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Exact interval estimation, power calculation, and sample size determination in normal correlation analysis


Academic year: 2021

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DOI: 10.1007/S11336-04-1221-6







This paper considers the problem of analysis of correlation coefficients from a multivariate normal population. A unified theorem is derived for the regression model with normally distributed explanatory variables and the general results are employed to provide useful expressions for the distributions of simple, multiple, and partial-multiple correlation coefficients. The inversion principle and monotonicity property of the proposed formulations are used to describe alternative approaches to the exact interval estimation, power calculation, and sample size determination for correlation coefficients.

Key words: multiple correlation, partial-multiple correlation, simple correlation.

1. Introduction

Correlation analysis is widely used in many areas of science, and the literature is very exten-sive. Classical inferences on correlation coefficients are conducted mainly under the assumption that all variables have a joint multivariate normal distribution. Although the underlying normality assumption provides a convenient and useful setup, the resulting probability density functions of the (sample) simple and multiple correlation coefficients r, and R, are notoriously complicated in forms. The complexity incurs continuous investigations to give various expressions, approxi-mations, and computing algorithms for the distributions of both sample correlation coefficients. See Johnson, Kotz, and Balakrishnan (1995, Chap. 32) and Stuart and Ord (1994, Chap. 16) for comprehensive discussions and further details.

The commonly used approximation to the distribution of simple correlation coefficient is Fisher’s (1921) z transformation. Several other approximations and asymptotic expansions are described in Johnson et al. (1995, Chap. 32, Secs. 5.2 and 5.3). It appears that the widely used Fisher’s z transformation is adequate for moderate sample sizes and the accuracy generally increases with large sample sizes, whereas the other more accurate approximations require more involved computation and/or iterative evaluation. As in the case of simple correlation coefficients, considerable attention has been devoted to the construction of useful approximations for the distribution of the multiple correlation coefficient (see Johnson et al., 1995, Chap. 32, Sec. 11). For the purpose of interval estimation, power calculation, and sample size determination for the squared multiple correlation coefficient, exact results are presented in Algina and Olejnik (2003), Gatsonis and Sampson (1989), Mendoza and Stafford (2001), and Steiger and Fouladi (1992). Although Algina and Olejnik (2003) did not describe their computer algorithms in detail, the exact computations of Gatsonis and Sampson (1989), Mendoza and Stafford (2001), and Steiger and Fouladi (1992) are based on the infinite series expansion of Lee (1972).

The author thanks the referees for their constructive comments and helpful suggestions and especially the associate editor for drawing attention to several critical results which led to substantial improvements of the exposition. The work for this paper was initiated while the author was visiting the Department of Statistics, Stanford University. This research was partially supported by National Science Council Grant NSC-94-2118-M-009-004.

Request for reprints should be sent to Gwowen Shieh, Department of Management Science, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan 30050, ROC. E-mail: gwshieh@mail.nctu.edu.tw

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In view of the need for evaluating the probabilities of the correlation coefficients and the ultimate aim of presenting exact procedures for correlation analysis, the purpose of this paper is to provide alternative solutions by exploiting the simplification of theoretical property and the accessibility of computing techniques. To this end, a unified theorem is derived for the re-gression model with multinormal explanatory variables. Although the proposed formulations are based on the intermediate results of multinormal regression and correlation analysis in An-derson (2003), Muirhead (1982), and Sampson (1974), the presentations not only simplify the pedagogical development, but also yield new algorithms for the exact inferences of correlation coefficients. Specifically, the inferential procedures of interval estimation and power calculation in the hypothesis testing situation for simple, multiple, and partial-multiple correlations are de-scribed. Furthermore, the planning of sample sizes with estimation and power approaches are also discussed.

In the next section, the major theorem and corollary for the multivariate normal regres-sion model are given. Section 3 applies the proposed formulation to the analysis of the simple correlation coefficient. The presentation is extended to multiple and partial-multiple correlation coefficients in Section 4. Finally, Section 5 contains some concluding remarks.

2. The Multivariate Normal Regression Model

Consider the standard multiple linear regression model with dependent variable Y and all the levels of p independent variables X(1), . . . , X(p) fixed a priori,

Y= Xββ+ ε, (1)

where Y= (Y1, . . . , YN)T, Yi is the value of the dependent variable Y; X = (1N, XD) with 1N is the N× 1 vector of all 1’s, XD = (X1, . . . , XN)T is often called the design matrix,

Xi = (xi1, . . . , xip)T, xi1, . . . , xip are the known constants of the p independent variables for

i= 1, . . . , N; ββ= (β0,β1, . . . ,βp)T with β

0, β1, . . . ,βp are unknown parameters; and ε =

1, . . . , εN)Twith εiare independent and indentically distributed as N(0, σ2) random variables.

It is well known that under the assumption given above, the likelihood ratio test for the general linear hypothesis H0: Lββ=θθversus H1: Lββ=θθis based on

F = SSH/ l

SSE/(N− p − 1),

where L is an l × (p + 1) coefficient matrix of rank l ≤ p + 1,θθ is an l× 1 vector of con-stants, SSH= (L ˆββ−θθ)T[L(XTX)−1LT]−1(L ˆββ−θθ), SSE= (Y − X ˆββ)T(Y− X ˆββ), and b ˆββ= (XTX)−1XTY is the least squares and maximum likelihood estimator ofββ. Under the alternative hypothesis, F is distributed as F(l, N− p − 1, ), the noncentral F-distribution with l and N − p

− 1 degrees of freedom and noncentrality parameter

= (Lββ−θθ)T[L(XTX)−1LT]−1(Lββ−θθ)/σ2.

If the null hypothesis is true, then = 0 and F is distributed as F(l, N − p − 1), a central or regular

F-distribution with l and N− p − 1 degrees of freedom. The test is carried out by rejecting H0if

F > Fl,N−p−1,α, where Fl,N−p−1,α is the upper α percentage point of the central F-distribution

F(l, N− p − 1).

Frequently, the inferences are concerned mainly with the regression coefficients ββ1 =

1, . . . ,βp)Tand the corresponding coefficient matrix is written in the form of L= L1, where

L1 = (0c, C), 0cis the c× 1 null vector of all 0’s, and C is a c × p coefficient matrix of rank

c≤ p. It follows from the overall estimator ˆββgiven above that the prescribed estimator forββ1 can be expressed as ˆββ1= (XT


XD, IN is the identity matrix of dimension N, and J is the N× N square matrix of 1’s. With this formulation, it is easily seen that

C ˆββ1∼ Np(Cβ1,σ2CS−1X CT),

where SX= XTC XC. Note that ˆσ2= SSE/(N − p − 1) is the usual unbiased estimator of σ2and SSE/σ2 is distributed as χ2(N− p − 1), a chi-square distribution with N − p − 1 degrees of freedom and is independent of ˆββ. It therefore follows that the general linear hypothesis reduces to H0: Cββ1=θθversus H1: Cββ1=θθand the F test is conducted by rejecting H0if F> Fc,N−p−1,α, where F∗ = SSH ∗/c SSE/(N− p − 1), (2) SSH∗= (C ˆββ1−θθ)T(CS−1 X CT)−1(C ˆββ1−θθ). Consequently, Fis distributed as F(c, N− p − 1, ), where the noncentrality parameter = (Cββ1−θθ)T(CS−1

X CT)−1(Cβ1−θ)/σ2. Hence, given all model specifications and sample size N, the statistical power achieved for testing hypothesis H0 : Cββ1 =θθwith specified significance level α against the alternative H1 : Cββ1 =θθis the probability

P{F (c, N − p − 1, ) > Fc,N−p−1,α}. (3) In the special instance of testing one single coefficient parameter, say H0 : β1= 0, it is more flexible to conduct the test with a t statistic since it can be used for one-sided alternatives involving H0:β1≤ 0 or H0:β1≥ 0, while the F statistic cannot. Specifically, the t statistic is




( ˆσ2s11)1/2, (4)

where s11is the (1, 1)th entry of S−1

X and thas a noncentral t distribution t(N− p − 1, δ) with N

− p − 1 degrees of freedom and noncentrality parameter δ =β1/(σ2s11)1/2. The corresponding power function is of the form

P{t(N − p − 1, δ) > tN−p−1,α} (5)

for the one-sided test H0:β1≤ 0 with significance level α, where tN−p−1,αis the upper α percent quantile of the central t-distribution t(N− p − 1), see Rencher (2000, Chaps. 7–8) for further details.

Traditionally, the multiple regression model defined above is referred to as a fixed (condi-tional) model. The results would be specific to the particular values of the explanatory variables that are observed or preset by the researcher. To extend the concept and applicability of the aforementioned results to the correlation models, the vector of explanatory variables{Xi, i= 1,

. . ., N} in (1) is now assumed to follow a joint multivariate normal distribution with a mean vector

µµXand a positive definite covariance matrixX. It follows immediately from the matrix normal distribution of XD that SX has a Wishart distribution Wp(N− 1, X). As shown in Sampson (1974, Lemmas 3 and 4), (CS−1X CT)−1 ∼ Wc(N− p + c − 1, (C−1

X CT)−1) and, subsequently, ∼ · χ2(N− p + c − 1) where = (Cββ

1−θθ)T(C−1X CT)−1(Cββ1 −θθ)/σ2. Therefore, the distribution of F∗ in the multivariate normal regression model is completely specified in the following theorem.

Theorem 1. Consider the multiple regression model (1) and Xiare independent and identically distributed as Np(µµX,X), i= 1, . . ., N. The Fstatistic defined in (2) has the following two-stage



Note that the formulation (6) also follows from the intermediate results for deriving the density function of R2in Anderson (2003, Theorem 4.4.5) and Muirhead (1982, Theorem 5.2.4). However, the expression in Theorem 1 provides a conceptually more transparent representation than those in Theorem 9 and Corollary 2 of Sampson (1974) where the distribution of Fis expressed as a mixture of central F distributions with random degrees of freedom for the numerator. It is clear under the null hypothesis H0: Cββ1=θθthat = 0 and  degenerates at 0. Hence, the null distribution of Fremains as F(c, N− p − 1) under both fixed and random settings. However, the power function is more complex than (3) in form due to the extra variability of ,

P{F> Fc,N−p−1,α} =


P{F (c, N − p − 1, · K) > Fc,N−p−1,α} · f (K) dK, (7) where f(K) is the probability density function of K and K∼ χ2(N− p + c − 1). Following similar arguments, it can be shown that the noncentrality δ of the distribution for the t∗statistic defined in (4) has a scaled chi-square distribution δ∼ λ · {χ2(N− p)}1/2, where λ=β1/(σ2σ11)1/2and σ11is the (1, 1)th entry of−1X . Note that σ11/s11∼ χ2(N− p). These results are summarized as Corollary 1. Consider the multiple regression model (1) and Xiare independent and identically distributed as Np(µµX,X), i= 1, . . ., N. The tstatistic defined in (4) has the following two-stage


t|δ ∼ t(N − p − 1, δ) and δ ∼ λ · {χ2(N− p)}1/2. (8) Thus, the t∗statistic for H0:β1≤ 0 has null distribution t(N − p − 1) and a critical value tN−p−1,α as in the fixed model. Its power can be computed from

P{t> tN−p−1,α} =


P{t(N − p − 1, λ · κ1/2) > tN−p−1,α} · f (κ)dκ, (9) where f(κ) is the probability density function of κ and κ ∼ χ2(N− p). To exemplify the fun-damental differences between the fixed and random model formulations, a direct comparison of the previously defined power functions (5) and (9) shows that the former can be viewed as a realization of the latter based on the observed values of SX. Consequently, the result would be specific to the particular values of the explanatory variables that are observed in SX. In another replication of the same study, different settings for the explanatory variables will be obtained. Hence, the conditional power function is not applicable and, more importantly, the fixed modeling approach is not appropriate. The preceding results will be applied later to im-plement varieties of interval estimation and power calculation in the context of correlation models.

3. Simple Correlation Coefficient

The relation between the multivariate normal regression model and correlation analysis is well known (see Anderson, 2003; Muirhead, 1982; Rencher, 2000). Assume that r is the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient of (Yi, Xi), i= 1, . . ., N, where (Yi, Xi) has a joint bivariate normal distribution N2(µµ,) with

µµ=  µY µX  and  =  σ2 Y σY X σY X σX2  .


The corresponding population correlation coefficient is defined as ρ = σY X/σYσX. It follows from standard results that conditional multivariate normal correlation models are equivalent to the usual normal error regression models with the following definitions of notation:

ββ0= µY− ρµX(σY/σX), β1= ρ(σY/σX), and σ2= σY2(1− ρ2).

In the special case of p= 1, it is familiar that the reduced t∗statistic can be expressed directly in term of r,


rN− 2

1− r2 .

Additionally, the test of ρ ≤ 0 amounts to the test of β1 ≤ 0 since β1 = ρ(σY/σX). More importantly, it follows from (8) in Corollary 1 that the distribution of t1can be represented as

t11∼ t(N − 2, δ1) and δ1∼ λ1· {χ2(N− 1)}1/2,

where λ1= ρ/(1 − ρ2)1/2. To demonstrate the discrepancy between the proposed exact formulation and approximate method, and the advantage of the suggested simplifying algorithm, numerical comparisons are conducted to evaluate the widely used Fisher’s (1921) z approximation to the distribution function of the simple correlation r. The exact values are computed with the proposed two-stage formulation using programs written with SAS/IML (2003). The results are presented in Table 1 for sample size N= 10 and N = 50. As expected, the inverse tanh transformation of Fisher (1921) is not sufficiently close to the true distribution of r. However, the performance improves for tail areas and larger sample sizes.

Accordingly, the test of H0: ρ ≤ 0 can be conducted by rejecting H0if t1> tN−2,α. The associated power function is a direct adaptation of (9),

P{t1 > tN−2,α} =


P{t(N − 2, λ1· κ1/2) > tN−2,α} · f (κ) dκ,

where f(κ) is the probability density function of κ and κ∼ χ2(N− 1). The numerical computation of exact power requires the evaluation of a noncentral t cumulative density function and the one-dimensional integration with respect to a chi-square probability density function. Since all related functions are readily embedded in modern statistical packages such as the SAS system, no substantial computing efforts are required. For the purpose of sample size determination, the minimum sample sizes N required for testing the hypothesis H0: ρ≤ 0 with a specified parameter value of ρ, significance level, and nominal power, can be found through a simple iterative search. Note that unique and proper solution of the sample size is assured by the monotonicity properties described in Ghosh (1973). The procedures require only obvious modifications for both lower-tailed and two-sided tests.

Interval estimators of ρ can be constructed by the “statistical method” of Mood, Graybill, and Boes (1974, Sec. 4.2) or the “pivoting the cumulative density function” method in Casella and Berger (2002, Sec. 9.2.3). For the upper-tailed test just mentioned, the corresponding lower 100(1− α)% confidence interval of ρ is of the form [−1, ρU) in which ρU (≤ 1) satisfies


P{t(N − 2, λ1U· κ1/2) > t1O} · f (κ) dκ = 1 − α,

where λ1 ˆU = ρU/(1 − ρU2)1/2, t1O= rO(N− 2)1/2/(1− rO2)1/2, and rO is the observed value of the simple correlation coefficient. The computations can be easily performed by a standard interval-halving program to meet the desired degree of accuracy. In connection with the interval procedure, it is also critical to ensure adequate estimation accuracy with appropriate sample size. For given values of population correlation coefficient ρ, coverage probability 1− α, and the


T ABLE 1. The error = 10 6× (approximate v alue − ex act v alue) of Fisher’ s z approximation to the distrib u tion function o f r. Cumulati v e p robability ρ 0.01 0.05 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 0.95 0.99 N = 10 0.1 794 − 2753 − 6783 − 11285 − 12033 − 10266 − 7037 − 3301 − 6 1833 1083 − 530 − 1684 0.2 325 − 4462 − 9727 − 16118 − 18140 − 17101 − 14080 − 10047 − 5953 − 2801 − 1686 − 2115 − 2110 0.3 − 162 − 6223 − 12744 − 21032 − 24316 − 23979 − 21136 − 16777 − 11859 − 7382 − 4407 − 3666 − 2524 0.4 − 671 − 8043 − 15843 − 26039 − 30569 − 30907 − 28212 − 23496 − 17730 − 11916 − 7086 − 5187 − 2928 0.5 − 1206 − 9931 − 19033 − 31147 − 36909 − 37895 − 35315 − 30212 − 23574 − 16408 − 9727 − 6681 − 3323 0.6 − 1772 − 11898 − 22329 − 36371 − 43347 − 44951 − 42453 − 36931 − 29395 − 20863 − 12333 − 8151 − 3710 0.7 − 2375 − 13958 − 25747 − 41725 − 49894 − 52085 − 49633 − 43659 − 35200 − 25287 − 14908 − 9599 − 4090 0.8 − 3027 − 16129 − 29305 − 47226 − 56566 − 59308 − 56865 − 50404 − 40994 − 29683 − 17455 − 11027 − 4462 0.9 − 3742 − 18436 − 33030 − 52898 − 63379 − 66633 − 64158 − 57173 − 46783 − 34057 − 19977 − 12438 − 4829 N = 50 0.1 59 − 838 − 1805 − 2973 − 3390 − 3299 − 2879 − 2273 − 1615 − 1041 − 697 − 627 − 442 0.2 − 137 − 1584 − 3073 − 4999 − 5907 − 6094 − 5758 − 5052 − 4103 − 3030 − 1931 − 1348 − 629 0.3 − 336 − 2339 − 4354 − 7038 − 8434 − 8894 − 8639 − 7827 − 6583 − 5009 − 3154 − 2060 − 813 0.4 − 539 − 3104 − 5647 − 9091 − 10972 − 11701 − 11520 − 10598 − 9055 − 6977 − 4368 − 2766 − 994 0.5 − 746 − 3880 − 6955 − 11158 − 13522 − 14515 − 14404 − 13366 − 11520 − 8934 − 5572 − 3464 − 1173 0.6 − 958 − 4666 − 8277 − 13240 − 16084 − 17336 − 17290 − 16131 − 13978 − 10882 − 6767 − 4155 − 1349 0.7 − 1174 − 5465 − 9613 − 15338 − 18658 − 20165 − 20178 − 18894 − 16428 − 12821 − 7953 − 4840 − 1524 0.8 − 1394 − 6275 − 10966 − 17452 − 21246 − 23003 − 23070 − 21655 − 18873 − 14751 − 9131 − 5519 − 1696 0.9 − 1620 − 7098 − 12335 − 19584 − 23848 − 25850 − 25965 − 24414 − 21312 − 16673 − 10300 − 6192 − 1866



The minimum sample sizes required for the pre-scribed interval [−1, ρ + b) of simple correlation coefficient with coverage probability at least 0.95.

b ρ 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.00 1084 272 122 69 0.05 1074 269 120 68 0.10 1054 262 117 66 0.15 1023 254 112 63 0.20 982 243 107 60 0.25 932 229 100 56 0.30 874 214 93 52 0.35 808 197 85 47 0.40 736 178 77 42 0.45 658 158 68 37 0.50 578 138 58 32 0.55 495 117 49 26 0.60 411 96 40 21 0.65 330 76 31 16 0.70 252 57 23 12 0.75 180 40 15 8 0.80 117 25 9 NA 0.85 65 13 NA NA 0.90 26 NA NA NA 0.95 NA NA NA NA

bound b (>0), the smallest sample size N required for the sample correlation coefficient to fall into the interval [−1, ρ + b) with probability 1 − α, is determined by


P{t(N − 2, λ1· κ1/2) < t1U} · f (κ) dκ ≥ 1 − α, where λ1 = ρ/(1 − ρ2)1/2, t1U = r

U(N− 2)1/2/(1− r2U)1/2, and rU = ρ + b < 1. For the purpose of illustration, the minimum sample sizes needed to control the prescribed interval [−1, ρ + b) with coverage probability at least 0.95 are presented in Table 2 for values of ρ ranging from 0 to 0.95 with an increment of 0.05 and b= 0.05, 0.10, 0.15, and 0.20. Similarly, the cases of the upper and two-sided 100(1− α)% interval estimation and related sample size calculation can be conducted.

4. Multiple and Partial-Multiple Correlation Coefficients

This section describes the methods for multiple and partial-multiple correlation analysis in the light of the general result given in Theorem 1 for multivariate normal regression models.

4.1. Multiple Correlation Coefficient

Without loss of generality, let (Yi, XT

i)T, i= 1, . . . , N, represent the variables in a multi-variate correlation model and have a joint (p+ 1)-dimensional multivariate normal distribution


Np+1(µµ,), where Xi= (Xi1, . . ., Xip)T, µµ=  µµY µµX  and  =  σY2 YX T Y X X  .

One major use of multivariate correlation models is to make inferences on the association between variables Yi and Xi. A useful measure is the population squared multiple correlation coefficient defined as R2 = Y X−1X TY X/σY2 and the population multiple correlation coefficient R is the positive square root of R2. The usual sample squared multiple correlation coefficient is denoted by R2 = SY XS−1 X S T Y X/s2Y, where SY X = Y T(IN − J/N)X D and s2Y = Y T(IN − J/N)Y. As in the previous case of simple correlation analysis, the following definitions of notation connect the correlation model of multinormal variables with the multivariate normal regression model:

β0= µY − Y XX−1µµX,ββ1= −1X  T

Y X, and σ2= σY2 − Y X−1X  T

Y X. Furthermore, assume the coefficient matrix C = Ip and θθ = 0p in the linear hypothesis of H0 : Cββ1 = θθ, then several simplifications and implications follow from Theorem 1. In particular, turns into 1 = ββT1 Xββ1/σ2 = R2/(1 −R2), the population squared multiple correlation coefficient defined above becomes a one-to-one function of the noncentrality 1. This leads to the well-known result that the overall test of regression coefficients H0 : ββ1 = 0p is equivalent to the test H0 : R2 = 0. Hence, the inference of R2 can be accomplished with the simplified F∗ statistic:

F1= R


(1− R2)/(N− p − 1) and the test H0: R2= 0 is rejected if F

1> Fp , N− p−1,α. It is evident from (6) and (7) that

F1|1∼ F (p, N − p − 1, 1) and 11· χ2(N− 1), and the power function of F1can be written as

P{F1> Fp,N−p−1,α} =


P{F (p, N − p − 1, 1· K1) > Fp,N−p−1,α} · f (K1)dK1, where 1 = ¯R2/(1− ¯R2), f(K1) is the probability density function of K1and K1∼ χ2(N− 1).

For comparative purpose, the suggested simplifying formulation is employed to investigate the accuracy of Lee’s (1971, Sec. 5.1) F approximation to the distribution function of R2 for different values of p and N. Table 3 contains the errors corresponding to Lee’s F transformation for p= 3 with N = 10 and 50. The numerical results suggest that Lee’s F transformation for the distribution of R2is considerably more accurate than the aforementioned Fisher’s z approximation to the distribution of r. To some extent, the performance still varies with the sample size N and the number of parameters p. When p= 3 and N = 10, there are some cases in Table 3 that give comparatively large errors than other situations. This phenomenon shall continue to exist in other approximations with relatively small p and small N.

The power and sample size calculations can be performed in a similar fashion as in the instance of simple correlation coefficients by the direct substitution of the noncentral t distribu-tion with the noncentral F distribudistribu-tion. It is important to note that the family of noncentral F distributions possesses the same monotonicity properties as those of the family of noncentral t distributions (see Ghosh, 1973).

By pivoting the cumulative density function, a 100(1− α)% one-sided confidence interval of R2in the form of (0, R2U) can be computed by solving the following equation for R

2 U:



T ABLE 3. The error = 10 6× (approximate v alue − ex act v alue) of Lee’ s F approximation to the distrib u tion function o f R 2when p = 3. Cumulati v e p robability R 2 0.01 0.05 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 0.95 0.99 N = 10 0.1 15 28 28 16 5 − 3 − 7 − 8 − 6 − 3 − 10 0 0.2 111 190 167 74 2 − 38 − 52 − 48 − 33 − 15 − 21 1 0.3 344 500 387 120 − 49 − 125 − 139 − 114 − 72 − 30 − 13 1 0.4 701 859 585 103 − 153 − 248 − 243 − 187 − 111 − 42 1 6 2 0.5 1084 1135 689 31 − 277 − 369 − 338 − 248 − 141 − 49 4 9 3 0.6 1352 1256 692 − 57 − 379 − 455 − 400 − 285 − 158 − 52 6 1 2 3 0.7 1406 1215 624 − 120 − 424 − 483 − 415 − 290 − 168 − 50 8 1 2 3 0.8 1214 1020 505 − 133 − 389 − 434 − 369 − 257 − 139 − 44 8 1 1 3 0.9 767 650 323 − 88 − 255 − 286 − 244 − 171 − 93 − 30 5 8 2 N = 50 0.1 39 39 18 − 14 − 28 − 30 − 24 − 13 − 36 7 4 − 0 0.2 77 49 0 − 57 − 74 − 66 − 44 − 18 6 2 1 2 0 1 0 − 1 0.3 92 50 − 17 − 92 − 109 − 92 − 57 − 18 17 37 31 15 − 2 0.4 102 50 − 31 − 119 − 136 − 111 − 66 − 16 27 50 39 18 − 3 0.5 109 49 − 42 − 138 − 154 − 124 − 71 − 14 34 59 46 20 − 4 0.6 110 47 − 47 − 147 − 162 − 129 − 73 − 12 39 64 49 21 − 5 0.7 104 44 − 47 − 143 − 157 − 125 − 70 − 10 39 63 48 21 − 5 0.8 89 38 − 41 − 124 − 137 − 109 − 61 − 93 4 5 5 4 2 1 8 − 4 0.9 59 26 − 26 − 83 − 92 − 74 − 42 − 72 2 3 7 2 9 1 3 − 3



The minimum sample sizes required for the prescribed interval [0, R2+ b) of squared multiple correlation coefficient with cover-age probability at least 0.95 and p= 5.

b R2 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.00 221 110 73 55 0.05 414 154 90 63 0.10 551 184 101 68 0.15 649 204 108 70 0.20 714 215 111 71 0.25 749 219 111 70 0.30 757 217 108 67 0.35 744 210 103 63 0.40 711 197 96 58 0.45 662 182 87 53 0.50 600 163 78 46 0.55 529 142 67 40 0.60 451 120 57 33 0.65 371 98 46 27 0.70 291 76 35 20 0.75 214 56 25 14 0.80 145 37 17 NA 0.85 85 21 NA NA 0.90 39 NA NA NA 0.95 NA NA NA NA where 1U = ¯R2

U/(1− ¯RU2), F1O= {(N − p − 1)/p}{R2O/(1− R2O)}, and RO2 is the observed value of the squared multiple correlation coefficient. However, proper positive values of R2U are found only if F1O> Fp,N−p−1,1−α. Additionally, it is of interest to consider the planning of sample sizes for interval estimation with the prescribed length and desired accuracy. With the specified quantities of population squared multiple correlation coefficient R2, target probability 1− α, and the bound b (>0), the minimum sample size N required for the interval [0, ¯R2+ b) with coverage probability at least 1− α can be computed from

 0 P{F (p, N − p − 1, 1· K1) < F1U} · f (K1) dK1≥ 1 − α, where 1= R2/(1− R2), F1U= {(N − p − 1)/p}{R2U/(1− R 2 U)}, and R 2 U = R 2 + b < 1. For

demonstration, the minimum sample sizes needed to guarantee the prescribed interval [0, R2+ b) with coverage probability at least 0.95 and p= 5 are presented in Table 4 for R2ranges from 0 to 0.95 with an increment of 0.05 and b= 0.05, 0.10, 0.15, and 0.20. Furthermore, the extensions for the upper and two-sided 100(1− α)% interval estimation and related sample size determination are straightforward.

4.2. Partial-Multiple Correlation Coefficient

Another problem of particular interest is the analysis of population squared partial-multiple correlation R22.1between Y and X(p− q + 1), . . ., X(p) after controlling X(1), . . ., X(p − q) where


p− q and q, respectively. Use the following notation for partitioning the corresponding

arrange-ment of the matrices

Y X =  Y1Y2  and X=  X1 X12 T X12 X2  . Furthermore, define  σY.12 Y2.1 T Y2.1 X2.1  =  σY2 Y2 T Y2X2  −  Y1 T X12  −1 X1[ T Y1X12]. Then, it follows that R22.1 = Y2.1−1X2.1


Y2.1/σY.12 . According to the definition ofββ1= −1X  T Y X given before, its last q components can be written asββ2= −1X2.1TY2.1. ThenY2.1−1X2.1

T Y2.1 = ββT 2X2.1ββ2= σ2(R 2 − R21)/(1− R 2

) and σY.12 = σ2(1− R12)/(1− R2), where ¯R21is the popula-tion squared multiple correlapopula-tion coefficient between variables Y and X(1), . . ., X(p− q). Hence, the hypothesis testing of H0: R


2.1= 0 is equivalent to the one of H0 :ββ2 = 0q, where the last test can be expressed in the form of linear hypothesis H0: Cββ1 = θθwith c= q, C = [0q×(p− q), Iq], andθθ= 0q, where 0q×(p− q )is a q× (p − q) matrix of all 0’s. As an illustration of the general Fstatistic defined in (4), the resulting partial F statistic is

F2= (R

2− R2 1)/q (1− R2)/(N− p − 1),

where R21 is the sample squared multiple correlation coefficient between Y and the first p− q independent variables X(1), . . ., X(p− q). The distribution of F2follows as a direct consequence of Theorem 1 that F2|2 ∼ F(q, N − p − 1, 2) and 2 2·χ2(N− p + q − 1), where

2 = (R2 − R21/(1− R2)= R22.1/(1− R


2.1). Hence, the test H0: R 2

2.1 = 0 is rejected if F2 >

Fq , N−p−1,α. The power function becomes

P{F2 > Fq,N−p−1,α} =


P{F (q, N − p − 1, 2· K2) > Fq,N−p−1,α} · f (K2) dK2, where f(K2) is the probability density function of K2and K2∼ χ2(N− p + q − 1).

It is noteworthy that the strong resemblances between the distributions and power functions of F1and F2 for the tests of multiple and partial-multiple correlation coefficients, respectively. Fundamentally, the inferences of the partial-multiple correlation coefficient can be conducted in a similar manner as presented in the previous section for the multiple correlation coefficient. The details are not provided here.

5. Conclusions

This paper presents a simplified treatment of multivariate normal regression models that are tied to correlation models with multinormal variables. A full range of exact methods for correlation analysis is then considered. The proposed results are notable in the conceptual clarity of formulations for the well-known but complicated distributions of simple, multiples and partial-multiple correlations. Consequently, the suggested procedures provide alternative approaches to perform normal correlation analysis in conjunction with basic computation techniques that require only standard numerical methods of one-dimensional integration and an interval-halving algorithm. The integration is theoretically exact provided that the auxiliary functions can be evaluated exactly. The essential part involves the auxiliary functions of noncentral t and F and central χ2distributions. The SAS/IML codes for carrying out the computation of the proposed methods are available from the website: www.ms.nctu.edu.tw/faculty/shieh.



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