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A new approach to constructing optimal prefix circuits with small depth


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A New Approach to Constructing Optimal Prefix Circuits with Small Depth

Yen-Chun Lin* and Jun-Wei Hsiao**

*Dept. of Computer Science and Information Engineering

**Dept. of Electronic Engineering

National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei 106, Taiwan

E-mail: yclin@computer.org


shown. A serial prefix circuit S(n) is shown in Fig.

1, in which vertical edges from left to right are named line 1, line 2,..., line n, respectively. Input nodes are Prefix computation has many applications, and

on the top of a circuit and have indegree 0 and should be implemented as a primitive operation.

outdegree 1, representing input items. Output nodes Many combinational circuits for performing the prefix

are at the bottom and have indegree 1 and outdegree 0, operation in parallel, called parallel prefix circuits,

representing outputs. An operation node, represented have been designed and studied. The size of a prefix

by a black dot, performs the ⊗ operation on its two circuit D, s(D), is the number of operation nodes in

inputs, having indegree 2 and outdegree 1 or more. For D, and the depth of D, d(D), is the maximum level of

any operation node on line i at level j, its left input is operation nodes in D. Smaller depth implies faster

from a node at level j – 1, while its right input is computation, while smaller size implies less power

always from line i. A duplication node has indegree 1 consumption and smaller area in VLSI implementation

and outdegree 2 or more; it outputs multiple copies of and thus less cost. D is depth-size optimal if d(D) +

its single input. In Fig. 1, a duplication node is on line s(D) = 2n – 2. Another circuit parameter is fan-out.

1 at level 0. The numbers at the left of a prefix circuit A circuit having a smaller fan-out is faster and

denote the depth levels of the nodes to the right. The smaller in VLSI implementation. Thus, a circuit

input node on line i represents input xi. When no should have a small fan-out for it to be of practical

use. In this paper, we take a new approach to confusion is caused, we may use simply D for any designing a depth-size optimal parallel prefix circuit, prefix circuit D (p), where p may be the number of WE4, with fan-out 4 and small depth. In many cases inputs or a parameter with another meaning.

of n, WE4 has the smallest depth among all known prefix circuits. 1 2 3 level 1 2 n n –1 . . . . . . . . . input 0

1. Introduction

Given n values x1, x2,


, xn and an associative binary operation ⊗, the prefix operation is to compute the n values x1 x2 ⊗...⊗ xi, 1 ≤ i ≤ n . Prefix computation has many applications, such as sorting, job scheduling, loop parallelization, and processor allocation [1, 2, 7-9, 17]. Because of its usefulness, it

Fig. 1. Serial prefix circuit S(n).

should be implemented as a primitive operation [3]. Many combinational circuits for performing the prefix

The size of a prefix circuit D , s ( D ), is the operation in parallel, called parallel prefix circuits,

number of operation nodes in D, and the depth of D , have been designed and studied [2, 4, 5, 8-11, 13-16].

d(D), is the maximum level of operation nodes in D. In this paper, we assume that the number of inputs

Smaller depth implies faster computation. Smaller is n, unless otherwise stated. We represent a prefix

size implies less power consumption and smaller area circuit with a directed acyclic graph containing n in VLSI implementation and thus less cost. Therefore, input nodes, n output nodes, at least n – 1 operation size and depth are important parameters of prefix nodes, and at least one duplication node. For ease of circuits. For any prefix circuit D, d (D ) + s(D ) presentation, in this paper, all the directed edges are 2 n – 2 [16]. Thus, D is depth-size optimal, or assumed to be downward; thus, the arrows need not be optimal for short, if d (D ) + s (D ) = 2n – 2. For


example, Fig. 1 shows that s (S ) = d (S ) = n – 1; Prefix circuit Q (n) with fan-out at most 4 has

thus, S is optimal. been presented in [14].

A third important parameter is fan-out. The fan-out

Property 1 [14]:

The depth of Q(n) is of a node is its outdegree. A node having a smaller

lgnif n ≤ 7, fan-out is faster and smaller in VLSI implementation

[18]. A node has unbounded fan-out if the fan-out is 2t – 4 if t ≥ 4 and 2t–1

≤ n < 3 × 2t–2

, not fixed and is a function of n; otherwise, the fan-out

2t – 3 if t ≥ 4 and 3 × 2t–2 ≤ n < 2t. of the node is a constant, or is bounded. The fan-out of

W (n) is a prefix circuit defined with the following prefix circuit D , fo(D ), is the maximum fan-out of

operation nodes [11]: all nodes in D . For example, fo(S ) = 2. A circuit

has unbounded fan-out if one of its nodes has Gi = {(i + 1, i + 2)}, i = 1, 2,…, n – 2; unbounded fan-out. A circuit should have a small G

n–1 = {(1, i) | i = 2, 3,…, n}.

bounded fan-out for it to be of practical use.

For example, W (3) and W (4) are shown in Fig. 2. For ease of presentation, let i:j represent the result

By definition, d ( W ) = n – 1, s ( W ) = 2n – 3, of computing xi ⊗ xi+1 ⊗ ... ⊗ xj, where i ≤ j. We

ia(W) = n – 2, and l(W) = n – 1 . use ia(D ) = a to denote that line 1 of prefix circuit

D has a duplication node at level a and has no

1 2 3 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 2 1 W(3) W(4) 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6

duplication nodes at any level less than a . In addition, we use l(D ) = b to denote that line n of D obtains 1:n at level b.

Many previous parallel prefix circuits are briefly reviewed in [11]. Some of them with smaller depth are in the following. L Y D is an optimal prefix circuit

with unbounded fan-out, whose depth is between Fig. 2. W(3), W(4), and W(3) • W(4). 2 l g n – 6 and 2 lg n – 3 [9]. M is also an

optimal prefix circuit with unbounded fan-out, whose 2.2. Composition of prefix circuits, size depth is between 2 lg n – 5 and 2 lg n – 3 [12]. optimality, and other properties

H4 is an optimal prefix circuit with fan-out 4, whose

depth is between 2 lg n – 5 and 2 lg n – 3 [11]. Assume that A (n

1) and B ( n2) are two prefix Z4 is an optimal prefix circuit with fan-out 4, whose

circuits with n1 and n2 inputs, respectively. A (n1) depth is between 2 lg n – 6 and 2 lg n – 3 [6].

In this paper, we introduce a new optimal parallel and B(n2) can be composed into a prefix circuit with prefix circuit, denoted as W E 4 , with fan-out 4. In n

1 + n2 – 1 inputs by merging the operation node that

many cases of n, it has the smallest depth among all

produces 1:n1 on line n1 of A (n1) with the first, if known prefix circuits. Section 2 briefly reviews

not unique, duplication node on line 1 of B(n2); the previous results. Sections 3 and 4 present prefix

circuits WL and W V , respectively; these circuits will resulting circuit is denoted by A (n1) • B (n2) [16]. be used in Section 5 to construct W E 4 . Section 6 For example, Fig. 2 also gives W(3) • W(4). Three or compares W E 4 with the optimal parallel prefix more prefix circuits can also be composed into a single circuits mentioned in the previous paragraph in some prefix circuit, and the composition operation is detail. Section 7 concludes this paper. associative.

Definition 2 [11]: For any prefix circuit A with n

2. Brief review of previous results

inputs, if i a ( A ) = a , l( A ) = b , and s ( A ) = 2n – 2 + a – b , then A is size optimal; we say that A is A prefix circuit D can be defined with sets of

SOPC(n, a, b). operation nodes at level i, i = 1, 2,... , d(D) [16]:

Property 3 [11]: Q(n) is SOPC(n, 0, lg n).

Gi = {(x , y ) | at level i on line y there

Property 4 [11]: W (n ) is S O P C (n , n – 2, n – is an operation node whose left input

is the output of a node on line x at 1) with fan-out n.

level i – 1}. Property 5 [11]: If A is S O P C ( n , 0, b ) and If (x, y) ∈ Gi, the corresponding operation node d(A) = b, then A is optimal.

can be denoted as (x, y)i. Property 6 [11]: If A ( n1) and B ( n2) are SOPC(n1, a , b ) and S O P C ( n2 , c , d ) ,


SOPC(n1 + n2 – 1, a , b – c + d ) with depth 1 2 3 6 9 0 1 12 13 4 15 6 17 8 920 1 22 3 24 25 max{d(A(n1)), d(B(n2)) + b – c}.

3. Size optimal prefix circuit WL

Prefix circuit WL(5) is defined with the following operation nodes: G1 = {(2, 3), (6, 7), (10, 11)}, G2 = {(3, 4), (7, 8), (11, 12)}, Fig. 4. WL(6). G3 = {(4, 5), (8, 9), (12, 13)}, As already mentioned, W A (5) • W B (5) is G4 = {(5, 9)}, SOPC(25, 6, 8), thus s(W A (5) • W B (5)) = 2 × 25 – 2 G5 = {(9, 13)}, + 6 – 8 = 46. Clearly, s ( W L (6)) = 47. That is, G6 = {(1, 5), (1, 9), (1, 13)}, s(W L (6)) = 2 × 25 – 2 + 6 – 7. Since ia(W L (6)) = 6 and l ( W L (6)) = 7, by Definition 2, W L (6) is G7 = {(1, 2), (1, 3), (1, 4), (5, 6), (5, 7), (5, 8),

SOPC(25, 6, 7). (9, 10), (9, 11), (9, 12)}.

The above method of obtaining WL(6) from WL(5) Fig. 3 shows that d (W L (5)) = 7, fo(W L (5)) = 4, can be generalized to derive W L (t + 1) from W L (t), i a ( W L (5)) = 5, and l( W L (5)) = 6. In addition,

t ≥ 5.

s(W L (5)) = 23 = 2 × 13 – 2 + 5 – 6. Therefore, by Algorithm A: Let N be the set of nodes at levels Definition 2, WL(5) is SOPC(13, 5, 6).

t + 1 through 2t – 3 of W L (t), where t ≥ 5. We can obtain WL(t + 1) by the following procedures. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 9 10 11 12 13

1. Move down the operation node (1, 3 × 2t– 3 + 1)t+1 of W L (t) by 1 level to become (1, 3 × 2t– 3 + 1)t+2, and move down all the other operation nodes in N by 2 levels, resulting in W A (t). (If the left input of an operation node comes from a duplication node, then moving the operation node implies that the duplication node should also be moved accordingly.)

2. Move down all the operation nodes in N by 2 levels to obtain WB(t).

3. Delete node (3 × 2t–3

+ 1, 3 × 2t– 2 + 1)t+3 of the

Fig. 3. WL(5).

composed prefix circuit W A (t) • W B (t), and add 2 nodes (3 × 2t– 3 + 1, 3 × 2t– 2 + 1)t+ 1 and We can move the operation node (1, 13)6 of WL(5)

(1, 3 × 2t–2

+ 1)t+2, resulting in WL(t + 1). downward by 1 level to be (1, 13)7, and move the other

operation nodes at level 6 and level 7 downward by 2

Theorem 7: W L (t) is SOPC(3 × 2t– 3 + 1, t , t + levels, resulting in a new prefix circuit WA(5). Note

1) with depth 2t – 3 and fan-out 4, for t ≥ 5. that d (W A (5)) = 9, f o (W A (5)) = 4, and W A (5) is

Proof: This theorem can be proved by induction on

S O P C (13, 6, 7). We can also obtain W B (5) by

t. The proof is omitted because of space limitation. moving down all the nodes at levels 6 and 7 of WL(5)

by 2 levels. Clearly, d(W B (5)) = 9, fo(W B (5)) = 4,

4. Size optimal prefix circuit WV

and WB(5) is SOPC(13, 7, 8).

By Property 6, WA(5) • WB(5) is SOPC(25, 6, 8).

We can delete the operation node (13, 25)8 of WA(5) • Prefix circuit WV(5) is defined with the following W B (5), and then add operation nodes (13, 25)6 and operation nodes:

G1 = {(2, 3), (5, 6), (8, 9)}, (1, 25)7, obtaining WL(6) as shown in Fig. 4. Clearly,

d (W L (6)) = 9, fo(W L (6)) = 4 and ia(W L (6)) = 6. G2 = {(3, 4), (6, 7), (9, 10)}, Since only operation nodes on line 25 are modified and G

3 = {(4, 7)}, W L (6) obtains 1:25 at level 7, clearly W L (6) is a

G4 = {(7, 10)}, prefix circuit and l(WL(6)) = 7.


G6 = {(1, 2), (1, 3), (4, 5), (4, 6), (7, 8), (7, 9)}. by Definition 2, WV(6) is SOPC(19, 5, 6).

The above method of obtaining WV(6) from WV(5) Fig. 5 shows that d(W V (5)) = 6, fo(W V (5)) = 4,

can be generalized to derive W V (t + 1) from W V (t), i a ( W V (5)) = 4, and l( W V (5)) = 5. In addition,

t ≥ 5. s(W V (5)) = 17 = 2 × 10 – 2 + 4 – 5. Therefore, by

Algorithm B: Let N be the set of nodes at levels Definition 2, WV(5) is SOPC(10, 4, 5).

t through 2t – 4 of W V (t), where t ≥ 5. We can obtain WV(t + 1) by the following procedures.

1 2 3 4 5 6 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 9 10

1. Move down the operation node (1, 9 × 2t–5

+ 1)t of W V (t) by 1 level to become (1, 9 × 2t– 5 + 1)t+ 1, and move down all the other operation nodes in N by 2 levels, resulting in VA(t).

2. Move down all the operation nodes in N by 2 levels to obtain VB(t).

3. Delete the node (9 × 2t– 5

+ 1, 9 × 2t– 4 + 1)t+ 2 of the composed prefix circuit V A (t) • V B (t), and add operation nodes (9 × 2t– 5

+ 1, 9 × 2t– 4 + 1)t

Fig. 5. WV(5).

and (1, 9 × 2t–4

+ 1)t+1, resulting in WV(t + 1). We can move down the operation node (1, 10)5 of

Theorem 8: W V (t) is SOPC(9 × 2t– 5 + 1, t – 1, W V (5) by 1 level to be (1, 10)6, and move the other

t) with depth 2t – 4 and fan-out 3, for t ≥ 6.

operation nodes at level 5 and level 6 downward by 2 Proof: This theorem can be proved by induction on levels, resulting in a new prefix circuit VA(5). Note t. The proof is omitted because of space limitation. that d ( V A (5)) = 8, f o ( V A (5)) = 3, and V A (5) is

S O P C (10, 5, 6). We can also obtain V B (5) by

5. Depth-size optimal prefix circuit WE4

moving down all the nodes at levels 5 and 6 of WV(5)

by 2 levels. Clearly, d (V B (5)) = 8, fo(V B (5)) = 4,

For ease of presentation, let W G (t) = W L (t) • and VB(5) is SOPC(10, 6, 7). W L ( t – 1) • ... • W L (5) • W (4), for t ≥ 5, and

By Property 6, VA(5) • VB(5) is S O P C (19, 5, 7).

WG(4) = W(4). We can delete the operation node (10, 19)7 of VA(5) •

Lemma 9: W G (t) is SOPC(3 × 2t– 2 – 8, t , 2t – V B (5), and then add operation nodes (10, 19)5 and 3) with depth 2t – 3, for t ≥ 5.

(1, 19)6, obtaining WV(6) as shown in Fig. 6. Clearly,

Proof: By Theorem 7, WL(t) is SOPC(3 × 2t– 3 + d (W V (6)) = 8, fo(W V (6)) = 3, and ia(W V (6)) = 5. 1, t , t + 1) with depth 2t – 3. By Property 6, Since only operation nodes on line 19 are modified and

W L (t) • W L (t – 1) is S O P C (3 × 2t– 3 + 3 × 2t – 4 + W V (6) obtains 1:19 at level 6, clearly W V (6) is a

1, t, t + 2) with depth 2t – 3. Using Property 6 prefix circuit and l(WV(6)) = 6.

repeatedly, we can obtain that W L (t) • W L (t – 1) •...• WL(5) is SOPC(3 × 2t– 3 + 3 × 2t– 4 +…+ 3 × 22 1 2 3 4 5 6 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 9 10 7 8 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 + 1, t, 2t – 4), i.e., S O P C (3 × 2t– 2 – 11, t, 2t – 4), with depth 2t – 3. Since W (4) is SOPC(4, 2, 3) with depth 3, by Property 6, W G (t) = W L (t) • W L (t – 1) •...• W L (5) • W (4) is S O P C (3 × 2t– 2 – 8, t, 2t – 3)

with depth 2t – 3. Q.E.D.

Assume that n ≥ 21 and t = lg n, we define n-input prefix circuit WE4(n) as follows:

1. When 21 ≤ n ≤ 28 or 63 ≤ n ≤ 64, WE4(n) = Q(n – 21 × 2t–5 + 9) • WV(t) • Fig. 6. WV(6). WG(t – 1). 2. When 29 ≤ n ≤ 32; Since V A (5) • V B (5) is S O P C (19, 5, 7), s(V A ( 5 ) 37 × 2t–5 – 9 ≤ n ≤ 5 × 2t–2 – 8, t ≥ 6; or • VB(5)) = 2 × 19 – 2 + 5 – 7 = 34, Thus, s(WV(6)) = n = 7 × 2t–2 – 9, t ≥ 5, s ( V A (5) • V B (5)) – 1 + 2 = 2 × 19 – 2 + 5 – 6. WE4(n) = Q(n – 3 × 2t–2 + 8) • S(2) • WG(t). Furthermore, since ia(W V (6)) = 5 and l(W V (6)) = 6,


3. When 48 ≤ n ≤ 62; Case 8: When 7 × 2t– 3 – 8 ≤ n ≤ 2t , where t ≥ 7, 5 × 2t–3 – 7 ≤ n ≤ 7 × 2t–3 – 10, t ≥ 6; let m = n – 3 × 2t–3 + 9. 7 × 2t–3 – 8 ≤ n ≤ 2t , t ≥ 7; or Case 9: When 2t–1 < n ≤ 9 × 2t– 4 – 10, where t ≥ 2t < n ≤ 9 × 2t–3 – 10, t ≥ 7, 8, let m = n – 3 × 2t–4 + 9. WE4(n) = Q(n – 3 × 2t–3 + 9) • WG(t – 1). Case 10: When 9 × 2t– 4

– 9 ≤ n ≤ 37 × 2t– 6 – 10, 4. When 9 × 2t–4

– 9 ≤ n ≤ 37 × 2t–6

– 10, t ≥ 8, where t ≥ 8, let m = n – 21 × 2t–6

+ 9. WE4(n) = Q(n – 21 × 2t–5 + 9) • WV(t – 1) By Case 2, when 29 ≤ n ≤ 32, we have d(W E 4 )

• WG(t – 2). = 2 lg n – 3. By Cases 1, 3, 4, 7, and 8, when 21 ≤ As an example, Fig. 7 shows WE4(27). n ≤ 28, 47 ≤ n ≤ 64, or 7 × 2t– 3

– 9 ≤ n ≤ 2t , where t 7, we have d (W E 4 ) = 2 lg n – 4. By Case 6, 3 5 6 9 0 1 12 3 4 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 16 7 18 9 20 21 2 23 4 5 26 7 when t = 6, 33 ≤ n ≤ 46, we have d ( W E 4 ) = 2 lg n – 5. By Cases 5 and 6, when 37 × 2t– 6

– 9 ≤ n ≤ 7 × 2t– 3 – 10, where t ≥ 7, we have d (W E 4 ) = 2 lg n – 5. Finally, by Cases 9 and 10, when 2t– 1

< n ≤ 37 × 2t– 6

– 10, where t ≥ 8, we have d(W E 4 )

Fig. 7. WE4(27) = Q(15) • WV(5) • W(4).

= 2 lg n – 6.

As already mentioned, the fan-out of Q is at most Theorem 10: WE4(n) is an optimal prefix circuit

4 and the fan-out of W V (5) is 4. By Theorem 8, the with fan-out 4 and depth

fan-out of W V (t) is 3, t ≥ 6. By Property 4 and 2 lg n – 3 when 29 ≤ n ≤ 32;

Theorem 7, the fan-out of W (4) and WL is 4, Hence, 2 lg n – 4 when 21 ≤ n ≤ 28, 47 ≤ n ≤ 64, or

WE4(n) has a fan-out of 4. Q.E.D.

7 × 2t–3

– 9 ≤ n ≤ 2t

, where t ≥ 7; 2 lg n – 5 when 33 ≤ n ≤ 46 or 37 × 2t–6

– 9

6. Comparisons of optimal prefix circuits

≤ n ≤ 7 × 2t–3

– 10, where t ≥ 7;

For easy and exact comparisons, Table 1 gives the 2 lg n – 6 when 2t–1 < n ≤ 37 × 2t–6 – 10,

numbers of inputs that can be processed by where t ≥ 8.

representative optimal parallel prefix circuits with Proof: The proof is through distinguishing 10 cases. specific depths. From Table 1, for n ≥ 21, d(WE4) Because the processes for the cases each are very

d(H4); that is, WE4 is better than H4. similar, we will give details for the first case only and Also from Table 1, when n = 29, 65 ≤

n ≤ 67, 139 give tips for the others. ≤ n ≤ 145, 287 ≤ n ≤ 303, 583 ≤ n ≤ 621, 1175 ≤

n Case 1: When 21 ≤ n ≤ 28, let m = n – 12; thus 9 ≤ 1259, 2359 ≤

n ≤ 2537, or 4727 ≤ n ≤ 5095, we get ≤ m ≤ 16 and lg m = 4. By Property 1, d (Z 4 ) = d (W E 4 ) – 1; however, when 45 ≤ n ≤ 4 6 , we have 4 ≤ d(Q (m )) ≤ 6. By Property 3, 99 ≤ n ≤ 102, 209 ≤ n ≤ 214, 431 ≤ n ≤ 438, 877 ≤ Q ( m ) is S O P C ( m , 0, 4). As already n ≤ 886, 1771 ≤ n ≤ 1782, or 3561 ≤ n ≤ 3574, we mentioned, W V (5) is S O P C (10, 4, 5) with have d (W E 4 ) = d (Z 4 ) – 1; otherwise, d (W E 4 ) = depth 6. Thus, by Property 6, Q ( m ) •

d(Z4). W V (5) is S O P C (m + 9, 0, 5). Since W ( 4 )

We now compare WE4 with optimal prefix circuits is SOPC(4, 2, 3), by Property 6, WE4(n) =

with unbounded fan-out. It can be checked that Q (m ) • W V (5) • W (4) is S O P C (m + 12,

d ( W E 4 ) ≤ d ( M ) except when n = 29. As for 0, 6) with depth 6 = 2 lg n – 4. Finally,

L Y D , when 21 ≤ n ≤ 77, d (L Y D ) ≤ d (W E 4 ); when by Property 5, WE4(n) is optimal.

78 ≤ n ≤ 446, d (W E 4 ) ≤ d (L Y D ); when n ≥ 447, Case 2: When 29 ≤ n ≤ 32, let m = n – 16.

d (W E 4 ) < d (L Y D ). That is, although both M and Case 3: When 48 ≤ n ≤ 62, let m = n – 15.

LYD have unbounded fan-out, only when n is small, Case 4: When 63 ≤ n ≤ 64, let m = n – 33.

d(M ) and d(L Y D ) have some chances to be smaller Case 5: When 37 × 2t– 6

– 9 ≤ n ≤ 5 × 2t – 3 – 8,

than d (W E 4 ) by 1. Specifically, when n > 29, M where t ≥ 7, let m = n – 3 × 2t–3

+ 8. can be replaced by W E 4 ; when n > 77, L Y D can be Case 6: When 5 × 2t– 3 – 7 ≤ n ≤ 7 × 2t – 3 – 10, replaced by WE4. where t ≥ 6, let m = n – 3 × 2t–3 + 9. Case 7: When n = 7 × 2t– 3 – 9, where t ≥ 6, let m = n – 3 × 2t–3 + 8.


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7. Conclusion


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Fig. 1.  Serial prefix circuit S(n).
Table 1. The numbers of inputs that some References



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