• 沒有找到結果。

This chapter presents the results of the findings of this research. Firstly, this study showed all of the findings based on the descriptive statistics of the participants as well as the descriptive statistics of all variables. Secondly, the findings of the SPSS analyses on the data collected;

namely, confirmatory factor analysis, “Pearson” correlation analysis, reliability analysis, linear regression analysis and also, hierarchical regression analysis used. Thirdly, results of the hypotheses were reported and discussed. Lastly, present a summary of all findings and discussion.

Descriptive Statistics Results

This section presents participants’ overview of the characteristics as well as information of the respondents’ gender, age, tenure. Also, table 4.1 also shows the results of the sample characteristic frequency and percentage.

Sample Characteristics

For the data analyzed, a total of 250 responses (participation rate 100%) were collected and analyzed descriptive statistics results. In this part, table 4.1 provides the results of descriptive statistics of all employees in private companies. In addition, this analysis included three control variables those are; gender, age, tenure at the current company. Firstly, it provides the results that the majority of those employees were male 73 (31.2 %) and female 172 (68.8 %). This shows most of the respondents were female. Secondly, for the age of the participants, the researcher divided into five groups, most of the respondent's age group is the age of 21-30 years old with 147 respondents (58.8 %). It provides the sector most of the working population were middle-aged.

There is also second a larger number of respondents ages were 31-40 years old with 71 participants (28.4%), number of respondents ages were 41-50 years old with 24 participants (9.6%). Also, fewer participants of the age above 50 years old with 8 respondents (3.2%). Lastly, reporting of the job tenure in which the participants have been working in the sector, most of the respondents with 94 (37.6%) working in the company between 1 to 5 years, 60 respondents with a total of 24.0% working in the company for 6 to 10 years, 39 respondents with a total of 15.6 % working in the company for less than 1 years. Results of the tenure also show that 28 respondents with a total of 11.2 % working in the company for more than 15 years. The descriptive analysis reported that most of the respondents having middle working experience.

36 Table 4.1.

Descriptive Statistics for Employees (N=250)

Variables Description Frequency Percentage

Gender Male Note. N = Number of participants

Descriptive Statistics of Training and Development Dimensions

Results of the analysis provides below table 4.2 including T&D dimension items mean and standard deviations. Item training motivation accepted the highest score of 4.3 and the item perceived support co-workers accepted the lowest score of 3.0. The all collect data shows that regarding T&D the participants of the study have high training motivation and high training benefits. However, data shows that participants of the study have a low perceived support co-worker. Also, the table below illustrates the standard deviations of the sub-dimensions and participants of the study.

37 Table 4.2.

Descriptive Statistics for Training and Development Dimensions (N=250)

TD Dimensions Mean SD

PSC 3.0 0.6

TM 4.3 0.9

TB 4.0 0.9

Note. N =250; SD= Standard Deviation; PSC= Perceived support Co-workers; TM= Training Motivation; TB= Training Benefits.

Descriptive Statistics for Training and Development

T&D was measured in 12 items of 5-point Likert scale order (1) Strongly Disagree to (5) Strongly Agree. As shown in table 4.3., the table presents the mean and standard deviation of T&D.

The table shows that, result of item TD_MOT_3 “I am willing to invest effort to improve skills and competencies related to my current job” had the highest mean score (M=4.37). This means that ordinal participants agree that most of employees wants to improve their skills and competencies in the company because it impacts their current and future job. From the table, a result of item TD_PSC_3 “More experienced co-workers are usually reluctant to give me” had the lowest mean score (M=3.56). This means that ordinal participants agree that when more experienced co-workers give the suggestion to other co-workers in the workplace they are usually unwilling and reluctant. For this item for the perception of T&D ranged from neutral (3) ‘‘to agree (4). This study private companies’ employees were more consistent in answering items TD_MOT_3 “I am usually motivated to learn the skills emphasized in training programs”

(SD=1.04) and TD_BT_3 “Participating in training programs result in having to do extra work that would add value” (SD=1.04), since those two items had the lowest standard deviation. Participants were also least consistent in answering item TD_MOT_1 “I try to learn as much as I can from training programs” (SD=1.06) and TD_BT_5 “Participating in training programs help me stay up-to-date on new processes and products or procedures related to my job.” (SD=1.06).

38 Table 4.3.

Descriptive Statistics for Training and Development (N=250)

Code Items Mean SD

Training Motivation

TD_MOT_1 I try to learn as much as I can from training programs. 4.30 1.06 TD_MOT_2 I am usually motivated to learn the skills emphasized in

training programs.

4.32 1.04

TD_MOT_3 I am willing to invest effort to improve skills and competencies related to my current job.

4.37 1.07

TD_MOT_4 I am willing to invest effort to improve skills and competencies in order to have career progression

4.33 1.09

Perceived support from co-workers

TD_PSC_1 I can count on my co-workers to provide me with help and services needed to complete my job assignments.

3.86 1.05

TD_PSC_2 My co-workers tend to resist my efforts to apply new knowledge or skills on the job.

2.92 1.11

TD_PSC_3 More experienced co-workers are usually reluctant to give me guidance

2.45 1.21

Benefits of Training

TD_BT_1 Participating in training programs help my personal developing.

4.22 1.09

TD_BT_2 Participating in training programs increase my chances of performing better

4.10 1.08

TD_BT_3 Participating in training programs result in having to do extra work that would add value

4.01 1.04

TD_BT_4 Participating in training programs result in more opportunities to pursue different career paths.

3.78 1.13


39 Table 4.3. (continued)

Code Items Mean SD

TD_BT_5 Participating in training programs help me stay up-to-date on new processes and products or procedures related to my job.

3.93 1.06

Note. N =250; SD= Standard Deviation; TD_MOT= Training Motivation; TD_PSC= Perceived support of training from co-workers; TD_BT= Benefits of Training

This study 5-point Likert scale used: (1) Strongly Disagree to (5) Strongly Agree.

Descriptive Statistics for Organizational Commitment Dimensions

As shown in table 4.4., the table provides the mean and standard deviations of organizational commitment dimensions. Item affective commitment accepted the highest score of 25.7 and the item affective commitment the lowest score of 3.3. The all collect data provides that participants of this study have a higher affective commitment and higher continuous commitment.

However, collected data presents that participants of this study have a low normative commitment.

Also, the table below illustrates the standard deviations of the sub-dimensions within participants of this study.

Table 4.4.

Descriptive Statistics for Organizational Commitment Dimensions (N=250)

OC Dimensions Mean SD

AC 3.3 0.5

NC 2.7 0.6

CC 3.2 0.5

Note. N =250; SD= Standard Deviation; AC= Affective Commitment; NC= Normative Commitment; CC= Continuance Commitment.


Descriptive Statistics for Organizational Commitment

Organizational commitment variable was measured with 24 items and using 5-point Likert’s scale ranging same as independent variable explained above. According to the table 4.5 provides a descriptive analysis of organizational commitment. As result of item OC_AC_3 “I really feel as if this organization’s problems are my own” had the highest mean score (M=4.18).

This means that participants agree that most of the employees are feeling their organizations problems are their own problems and issues. From the table, the result of item OC_AC_6 “I do not feel “emotionally attached” to this organization” had the lowest mean score (M=2.20). This demonstrated that participants of this study agree that employees are not emotionally attached their organization. Also items for the perception of organizational commitment ranged from neutral (3) to agree (4). This study private companies’ employees were more consistent in answering items OC_AC_1 “I would be very happy to spend the rest of my career in this organization.” (SD=1.12) and OC_NC_4 “One of the major reasons I continue to work in this organization is that I believe loyalty is important and therefore feel a sense of moral obligation to remain” (SD=1.12) since those two items had the lower standard deviation.

Table 4.5.

Descriptive Statistics for Organizational Commitment (N=250)

Code Items Mean SD

Affective commitment

OC_AC_1 I would be very happy to spend the rest of my career in this organization.

3.54 1.11

OC_AC_2 I enjoy discussing about my organization with people outside it

4.03 1.07

OC_AC_3 I really feel as if this organization’s problems are my own

4.18 0.95

OC_AC_4 I think that that I could easily become as attached to another organization as I am to this one

3.72 1.12

OC_AC_5 I do not feel like “part of the family” at my organization.

2.43 1.31


41 Table 4.5. (continued)

Code Items Mean SD

OC_AC_6 I do not feel “emotionally attached” to this organization.

2.20 1.19

OC_AC_7 This organization has a great deal meaning for me. 4.01 1.03 OC_AC_8 I do not feel a strong sense of belonging to my


2.54 1.27

Continuous commitment

OC_CC_1 I am not afraid of what might happen if I quit my job without having another one lined up.

2.64 1.37

OC_CC_2 It would be very hard for me to leave my organization right now, even if I wanted to.

3.42 1.18

OC_CC_3 Too much in my life would be disrupted if I decided to leave my organization now

3.06 1.23

OC_CC_4 It wouldn’t be too costly for me to leave my organization now.

2.60 1.16

OC_CC_5 Right now, staying with my organization is a matter of necessity as much as desire.

2.46 1.45

OC_CC_6 I feel that I have very few options to consider leaving this organization.

2.82 1.21

OC_CC_7 One of the few serious consequences of leaving this organization would be the scarcity of available alternatives

2.58 1.34

OC_CC_8 One of the major reasons I continue to work for this organization is that leaving would require

considerable personal sacrifice—another organization may not match the overall benefits I have here.

2.70 1.21


42 Table 4.5. (continued)

Code Items Mean SD

Normative commitment

OC_NC_1 I think that people these days move from company to company too often

3.50 1.10

OC_NC_2 I do not believe that a person must always be loyal to his or her organization

2.56 1.19

OC_NC_3 Jumping from organization to organization does not seem at all unethical to me.

2.84 1.18

OC_NC_4 One of the major reasons I continue to work in this organization is that I believe loyalty is important and therefore feel a sense of moral obligation to remain.

3.63 1.11

OC_NC_5 If I got another offer for a better job elsewhere I would not feel it was right to leave my organization

3.16 1.21

OC_NC_6 I was taught to believe in the value of remaining loyal to one organization.

3.52 1.15

OC_NC_7 Things were better in the days when people stayed in one organization for most of their careers

3.58 1.14

OC_NC_8 I do not think that to be a company man/ woman is sensible

3.28 1.17

Note. N =250; SD= Standard Deviation; OC_AC= Affective Commitment; OC_CC= Continuous Commitment; OC_NC= Normative Commitment This study 5-point Likert scale used: (1)

Strongly Disagree to (5) Strongly Agree.

Descriptive Statistics for Job Satisfaction

The mediating variable job satisfaction was measured with 15 items and using 5-point Likert’s scale order (1) Very Dissatisfied to (5) Very Satisfied. Results of descriptive analysis of job satisfaction presents below the table 4.6. According to the result in the table, the item JS_A_10

“I am Satisfied with the autonomy to do my own work” had the highest mean score (M=3.99).

This means that participants agree that most employees are satisfied when they doing their job


autonomy in the workplace. From the table, a result of item JS_SV_3 “Give me an opportunity to do different tasks” had the lowest mean score (M=3.48). This demonstrated that participants agree that they have more opportunity to do different type of tasks in the organization. For this item for the perception of job satisfaction ranged from neutral (3) to agree (4). This study private companies’ employees were more consistent in answering items JS_SV_2 “It provides me with a variety of work” (SD=1.09), JS_TI_6 “The task is arranged so that I may see work assignment through to their final completion” (SD=1.09) and JS_TS_8 “The task is relatively significant in the organization” since those three items had the lower standard deviation. Participants were also least consistent in answering item JS_TI_4 “I feel satisfied with my job as it allows me with the opportunity to complete the work I start” (SD=1.13) and JS_TI_5 “My job is arranged so that I have a chance to do the job from one stage to the other” (SD=1.13) and since those two items had the highest standard deviation.

Table 4.6.

Descriptive Statistics for Job Satisfaction (N=250)

Code Items Mean SD

JS_SV_1 I am satisfied with my job as it provides me with opportunity that improve my skills

3.71 1.10

JS_SV_2 It provides me with a variety of work 3.70 1.09 JS_SV_3 Give me an opportunity to do different tasks 3.48 1.20 JS_TI_4 I feel satisfied with my job as it allows me with the

opportunity to complete the work I start

3.78 1.13

JS_TI_5 My job is arranged so that I have a chance to do the job from one stage to the other

3.66 1.13

JS_TI_6 The task is arranged so that I may see work assignment through to their final completion

3.67 1.09

JS_TS_7 The work is arranged so that I have a chance to do things for other people.

3.60 1.11

JS_TS_8 The task is relatively significant in the organization 3.85 1.09 (continued)

44 Table 4.6. (continued)

Code Items Mean SD

JS_TS_9 The task is very significant in the broader scheme of things

3.94 1.02

JS_A_10 I am Satisfied with the autonomy to do my own work 3.99 1.04 JS_A_11 Provides the opportunity for independent thought and


3.71 1.12

JS_A_12 My job gives me considerable opportunity for independence and freedom in how I do my work

3.64 1.12

JS_FR_13 I am Satisfy with feedback provided on how well I am performing as I am working

3.53 1.16

JS_FR_14 Provides me with the opportunity to find out how well I am doing (job evaluation)

3.67 1.11

JS_FR_15 Provides me with feeling that I know whether I am performing well or poorly (performance appraisal

3.62 1.06

Note. N =250; SD= Standard Deviation; JS_SV= Skill Varity; JS_TI= Task Identity; JS_TS=

Task Significant; JS_A=Autonomy; JS_FR= Feedback of Results, this study 5-point Likert scale used: (1) Strongly Disagree to (5) Strongly Agree.

The Relationships among Variables

The Pearson Correlation analysis of this research, the correlation analysis results provides the relationship among each variable influence which are; T&D, organizational commitment, mediating variable and within control variables. Also, below table 4.7 provides means and a standard deviation also significant of each variable. Pearson correlation analysis values range between -1 to +1, and a value of zero variables are not related to each other’s (Gray& Kinnear, 2012). According to this analysis reported that the correlation between +/-.10 and +/-.49 are evaluated low and the correlation between +/-.50 and +/-1.00 are evaluated high.


Correlation Analysis

The result of the correlation analysis shows that control variable age has a strong negative correlation with tenure (r= -.163**, p<.0.01). This demonstrated that younger aged employees have short tenure within the company. Also, age has negative correlation with job satisfaction (r=

-.045, p<.0.01) and also with organizational commitment (r= -.108, p<.0.01). This indicated that older ages employees have not good satisfaction in the workplace and their commitment are not sustainable in the company. According to table gender has a strong positive correlation with tenure (r= .680**, p<.0.01) and also has positive correlation with organizational commitment. It means male employees have longer tenure in the company and their level of commitment higher.

However, gender has negative correlation with T&D. Also, the analysis shows that tenure has negative correlation within the mediating variable job satisfaction (r= -.087, p<.0.01), also with T&D (r= -.114**, p<.0.01). T&D have strong positively correlated with job satisfaction (r=

.587**, p<.0.01) and with organizational commitment (r= .213**, p<.0.01). It means that who get good training from the company their satisfaction higher and those employees’ commitment will sustainable. In addition, mediating variable job satisfaction has a strong positive correlation with dependent variable organizational commitment (r= .235**, p<.0.01). It means employees who satisfied more in the workplace their commitment will higher.

Table 4.7.

Mean, Standard Deviations and Correlations (N = 250)

Variables Mean S.D. 1 2 3 4 5 6

1 Age 2.57 .79 1

2 Gender 1.69 .46 -.026 1

3 Tenure 2.62 1.17 -.163** .680** 1

4 TD 3.88 .67 .100 -.049 -.114 1

5 JS 3.70 .79 -.045 .067 -.087 .587** 1

6 OC 3.13 .43 -.163 .168** .225** .213** .233** 1 Note. N = Number of participants; **p < 0.01.


Hypothesis Tests

This section of this study shows the linear regression analysis and hierarchical regression analysis results also correlation analysis connected. Those analysis aims to investigate the influence of each variable. Firstly, linear regression analysis to describe the independent variable T&D influence on dependent variable organizational commitment, T&D influence on mediating variable job satisfaction and mediating variable on satisfaction influence on dependent variable organizational commitment. Secondly, result of the hierarchical regression analysis describe the job satisfaction mediating effect the relationship among independent and dependent variable.

T&D and Organizational Commitment

Hypotheses 1 tested that independent variable T&D is related to dependent variable organizational commitment. This study analyzed relationship among those two variables, results of the linear analysis showed that an R2= .045, signifying that training and development describe 45% of the difference in organizational commitment dependent variable. Otherwise, the Beta (b= .213, p<0.01) independent variable T&D has a positive significant relationship within dependent variable organizational commitment. Moreover, the overall result of the analysis the “Hypothesis 1” was accepted.

Table 4.8.

Linear Regression Analysis of T&D and Organizational Commitment


Unstandardized Coefficients


Standardized Coefficients

Beta F Sig. R2 Adj. R2

(Constant) 2.590 .000

T&D .138 .213 11.8** .001 .45 .042

Note. Dependent Variable: Organizational Commitment; **p < .01.


Result of Hypotheses 1 (T&D is related to organizational commitment) is supported. Also, analyses results showed that independent variable T&D has a strong positive significant within dependent variable organizational commitment. It means company who provide a better T&D activity to their employees those companies employees commitment of level higher. According to Ahmad and Bakar (2003), explained that training activities are one of the positive influences on organizational commitment also it is always positive impacting relationship among employee’s commitment and organizations. Also, numerous researchers mention that in the workplace one of the good ways to increase employee’s commitment training and development activities. Therefore, the researcher suggested that companies should provide a better T&D activity to their employees for improving their skills and positive impact employee’s commitment.

T&D and Job Satisfaction

Hypotheses 2 tested that (T&D is related to job satisfaction). This study analyzed relationship among those two variables, results of the linear analysis showed that, an R2= .345, signifying that T&D describe 34% of the difference in job satisfaction mediating variable.

Otherwise, the Beta (b= .587, p<0.01) independent variable T&D has a strong positive significant relationship within mediating variable job satisfaction. Moreover, the results of the analysis confirmed that Hypothesis 2 of this study was accepted.

Table 4.9.

Linear Regression Analysis of T&D and Job Satisfaction


Note. Dependent Variable: Job Satisfaction; **p < .01.


Based on the result of this study, hypotheses 2 (T&D is related to job satisfaction) is supported. Based on the results show that T&D strongly positive significant with job satisfaction.

It means that those employees who receive more T&D activities from their company, those company employees have a high satisfaction also most of them feel motivated to participate in the activities. Also, Gazioglu and Tansel (2006) found that employees who knows and feels more benefits of the T&D activities those employees’ motivation higher and during the training also those employees more satisfied. This study suggested that companies should provide to their employees’ perception of T&D activities than their employees will be more satisfied with the training activities.

Job satisfaction and Organizational Commitment

Hypotheses 3 of this study tested that (job satisfaction is positively related to organizational commitment). This study analyzed relationship among those two variables, results of the linear analysis showed that, an R2= .054, signifying that mediating effect job satisfaction variable describe 5% of the difference in organizational commitment dependent variable. Otherwise, the Beta (b= .233, p<0.01) mediating variable job satisfaction has a positively significant within

Hypotheses 3 of this study tested that (job satisfaction is positively related to organizational commitment). This study analyzed relationship among those two variables, results of the linear analysis showed that, an R2= .054, signifying that mediating effect job satisfaction variable describe 5% of the difference in organizational commitment dependent variable. Otherwise, the Beta (b= .233, p<0.01) mediating variable job satisfaction has a positively significant within
