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Academic year: 2021

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命題教授: (簽章)

一、選擇題,可能單選也可能是複選,複選須全部答對才給分,每題 2 分。 1. What’s the meaning of a commodity supply curve in a competition market.

(A) Firm’s profit. (B) Firm’s marginal cost. (C) Firm’s average cost (D) Firm’s total production cost.

2.Which condition(s) will be the equilibrium condition(s) as a profit is maximized for a firm. (A) Marginal revenue equals marginal cost. (B) Average revenue equals average cost. (C) Marginal productivity for each factor divided by it’s factor price for all factors are equal (D) Marginal utility divided by commodity price for each product are equal.

3. Based on consumers’ behavior theory, we could find (A) Indirect utility function. (B) Product supply function. (C) Product demand function. (D)Consumption expenditure function.

4. Which factor(s) will affect product demand elasticity: (A) The degree of

substitution effect among products. (B) The ratio of consumption expenditure divided by income. (C) Time trend. (D) Product weight.

5. Which statement is correct.(A) An Inferior goods must be a Giffen goods (B)A Giffen goods must be an inferior goods. (C) Product demand function is derived from an utility maximization. (D) Marginal utility finally will be decreased as quantity increases.

6. What’s the reason to reduce a farmer’s revenue when the price of an agricultural product is low. (A)Bad Harvest.(B) Farmers’ lower income. (C) Higher


production cost. (D)Smaller demand elasticity.

7. What’s the necessary condition to satisfy the profit maximization for a monopoly firm: (A) The absolute of demand elasticity is larger than one (B) The absolute of demand elasticity is smaller than one (C) The absolute of demand

elasticity equals one (D) No relationship with demand elasticity.

8. How many markets are involved to form an aggregated demand function. (A) Only the equilibrium of commodity market. (B) Only the equilibrium of monetary market. (C) The equilibrium for both the commodity and monetary markets. (D) The equilibrium for the commodity, monetary, and labor markets.

9. What are the reasons to increase the aggregated productivity given an aggregated production function: (A)Capital increases. (B) Labor increases. (C) Interest rate decreases. (D) Technology improvement.

10.Which component occupies the most highest ratio of GDP in Taiwan:(A)

Consumption expenditure. (B) Investment. ( C ) Government expenditure. (D) Net trade value.

11.What’s the long term effect to affect a general price index: (A) Government fiscal policy. (B) Government monetary policy. (C) Consumers’ expectation.(D)

Consumers’ purchasing power.

12.Suppose the demand function is QD =30−P, and the supply function is in a competition market, what is the equilibrium price. (A) 5 15

2 −

= P


(B) 10 (C) 15 (D) 20.

13. If a government put a volume tax on a commodity, and we also know that the absolute of product demand elasticity is very smaller, then (A) Consumers will share more burden than producers. (B) Producers will share more burden than consumers. (C) Both consumers and producers share the same burden. (D) No relation with the demand elasticity.


14. Suppose Y=C+I, and C= 50+0.75Y given I = 40, please find the equilibrium GDP: (A) 0.75 (B) 50. (C) 100 (D) 360.

15. What’s the reason to affect time preference. (A) Income (B) Interest Rate. (C) Government expenditure. (D) Monetary supply.

二、假設只有兩種產品 X 與 Y,令某甲的效用函數為U =lnX +lnY ,且產品的 價格分別為P ,X PY,而其可支配所得為 M。 (1)請推導某甲對 X 產品的普通需求函數? (2)若假設此需求函數為市場的需求函數,且市場的均衡數量為 ,請問 X 產品的需求彈性為何? 0 X (3)若均衡數量由變X0X1時,則 X 產品的消費者剩餘變動為何?(20 分) 三、假設有兩組商品,在價格( )時該消費者選擇了( )的數量;當價格 為( )時,該消費者選擇了( )的數量,請寫出滿足消費者在偏好 ( )的組合甚於( )的組合之必要條件為何? (10 分) 1 2 1 1, P P X11, X21 2 2 2 1 , P P 2 2 2 1, X X 1 2 1 1, X X X12, X22 四、假設在一個產品市場中有兩個廠商,其產量分別為 ,而其生產成本分 別為 ,假設市場的需求函數為 2 1, q q ) ( ), ( 1 2 2 1 q TC q TC P(Q),Q =q1+q2,試求 1).試求此二廠商追求最大利潤的一階均衡條件?(10 分) 2).試推導猜測變量(Conjectural Variation)的數值的不同與市場結構之間 的關係,若假設此二廠商的猜測變量一樣,且為-1、0 及大於 0 時,市場的結 構為何?(10 分) 五、最近的國際原油價格已上漲至每桶 100 美元的大關,而央行總裁亦在近日表 示台灣目前有可能面臨輸入型的通貨膨脹,請利用總體經濟理論來說明,當國際 原油價格上漲之後,對國內的 GDP、物價水準、利率及就業水準會如何的影響。 在說明時,請以圖形或者是以總體的數學模型來說明。(20 分)



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