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The Role of the Independent Checking Unit


1. The Role of the Independent Checking Unit

Appendix 5a

Guidelines for Extension of School Premises

(For Premises Not Designed and Constructed as a School) P.40

Independent Checking Unit, Office of The Permanent Secretary For Transport and Housing (Housing)

(Only for Housing Authority’s Properties/Divested Housing Authority’s Properties)

General Guidelines on Building Safety Requirements for New Applications

and Extension of School Premises Applications

Appendix 5a

Guidelines for Extension of School Premises

(For Premises Not Designed and Constructed as a School) P.41

2. General Requirements

a. Each case shall be considered on its merits after full consideration of the circumstances. Nothing contained herein shall be taken as in any way derogating from the powers of the ICU under the BO and its subsidiary regulations.

b. If the premises are constructed of structural timber floor, the issue of a certificate under section 12(1)(b) of the Education Ordinance will be refused.

c. As the subject matters are often related to complicated technical issues which may be difficult to overcome, the applicant is strongly advised to enlist the service of an Authorized Person (AP) (an architect, engineer or surveyor registered under the Buildings Ordinance (BO)) at the early stage to avoid unnecessary waste of time and efforts resulting from unsuccessful applications.

d. Where alteration and addition works involving the structure and/or means of escape of a building are to be carried out, formal submission of plans for the proposed works to the ICU by an AP and, if necessary, Registered Structural Engineer (RSE) may be required for obtaining prior approval and consent of the ICU. It is strongly recommended that the advice of an AP or RSE should be sought well in advance. The lists of the AP and RSE registered under the BO are available in the BD for viewing. The lists can also be viewed at BD’s website at www.bd.gov.hk

e. Following the implementation of the Building (Minor Works) Regulation (B(MW)R) on 31 December 2010, certain building works have been specified as minor works. As an alternative to obtaining prior approval and consent from the ICU, minor works may be carried out under the simplified requirements of the Minor Works Control System (MWCS). Paragraph 7 below for the details of the minor works items and the associated requirements refers.

f. Submission of plans

i. Each application should be accompanied by sufficient number of plans as required by the EDB (including 4 sets for the ICU) showing the extent and layout of the premises and the information listed in Appendix 6b.

ii. The submitted plans should be drawn to a suitable scale (1:50 or 1:100) with all the principal dimensions of the premises and the exit routes/doors marked thereon. The construction material of any proposed partition walls and exit doors should also be specified.

Appendix 5a

Guidelines for Extension of School Premises

(For Premises Not Designed and Constructed as a School) P.42

iii. The maximum capacity of each classroom (no. of students and teachers) and the total number of staff/teachers to be accommodated should be indicated on the plans.

3. Location of Premises

a. A school shall not be situated in an industrial building.

b. For kindergartens located above G/F in a non-purpose built building, the following guidelines apply:

Location Conditions

i. in composite buildings with not more than two commercial floors above G/F; or

ii. in composite buildings with three or more commercial floors where the kindergarten itself occupies one or more entire commercial floors and not more than two floors above G/F remain commercial; or

iii. in institutional buildings; or iv. in high-rise domestic buildings.

I. Premises shall conform to general standards of the Code of Practice for Fire Safety in Buildings (FS Code)

II. Kindergarten is subject to the 24m maximum height rule under Education Regulation 7.

v. in wholly commercial buildings;


vi. in composite buildings with three or more commercial floors above G/F other than (ii).

III. In addition to conditions (I) and (II), two independent means of escape are provided for the exclusive use of the occupants of the kindergarten.

Appendix 5a

Guidelines for Extension of School Premises

(For Premises Not Designed and Constructed as a School) P.43

vii. in single staircase buildings. IV. In addition to conditions (I) and (II), two extra staircases must be provided to the premises to be licensed and the single staircase serving the whole building must be sealed off therefrom.

4. Structural Safety

The main issues to be considered on structural safety are:

i. The minimum designed loading of the premises for the purpose of school and kindergarten shall not be less than 3 KPa (i.e. 60 lbs/ft2) and 2.5 kPa (i.e. 50 lbs/ft2) respectively.

ii. In cases where there are non-structural solid screeding on floor slabs, heavy equipment/plant or non-load bearing block walls1, structural justification on the adequacy of the existing supporting structure to cater for such superimposed loads should be submitted by an AP/RSE.

5. Fire Resisting Construction

a. Premises shall be designed and constructed of fire resisting constructions which satisfy the provisions of the Building (Construction) Regulations and the FS Code issued by the BD from time to time.

b. Some general requirements on fire resisting construction are listed below for reference:

i. The premises should be separated from the adjoining occupancy/use by fire barriers having the longer fire resistance rating (FRR) in respect of such Use Classification as stipulated in Table C1 of the FS Code.

1 Erection of any non-load bearing block walls in a flat or thickening of any floor slab of a flat by laying solid screeding may be subject to the control of the B(MW)R. Details of the minor works items and the associated requirements can be viewed at BD’s website at www.bd.gov.hk

Appendix 5a

Guidelines for Extension of School Premises

(For Premises Not Designed and Constructed as a School) P.44

ii. The internal corridors serving the premises and other occupancies should be separated by fire barriers having an FRR of not less than that of the Use Classification of that floor. Where these FRRs differ, the higher the FRR value should be adopted. For premises situated in a shopping arcade, such separation is normally not required between the premises and the internal corridors of arcade.

iii. Openings for passage of ducts, pipes, wires etc., through fire barriers should be properly protected by fire resisting constructions in order to maintain the FRR of that fire barrier.

iv. In cases where new or modified fire barriers are involved2, a duly completed Form (Appendix A PNAP APP-13) with supporting test/assessment report from an AP/RSE shall be submitted to substantiate the FRR of the fire resisting components/ materials/ products.

Submission of such test/assessment report is not required if PNAP ADM-20 is applicable.

v. Doors should be installed with smoke seals under Clause C6.1 and C16.5 of the FS Code. Such provision usually applies to the entrance doors of the premises which form part of a protected lobby of a required staircase.

In addition, reference should be made to the prevailing requirements on the smoke seal performance in Clause E9.1 and E9.2 of the FS Code as amended by the Corrigenda issued on 22 January 2013 which have been uploaded to BD’s website at www.bd.gov.hk

6. Means of Escape and Means of Access for Firefighting and Rescue