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Chapter 3 Curriculum Planning

3.4 Managing the Curriculum

In managing the THS curriculum, teachers should consider the following:

3.4.1 Areas of work

(a) Understanding the curriculum and learning context

 Understand the Senior Secondary Curriculum Guide (CDC, 2007) and this Guide with a view to adapting the central curriculum for school-based curriculum development;

 Understand the school’s vision and mission, strengths and policies, as well as students’ abilities and interests; and

 Understand the community culture and the changing needs of society.

(b) Planning and implementing the curriculum

 Design and implement schemes of work to help students achieve the curriculum aims and learning objectives of the THS curriculum; and

 Promote assessment for learning.

(c) Evaluating the curriculum

 Evaluate the THS curriculum through collecting data from different sources and analysing evidence of student learning; and

 Review the curriculum in accordance with the learning and teaching context and make adjustments whenever necessary.

(d) Developing resources

 Networking with industry

In order to deliver this curriculum effectively, subject co-ordinators should develop a good working relationship with the industry. The industry is the main source of useful brochures, map guides, videos and magazines.

To support learning and teaching and to bring the subject to life, teachers are strongly advised to invite subject experts from the local tourism and hotel authorities, travel-related and accommodation establishments, and academics from tourism and hospitality schools to share their experiences with students.

 Networking with schools

Schools are encouraged to establish face to face and electronic links with other schools offering THS. This will benefit both students and teachers in the learning and teaching of the subject. Schools can enter into jointly organized field visits and share lesson plans, learning and teaching resources and experiences, etc.

(e) Building capacity

 Many teachers who have to teach this subject do not possess a fully relevant background or degree in Tourism and Hospitality, and therefore need to develop a learning culture among themselves and fully utilise professional development opportunities such as:

- seminars, workshops and experience-sharing sessions on knowledge enhancement and pedagogy; and

- teachers’ networking activities involving the exchange of resources such as lesson plans and examples of assessment.

 In addition, teachers should consider engaging themselves in experiential learning in the tourism and hospitality industry through well-structured educational visits.

They can share the experience gained from the visits with their students which benefits both teachers and students, and helps to bring the curriculum alive.

(f) Managing change and monitoring progress

 In order to sustain the THS curriculum over time, it is important to monitor progress and evaluate the effectiveness of learning and teaching. Action research or self-directed study can give teachers valuable data and evidence on how to refine and enhance practice. Teachers should pay attention to the latest trends in tourism and hospitality education to bring in appropriate changes.

3.4.2 Roles of different stakeholders

Principals, Tourism and Hospitality panel chairpersons, teachers and parents play different roles in the planning, development and implementation of the THS curriculum. Collaboration is vital in developing and managing the curriculum.

 Contribute to the THS curriculum development, implementation and evaluation, and make suggestion on the strategies for learning, teaching and assessment;

 Develop work schedules, lesson plans, and learning and teaching activities that align with the curriculum’s objectives;

 Encourage students to learn actively and realise the need for life-long learning through effective learning and teaching strategies; and

 Participate actively in professional development, peer collaboration and professional exchange.

(b) PSHE KLA Co-ordinators/THS Panel Chairpersons

 Lead and plan THS curriculum development, and set a clear direction for it;

 Monitor the implementation of the curriculum, and make appropriate adjustments in strategies for learning, teaching and assessment with due consideration to students’


 Conduct formal classroom observations and evaluate learning and teaching materials;

 Review lesson plans and curriculum documents periodically;

 Choose learning and teaching resources, equipment and materials that help students to achieve the desired learning outcomes;

 Facilitate professional development by encouraging panel members to participate in training courses and workshops;

 Hold regular meetings (both formal and informal) with panel members to strengthen coordination and communication among them;

 Promote professional exchange on subject knowledge and learning and teaching strategies; and

 Make the best use of the resources available in the school and community.

(c) Principals

 Understand students’ strengths and interests, as well as the significance of tourism and hospitality education;

 Consider students’ needs, the school context and the central curriculum framework in formulating the curriculum as well as instructional and assessment policies;

 Coordinate the work of KLA leaders and subject panels, and set clear targets in curriculum development and management;

 Support PSHE KLA Co-ordinators/THS panel chairpersons and teachers to promote a culture of collaboration among teachers and to facilitate the learning and teaching of Tourism and Hospitality;

 Convey a clear message to parents regarding the significance of tourism and hospitality education; and

 Build networks among schools, and various tourism and hospitality-related organisations at management level to facilitate the development of the THS curriculum.

(d) Parents

 Support the development of the THS curriculum;

 Understand the value of Tourism and Hospitality education, and encourage and support their children in actively pursuing their studies in this area; and

 Assist their children to relate their school work to everyday life by discussing relevant tourism and hospitality issues with them and encouraging them to visit attractions, airports, museums and tourism and hospitality-related operations.

Teachers need to adopt a student-centred teaching style to stimulate students’ interest and motivation. Through a range of practical activities, students gain personal experience, and develop knowledge, understanding and skills related to tourism and hospitality, as well as skills in thinking, independent learning and collaboration. Teachers should adopt diverse modes of assessment, and use formative and summative assessment flexibly in order to provide a comprehensive assessment of students’ performance and gauge their development in generic skills, values and attitudes. (Please refer to Chapters 4 and 5 for further suggestions on learning, teaching, and assessment strategies.)
