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1998 1993

Mainz, 2003; Rubin et al, 2001

Kazandjian et al, 2003; Dimick et al 2004; Rogowski et al, 2004; Grandjour et al, 2003; Epstein, 2002

Peterson et al 2004 Pintor et al, 2002

Horn et al., 1985; Kravitz et al., 1992; Stein et al., 1987; Stewart, Hays, & Ware, 1988; Tarlov et al., 1989 Medicare

Diagno-sis Related Groups, DRGs

Horn et al., 1985; Horn, Horn, & Sharkey, 1986

Goldfarb & Coffey, 1987


Listing, Klindworth, & Zeidler, 2001 Greenfield, et al., 1988 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4.


1. Stewart et al. 1981 Health Insurance Study HIS

Stewart 1988 MOS short-form General Health Survey

Health Scales 22 0 = 14 1 =22-43 2 =44-63 3 =64 2.

Gonnella, et al. 1984 The SysteMetrics Disease Staging System

1 2 3 4


Kravitz 1992



11 12 11 12 1 2 22 5 Cronbach 50 0.81 0.85 C D A B E F 5,992 C 505 1,470 24.5% A D


23.4% 20.6% F 100 219 3.7% ??????????????? ?O)Xg? ?@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@)g???????????????????? 14 64 51.1% 65 79 23.2% 14 9.0% 53% 47% 55.3% 28.0% 12.0% 65.0% 24.4% 2.6% 5 5 . 4 % 44.0% 0.6% 48.3% 32.8% 6.3% 91.2% 3 2 1 1 2 3 3.8% 0 2 3 B 53.2% E 46.9% F 45.7% D 32.3% 2 E 59.8% F 57.3% C 3 1 . 4 % D 100% 100% ᚂ଱տ ᠌឴տ ຟᠦ้઻ ᖂ੾חኵ ӱԝ୰ڢኵ ԤਝԻϷШ Aᚂ଱ ϴҳ ӴୢఀᏰ 200 1404 23.4 Bᚂ଱ ϴҳ ӴୢఀᏰ 220 980 16.4 Cᚂ଱ ϴҳ ୢ୿ఀᏰ 505 1470 24.5 Dᚂ଱ ϴҳ ୢ୿ఀᏰ 855 1235 20.6 Eᚂ଱ ؽҳ Ӵୢᚂ଱ 158 684 11.4 Fᚂ଱ ؽҳ Ӵୢᚂ଱ 100 219 3.7 ᖂॎ 2138 5992 100.0


ᡐ໶ ԩኵ ԤਝԻϷШ ੾௉੫፴ ԑឭቹ >=80ྑ 712 11.9 >=65~<80ྑ 1388 23.2 >=14~<65ྑ 3053 51.1 >=2~<14ྑ 539 9.0 >=1Т~<2 ྑ 190 3.2 <1এТ 88 1.5 ᒸᅓ঄ 22 ܒտ ظ 3132 53.0 τ 2778 47.0 ᒸᅓ঄ 82 ஔࡅޑݷ Ґஔ 1646 28.0 ӣۨ 72 1.2 ᚔஔ 88 1.5 ϐஔ 3316 55.3 ៶ᄀ 718 12.0 Ϸۨ 49 0.8 ᒸᅓ঄ 103 ҡࣀԝΣ ড়Ρඪټ 3871 65.0 ھۡώհԝΣ 1452 24.4 ߨھۡԝΣ 266 4.5 ଝӄߜ 212 3.6 ޥོ௿ᔼߜ 153 2.6 ᒸᅓ঄ 38 ՞ܚ ড় 5450 91.0 ԊᎴϛЖ 335 5.6 ၽҕ 16 0.3 ڏт 113 1.9 ᒸᅓ঄ 78 ՞଱ഊ৷ ငߞຨ 3310 55.4 ငࡨຨ 2625 44.0 ငᙽ଱ 37 0.6 ᒸᅓ঄ 20


՞଱ऋفտȞN=5992ȟ ϱऋف 2878 48.3 Ѵऋف 1955 32.8 ωڋऋ 750 12.5 ஏ౰ऋ 375 6.3 ᒸᅓ঄ 34 0.6 ю଱ޑݷ ౹ᘾȃ׽๡ܖᙽю 5453 1.2 ሯᙽт଱ݽᕛ 185 3.1 ߨ੽੾ґ෈Ռଢ଼ю଱ 188 3.1 ੽੾ґ෈Ռଢ଼ю଱ 48 0.8 ԫι 106 1.8 ᒸᅓ঄ 11 ੾ٽಢӫፒᚕܒ ٘Жђ૖ޑᄘ 0઻ 1082 18.2 1઻ 22-43 Ϸ 281 4.7 2઻ 44-63 Ϸ 2013 33.9 3઻ 64 Ϸоΰ 2564 43.2 ᒸᅓ঄ ੽੾ᝒ१࡙ 0઻ȈؠԤᑯ௉੽੾Ȟ՞଱୊ᔮȟ 287 4.8 1઻ȈຨᘞጂۡؠԤځี੿ 3990 66.9 2઻Ȉ੽੾ࠁ३ӵ࢚ΙᏢۢȂ࡞џ ૖Еีځี੿ȇȞϚݽᕛ൷ོЕี ځี੿ȟ 1354 22.7 3઻ȈШ಑ 2 ઻ᝒ१Ȃ੽੾ݰЅӻ ᆍᏢۢȂႱࡣϚԁȇȞᑖྃݽᕛϫ ฒݲԤਝ׽๡੾௑ȟ 225 3.8 4઻Ȉԫι 106 1.8 ᒸᅓ঄ 30 Ԥฒӫځ੿ Ԥӫځ੿ 1192 20.0 ฒӫځ੿ 4772 80.0 ᖂڷ 5964 100.0 ᒸᅓ঄ 28 ӫځ੿้઻ 0઻ 4743 80.2 1઻ 352 6.0 2઻ 602 10.2 3઻ 213 3.6 ᒸᅓ঄ 81


9.2% E 43% B 24.8% C 21.7% D 11.1% 1 E D 1.8% 2.35% B C F 288 1 8 . 3 2 =10.447 p<0.01 Scheffe 1 80 11.23 14~ 65 2~ 14 1 ~ 2 2 65~ 80 11.03 14~ 65 2~ 14 1 ~ 2 3 14~ 65 7.29 2~ 14 80 11.23 65~<80 11.03 2~ 14 4.73 Scheffe 1 A 6.80 ᚂ଱տ A B C D E F ٘Жђ૖ޑᄘ 3 ઻ оΰϞШٽ 43.8% 53.2% 41.4% 32.3% 46.9% 45.7% ੽੾ᝒ१࡙ 2 ઻оΰ ϞШٽ 25.1% 24.5% 31.4% 9.2% 59.8% 57.3% Ԥӫځ੿ϞШٽ 11.8% 24.8% 21.7% 11.1% 43.0% 18.0% ӫځ੿้઻ 1 ઻оΰ ϞШٽ 11.8% 24.9% 22.1% 11.1% 43.0% 17.8% ԫι౥ 1.6% 3.5% 3.5% 1.6% 3.0% 0.9%


C 11.44 D 8.53 2 B 7.43 C 3 C 11.44 D 8.53 E 6.59 F 5.24 4 D E F C 11.44 D 8.53 F 5.24 8.68 6.26 10.11 7.06 6.26 Scheffe 10.15 7.47 5.19 5.10 Scheffe 14~ 65 8 0 O R = ᡐ໶ Ȥ2঄ p঄ ᡐ໶ Ȥ2঄ p঄ ੾௉੫፴ ՞଱ऋտ 213.814 <0.001 ԑឭቹ 191.753 <0.001 ܒտ 4.758 0.313 ੾ٽಢӫፒᚕܒ ஔࡅޑݷ 99.255 <0.001 ٘Жђ૖ޑᄘ 151.494 <0.001 ҡࣀԝΣ 53.355 <0.001 ੽੾ᝒ१࡙ 6409.642 <0.001 ՞ܚ 61.278 <0.001 ӫځ੿ኵҬ 64.840 <0.001 ՞଱ഊ৷ 139.754 <0.001 ӫځ੿้઻ 57.370 <0.001 ᚂ଱੫፴ ᚂ଱տ 101.060 <0.001 ᠌឴տ 5.754 0.218 ᚂ଱ຟᠦ้઻ 54.628 <0.001


՞଱Рኵ ᡐ໶ এኵ ҁ֯ኵ ኿ྥ৯ F঄ Scheffe ٱࡣᔮۡ ੾௉੫፴ ܒտ 1.400 ظ 3129 8.50 10.235 τ 2778 8.18 10.775 ԑឭቹ 54.964ɎɎɎ 80Њ ྑ 711 11.23 10.912 65~Њ ɴ80 1388 11.03 14.239 14~Њ ɴ65 ྑ 3052 7.29 9.027 2~Њ ɴ14 ྑ 539 4.73 2.548 1 Њ এТ~ɴ2 ྑ 190 4.82 2.415 ɴ1 এТ 88 7.55 7.722 1-3, 1-4, 1-5 2-3, 2-4, 2-5 3-4 ஔࡅޑݷ 30.543ɎɎɎ Ґஔ 1646 6.15 7.954 ӣۨ 72 11.07 14.373 ᚔஔ 88 8.95 10.508 ϐஔ 3314 8.65 10.629 ៶ᄀ 718 11.56 13.008 Ϸۨ 49 7.82 5.769 1-2, 1-4,1-5 4-5 ԝΣ 28.938ɎɎɎ ড়Ρඪټ 3870 8.63 11.134 ھۡώհԝΣ 1452 6.35 6.775 ߨھۡώհԝΣ 266 8.92 8.678 ଝӄߜ 212 11.31 13.705 ޥོ௿ᔼߜ 15333 13.70 14.590 1-2, 1-4, 1-5 2-3, 2-4, 2-5 3-5 ՞ܚ 33.790ɎɎɎ ড় 5448 7.96 9.406 ԊᎴϛЖ 334 13.42 19.108 ၽҕ 16 8.31 5.735 ڏт 113 11.92 16.383 1-2, 1-4 ՞଱ഊ৷ 10.238ɎɎɎ ငߞຨ 3309 7.85 9.52 ငࡨຨ 2623 8.87 11.46 ငᙽ଱ 37 12.73 12.90 1-2, 1-3 ᚂ଱੫፴ ᚂ଱տ 42.710ɎɎɎ A 1404 6.80 6.297 B 980 7.43 7.931 C 1470 11.44 14.210 1-3, 1-4 2-3 3-4, 3-5, 3-6


᠌឴տ 41.406ɎɎɎ ϴҳ 5089 8.68 10.255 1-2 ؽҳ 900 6.26 11.260 ᚂ଱ຟᠦ้઻ 76.487ɎɎɎ ӴୢఀᏰ 2384 7.06 7.020 ୢ୿ఀᏰ 2705 10.11 12.251 Ӵୢ 900 6.26 11.260 1-2 2-3 ՞଱ऋտ 71.538ɎɎɎ ϱऋف 2877 10.15 12.112 Ѵऋف 1954 7.47 9.788 ωڋऋ 750 5.10 3.545 ஏ౰ऋ 375 5.19 3.390 1-2, 1-3, 1-4 2-3, 2-4 ੾ٽಢӫፒᚕܒ ٘Жђ૖ޑᄘ 197.550ɎɎɎ 1઻ 22-43 Ϸ 285 16.58 18.000 2઻ 44-63 Ϸ 2013 10.39 11.734 3઻ 64 Ϸоΰ 2563 6.35 6.022 1-2, 1-3 2-3 ੽੾ᝒ१࡙ 77.094ɎɎɎ 0઻ 287 4.59 3.579 1઻ 3988 7.48 8.066 2઻ 1354 9.88 12.421 3઻ 225 13.10 12.607 4઻ 106 20.92 32.724 1-2, 1-3, 1-4, 1-5 2-3, 2-4, 2-5 3-4, 3-5 4-5 ӫځ੿ኵҬ 24.172ɎɎɎ 0 4769 7.69 9.489 1 907 10.55 12.311 2 258 10.03 10.665 3 27 10.81 10.941 1-2, 1-3 ӫځ੿้઻ 4.515Ɏ 1઻ 362 10.00 11.566 2઻ 617 10.25 11.982 3઻ 226 13.08 18.198 1-2 2-3 3-1 D 1235 8.53 9.157 E 682 6.59 12.762 F 218 5.24 3.575 4-5, 4-6 p<0.05 p<0.01 p<0.001


2.047 OR=3.635 OR=0.14 B C A 0.436 0.499 0 2 OR=0.322 3 2 OR=4.094 14.3% 14 64 53% 47% 11.4 1.8% 2.35% 1992 1995 2% 1998 1.2% 1998 1998 2-4


՞଱੾௉ю଱ਢԆݣޑݷ (Ԇࣀ=1ȇݣ=0) ᡐ໶Ӫᆎ ୤Ճಢ ଟᘪ߽ኵ ኿ྥᇲ p঄ ഽᆗШ (95%߬ᒦୢ໢) லኵ 10.264 14.487 0.479 0.8831 ੾௉੫፴ ܒտ ظ τ -0.185 0.223 0.407 -0.831 (0.537~1.287 ) ԑឭ 65~Њ ɴ80 ྑ 80Њ ྑ 0.293 0.256 0.252 1.340 (0.812~2.214 ) 14~Њ ɴ65 ྑ 0.716 0.344 0.037 2.047 (1.042~4.019 ) 2~Њ ɴ14 ྑ 6.652 16.599 0.689 774.216 (0.000~0.010 ) 1 Њ Т~ɴ2 ྑ 5.474 27.035 0.840 238.395 (0.000~0.024 ) ɴ1 এТ 3.223 49.183 0.948 25.113 (0.000~ฒ३σ) ஔࡅޑݷ Ґஔ Ϸۨ 0.206 1.107 0.852 1.229 (0.140~10.756 ) ӣۨ 0.433 1.287 0.736 0.648 (0.052 ~ 8.080 ) ᚔஔ 7.851 42.757 0.854 2568.484 (0.000~0.0637 ) ϐஔ 0.460 1.058 0.663 1.585 (0.199~12.597 ) ៶ᄀ 0.293 1.076 0.785 1.341 (0.163~11.052 ) ҡࣀԝΣ ড়Ρඪټ -0.784 0.506 0.122 0.457 (0.169~1.232 ) ߨھۡώհԝΣ -1.086 0.691 0.116 0.337 (0.087~1.308 ) ଝӄߜ -0.916 0.656 0.162 0.400 (0.111~1.446 ) ޥོ௿ᔼߜ ھۡώհ ԝΣ 0.966 0.781 0.216 0.381 (0.082~1.759 ) ՞ܚ ԊᎴϛЖ ড় 0.686 0.362 0.058 1.986 (0.977~4.038 ) ၽҕ 9.059 104.461 0.931 8593.082 (0.000~ฒ३σ) ڏт 8.979 36.466 0.806 7934.275 (0.000~0.086 ) ՞଱ഊ৷ ငߞຨ ငࡨຨ 1.291 0.272 <0.001 3.635 (2.135~6.190 ) ငᙽຨ -1.965 0.612 0.001 0.140 (0.042~0.465 ) ᚂ଱տ Bᚂ଱ Aᚂ଱ -0.830 0.360 0.021 0.436 (0.215~0.883) Cᚂ଱ -0.695 0.349 0.046 0.499 (0.252~0.988) Dᚂ଱ -0.292 0.410 0.477 0.747 (0.334~1.670) Eᚂ଱ -0.483 0.484 0.318 0.617 (0.239~1.593) Fᚂ଱ 0.391 1.066 0.714 1.478 (0.183~11.944)


66.9% 22.7% Kravitz et al., 1992 80% 66.9% 80% 3 2 96.2% ՞଱ऋտ ϱऋف ωڋऋ -6.996 14.435 0.628 0.628 (0.000~0.017) Ѵऋف -5.657 14.439 0.695 0.695 (0.000~0.068) ஏ౰ऋ 0.235 26.079 0.933 0.993 (0.000~0.020) ੾ٽಢӫፒᚕܒ ٘Жђ૖ޑᄘ 0઻ -1.134 0.359 0.002 0.322 (0.159~0.650) 1઻ 22-43 Ϸ -0.473 0.306 0.122 0.623 (0.342~1.135) 3઻ 64 Ϸоΰ 2઻ 44-63Ϸ 1.410 0.366 <0.001 4.094 (2.000~8..382) ੽੾ӫځ੿ኵҬ 0.256 0.175 0.144 0.144 (0.916~1.823)


՞଱Рኵ ᡐ໶Ӫᆎ ୤Ճಢ ଟᘪ߽ኵ ኿ྥ৯ t঄ P঄ லኵ 5.499 1.741 3.159 0.002 ੾௉੫፴ ԑឭ 65~ Њ ɴ80 ྑ 80Њ ྑ 0.795 0.466 1.706 0.088 14~ Њ ɴ65 ྑ 0.290 0.512 0.567 0.571 2~ Њ ɴ14 ྑ -2.434 0.973 -2.501 0.012 1 Њ Т~ɴ2 ྑ -2.313 1.172 -1.974 0.048 ɴ1 এТ -0.924 1.399 -0.660 0.509 ஔࡅޑݷ Ґஔ Ϸۨ -0.601 1.389 -0.433 0.665 ӣۨ 2.308 1.748 1.321 0.187 ᚔஔ 0.216 1.689 0.128 0.898 ϐஔ 0.567 1.361 0.417 0.677 ៶ᄀ 1.176 1.417 0.830 0.407 ҡࣀԝΣ ড়Ρඪټ 0.667 0.354 1.884 0.060 ߨھۡώհԝΣ 1.457 0.641 2.274 0.023 ଝӄߜ 1.338 0.746 1.795 0.073 ޥོ௿ᔼߜ ھۡώհ ԝΣ 1.694 0.927 1.828 0.068 ՞ܚ ԊᎴϛЖ ড় 2.042 0.669 3.052 0.002 ၽҕ -1.917 2.401 -0.798 0.425 ڏт 2.686 0.953 2.818 0.005 ՞଱ഊ৷ ငߞຨ ငࡨຨ -0.733 0.266 -2.758 0.006 ငᙽຨ 1.517 1.566 0.969 0.333 ᚂ଱੫፴ Bᚂ଱ Aᚂ଱ -0.576 0.411 -1.403 0.161 Cᚂ଱ 3.152 0.379 8.311 <0.001 Dᚂ଱ 1.832 0.380 4.815 <0.001 Eᚂ଱ -2.567 0.524 -4.903 <0.001 Fᚂ଱ -2.345 0.787 -2.978 0.003 ՞଱ऋտ ϱऋف ωڋऋ 2.566 0.898 2.858 0.004 Ѵऋف 2.529 0.873 2.898 0.004 ஏ౰ऋ 2.750 1.111 2.475 0.013


B C A Adj- R2=14.3% C 11.44 D 8.53 80 11.23 65~ 80 11.03 1 7.55 U

Bradbury, Golec & Steen 2000

੾ٽಢӫፒᚕܒ ٘Жђ૖ޑᄘ 0઻ 2.146 0.647 3.317 0.001 1઻ 22-43 Ϸ 2઻ 44-63 Ϸ 4.238 0.625 6.778 <0.001 3઻ 64 Ϸоΰ -2.133 0.316 -6.757 <0.001 ੽੾ᝒ१࡙ 0઻ -3.246 0.795 -4.081 <0.001 1઻ 2઻ -1.424 0.344 -4.138 <0.001 3઻ 1.681 0.728 2.309 0.021 4઻ 8.484 0.991 8.555 <0.001 ੽੾ӫځ੿ኵҬ 0.410 0.259 1.582 0.114 ኺҏኵ=5992 F ঄=26.618 P ঄<0.01 ր߽ۡኵ Adj R2=0.143


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Hsiu-Wei Chang, Nai-Wen Kuo, Kuo-Cherh Huang, Yaw-Ching Chen, Kuo-Piao Chung*

The purposes of this study are to examine whether the variations of hospi-tals ?????? ?@@?e? ?@@?e? ?@@?e? ?@@?e? ?@@?e? ?@@?e?????????????????????????

characteristics, admission departments, and in-patients

?????? ?@@?e? ?@@?e? ?@@?e? ?@@?e? ?@@?e? ?@@?e????????????????????????? characteristics are different on in-patients case mix complexities; and to explore the relationships among case mix complexities, discharge status, and length of stay among in-pa-tients of six hospitals in the Taipei Metropolitan Area. This cross-sectional study is evaluated by face-to-face interviewing 5992 in-patients from the six hospitals in the Taipei Metropolitan Area since November, year 2002. The six hospitals include two public local teaching hospitals, two private local nonteaching hospi-tals, and two public regional teaching hospitals. The independent variables in case mix complexities are functional status (for measuring physical and mental health, social and role functioning, and other general health concepts), severity of illness (staging of disease is the measurement scales of this study), co-mor-bidity numbers and its scales levels. The results support that there are significant differences among the six different hospitals in case mix complexities. Differ-ences of the characteristics of hospitals (public/private, degree of hospital ac-creditation) lead to various case mix complexities. In discharge status and the length of stay, there are significant differences among admitted patient condi-tions, admission departments, the characteristics of the hospitals, and case mix


complexities. The higher the case mix complexity, the longer the length of stay. Future research might focus on longitudinal study to explore the relationship among discharge status, resources consumption, multiple dimensions of evalua-tion, expanded sample hospitals and design appropriate evaluation instruments.



The Senior Secondary Health Management and Social Care Curriculum and Assessment Guide incorporates the key recommendations in the Curriculum Development Council's

嚴重精神病 (Severe Mental Illness, SMI) 、一般精神障礙 (Common Mental Disorders, CMD). 

(The Emotional and Mental Health Needs of Gifted Students and the Main Categories of Emotional and Mental

(The Emotional and Mental Health Needs of Gifted Students and the Main Categories of Emotional and Mental

The elderly health centres provide people aged 65 or above with comprehensive primary healthcare services which include health assessments, physical check-ups, counselling,

Topic 4 - Promotion and Maintenance of Health and Social Care in the Community 4CAspects of risk assessment and

They are: Booklet (6) – Healthy Community, exploring the communicable and non- communicable diseases and how they affect community health so that students are able to

• Centre for Food Safety, Food and Environmental Hygiene Department – Report of study on sodium content in local foods. • Centre for Food Safety, Food and Environment