• 沒有找到結果。

Some recommendations and suggestions for future researcher and organizations are:

First, the target population for this research was only middle school teachers working in the private sector in Honduras. This research could be expanded to all areas of the school since middle school only includes sixth, seventh, and eight grade. Some further research could focus on the public sector of Honduras in order to have a better idea if teachers could feel job burnout because of the difference between the workloads and the standards of the public and private sectors in Honduras. This study could also be made in more demanding jobs in order to understand job burnout better as well as job standardization. Finally, this study should be made with populations of other countries, in order to understand if their particular standards are resulting more demanding and increasing job burnout.

Second, other research could focus more on the relationship of other variables and dimensions that are not in this study. Researchers could consider variables more related to psychology in order to have a better understanding of the mindset of the employees.

Third, companies in the private sector could try to investigate if their job standards are well balanced with their workload and if this is leading to job burnout. The researcher recommends this because in several papers it was indicated that the effects of job burnout eventually lead to underperforming employees, thus affecting the companies´ revenue.



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