• to develop students’ openness to and acceptance of different cultures.
Learning /
Teaching Process:
䡲 General Studies
My Home Town (1st to 4th lesson)
• Students state their counties of origin and locate them on the map.
• The teacher selects a few students to introduce to the class a few things related to their counties of origin, e.g. photos, native food products, furniture, festival celebrations, crafts, dialects, etc., or their experience in revisiting those places. The teacher can specially select the ones whose counties of origin are outside Guangdong or who have recently come from the Mainland. The teacher may have to guide students with questions and to help them organise the materials.
Arts Variety Show and Exhibition General PE
Studies Music Art & Craft
Week 1
My Home
Town Silhouettes of Chinese Folk
songs (Exploring &
Learning Stage)
Chinese Ethnic Costumes Show (Exploring Stage)
Knowing Chinese Folk Dances
Week 2
Motherland (Creativity Development
Stage) Week 3
(Creativity Development
(Making &
Appraisal Stage)
Creative Dancing
Week 4 (Performing &
Appraisal Stage)
Week 5
My Motherland (5th to 13th lesson)
• Ask students to locate China on the map and identify China’s neighbouring countries.
• Show students slides of the scenery in different regions of China in order to stimulate their interest in China.
• Divide students into groups and ask them to mark the main rivers and cities of China on the map.
• Divide students into groups. Each group selects a Chinese province to carry out research with the help of books and the Internet.
• Ask each group to present what they have found about the province.
• All groups collaborate to put together information on population, agricultural products, etc., and to present them in a chart, so as to give a clear overall impression of China.
䡲 Music
Silhouettes of Chinese Folk Songs
Exploring & Learning Stage (1st to 4th lesson)
• Through singing and listening to folk songs from different regions of China, students understand and experience the rhythmic characteristics, melodic styles and tonality of the music of different ethnic groups.
• Under the teacher’s guidance, students use appropriate methods to analyse each chosen Chinese folk song in
the areas of thematic expression, musical structure, composition techniques and artistic expression.
• By showing students video excerpts of Chinese folk song performances, the teacher explains to students the different ethnic settings of the singing.
• Under the teacher ’s guidance, students learn a simple luogujing ( ).
• The teacher chooses a folk song and accompanies it with luogujing. Students are asked to comment on the effects, now with the luogujing added.
Creativity Development Stage (5th to 6th lesson)
• Divide students into groups and each group tries to accompany chosen folk songs with luogujing.
• Students try to use the traditional luogujing notation to transcribe the luogujing they use. In groups or i n d i v i d u a l l y, t h e y c o l l e c t a n d o rg a n i s e t h e information on the chosen folk song, make a presentation on their ideas and skills in creating their luogujing, and compile all the materials into a portfolio.
• The teacher may formulate a set of appraisal criteria together with the students.
Performing & Appraisal Stage (7th to 8th lesson)
• Students perform their works in groups or invite the whole class to perform.
• In groups or individually, students introduce to the
class their chosen folk song and explain their creative ideas and skills in their luogujing arrangements.
• The teacher asks students to use appropriate music terminology to appraise their own and their peers’
works, with reference to the agreed criteria.
䡲 Art & Craft
Chinese Ethnic Costumes Show Exploring stage (1st to 3rd lesson)
• The teacher shows slides of costumes from different ethnic groups in China so as to give students some basic knowledge of their characteristics to arouse their interest.
• Students are asked to carry out research on a specific ethnic costume and to compile a report on it. Besides describing and analysing the characteristics of the costume in terms of colour, pattern and fabrics used, each student needs to point out in their report the relationship between the costumes, their geographical locations and the people’s lifestyles.
Creativity Development Stage (4th to 6th lesson)
• With reference to the characteristics of a specific ethnic costume, students are asked to design and draw sketches of clothes which are suitable for everyday wear by modern people.
• Students are asked to appraise and critique their own/peers’ design ideas and sketches.
Making & Appraisal Stage (7th to 12th lesson)
• Students make the costume after experimenting with different materials.
• Students appraise the finished costume designed by themselves and their peers.
䡲 Physical Education
Knowing Chinese Folk Dances
1st to 4th lesson
• Enjoying Chinese Folk Dances
• The teacher show students videos of dances (or dance demonstrations performed by a dance troupe invited to school) of different ethnic groups in China, e.g. Taiwanese Mountain Dance, Xinjiang Dance and Miao Dance, so that students can have some understanding of the basic dance steps and dancing skills.
5th to 8th lesson
• Creative Dancing
Students learn the basic steps and skills of some ethnic Chinese dances and try to choreograph dances by themselves.
䡲 Arts Variety Show and Exhibition
This activity is to be held in the hall. (2 lessons)
• Students are asked to dress in the modern costumes which they have designed, with ethnic music played
in the background. Each student will give a brief introduction of the cultural background of a particular Chinese ethnic group.
• Performance of ethnic dances.
• Exhibition of portfolios compiled by students.
Assessment : Through portfolios, research data book, observations during lessons, student’s self-assessment and peer assessment, the performance of the student in the areas of collaboration, learning attitudes and overall abilities are assessed.
Significance of : 1. Students come to understand that a positive and Learning active learning attitude is essential for the learning
2. The “Arts Variety Show and Exhibition” provides students with the opportunity to share among themselves the products of learning; and, through the exchange of experience and viewing of others’
work, students’ interest in learning is strengthened;
3. Students’ generic skills can be developed through activities such as research and team work; and
4. Learning can be extended beyond the boundary of the classroom.
Significance of : 1. The teacher experiences the use of a thematic project Teaching to stimulate students’ motivation for all-round
knowledge exploration; and
2. The teacher learns to use other suitable resources such as websites, libraries, newspapers and magazines, etc., in overcoming the limitations of school resources.
Learning : Reference:
Materials/ • !"#NVVS !"#$%&: ! Appendices
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• Costumes of ethnic groups
Examples of Chinese folk songs:
• Fengyang Flower Drum (Anhui), The School Boy (Guizhou), The Tea-leaf Picking Lantern (Fujian), Rickshaw Man’s Song (Xinjiang), Little Oriole (Mongolia), etc.
Learning of luogujing:
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*+,-Generic Skills : Communication skills, collaboration skills and study developed skills.
Values & : Respect for the Chinese culture.
attitudes developed
Source : This is the adaptation of an exemplar provided by Ng Clan’s Association Tai Pak Memorial Primary School.