• 沒有找到結果。

Transmitting the Characteristics of the Precepts

在文檔中 Dual Saṅgha Ordination Rite (頁 56-59)

64 CBETA edition has “year in the reign of the Kangxi Emperor,” which the Jinling edition updates to “lunar year.”

Karman ācārya:65 Disciples of Śākyamuni Buddha, listen attentively. The Tathāgata, Arhat, Fully Awakened One, explained these eight defeats (pārājika). If a bhikṣuṇī commits any of these, she is not a bhikṣuṇī or a disciple of Śākyamuni Buddha.

First, do not engage in the impure conduct of sexual activity. If a bhikṣuṇī delights in engaging in the impure conduct of sexual activity, even with an animal, she is not a bhikṣuṇī or a disciple of Śākyamuni Buddha. You must observe this precept for life without transgression. Can you keep it?

All: Yes, I can.

Second, do not steal, even a blade of grass. If a bhikṣuṇī steals [something worth] five or more coins from others; if she takes it herself or has someone else take it; if she cuts something [of that value] herself or has someone else cut it; if she breaks something [of that value] herself or has someone else break it; if she burns, buries, or discolors something [of that value], she is not a bhikṣuṇī or a disciple of Śākyamuni Buddha. You must observe this precept for life without transgression. Can you keep it?

All: Yes, I can.

Third, do not deliberately take a sentient being’s life, even that of an ant. If a bhikṣuṇī kills a human being herself, gives a weapon to someone [for that purpose], advises death, praises death, gives someone [poison or] the wrong medicine, performs an abortion, or performs black magic [to kill someone]; if she does it herself or has someone else do it, she is not a bhikṣuṇī or a disciple of Śākyamuni Buddha. You must observe this precept for life without transgression. Can you keep it?

All: Yes, I can.

Fourth, do not lie, even in jest. If a bhikṣuṇī lacks [spiritual attainments] but falsely claims that she has attained superhuman faculties, meditative stabilization (dhyāna), liberation (vimokṣa), concentration (samādhi) or [other] attainments (samāpatti); or the result of stream-enterer, once-returner, non-once-returner, or arhat; or claims that devas, nāgas, ghosts, or spirits come to make offerings to her, she is not a bhikṣuṇī or a disciple of Śākyamuni Buddha. You must observe this precept for life without transgression. Can you keep it?

All: Yes, I can.

Fifth, do not have [improper] physical contactwith others, even with an animal. If a bhikṣuṇī with a lustful mind has physical contact with a man with a lustful mind in the area between her armpits and knees, by touching, stroking, pulling, pushing, rubbing up or down, lifting or lowering her, grasping, or pressing, she is not a bhikṣuṇī or a disciple of Śākyamuni Buddha. You must observe this precept for life without transgression. Can you keep it?

All: Yes, I can.

65 The rite does not specify the speaker for “Transmitting the Characteristics of the Precepts” and “Explaining the Four Reliances.” According to the Bhikṣuṇī Skandhaka, this is done by the karman ācārya. In modern times, this is usually done by the upādhyāya.

Sixth, do not engage in the eight transgressions, even with an animal. Suppose a bhikṣuṇī knows a man has a lustful mind, yet allows him to hold her hand, grasp her clothes, and lead her to a secluded place, where they stand together, talk together, walk together, lean on each other, and make an appointment to meet [to have intercourse]. If a bhikṣuṇī engages in these eight transgressions, she is not a bhikṣuṇī or a disciple of Śākyamuni Buddha. You must observe this precept for life without transgression. Can you keep it?

All: Yes, I can.

Seventh, do not conceal another’s offense, including even wrongdoings (duṣkṛta) and wrong speech (durbhāṣita). Suppose a bhikṣuṇī, knowing that another bhikṣuṇī has committed a defeat, does not point out the offense, report it to the saṅgha, or make it known to others. Later, after that bhikṣuṇī has abandoned the path, been expelled by the saṅgha, been prohibited from participating in saṅgha matters, or joined a non-Buddhist sect, if she says, “I knew that she had previously committed such a transgression,” she is not a bhikṣuṇī or a disciple of Śākyamuni Buddha. You must observe this precept for life without transgression. Can you keep it?

All: Yes, I can.

Eighth, do not associate with a bhikṣu—even the guardian of the ārāma66—or śrāmaṇera who has been suspended by the saṅgha. Suppose a bhikṣuṇī continues to associate with a bhikṣu whom she knows has been suspended by a saṅghakarman according to the Dharma, the Vinaya, and the Buddha’s teaching and has not yet been absolved through a karman because of his refusal to cooperate and repent. The other bhikṣuṇīs advise her, “Venerable, do you know that bhikṣu has been suspended by a saṅghakarman according to the Dharma, the Vinaya, and the Buddha’s teaching and has not yet been absolved through a karman because of his refusal to cooperate and repent? Do not associate with him.” When the other bhikṣuṇīs advise this bhikṣuṇī, if she persists in her misconduct, the bhikṣuṇīs should admonish her up to three times so that she can repent. If she repents upon the third admonition, good. If not, she is not a bhikṣuṇī or a disciple of Śākyamuni Buddha due to associating with a bhikṣu suspended by a karman. You must observe this precept for life without transgression. Can you keep it?

All: Yes, I can.

The Mahīśāsaka Vinaya says, “After explaining the eight defeats, explain the four similes in general. You should speak to them in this way, ‘Disciples of Śākyamuni Buddha, listen. After the Tathāgata, the Arhat, established the eight defeats, he also explained four similes: Committing any of the eight defeats is like a person’s head being cut off; she can no longer survive. It is also like cutting through the core of a tall tāla (palm) tree; it can no longer grow. It is also like a needle missing its eye; it is no longer useful. It is also like splitting a boulder into two; it can no longer be made whole.’” If a bhikṣuṇī commits any of the eight defeats, she can no longer return to practice as a bhikṣuṇī. You must observe these precepts for life without transgression. Can you keep them?

All: Yes, I can.


66 An enclosed area, often in or near a city, which contained permanent dwellings for the use of monastics during the annual rains retreat. (Princeton Dictionary of Buddhism)

[0742c18] 族姓女諦聽。此是如來。無所著。等正覺。說八波羅夷法。若比丘尼犯一一法。








讚死。若與非藥。若復墮人胎。厭禱呪咀殺。若自作。教人作。彼非比丘尼。非 釋種女。汝是中盡形壽不得犯。能持否。(答)能持。






從腋以下。膝以上。若捺。若摩。若牽。若推。若逆摩。順摩。若舉。若下。若 捉。若急捺。此非比丘尼。非釋種女。汝是中盡形壽不得犯。能持否。(答)能持。


共立。共語。共行。身相近。共期。犯此八事。彼非比丘尼。非釋種女。犯八事 故。汝是中盡形壽不得犯。能持否。(答)能持。


若不自舉。不白僧。若眾多人。後於異時。此比丘尼。若罷道。若滅擯。若遮不 共僧事。若入外道。後便作是說。我先知有如是。如是事。彼非比丘尼。非釋種 女。覆藏重罪故。汝是中盡形壽不得犯。能持否。(答)能持。


如律。如佛所教。不隨順。不懺悔。僧未與作共住。而隨順。是比丘尼。諫是比 丘尼言。汝妹知不。今僧舉此比丘。如法。如律。如佛所教。不隨順。不懺悔。


捨此事故。乃至三諫。捨者善。不捨者。彼非比丘尼。非釋種女。由隨舉故。汝 是中盡形壽不得犯。能持否。(答)能持。

[0743b11] 五分律云。說八重已。總說四喻。應如是告言。

[0743b12] 族姓女聽。如來無所著。已說八波羅夷。又說四種譬喻。若犯八重。如斷人頭 已。不可復起。又如截多羅樹心。不更生長。又如針鼻缺。不堪復用。又如析大石分為二 分。不可還合。若比丘尼。犯八重已。不得還成比丘尼行。汝是中盡形壽不得犯。能持不


在文檔中 Dual Saṅgha Ordination Rite (頁 56-59)
