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Toward a General Poetics of Chinese-Western Carpe Diem Poetry


Academic year: 2021

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E 9l 革攝宙揖I¥J油器(waJP ad ..l. D;)) r滋生 t壘:Il~ J區申國一耳垂


264 教學與研究第入期

varied and complex in these areas. Therefore,in the present paper,I feel satisfied just to describe these two .forces within the general poetics of carpe diem poetry instead of attacking them on the front.

The beginning of the carpe diem poetry may be seen as the first sign of culrure's own maturity wherein man became self-conscious,became aware of the transient character of life,with existential anxiety. This carpe diem cry was heard everywhere in the ancient world, in Egypt, in India, in Greece,and in China. It is evident that the carpe diem has already established itself as one of the important motifs in the Greek lyrics of the seventh and the sixth century B. C. as seen in Anacreon,in the Anacreontea,and in a number of

carpe diem lyrics as collected in the Greek Anthology. The significance of the motif

ex-tended to the Roman period,whose carpe diem spokesmen were Catullus and Horace. This Greek-Roman carpe diem tradition received quite a complete revival in the Renaissance in both Europe and England although it never ceased as an influence through the Middle Ages. Two extended researches on the Greek-Roman tradition, its continuity in the Medieval Time, and its revival and modifications in the Renaissance, especially in the English lyrics of the seventeenth century, have been done in the traditional scholarly approach (Wellington 1956; Candelaria 1959). As shown in both researches,Wellington's in particular,the carpe diem types as provided in the Greek-Roman antiquities, namely,

the Anacreont此, the Catullan,the Horatian,the libertine,the naturalistic,and so on,fit

the later carpe diem lyrics surprisingly well. To be sure, the continuity of the Western

carpe diem tradition should not be taken to mean the denial·of innovations and changes

made to the tradition.

T~ere is no reason not to presume that the Chinesecarpe diem poetry did not sprout

out from its own soil. In the Chou 周 balladsas collected in theShih-ching 詩經,a female speaker,mourning for the fleeting time and youth,chants in a balladic tone:

擇、有梅 園僅壁之 求我 m 士

過其謂之 ( r 標有梅 J


Strike! Strike! The plumes,

All in my bamboo basket,remain on tree no more! Those gentelmen who would like to win me,


建立一個中西「及時行樂 J (carpe diem) 詩歌的詩學模式

And a male speaker in another song sighs,

蟋蟀在堂 歲聿其莫 今我不樂

日月其除 ( r 蟋蟀 J


Crickets enter the hall;

The year draws to a halt.

If I do not merry,

The sun and the moon pass over. (“The Crickets")


in another song,


子有酒食,何不日鼓瑟? 且以喜樂,且以永日。

宛其死矣,他人入室。( r 山有樞 J )

Mountain with varnish trees. Swamp with chestnuts. Why not play lute and enjoy day long

While good food and wine ye have? Merry!

When ye die,somebody else thine home will occupy.

(“Mountain withElm~")


百lese carpe diem voices of the Chou ballads were heard no more in many centuries to

∞me, except some faint echoings.

Suddenly, with the decline of the Han Empire,a new voice of carpe diem, which is

more solemn and earnest in tone,burst out,as recorded in theNineteen OldPoems 古詩十

九首. Three out of the nineteen are full carpe diem poems while the motif of the fleeting

time pene訂atesthe majority of the group. This intense frequency,three out of nineteen,

may be seen as an index to the flourish of the carpe diem motif in that time. The

grave-mound depression, the underground eternal sleep,the long journey passenger metaphor,

the boarding metaphor,the morning dew metaphor,the distrust of the Taoist and

Con-fucian immortality,the night tour with torch,wine and good clothes, all these laydown

the basic tenets of the Chinese carpe diem poetry of serious type. This carpe diem voice

was immediately echoed in the Wei 魏 Dynasty, especially in the poetry of the

emperor-poets of the Ts'ao 曹 Royal Family,and in theChin 曹 Dynasty,with some modifications.


266 教學與研究第入期

the love or amorous motif as seen in the Tzu-yeh Ballads 子夜歌 and the Tzu-yeh Ballads

of FourSeasons 子夜回時歌 collectedin the Yαieh-fu 樂府一一thesetwo groups of ballads

are primarily from the Chin 晉 Dynasty but may also include the ballads of two

suc-ceeding dynasties,the Sung 宋 and the Ch'i 齊.The speakers are usually female,in

affec-tion and in the undertone of the fleeting time,uttering a praise over the beauty of youth

time, a sigh over her loneliness and melancholy in the sprirtgtime of life,or wooing her

lover to seize the day,or describing a carpe diem amorosity一 -withher lover indoors with

music and with torch in the bitter winter night.

The ·carpe diem poetry became to decline afterwards. This contradicts my original

expectation since the short dynasties to come were the times notable fer their sensual

pursuits. On reflection,I become to think that the carpe diem anxietymight be eventually

driven into oblivion when mem became totally indulging themselves in the pleasure

although the anxiety itself was the original cause of their pursuit of the pleasure.

The carpe diem motif, i且 both East and West,will never come to a complete stop,

but always reaches out for another flourish when such an existential anxiety must be cried

out loud again. Yet, my historical survey must stop somewhere and I decide to stop so.

And indeed all the primary types in both traditions had been set up since the periods

covered in this paper.I have privileged theαlinesetradition in my survey,and in fact this

is the first research of Chinese carpe diem poetry of any considerable length. The

resem-blance and the difference between these two traditions give a promise and a challenge to

a general poetics of carpe diem poetry,and provide a rich訂閱 forus to observe the force

of iconicity and the force of conventionality. The universal practice of carpe diem poetry

seems 10 endorse its iconicity (i.e,naturnalness) while the fact that the carpe diem is only

one of the possible responses to the fleeting time reveals at the same time its

convention-ality. Meanwhile, an iconism can be seen in the abundance of carpe 'diem tropes,which

penetrates both traditions. The relation between these two forces in the carpe diem poetry

is complex and will be substantially discussed in the conclusion of the paper.

2) The Carpe Diem Time

As we talk,time spites us

and runs; reap today; save no hope for tomorrow.

--Horace,fromOdes 1:11

生年不漏百 長懷千歲憂


建立一個中西「及時行樂 J (carpe diem) 詩歌的詩學模式




Man's years fall short of a hundred?

A Mind to thousandye位sworries his heart.

If the day is short and the night too long,

Why not take the torch and go touring?

一一 fromNumber 15 ofthe Nineteen Old Poems


Carpe diem is one response to the fleetingt卸leo This preliminary definition endorsed by both traditions reveals both the force of iconicity and the force of conventionality.

The universal practice ofcarpe diem poetry,which gives evidence to the force of iconicity,

does not blind us from the fact that t油le is not necessarily fleeting and the carpe diem

response to it is only one of the many possible modes. Indeed,time does not escape from

its semiotic nature; even the so-called objective time as perfected by science is in the last

analysis an expression of human; or semiotic, desire. The carpe diem time is only one

time paradigm among others. Without going out from peotry,we may find a time paradigm

completely different from the carpe diem time, which we may call temple time,as

ex-pressed in the temple poetry of theShih-chingwhere time is frozen as timeless,patched up

as a continuity,by a filiallinking back to the ancestors and by a shadowing extension to

the descendents. Time of the ancestors and the time of the descedents are brought to the

present without a break in the temple perception. It is against this temple time and other

possible time paradigms, for example,the mythical time, that the carpe diemotime takes

on its meaning.

The carpe diem time constructs its own paradigm. Time is fleeting,unredeemdable,

and stops at the end of life. A number of binary oppositions,with a particular alignment of

value, may be defined. Life is in opposition to death: while the time before death is

cherished,death is described as eternal .darkness and sleep,with dread. In the span of life

time, a primary devision is made: the opposition between youth time and old

age--childhood is totally ignored. Youth is always good,not only good in its own terms but also

hysteriously good in the threat of the dread old age and death,which are projected upon

the present as if they were coming immediately.Ifthe past is taken into account,we shall

be told that “How long are man's years? Brief as the morning dew; and the days past

are一斗。h , bitter--already too many!" (Ts'ao Ts'ao,“Short Song")人生鵲何,譬如朝餌,去




fleeting and the threatening of time: “And this same flower that smiles today



will be dying." (Robert Herrick,“To the Virgins,To Make Much of Time")Time is

com-pressed into a single moment" and the process,namely,the beginning,the middle,and the

end,is left out as 芷江 did not exist. This close system defines the semiotic nature of the

carpe diem time: the time segments find their meanings in opposition to each other in a system.

But time must be regained and conquered. The measurement of time is no longer the

objective counting of days and ye缸s. To cite just two examples among the many,we are

told by Ben Jonson irr the West that

Hee,that but living halfe hisday郎,dies such



'twas given, much" (The Under-Wood, LXXXIX) and by Wang

Hsi-in the East that

To seek pleasure in a day


uals to living for thousand

years." (“世間 OrchidPavilion Poems") 取樂在一朝,寄之齊千齡( r 蘭亭詩 J )

doubled when it is enjoyed and conquered. Time lost (fleeting) andTime regained (seized)

Time is n e h 4 •• -TA 晦之 h 羲 起王 Hh hh huplv

eventually constitute the ultimate binary of the carpe diem time. This conquering sense of

carpe diem interacts with its pessimistic overtone and generates a dynamic tension between

them. Indeed, this is where the strength of Andrew Marvell's famous conclusion lies.:

“世1間, though we cannot make our Sun/Stand st血, yet we will make him run." (“To His

Coy Mis甘ess")

τbe cdrpe diem time has established its own iconism. Time is seen in the mutability

of nature and in the mutability of the human world. Nature and the human world may be

加 parallel and may be in contrast. In the former, a natural image is to symbolize the

mutability of human liLe as in the 卸lage of withering rose and morning dew. In the latter,

nature is projected as something eternal and cyclical while the human world is taken as

ever changing and unredeemdable:

The Sun dies every night/in the morning he's there

again/you and I, now,/ when our briefly tiny light flicks out


it's night for恥,one single/

everlasting/Night." (Catullus,No.5)

time paradigm have developed their own

Most time segments in the carpe diem

tropes,which become rather conventional now. When aligned to value,these time segments

can be put into two grou阱, the positive (life,youth,the present)and the negative (death,

age, the future). The tropes for the positive group are always metaphors while those for

the negative group are more often metonyms (including the use of synecdoche). Yet,it

is revealing that the positive value is not fully expressed,or even totally ignored,in these

metaphors. The flower metaphor and the fruit metaphor may express a sense of beauty


s w. a0rl Pl O uaaJau.waq lJ o £1 laqwnN W01J一一 可ns al!qM lJ OSU! Jlasauo 訊{lOp puv ‘ aU!M pOO~苟同中 ollanaq llld "saAlaswa 1f l ~U!uos!od U! dnpua ua lJ oa10W lng 司的10WWI 間01l.L ~U!UlOoaq JOldruanll U! suonod'[aas awos "uaw snonl耳 AlOU sa~lls1 呵Hau 0ladllosa oN ‘O~ pUllawoo Slll:l正 pUllsn。可 l ua .L "aU Ol S10 IlllawJO ssau即可叫 llOU ql! A\ ‘ umofos II Sllppq s!aJH s‘Ull 刺 "Map ~明U1 01I1 a有 H alllUllW 0l SaA!~ uaAllaH Sl間正 aqllng 'laAal句 alllUJal{1l ssau~n可取中間 :Juv ,{叫 l P Ull uJ ,{ a可 i =-+三言異V+ 但早一一 華出滑到韓 國吾吾鴻日軍~ 譯出重要留% my軸草莓割 草司草草聶矗 豆豆畔單單單 固丘之乎益舊金壁 壘昨~~Y 撞撞日軍粵由 當割草過串串 suone8aN個 al,σ ad.lv :J a llL (£ . (I£S·P)

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'slaafs , Awalsod lnq UI l! a puy 吼叫O Ul ol AIPUOJOOl


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建立一個中西「及時行樂 J (carpe diem) 詩歌的詩學模式

Prince Ch'iao,thatTaoist 卸lmortal一­

There is little hope of matching him.


Indeed, the presence of these two modes of immortality in the examples is bound up

with the distrust of Confucianism and with the vogue of Taoist practice for immortality,

bound up with the urgency of the morning dew metaphor and the gravemound depression,

bound up with the decline of the Han empire and the cpnsequent wars and disasters,and

bound up,we shall 圓y ,with the sudden flourish ofcarpe diem poetry of China.

The phenomenon of carpe diem negation can be also seen in the Western tradition.

But the focus is not placed on mortality-immortality opposition but on some other

humanistic levels which are harmful to the carpe diem pursuit. For example,war is the

negated element in Anacreon (No. 116, quoted in the beginning of the section), so is

moralist view in Catullus (No.5), and earthly powers in Herrick (“On Himself'). These

negations are integral to the poems where they appe缸,but less essential to thecarpe diem

struggle than the mortality-immortality dichtomy. Presumedly, the dynamic power

generated in the carpe diem negations is in proportion to the tension given in the n句a­

tions,and this explains the fact that I have been drawn to the Chinese tradition and have

used it as point of departure in this section.

4) TheCarpe Dien Assimilation

Then gather flowers in their prime,

Let them not fall and perish so; Nature her bountyes did bestow On vs that wee might vse them: And Tis coldnesse not to vnderstand

What shee and Youth and Forme perswade

WithOppertune 旬, that屯 made

As we could wish it.

一一SirWalterRale嶼,“Tohis1ρvewhen hee had obtained Her"

今我不為樂 知有來歲不 命室攬童弱 良日登遠遊 一一陶淵明, r 酬劃柴桑」 國


272 歡學與研究第入期

If I do not seek pleasure today,

I am not sure of the coming days.

I orlier my wife to bring with the children And set out for an excursion in a good day.

一-TaoYuan-ming,“Reply to Mr.Liu Ch'ai-sang"

百Ie carpe diem motif has projected itself upon other motifs to assimilate and to be

assimi-lated. In this light,the varied types ofcarpe diem poetry of the West (Wellington 1956) are

results of the carpe diem assimilation. All of them are motif complex,which,to have a

better view of them,can be decomposed into carpe diem motif and other motifs on the


Take the Catullan seduction frrst.To begin with,it is a combination of thecarpe diem

motif and the motif of seduction. But the seduction motif,wemay 回y ,is one of the

sub-motif of love sub-motif as a paradigm. On the other hand, the seduction motif is itself a

paradigm, which in the carpe-diem world contains at least three members,the Catullan,

the libertine, and the naturalistic. Further,the seduction implies another motif,namely,

the motif of persuasion,no matter if this persuasion is a Catullan courteous invitation,or a

shameless libertine threat,or a naturalistic exposition. To move to a larger context,these

three modes of persuasion shall bear a relation to other modes of persuasion which have

been established,for example,the Platonic and the Provencal persuasions.

The motif common to both the Anacreontic and the Horatian carpe diem types is

the motif of conviviality as suggested by Wellington,which covers drinking,conversation,

music,love,company,and so on. Surely,,the Horatian and the Anacreontic type can not

be distinguished ft:om each other on this level.四Ie way out is,as usual,to find a way to

decompose the motif and lower down the combinational level until we are at the level on which their distinctive features may be revealed. Take the drinking motif for example. We may decompose the motif in connection with the binary of heavy drinker (drunkenness)

and light drinker (soberness) as traditionally suggested,or with the problem of

genre--whether or not combined with drinking song. On these two levels, we are able to

dis-criminate the Anacreontic from the Horatian type. A structural description ofAnacreontic

drinking carpe diem would be: carpe diem + conviviality + drinking + heavy drinker

(drunkenness) + literary genre (drinking song). 訂閱 Horatiandrinking carpe diem shares

with the Anacreontic type the first three features but is distinguished from it in the last two.



·S;}Id叫它 X;};}S;}U 阿:);}l{ l山 OlJ P;}lOU;}AE l{ ll{ ij!山 ;}MS 官COl All;}od凶 alP ad .l v :J ;}S;}U! l{:) ;}l{ l 0l AlddE I;}PO囚。 PAlEUE ;}l{ l PUE Al!nij!q山 E PUE UOPEUU耳 SSE S! l{ l ‘泛的 0l SS;}IP;};}N 叮叮lE;}J ou S!;}泊中 lng ·P;}P!OAEAIIElOl ;}q Al!nijN叫它們 no;)SUE;} 山ou Aq PUE‘ P;}U!q山 0;) SJpo山,;}l{ lpu 官JPo 山山河p ad .l v :J ;}l{ l U;};}Ml;}q UO!SU;}l ES;}AJOAU! SAEMIE UOPEUUl! SSE 山河p ad .l v :J E‘ P;};}PUI ﹒山;}lqOld ;}lU;}ij E :ijuos ijuP[UpP lO j【ll;}odω alP ad .l v :J ;}lO山 ;}lE S山 ;}od lUEA;}I;}l;}S0 l{ ll;} l{ l;} l{ M0l SE snonij!q叫它 smE山 ;}l n ‘ UO;}l;)EUYJO ;}SE;) ;}l{l 叫‘lO l, ;}S!Ml;} l{lO 叫l lO 'UOPEAPO 山山 alP ad .l v :J EUE l{ l uop;)np;}sJO ;}s!nijs!p ;)PSHEmlEU E ;}lO山 UOP;);}S ;}l{ l JOijU!UU!ij;}q ;}l{ lU! P;}lEd;}ld山 ;}od s ,l{ ij;}IE lI S! ‘ lQ ·SU!E山 ;}lJPO山 ;}ijEPlE叫它 lOJPo 山山alP ad .l v :J E ;}lO山呵呵 l;}l{ l;}l{ M 0lSE uops;}nb ;}l{ l "SU!ijl!A ;}l{ l 0. 1" S , )[;)pl;}H U!‘ ;}Id叫它 X;} lad ·P ;:l AOIOAU! sJpo山;}l{ l PUE JPo山山河 P ad .l v :J ;}l{ l U;};}Ml;}q l{;)!l{ M S;}lEI!U耳 SSE l{;)!l{ M ;}PP;}P 0l lI n;)UJ!P SA它 M{E S! n ·II;}M Al;}A uOPEHUl! sS官山河 P ad .l v :J ;}l{ l JO Al!nij!qwE PUE Al!X;}ld -WO;)叫 l S;}SS;}ldx;} (L t "d) “ l! puU 0l p;}dx;} 0l AI呵 !I山 ;};}S lOU PlnoM l! ;}l;}可 MSUOPE 的!S 0lU!JI;}Sn ijt月 AE;}M JO AEM ESE l{ Jpo山山 alP ad .l v :J ;}l{ l" lE l{ l lU;}山 ;}lElS S,E!JEI;}PU 官3 "All;}od 叫alP ad .l v :J JO uij!S ;}l{ l S! l!nsmd lU;}S;}ld ;}可l U! Jzas J! U! Ul峙';}吐 L


l;);}fqo Sl! SEllEd l;} l{ lO ;}山OS SE l{ llEd 呵。ns l{ ;)E;} UOPEUEldx;} S! l{ l 0l ijU!PlO;);)E PUE ~SllEd lU E;)muij!S Sl! lI EJO ;}S0 l{ l PUE UOPEUEldx;} UMOSl! ij間問 ElU 0;) 'JI;}Sl!JO uij!S E l{ ;)E;}l A{;}lE山 Pin" AE山 ;}UO l{;)閃M Aq 'S!SO!ω asP;}l! 山Huns ‘;};)l!;}d JOSs;};)old ijU!oijuo叫lJ o山 nDElnu耳 SESE‘ S;}POl -I耳的 UE;};)耳 ;}d ;}l{ l 0l UE;}mSSnES ;}Q ;}可1 山OlJ ;}Sl;}AEll 0l ;})[H PlnoM ;}M J! 'U;};}S ;}q AE山 SUOn;);}UUO;)l;}lU! PUE SUOPEU!q山 0;) ;}S;} l{ l lI E ‘ wg 'SPI;}U PUE S;} lU ;}ijl;} l{ lO l{ nM P;}l官 I;}ll;}l叫 ‘ SUOPE{;}l ;)n山 ij!PElEd ‘IE 呵呵呵l;}! l{ U! p;}mpnllS ‘凹的In;) Aq P;}P!AOld SJPOW JO P Jl OM ;}l{ lijUP;}lU;} S;}AI;}smo pu日 ;}M l{ ;)ns UMOP U;})[Olq ;}lE S;}POij;}lE;) {E UOmpEll ;}可l U;} l{t\'\ "Jpo 山;}ij E!llE 山芋JHo 山UOH;)np 的芋JHo 山 ;}AOI :sMo lI oJ SE p;}lEln山 lOJ;}q AE叫‘(一) ;};)U;}SqE PUE (+) ;};)u;}S;}ld JO sloq山丘 S ;}l{ l JO d{;} l{ ;}中l{l叫‘山 ;}lSAS;}I0 l{M 刊.L 'Jpo山訕。 I JO ijU!P間可 9囚的;}l{ l l;}pUnlnd ;}q AE山 ;};}ll{ l ;}S;}l{ ll叫 l OSp;}sn ;}q AE山 ijm山 nsqns JOss;};)old ;}山ES ;}l{.L UHO山 ;}ijE!llE山;}l{ l WOqE MOH 'l{ loq l;}AO;) 0lSE l{ ;)ns P;}山 l;}l S! “ ;}AOI" ;}l;} l{ ~uo!pnp 的叫 l!此 -;}AOIpu 官 uop;)np 的 -ln0l{ l!M -;}AOI SE P;}U!P J)" ;}l ;}q AE山 JHo山 uo!pnp;}s ;}可l pu官 Jno山 ;}AOI ;}l{l ‘叫Eijy 'J!lO山 Uon -;)np;}s ;}可l PUE Jpo山 MOl ;}l{ l U;};}Ml;}q UOpE J;) l ;)!山EUAp ;}可l ld;};)x;}一 -UOpEJ;) l耳;}l{ l ;}qp;) -S;}P 0l“ ;}lOW;}l" 山l;}l ;}l{ l ;}Sn AE山 ;}M SdEl{ l;}d一 -l;}l{lO l{ ;)E;} 0l snanlijuo;)u! AIPESS;};);}U , lOU ;}lE A刊 llnq‘ SJpo山 P;}H fa 革當章程研讀程(山 alP ad. ,/D;») I滋生 t胡1'l J國申國一草草


274 教學與研究第入期

5) The Syntactic and Verbal Components·ofCarpeDiem Poetry

Go,lovely rose,

Tell her that wastes her time and me,

That now she knows,

When I resemble her to thee,

How sweet and fair she seems to be.

一-Edmund Waller,“Go,Lovely Rose"

年少當及時 蹉跎日就老




Seek pleasure while you are young;

Tarry,you shall grow old day by day.

Ifyou do not believein-my woman's words,

Need only to look at the grass under the frost!

一-Tzu-yeh Ballads,No. 16

We observe that carpe diem poetry is persuasion-oriented and this orientationfinds

expression in the syntactic (structual) and verbal particularties. In terms of the

Jakob-sonean speech model (Jakobson 1960),it is the addressor-addressee dialogue that motions

the carpe diem structures and verbal expressions,in company with those poetic features

common to poe仕y 凶 general.世le presence (both explicit and implicit) of an addressee is

the essential structural feature of carpe diem poetry. The addressee may be\lctual (for



in Horace's poems) or 卸laginary;may appe缸 in name (for example


Leucono 已

in Horace's famous ode) or in the second person pronoun (you, ye, etc.); may be the

addressor himself appearing in the first person pronoun“I" (for example,“TheCrickets,"

Shih Ching). If any of these explicit forms of an addressee is not seen in a carpe diem

poem, an addressee without a name can still be strongly felt due to its syntactic and

verbal particularities which enunciate the presence of such an addressee. In this case,the

inlplied addressee can be identified with the addressor hinlself; that is to say,the addressor

is addressing to hinlself as an addressee. In the Chinese poetic tradition,the first person

I" is often omitted, especially in the poetry since the Han dynasty. In view of this,the

presence of

I" in the Chou ballads and the absence of

I" in the examples from the


建立一個中西「及時行樂 J (carpe diem) 詩歌的詩學模式 275

toh加lselfin a persuasive mode. ‘

The persuasive nature of carpe diem poetry is embodied in the addressor-addressee



dogue as already observed. Obviously,an addressee in the second person is essential to

the amorous types, the‘seductions in particular,in both Eastern and Western traditions.

For the comparative interest,we may note in passing that the second person addressee is

usually a female in the Western carpe diem tradition,while in the Chinese counterpart,it

is the male that takes up the role of the second person addressee. Another ∞用parative

point may be noted: in nor卜amorouscarpe diem poems,the Western tradition favors an

addressee of second person while the Chinese tradition prefers an addressee in the first

person. These differences between two traditions are a matter of choice, a matter of

convention司 andperhaps also a matter of social variance.

If we would like to stretch our conception of this addressor-addressee dominance a

little further, we may say- the device of dual dialogue and mixed addressee is a

pheno-menon of assimilation,that is to say,the component parts of a carpe diem poem become

dialogized because of the dialogue nature of the genre. Edmound Waller's “Go, Iρvely

Rose," an example prepared in this section, is a case at hand. The poem is a dual dialogue

in which the rose plays a dual role: it is an addressee in relation to the poet and addressor in relation to the lady to whom the whole message is addressed.

The persuasive orientation is correlated with the particularities on the syntactic and

verbal levels. The most common devices are perhaps the subjunctive argument,the

con-ditional argument,and some persuasive,argumentative verbal markers,such as“and then,"

“why not,"“better,"“let us,"and so on. Marvell's “To His Coy Mistress" is perhaps the

best example of the subjunctive argument, in which a timeless antI endless world is

pte-sented in the subjunctive mood,to be negated of∞urse. 百leconditional argument applies

to a great variety of situations and therefore very powerful. The,argument implies a

cause-and-effect persuasion,which is an argurnentative disguise in order to persuade in favor of

the carpe diem pursuits more than an exercise of logical truth. Examples andsituations 缸e

many,but I only quote one here: “Or 証 that golden fleece must grow/For ever free from

aged snow;/If those bright suns must know no shade


Nor your fresh beauties ever fade;/

百len fear not, C

6) Conclusions: TheIconicity-Conve耐ionalityRelation

I have followed a moderate notion of poetics whose trajectory is defined 戶‘between


10 ;)::muIq 凹的叮叮 UO ::l~ UU;)::l耳;)<1 ;)In ‘兩;)lUUU 'Al~::l ~UO::l~ jO ;)SU;)S PUO ::l ;)S ;)In S! ;)1;) 1ll . Al~::l !UO::l~ jO ;)::llO j ;)In uuql(UOqU;)AUO ::l jO ;)::l U;)U lU l;)dpUU SS;)UPU11~qlU) A lH uuoqU;)AUO ::l jO ;)::l 10j ;)司1 ;)lOlU SdUql;)d sIu訕訕‘ UompU11 ;)S;)U阿 J ;)ql puu Ul;)lS;) M. ;)ql U;);)A'\l ;)q自 lUs~ql 呵S;) ::lU;)l;)jjW ;)qljO M. ;)!A U~ Auu!::l ;)ds;) ‘suoqUH lU!SSU 凶alP ad .JTJ:J jO Al;)P恥 9丸 L ·;)S! M. l;)qlo;)ql lO P;)AIOAU!Sjqo lU ~qlS;)lUHU 耳SSU jqolU凶 alP ad .JTJ:J ;)可1 l;)ql;)q A\. ‘呵呵呵M. S;)lUH山頂呵呵呵呵M. M. OU){ lOU、 op ;)M. --Al!lliiN lU U01 PU;)I S;)即 q;)凹的 pUU ;)yqUpUA ;)lU suoquHu耳 SSU;)丸 L 'S昀 lU l;)qlo Oljqo山叫 1 SPU;)lX;) uoquHu耳 SSU 凶alP ad .J v :J ;)ql

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suoquii;)u ;)丸L 'uO!lUH回 ~SSU puu uoquii;)u凶 alP ad .J v :J ;)ql U! ‘泛的01 S!luql ‘ UO!SU;)lX;) puu UO!SU;)lU! sH U~ P;)qP ::l S;)P S! jqo山山河 P Jd .J v :J ;)qlU;)lll 'l;)qlo q::l昀 ln::l l;)pUn puu ;)PP .1;) AO01 AllA lH uuoqU;)AUO ::l jO ;)::llO j ;)qlpuu A1P!UO ::l! jO ;)::llO j ;)ql、 In山 10j Ul alPad .J v :J 叫1 回 IPA\ sus;)iiU1S ;)qlHU puu S;)::l它也有 uuyq;)用 UU U! ‘ AIsno!Aqo ~ M. 01E UU jO uii!s ;)用 Aqp;)!dn ::l::l o ‘ s;)iiU1SO M. l AUUU;);) M. l;)q ;)::l uds;)ql U! uoqU::l Hd凹 O::l puu uoq::l;)耳 P l;)qloSAU M. IU S! ;)l;)ql‘白 P!S;){I '::lqO! 凹的AI l1ud lS昀 I1U 10 ‘ ;)lnlUU 呵呵1°! 凹的‘ld;) ::luo ::lUU 山nq U S!“ ;)U恥

u e 旬,+ n yd e

v-- ••

e u nr v••• 司d o u ••• v 3 e o3 v••• 、4 間, ... qd HHE 、4 B AU d 呵。 B yz' 、'? o n可 9 Y圖且 u 、., HHB 司口 I B P3 、'? e u pu TEE-- PA CO


0、u k y-e e u o3 I

. 旬,+ o va' 回. 司口PB ea o 冒且- HU 呵。 9 旬,+ 凹­ qo su lOU S! uIn山 10j Ul alP ad .J v :J ;)ql ln {l • AUP ;)ql ;)訂閱-- Al;)!XUU -SS;)U;)lU A\ UsH .... 一 SS;)UP01!SUU11 UU山 nq :uIn lU l0jU jO叩 OJ叫 1 U!lnd ;)q AU叩 S!lll.;)問 lii間 1;);)日 ;)\n jOlU;)lql ;)qll;)pUn Al ::l IUqu的 S!X;) UU S~jqo 山山河P ad .J v :J ;)ql ‘lUlO j iU四 iipo puu I Ul ;)u;)iiSl! uI . (98(:-1£(: :qt86I:178-£861 n頁 ) a :J uanbas .Ja{[l~ .3 uvM S,~;)M. iiuu M. jOS;)!pnlS A山間 P!P I suAl1;)od UlalP θd .Jv :J jO S::l quu凹 ;)S ;)ql lO j luno ::l::l u Oljqo山 jO山 ;)lSAS Uiiuqsn11SUO ::l jO A lH N!ssod ;)ql‘ H耳 ds;)月 lU11snm puu lUlU;)山 !l;)dx;) uuU! ‘M. oqs 01l;)dud S!ql閃 All I oS .AiioIolullUU AElO d山 ;)lUO::l U! p;)dOI;)A;)PS! .Hlo 山jO ;)SU;)S Iunp;)l!q ::l lU ;)ql su AU M. ;)lU四叫1 U! ‘;)PO 叩 ::lqO! 凹的-Iunpn11S U U!忱的 ;)qljOS ::lquu 凹的9 恥的od 山0 ::l;)1 puu ;)sod叩 O::l ;)P 011°°1 U0lU! l! dOI;)A;)Ppuu jqo lU jO;)SU;)S IUllld;)::l uo::l叫 1 ;)A!A;)l AU lU ;)M. luql ;)叩01 S Jn::l::l O H‘ ;)U耳 1 ;)lU US ;)qllV 'u;);)sun SU!U山 ;)1 lX;)l;)qljO S::l quu凹的叫 1 dnuodo PIno::l呵呵呵M. 1°°1Injl;) M. od ;)山間 ;)qlluql l;)lii;)l Ul;)qlul S! H ln{l﹒叩 spqp::l A1UlO d山 ;)lUO::l ;)可1 叫 p;)dOI;)A;)P SU suop ::l unj 10 Sjqo山 ;)AqUllUU jOuoqou ;)ql Aq P;) ::l UUApU U;);)q APU;)lIU suq ~oI01Ul lUN 's;)p~punoq Iuuoquu jO iiU!SSOl ::l ;)q1 AYUO ;)lU ::l !PU! 01 S~ ;)Im A lU U! "IU1;)U;)丸, pl0M.叫 1--lU no::l::l U 0lU! S;)~n1U;)j ;)l;)l ::l UO ::l ;)q1 iiu!){盯‘山 ;)lSAS ::l !UOlq ::l UAS;)q1 U! uoqou ::l!UO 呵呵W ;)q1 iiu!閃閃 -;}1 (I I:1861 A010P0 .L) ,,' IU1;)U;)ii APA!SS;) ::l X;) ;)ql puu luIn ::l qlud Al ;)A ;)ql‘ S;)叩 ;)11X;) O M. 1 9LZ 揖;l£趟出宮發 臨Y


"fEqlEd 正IUO a lE suoqElonb lIE '9 I' 'SP 1J ll 1J Elt{ ate-nz .L pUES I 'Slω o,J Pl O uaalau JNa tf.L lda:>xa‘U1 E~V "(968 ‘ n7) “ swaodUO H1 AEd P!q:>lOaq .1" s,l[!可 J-!SH~UEA 必血f呵(6t 仿 E ‘n叮7吋) “,,~UOS 口O 可鴨 S"八 s 丸伊‘ρO仰 E‘♂s .1°仰 E‘,s .1~呵 (8L6‘ n7 吋) “ j2uE 郎 sc羽‘凡耳 Jn 閃1叮'1 "1閥 O 叫1 正圳 Id白9 洹"s

‘2卸U!W I It 閥O凹 O 叩E.1~呵圳(“ .引 UEnλ

‘ n 叮7吋 )9 引I ‘ Y 可s砂P 1J 吋ll 1J 呀 Elt{伊 ate· ι-n 臼:呵(£££ 一 l££ ‘ n 叮7吋) S 引I ‘ E 盯I ‘ SU ω uao 句',J P lO u ωaalauJN a tf.L :ua )[ll l a lE saIdwExaaql 呵呵呵M W01J sa~d aqlalaq alE:>!pU! I ‘ a:>ualaJalJO asodmd.aql lO J oSIV"uoq:>an 0:> s , n '1 u1 swaodωaJp ad J.1J J SEpalap!Suo:> aqAEw 呵呵呵M swaod OL lnoqEalE alaqlSMOqs S:>qsqElS正則 "SaqsEu正 α X! Saql ol dn后 llaodasau 阿J JOuoq:>an 0:> alaIdwo:> 互溝要 S,n-四凡J n'1凹 OlJ ua )[ll l alE 穹的可J-t{l肘, 1日 OlJ asoql泌的油市 aIdwExa aql IIE ‘ UOmpEll waJp ad J.1J J asa呵呵 J aql 0l sV "9II ‘ uoa J. J 1J uy lda:>xa 'A {U oIEqlEd alEsuoqElonb aql IIV﹒(8LI-LLI 冶)“正ofu 立0l SUO!SEnSlad"又 MalEJ~(££l-l£ Z: '.J) "aso迪 瓦IaA01 ‘o~" s , laIIE A\ ~(99£-S9£ 'M) "laHpa U1 ElqopElI aaquaqM aA01S!q 0 .1" S‘明白 Ia'M ~(L6 I-96 I'M) "SSallS!肌肉叩 0.1" s , na Al Ew ~(L '.J) 9II ‘ uoa J. J 1J uy ~(£8 'M) XIXXX '1 'po咐 -J.apun a tf.L s,uo 呵呵呵呵 ~(9Zl 'M) "SU!~耳 A aql 0 .1" s , )[:>plaH :a:>ualaplJO a )[ll s aql 1句 ua司的 alE suoqElonb aql al叫 M W01J sa~Ed aqlalE:>!P U1 I alaH "saq:> lE aSal S月 lEPPUEJ pUE uOl~U1 IIaA\ l日 OlJ ua )[ll l alE ‘ a:>E lO H pUE snnnlEJ 1日Ol J asoql lda:>xa ‘ swaod waJp ad J.1J J Ul alsa A\ aql W01J suoqElonb aql nv "alOu IE:>月 dEl~oHq!q V



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:x~ssns 'plEMOH plE l{ :)ffi Aq 'SUEll ‘ s;maod 0/ uOJ/ :J npoJ/u! . 186I ·uEl~AZ.1‘ AOlOP°.1 'Ug A\ I :!~d!E.1 ':1796 I [AlSEUAQnO lI:::> JO 元耳~Od ~lJ:.L] '8uJ句 :J-lfJlfS 明~ld ‘SEX~ .1‘SEX~ .1 JO Al!Sl~A!U凡 :Unsny 'sJa /svfγ S/!~ u8JSalf .L '6L6 I 'SE凹 0lJ:.L ')[O~q~S 'SS~ldAl!Sl~A!U 凡PlE AlEH :~~ppq叫它:::> 's Ja dvdpapall0 :J '8S一 1£6 I 'Sl~PUESs~pm 日‘~:)耳~d '!EH l{~DsH :!~d!E.1 'sIoA £ ‘[ saJ/svurCσ lfJJoN 句 mos alf/ 0/ uJ, lf:J-aJd 凶 oJ] rC J/aod asauJlf :J] 捏 蟑~F~ 墨梅黨莘莘句 JlfS oVlf :J -Jad-uvu UJψ 羽M-UVlf UJ‘句 :J-uaJsH '1786I 'l~ndwo:)'H-閏月3 ‘n '1 'SS~ldUE~! l{:)!W JO Al!Sl~A!U凡 : lO q lV uuy'uoolA PIEU0 1l pUE JJol{ U~'1 nE~ Aq 'SUEll ‘/ xa .L :J!J S!/JValf/ Joa Jn pnJ/Salf .L . LL6 I 'fpnf‘ UE間 1σI ·E .1 ~un.1 :!~d!E.1 [s :J J/aod :JJ/O! 凶as] ﹒音程睡2~ 伊!J Slf-lfJlfS oVlf-Jlf:J 'q1786 I﹒一一一一一 'U-6步‘ Z/I-6步 l):J!/oJ 凶as “'~Id 山EX~ gS~U!l{:::> E :All~od JO ~u!p自 l:)nO! 凹的E PlEM0 .1" 'E1786 I 戶一一一一 '17S£-6££

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UI “'s:)n~od pUE s:)nS!n~uH :lU~山 ~lElS ~.回S 吋:::>" '096I 'UEW0 1l‘ uosqO)[Ef 'SS~ldO~E:) !lJ::::> JO Al!Sl~A -Ill且 :O~E:)!l{:::> . A:)UEIJ l{d~sof Aq 'SUEll 'a :J vJOHJo sapod:! ~ sapo alf .L '096I '~:)ElOH 'SS~ldAl!Sl~A!U .f1 EUE!PUI :UOl~U!山 00TS: 'S :J!J oJ叫 as JorC Joalf .L V '9L6 I 'OU~q凹.f1‘ 0:)百 'mH-MEl~:)W:刑。 λM~N 'ur有 SEH~PE A\ Aq 'SUElls :J J/s.m8u !7 /v Ja ua f) UJ aS Jn 0:J . 6S6 I 'pUE呵 pl~丘‘ ~mssnES ~Q 'SS~ldUE~! l{勻即JO 元l!Sl~A!U .f1 :loq lV UUV 'A~Ido:::> )[UEld Aq 'SUEll 'rCJ/aod a/a/d Ul 0:J alf .L 'LS6 I 'snp~IEA SnO!E~ ‘snnnlE:::> '!mOSS!WJO Al!Sl~A!U.f1 、。HE 呵呵呵Q p~l{ snqndu凡“ ')[:)!UgH ll~q01l 0l ~:)ml~pl lElm !l lEd l{ l!M All~od ;'PAI Amlu~:)-l{ lu~~lu~A~S APE~ U! JHo山山 alP adJv;) ~lJ:.L" '6S6 I 河:)P~P~ld ‘EpEppUE:::> S耳 :::>N耳 H耳丘耳 H 臨Y 露2 至回國窗草書 8LZ


間, "Al!SlgA!U且 gl盯 SuPpol 丘‘UOnUpgSS!O pg可 snqndu且“﹒ (OOL1-06~ y) AllgOd可 Sn~U'3 AlnlUg ::r可lUgglUgA 叮叮9 山g l.lL叫aJ σadJv :J g l.{ l JOS!SAluuy uV" "9S 6l ·SgWUf‘ UOl~UnpM. ·8l£-66Z



8£ "lOA‘ V:JJJOJ叫 as“ "gml:)nllS 。nO!Wgs U! slunbgu f1 Uggh \l gq g:)!。可 3它一 -pg)[lUWU 且 pUUP 叫R 間" ·Z86l ·upu rJ ‘咽nu M. ·SSgld19l5gAlUH 6a 草草當宙摧個過揖(ω ClJP Cl d .l D :J) r叢生 t胡1'l J回中國一平軍



volume suppressed mass: (TeV) 2 /M P ∼ 10 −4 eV → mm range can be experimentally tested for any number of extra dimensions - Light U(1) gauge bosons: no derivative couplings. =&gt;

For pedagogical purposes, let us start consideration from a simple one-dimensional (1D) system, where electrons are confined to a chain parallel to the x axis. As it is well known

The observed small neutrino masses strongly suggest the presence of super heavy Majorana neutrinos N. Out-of-thermal equilibrium processes may be easily realized around the

incapable to extract any quantities from QCD, nor to tackle the most interesting physics, namely, the spontaneously chiral symmetry breaking and the color confinement.. 

(1) Determine a hypersurface on which matching condition is given.. (2) Determine a

• Formation of massive primordial stars as origin of objects in the early universe. • Supernova explosions might be visible to the most

The difference resulted from the co- existence of two kinds of words in Buddhist scriptures a foreign words in which di- syllabic words are dominant, and most of them are the

(Another example of close harmony is the four-bar unaccompanied vocal introduction to “Paperback Writer”, a somewhat later Beatles song.) Overall, Lennon’s and McCartney’s