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Topic Specific Notes

Topic XV Analytical Chemistry

B. Topic Specific Notes

Topic Students should learn Students should be able to Notes

IV (f) Volumetric analysis involving acids and alkalis

 standard solutions

 acid-alkali titrations

 apply the concepts of concentration of solution and use the results of acid-alkali titrations to solve stoichiometric problems

 With sufficient information given, students should be able to solve problems involving back titration. (Please read the note for back titration involving aspirin on page II-7.)

V (b) Homologous series, structural formulae and naming of carbon compounds

 unique nature of carbon

 homologous series as illustrated by alkanes, alkenes, alkanols and alkanoic acids

 structural formulae and systematic naming of alkanes, alkenes, alkanols and alkanoic acids

 write structural formulae of alkanes

 give systematic names of alkanes

 extend the knowledge of naming carbon compounds and writing structural formulae to alkenes, alkanols and alkanoic acids

The use of different notations in drawing structural formulae of organic compounds (e.g. ) is expected.

Students should be able to give systematic names of alkanes, alkenes, alkanols and alkanoic acids with carbon chains not more than eight carbon atoms (mentioned in the overview of the topic in the Guide).

Students should be able to give systematic names for organic compounds with multiple functional groups of the same type, e.g. propane-1,2,3-triol. For other compounds with multiple functional groups, the use of order of priority of principal functional groups is not expected.2

Students should be able to give systematic names for organic compounds with unsaturated carbon-carbon bonds and/or halogen substituents, e.g. 3,3-dichloropropene and 2-bromopent-3-en-1-ol.

V (c) Alkanes and alkenes  Describe the steps involved in the monosubstitution of methane with chlorine using suitable diagrams or equations

 The use of suitable diagrams or chemical equations in describing the reaction steps (e.g. CH4 + Cl.  CH3. + HCl) is acceptable.


Topic Students should learn Students should be able to Notes

V (d) Addition polymers  understand that alkenes and unsaturated compounds can undergo addition polymerisation

 Students should be reminded that the carbon-carbon double bonds in benzene and phenyl group of the aromatic compounds will not undergo addition polymerisation.

 Students are not expected to explain the stability of benzene and aromatic compounds.

VI (a) Polarity of bond and molecule define the electronegativity of an atom

describe the general trends in the electronegativities of the main group elements down a group and across a period in the Periodic Table

explain how the sharing of electrons in covalent bonds leads to non-polar and polar bonds

explain the polar nature of molecules (such as HF, H2O, NH3 and CHCl3) and the non-polar nature of molecules (such as CH4 and BF3) with reference to

electronegativity, polarity of bonds and molecular shape

 Dipole moment (i.e. the magnitude of the separated charge x the distance between the charges) is not expected.

 Students are not expected to memorise the electronegativity scales.

But they should be able to describe the general trend in

electronegativity of elements in the Periodic Table so that they can identify the partial charges in polar molecules.

VI (b) Intermolecular forces

 van der Waals’ forces

 explain the existence of van der Waals’ forces in non-polar and polar covalent substances

 state the factors affecting the strength of van der Waals’

forces between molecules

 Classifying van der Waals’ forces into “dipole-dipole forces”,

“dispersion forces”, “permanent dipole-permanent dipole attractions”, “permanent dipole-induced dipole attractions”,

“instantaneous dipole-induced dipole attractions” etc. is not expected.3 However, students should be able to state the factors affecting the strength of van der Waals’ forces between molecules and differentiate van der Waals’ forces in non-polar and polar covalent substances.

VI (e) Shapes of simple molecules  Predict and draw three-dimensional diagrams to represent shapes of (i) molecules with central atoms obeying octet rule;

and (ii) molecules with central atoms not obeying octet rule and with no lone pair of electrons (such as BF3, PCl5 and SF6)

 Students are not expected to explain shapes of molecules and predict the shapes of polyatomic ions or molecules with more than one central atom.

 Stating bond angles for the molecules is not expected.

3 Reference: http://goldbook.iupac.org/V06597.html

Topic Students should learn Students should be able to Notes

VII (a) Chemical cells in daily life

 primary cells and secondary cells

 uses of chemical cells in relation to their characteristics such as size, voltage, capacity, rechargeability and price

 describe the characteristics of common primary and secondary cells:

i. zinc-carbon cell ii. alkaline manganese cell iii. silver oxide cell iv. lithium ion cell

v. nickel metal hydride (NiMH) cell vi. lead-acid accumulator

Describing structures and working principles of zinc-carbon cell, alkaline manganese cell, silver oxide cell, lithium ion cell, nickel metal hydride (NiMH) cell and lead-acid accumulator are not expected.

VII (d) Redox reactions in chemical cells

 chemical cells with inert electrodes

 fuel cell

 With sufficient information given, students should be able to apply the concepts of electrochemistry to solve problems involving more complicated chemical cells.

VIII (a) Energy changes in chemical reactions  recognise enthalpy change, H, as heat change at constant pressure

 Deriving the relation between enthalpy change and heat change at constant pressure is not expected.

VIII (b) Standard enthalpy changes of reactions

 carry out experimental determination of enthalpy changes using simple calorimetric method

 Principle and operation procedure of a bomb calorimeter are not expected (mentioned in the overview of the topic in the Guide).

IX (a) Rate of chemical reaction

 methods of following the progress of a chemical reaction

 select and justify the following techniques to follow the progress of a reaction:

i. titrimetric analysis

ii. measurement of the changes in: volume / pressure of gases, mass of a mixture and colour intensity of a mixture

 Calculation and instrumentation details of different techniques to follow reaction progress are not expected.

 Calibration curve and related details of colorimetry are covered in

“Analytical Chemistry”.

IX (b) Factors affecting rate of reaction

 concentration

 temperature

 surface area

 catalyst

 explain qualitatively the effect of changes in concentration, surface area and temperature on the rate of reaction

 appreciate the importance of catalyst in chemical industries and biological systems

 Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution curve in explaining the effect of changes in temperature on the rate of reaction is covered in

“Industrial Chemistry”.

 Students are expected to be aware of the importance of catalyst, but not to describe specific industrial processes and biological systems (mentioned in the overview of the topic in the Guide).


Topic Students should learn Students should be able to Notes

X (c) The effect of changes in concentration and temperature on chemical equilibria

 derive inductively the relation of temperature and the value of Kc from given data sets

 predict qualitatively the effect of temperature on the position of equilibrium from the sign of H for the forward reaction

 deduce the effect of change in concentration on the position of chemical equilibrium

 Only a single homogenous reaction will be referred to when predicting changes in concentration and temperature on chemical equilibria (mentioned in the overview of the topic in the Guide).

 ℓ𝓃 𝐾 = constant −ΔH

RT or log 𝐾 = constant − ΔH

2.3RT is not expected.

 Details of the contact process are not expected.

 Students should be able to use the reaction quotient to deduce the effect of change in concentration on the position of chemical equilibrium.

XI (a) Introduction to selected homologous series

 homologous series

 structural formulae and systematic naming

 give systematic names, general formulae, condensed formulae and structural formulae for: alkanes, alkenes, haloalkanes, alcohols, aldehydes and ketones, carboxylic acids, esters, unsubstituted amides and primary amines

 draw the structures of the compounds based on their systematic names

 Students should be able to give systematic names of alkanes, alkenes, haloalkanes, alcohols, aldehydes and ketones, carboxylic acids, esters, unsubstituted amides and primary amines with carbon chains not more than eight carbon atoms (mentioned in the

overview of the topic in the Guide).

 Students should be able to give systematic names for organic compounds with multiple functional groups of the same type, e.g.

propane-1,2,3-triol. For other compounds with multiple functional groups, the use of order of priority of principal functional groups is not expected.4

 Students should be able to give systematic names for organic compounds with unsaturated carbon-carbon bonds and/or halogen substituents, e.g. 3,3-dichloropropene and 2-bromopent-3-en-1-ol.

4 Reference: http://www.acdlabs.com/iupac/nomenclature/93/r93_326.htm

Topic Students should learn Students should be able to Notes

XI (b) Isomerism

 structural isomerism

 cis-trans isomerism as exemplified by acyclic carbon compounds containing one C=C bond

 enantiomerism as exemplified by compounds containing one chiral carbon

 recognise the existence of cis-trans isomerism in acyclic carbon compounds resulting from restricted rotation about a C=C bond

 recognise the existence of enantiomerism in compounds with only one chiral carbon

 Describing and explaining properties of specific examples of cis-trans isomers such as butenedioic acid are not expected.

However, students are expected to apply their knowledge acquired in Topic VI to relate structures of cis-trans isomers to their


 Students should be able to recognise that enantiomers of a chiral compound can rotate the plane of plane-polarised light by the same extent, but in opposite directions. However, details of polarimetry and concepts related to racemic mixture are not expected.

XI (c) Typical reactions of various functional groups (Annex)

 describe the following reactions, in terms of reagents, reaction conditions and observations, and write the relevant chemical equations:

i. alkanes: substitution with halogens

ii. alkenes: addition of hydrogen, halogens and hydrogen halides

iii. haloalkanes: substitution with OH(aq)

iv. alcohols: substitution with halides using hydrogen halides or phosphorus trihalides; dehydration to alkenes; oxidation of primary alcohols to aldehydes and carboxylic acids; oxidation of secondary alcohols to ketones

v. aldehydes and ketones: oxidation using Cr2O72(aq);

reduction using LiAlH4 or NaBH4

vi. carboxylic acids: esterification and amide formation;

reduction using LiAlH4

vii. esters: hydrolysis viii. amides: hydrolysis

 Reactions included are summarised in Annex.

 Reactivity of haloalkanes in their substitution with hydroxide ions is not expected.

 Amide formation from carboxylic acids is confined to unsubstituted amide.

 For describing the substitution reactions of alcohols with halides, the use of the notations HX and PX3 as the reagents is acceptable at this level of study (X = Cl, Br or I). However, experimental details of how to produce HX and PX3 for the reactions are not expected.

XI (e) Important organic substances

 structure and medical applications of acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin)

 identify the functional groups of the acetylsalicylic acid molecule

 recognise that aspirin is used as a drug to relieve pain, reduce inflammation and fever, and the risk of heart attack

 Analysing aspirin tablets by back titration is not expected.

(Please read the note for back titration on page II-3.)


Topic Students should learn Students should be able to Notes

XIII (a) Importance of industrial processes

 development of synthetic products for modern ways of living

 discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using industrial processes such as petrochemistry for manufacturing products from social, economic and environmental perspectives

 understand the recent progress in industrial processes such as the production of vitamin C to solve problems of inadequate or shrinking supply of natural products

 Details of industrial processes of the production of vitamin C are not expected.

XIII (b) Rate equation

 rate equation determined from experimental results

 understand the interrelationship between reaction rate, rate constant, concentration of reactants and order of reaction

 determine the rate equation of a chemical reaction by method of initial rate

 Half-life of a reaction is not expected.

XIII (f) Green chemistry

 principles of green chemistry

 green chemistry practices

 describe the relation between sustainable development and green chemistry

 calculate the atom economy of a chemical reaction

 relate principles of green chemistry and practices adopted in the industrial processes as exemplified by the manufacture of acetic acid (ethanoic acid)

 evaluate industrial processes using principles of green chemistry

 Details of industrial processes of the manufacture of acetic acid are not expected.

XIV (d) Synthetic materials in modern life

 liquid crystals

 describe the chemical structures and different phases of organic liquid crystals

 identify the structural features of substances that exhibit liquid-crystalline behaviour

 relate the uses of liquid crystals to their properties

 Recall of molecular formulae of substances that exhibit liquid-crystalline behaviour is not expected.

Topic Students should learn Students should be able to Notes

XV (c) Quantitative method of analysis

 volumetric analysis

 gather data with appropriate instruments and apparatus in quantitative analysis

 record observations and data accurately and systematically

 be aware of and take necessary steps to minimise possible sources of error

 perform calculations on data obtained to draw evidence-based conclusions

 present observations, data, results, conclusions and sources of error either orally or in written form

 justify the choice of an appropriate quantitative method for the determination of the quantity of a substance

 assess possible risks associated with quantitative analysis

 Details of specific chemical processes involved in volumetric analysis, other than those included in the previous topics, are not expected.



Reactions in Topic XI (c) Remarks

Alkane Haloalkane

X2 : Cl2, Br2

Alkene Haloalkane

X2: Cl2, Br2, I2

Alkene Alkane

Suitable catalysts: platinum (Pt), nickel (Ni) or palladium (Pd)

Alkene HX Haloalkane

HX: HF, HBr, HCl, HI Prediction of major product by Markovnikov’s Rule is required

Haloalkane Alcohol

Relative reactivity of different haloalkanes is not required

Alcohol Haloalkane

HX: HCl, HBr, HI PX3: PCl3, PBr3, PI3

Alcohol Alkene

1o Alcohol Aldehyde or Carboxylic acid

2o Alcohol Ketone

UV light, light or heat X2

H2 Pt, Ni or Pd

OH- (aq)

HX or PX3

or conc. H2SO4, heat Al2O3, heat


Cr2O72-(aq) / H+(aq)


Cr2O72-(aq) / H+(aq) X2 (in organic solvent)

Reactions in Topic XI (c) Remarks

Ketone or Aldehyde Alcohol

Ketone or Aldehyde Alcohol

Aldehyde Carboxylic acid

Carboxylic acid + Alcohol Ester + Water

Carboxylic acid Alcohol

Carboxylic acid Unsubstituted amide

Carboxylic acid Unsubstituted amide

Ester Carboxylate + Alcohol

Carboxylic acid

Ester Carboxylic acid + Alcohol 2. H+(aq)

1. LiAlH4, dry ether



Cr2O72-(aq) / H+(aq)

conc. H2SO4, heat

2. H+(aq)

1. LiAlH4, dry ether

1. PCl3 2. NH3

NH3, heat

OH-(aq), heat


H+(aq), heat
