• 沒有找到結果。

5. Conclusions and Suggestions

5.2 Limitations of the study

There are three limitations in this study. First, the design of the study was the use of a one-time, cross-sectional measure. The cross-sectional nature of it limits our ability to achieve causal inferences from the data. Longitudinal studies are needed in this area of research which supports stronger inferences. Therefore, future studies can try to improve such shortcomings by directly observing the subjects‟ actual behaviors over time. Second, this study was conducted in a single country setting – the high-tech industry in Taiwan. As a result, the generalization of the findings might be limited. Additional research across different countries and industries will be required in order to generalize the findings. There is also a potential limitation that is the teams in our study were convenience sampling, not a random sample. Third, the design of this study was limited by its dependence on self-report measures. Although using self-report is common in social science studies, it does not provide a wider view of the variables. However, future researchers are advised to explore other potential mediators or other team‟s characteristics beyond the scope of cooperation and competition theory and compare their explanatory ability to the variables examined in this study.



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Appendix1. Measurement Items

Team performance

TP1. The collaboration of our team reduces redundancy of work content.

TP2. The collaboration of our team improves team efficiency.

TP3. The collaboration of our team coordinates the efforts of everyone on the team.

TP4. The collaboration of our team facilitates innovating new ideas.

TP5. The collaboration of our team streamlines the internal processes.

Team agility

TA1. Our team can develop new skills quickly.

TA2. Our team‟s responsiveness to changing needs of the other teams (or customers) is timely.

TA3. Our team‟s responsiveness to changing organizational conditions is timely.

TA4. Our team‟s speed of acquiring the skills necessary for business process change is fast.

TA5. Our team‟s effectiveness of cooperating across functional boundaries is good.

TA6. Our team‟s speed of acquiring new IT (or software) skills is fast.

TA7. Our team can switch to different projects (or missions) with ease.

TA8. Our team‟s speed of applying new management skills is fast.


COO1. Our team members „swim or sink‟ together.

COO2. Our team members want each other to succeed.

COO3. Our team members seek compatible attitude in terms of teamwork.

COO3. Our team members seek compatible attitude in terms of teamwork.
