• 沒有找到結果。

spend / cost / take 的用法及比較

在文檔中 教材架構 與 特色 (頁 113-123)

閱讀特快車 Do you like sports

Topic 4 spend / cost / take 的用法及比較

2:How much money does Jane spend on that car?

(Jane 花多少錢在那輛車上?)

3:How much time do you spend on computer games every day?


4:How much money does May spend (in) buying food every day?

(May 每天花多少錢買食物?)


1. cost 的中文意思為價值或花費,用來表示「價值或花費多少錢」,主詞只能 是「物品」,其句型如下:

「物品 + cost(s) + 錢.」(物品價值…錢)

「物品 + cost(s) + 人 + 錢.」(物品花了人…錢)

「It + cost(s) + 人 + 錢 + to + 原形動詞.」(買物品花了人…錢)

1:This pen costs NT$100.

(這枝筆價值台幣100 元。)

2:This pen costs him NT$100.

(這枝筆花了他台幣100 元。)

3:It costs him NT$100 to buy this pen.

(他花了台幣100 元買這枝筆。)


1. 我兒子每天花很多時間看電視。

2. 你花了多少錢買那棟房子?


2. cost 是一般動詞,所以否定句的形成方式與其他一般動詞相同,主詞後面加 上助動詞及 not,且助動詞會依主詞或時態變化,而其後的 cost 就會用原形。

1:This pen doesn’t cost NT$100.

(這枝筆不是價值台幣100 元。)

2:These books don’t cost him NT$1000.

(這些書沒花他台幣1000 元。)

3. cost 與 How much 搭配可用來詢問「某物品價值多少錢,或某物品花費了某


「How much + 助動詞 + 物品 + cost?」


「How much + ( money ) + 助動詞 + 物品 + cost + 人?」


「How much + 助動詞 + it + cost + 人 + to + 原形動詞?」


1:How much does this pen cost?


2:How much ( money ) does this pen cost her?


3:How much does it cost him to buy this car?



1. 這輛車花了我爸爸很多錢。

2. 買這棟房子花費她多少錢?



1. take 的中文意思也是花費之意,但只用於「時間上的花費」,其主詞有三種情


「It + takes + 人 + 時間 + to + 原形動詞」(做…事花了某人…時間)

「V-ing ( 動名詞當主詞 ) + takes + 人 + 時間」(做…事花了某人…時間)

「人 + take / takes + 時間 + to + 原形動詞」(某人花…時間做…事)

1:It takes Paul one hour to do his homework every day.

(做作業每天花了Paul 一小時。)

2:Doing homework takes Paul one hour every day.

(做作業每天花了Paul 一小時。)

3:Paul takes one hour to do his homework every day.

(Paul 每天花一小時做作業。)

2. take 是一般動詞,所以否定句的形成方式與其他一般動詞相同,主詞後面加 上助動詞及 not,且助動詞會依主詞或時態變化,而其後的 take 就會用原形。

1:It doesn’t take Paul one hour to do his homework every day.

(做作業沒每天花Paul 一小時時間。)

2:These students don’t take one hour to do their homework every day.


3. take 與 How long 搭配可用來詢問「做某事花費了多少時間」,其句型如下:

How long + 助動詞

+ 名詞 + take?

+ it + take + 人 + to V?

1:How long does this test take?


2:How long does it take May to cook every day?

(May 每天花多久時間煮飯?)

3:How long does it take you to study every day?



1. Jason ( spends / costs / takes ) much money on it.

2. The book ( spends / costs / takes ) me NT$200.

3. Susan ( spends / costs / takes ) two hours to jog every day.

4. She spends twenty minutes ( on / to / in ) reading the newspaper.

5. My mother spends much time ( on / to / in ) cooking our breakfast every day.


Time is life. Time is money.-Franklin



( ) 1. Q: When does she eat lunch?

A: She eats lunch ________ 5 P.M.

(A) in (B) at (C) on (D) to

( ) 2. Q: ______ are your books?

A: My books are on the desk.

(A) Which (B) Where (C) How (D) What

( ) 3. Q: Where are you waiting for me?

A: I am waiting for you ________ the train station.

(A) on (B) in (C) at (D) to

( ) 4. Q: ________ car does your mother like?

A: She likes the bigger one.

(A) How (B) Where (C) Which (D) When

( ) 5. Q: How much do you spend ________ food every day?

A: I spend two hundred ________ food a day.

(A) in ; in (B) at ; in (C) or ; on (D) on ; on

( ) 6. Q: What day is your birthday?

A: My birthday is ________ Tuesday.

(A) at (B) in (C) on (D) to

( ) 7. Q: ________ does her daughter live?

A: She lives in Hualien(花蓮).

(A) Which (B) Where (C) How (D) What

( ) 8. Apples are ________ the table.

(A) in (B) or (C) at (D) on

( ) 9. It ________ me two hours to finish(完成)the math homework.

(A) costs (B) spends (C) takes (D) does

綜合練習 第 1 回

( )10. Q: Where is David?

A: He is ________ his room.

(A) or (B) at (C) in (D) on

( )11. Q: How much money is that bag?

A: It ________ me three hundreds.

(A) cost (B) spend (C) costs (D) spends

( )12. Q: When does she work(工作)?

A: She works ________ 8 A.M. to 5 P.M.

(A) at (B) from (C) at (D) beside

( )13. I ________ 60 dollars buying lunch every day.

(A) take (B) spend (C) cost (D) have

( )14. My father goes Taipei ________ car.

(A) in (B) takes (C) on (D) by

( )15. Q: ________ is your house?

A: My house is in Taipei.

(A) Which (B) How (C) Where (D) What

( )16. Anna ________ a bus to school every day.

(A) rides (B) takes (C) by (D) spends

( )17. Q: ________ is the airport(機場)from here?

A: About 500 miles.

(A) How old (B) How long (C) How far (D) How about

( )18. The computer is ________ my desk.

(A) in (B) beside (C) to (D) at

( )19. Q: Where do you park(停放)your car every day?

A: I park my car ________ the park(公園)and my house.

(A) in (B) at (C) from (D) between

( )20. A desk is ________ my room.

(A) between (B) on (C) in (D) at


1. in / lives / He / Taichung / .

2. breakfast / His / at / eats / . / father / 7 A.M.

3. son / Where / your / is / going / ?

4. school / your / Which / ? / is / school

5. cooking / spends / every / My / day / mother / . / some / in / time


1. Where does your sister live?

2. My house is in Taipei.

3. How long is the ruler(尺)?

4. Her daughter goes to school by bus.

5. How much does it cost?


1. She gets up late ________________ ( on / in / at ) the morning.

2. We always(總是)eat breakfast ________________ ( on / in / at ) 8 A.M.

3. They have math class ________________ ( on / in / at ) Tuesday.

4. My daughter is waiting for me ________________ ( on / in / at ) the bus station.

5. Don’t eat ________________ ( on / in / at ) the classroom.

6. My parents(父母)live ________________ ( on / in / at ) Taipei.

7. His house is ________________ ( in / between / from ) the school and the post office(郵局).

8. Sara goes to school ________________ ( on / by / at ) bus.

9. ________________ ( How / Where / Which ) school are you studying?

10. ________________ ( What / Where / When ) is your mother’s office(辦公室)?



spend cost take do does is am are 1. Wendy ___________ 30 minutes to take a shower.

2. Jason ___________ a lot of time in playing the guitar.

3. The toy car ___________ her NT$120.

4. How long does ___________ Jim to do his homework every day?

5. What ___________ your sister do?

6. How ___________ your father and mother?

7. Which house ___________ your house?

8. When ___________ you go to school every day?

綜合練習 第 2 回


1. Which color do you like, red or yellow?(請擇一詳答)

2. He’s going to school.(請造原問句)

3. How do you like that English book?(否定詳答)

4. What does your mother do?(請以「護士」回答)

5. They play baseball at 9 A.M. every Saturday.(請造原問句)


1. 哪一台電腦是你的?

2. 我哥哥花了 300 元看電影。

3. 那本書花了她多少錢?

4. 她母親正要去哪?

5. 我們騎腳踏車上學。

在文檔中 教材架構 與 特色 (頁 113-123)