is this motion acceptable?

Seven witnesses: Yes.49

Karman ācārya: Virtuous saṅgha, please listen attentively. Śikṣamāṇā _____ and others request bhikṣuṇī upādhyāyā Vinaya Master _____ for full ordination. They now request the saṅgha to confer on them the full ordination with Vinaya Master _____ as their bhikṣuṇī upādhyāyā. _____

and others have declared their purity, they do not have any obstacles or hindrances, they are over 20 years old, and they have robes and an alms bowl. Those who agree that the saṅgha confers the full ordination on _____ and others with Vinaya Master _____ as their bhikṣuṇī upādhyāyā remain silent. Those who do not agree speak up. This is the first (second, third) proclamation.50 Is this proclamation acceptable?

Seven witnesses: Yes.

Karman ācārya: The saṅgha has agreed and completed conferring the full ordination on _____

with Vinaya Master _____ as their bhikṣuṇī upādhyāyā. Since the saṅgha has shown its silent approval, this matter will proceed as decided.

Upādhyāyā: The one-motion three-proclamations karman is now complete. The three of you have received the precept-body of the ordination by the bhikṣuṇīs alone. Bring forth a mind that seeks to progress, generate a firm determination, and go to the bhikṣu saṅgha to request the full ordination so that you can become full-fledged bhikṣuṇīs, in order to liberate sentient beings extensively and transform them unceasingly. Bow once and pick up the sitting cloth. Go to the Buddha Hall and bow to the Buddhas.

The disciples pick up the sitting cloth, make a half-bow, and leave the ordination platform from the steps on the right. The second group receives the precepts as above. After each group has received the precepts, the newly ordained pick up the sitting cloth and make a half-bow.


[0736c23] (羯磨師合掌云)。

[0736c24] 惟願和尚大眾。不悋慈悲。布施其戒。同心共秉。慎勿異緣。令此三人。感發 圓宗戒體。將秉羯磨。聽宣作白。

[0737a02] 大姉僧聽。此沙彌尼【式叉尼】(某甲)等。從和尚尼(上某下某)律師。求受大戒。




[0737a07] 大姉僧聽。此沙彌尼【式叉尼】(某甲)等。從和尚尼。(上某下某)律師。求受大 戒。此(某甲)等。今從眾僧。乞受大戒。和尚尼(上某下某)律師。(某甲)等。自說清淨。無

49 According to the Dharmaguptaka Vinaya, it is enough to assent through silence. Vinaya Master Daoxuan added the question and answer according to the Mahīśāsaka Vinaya. He cites the Sarvāstivāda Vinaya to explain that this is to ensure that the teachers remain alert for an important karman that would be invalidated if any member of the quorum were to fall asleep, enter a state of meditative concentration, or speak nonsensically, etc. This footnote also applies to the three proclamations below.

50 This section is repeated three times, with the ācārya saying “first,” “second,” or “third” in the last sentence according to which repetition it is.

諸難事。年歲已滿。衣鉢具足。僧今。為(某甲)等受大戒。和尚尼(上某下某)律師。誰諸 大姉忍。僧今為(某甲)等受大戒。和尚尼(上某下某)律師者默然。誰不忽【忍】者說。(問) 此是初羯磨成否(七證答云)成。

[0737a14] 大姉僧聽。此沙彌尼【式叉尼】(某甲)等。從和尚尼。(上某下某)律師。求受大 戒。此(某甲)等。今從眾僧乞受大戒。和尚尼(上某下某)律師。(某甲)等。自說清淨無諸難 事。年歲已滿衣鉢具足。僧今為(某甲)等受大戒。和尚尼(上某下某)律師誰諸大姉忍。僧 今為(某甲)等受大戒。和尚尼(上某下某)律師者默然。誰不忍者說。(問)此是二羯磨成否 (七證答云)成。

[0737a21] 大姉僧聽。此沙彌尼(某甲)等。從和尚尼(上某下某)律師。求受大戒。此(某甲) 等。今從眾僧。乞受大戒。和尚尼(上某下某)律師。(某甲)等。自說清淨。無諸難事。年 歲已滿。衣鉢具足。僧今為(某甲)等受大戒。和尚尼(上某下某)律師。誰諸大姉。忍僧今 為(某甲)等。受大戒。和尚尼(上某下某)律師者默然。誰不忍者說。(問)此是三羯磨成否 (七證答云)成。

[0737b04] 僧已忍。與(某甲)等受大成【戒】竟。和尚尼(上某下某)律師。僧忍默然故。是 事如是持。

[0737b06] 和尚尼復示云。

[0737b07] 白四羯磨已竟。汝三人得了本法戒體。更當起增上心。發堅固念。往大僧中。


[0737b09] (新戒摺具。問訊。徃右級下壇。第二壇亦如上受。一一受竟。新戒起具問訊)。

Upādhyāyā: The ordination is complete. Everyone recite the homage to the Buddha and dedicate the merit together.

Guide: Face the Buddha.

Right: At the sound of the bell, bow three times.

Left: Lift your robe. (disciples bow) Right: Pick up the sitting cloth.

Left: Half-bow.

Right: Face the central aisle.

The nine teachers on the platform line up in order as before, face the Buddha, and bow three times.

The upādhyāyā may say, “One bow.” After they have made a half-bow, the ten teachers descend the platform from the steps on the right, the last in line going first. They circumambulate to the left until they reach the front of the platform and stand side by side in a row. The upādhyāyā stands as before [in the middle].

Chant leader (leads and the assembly joins in):

Ordination is a virtuous wonderful deed.

We dedicate the boundless, magnificent merit. (ten teachers bow once) May all sentient beings submerged in suffering

Quickly go to the Land of the Buddha of Infinite Light. (as above) Homage to all Buddhas in ten directions and three times,

To all bodhisattvas mahāsattvas, (as above)

And to the great Prajñāpāramitā. (ten teachers make a half-bow)

[0737b11] 和尚云。

[0737b12] 受戒已竟。大眾同音。念佛回向。

[0737b13] 引禮呼云。

[0737b14] 一齊向上排班。(右云)聞磬聲頂禮三拜(左云)撩衣(拜已。右云)起具(左云)問訊 (右云)分班。

[0737b15] (壇上九師如前排班。向上頂禮三拜。或云一拜。問訊已。十師未【末】後前行。


[0737b17] 維那舉回向偈(大眾同和)。

受戒功德殊勝行 無邊勝福皆回向(十師一拜) 普願沉溺諸有情 速往無量光佛剎(如前) 十方三世一切佛 一切菩薩摩訶薩(如前) 摩訶般若波羅密(十師一問訊)

After the ten teachers have finished bowing and the dedication chant has ended, the upādhyāyā turns to the south and stands while the nine teachers divide into two lines. Two guides lead the newly ordained with the last in line going first. The tenth teacher follows after the disciples, then the ninth, the eighth, up to the second. Two guides ring hand-bells alternately and walk in front of the upādhyāyā. The disciples arrive before the upādhyāyā’s room and stand on both sides of the path. They kneel with palms joined facing the path, wait for the ten teachers to file past them, then rise and walk in two rows until they reach upādhyāyā’s room and line up in rows facing the central aisle. The upādhyāyā goes to her seat and stands facing south. The nine teachers bow to the upādhyāyā three times or once, and then stand in the shape of the Chinese character for “eight.”

Guide: Everyone face the Buddha. At the sound of the bell, bow in gratitude three times. (The ten teachers join their palms.) Lift your robe. (disciples bow) Pick up the sitting cloth. Half-bow. Face the central aisle. (The upādhyāyā enters her room. The nine teachers each return to their rooms.) Guide: Everyone face the Buddha. Bow to thank the guides three times.

Head guide: One bow. Pick up the sitting cloth. Half-bow. Face the central aisle. (The guides disperse and the disciples return to the hall.)

[0737b22] (十師禮畢。回向偈完。和尚轉身南面而立九師兩分。二引禮先領新戒未【末】


新戒至方丈前。站兩行。合掌。面面對跪。候十師行過。仍起雙行。至方丈站班。和尚至 座前面南而立。九師向尚三禮。或一拜。八字分開)。

[0737c04] 引禮呼云。

[0737c05] 一齊向上排班 聞磬聲禮謝三拜(十師俱合掌)撩衣(拜已)起具 問訊 分班(和 尚入室。九師各回)。

[0737c07] 引禮呼云。

[0737c08] 一齊向上排班 禮謝眾位引禮師傅三拜(首者云)一拜 起具 問訊 分班(引禮 散已。新戒回堂)。

在文檔中 Dual Saṅgha Ordination Rite (頁 30-33)
