Automating Formal Modular Verification of Asynchronous Real-Time Embedded Systems
(2) dation techniques such as full-chip simulation and testing are no longer adequate for system verification. Commercial tools often fail to verify a complex system completely. With the advent of formal verification techniques such as model checking, complete verification of systems are now a possibility. Nevertheless, the exponential sizes of state-spaces still pose a hindrance in the application of formal verification to complex systems [17, 18]. Though numerous state-space reduction techniques have been proposed in the literature and implemented in tools, yet their effectivity is limited when applied to large systems. Without manually breaking down a complex system into smaller parts, commercial tools and methodologies currently fail to verify the full system or chip. Designers often resort to ad-hoc system decomposition, followed by the verification of individual system parts, and finally derivation of a possibly wrong conclusion that the whole system is correct due to each of its parts being verified correct. Furthermore, in the world of SoC design, often modularized, reusable, functional parts are designed as Intellectual Properties (IPs), which are verified by the IP vendors before putting them on the market. It is a pity that often a system designer must verify the whole system without ever taking advantage of the verification results obtained by the IP vendors for each IP. Motivated by the above status quo, we propose the following solution to the above posed problems. It is shown how a divide-and-conquer approach called Assume-Guarantee Reasoning (AGR) can be applied for automatic exploitation of system modularities during verification. There is extensive theory supporting the validity of AGR, but its application to real-world systems is still very much limited [19]. The main effort in applying AGR to the verification of a system lies in constructions of the assumptions and guarantees required for AGR. We propose procedures to automate the generation of assumptions, guarantees, and time constraints for realtime embedded systems. Through a complex but comprehensible example called Vehicle Parking Management System (VPMS) we illustrate the feasiblity of our approach for integrating AGR into verification tools and also the extremely large state-space reductions possible through the application of AGR. Due to AGR, we found several errors in the VPMS design much earlier by using lesser CPU time and memory space compared to that without AGR. This article is organized as follows. Section 2 will summarize some previous work on the application of assume-guarantee reasoning to formal verification of complex systems. Section 3 will formulate the problem. 2.
(3) to be solved and describe the system model along with an example of a real-time embedded system. Section 4 will illustrate how assume-guarantee reasoning can be applied to the formal verification of SoC, along with the automatic generation of assumptions and guarantees. Section 5 will give the verification results and experiments conducted for the VPMS example. Section 6 will conclude the article with some research directions for future work.. 2. Previous Work. The theory behind Assume-Guarantee Reasoning (AGR) has been well-studied and can be traced back to Misra and Chandy’s assumption-commitment approach [26] and Jones’ rely-guarantee approach [21] proposed around two decades ago. Though AGR has a long history, yet it has been “more widely studied than actually used” [28]. Theoretically, AGR states that a system can be verified by first decomposing it into constituent parts, second the parts are individually verified such that each part satisfies a guarantee G only if its environment satisfies an assumption A, and finally discharging all the assumptions made for each component using a circular induction over time. This reasoning will be explained in more details in Section 4. The main benefit of this approach is that the explicit construction of the system global state-space, which is usually of an exponentially large size, can be avoided. Thus, verification scalability is increased through the application of AGR. Only in the recent few years has there been some applications of the AGR technique to real-world systems such as asynchronous systems [1, 2], synchronous reactive systems [7, 8, 19], Tomasulo’s algorithm [24], a pipelined implementation of a directory-based coherence protocol in Silicon Graphics Origin 2000 servers [10], a VGI dataflow processor array designed by the Infopad project at U. C. Berkeley [11], pipelined implementation of an ISA architecture [14], audio output interface of a multimedia extension SoC [27], and a software supervisor for a multi-user phone system [30]. The AGR technique has also been extended in several ways, for example, to accomodate multiple constraints on a single output port [24], branching time refinement [15], different implementation and specification time scales [13], and liveness constraints [25].. 3.
(4) Currently, the MOCHA tool [9, 3] is the only comprehensive formal verification environment that has implemented some basic assume-guarantee reasoning into its verification procedure. MOCHA has a proof manager, which helps in applying AGR to a system under verification by suggesting proof obligations to be model checked for one or more user-specified system decompositions. Though the application of AGR can be semiautomatically performed by a user of MOCHA through its proof manager, the user was still burdened with the task of constructing abstraction and witness modules [12], which in general requires human creativity. Recently, there are some works on mechanizing the construction of both abstraction modules [4] and witness modules [6]. Automation for the application of AGR has been greatly enhanced by such mechanizations. Nevertheless, the automation is still limited to refinement checking. All the above-cited previous works show that the AGR technique is gaining importance due to the increase in system complexity. Nevertheless, the above literatures mainly consists of case studies, where it is shown how AGR can be applied to a particular system. As detailed above, the application of AGR is also limited to refinement checking in the current version of the MOCHA tool. In our present work, firstly, we show how the application of AGR can be generalized for the verification of a typical real-time embedded system. We propose automating the application of AGR not only in refinement checking, but also in invariant checking. Secondly, we show how assumptions, guarantees, and time constraints can be automatically generated for a real-time embedded system. Finally, we illustrate through an example how state-spaces can be drastically reduced by AGR, how AGR interacts with other state-space reduction techniques, and how AGR helps in uncovering design faults using lesser CPU time and memory space.. 3. System Model and Verification. Our target system for verification is a Real-Time Embedded System (RTES), which we basically view as a collection of embedded hardware components, software components, and interfaces. A complex system is generally designed in a top-down, iterative manner such that the functionalities of a system are implemented progressively through replacing a higher-level component by one or more lower-level components. Starting. 4.
(5) with an initial functional block-diagram for a system, it can be designed after going through several iterations of refinement. A system design S obtained in an iteration is said to refine a design S 0 from a previous iteration if S is a more detailed implementation of S 0 , which can be represented notationally as S 4 S 0 . Speaking in relative terms, at the iteration in which S is designed, S is called the implementation and S 0 is called the specification.. 3.1. System Model. The most widely used and popular model for formal analysis of real-time systems is the Timed Automata (TA) model proposed by Alur and Dill in [5], which basically extends conventional automata by adding clock variables and time semantics. Our real-time embedded system model is based on the timed automata model, which is defined as follows, where the sets of integers and non-negative real numbers are denoted by N and R≥0 , respectively. Definition 1 : Mode Predicate Given a set C of clock variables and a set D of discrete variables, the syntax of a mode predicate η over C and D is defined as: η := false | x ∼ c | x − y ∼ c | d ∼ c | η1 ∧ η2 | ¬η1 , where x, y ∈ C, ∼∈ {≤, <, =, ≥, >}, c ∈ N , d ∈ D, and η1 , η2 are mode predicates.. k. Let B(C, D) be the set of all mode predicates over C and D. Definition 2 : Timed Automaton A Timed Automaton (TA) is a tuple Ai = (Mi , m0i , Ci , Di , Li , χi , Ei , λi , τi , ρi ) such that: Mi is a finite set of modes, m0i ∈ M is the initial mode, Ci is a set of clock variables, Di is a set of discrete variables, Li is a set of synchronization labels, χi : Mi 7→ B(Ci , Di ) is an invariance function that labels each mode with a condition true in that mode, Ei ⊆ Mi × Mi is a set of transitions, λi : Ei 7→ Li associates a synchronization label with a transition, τi : Ei 7→ B(Ci , Di ) defines the transition triggering conditions, and ρi : Ei 7→ 2Ci ∪(Di ×N ) is an assignment function that maps each transition to a set of assignments such as resetting some clock variables and setting some discrete variables to specific integer values. Using the above TA definition, our SoC model can be defined as follows.. 5. k.
(6) Definition 3 : Real-Time Embedded System (RTES) A Real-Time Embedded System is defined as a collection of hardware, software, and interface components. Each component is modeled by one or more timed automata. A system is modeled by a network of communicating timed automata. Notationally, if a system S has a set of hardware components {H1 , H2 , . . . , Hn } and a set of software components {S1 , S2 , . . . , Sm }, then S = H1 kH2 k . . . kHn kS1 kS2 k . . . kSm , where k is a parallel composition operator resulting in the concurrent behavior of its two operands. If Hi is modeled by a TA AHi , 1 ≤ i ≤ n, and Sj is modeled by a TA ASj , 1 ≤ j ≤ m, then the TA defined by AS = AH1 × . . . × AHn × AS1 × . . . × ASm is a TA model for system S, where × is the Cartesian product operator for two timed automata. Concurrency semantics is defined as follows. Two concurrent transitions with the same synchronization label are represented by a single synchronized transition. Two concurrent transitions without any synchronization label are represented by interleaving them, resulting in possibly two different paths (computations).. k. For simplicity, it is assumed that a single hardware or software component is modeled by a single TA, instead of the more general case of one or more TA. The above definition and the rest of the discussion on verification can be easily extended to the general case.. 3.2 System Verification Model checking (MC) takes a formal description of a system under verification and a property specification. It checks if the system satisfies the property. In case of property violation by the system, MC generates a counterexample in the form of a system behavior trace, which shows exactly where the system violates the property. Due to its algorithmic and automatic execution, MC gained popularity very fast, leaving other formal verification methods such as process algebra way behind in their industry acceptability. MC can be categorized into two classes of problems. • Refinement Checking (RC): This is also called equivalence checking (EC) and is mainly used by hardware system designers to verify if a lower level design implementation (Sl ) satisfies an upper level design specification (Su ). In case of satisfaction, we say Sl refines Su , denoted by Sl 4 Su .. 6.
(7) Vehicle Parking Management System. ENTRY Management Subsystem. Gate Controller. Time Stamp. isa. isa. Sensor. ENTRY Sensor. Motor. Ticket Checker. Control Unit. 7-Segment. isa. EXIT Sensor. Control System. Display Device. LCD. Dot Matrix Counter. EXIT gate. ENTRY gate. isa. Display Subsystem. EXIT Management Subsystem. Send/Receive Device. Display Interface. : Represent Aggregation : Represent Generalization. Control Unit. isa: is a kind of. Figure 1: Vehicle Parking Management System • Invariant Checking (IC): A system, described in some formal model such as timed automata, is checked for satisfaction of a property, which is specified by a logic such as timed computation tree logic (TCTL) [16]. If system S satisfies a TCTL property φ, it is denoted as S |= φ.. 3.3. Vehicle Parking Management System Example. An embedded real-time system called Vehicle Parking Management System (VPMS) [22, 23] will be used to illustrate our verification methodology throughout this article. VPMS controls the entry and exit of vehicles into and from a parking garage or lot. Functionally, it consists of the three subsystems: an ENTRY Management Subsystem, which controls the entry of vehicles into a garage such that each driver gets a parking ticket with an entry time stamp, an EXIT Management Subsystem, which controls the exit of vehicles from a garage such that only drivers with a valid paid ticket gets permission to exit, and a DISPLAY Subsystem, which indicates the number of vacant parking spaces currently available in a garage or lot. The architecture of VPMS is illustrated in Figure 1 using the Unified Modeling Language (UML). An ENTRY (or an EXIT) subsystem consists of three parts: a ticket processor, a motor-controlled gate, and a set of sensors. 7.
(8) Constraints for the VPMS system include: a maximum system cost of $1,300, a maximum ticket emission time of 20 ns, a maximum display response time of 250 ns. VPMS is modeled using five TA: one for each of the three subsystems, namely ENTRY, EXIT, and DISPLAY, and two for the environment, which includes the user and other external devices such as the Display Board. Further details on VPMS can be found in [22, 23].. 4. Assume-Guarantee Verification. Assume-guarantee reasoning (AGR) is the dual counterpart to formal verification just as divide-and-conquer is to discrete optimization. Informally, AGR combines verification results of each constituent part of a system to make conclusions on the verification of the whole system, instead of directly verifying the full system. AGR can be beneficial in terms of higher verification scalability, provided the size of the state-space for the individual verification of each constituent part is significantly smaller than that for the full system. Furthermore, the adoption or application of AGR is often restrained by the necessity for human creativity in the following tasks: (1) In refinement checking, abstraction modules [4] and witness modules have to be constructed [6], and (2) In invariant checking, assumptions and guarantees have to be generated.. 4.1. Assume-Guarantee Rules for Invariant Checking. The rules for assume-guarantee reasoning appear in several different forms in the literature. Here, we give the form of rules on which our work is based. As shown in Equation (1), we have extended the rules for applying AGR to invariant checking from [30] by including timing constraints. A system S has an assumption A, a guarantee G, and a Boolean timing constraint T . Each component of the system also has an assumption Ai , a guarantee Gi , and a timing constraint Ti . The precise definitions for assumption, guarantee, and timing constraint will be introduced in Section 4.3. From Equation (1), we see there are 2n + 1 premises to be satisfied for a system with n components to be completely verified and to arrive at the conclusion A →T G, where →T denotes logical implication while satisfying time constraints T . The first set of n premises Ai →Ti Gi gives the rule for verifying that each component satisfies. 8.
(9) its own guarantee Gi under its assumption Ai and time constraint Ti . The second set of n premises constitute the discharging of all the assumptions by ensuring that each Ai can be implied by the system assumption A and the guarantees Gj , j 6= i of the other components under the time constraints T and Tj , ∀j 6= i. The last premise simply states that the system behavior G is constructed from a conjunction of the behaviors of each system component Gj . This last premise must be considered and ensured while G and each Gj are being constructed.. Ai −→Ti A∧ V. V. j6=i Gj. j∈{1,...,n} Gj. −→T ∧Vj∈{1,...,n} Tj −→T ∧. V j∈{1,...,n}. A −→T. Tj. Gi ,. ∀i ∈ {1, . . . , n}. Ai ,. ∀i ∈ {1, . . . , n} (1). G G. A complete system S with assumption A, guarantee G, and time constraint T can thus be verified by checking that each individual component guarantee is implied by its corresponding assumption under its time constraint (first rule) and by discharging each component assumption (second rule). It is assumed that the full system behavior G can be segregated into the individual behaviors Gi of each component (third rule). The above summarizes the AGR rules that can be applied to invariant checking. The algorithms by which AGR rules can be applied to invariant checking will be discussed in Section 4.2.. 4.2. Assume-Guarantee Algorithm for Invariant Checking. An algorithm is given in this section for the application of assume guarantee reasoning to invariant checking. This algorithm can be incorporated into any generic verification tool so as to enhance it with AGR and the benefits of applying AGR. The assume-guarantee algorithm for invariant checking is given in Table 1. First, the assumption, guarantee, and time constraint for the given system are generated (Gen Sys AG() in Step 1). During the generation of the guarantee and time constraint, it is ensured that specification of a property is implied by the conjunction of the guarantee and time constraint of the system (i.e. G ∧ T → φ). If the system is not already partitioned, then it is partitioned in Step 2. The assumptions, guarantees, and time constraint for each of the system components. 9.
(10) Table 1: Assume-Guarantee Algorithm for Invariant Checking AG Invariant Check(S, φ) S = {H1 , . . . , Hn , S1 , . . . , Sm }; φ = TCTL formula; { {A, G, T } = Gen Sys AG(S, φ); // G ∧ T → φ X = AG Partition(S, φ); // X = {X1 , . . . , Xk } for i = 1, . . . , k { V {Ai , Gi , Ti } = Gen Comp AG(Xi ); } // j Gj →T ∧Vj Tj G for i = 1, . . . , k // Invariant checking each module if Ai 6→Ti Gi return FALSE; for i = 1, . . . , k { // Discharging assumptions Wi = A; for j = 1, . . . , k { if j 6= i Wi = Conjunct(Wi , Gj ); } if Wi 6→T ∧Vj6=i Tj Ai return FALSE; } return TRUE; }. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11). (partitions) are generated (Gen Comp AG() in Steps 3, 4). During the generation of the guarantees, it is ensured that the conjunction of all the guarantees of the components is equivalent to the system guarantee under all time V constraints (i.e. j Gj →T ∧Vj Tj G). The details of this generation procedure will be presented in Section 4.3. After having generated all the assumptions and guarantees, the AGR rules for invariant checking are applied as follows. It is checked that each of the assumptions must imply the corresponding guarantee (Steps 5, 6). If any one of the assumption does not imply its corresponding guarantee, then the invariant checking terminates. V Next, each of the assumptions must be discharged by first obtaining the conjunct A ∧ j6=i Gj for the ith component, and then checking if that conjunct implies the assumption Ai . All the above logical implications are checked under the given time constraints of the system and components. If all the components are verified and assumptions discharged, then the algorithm returns TRUE, otherwise FALSE.. 4.3. Automatic Generation of Assumptions, Guarantees, and Time Constraints. To apply and take advantage of assume-guarantee reasoning in verifying a complex system, assumptions, guarantees, and time constraints are required for each system component and for the system environment. Our algorithm to automatically generate them for a system component is as detailed in Table 2.. 10.
(11) Table 2: Automatic Generation of Assumptions, Guarantees, and Timing Constraints Gen Comp AG(Xi ) Xi ∈ S = {H1 , . . . , Hn , S1 , . . . , Sm }; { Ai = {}; Gi = {}; Ti = {}; (1) 0 schedule set = All Finite Schedules(Xi , mi ); (2) while (ψ = One Finite Schedule(schedule set) 6= NULL) { (3) (4) last signal = NULL; f irst time = second time = NULL; // start generating assumption and guarantee (5) while (γ = Get Signal(ψ) 6= NULL) { (6) if (last signal = NULL and type(γ) = out) (7) return Unsupported System ERROR; // schedule begins with output signals (8) switch (type(γ)) { (9) case ‘in’: (10) (11) if (last signal = in) Basic a = Basic a ⊕ γ; // ⊕ ∈ {≺, ¹} else { (12) if (Basic a 6= NULL) Schedule a = hSchedule a, Basic ai; (13) Basic a = γ; (14) (15) last signal = in; } break; case ‘out’: (16) if (last signal = in) { (17) (18) if (Basic g 6= NULL) Schedule g = hSchedule g, Basic gi; Basic g = γ; (19) last signal = out; } (20) else Basic g = Basic g ⊕ γ; break; } } (21) if (Basic a 6= NULL) Schedule a = hSchedule a, Basic ai; (22) if (Basic g 6= NULL) Schedule g = hSchedule g, Basic gi; (23) (24) if |Schedule a| 6= |Schedule g| return Unsupported System ERROR; else { Ai = Ai ∪ Schedule a; Gi = Gi ∪ Schedule g; } (25) // start generating time-constraints (26) (27) while (ζ = Get Temporal Signal(ψ) 6= NULL) { if (there is signal with temporal value in ζ) (28) (29) f rist time = ζ; if (f ist time 6= NULL and there is signal with temporal value in ζ) (30) second time = ζ; (31) if (f ist time 6= NULL and second time 6= NULL){ (32) Basic t = Evaluate Time Constraint(f irst time, second time); (33) Schedule t = Schedule t ∧ Basic t; (34) f irst time = second time = NULL; } } (35) Ti = Ti ∪ Schedule t; } (36) return (Ai , Gi , Ti ); (37) }. 11.
(12) The algorithm in Table 2 works as follows. We assume that each component is modeled by a single TA Xi , which can be easily generalized to more than one TA. Before traversing a TA Xi , we generate all finite schedules in the Xi by procedure All Finite Schedules() in Step (2). For each finite schedule ψ generated by the procedure One Finite Schedule() in Step (3), we first generate schedule assumption and guarantee. We traverse along the schedule to extract all signals γ (Get Signal() in Step (6)) and then the following actions are performed: 1. First, a maximal sequence Basic a of consecutively occurring input signals is searched for. Then, the partial order (⊕ ∈ {≺, ¹}) between two signals is determined by analyzing the temporal precedence between them (Step (11)). 2. Next, a maximal sequence Basic g of consecutively occurring output signals is searched for. Then, the partial order between two signals is determined by analyzing the temporal precedence between them (Step (21)). 3. The above two actions are repeated alternatingly to form a schedule assumption (Schedule a in Step (13)) and a schedule guarantee (Schedule g in Step (18)). 4. After the assumption and guarantee are generated for each schedule ψ of component Xi , all of them are collected into sets of assumptions and guarantees for the component, respectively (Step 25). Then, we traverse along the schedule ψ again to extract signal and temporal value in a transition ζ (Get Temporal Signal() in Step (27)). If there is temporal difference between two signals, we calculate the time interval between the occurrence of these two signals by the procedure Evaluate Time Constraint() (Step (33)). The above action is repeated to form a schedule time constraint (Schedule t in Step(34)). After the time-constraint is generated for each schedule ψ of component Xi , all are collected into set of time-constrains for the component (Step (36)). Similar to the algorithm in Table 2, assumptions, guarantees, and time-constraints can also be generated for the environments of a system. The main difference lies in the type of signals in basic assumptions and guarantees. For components, input signals constitute a basic assumption, while output signals constitute a basic guarantee. For system environments, it is exactly the opposite, output signals constitute a basic assumption, 12.
(13) while input signals constitute a basic guarantee. The reason for this difference comes from the opposite roles that a system environment and system components play. When one is transmitting a signal, the other is receiving that signal.. 5. Verification Results and Experiments for the VPMS Example. We applied the assume-guarantee reasoning principles to the Vehicle Parking Management System (VPMS) [22, 23] example, which was introduced in Section 3.3. After applying the algorithm from Table 2 in Section 4.3, the assumptions, guarantees, and time constraints for VPMS were generated as given in Table 3. There are three computation runs for each of ENTRY and EXIT subsystems, and four computations runs for the DISPLAY subsystem. As given in the last two rows of Table 3, namely Entry Environment and Exit Environment, the assumptions, guarantees, and time constraints for the system environment were derived from user-given requirements (see Section 3.3).. 5.1. Verification Results. The AGR rules for invariant checking given in Equation (1) of Section 4.1 were all checked with the assumptions, guarantees, and time constraints of VPMS (Table 3). There were five errors found as follows. • Component Assumption Error: While using the second rule (Equation (1)) for discharging the component assumption with time-constraints in the Entry component (see first row of Table 3), two errors were found in the Entry assumptions count above zero? and count zero? with time constraints δ(count request!, count above zero?) = [200, 200] and δ(count request!, count zero?) = [200, 200]. It was found that these time constraints could not be satisfied because of contradiction with the component guarantees count above zero! and count zero! with time constraints δ(count request?, count above zero!) = [18, 18] and δ(count request?, count zero!) = [18, 18] in the Display component. Solutions to the first error could consist of changing either of the two time constraints, but because the signal count above zero could be output (guaranteed) by 18 ns, our solution to this error was to change the time constraint of the. 13.
(14) Table 3: Assumptions, Guarantees, and Time Constraints for VPMS Subsystem. Schedule #. Entry 1. Entry. Entry 2. Entry 3. Exit 1 Exit Exit 2 Exit 3. Display 1. Display Display 2. Display 3. Display 4. Entry Env 1. Entry Env 2 Entry Environment Entry Env 3 Entry Env 4 Exit Environment. Exit Env 1 Exit Env 2 Exit Env 3. ∗ All. Assumption(A), Guarantee (G), Time Constraints∗ (T ) A : hpush button?, count above zero?, take ticket?i G : hcount request!, ticket out!, car in!i T : δ(count request!, count above zero?) = [200, 200]∧ δ(take ticket?, car in!) = [244, ∞)∧ δ(car in!, push button?) = [244, ∞) A : hpush button?, count zero?i G : hcount request!, no ticket out!i T : δ(count request!, count zero?) = [200, 200] A : hpush button?, count above zero?, take ticket?i G : hcount request!, ticket out!, ent time out!i T : δ(count request!, count above zero?) = [200, 200]∧ δ(ent time out!, push button?) = [244, ∞) A : hticket insert?i, G : hticket ok! ≺ car out!i T : δ(ticket ok!, car out!) = [244, ∞) ∧ δ(car out!, ticket insert?) = [244, ∞) A : hticket insert?i, G : hticket error!i A : hticket insert?i, G : hticket ok! ¹ ex time out!i T : δ(ex time out!, ticket insert?) = [244, ∞) A : hinitialize?, car in?i G : hreset dboard!, ent update dboard!i T : δ(initialize?, reset dboard!) = [0, 100] ∧ δ(car in?, ent update dboard!) = [42, 142] A : hinitialize?, count request?i G : hreset dboard!, count zero!i T : δ(initialize?, reset dboard!) = [0, 100] ∧ δ(count request?, count zero!) = [18, 18] A : hinitialize?, count request?i G : hreset dboard!, count above zero!i T : δ(initialize?, reset dboard!) = [0, 100] ∧ δ(count request?, count above zero!) = [18, 18] A : hinitialize?, car out?i G : hreset dboard!, ex update dboard!i T : δ(initialize?, reset dboard!) = [0, 100] ∧ δ(car out?, ex update dboard!) = [42, 142] A : hpush button!, take ticket!i G : hticket out?, ent update dboard?i T : δ(push button!, ticket out?) = [0, 20) ∧ δ(take ticket!, ent update dboard?) = [0, 250] A : hpush button!i, G : hno ticket out?i T : δ(push button!, no ticket out?) = [0, 20) A : hpush button!, take ticket!i G : hticket out?, ent time out?i T : δ(push button!, ticket out?) = [0, 20) A : hinitialize!i, G : hreset dboard?i A : h(ticket insert!i, G : hticket ok? ≺ ex update dboard?i T : δ(ticket ok?, ex update dboard?) = [0, 250] A : hticket insert!i, G : hticket error?i A : hticket insert!i, G : hticket ok? ¹ ex time out?i. times are in nanoseconds. 14.
(15) Entry component to δ(count request!, count above zero?) = [0, 200]. Similarly, our solution to the second error was to change the time constraint of the Entry component to δ(count request!, count zero?) = [0, 200]. • Environment Guarantee Errors: While using the third rule (Equation (1)) for checking whether the environment guarantee was conjunctively implied by the component guarantees, two errors were found in the environment guarantees ent update dboard?. and ex update dboard?. with time constraints. δ(take ticket!, ent update dboard?) = [0, 250] and δ(ticket ok?, ex update dboard?) = [0, 250]. The time constraints were originally derived from the user-given constraint that the maximum display response time should be 250 ns. These time constraints could not be satisfied by the system components. For example, consider the first time constraint mentioned above. The conjunction of δ(take ticket?, car in!) = [244, ∞) from. Entry. with. δ(car in?, ent update dboard!). =. [42, 142]. from. Display. results. in. δ(take ticket!, ent update dboard?) = [286, ∞), which does not satisfy the user-given constraint of 250 ns maximum. Solutions to this error could consist of changing either component or environment time constraints, but because the component constraints could not be changed due to physical device restrictions, our solution was to ask the user to relax his/her constraint to at least 286 ns. • Environment Assumption Error: While using the second rule (Equation (1)) for discharging the basic assumption push button? with time constraint δ(car in!, push button?) = [244, ∞) in the Entry 1 schedule of the Entry component (see first row of Table 3), it was found that the time constraint could not be guaranteed unless there was an environment assumption δ(ent update dboard?, push button!) = [202, ∞). This is because there is only a time constraint between signals car in and ent update dboard (i.e., δ(car in?, ent update dboard!) = [42, 142] in the Display 1 schedule of the Display component), but no time constraint between signals ent update dboard and push button. Our solution was to add the time constraint to the environment assumptions. Since we used AGR to verify VPMS, the above five errors were found using lesser CPU time and memory space, compared to that without using AGR. The first two and last errors were found by merely constructing 15.
(16) a state-graph representing the concurrent behavior of Entry Environment and Display, with a size of 54 modes and 159 transitions, which is much smaller compared to the total sizes of state-graphs constructed without AGR: 1375 modes and 4360 transitions. The third and forth errors were found by constructing the following two state-graphs: (1) Concurrent merge of Entry and Display: 14 modes, 17 transitions, and (2) Concurrent merge of Exit and Display: 251 modes, 636 transitions. All these state-graphs were much smaller in size compared to the total sizes when AGR was not used. This shows we can scale-up verification for complex systems and speed-up verification for simple systems. Further experiments on quantifying the benefits of AGR were conducted as shown in Section 5.2.. 5.2. Verification Experiments. Previous related work stressed on the importance on applying AGR to model checking, but the benefits of AGR were never quantified through the use of some verification tool. We will now illustrate the benefit of applying AGR to the verification of VPMS through actual numbers. All our experiments were carried out using the StateGraph Manipulators (SGM) tool [20, 29], which is a high-level verification tool for real-time systems modeled as timed automata and specifications given in TCTL. The reason we chose SGM as our verification tool was because the tool adopts a compositional approach (merging two TA in each iteration) and allows full flexibility for a user to choose which two TA to merge in each iteration. Further, it also has several state-space reduction techniques packaged as reusable high-level state-graph manipulators. First, we experimented with how much efforts are saved through AGR, in terms of the number of modes and transitions, the CPU time, and the amount of memory space. We recorded both the maximum readings and the total sums. Then, we experimented with how AGR interacts with other state-space reduction techniques, such as read-write, shield-clock, and bypass-internal-transition [29]. Our experiment results are as tabulated in Tables 4 and 5, which was obtained from SGM running on a personal computer with Linux OS version 2.4.4, Pentium III 733 MHz, and 256 MBytes of RAM. From Table 4, we observe that there are extremely large reductions in both the maximum and the total sizes of state-spaces when AGR is applied, compared to that without applying AGR. On applying AGR, the maximum. 16.
(17) Table 4: AGR Experiment Results for VPMS (without reduction) No. of Modes No. of Trans. Time (sec) Memory (KB) Max Total Max Total Max Total Max Total Without AGR 1,089 1,375 3,592 4,360 0.331 0.663 885 1,044 With AGR 54 132 159 335 0.008 0.017 32 78 With / Without % 4.96 9.6 4.43 7.68 2.42 2.56 3.7 7.45 Max: maximum size of all intermediate and global state-graphs, Total: sum of all state-graph sizes Table 5: AGR Experiment Results for VPMS (with reduction) No. of Modes No. of Trans. Time (sec) Memory (KB) Max Total Max Total Max Total Max Total Without AGR 497 663 2,653 3,321 0.625 0.730 1,012 1,135 With AGR 37 92 143 274 0.013 0.032 29 70 With / Without % 7.44 13.88 5.39 8.25 2.08 4.38 2.83 6.14 Reduction Sequence Used in SGM: h read-write, shield-clock, bypass-internal-transition i number of modes (collections of states) is reduced to less than 5% of the original number of modes without AGR. The maximum number of transitions is also reduced to less than 5% of the original number of transitions without AGR. In terms of the total CPU time required for state-graph construction and verification, it is reduced to 2.56% of that without AGR. In terms of the total memory space required for state-graph construction and verification, it is reduced to 7.45% of that without AGR. In Table 5, we have recorded the reductions in state-space sizes when AGR is applied in combination with other reduction techniques such as read-write reduction, shield-clock, and bypass-internal-transition, which have been implemented as high-level manipulators in the SGM tool [29]. A very interesting observation we perceive from this experiment is that all state-space reduction techniques have a limited effect in reducing the state space sizes, compared to the extremely large reductions possible when AGR is applied. For an example, let us consider the maximum number of modes for VPMS: from Table 4, we see that it is originally 1,089 modes, on applying three state-space reduction techniques it is reduced to 497 modes (54% reduction), but if AGR is also applied, it is reduced to 37 modes (more than 96% reduction). This fact is also much more emphasized in the cases of the maximum number of transitions, the CPU time, and the memory space. Further, comparing the With AGR rows in the two Tables, we observe that though the numbers are smaller when state-space reduction techniques are applied along with AGR, yet the difference between them (with and without reduction techniques). 17.
(18) is not significantly large. For example, the maximum number of modes when AGR is applied without other statespace reduction technique is 54, while that with state-space reduction technique is 37 (less than 32% reduction). Thus, the main reductions are performed by AGR rather than by the state-space reduction techniques. All the above observations further support our claim that AGR is an indispensable technique for state-space reduction and verifying complex systems.. 6. Conclusion. With the rapid progress of computer and electronic technology, guaranteeing the correctness of systems is no more easier than actually designing the system. For example, the verification of a System-on-Chip accounts for as much as 70% of the total design time. We need practical automatic techniques that can handle such highly complex systems. The work presented on assume-guarantee reasoning (AGR) in this article is one step towards that goal. Besides giving an algorithm for incorporating AGR into tools, we proposed an automatic generation procedure for assumptions, guarantees, and time constraints in real-time embedded systems. We quantified the advantages of applying AGR as against that without AGR. Our experiments on a fairly complex system such as the Vehicle Parking Management System corroborates our claims of the benefits obtained from applying AGR to invariant checking. When AGR is applied the maximum number of modes is reduced to 5% of that without AGR. The total time and memory are approximately 2% and 7%. The experiments also show that AGR is much superior compared to other state-space reduction techniques. Future research directions include applying AGR to other larger applications and integrating AGR techniques with informal validation techniques such as simulation and testing.. References [1] M. Abadi and L. Lamport. Composing specifications. ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, 15(1):73–132, 1993. [2] M. Abadi and L. Lamport. Conjoining specifications. ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, 17(3):507–534, 1995.. 18.
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