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(1)99-5 共同考科. 英文. 一、字彙與片語題 說明:第 1∼8 題,每題均有一個劃底線的字詞,請在四個選項中,選擇一個與劃底線的字詞意義 最接近的答案。第 9∼15 題,請選擇一個最適當的答案,以完成該句。 1. Please let us know if you have any questions. Your early reply would be highly appreciated. (A) replay (B) repay (C) repeat (D) answer 2. The weather was rather cold when the President was on an official visit to the U.S. last month. (A) quiet (B) quote (C) quite (D) quit 3. Hearing the news that the plane was hijacked by six terrorists, people around the world were astounded. (A) bounded (B) surprised (C) supposed (D) founded 4. You should do your best to help others because it is more blessed to give than to receive. (A) enjoyable (B) joyless (C) amazed (D) breathless 5. Bob didn’t realize how important his girlfriend was until she left him. (A) memorize (B) withstand (C) understand (D) undertake 6. It’s clear that the golfer has deeply hurt his wife’s feelings with his love affairs. (A) obsolete (B) obvious (C) obscure (D) obstinate 7. ABC Inc. plans to unveil a new one-piece computer with touch screen next week. (A) show (B) sell (C) buy (D) merge 8. The government’s budget deficit is expected to get to 13.5 billion dollars. The President seeks to boost economy while cutting spending. (A) shortage (B) excess (C) defense (D) decision 9. If you want to sell your old camera, you can (A) advise (C) advocate 10. Tiffany is wealthy now; she leads a life of (A) base (B) vase. it on the Internet. (B) adverse (D) advertise . (C) case. (D) ease. 11. The old woman is knowledgeable because she has acquired the habit of (A) lifeless (B) lifelike (C) lifetime 12. Zeus is the ruler of the universe in an ancient Greek (A) math (B) myth (C) miss. .. 13. Most CEOs are confident about the economy now and they intend to year. (A) tire (B) hear (C) hire 共7頁. 第 1 頁. learning. (D) lifeline (D) mess more employees this (D) wire.

(2) 99-5 共同考科. 14. Technology changes outdated design. (A) dramatically. 英文. and quickly. Yesterday’s cutting edge might become tomorrow’s (B) slowly. 15. Morris has turned all the amusing (A) incidents (B) ingredients. (C) invisibly. (D) locally. that happened to him last year into a book. (C) individuals (D) inconveniences. 二、對話題 說明:第 16∼25 題,請依對話內容選出一個最適當的答案,使其成為有意義的對話。 16. Traveler: Excuse me, where is the information desk? Clerk: Maybe I can help you. Any problem? Traveler: When is the next flight to Amsterdam? Clerk: I’m afraid you have to wait till tomorrow. (A) Sorry, my flight arrived late. (B) Sure, here you go. (C) Could you please tell me the way to Gate 6? (D) I missed my flight. 17. Jack: I have a slight fever and my throat is itchy. Mom: Jack: I hope I can stay far away from any hospital. Mom: But what if you have H1N1? (A) I hope so. (B) You have to see the doctor. (C) You deserve it. (D) It won’t happen again. 18. Jason: May I help you? Guest: Do you have non-caffeinated drinks? Jason: Yes, we can make any of our coffee drinks caffeine-free. Guest: (A) For here, please. (B) Low-sugar, please. (C) Do you like something fresh-squeezed? (D) OK, I’d like a short cappuccino. 19. Linda: The toilet is clogged and the hair dryer isn’t working. What’s your room number? Desk Clerk: Linda: Room 1001. Desk Clerk: We’ll be there right away. (A) Very good, ma’am. (B) We’re very sorry, ma’am. (C) What time will you be getting up? (D) All right. I’ll give you a larger room.. 第 2 頁. 共7頁.

(3) 99-5 共同考科. 英文. 20. Jane: Do you know the most popular query on Internet in 2009? Jim: Can you tell me? Jane: Well, it was “Michael Jackson,” the pop star. (A) I’ll tell you next time. (B) That’s so cool! (C) I have no idea. (D) I’ve learned that from the search engine. 21. Kim: Come on! Let’s go to the beach. Helen: Did you put on your sunscreen? Kim: I hate sunscreen. Helen: But a suntan may become a sunburn. (A) I need a handbag in tan. (B) I like sunny days. (C) I want to get a wonderful tan. (D) I’ll buy a pair of tan shoes. 22. Alice: I’ve won a cash prize from my invoice! Carol: Really? Let me see. Alice: But why? Carol: It’s already overdue. (A) Oh, you won’t be able to claim your cash award! (B) You are so lucky. Congratulations! (C) You should treat me to a movie. (D) I can’t wait to know the result. 23. Leo: Honey…I have a super amazing present for your birthday. You’ll never guess what it is! Cindy: Leo: OK. Think about tasty food, Broadway-type shows, a swimming pool… Cindy: Food, show, swimming… something to do with cruise ships? Leo: Bingo! (A) How’d you guess? (B) Guess what? (C) I guess it’s very expensive. (D) Can you give me a hint? 24. Beth: I’ve always wanted to see the fireworks display at Taipei 101. Ron: I know you love it. For the New Year’s Eve party tonight, I have a plan. Beth: Oh, tell me! You are pretty romantic sometimes. Ron: (A) Taipei 101 is no longer the tallest building in the world. (B) I don’t like to watch fireworks on New Year’s Eve. (C) My boss is going to give me a raise next year. (D) I’ll make your fantasy come true.. 共7頁. 第 3 頁.

(4) 99-5 共同考科. 英文. 25. Dan: How was your trip in Thailand last week? Ellen: Dan: Anything wrong? Ellen: The Red Shirts protested against the government and caused much trouble. (A) What a funny trip! (B) Business picked up. (C) The trip was quite a bargain. (D) It was terrible.. 三、綜合測驗 說明:下面兩篇短文,共有十五格空格,為第 26∼40 題,每題有四個選項,請依各篇短文文意, 選出一個最適合該空格的答案。 ▲下篇文章共有 8 個空格,為第 26-33 題,請依短文文意,選出一個最適合該空格的答案。 Avatar, 26 by James Cameron, is now the highest grossing movie of all time. With US$1.859 billion in sales so far, Avatar finally 27 Titanic, another of Cameron’s films, and 28 to be a huge box office and critical success. People all over the world are 29 into theaters to see Avatar, featuring stunning 3D screening effects and powerful storytelling. 30 , it has conquered the global box office and won universal praise. The price of success isn’t cheap. The expenditure on both high-tech special effects and the creation of a new language used in this film reached more than US$300 million, and 31 it one of the most expensive films in history. 32 , it takes more than twelve years to complete this masterpiece. Not only 33 this engaging and magical movie lighting up the silver screen, but it’s generating Oscar buzz. 26. (A) directed (B) direct (C) directing (D) is directed 27. (A) winks. (B) blinks. (C) sinks. (D) drinks. 28. (A) turns over. (B) turns in. (C) turns out. (D) turns up. 29. (A) flood. (B) floods. (C) flooded. (D) flooding. 30. (A) Uncertainly. (B) Doubtfully. (C) Dubiously. (D) Undoubtedly. 31. (A) making. (B) has made. (C) to make. (D) make. 32. (A) In addition. (B) Beside. (C) In addition to. (D) Except that. 33. (A) has. (B) is. (C) will. (D) be. 第 4 頁. 共7頁.

(5) 99-5 共同考科. 英文. ▲下篇文章共有 7 個空格,為第 34-40 題,請依短文文意,選出一個最適合該空格的答案。 A plane carrying a Taiwanese rescue team of 23 workers, accompanied by search dogs, tents, water purification units and food, 34 at Haiti, the Western Hemisphere’s poorest country, before dawn. After a long flight struggling to arrive in the quake-stricken capital, Port-au-Prince, this team 35 to a coordination center to share assignments to search the collapsed buildings to find out 36 anyone was still alive beneath mountains of rubble. While aid was reaching the country, growing impatience among the suffering had brought some along the devastated and shattered streets of the capital, rescuers could easily feel the violence. 37 tension 38 among desperate Haitians awaiting aid and food that began to trickle some time after the earthquake. There had been some incidents where hungry residents were looting or fighting each other for the situation here remained under control for bags of foods handed out by the rescue workers. 39 the time being, the leader of the Taiwanese rescue team warned that hunger would 40 much trouble unless the emergency aid arrived promptly. 34. (A) landing (B) land (C) to land (D) landed 35. (A) reported (C) resulted. (B) recorded (D) retreated. 36. (A) whether (C) but. (B) where (D) since. 37. (A) To walk (C) Walked. (B) Walking (D) To be walking. 38. (A) rose (C) rise. (B) raise (D) raising. 39. (A) Since (C) Once. (B) If (D) Although. 40. (A) stay up (C) stir up. (B) stick up (D) shut up. 共7頁. 第 5 頁.

(6) 99-5 共同考科. 英文. 四、閱讀測驗 說明:下面兩篇短文,每篇各有 5 題,為第 41∼50 題,請閱讀短文後,選出最適當的答案。 Keeping a private car is usually troublesome and not an economical way. For some, the alternative to keeping is renting. However, if the driving time is short, maybe just a few hours for a mall shopping, it’s also not a smart idea to rent a car, which is often charged by the day. Now there’s a better choice for those who only want to take a short ride. It’s the concept of car sharing. Car sharing, which is charged by the minute or hour, means many people share the use of a car. For the customer’s convenience, the fee includes taxes, insurance, fuel and even parking charges. All customers have to do is register for the service. Then, they receive a chip that allows them to use the car simply by swiping it through a card reader on the car’s windshield. The idea is most appealing to singles, young families and couples, who appreciate the savings they make and the flexibility of car sharing. In fact, car sharing gains several advantages over traditional renting: cars are available round the clock at various locations. The duration for which a car is shared is flexible: it is even possible to use the shared car for just a few minutes. Numbers of car sharers are growing by two figures every year in Europe. Many big traditional car rental companies have been paying much attention to the current trend of car sharing, and some of them begin to offer customers the same services as car sharing. 41. According to the passage, which of the following statements is true? (A) Having a private car can save a lot of money. (B) With car sharing, we can share the use of a car for twenty minutes. (C) Car sharers have to pay extra fees for car maintenance. (D) Anyone who wants to be a car sharer has to prepare a private parking space. 42. What is the best title for this passage? (A) A New Direction in Energy Saving (B) The Cost of Car Sharing (C) The Disadvantages of Keeping a Private Car (D) Cheap and Flexible—Car Sharing 43. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage? (A) A car sharer has to register before using the shared car. (B) Some traditional rental companies are trying to follow the practice of car sharing. (C) The profit of car sharing business is growing by two figures every year in Europe. (D) Car sharers can even get a car at midnight. 44. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage? (A) The number of car sharers in Asia is increasing remarkably. (B) Compared with 2009, the increase of car sharers in 2010 in Europe is not less than ten percent. (C) Young people today would rather rent cars than houses. (D) An old person cannot be a car sharer. 45. What is the passage mainly about? (A) The concept of car sharing. (B) The advantages of sharing a car with singles, young families and couples. (C) The people who like car sharing. (D) A car dealer’s story. 第 6 頁. 共7頁.

(7) 99-5 共同考科. 英文. Digital revolution always causes great impacts on related industries. The emergence of e-books (electronic books) has been stressing the worldwide book industry out. In the face of the rapid and alarming development of e-books, some publishing companies have responded quickly by publishing books in diverse formats, including audio, text, and digital. While publishers and booksellers are still discussing the wake of a digital revolution, profuse new mobile reading devices hastily hit the market to catch the tide and traditional book buyers’ attention. What’s the overpowering allurement of e-books? First of all, they can save a lot of storage space. If you can put your favorite 1,500 books into a gadget, which is as slim as a magazine and weighs less than most paperbacks, and redesign your study into an audiovisual recreation room, isn’t it very fascinating? Furthermore, among its many advantages, the text-to-speech function allows a reader to become a listener—just lean back and listen to the book comfortably. As “news” is not necessarily printed on “paper” to make up a “newspaper”, the definition of “book” will be changed drastically before long. With e-books, what the next chapter will happen will affect our reading habits and the development of technology companies, publishers, bookstores, authors, and libraries. 46. In which subject can this passage be found? (A) Astrology (C) Psychology. (B) Biology (D) Technology. 47. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage? (A) If we don’t have much space to store books, using an e-book instead is a good idea. (B) The appearance of e-books makes the worldwide book industry feel so anxious. (C) Presently only few mobile reading devices are on the market. (D) It’s possible to put the contents of 1,500 books into an e-book. 48. The word “allurement” in the second paragraph is the closet in meaning to “________.” (A) fun (B) function (C) attraction (D) profit 49. According to this passage, which of the following descriptions is true? (A) Digital revolution has no influence over the publishing book industry. (B) The redefinition of “book” will take place soon. (C) An e-book is heavier than most ordinary books. (D) Reading an e-book is much more comfortable than reading a common paperback. 50. Based on the context, which one of the following is the most possible definition of “book” in the future? (A) A publication in any format printed on sheets of paper or stored in a digital device. (B) A number of sheets of paper bound together at one side. (C) A number of printed sheets of paper bound together in a cover. (D) A long written or printed work of fiction or non fiction on sheets of paper fastened together within covers.. 共7頁. 第 7 頁.




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