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Tree-Based Multicasting onWormhole-Routed Star Graph Interconnection Networks with Hamiltonian Path


Academic year: 2021

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(1)Tree-Based Multicasting on Wormhole-Routed Star Graph Interconnection Networks with Hamiltonian Path Nen-Chung Wang and Chih-Ping Chu Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering National Cheng Kung University, Tainan 701, Taiwan, R.O.C. Tel: +886-6-2757575 Ext. 62527 Fax: +886-6-2747076 E-mail: fwangnc, chucpg@csie.ncku.edu.tw. Abstract Multicast is an important collective communication operation on multicomputer systems, in which the same message is delivered from a source node to an arbitrary number of destination nodes. The star graph interconnection network has been recognized as an attractive alternative to the popular hypercube network. In our previous work on wormhole star graph networks routing, we proposed a path-based routing model and developed four efficient deadlock-free multicast routing schemes. In this paper, we address an efficient and deadlock-free tree-based multicast routing scheme for wormhole-routed star graph networks with hamiltonian path. In our proposed routing scheme, the router is with the inputbuffer-based asynchronous replication mechanism that requires extra hardware cost. Meanwhile, the router simultaneously sends incoming flits on more than one outgoing channel. We perform simulation experiments with the network latency and the network traffic. Experimental results demonstrate that our proposed routing scheme outperform our previous approaches.. Keywords: Multicast, parallel computing, star graphs, tree-based routing, wormhole routing..  To whom all correspondence should be addressed. 1.

(2) 1 Introduction Multicast is an important collective communication operation on multicomputer systems, in which the same message is delivered from a source node to an arbitrary number of destination nodes. Strategies for multicasting can be classified as three approaches: unicast-based, path-based, and treebased. In unicast-based multicast algorithms, a source node sends messages to its set of destinations by sending a sequence of separate unicast messages to each destination [10]. The unicast-based algorithms use one-to-one communication to achieve multicast, which requires startup latency in each intermediate node. The disadvantage of this approach lies in that significant transmission latency is resulted from the required number of communication startups for multicast. The path-based multicast algorithms allow a worm to contain multiple destination (multidestination) address in its header flits. They use a simple hardware mechanism to allow routers to absorb flits on internal channel (to the local processor) while simultaneously forwarding copies of the flits on output channels enroute to the remaining destinations [5, 8, 13, 14]. In this way, a message can be delivered to several destinations by a single worm that only need a single startup. The path-based multicast algorithms are highly inefficient because the network has to be traversed multiple times, and flits of the message have to be copied and forwarded by the network interface associated with the nodes [16]. For example, consider the hamiltonian path-based algorithms, the dual-path multicast routing requires only two startups to send a message to any set of destinations in a mesh, while the multipath multicast routing requires four startups but frequently uses shorter paths to all destinations [8]. Intuitively, a tree-based multicasting scheme requires shorter paths to reach the destinations and is thus more efficient than a path-based scheme. A potential problem with tree-based multicasts on wormholerouted networks is that they can easily cause deadlocks, due to the interdependency between different tree branches [4]. One strategy to break the interdependency is to use virtual cut-through routing [6]. For example, in [9], routers were assumed to contain buffers that can hold the entire body of an invalidated or updated message during a cache coherence operation. Whenever a tree branch was blocked, all the other non-blocking branches were pruned. This then breaks the interdependency of the tree branches. Recently, as shown in the literature [7, 9, 15, 17], many researches have been focused on the multicasting algorithms with tree-based routing. Tree-based algorithms attempt to deliver the message to all destinations in a single multi-head worm that splits at some routers and replicates the data on multiple output ports [7]. Data replication can be implemented with two approaches: synchronous replication [11] and asynchronous replication [11]. Synchronous replication requires that flits of a multidestination worm proceed in lockstep [7]. Thus, any branch of the multidestination worm that is blocked can block all other branches. Asynchronous replication allows that flits of different multidestination worm can progress independently through the network and bubble flits are inserted where necessary [7]. Since synchronous replication scheme requires complex signaling hardware at the routers, simple asynchronous replication scheme is preferred for a practical implementation. More recently, a deadlock-free input-buffer-based asynchronous replication mechanism [16] was proposed for implementing routers. This technique was shown to be effective in breaking the interdependency between tree branches. But, the mechanism requires extra hardware cost (the extra MUXs and the additional control logic). 2.

(3) The star graph [1, 2] interconnection network has been recognized as an attractive alternative to the popular hypercube network. Some reasones are its symmetric and hierarchical, and lower degree and smaller diameter as opposed to the hypercube. In our previous work on wormhole star graph networks routing [3], we proposed a path-based routing model and developed four efficient deadlock-free multicast routing schemes. In this paper, we address an efficient and deadlock-free tree-based multicast routing scheme for wormholerouted star graph networks with hamiltonian path. In tree-based routing, the destination set is divided into two destination subsets and then the multicasting is proceeded by two independent paths (one for highchannel routing and the other for low-channel routing) based on two disjoint subnetworks for concurrent transmission. For each independent path, the message is delivered to the destination subset with a single multidestination worm that splits at some routers and replicates the data on more than one output port. In our proposed scheme, for deadlock-free routing, the router also applies the input-buffer-based asynchronous replication mechanism [16]. We will show that our proposed tree-based scheme is superior to the previous approaches. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Preliminaries are presented in Section 2. In Section 3, we propose tree-based multicast routing scheme. Simulation results of these algorithms are presented in Section 4. Finally, concluding remarks are drawn in Section 5.. 2 Preliminaries 2.1 System Model In the following, we first introduce some definitions and notations related to the star graphs. A permutation of n distinct symbols from the set f1; 2;    ; ng is represented as p = s1 s2    sn , where si ; sj 2 f1; 2;    ; ng; si 6= sj for i 6= j; 1  i; j  n. Given a permutation p = s1s2    sn, let the generator gi be the function of p that interchanges the symbol si with the symbol s1 in p for 2  i  n. Thus, gi (p) = si s2    si 1 s1 si+1    sn . An undirected star graph with dimension n is denoted as Sn = (Vn ; En ), where the set of vertices Vn is defined as fv jv = s1 s2    sn ; si ; sj 2 f1; 2;    ; ng; si 6= sj for i 6= j; 1  i; j  ng and the set of edges En is defined as f(vp ; vq )jvp ; vq 2 Vn ; vp 6= vq ; such that vq = gi (vp ) for 2  i  ng. In other words, any two nodes vp and vq are connected by an undirected edge if and only if the corresponding permutation to the node vq can be obtained from that of vp by interchanging the symbol si of vp with the symbol s1 of vp for 2  i  n. We also use the notation Sn to represent an n-dimensional star graph, called n-star, in this paper. Notice that star graphs are edge and vertex symmetric. Moreover, Sn is a regular graph with degree n 1, n! vertices, and (n 21)n! edges. A 3-star and a 4-star are shown in Figure 1. The interconnection network system is composed of nodes, each node is a computer with its own processor, local memory, and communication links; each link connects two neighboring nodes through network [8]. A common component of nodes in a new-generation multicomputer is a router. It can handle the enter3.

(4) 1234. 123. 4231 c. a 3214. 2134. 2314. 3124 b. 321. 213. 231. 312. 3241. 2431. 2341 d. 3421. 1324. 4321. 3412. 2413 c. 132. a. 4312. 1432. 4213. 1423. 1342 d. 4132. 1243. 4123 b. 3142. 2143. (a). (b). Figure 1: The topology of star graphs: (a) 3-star; (b) 4-star.. ing, leaving, and passing through the node of message. Figure 2 shows the architecture of a generic node. A router is usually connected to the local processor/memory by one or more pairs of internal channels. One channel of each pair is for input, the other for output. Several pairs of external channels connect the router to neighboring routers. The interconnection of external channels among routers defines the network topology.. Local Processor and Memory internal injection channels external channels from neighbors. . . .. .... .... internal injection channels. Router (Crossbar Switch). . . .. external channels to neighbors. Figure 2: A generic node architecture.. We assume that a message coming into a router can be duplicated and delivered simultaneously to multiple output channels. We also assume that whenever a message header enters an input buffer, all the remaining flits are guaranteed to enter that buffer. The routers are implemented with the input-buffer-based asynchronous replication mechanism [16].. 2.2 Path-Based Multicast Routing Model In our previous work on wormhole star graph networks routing [3], we addressed a path-based routing model, derived a node labeling formula based on a single hamiltonian path (HP), and proposed four efficient deadlock-free multicast routing schemes: dual-path, shortcut-node-based dual-path, multipath, and. 4.

(5) proximity grouping. Generally, the dual-path scheme is simple and efficient. The multicasting in the dualpath routing includes two independent paths (toward high label nodes and low label nodes, respectively) and the next traversed node is the neighboring node with the label nearest to that of the next unvisited target node. The concept of the path-based routing model is described below.. 2.2.1. Hamiltonian Paths and Channel Networks. The path-based routing method for meshes developed by Lin et al. [8] is based on a HP. In [3], we used the strategy in [12] to define a HP on the star graph. Because a star graph is embedded with more than one HP, the routing methods proposed in [3] is simply on basis of a specific HP of all possible HPs. In an n-star, the number of nodes is N = n! and each node s is with a label `(s), where 0  `(s)  N 1 and `() is the node labeling function [3]. The labeling of a 4-star based on a HP is shown in Figure 3. For example, in a 4-star, `(1234) = 0, `(4213) = 6, `(4312) = 13, `(4231) = 23, and so forth. 1234 0. 4231 23 c. a 3214 5. 2134 1. 2314 4. 3124 2 b. 3241 22. 2431 18. 2341 21 d. 3421 19. 1324 3. 4321 20. 3412 12. 2413 11 c. a. 4312 13. 1432 17. 4213 6. 1423 10. 1342 14 d. 4132 16. 1243 7. 4123 9 b. 3142 15. 2143 8. Figure 3: The labeling of a 4-star based on a hamiltonian path. According to the node labels, we can construct a specific HP, i.e., from the node with label 0, following the nodes with labels 1; 2;    , to the node with label N 1. When node labeling is completed, we can divide the network into two subnetworks, high-channel network and low-channel network. The high-channel network contains all directional channels with nodes labeled from the lower to the higher, and the lowchannel network contains all directional channels with nodes labeled from the higher to the lower. Then, a message routing can be performed along two legal paths, one along high-channel network and the other along low-channel network. An example showing the channel subnetworks of a 4-star is given in Figure 4(a) and Figure 4(b), respectively.. 5.

(6) 1234 0. 4231 23 c. a 3214. 5. 2314 4. 2431 18. 3214 5. 2134 1. 3241. 3124 2. 2341 21 d. 3421 19. 2314 4. 3124 2. 2341 21 d. 2134. 3. 1432. 4132 16. 20. 1324. 2413 11 c. 17. b 4321. 3412 12. 1342 14 d. c. a. 3241 22. 1324. 13. 4231 23. 1. b. 4312. 1234 0. 4213. 1243 7. 1423. 4123 9. 15. 2143. a. 17. 4213 6. 1423 10. 1342 14 4132 16 d. 1243 7. 4123 9. 4312. 13. 3421 19. 2413 11 c. 10. 2431. 18. 4321 20. 3412 12. b 3142. 3. a 6. 22. 8. 1432. 3142. (a). b. 15. 2143. 8. (b). Figure 4: The channel networks of a 4-star: (a) high-channel network; (b) low-channel network.. 2.2.2. Hamiltonian-Path and Dual-Path Multicast Routing. The unicast-based, the hamiltonian-path, and the dual-path routing strategies can be adopted in a lot of wormhole-routed interconnection networks. The unicast-based routing scheme uses one-to-one communication to achieve multicast, which requires startup latency in each intermediate node [10]. The disadvantage of this approach lies in that significant transmission latency is resulted from the required number of communication startup steps for multicast. In the hamiltonian-path routing, the source node sends the message to all destination nodes based on the constructed hamiltonian path. In this scheme, the multicast is divided into two submulticasts and that can be proceeded in parallel by two independent routing paths (one for highchannel routing and the other for low-channel routing). The disadvantage of this approach is that it always traverses nodes following the fixed path (hamiltonian-path) that requires more traverse links for multicast [8]. In the dual-path routing, the multicasting is similar to the hamiltomian-path routing except each router tries to find a shortcut node (the node with label closest to that of the next unvisited target node) for routing to reduce the average length of multicast paths [8]. A sample multicast using hamiltonian-path and dual-path routing is shown in Figure 5. The sample multicast is denoted as the multicasting set R = f13243 ; 21341 ; 21438 ; 142310 ; 241311 ; 134214 ; 143217 ; 342119 ; 21 2341 g, where the first element of R is the source node and the others are the destination nodes in arbitrary order. Notice that the source node is underlined, the label `(u) of each node u in R is shown as a superscript to the node representation. In hamiltonian-path and dual-path routing, the multicasting set R can be completed by two submulticasting sets, Rh for high-channel routing and Rl for low-channel routing, i.e., h = f13243 ; 21438 ; 1423 10 ; 2413 11 ; 134214 ; 143217 ; 342119 ; 234121 g and Rl = f13243 ; 21341 g. In Rh R and Rl , the first elements are source nodes and the others are destination nodes with label values higher. 6.

(7) 1234 0. 4231 23. a 32145. 2134 1. 3241 22 2431 18. 23144. 3124 2. c. b 1324 3. 2341 21 3421 19 d 4321 20. source node. destination node. 2413 11. 3412 12 4312 13. 1432 17. c. a 4213 6. 142310. 1342 14 d. 4132 16. 1243 7. 4123 9. routing channel. b 3142 15. 2143 8. Figure 5: A sample multicast example using hamiltonian-path and dual-path routing.. and lower than source nodes and in ascending and descending orders, respectively. In hamiltonian-path and dual-path routing as shown in Figure 5, the total number of channels traversed is 18+2=20, and the maximum routing distance is max(18,2)=18. The hold-and-wait property of wormhole routing is particularly susceptible to deadlock, and thus most wormhole-routed systems avoid messages routing to reach cycles of channel dependency. Deadlock can be prevented by the routing algorithm. By ordering network resources, such as nodes, and accessing resources according to a strictly monotonic order circular wait for resources will not occur and deadlock can be avoided [8].. 3 Tree-Based Multicast Routing For the dual-path routing, the performance is unstable specially for large multicast sizes. That is, if the traversed node number of high-channel routing is nearly identical to that of low-channel routing, then dualpath routing performs very well; otherwise the performance of dual-path routing depends on longer traversed node number of either high-channel routing or low-channel routing. Therefore, we propose the tree-based routing with replication mechanism to promote the performance of the multicasting. Before we introduce the proposed routing algorithm, let us first define a routing functions RF . Definition 1 (The routing functions RF ). Let V, p, q , and `() be the node set, the source node, the destination node of a star graph, and the node labeling function [3], respectively. The routing function RF , is defined to be RF : V  V ! V and RF (p; q) = x, and if `(p) < `(q), then `(x) = maxf`(u)j`(p) < `(u)  `(q), and u is adjacent to pg; if `(p) > `(q), then `(x) = minf`(u)j`(p) > `(u)  `(q), and u is adjacent to pg. The tree-based routing scheme includes four steps. First, the destination node set D is divided into two subsets, Dh and Dl , where every node in Dh has a higher label than that of the source node s, and every. 7.

(8) node in Dl has a lower label than that of the source node s according to the node labeling function. Then, the destination nodes in Dh are sorted according to the `() values in ascending order and the destination nodes in Dl are sorted according to the `() values in descending order, respectively. Third, we construct two messages, M h and M l , where M h contains Dh as part of the header and Ml contains Dl as part of the header. Finally, the multicast is proceeded by the following two submulticasts in parallel: (1) the message h is sent to the nodes in Dh using tree-based high-channel routing based on subnetwork Nh , and (2) the M message M l is sent to the nodes in Dl using tree-based low-channel routing based on subnetwork Nl . The message transmission in tree-based routing is proceeded according to the following rules. Rule 1: For message M h routing in high-channel subnetwork, each sending node finds the high neighboring node set P h that contains the neighboring nodes with higher `() values. Then, let w be the neighboring node in P h with maximum `() value. If w exists and is a destination, the router replicates the message and sends it by two disjoint paths. Otherwise, the router sends the message to the neighboring node which has `() value that is the greatest but less than that of the first destination node. Rule 2: For message M l routing in low-channel subnetwork, each sending node finds the low neighboring node set P l that contains the neighboring nodes with lower `() values. Then, let w be the neighboring node in P l with minimum `() value. If w exists and is a destination, the router replicates the message and sends it by two disjoint paths. Otherwise, the router sends the message to the neighboring node which has `() value that is the least but larger than that of the first destination node. Rule 3: While the message visits a node, the router determines whether it is the first destination node. If so, it is removed from the destination nodes. Then, at this node, if the destination sets are not empty, the algorithm continues according to the Rule 1 or Rule 2. The tree-based routing algorithm is shown in Algorithm 1, whereas the tree-based high-channel routing and tree-based low-channel routing algorithms are shown as Procedure 1 and Procedure 2, respectively. In the following, we use the same multicast example as the one used for the hamiltonian-path and dual-path routing to demonstrate the better multicast performance of the tree-based routing when compared with the hamiltonian-path and dual-path routing. In the sample multicast, the multicasting set R can be completed by two submulticasting sets, Rh and Rl , where Rh = f13243 ; 21438 ; 142310 ; 241311 ; 134214 ; 143217 ; 342119 ; 21 2341 g and Rl = f13243 ; 21341g. In Rh and Rl , the first elements are source nodes and the others are destination nodes with higher and lower label values than source nodes in ascending `() and descending `() value orders, respectively. Rh routes the message using high-channel routing based on subnetwork Nh . Rl routes the message using low-channel routing based on subnetwork Nl . Figure 6 shows the sample multicast example using tree-based routing. The detailed routing process of the sample multicast is shown in the Appendix. From Figure 6, the total number of channels traversed is 3+2+5+2+4+2 = 18, and the maximum routing distance from the source to a destination is max(3+max(2+max(5,2),4),2)=10. So, the total number of channels traversed and the maximum routing distance of tree-based routing are smaller than that of dual-path routing. To verify the correctness of the tree-based routing algorithm, we derive the following lemmas and theorems.. 8.

(9) Algorithm 1: The tree-based routing algorithm Input: Source node s, destination node set D, and node labeling function `(). Step 1: // Destination-nodes partition Divided D into two subsets, Dh and Dl , D h contains all destination nodes with higher `() values than source node s and l D contains all destination nodes with lower `() values than source node s. Step 2: // Destination-nodes sorting Sort the destination nodes in Dh according to the `() values in ascending order. Sort the destination nodes in Dl according to the `() values in descending order. Step 3: // Message preparation Construct two messages M h and M l , where M h contains Dh as part of the header and M l contains Dl as part of the header. Step 4: // Routing in parallel // The message M h is sent to the nodes in Dh using tree-based high-channel routing based on subnetwork Nh . // The message M l is sent to the nodes in Dl using tree-based low-channel routing based on subnetwork Nl . h T ree Based H igh C hannel Routing (s; M ) l T ree Based Low C hannel Routing (s; M ). Procedure 1: T ree Based H igh C hannel Routing (s; M h ) // tree-based high-channel routing proceeds on subnetwork Nh begin For message M h which contains Dh do c. :=. s. 6 ;. while (D h = ) // for every current node c, and next traversed destination node d // each sending node finds neighboring nodes with higher `() values h := u `(u) > `(c), and u is adjacent to c P h // find greatest `() value in P h `(w ) := max `(u) u P // check whether the message needs to replicate or not if (w exists) and (w Dh ) // the router replicates the message and sends it in parallel h1 := u u Dh and `(u) `(w) D h2 := Dh Dh1 D Let message M h1 contains Dh1 as part of the header and message M h2 contains Dh2 as part of the header // The first path traverse node w h1 := Dh1 D w h1 ) T ree Based H igh C hannel Routing (w; M. fj. f. j 2. fj 2. 2. g. g. . g. f g. // The second path T ree Based H igh C hannel Routing (c; M. h2 ). else // find next node x to traverse // M h routing along higher `() value // x = RF (c; d), where x is the next traversed node and RF is the routing function get the destination node d with least `() value from Dh `(x) := max `(u) `(c) < `(u) `(d), and u is adjacent to c if (x = d) // traverse node d and then remove it from Dh and message M h. f. j. . g. traverse node d h := Dh d. fg. D. Remove d from message M h endif c. :=. x. endif endwhile end. 9.

(10) Procedure 2: T ree Based Low C hannel Routing (s; M l ) // tree-based low-channel routing proceeds on subnetwork Nl begin For message M l which contains Dl do c. :=. s. 6 ;. while (D l = ) // for every current node c, and next traversed destination node d // each sending node finds neighboring nodes with higher `() values l P := u `(u) < `(c), and u is adjacent to c l // find least `() value in P l P `(w ) := min `(u) u // check whether the message needs to replicate or not if (w exists) and (w Dl ) // the router replicates the message and sends it in parallel l1 := u u Dl and `(u) `(w) D l 2 l D l1 D := D Let message M l1 contains Dl1 as part of the header and message M l2 contains Dl2 as part of the header // The first path traverse node w l1 := Dl1 D w l1 ) T ree Based Low C hannel Routing (w; M. fj. f. g. j 2 g. fj 2. 2. . g. f g. // The second path T ree Based Low C hannel Routing (c; M. l2 ). else // M l routing along lower `() value // x = RF (c; d), where x is the next traversed node and RF is the routing function get the destination node d with greatest `() value from Dl `(d), and u is adjacent to c `(x) := min `(u) `(c) > `(u) if (x = d) // traverse node d and then remove it from Dl and message M l traverse node d l l D := D d Remove d from message M l. f. j. . g. fg. endif c. :=. x. endif endwhile end. 1234 0. 4231 23. a 32145. 2134 1. 3241 22 2431 18. 23144. 3124 2. c. b 1324 3. 2341 21 3421 19 d 4321 20. source node. destination node. 2413 11. 3412 12 4312 13. 1432 17. c. a 4213 6. 142310. 1342 14 d. 4132 16. 1243 7. 4123 9. routing channel. b 3142 15. 2143 8. Figure 6: The sample multicast using tree-based routing.. 10.

(11) Lemma 1. For two arbitrary distinct nodes p and q in a star graph with a HP, the path from p to q selected according to the routing function RF always exists. Proof. Suppose p and q are two arbitrary nodes in a star graph, without loss of generality, it can be assumed that `(p) < `(q). Let the node c represent the source node or the intermediate node located in between source node p and destination node q on HP. Assume the next traversed node is x, according to the routing function RF , x = RF (c; q), where `(x) = maxf`(u)j`(c) < `(u)  `(q), and u is adjacent to cg. So, x is on H P going from c to q (including q ) and adjacent (connected) to c. Then, the path from p to q selected according to the routing function RF is (y0 ; y1 ;    ; yk ), where y0 = p, yj = RF (yj 1 ; q) for 0 < j  k , and yk = q . Since all the nodes of the path are located on HP and in an order, the path from p to q selected 2 according to the routing function RF always exists. Lemma 2. The tree-based high-channel message routing, based on subnetwork Nh , in a star graph with a HP can always be completed. 2 Proof. Based on Lemma 1, it is obvious. Lemma 3. The tree-based low-channel message routing, based on subnetwork a HP can always be completed. Proof. Based on Lemma 1, it is obvious.. l , in a star graph with. N. 2. Theorem 1. The message routing using tree-based routing algorithm in a star graph with a HP can always be completed. Proof. The message routing using tree-based routing algorithm is proceeded by two submulticasts simultaneously. For one submulticast, the tree-based high-channel routing can be completed via high-channel subnetwork N h . For the other submulticast, the tree-based low-channel routing can be completed via lowchannel subnetwork N l . According to Lemma 2 and Lemma 3, either tree-based high-channel or tree-based low-channel message routing can be completed. So, the message routing using tree-based routing algorithm 2 can always be completed. Theorem 2. The tree-based multicast routing is deadlock-free. Proof. At the source node, the tree-based algorithm divides the networks into two disjoint subnetworks h and N l . Because N h \ N l = ;, the tree-based multicast routing is deadlock-free at each of the two N subnetworks. Then, let us prove that messages delivered in subnetwork Nh are deadlock-free. Messages delivered in N h can only take high-channels in Nh . At an intermediate node in N h , tree-based algorithm divides the destination set Dh into two disjoint destination subsets Dh1 and Dh2 , where Dh1 \ D h2 = ;, so no cyclic dependency can be created among the channels in Nh . Furthermore, since the input-buffer-based asynchronous replication mechanism [16] is able to break the interdependency of different tree-branches at branch node, multiple messages delivered in Nh will not cause deadlocks. Similar proof can be aplied to 2 the subnetwork N l . This thus proves the theorem. In our proposed tree-based multicast routing algorithm, we use the channel subnetworks that have been. 11.

(12) described in previous section. Because the subnetworks are disjoint and acyclic, no cyclic resource dependency can occur [8]. Thus, the proposed routing algorithm developed based on those two subnetworks are deadlock-free.. 4 Simulation Results In this section, we shall present the performance of our proposed multicasting strategies by some simulation experiments. To evaluate the performance of the multicast schemes in an interconnection network, there are some parameters that must be considered: the multicast size, the message length, the startup latency, the link latency, and the router latency. The multicast size d is the number of destination nodes, and the message length f is the number of flits in a message. The message startup latency ts includes the software overhead for buffers allocating, messages coping, router initializing, etc. The link latency tl is the propagation delay of message through a link of network. The router latency tr is the delay inside the router for handling multidestination messages. We first give our assumptions to the parameters of system architecture in the simulations. All simulations were performed for a 720-node (6-dimension) star graph network. We examined the routing performance of our proposed schemes under various multicast sizes and message lengths. The source node and the destination nodes for each multicasting were randomly generated. For all simulation experiments, we assumed system parameters representing the current simulation trend in technology [5, 7, 8, 13, 14, ?]. The large message startup latency ts is set to be 10:0 microseconds (5.5 microseconds for message sending latency, 4.5 microseconds for message receiving latency), and the small message startup latency ts is 1:0 microsecond (550 nanoseconds for message sending latency, 450 nanoseconds for message receiving latency). The small message startup latencies were usually used for advanced network interface to improve the efficiency of latency time. The link propagation latency tl is 5:0 nanoseconds. The router latency for handling multidestination messages tr is 40:0 nanoseconds; however, it is set to 20:0 nanoseconds in unicast-based routing. For all of the multicasting, the message sizes of 6, 120, and 2400 flits were simulated.. 4.1 Performance under Different Multicast Sizes Figure 7 and Figure 8 present the performance of the various multicast schemes on a 6-star network with small and large message latencies, respectively. Results are shown for message lengths of 6,120, and 2400 flits, respectively. It is observed that, the hamiltonian-path, the dual-path, and the tree-based algorithms outperform the unicast-based algorithm except for very short messages with small message startup latencies. This is because the unicast-based algorithm is a multiple-phase multicasting that needs more startup latency for processing. In Figure 7 and Figure 8, the performance of our proposed tree-based algorithm is superior to that of the unicast-based, the hamiltonian-path, and the dual-path algorithms. This is because the tree-based algorithm uses asynchronous replication mechanism for simultaneous transmission that efficiently reduces. 12.

(13) Multicast latency (in microseconds). 30 25 20. unicast-based hampath. 15. dualpath tree-based. 10 5 0 0. 120. 240. 360. 480. 600. 720. Number of destinations. (a). Multicast latency (in microseconds). 60 50. unicast-based hampath. 40. dualpath tree-based. 30 20 10 0 0. 120. 240. 360. 480. 600. 720. Number of destinations. (b). Multicast latency (in microseconds). 700 600 500. unicast-based hampath. 400. dualpath tree-based. 300 200 100 0 0. 120. 240. 360. 480. 600. 720. Number of destinations. (c). Figure 7: Multicast latency in a 6-star network with small message startup latency. (a) Message length = 6 flits. (b) Message length = 120 flits. (c) Message length = 2400 flits. 13.

(14) Multicast latency (in microseconds). 140 120 100. unicast-based hampath. 80. dualpath tree-based. 60 40 20 0 0. 120. 240. 360. 480. 600. 720. Number of destinations. (a). Multicast latency (in microseconds). 160 140 unicast-based. 120. hampath. 100. dualpath tree-based. 80 60 40 20 0 0. 120. 240. 360. 480. 600. 720. Number of destinations. (b). Multicast latency (in microseconds). 800 700 600. unicast-based. 500. hampath. 400. dualpath tree-based. 300 200 100 0 0. 120. 240. 360. 480. 600. 720. Number of destinations. (c). Figure 8: Multicast latency in a 6-star network with large message startup latency. (a) Message length = 6 flits. (b) Message length = 120 flits. (c) Message length = 2400 flits. 14.

(15) the communication latency. With short and medium message lengths the performance of the tree-based algorithm is much better than the other algorithms. For long messages, the tree-based algorithm performs also much better than the unicast-based algorithm but slightly better than the hamiltonian-path and dual-path algorithms. This is because in the hamiltonian-path, dual-path, and tree-based algorithms, only two startups are needed, causing the message length for long messages plays a determining role on the performance of message transmission. In general, the tree-based algorithm always performs the best in all simulation algorithms. In our simulations, multicast latencies were measured with a varying number of destinations. In general, for unicast-based and path-based routing, while the number of destinations increases, the communication latency always increases. However, for tree-based multicasting, simulation results in [7] demonstrated that message latency is independent of the number of destinations. Similarly, as shown in Figure 7 and Figure 8, the communication latencies for our proposed tree-based algorithm are also irrelevant with the number of destinations. That is, the communication latencies are stable across different multicast sizes. This is because that the tree-based scheme has the advantage of simultaneous transmission in the split router. The advantage makes the communication latencies stable across different number of destinations.. 4.2 Performance under Different Message Startup Latencies In Figure 9, we show the influence of the message startup latency on the multicast latency. Here we set the number of destinations to be 120, and the flits to be 120 for each message. The latency increases faster with message startup latencies in the unicast-based algorithm. That is to say, the message startup latency has greater impact on the performance of the unicast-based algorithm. This is because the unicast-based algorithm needs multiple-phase to route the message. The impact of message startup latency of the treebased algorithm is almost equal to the hamiltonian-path and the dual-path algorithms.. Multicast latency (in microseconds). 140 unicast-based. 120. hampath. 100. dualpath tree-based. 80 60 40 20 0 0. 2. 4. 6. 8. 10. 12. Startup latency (in microseconds). Figure 9: The effect of the startup latency in a 6-star network with 120 flits in message length and 120 nodes in multicast size on the multicast latency for various routing schemes.. 15.

(16) 4.3 Performance under Different Message Lengths Figure 10(a) and Figure 10(b) show the performance with different message lengths under both small and large message startup latencies, respectively. The number of destination nodes is assumed to be 120. The results show the multicast latencies are affected by the message length. As shown in Figure 10(a) and Figure 10(b), the hamiltonian-path, the dual-path, and the tree-based algorithms are least affected by the message length, while the unicast-based algorithm, requiring dlog2 120e = 7 phases, is most affected. Multicast latency (in microseconds). 70 unicast-based hampath dualpath tree-based. 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0. 40. 80. 120. 160. 200. 240. Message length (in flits). (a). Multicast latency (in microseconds). 140 120 unicast-based hampath. 100. dualpath tree-based. 80 60 40 20 0 0. 40. 80. 120. 160. 200. 240. Message length (in flits). (b). Figure 10: The effect of the message length in a 6-star network with 120 nodes in multicast size on the multicast latency for various routing schemes: (a) under small message startup latency; (b) under large message startup latency.. 16.

(17) 4.4 Utilization of Network Traffic We then consider the traffic (in links) of interconnection networks. The network traffic may affect other communication in the network. We simulated the network traffic by the total number of links visited. Each link visited represents the use of one communication link by one message. Figure 11 presents the link usage for a 6-star network over various multicast sizes. As shown in Figure 11, the tree-based algorithm requires fewer communication links than that of the other algorithms. 3500. Network traffic (in links). 3000 2500 unicast-based. 2000. hampath. 1500. dualpath tree-based. 1000 500 0 0. 120. 240. 360. 480. 600. 720. Number of destinations. Figure 11: Network traffic in a 6-star network.. 5 Conclusions In this paper, we propose an efficient tree-based multicast routing scheme for wormhole-routed star graph networks with hamiltonian path and present the performance of the proposed scheme in contrast with our previous work. In tree-based routing, the destination set is divided into two destination subsets and then the multicasting is proceeded by two independent paths (one for high-channel routing and the other for low-channel routing) based on two disjoint subnetworks for concurrent transmission. For each independent path, the message is delivered to the destination subset with a single multidestination worm that splits at some routers and replicates the data on more than one output port. In our routing scheme, the router is with the input-buffer-based asynchronous replication mechanism that requires extra hardware cost. The proposed routing scheme is proved to be deadlock-free. By the experimental results, our proposed tree-based scheme is superior to the unicast-based, the hamiltonian-path, and the dual-path routing schemes significantly.. 17.

(18) Appendix: Description of the Sample Multicasting Shown in Figure 6 In the following, we will show the detailed routing of the sample multicast using tree-based routing that is shown in Figure 6. In Rh , the destination node set is Dh = f2143 8 ; 142310 ; 241311 ; 134214 ; 143217 ; 342119 ; 21 2341 g. First, the source node 13243 examines whether the neighboring node with maximum label exists or not. It exists and is 432120 , but that node is not a destination in Dh . So, the next traversed node is the neighboring node 23144 . Therefore, the source node 13243 sends the message to node 23144 . Then, the node 4 13 h 2314 finds the neighboring node with maximum label is 4312 , but that node is not a destination in D . The next traversed nodes is the neighboring node 32145 . Similarly, the node 32145 finds the neighboring node with maximum label is 42136 , but that node is not a destination in Dh . The next traversed nodes is the neighboring node 42136 . Then, the node 42136 finds the neighboring node with maximum label is 241311 which is a destination in Dh . The router replicates the message and sends it by two disjoint paths p1 and h1 is f241311 ; 134214 ; 143217 ; 342119 ; 234121 g. The node 42136 sends the message to 241311 . p2 . In p1 , D While the message traverses the neighboring node with maximum label w = 241311 , w is removed from h1 and we get the new Dh1 = f134214 ; 143217 ; 342119 ; 2341 21 g. Then, at the current node w = 241311 D and message M h1 containing Dh1 as part of the header, the message is delivered by the same procedure. In h2 is f21438 ; 142310 g. Similarly, at the current node c = 341212 and message M h2 containing Dh2 p2 , D as part of the header, the message is delivered by the same procedure. In p2 , D h2 is f21438 ; 1423 10 g. Then, at the current node c = 42136 and message M h2 containing Dh2 as part of the header, the message is delivered by the same procedure. To continue the routing in p1 , the node 241311 finds the neighboring node with maximum label is 341212 , but that node is not a destination in h1 . The next traversed node is the neighboring node 341212 . Then, the node 341212 finds the neighboring D node with maximum label is 143217 which is a destination in Dh1 . The router replicates the message and sends it by two disjoint paths q1 and q2 . In q1 , D h1 is f143217 ; 342119 ; 234121 g. The node 341212 sends the message to 143217 . While the message traverses the neighboring node with maximum label w = 143217 , w is removed from Dh1 and we to get the new Dh1 = f3421 19 ; 2341 21 g. Then, at the current node w = 143217 and message M h1 containing Dh1 as part of the header, the message is delivered by the same procedure. In h2 is f134214 g. Similarly, at the current node c = 341212 and message M h2 containing Dh2 as part of q2 , D the header, the message is delivered by the same procedure. To continue the routing in q1 , the node 143217 finds the neighboring node with maximum label is 243118 , but that node is not a destination in Dh1 . The next traversed node is the neighboring node 243118 . Similarly, the node 243118 finds the neighboring node with maximum label is 423123 , but that node is not a destination in Dh1 . The next traversed node is the neighboring node 342119 . Then, the node 243118 sends the message to 342119 . Because d = 342119 is a destination, d is removed from Dh1 and we get the new Dh1 = f234121 g. The node 342119 finds the neighboring node with maximum label is 432120 , but that node is not a destination in Dh1 . The next traversed node is the neighboring node 432120 . Then, the node 432120 finds the neighboring node with maximum label is 234121 which is a destination in Dh1 . The router replicates the message and sends it by two disjoint paths. But, in this case, only one path is produced because the sending node owns only one neighboring node with higher `() value. Then, the node 432120 sends the message to. 18.

(19) . Because d = 234121 is a destination, d is removed from Dh1 and we get the new Dh1 in this path there is no destinations needed to proceed again. 2341. 21. =. ;. Then,. To continue the routing in q2 , the node 341212 finds the neighboring node with maximum label is 143217 , but that node is not a destination in Dh2 . The next traversed node is the neighboring node 431213 . Similarly, the node 431213 finds the neighboring node with maximum label is 134214 which is a destination in Dh2 . The router replicates the message and sends it by two disjoint paths. But, in this case, only one path is produced because the sending node owns only one neighboring node with higher `() value. Then, the node 13 4312 sends the message to 134214 . Because d = 134214 is a destination, d is removed from Dh2 and we get the new Dh2 = ;. Then, in this path there is no destinations needed to proceed again. To continue the routing in p2 , the node 42136 finds the neighboring node with maximum label is 241311 , but that node is not a destination in Dh2 . The next traversed node is the neighboring node 12437 . Similarly, the node 12437 finds the neighboring node with maximum label is 324122 , but that node is not a destination in Dh2 . The next traversed node is the neighboring node 21438 . Therefore, the sending node 12437 sends the message to 21438 . Because d = 21438 is a destination, d is removed from Dh2 and we get the new h2 = f142310 g. Then, the sending node 21438 finds the neighboring node with maximum label is 314215 , D but that node is not a destination. The next traversed node is the neighboring node 41239 . Similarly, the node 41239 finds the neighboring node with maximum label is 142310 which is a destination in Dh2 , the router replicates the message and sends it by two disjoint paths. But, in this case, only one path is produced because the sending node owns only one neighboring node with higher `() value. Therefore, the sending node 41239 sends the message to 142310 . Because d = 142310 is a destination, d is removed from Dh2 and we get the new Dh2 = ;. Then, in this path there is no destinations needed to proceed again. On the other hand, in Rl , the destination node set is Dl = f21341 g. First, the source node 13243 examines whether the neighboring node with minimum label exists or not. It exists and is 31242 , but that node is not a destination. So, the next traversed node is the neighboring node 31242 . Therefore, the source node 13243 sends the message to node 31242 . Then, the node 31242 finds the neighboring node with minimum label is 21341 which is a destination, the router replicates the message and sends it by two disjoint paths. But, in this case, only one path is produced because the sending node owns only one neighboring node with lower `() value. Therefore, the sending node 31242 sends the message to 21341 . Because d = 21341 is a destination, d is removed from Dl and we get the new Dl = ;. Then, there is no destinations needed to proceed again.. References [1] S.B. Akers, D. Harel, and B. Krishnamurthy, “The Star Graph : An Attractive Alternative to the nCube,” Proceedings of the 1987 International Conference on Parallel Processing, pp. 393-400, August 1987. [2] S.B. Akers and B. Krishnamurthy, “A Group-Theoretic Model for Symmetric Interconnection Networks,” IEEE Trans. on Computers, Vol. 38, No. 4, pp. 555-565, April 1989.. 19.

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Figure 2: A generic node architecture.
Figure 3: The labeling of a 4-star based on a hamiltonian path.
Figure 4: The channel networks of a 4-star: (a) high-channel network; (b) low-channel network.
Figure 5: A sample multicast example using hamiltonian-path and dual-path routing.



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