• 沒有找到結果。

Research methodology will be the main focus of this chapter, which focuses on the research framework, relating to research hypotheses, and defines both research design and procedures.

Also, this chapter presents sample population, instrument of the research, measurements, and statistical analysis methods used for the collected of data will be illustrated as well.

Research Framework

This research study includes three variables. First, it is T&D second is organizational commitment and third is job satisfaction. Dependent and Independent variables have three dimensions. Also, this research to exam significantly related to each variable. The research framework showing below in figure 3.1.

Figure 3.1. Research framework


Research Hypotheses

Based on the research questions and purpose of the study, the following hypotheses are formulated:

Hypothesis 1: T&D is related to organizational commitment Hypothesis 2: T&D is related to job satisfaction.

Hypothesis 3: Job satisfaction is related to organizational commitment.

Hypothesis 4: Job satisfaction mediates the relationship between T&D and organizational commitment.

Research Procedure

First, the researcher identifies the research topic, then identify and create the theoretical framework. Research of study key topics are T&D, job satisfaction and organizational commitment. After identifying the topic, the researcher identifies participants and after that develop instruments. Then the researcher collects data and analyzes data. Lastly, the researcher shows the results from the statistical analysis in SPSS and conclude in section four. Lastly, the researcher gives conclusions and implication the result. The research process is illustrated below:

Figure 3.2. Research procedure

Review Literature

Identify Sample

Identify Research

Develop Instrument

Collect Data

Data Analysis

Conclude and Implicate the result


Participants and Data collection

In terms of measuring the correlation between independent and dependent variables, a quantitative approach has been used to mediate the relationship. Data was collected through a survey questionnaire in form of numbers, which was later tested and verified the relationship between the variables by statistical methods. Regarding the fact that the hypothesis approach questions the validity of a hypothesis and gives more attention to the outcomes or influences among variables, this approach was considered to be more suitable and effective for this research.

Throughout this research paper, many different reliable and valid information from the other researchers are used (Neuman, 2014). Additionally, this study all questionnaires offered in Mongolian language. In order to ensure that the scales and the translations are accurate and consistent and have good face validity, the peer review, expert review and back translation of the scales were conducted.

This research focused on private service companies in Mongolia because the majority of private companies in Mongolia are service company and those private service companies are playing as an important role in Mongolian economy and local people’s life as mentioned in the background section. Therefore, the target population for this study were the full-time employees from three private service companies in Mongolia. The employees that are in charge of the private companies and HR managers helped with the distribution and collection of the questionnaires.

This study covered private companies’ employee branches in the private area because the private area is an important sector in Mongolia. The survey questionnaire participants were full-time employees of three private service companies; “Gyls LLC,” Faro LLC,” “Infinity Solutions LLC”.

The researcher data was collected from those three private companies with a total of 250 participants.


The research instrument used a self-report survey questionnaire. The participants chose the best answer according to their feelings and attitudes. This instrument had a total of (57) items, and divided into four sections, which were: T&D (Bartlett, 2001), Job Satisfaction (Hackman &

Oldham, 1976), Organizational Commitment (Allen & Meyer, 1990), Demographic section. This section of the study used different scale items from different researchers’ questionnaire and each scale items from the work of previous researchers. The survey questionnaire part from 1 to 3 used


a 5-point Likert scale items questionnaire, respondents were able to evaluate each item from

“strongly agree to strongly disagree.” Also, last part demographic section provided descriptive information of participants and included respondent’s gender, age, tenure.

Training and Development

This section of the study used a total of 12 scales items by (Bartlett, 2001; Noe & Wilk 1993). This survey questionnaire included three dimensions which are; training motivation, perceived training support from co-workers, benefits of training. Also, each scale item had a 5-point Likert scale item, for example, questions table had chosen section they 1 (Strongly Disagree) to 5 (Strongly agree) and a sample item is “my manager makes sure I get the training I needed to remain in the organization and be effective in my job”. Each dimension initial consistency and reliability were as follows; Training motivation with 0.87, perceived training support from co-workers with 0.83, benefits of training with 0.82 (Noe & Wilk, 1993; Tharenou & Conroy, 1994).

Job Satisfaction

This section of the study also used a total 15 another scale item from (Hackman & Oldham, 1976). Also, Job Satisfaction measurement used version of the Job Diagnostic Survey by (Hackman & Oldham, 1976). Its scale had a 5-point Likert scale item, for example, questions table had chosen section they 1 (Very dissatisfied to 5 (Very satisfied) and a sample item is “I am satisfied with my job as it provides me with the opportunity to improve my skills”. It has a reported Cronbach’s alpha of Job satisfaction with 0.91 (Hackman, 1974).

Organizational Commitment

This section of the study used a total 24 survey questionnaire scale items by Allen and Meyer (1990). This variable includes three dimensions these were the affective commitment, normative commitment, and continuous commitment and those dimensions to exam participants’

commitment of private companies Mongolia. Its scales had a 5-point Likert scales, for example, questions table had chosen section they 1 (Strongly Disagree) to 5 (Strongly agree). Each dimension initial consistency and reliability were as follows; Affective commitment with 0.85;

Continuous commitment with 0.79 and Normative commitment with 0.73 (Allen & Meyer 1990).


Control variable

From the reported above in literature section, this research included; age, gender, tenure also those control variables could serve. First, according to Mathieu and Zajac (1990) navigated into studying the relationship between gender and commitment. Those researcher results reported that females committed higher than males. Second, researcher Allen and Mayer (1990) described that age is positively influence with commitment. Third, according to Mathieu and Zajac (1990) confirmed that tenure is secret predictor of organizational commitment. Also, researcher Ahmad and Bakar (2003) discovered that positive relationship between tenure and affective commitment.

Reliability and Validity Analysis

Peer review, pilot test and confirmatory factor analysis were used to test the validity and reliability of the questionnaire ensuring that the questionnaire being used in this study is valid and reliable to conduct further.

Pilot Study

Based on the results of the pilot study, the researcher proceeds to make the necessary changes, increasing the credibility and reliability of the research instrument. For this study the pilot test consists of 30 participants. A pilot study helps the researcher to detect any problems or deficiencies in the design of a research instrument before proceeding to the formal study (McBurney & White, 2010).

The study was used for this research had 54 questions and results of the reliability analysis present in table 4.7. Reliability analysis is the dependability or consistency of the measure of a variable and Cronbach’s alpha value above .7 is generally considered as an acceptable result (Neuman, 2014). Therefore, this study Cronbach’s alpha used to investigate the reliability of each variable and questionnaire. All the items exceeded higher than .70, therefore all items were suitable to use. The Cronbach’s alpha for training and development is .80, job satisfaction is .91, and organizational commitment is .86.

28 Table 3.1.

Reliability Results of the Pilot Study

Variables Items Pilot Study

Training and Development 12 .80

Job Satisfaction 15 .91

Organizational Commitment 24 .86

Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA)

According to Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA), it used to examine validity of the measurement structure. Moreover, CFA was conducted by using AMOS. Amos used to compute and execute this analysis using a total 250 participants. The number of observed variables for training motivation was 4, perceived training support from co-workers was 3, training benefits was 5, job satisfaction was 15, and organizational commitment was 24.

However, after running AMOS, CFA results of organizational commitment and job satisfaction showed a poor model fit due to the number of items in each variable. Researchers have argued that item parcel is a successful way to handle and improve a poor model fit reducing the measurement error and also increasing the stability of the parameter estimates (Bagozzi &

Edwards, 1998). Therefore, the 15 items of Job satisfaction were divided into 5 parcels, Organizational commitment 24 items were divided into 12 parcels. After conducting parceling, CFA results reported a better model fit than the first time.

In order to confirm model fits, the result of CFA analysis is based on fit indices. For instance, the Chi-square (χ2) aids in confirming the adequate model fit. A chi-squared divided by the degrees of freedom (χ2/df) with a value, 2.0 is said to be a very good fit, though values between 2.0 to 5.0 are focused acceptable. Root mean square of approximation (RMSEA) is indicative of how adequate the model fits the population being studied and ranges from 0 to 1. Accordingly, the smaller the value the better, thus <.08 is better fit (Hair, Black, Babin, Anderson & Tatham, 2010;

Hooper, Coughlan, & Mullen, 2008). With regards to the incremental fit indices; both the Comparative Fix Index (CFI) and the Tucker Lewis non-formed index 9 (TLI) aid in determining how accurate the considered model fits proportionate to another model. CFI and TLI values >.90 indicate good fit whilst the same applies to the goodness of fit index (GFI) value (Hair et al., 2010;

Hooper et al., 2008). Considering the above and adopting the three indices criterion from Hair et


al. (2010), for the purpose of this study, a good model fit, will encompass the following; chi-squared divided by the degrees of freedom (χ2/df) value of 2.0, RMSEA <.08, CFI >.90 and a GFI

>.90. The findings of the CFA analysis on the constructs is discussed below. The results are provided and summarized in Table 3.2 to 3.4.

30 Table 3.2.

Confirmatory Factor Analysis Result for Training and Development


153.5** 51 3.011 .090 .941 .592 .942 .924 .901

Note. χ2= Chi square. df= Degree of freedom. GFI= Goodness-of-fit index. AGFI= Adjusted goodness-of-fit index. RMR= Root mean square residual. RMSEA= Root mean-square error of approximation. CFI= Comparative fit index; **p < .01

Note. TDEV=Training and Development; TM= Training Motivation; PS= Perceived support of training from co-workers; BT= Benefits of Training.

Figure 3.3. CFA test results of T&D

31 Table 3.3.

Confirmatory Factor Analysis Result for Organizational Commitment


257.2** 52 4.947 .126 .683 .640 .690 .598 .835

Note. χ2= Chi square. df= Degree of freedom. GFI= Goodness-of-fit index. AGFI= Adjusted goodness-of-fit index. RMR= Root mean square residual. RMSEA= Root mean-square error of approximation. CFI= Comparative fit index; **p < .01

Note. OrgCom=Organizational commitment; OC_AC= Affective commitment;

OC_CC=Continuous commitment; OC_NC= Normative commitment.

Figure 3.4. CFA test results of Organizational commitment

32 Table 3.4.

Confirmatory Factor Analysis Result for Job Satisfaction


14.7** 5 2.948 .088 .988 .982 .988 .975 .979

Note. χ2= Chi square. df= Degree of freedom. GFI= Goodness-of-fit index. AGFI= Adjusted goodness-of-fit index. RMR= Root mean square residual. RMSEA= Root mean-square error of approximation. CFI= Comparative fit index; **p < .01

Note. JobSat=Job satisfaction;

Figure 3.5. CFA test results of Job satisfaction


Data Analysis

After collecting the data, the data was coded by numerical sequences and analyzed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 23 in order to determine whether or not there is a statistically significant relationship between each of the 3 variables, which are T&D, Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction. Descriptive analysis was performed along with reliability analysis, correlation analysis, confirmatory analysis and linear regression and Hierarchical regression analysis. Firstly, the descriptive analysis was conducted to describe the arbitrary demographic of this study, which expected to explain the standard deviation and other distribution of the data. Secondly, reliability analysis was performed in order to find the reliability of the questionnaire used showing the consistency within the study. Thirdly, correlation analysis was chosen to measure the relationship between three variables, following with the fourth analysis, which is confirmatory analysis. The confirmatory analysis was utilized to find the validity, because if the result did not find to be valid, it could mean that the result was not meaningful to the study.

Lastly, linear and Hierarchical regression analysis was used to analyze the mediating effect as hypothesized previously.


