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(1)r. 1'xttS ~m A ~. tJ. *'If. 7'; ;IiH~ i. B'J ~I ' fID Jn gJi. 5<7J f4:JY: ' f~ 1 ~ i::tj:E~ ft *J3. ~ r:: ~m B'J ~I ~~ I~. a5iiJ (G ill e t t e). 0pJL-jR ·2~n'B'm. ~¥ §. (I n tel ). 0~'~~W~~~m~~. ' . M~~. @J ' ~· {-tB'J*J3.*. •. $~~~~mrutt~~~(~Bm ' N ~ IltJJf.B'J:e :ff- P e. e r F.Drucker 1W. 88 : 40 ). 0. B'J ' &' {-t [. ~J. ffij ~ j7:J S'J F&: J)] :u:: ~ , ~O-El fJ. '. - {~~E/%i5t. ~tJ3.~ J. '. :t~~. •• ~~~ ~ .~~E. _ , rrffiffi~+~~~~~~~-Aft~. gU~JT*J3. ~ 8'J ~ 66. ~ ~~~ ~ ; ffij = + - m~:U:: ~fi ~ . ~. ~~W~~~~ ~ li ~ ~= m~,~ ~~. i.f-fR5m ~ ~fIJ. .~ (~~~~ ~ ~~~ ~ .m)'~~~. m_. § f~ 8ZJ ep AEf\i ~ ft tJ f:ttm:o'J 1\. tllrt(f1§' ~1§'1l:t- :. ~~~.I~~m~.I~ ~ ~~ ~ ~. ~~~tJmAM .n lli~~ . m .°-ElM. :tfjE~Thoma S S 1. _ ~ ~~~. ,6JTmB'J 9§I ~~ *~ i. ~ : = +m~ ' :U::. (2000 ;. ~U w;tffJ §$ ). Dru cke r lVork). !f!-~- :tL7\ O~ f~. 0. 1J!mlliT~D .I ff. *D~D~ I ff ~. ,. (KnolV I e deg. ( Knowl edge work e r ). ~~n~IJ JIt. ••. ~B*~~~.· .~*. C:P Fli1~flJ~. ~ · ~ff · 0 ~ .~ ' MR~~~~ ~ ' :U:: ~ %5:&,~,~e p ~WJlt~. •• ~fi-EJ fJ~. ~~~~'®~~~**M . ~~~ -&. ~~mw~~:U:: ~ ~~(H . ~ '~8. ~.~~~ ~ ~' ~ ~ . M . $' ~ *~. if. :S9 ). 0. I. c. EE ~.@; s!9~ t.i '. A i*tDttS ~HH~. 920~~1tffl! ?. I ~~F&: ~**. r ~D . J W~J~ = +-t!Hc8'B' fi .:t~B'J~i ~fl.. ' ~Bi'1-tB'J g{~ PI,. M .r::p .~*~ .~ (~ . ~'&~ 87. H o ~~ ':u:: ~ ~~~~~ '~ ~~~ 9. Pop pe r ~:fr fFf l. if· : 74 ). ~lt:m. ;fj~. ~m . ~~~ ~ ~ ~. *·±~~~~:JY: ~,ffij ~ ~. ' ~~. • •. 0. L-:J.jl1&~0~. ( Micro soft ). ~ -WU,~ ­. . =t-. Ch amp y & Hamme r ~ A ( 1993 :. .~ .~ :~. ~. . mflfffB15E~ffjJ. 0. 83)M~m~ r m~ ~. ~£j1~t~~ ~~fi!D~. :m. *JT ft£l>!§ ,. W @(f.J. *g~ r::p ~O~PJTffi&J1. (Process) J .. iE1Jt.:J; ii~AE dfj ~~i. A:tL~~~'~$~ ~~ B~~ OOm~. ( Fun da m e n tal ). ~ , ~~~ ~ ~ .~ (~ m · .$·ff~). ( Ra dica l ). . *~~m~.~~m~ ~(~ ~ w · &. fffi~~\;J[~1JOA~Di~~HD .~JlS'Jltl!.~. ~!fJT:u::*YJfHj. , ~5iL. !3 /Ml"O ~ S:::KA. ~.t. .L'f:::. .e:;.:~ ~77. Z~tlr. ':1=1 " = ' f1 l::. mB~ iJb.ff;~J'j~i. A~ . ~~ :m. ~ttoW~~lli~ ~~ ¥¥. JfJ~HIltJB'J~~#:f. $~~~~~~TH~~ffi~~W0~. ~O. 11"00. (GE) ' )1.x;~ ~~ f~ {@:.~ O~J 0 1::{J , Itt)!i- '. fj7J:iE:j:§*J3.*~ ~ $ZDfBJ :m. !fJT~Bt. 86 : 226 ). 8 . A\lii=HIJ. ' ffij~ft - :tLj-LJ\~:tLFl. ~32¥ll~ 4Wl. 188. $ , /,. Sc hn itt ( J 993 ) ,. ep :j:~llipJTB~ B1 Ri§1. ' L-:J. f'~U. I f ( 1990) ~?t?j. ryU.l-:J.*J3.~ , L-:J. {~fF1.

(2) CI. !. 9l IjG£~9;O~ ~~f~i&J*,tl*~fD:5t. ~~~mA~*.U& .~~No~ $ A. ban ( 1992). ~.fi~~mm.ffim~ A .~B · ~ .. ~~ .~ ' ~i&J~~.~Z~ , ~ ~.~::t. 8"J~ I. '. fffi j'i~ ~N5J U /\~jl@ f§g£C ~ *5-il .. f§g~ApJT~mj;)'&fEl:~m*m~ro'JmfDfFm. m WM& , ~ . ~~ft~~&~ M M ' ~. m. ~ llimrrm.$~.@~~ ' fffl • • ~ ~. ( 1997) ~£~ 9;O~7J~m*,IjSI,~ *JfcWffii~ B'J~~OO:Jf ~. @1F5:(f. Jim 81 ~I f§g~Eij:If;Zl~pJT .B~ ja'~J\ /f PJ ~t § B"J ' 'i' 1~ B"J ~:£J. ,IjSl. ~ 7J ~ '920 B:g f!J ' ~ 1~B"J m.ml~J-91 Ij &\~j[~ '920Bml*,tl. ~Jf. ~J. ~l'J~ W~~~fD jj*4fF~m~B~ffrE!!. 0. :r ntel ) ' ~. '. - {I?!If§g*a-il~IcW*,tl.~fFB~ ' 920~. ~DiS't:l. ~*f!... tLjL)\. glj*IT *,tl*~B~ ~ 6'1J. {,~'ft-5. ±ff :&Jm~ B~flj £ ( ::E~~ , ~8 5. . ~~. fu~~ A~ ~ - • • tt. ~ '~~mlm. J. o is'fJ. :ttJEftT homas St ewa I' d ( 1997 ; * f~M ~ ) fiffmB!]i§l ~ml *~~~ (K now1edge Economy). ~li~:7t ~~. ,. t:J fJ~ , ~ 88. ::t f§g{~ ~I /flWr tlli ~ cW2Xi§. '. cp ~ll~flj £. • I. at ... . N Vltj .. 1m l~. . , ::tf§gEIJi§. ,. : 25). 0. 0. IUiq:.9a1 ~. ~£(.J~m. 9;OB~1tM ? ~@ll!JR~~ro'Jm. 1JI '1'g:¥u J ~ ~ flj. J. ' lJtCi:ffi. ~~ff,j 1~B~ g1~ P 1 a t 0 ~~ 1~ ~~ B"JfGtr~ *. tN*BJ. Po pp e r .I§':ft~/f~B~~1* ' ~4~*~~ ~ . mBfR~ J:E§1fij fffift*:x $~~91 Ij~OO-9;IJ =:t¢ fI,(,l.oa--l:* 1E. :r:-h,",e;'14 6!-rW '-wi?):l=4 ~~[:1)~1f.IJ:"" ""OU3..D~ :1JJ=Jt:. J:~ :.J ror. Jl"O--.L ' A17K S 'j. l~ JKi¥J. • *fl~CP920~pJTtn~B~~~J1fWIJ ? ~§ Z ' ~p. 1* 11tR 1993 ;. 0. ~ ~.oo -t:h.. ~ltt92oB~~f§g~~*,tl.m* 5~*B~ID!~flj. s ) -' '. ~. , iJtR ~ fYJ Jfil:~. R@I 1£f§Et:J. ~~. •. , f§g~~*,tl.m~~:Ij[~IDi! ~~1;7]A ' ~t§7 JO~~~B~ ~~?Jj\PRIf;Z!l:t-:r:jJf§gtiIDi!~~ , ~O Woo 1f ( 199 0 ) §£~92o~~~M~Wi~~5&:tlli 1J0J;).*,tl. ' l--j, ~fF~m~ro'Jm~ f lj ~ Tur­ 0. 0. .. Va n der Spek and Spijk erve t WiA • *~~~l--j, &f~ff: '. fffl~~~~@. ~~,~j;)'&f~ff7J~ :t1@1j IA1r5 B~,IjSI,r~. ~j;)'&M~f~J:t. 0. Beckman (1997 ). . 11'. ~£;,s920. ' tl,~ f§gfft*,1i~fflk~*JB(:)!: , mmro'Jm ' iMJ:Emm ' ~~fD#X~ fffl Nonaka & Take uchi 0995 : 7 ) ~Wi1:lL~~ , §£~ 9;0 ~1~ :P-l'J~ *,tl~~ ~jJ~~m~~~m~'liIZ9T ' lZ9!l:t ' ~f!! ~~+:5tmff!~M,tl.$920~~ ~~ . jjl~ • ~ fF ' {*t9'&l!!ffl 1;RIf;z~1~~1~B~Di e r i ckx & Coo 1 WiA ( 1989 ) f!1j~l--j,Wi;'J$i£~ B~IDi!~~ *m~*Jl.B~920 ~Ji * (Kn ow l edge As ­ se ts) , MzPR1f;Z¥OIfrJB~~$ , OO-*fL~ff~~ ­ @.;'J$iB~ ~-g-e ' ~~~~ ~DmfIiI (b a t h ­ tub ) m~ 9;0 ~jj*~~1EA!itt 1@!~*1mAm irr$ , fffl920~ji* B~ff.~jtYmt B"J~-ile ' !itt1~~mfIiI $~*~ , &' !l:t *~~~ , 9l U1~ 0. 0. 0. ~~~m.~~~t9'~~ID!~~~o fffl. St ewa rd ( 1998 ; *{~M~ ) 9i IjfflktfjJ i§l~ jj* (I ntellec tual cap i tal) B'srWt2 ' ~£ ;,spJT~~ B/] i§l~Jf* ' ~m~ 1~A f§g~*,tl.m *ID!~it~ B/'J - t;7J920~ . f§EjJB~*~,-il ' '8~ ~%~ ;f§~ , ~-*,tlI 1'F~fli (work force ) B~920~*,tl-il § ~Z ' fL~f§g~~m*E U@ *,tl~~:f~ B~92D~ . • ~ . ~~~:f~ . *~.~ 0. -. }'~F.HU ~32~~4Wl188 .. 9.

(3) ~~ ;f;;1.3f4. ' ~;t PL!1q)( ~~jPf. 0. '8~Hiirl:1J B'J~. _ ' IEi§i /. --r* '. 0. i\t1r~PJ j;) ~m*~ cpB/99;0~ff~~ fL~PJ. j;) m*J3.*'~EIj~5m$flJ~»1J 100: ~Btf:t ,~Jl!. '. ' 1*M '. .MzPJ*~Ei3*J3.. '. JJ!;m»¥} E Ij ~B'J~§Jt. ,. ~~!,!;fii: ' tl p m~3Z¥pJTf~mB'J9;O~. *~ 0. JE{jN±~B'J~1f. Ji'& ' {B ff71. *J3.~B'J E Jj 5FJT. 1,11£ ' .Mz§g~}Joflj ffl~. "6J ~ oIfrJB'Jflj~. (Positive/Negative ). e'SJ~Dii. ~ , m.a ~ , m~ -g ~ m~~~ AAB. , ~ 1j~~§ g m*J3.*.im */F *~Ei3 rtt- J;iJ§gtlIDu!~M'JH@~. ~i§i. ~~:::t§gB~. ( gi l ). illlm ~~~/F~tlE. , -mgt~gft '. o"1 9~fl&fJ§. 0. - (~*J3.~EJj*JTJ¥]. "mr0!6. Y.± EEl s * "I=10'¢-'='=" '.!a='Lr:2: -==: 1=1 ,V,'.4-1«{ iJ'i:l7f": ' ~~-r:: ffj lE1±~;t1iF~w~hi:L":te!i'i l 37 § I=l I=l~JZE Jcr:. ( Bl i nd a II ey ) ;L f-&. 0. ~;!f!;f.i32[I ~§ g ~i§ '*Ji. *~1jdl:/F ~Jt [OJ ~ EI B'9~f~ffijM.uJ3.~ B/9~~ [l. ftJ®JJU ' )fff; Ji. , fx{F~mrttf.i9;o~:F.tIEiiiB'J~o. wlJi§Uj]l' ffl f~. fJgf-t ~ EI f~~. ~. , ffiJ~m~O ~m*§:fj~*J3.~ftlWnX:Jf.JB~Wf % fij;JIErnJ B'J~0~9} , f\(;{r~1J\PJ 11: ,ffi ¥U ~. ~B/j M~~. rnJ~O ~B'9Jf.J§ g. *~H*B'Ji*A ,. 0. 0. , ~~f-t*J3.*~CP9;O ~}JOt) 5:t~ , Po Teeee gt.L-:,z::i£~*J3.*~*~B'Jfm !li.~ , H~*J3.~CP B'J9;O~5J"-:~ j;)--r ~~ ( 1998 : 63 ­ Bffgt?} W~. 64 ) :. -,.11. 0. pJT6~~ rnJ B'J9;0~gt~*J:i*~ 7i:. lW~J&pJlt~¥Jj B'J ~Y:ID II ' ~ [q]~1ttBti2PJ1~f~*Ji. ./F ~m ~m. ' ~A[q] . B'J ~EI ~~ $ ·. = ' "E!JH~¥tJ / ~"E!JH~¥tl (Observa­. ble/Non-Observable). /~.. (Codified/Tacit). ~. ~mi. due t ) 9;0~. ( Proee s s ). , {]( Teeee. , ~¥-'f !li.~7Jru~~@m~?g ~ ~".¥~{i:P.@ A~~e ' '§' rtt-~~-'~fli.Mz. /F?g~~1i:P.APJTf~11JB'9. /F ~ff*~B'J}Tt~7EJf. ffi&lfli9;D~. ffiJ ~ ~B'J9;O~. 0. fffi~,;I\~ B'J (Tae it ). , 7J~f§i -f.i~$m~tiliffl g.g § 3Z¥* ~~ B'J9;O~ , @f.i320~~~r~ffl ~ mf4:tY:* }Jot){-w~ B'J ' ~@m B'J1-w~yJi1;fr-~ *~Ei3rnJf-t rnJ (f ace - to - face ) 8/j1~W ' Uifl'IM:i~ Ei3rnJ~i rnJB'J~@ , rtt!j@[9;0 ~:::t §g*~Ei3~~~f-t:fj~1-' ~~1"F/F 1WT &!lB'JI1"1" ' fffif~1~~~~§ g ~ 9;0~. lE~m¥U rtt -mtfr ~DlffM'J ~~. 0. 9;0~~~ii:6j':i. ;L~. ~~ Ij~?g~~1i:P.APJTf~1Jj. 0. AlJl'HIJ. ~32 ~~41lJl. 188. 7< '. ~f~~*8~. (l§:. ~ lMl r 3203. 0. M~. 0. **Jt~{(). , ~~~n. iM~m:wl/*,*B'J[. ( Pro­. mif-& ' §J. i&ltli~[I~~~. r}]o'J ,~~;G. PJTt)*J3.*~~\~_m!f. , :::t§gIf)(f~ /F~S<:B'J 1if~lili1lz. 0. Qu i nn ( 1997 ; * B311Jj~ : 23 -24 ) ~IH!t. f. i1i~ ( fiPff~ j f~. 1~ ~m-~ff.. 0. 1J~1£f~fJI~~ffi. ~~*Jtf~ CP W~A ~320 ~B'Jfi!li.~. fiUrftj}d\f5!ff~. : (1) 1t~9;0 ~ (2) ~*&:tsz§ g ( ~oili:PDfr.iJ ) ; (3) **Jt~?lJ;O (m ili:mfr.iJ)(4) §i\t7%z~E Ij~:1J (~'L,<!\'fHpJ) n:~~-~-- 5:tmtPIJ--r :. 11i~. ~ 1Z]@f.i~. , M~9;D ~5} (9;0ili:1-r~) ;. , 1l!}]~. !lh~W~Jji§:1JB·. ' fffiTElf-tB'J ' ii6Mll. 1§7'C ' .~~ 9;0~1*f~ W~ A ~ ~ i@Jf{fr. 1z~AB'Jwll~~W 1t~~iU£~. 10 .. ,. t:i!fftf?M%"],{:f;. H~~9CffliJ!U- ~. ~~Dii. rttf.i5:t~l!1J$:tl P ~{Ri&lfliB'Jfi~~ ~5-}~ i&lfli. pJTg~m*B'J9;O~7J~mff**Jtlilimf.§:mt. \. ,. I2SIffiJ§g ~t~H. , lJ~ 15~3l. Pfi-~~~0~ 8~. JlJMf§*J3.*~~gEl.

(4) legative). ;E~Rt~B/j ~::2js:~[I~. ~~7flWftttr. W~Affi!&\~J[f!fJif~~ 9m. 0. .1-'m¥u ~@*fI.~CP. , ft Pll:t9;[I.t? gm~I.pJT. ~ ' @f!fTnm~5~7f~~f!fj1j(~ ~ ~. ®' ~9:. 6MIi,!~~~:E. ~ ~.M~.fi~~Wcp ,. ili~EIjWrOzJ. 0. J=t:* '. ~~rSJ*&:JX~~ffiJ §. r]~j~ff~M~. ,. ~ H!ffl:fj~~~$iJJ:&B ~~%.L. '. -~~~m~~.J~~mf!f~~~fi o A. 1~IEll:t-*JTJ[I. ~ff~~rjlm. n~Z ' W~ Affi!~~• • ~~~.~~~. m~ff~7flWT:l:jgJi*WEIj*fT. iliM~D"")ftn-1. oZJliJU!iJ '. ~IErfJo/;;9;o. , filji§CfjJii[ffl1li1rll '. ru j1j(:r:)]o';;Wf. ~tY:JJtW*. 1J~±~¥IJf~l. ~=. ' lj£ffiJ. ll:ti:tL~.~A~mlJJmz~. , ~*J't~!zJDw!U:j:~ft~~.~'#JitE~1ZSl. • • m.L ~ ~. , EIj~Cfj]l!*fT~J[I. '. ffiJ{~1~. 0. , mzJ[I::gB'J~ : 42-47 ) WJ{lz. t'ttIlJ[I.EIj~f~AB'J~~ ~1J~. Nonaka & Konno (. ~~ pJTt'ttIlB'J fft±wr1t -. 0. ffiJ1:EM~. IT'AWA~~1L~ 'tttt.7f~~~m ,. =: 1=1 "11)~Ar"1«< § 1=I1.l' ~ I l:. )~ffl¥ U11g~fHfj:E5L~Fo5:@.L. 0. 1£1"U~A. 1 9SJ~. :>i-ffIWI.. - il1f.1:1t - P'J. ( So c i alization - External i­. tt~*,§J~)t. f;jH#Wf~B'J~}\J!~M. g OJ1~ 14HJl. !1'if;t?~¥M=r1:f~ffiJ~1~~~. 3 ~1~i"cr. k. '. J1!m:~fI~lJ!j Fo5!f]. .2?dt~.JJ]~1LiJJ rm ~f5L -fmr6J .L1iTt-~!l!.;. II§:. ~m. DJEM*~f~. 0. I. 0. AV;~Mc~!zJ[I~ .~A. , ll~~~iIIM~~. , n:¥1J~~Ij~~* ~ ~ JD~mfnJ J ~[I.B'J.~A~ , m. Observa­. H6$ Jcmi~U- ®fr&P.o/B'J1LI:iJW:]FT'&~1=rlJJZ. ~~~. t~rn :f.117K. I ~AUii". m!!l6 '. Hif}~n. I. 1&1;& ,. F-IfJt1j!JJlIJ~Ij~jJw!U1:gfl5TiJ~r*mG. j , ~ dt/m. ~}}t~WEIj~ jJB'J mI~. ~:l:t!z1v.:. -24). 111Htt. ,. i!J~:&~~"H~ff~jJ. 0. ~1t~). I~~. M~ ~ .~n~@ A~~ ~~.~.. ~WWj , ~wr~.~~~~@AW@ A ~~. ' ~*ff~~. , ~7fW~~:fif~E Ij. ' ffiJ~WJT~*l*f!fB'J9;J]~. , n ~:fj~~¥Um.* B'J~ru<:. 0. rJ't~!Z):J] ( ~I I. ,. :. , 1111tt¥f!f~~~7j"¥JJ. Y~rr~:f:.l~~ffiJE!fJtWWj~. :WTJ;.JYre.JttJ~f!f~r:fo. ~\ m1iiJ). ffiJll:t. W®A~¥ o m~wr ~ ~@~ ~ ~~7J1:E. lZ9!Lt '. 1;&~mlZSlmft:E5Lf!fmGgtF-lMli. " M~):[I.5} ;. ~fj'±'~f!f f.J T[gfl~H\l'~~~. 0. ~{ml rSJ. 0. ~1j (~Pf!fff3~YJl¥-B'JI!m~) ~]I!1JD1~W~~. Ji. 0. (s pi raj ing pro ces s ). [ - , ~1 1tit. (Socialization). 0. JjJtYJ~~. I. fJt1.{r~~£m9;[I .~E Ij~7J~~'I~JD. 0. /G~'.ILii'G':AnIJJ!&if-,"-:J:.,<J../l:)i'YL;::EI'lt:.IP<:J..n.i.J...J.3<... ~J[I~~iji~. 3.~&\~.Rt~. mSECI ). ~~~~M~~~~~s~~~Wg 0. ~r'§J~wll**B'J[l[:rl. ~RrJ ( Pro­. zation -Combination - Interna li zation ' 1m. !tt " ~. ~ iIJ ~Wkil.~iIJ*'T. ~lJmttJ (J 0. i n t Ac t i vi ties ) ::rff~~¥U~ ¥. ~§~ o ffiJ~~@A i:tL ~ ~ ~ ~W ~®A. B'Jfiro.~m:. '. ffiJ:]~f.J~'IWfIQAB'Jf1ro.~~*W1il1A. .D. "E;" I'jll.f. ~ ~n ~ "/J ~r.;y\ § 7' ili:JX. B'J~*. \='. , Po. -:;h. § rJ.@i 4EEE ~ ~¥;- #11 ~ ttR.D. "E;". /'. lJC"nn rZ:;;:;@t:t:'J J..Rffl.JJ f -. 0. 91-8Bit. (Externa 1i zat ion). :9}ffG1tw! lJ~mffgM~~t.J[I.1-'m~~ '2 . ~~~~ ," .Lo.I:::; §. -fI'i'!If-=::. 1'I t:. ~ lEE 1;j. pJT~~9;D .B/jEIj~. (know I edge c rea t ion). JJ~:j:~*fI.~ffgEljiTI*JT~J[I.. '. ~~ll:t- *fTJD. if~1tmGff~m{-IQAPJTfJ.M~f~A. 0. 1:Ertt-~fj. cp , @ AM~mGm~mrp~-(5lT '. rm1~ AB'J. A~Fm l!ll32~l!ll41Vl188 .. 11.

(5) rJ;l1.t ' ~!IIlli1lt~,rOC~€ftElWlft8~{/&tttW. ( men t a 1 wo r1 d ). ~~~U~*Jl~. jp'MD~"IJ;:1lt9:[]~EBlUJjltlZSJ*. €ff}HtJ!U~r~~~EEmtf1:9:0~8~f-f1:lr5ffij~. AFsl ' ~~§Efif{,\:fll1.J::. to- face) EBB]W*~~ • (=HaillB5J ba (Interacting ba). (more complex sets of explicit knowledge) ftlltg:~fBtp , It:t~EBIfF l'J~1lfjim ( commun ica t ion) , .~ (d iffu s ion) ~D~9:[]~~*Jtit ( sys temi za t i on) 9:D~~. 0. I 1m ' pgf:E1~ (I nterna 1i zat ion pq g:~itj![J~mff~~EUj§EBmiti9:[]~ pq it nX*Jl~EB~Wr9:[]~ (organization's tacit knowledge) i§:mf~{f!l!jA§gft~?JH:1*Jl~9:D ~tpW Fl a:fiflUJ®~B~g:~jj- , 3l:ft*~EE~~.f~ *~~ (Learning by Doing) &ltHI*~ (Tr a in i ng) EB1J:a: ' f~i§:Ift9:[]~pqit3§.flm AZtpo. i. 0. lIt1J.. ' Nonaka & Konno lIt~ilL~~lli mili ba ( 2) B~Ili!$ , ~?JfflJ::.ill!; SECI EBPE {1m1l"~,E~ , ~jj-J1UfifPEM/f[8Jl¥g b a Wzf-f , BJ11m ba 1m§~s:M=!f:~J1UB~,,!Jtf!!~f~ , f~1~9:D~EUj§EB~~§E~:IJD:iE i§:PEM b a 5TJ1Uffl (1998 : 40-47) : (-).~B5Jba (Origination ba) '¥~tlB~ ba ffll&~*B~ ba ~EU~~f~tp. '. I't9ffl*~9:[]. , SECI f!itct:tp~-W£!j~jji±Wr it (S) PIT~~:ffB~ ba ' ftIrt ba tp8~Mft~ 1BJjj-~ 71~IttEB~Jt (fee 1 i ng s) "rw~ 12 •. Z~EBnX~,ffijg~~.·ftlltbatp,~. , ~i#1~ (Comb-j nat ion). 0. I. ~, ftP.~-f1. 0. 0. 1~,[]j{*EBmitE9:D~"~nX9!~~8~-~miti. I. (emot ions) ,*~,~ (experiences) ~D{/f f:~:a: (men tal mode s) flmft£\~JUJr!:!~1~lIt. A~FlflJ. m32 ~m 4 iIIl. 188. ' l'J~~ ' &1IDf-f 1ID (face­. f*ft€ff}:{: J]~). ~J::..JIIj;z§!'t ~, '=..-',-,-,­. (Ill!) fj ill B5J .. ffi.~*~EBba ,lIt~~mM~9!A. 1TmvEBb. fif Affll't9* iZSIfflftItt ba tp , ffl7lElii~.ffi €f*Ift¥f;E8~9:[]~ ( spec if i c knowl edge) ~§g::1J (capabilities) 'ffflff~AfF1~~ § ~8~W~lWl~~ (proj ec t team) 1Z ~~J;i]§E (cross-funct ional) lWl~~1Rm ~Et:J i§:IftA fr~B~{'/&f*:a:~D&:C5*'~EEf;f §r5 EB ~!H~ " tf!! ~ EB VlLj Wijl1t ( terms and concept s) ftIttll"~,E~tp , @. NP~ljft1T!}]Ff. 11!!~~9:rJ~. A/f'{8jj-~7fmA8~{,'~f*:a:. n. ~, *~mjlI fflmiti9:[]~. ,. lW'r±9:D~P9i1:. *,*€fJ::.:iZ. 0. 0. 0. ~, ~fF~mJ;). A'II"ZFs~I¥'.lR. !1lWlft, ;iWIli!$EB £ili. ' lliJE5ti¥J ~~FlaEB{/~N!4:a: ' PJTJ;)ftlLt ba tp , rJ;lEB1ilib (inte-ract in thought). p),&mi'r±9:0~~. m:~EBo. ~EB~][~~ft. , Itt ba {*ftf'@f~IJ;:1lt9:[]~"~fflG mitE9:D~ , PIT J;), '8~{-\;~ SCE I f*:a: cPEB5'f. ftit (E) r~,E~ , ft1ilibEB ba tp , Jr1:lr51Z1i 1zB~f~ffl~U!W (metaphors) ~f~f~lJ;:tt~ ~~"tf!!nXmitE9:1J~1¥'.l1l:~lUJm&t5 Itt5'} , *Jl~~]i[~~lli~~jj-~1~LttrJ;lit:EB¥ff:gm A *Jl~x it ( 3) tp , 1'§g~1J..ftit (E) ~. ~m{:tl;--M§f. ( 19fi!i7mit!:~ ru§E::fliTffufEtl. ~~gwf~*EBJjJ5&. ~*EUir' l. 0. 0. (_) .Jr~1~B5J ba (Cyber ba) ~H~1tEB. ba l'J~-\;~T €ffj.f:it (C). , -**fff: flir~EB9:D~ per~A. ~Itt. ' rrtEfif/f1. {/R~. ~. (195. 0.

(6) ;:1 f.]. nces ). ~ '1ttt\~:-fM.MtjEB~ttt W. lit ba 1¥] ::t.JH3B~ 1iWt:E~1ft-~ *B~j;fmJ;) gEI:3fJT ~~tl9;D~ ,. ;fo,C,,~. :J6'~YiJjilJ~1&'Jtt. ~~£~*J3.~B'9~tl:jD~ ~Mdt. :lIt b a cP , " , n~1:Efj~'@. , M?t~J3)J;fj~ll:t~tlifJ!'i3~"W!;;~fj ba (Exerci si ng ba). , :;ltJijJ~I{'r=n~1£:fJ!jf~$cp::flWftili1~ JtI~tHD~ , ~ E8::fiJTtili1'J!WJW~~ , ®1~. ~. ect team)>>' ) ~ ~~~?.& m:. ;\~Ml9;D.P91t~@A'L,\CP. .~~• • ~. ~1~f~~'x~~n ~~V]. 0. ll:l:?} ,. llt;O~¥-j~rfi: A. 7'1-1£1t (E). [\td. I. I. s-1}Ht. I. (C) pfj. , E~~- -~)1 U. (1999). m1lz: ~~ J.-) Dem eres t. ~D~. 0. , ft1r~-a:Jt,"~m~D. 0. ~ mm - @~ . * * ff~'~ ¥~. ~ .. 0. 0. ~~fJ. n~ fl§~g**1C1t. .~D~~ 9£f¥IJ. !l ' ~**1ft~~~ID!~~cP~g~WJT~-EinX:­ fl1fJTffiB~9;D~ ' ~-ili&t~Leon ard & Sen s i ­ pe r j)fgA ( 1998 ) ?fTm~*,g~~iJ$JTB~*~ flSlJlt ' nt~::f~tili~¥UJ3.~nX:~~~m~jJ1tgfM (§ff5j ~ tlw ~ttm~ 9;D~) , 9;D~::t ~ i'iJ~g~~tili*~ Jj i§i::Jj* ' m*~::t~-a:J~g::fWT tlli~*~ U$JT ' -fu::t~gm~:;lt ftM,g~?fT1m ~f$'<. (~tmJl1'1~). **-Ei~1lz:~~~~$. it ' fx1r~-a:JJ.-) ~m¥U ~D~~ iJi§EfJ21s::~1~1£~ A1r~Zrl3'~H !WJ ' ::f ~~1ImAff @A ' @A ttllle ' ~~~eff~RB~M * ' $JT~D~ ' ~IDi!~~~ i::Jj , 1~1H~\3Ji~~ A 1r~~ ~.~D~ U)5Z.litlitl9;D~~::fiJTtili-iJ!lS ' ~-Ei ' [ZSj)lt ' *,g ~B':J#~~~1:E ll:t-9;D~~ iJ $JT#J#~~~. ' n. .c/~~. 'I ). 0. t~ -Ei L~:e~~ ?JTt:lH:JjB~9;D~~ Ui§ f~. ~I f~~ CPA"J51. cP , ff§3EtJJ:. '. ba {~~;_Ub ~tl9;D ~"~nX:. m M?tA1r1 ~~. [/:t ~tli H~ cP , @l ~ , -ili 3'C 5H"J Eilt ba rtT ' ~, lough t ) :Ji?M. 0. ~. ~. o®~~~ tt~ ~M~nX:~. ~. It.:.\. ~*~~~:;lt::f [q]~~1fij. (s yS tema tic) ' m ~ t~ (exp I i cit ) ;fW~}Gq;i!'~JJltili ( de 1 ibe­ rat e ) 9£:lL ' 1j[5fJT f-Dff! ffl*,g~cp~t~'L,\~D ~ , ~§~ n~1~1~*~~g~:;ltt~' L,\9;D~~ ~~*1t ( max imi ze) O~ ~~ ' j[z1~~fjg m m~ffl*- JE~ f-Ij:fu): (W i i g , 1997) llt:?'1- ' &t~[I ~~fJ. ~f~A (mode 1 ) ® j§j , ~~{EJLtM?til'*HE13 Mc Adam & M cCreedy. :BR~. NP£~~1'J!WJ~. 4­. '. f<: '. 1'J!WJB~ b an~5[M'P91£1t (1) B~Ill'M5t. '0 DZ V] *~ EI3 !M. ?fT§~9;D~~fJ.. 1:Ef3j·~ ~ ~. §J!'-a:J§~~ J!~. , mjiE~rfE knowl edge ). ffi'~.'i~ (J{J~ li~mA. ' ;sfm~ffl~mf4~~U~~?&~% ~...t5Ittz § i3~ , [ZSjll:tf- lj ffl *$LtB~~~ , x{ct: (I!YHj'i1J~. ba). ~r §Ji JJii -ttl/I lJI~J Qt:J ;, .... Tt=A.. 0. ~ D"J4B. ffITfi (face Ig. 0. (1997). I¥J~o. ~~:fJ.f~~m~~®mi::Jj{I~iE ~~D~~fJ.f~ ~. 0. E M?t~IDt8Jj :tzD ""f. :. Demere s t 0997 : 374-384) ?JTm~~D~ ~fJ.f~A ' 5tR~j*,g~CP9;D~~9£~ ~11!ID 9£f"::f ~1i! ~'&~H~~D~~!l!tuA ' foJ~3'liffd: 0. 0. ~@f~~~®JEj9£~1!zB"J. , .:fi.R1t~*J3.*~~CP , llt-:fi.R1t~ ~fj::f~f1U~E13 8Jj~~~til (exp J ici t pro­ grammes) *%nX: ' W'1g3'li j *~E8 ffd:.3(~ (soc ial interchange) B';;i&!fj ~ffaHD ~:fi.R1t~ 1!zn~9;D~1IifiB'9i&!fj , llt - 1$ 0. fi~~j::f1El~~l£f,g~~ P9~~W'~±l£:;lt5i­ l£B~.:tl CP. mzf& ' llt-~D~ B"J ~ i::Jj-a:Jf~*J3. ~?fT~ffl :t£IiiI-cp , tj!5tl§.I¥Jjlf,J~1i;~ j ~o ~1JfEtJJ I¥J~*i@1f~ , ~MBB~ jlf,J~~iJ1i;~ j ~D 0. 0. ~tlE!WJ O"J &~. 0. ll:t-f~~IJ& i§ IAB~t~1.5/f {E. ,AJJlFHU. ~. 32 ~~ 4 M 188 . 13.

(7) ,. .. _________________________. ~ ~ ~Yl' ....... -+_ _ __. Jnf;tlj;O~~T. :. ~. 5;[]. :1§. I. ~. ~. l!Il. ®. ~. ~B"J~ffi*~. ~. fj~~*H.r:p®*~,~. , %J~&:WJr~1XVltJEU~tB~l¥Jfjg1J , ~¥~J!r.u I¥J*Jl5&&iUtIJEU~Mzfjg1JD5$Rm~l¥JfI{u[ ". .Beckman ( 1997b ). McAdarr. ~tJtDemcr( J5H~). Quintas, Lefrere Jones (1997). &. , ;1t § 1¥J:J!iE~~¥U*H.r:pJJ!ffl¥J ( existing) ftJ~i3- (emerging) B"J~* ' MzJl fjg1illtBflJf1i~ Bff 1:EflJBt{}¥tlB"J5;D~:Jt* ' Mzm*H_~*~JTI¥J~Wi~1't " -@l:M'*,j:tB"!f:@5;D~I¥J~fj. 1::f~*1tj:tB. Wiig (1997). '. ~lt.j:tB~n:. J¥~JTtj&~m1t~r:pI¥J%J~. '. ~ r:p B'J:Jt gfifjM5tflfL~~t*I¥J5&£tf-o @Iii 5;D~~:@1::f~ 11 r:p{.' liSt;W. Petrash ( 1996). (1996). -j~Jj!&*R_r:p~II:WJ~fjgj]l¥J~. (m 88 1f '. ~ffj~. (bu;. fW.1l:l. (emp 1(. frJo~'tltmnE 1f;". W~Ilil~. fjg1:E~'i'I¥J~rs!J.~1Eliil¥J5;O~~.:y~~1¥J A fr~ , ~~~Afr~fjg {ql{mHI¥J~JE". (Scarboroug. 5;[]~~:@1g -2;- T liilt7JfIJ:5:HJr-6J31t~flJ1li~I¥J5;D~. ~{i;~T*@~. '. , i:!21gfl5TJt9U ' tJ w!fjg7'G~*H~1¥J § ~ ". ~mfIJf~m5;D~. , tJW!Efj~fl100: ". 5;D~tr:£!.~m~B"J~tlJ ~tr:£!'*H~r:p B"J5;D~. EJB"J§f~. , ;1t § B'91*,1:E7'GJ1x0. ". 1:lJ~~:@1¥J § I¥JlJ~~mr.u~ffi~~. , ~i£~~~. (Corporate. IQ )" 1:E4;R1WJfi&B"Jm~r:p , *H_w.:f:rxJ;JJ~tt~1::f r~~I¥J1t~~rm 1t~~~B"J~11£' !&iJW~0~~1§fjgJJi1z5t¥'ii~Jl. ~m.N.~). tt-J*tJJJJrltJI. (Morgan 'I'. ~m~MCB"J~l~*~·ft. ivan er Spek ( 1997). fti!#~f-'t~~1. m*I¥J~1'1 (payoff) ". ~~~B"J.j{5tIHliJf*~fT1WJ. ·O'Dell (1996). Gates, B.. ". fj , ::f~~~:WJ~fjgj]~ff1:E~:Jt*'i-jlJ , ~1§~~~~Il¥JfijM~ r:p " 5J3.-~IJ~:m~~lI!&¥tll¥J:WJ~fjgj]f$11i.¥1::f~~L~tJlIf!'}. Hibbard (1997). iMacintosh. ,. , tJW!~i£. , 1m,. m{15l1!t1¥J~~*~~. " ' tJ&tJofPJ~. ". lj;O~~:@lJ~M~*fl.~B"J~ID~t5ttilj~tB1Jl1U1!I¥J~f¥ ' r8~-1ll** , ;1ti£8l1JWii:iIT AIB'9~. (artificial intelligence) , ~ IIIf¥ (software engineering) , 1t~t1E~fl}~ (business process reengineering) , *H~iTm&'iimfm8"J{i~~ " ;1t±~B"J:r:JJfm7JtE i1B"J~~. Liebowitz (1999). tnEIj~. , 1*~ ,. i11ft&~1EflJf$m*Hf~r:ppgffBW:)7}:g:B8fJlj;[]~. " .*4*i~:. DCI. PI. 14 •. A~FlfU ~32~;M!l1l. 188.

(8) ~lt~O~T-ffiID8J31itS~5E~ 'rm~ft1J~f1~o. :E,L:Jlct~~1~*~~ffil~o~e~~f~. its'!1~.*i'tT~f[j!!I~'J\!f¥Jnaillt. m.~~~f¥J~~. 0. McAdam & McCreedy (1999). ;tiJIt'iU. ¥J ~eff. f¥J~ fJ~ij~ ;Z3i1~. ,. ~~~~. f¥Jm ~• •~. ~~~. ffiiJl:t~[]~~~RrJ~5fRw.'iJ~*15!f~~.@.e~. .;tt;~. ~t,l*1JO.DJBJI~. ,. , fffl~o~s~f~JfHg!J!7t~:1E: ~;fU£t (business benefi 1s) m1Yl. (emp 1oyee emanc i pa ­ t ion) , :/&1~ ,. ft1t1~f¥J~[]~f.fI~*Ji.f)g. 1:Em~rJit!WJa~&i1l::.. :/&*!§f¥Jf!U~1:Elr~~[l~a~f~m. ~. '. 'f~1 ,El!3,.~~ f.r't0lr:O~§YJ. -.,~~eed,,~QQ:)7\. R,qm!ll::m4+ ~a~~[l~T.DJ-§l11f. ~flz:~::gill:ttf1JOTllt. , 1R1~J**f¥J~[i~~;:Effif~~~T§t~. ( 1997 ). 0. e. .4h=~ /tf!S 1*. 1l~r:l)C';'-;-'9. 0. @@IDHl!lt;~;g~~[]~*~. ( 1994). (rational laws) (Sea rbo rough ' 1997). 0. ,. ~ orate. (knowledge construction). 2Df6J~. fffl~Og~rg£!t!a~ 0. W,t Demeres 1. , ~~a~f~mpfr~Jlj~ is Wilk ins 0 n & Will mot t ,. °:E@~@§.m~~ t=1. o. 0. ~[]~¥l_IHt. 0. 1'& fflG' 1~ , ~[]g~f¥J1~miffimtg*~ff~~EU~JTf¥J.ytl '. llitf~. 4'----­ .... iGfflG0 i. ; ~o~e~f.flf!UJl::M~~¥l_. (comme rcia 1 val ue) f¥J §. ~!J!~M.. '. ~ffiID/f~. ~~¥l_lJ'Htf!UJl::W~MJi.. 0. f!Uil;g~fJE;i1t:1E:3f~j.i*a~1J~~. j~!f*fJif!J'[. lZSlJl:t '. it~:R T ~1tj~1~a~~[]~~.. f!U!1~. ii1±~!!f!~BZ~O~• •. ~OO:N~~~B;fDiiI±~~~B~f1I!/f~ fl'll~o~~f.. A-.1r'fig. ... .. ~[]~~f$fI. (knowledge construction). ~~~. e)' ~ ~ocess. ~g7YtE ,g~. ~. jtltDemeres 1 s~t*~1JO.DJ~~IE ( JlfT5G) , ft!!fr~~;g~ft~[]~f¥J~.l::. ' !J!BJ31it. (Morgan ' 1986). Tltj~o. ~?lZSl~,. ,. fiiI~. 0. jin*i~. Deme res t. : Demerest, M., 1997, "Understanding Knowledge Management". Long Ranage Planning. Vol.30.NO.3.pp.374 384. AijiRflJ. m32~m4Jt1l. 188. 15.

(9) PO Hen ry. mA ' E! PM~-E U lffT ' 15UpO ' ¥ ~ IJZSI 9:D~ 8'J. & Wa Ike r ( 1991). WlffT9:0~fM § E.:3JiU2i. ~~!IX::r:}]. , ~ iJ ff!~~J;JT11 ~~~* ( 1998 :. 2 . rfL*~3Z:1t c. 153- 161. ,tiJj :£l~Jffij-~ ). 3 . j;O ~~:£.!S·. :. ~m ® ~lli~~8'J.* ~~~ ,~ ~m.8'J E U lffTJ¥,t~j: J. 1 =,tSi~!Iij. 0. ~fjffl~f lj1i~9:0~ B'J3Z:1tJm~~9:0~gf.!. ~,@.m ~ ~m~®~~w. I&m ~ S'J!IX:JjJ{I5rd!f. J(fjJ1'J:i*. '. B*fl*~jJ. {g3Z:1tB'J~~~~:lik 1'&. Jli!!IX:S'J ' ®~®3Z:1tB'Jm!IX:g:~:5t~~ 1Q -a t~ T 5;l@ m~B'J:f1{, c.,\~* : 1 . f;f9:0~B'Jfl;@~ ~ --:J.. ~ .E!ll q!~ iTu.. 's /, ij:[l.. ,. (Socia l Par ad i gm). (Sci ent i fie Par ad i gm). /. /. ~. j;o ~9t :f.. / '. (kn owledge cons truc ti on). (know l edge const ructi on). ... 9:0~~:£j. B# '. W*lL*~*2imm ~f~B'J. 0. t5ZfJf.i. fIffl ' ® 9:0~~ ~~S'Jftle ' :. *'. 9:0~8'J~;. *at.S/Jg~n:~ ~. 1== ' ~,.:!=~ j;o ~~@. Mt ' ll:tili:£J1H~ M._- f1 B'J ' fffi T~~J1 : (knowl edg e const ruc ti on). it,lr~W.J ~L1 IS . I . F-J)( 5JiI-.Lu:,) ~ /D' '. 2 . frtfll~9:0~~:£1 £H!H.J5ft~ Er. 3.l3f:1E1H M~U)J~~. (Busines s Bene fit s ). (Employee Emanci pa ti on). ! 1m'R.@~ 9:0~~:£.!-a:: I2SJ ll:t~\~JU~J.. {t~*~. ~;f4*91* : . 16 •. McAd am, R. & McCr ee dy S . , 1999, "The Proce ss of Management wi thin. ~. Organization: a Cri tical Ass ess ment of Both Theor y and Practice", Knowledge. ri es ). and Process Manag ement, Vol .6 , No.2, pp.l01-113. L '. A~FHU ~32 ~~4llJl. 188. 0. ~OB£ !i11 {r:!i~t~. ;. ¥~;iitiro'0.

(10) : 1998 :. 2 . *fl.~:Xit cP /f fJ~*liM:tffl~O~B'j~H:1J. 6%' ~~W~E] (McKinsey & Co) ~mft::l0. 3 . ~~glll!B'j~~1L~M1S-*fl.~I'B:Xit. % 'i'~D~~~:fE.~[lJlt*B'jJ~*fM' ' 0. m*B'j*~~!&A.;f§Wl'Bm~\~1ilm~~t~. 1=, mfllljWmB1611 O~~:E!I!. m. _. _. 0. _- - - - '. !:n'II~.tqJ ~~---. :;G*fl.~~V;!jix~@t±B'jiXpif;f~~*fl.~*a~. !. ~1;t~tH. ~. ~-m'E1t3-. ~*fl.~M!f~~~;LCP. , ~D~g~f&WI'B~$ltttt)trW6 fffiiXVlts. ~1*:t~~D~glll!B'j~tif~\~1il:tfm~~fj. 0. ~~I'B. 0. ffillJ7!a11< , /,:YI'Wf;. , iX{1jLJB'j~tf4ft::!jix~~. iX{1jLjB'j~tf4~-m ~:t~~H~W~§f\~. r.g.~:1tf:H1l1$7f.Ur.h~h-:!it"=t~ 83;,\\/",-. ~ft~ ..::±::.p~LJ..x..~a.EEL. m~fj~{I!l!IMITfi::}-1=r. ,. .J..h [$;,'+. L!.:!.)J~{I... 0. 1Fm ' fffi~D~gfll!I'B*fl.~~tf4 '. f,l;l~l'BjEj5 ~. ,. '. iXfJ~W*S~. ~D~I'B:$~*~:E!I!~. ,. I"'~.ml~.wm.. f31U~D~D~I'B¥Jt1=r. ,. ,. iXfJ~W. 13JHiiB'j §. ~1WB'jlN::v:~-m~~*f.*fl.~/fjjB'jJ~*. ~wm. ~. ' /f~~fl{jjJfI~. ~1'B~.~¥~.fffi~'~~#-ml'Bm~. 0. 1'B'~W~~~g~l'B~wWN'~~1m. 1='iIi.~.mlSi~. i!~_·~M.~M~ml'B~m,~~m. ~D~gfll! ~~ r'i'U m j:g. ~. i3'j3Z:M= ::tfJmn. '~~~W~MM~~~I'B~¥~.~. ,. ,. fHUJfJ~~A~lt. ~/f~I'BM.'~~'r'i'U~j:g~~~e. ~-~I'B'fffij:g3Z:NI'B~~~-m'E1~~. WSJJ~D~g:E!l!B'j § ~wm. T~~:. ::}'~~~B'j1t(&ffl. ' ~D~ ,. 0. 1. ~tIftt\§f\}Bl ' ~*%II]fMm~g:E!l!W*fl.~ ~~ft::*Jl~J~:r:jJB'jImi!. 2. m~~D~g~B'j~. ' :E!I!~t.pJT~I'B~1W. It, fiffi.ml!fJIltI_tl_1Ji_ _ _ _---'. 0. H~~D~;fDA~1'B F3 ~&1?,~WI1t~:tf. :Mzf~ffKJi!1jJ~D~g. ~Wl'Bg~,18~:Mz/flt~~I'Btt\m~~F3. 0. 3. Et01ilIlilWull~fI~D~~rmfl*Jl~-mm~. EEI'B~¥51E. ' *Jl~~\~~~I*EU~ , ft¥ ;fD;fUm~D~ ~If:t~D~glll!B'j~l!1m1ifli ' ;JZ\. 0. 0. 11m ' A1iit!~~SSiUliE~.iII. mJ m~glll!UJfJ~lt*:E!U~/fjjl'BnX* ' ~1[;b£\~Jl~:V;*~~5&~ , ~ft:::tE*WJ::i3'jW. wi thin low1edge. ~o. (Buckman Laborato­. r i e s ) 1~§t~ 2 5 %1'B~~:5<:~:fE1:E~D~~~~. J::'. ~~i]iF<=I'0E]. (Ernst&Young). I-.+.=..L-r:­. ~1il;fD~Ii3'jmJ5&J:)J~.j'fj(*S1W~1=r~Mt±B'j. I. ~1S-. 0. [ i\ ' BlAfiJinl~ • .t.ml~iIJaIl 3tflfjr:lI'B~D~M!f1W ' U~~;ffj~~D~g , f31rj~D ' ~[[~B'jji*·lr*7t~~!j[i:t:fM' ' A~FlfU ~32~~41l1l188.. 17.

(11) ~~~~----------------~-­ ;t!tOtilf[RffJf(;J~1'f:. rzsIltt~.~o~J'rfl~~~. 0. , &:;\~J!iM~~o~f(;Jpg~5tF~JjU , ~~)ilJrLfjt;mj!JJi § , tf1~P~~~~1J-JE B'jJqJ~*a~:::trr ". W~~~B'j0~. ~JjJf(;J~D~~:£EI!A~1'm~D@. , :5) ­ hrnltl1~fjrnlltt rnl S'J~o~. ' rzsI mfj l£9~O~~~&:;\~J[*lli 8J rnlf.frnl. f(;J.~:::t~~~~"Wmf.fhffi~~f(;J§. f(;J. 0. ' 19U~O*®*J:l. ~,.. cl'; = =,.I.h:O' ~~:on.v =r:!WFFFhrJ~ Y.3it.-';h'071'''+'­ 1I'~n":t).[>(,~1:'J.A ri~ § ).-'Ef1-]~JmA).x7 m;fJ'l.5<)('i'iT1~. -e- h: :. ~g;PJ1=rs'j1l&~ti. >:@'ll~. (-) ~rr~iI.~ 1:E~o~rgJ!I!.S'j~f.¥. cp. , ~O~A'j1llf.~W{*. f¥{*F.£*§~m~AkJI1'f:. " *Ji~1:E:ls~JjJl~'('f:;Z t~&:;\f~~fJT~Lf:f}*r~~ , ~mt:ILfjA'jgfi:~:W~jt , &:;'~J!it1DtJfr~{5fF{¥ ' tJOO*Ji~fI}~fljm Itt:9} , §Lf:f}*Ji~~~1¥J. , t£"~~1'f:l::. ' rg:£El!:;g'i:iXM~*Ji~ ~:51~m~D~~*Ji~ffif ' &:;\~J[:t!Rf:TT~U~~ 1'f:~ti :. ~t1f~~~,~. c. ~rm1:E-~*Ji~r:p. {llCm-{~mS'jJif;:;.x. mt:~IBkJ1~fig. ~tti~@®j'ti1ffifil1z:f:&. o. rzsIItt '. 1:E~D~~A''J*Jl~. (=). , ~ 7'L_L~'J<.J'T­ 0. ~f¥. »-1llf.:t¥*fl~. ~. g. mi!nJ'.f~tR. •• j]f(;Jm:~m. ~~IY~. ffif~. m~. 'm. ~fj~~~ff. fjg~Jm. .~. ~**. ~~m~AkJ~:£EI!~PJ~~mJ'rmM~*.. ~.J\[]n~ ............... "'-Il..!:!.}~~jJ f -. 5!f2:~ 0. nnlllJ '. m-~IJ~rg:£El!B'j~f=r1J~~rnlS'J~.. ' rzsIltt '. ~~~. ~~a~. t£*!1~ pq fm. ,*,h:~ill::J:th.f-tcl';=£":,...-e­. ~*Ji*~ ft(f}aif. ~mM~f(;J.~~m~**m~I¥JM. JqJ~~g,~~~~~~m. , S ~$3t::f1~Jt~~ S Jir~~f(;JW. Ii>. ~~*J.l. •~"JlIZj~r~Ja~C~~=~ __ J '. I. :U:-Illi. °t£Ju~~m~. [~. A'jW~. rzsIllt '. '. *fj~~:tfft~. j] , ~mH1f:~*Ji~~mA.1JJ'r*B'j~j(:fig. ~. G. '. 9t:U:~{fliIJu~.~*J1i:* ' '. Itt '. , ~o~:W~~f(;J15fFf¥:W1-$~ ,. cpmTfj~~f¥:W1llf.~@®m~~~'. ~D~~~*Ji*i§)fC&:;\~J[m:if~Aj]J'r*. *Ji~P. 0. *Ji~cp*§;@~~JtAkJ~¥Jfj'(. 0. ;!t~. J.I~rJJtJ~~7C~B!-]f5I:~wll**. '''¥'-7'D,. JW. ,. &:;,~J[~fj:f} mB'j ~D~~"~tIi.!. ~,. , ~~@~fjW~~Oa~B'j~I~JR. -F-..,.."'AU,'''''­ ". 'm!1~CP~*T~:u:1*. 0. Lo t us No t e s 3:::-J.sj(~~ft~~~j't~ftf-4t~S'j~O~ ~,,~tIi.!. ~!iiIJ~~. +. ' ~:£EI!~&;\~Ji~m-®h:i'\*. , pJtJ~~. :f} m:B~tIi.!*1-$~~Dg~ , rm@ ®~@1E!lItttf1 ~@~~.. F.£m5tr;!t~l:llM. :U:*Ji~AkJ~D~~.,1!J. '. 191j~otJ {~m. I....... :J\ '. • ~. .AkJ.fl~'~ffifPJ~~m~~M~~.. (. Ju.~.AkJ~~'1:E.~~~cpm~l¥J.. ~.

(12) 0G);1S;D¥~jm ~ :~Uu0'-~~I~Pi~Cr:1 ' - 1 Mp [.1. 0A\ U O S .1 dP Uy). (~ p. [g0k.I::IJMJffif~WHwb. ~ , [g0~~~~~ ' ~0~MJmM~L. WnHW ' (\1. 1~4:~:jT~1. '~D¥~HgGe. 0 ~~.M. :-. ~D¥~:ffi:GOcP(W!nl"*EE'~. ,. ,. ffif~mt ~-cr7. cPM~I;J;ll:.M. 0. '. ~~:fclI\IY~ffif~~U¥. 0. w}tE@WfJi}G);I Efif~~D¥ ' .~.M~El"*~{Jl~ ( O)lJ ftti~ , Ja8 ~HO aDp -aLMOU)j .ta~4J) ~&!~m~~~~. , '1!.. ~tg~t!C:?~Hmir~2§l[}. l~a[i~*~ljri EE' E~J~n §[g. : &lN/OO+ =5£W~!IDW&lNI 5!.= GOf?:!:. s:Iz;,l~}k.E!J&EGI;I * ~l1i j@t :i k.0J~} ' ~k.°J Ge:%MJ tM~IDDfI:*i:@ ~-±.gEE' n:k ' [f!0k.°J!1I' ~~81 D27 , -M~[{I;l:i=~§k::rq:4~{i , ~ff)%~13"*ll::'if~b. £6J.M '. ~ij8tl~EI"*<f/±:'§(';I. ( -=i j. : 6S E1 ' ffilfE~ ) ij6i~M*~Ga~EI"*~}~. , ~;I!!-± Yi& '. n§~~GOml!IDY~~J}~. ~~~G);I ~~~D¥(\1iff. ~~~n~n*}~}~O'l?. fUYifID¥I, '. '. 1. ~~G);I. ~~G);I~ ~ k.E!J &B!it. l~IJ1f~(\1*}~kf~O \f. ~~~t:g:J (\1*}~} ~O :::t-. *}~hPiO.v. '. o. ~~gHf¥l Ga~**lffi. , Q:I~ r;~fi~Ga~gt:fll:1~iJ[8tI (\1D¥Y~i&?ffli}i~~ ~ff*~. , ~tiGe~Y ~~·§"*@}~. ~EI"*~!{mI'~~~G);I~mf ~. 0. cP,rJ'Ga~:$. , ~y~~ElWGa~~. ,~~£;]jMf~EI"*~~dEI~*~!?.M. '. , Hfr~. '. ,. ~:jT~. 0. 0. :M [{I;l '~' i:@[ ~ .M~ r~~n ff~~lf~E. i421f$f-iril $f:·lri i:. 0:,. 0. fH0 Ci+trt41 8f §jim G);I. I. ll:Y~~MlG);l~ffWil'lf~U¥~fjff~. , 1:rI§fJ. ~f1CGa~fHi~*;Itijj~D:k~D¥Y~1'ii ¥HlUt ~}. ( IS-OS : £:661 ). llmWGenit?il. ~ n ~~~~EIW@. Cifr ?~liI~. ;:H=H '. y ~ U [ AHO. ~U2S:m§l¥lW i}fw ~.~ @. , !±. ~j. ciJi¥13W1JW 3:'f , TIT- fdM; J ::>;!'Fl¥Ji '-i'. , f-f*}:w?i. \Jj?,£ip~~Ge. (IO ~¥f~lEl. ~ D¥ ~:~. o. G);I~Y~~bll.llmp~ill!I!nfu = ¥I~. lY$fi~~:mG);lM1~ll;J!f~0'. ,. '. Y~!ID5ftSl. ~:rI. Z:.M if8lf~. 8tI '. MIl.ll~gl¥l~~*. '. :W&G);I 1~M!1:'fOO!f~\IY4l·. ~g~~13Wll: ~~~}~~~}±:~'EIW@~D¥. m~mm'§}[{a~U¥;Bf~. 0. :%[le ~13W ~. ~W§"*iili~. m~:'if~il'lf&Bfgj!f~\IY~ ' ~El"*il'lf~D¥~}-1I­ ~mtL(1~~. 3I~~G);I ~13W njf~m fi~;Itijj~Hn fu Y ~ o. &Bfgj , ~D¥~~pg(\1~b ll.ll ' ~~~ 2£~. ~~[{e. ~~~Ge~ ~:sjL¥I(\1. ~:h\ldI9ll>wGe::rffif~~~ , ~ ­ , ~~OO~}~O "]±'l? - §1. ~+~fi~:l:fG);l~~. ~ft~MffJ§im~~@mf!}~~ij!f~\IY ~1i fl:i£~D~G. ~Jm¥if~G. ll:WEt ' ~D¥~:mGa~Y~ = ~*~ ~*"® , illb~G);I;mX~D¥frw 0. o ~~~ Ga~. ~~u¥t$!lfg,tgn~Bti~,JD¥ Ga fllinfW -: ~ w ' fb , ~~ .g. l{~. +w~G);I$H:tHfM~~D~. &fI£i:ctr- fil1f¥ '. !Jjm~~m~~rmm'ffil. f{jfbGaffif~~D¥. ~¥W ::- ~*~fb~~D¥~k.d. 1Ji~}-~fr~~\IY~g~~13W ,~aM. '. f{!fm [{I;lffif~~D¥. i5i@}GO~' ~:.WI¥l} -~!l[ , •. HG);I~~£i: , G);I .~W -iff.M ' ~~~-~. \~[{~T~G. W~~~ , ~.;m~~~~~~V ' .. 1JW:w ~D27fi~. ~* ~f1C~ ~OOB n =~umEfu~ ' ~ ~~h ::!:t} ~j±~ n;Bf~. , IDIDir§ n :k~}.g+jf. *~.c,c1'ii.

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