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(1)台灣農業研究 (J. Taiwan Agric. Res.) 61(1):1–11 (2012). 銀耳多醣不織布敷料於大鼠創口癒合之功效 1 陳鯤兆 2,3 吳昭慧 2,3 陳忠信 2 廖俊旺 2,3 楊正義 4 楊淑惠 5,6 摘 要 陳鯤兆、吳昭慧、陳忠信、廖俊旺、楊正義、楊淑惠。2012。銀耳多醣不織布敷料於大鼠 創口癒合之功效。台灣農業研究 61:1–11。. 天然多醣高分子材料,具有良好的生物可分解性與生物相容性,已有商業型 敷料於臨床應用。萃取自銀耳 (Tremella fuciformis) 子實體的天然高分子聚合物銀耳多醣,具有保濕及抗發炎之特性。本研究以銀耳多醣不織布為實驗材料,敷 貼動物全層皮膚傷口,評估其對但傷口癒合之促進功效,擬作為未來可能臨床 應用之參考。結果顯示,試驗期間大鼠的體重在各處理組間均無顯著性差異 (p > 0.05),分析皮膚創口面積結果顯示,陽性對照組敷料 (Kal-PC) 於手術後第10及 14天;銀耳多醣敷料組 (Tp-nonW) 則在術後第14天,創口面積相對於陰性對照 組 (Alg-NC) 有顯著性減少 (p < 0.05),Tp-nonW組於第10天及第14天之平均癒合 面積相對於Alg-NC組分別約增加20%及49.2%,對傷口面積具顯著性縮小,且 手術後第14天皮膚創口之上皮再生組織病理總積分,Kal-PC組為5.8分、Tp-nonW 組為5.4分相對於Alg-NC組4.6分均呈上升,但因個體差異大,未具統計學顯著性 差異 (p > 0.05)。本研究顯示,銀耳多醣不織布敷料 (Tp-nonW) 對大鼠傷口具有癒 合功效,可做為進一步人體臨床試驗的參考。 關鍵詞:銀耳、多醣不織布、創傷敷料、動物模式。. 前 言. 研究,以原料來看,主要有幾丁質 (chitin)、. 皮膚的主要功能包括排泄、保護、吸收、. 幾丁聚醣 (chitosan) 、海藻酸 (alginic acid)、透. 調節、感知等等,因此若皮膚上有傷口時,創. 明質酸 (hyaluronic acid)、聚葡萄醣胺基多醣. 傷、褥瘡所造成之傷口,會使皮膚無法發揮正. (glycosaminoglycans) 及硫酸軟骨素 (chondroitin. 常功能,且影響外觀,甚至引起感染。由於. sulfate),以及上述各種材料的衍生物,此外. 創傷敷材市場極大,因此各國皆有許多相關. 亦有人工合成材料或上述各種原料的混合物. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.. 行政院農業委員會農業試驗所研究報告第2611號。接受日期:101年2月1日。 國立中興大學獸醫病理生物學研究所研究助理、教授。台灣 台中市。 國立中興大學動物疾病診斷中心研究助理、教授。台灣 台中市。 財團法人紡織產業綜合研究所研究助理。台灣 新北市。 本所鳳山熱帶園藝試驗分所經營利用系助理研究員。台灣 高雄市。 通訊作者,電子郵件:debbie@fthes-tari.gov.tw;傳真機:(07)7315590。.

(2) 2. 台灣農業研究 第 61 卷 第 1 期. (Doillon & Silver 1986; Gao et al. 1992; Gilchrist & Martin 1983; Kirker et al. 2002; Liu et al. 2010;. 水,動物飼育室控制狀況為溫度22–25℃,相. Murakami et al. 2010; Wang et al. 2006; Wittayaareekul & Prahsarm 2006; Zou et al. 2009)。天然. 期。實驗動物之使用與操作均依據中華實驗動. 對溼度50–70% 及12小時光/12小時暗之光照週. 多醣高分子材料,具有良好的生物可分解性與. 物學會之「實驗動物管理與使用指南」規範進 行 (Yu et al. 2005)。. 生物相容性,已有商業型披覆材於臨床應用。. 全層皮膚創口操作. 生物相容性敷料主要使用膠原蛋白為原料,而. 試驗前禁食18小時,以2% Isoflurane (Hal-. 濕潤性傷口癒合產品主要可分為海藻膠、薄. ocarbon Laboratories, South Carolina, USA) 於. 膜、泡棉膠、凝膠及水膠,其中薄膜與泡棉膠. 實驗動物用麻醉機器 (Benchtop Small Animal. 主要是使用合成的高分子材料,而天然高分子. Anesthesia Unit, MSS 003, England) 進行吸入麻. 材料則被添加於凝膠及水膠中,或以多層的方 式和海藻膠、薄膜等產品結合,成為複合型的. 醉。如圖1A所示,以電剪背部剃毛面積 (長度 12 cm × 寬度6 cm),以背部朝上放置平板上,四. 產品。皮膚創傷敷料的功能除了遮蓋傷口、減. 肢以膠帶固定,以定形框畫出2 cm × 2 cm點出. 低感染外,更希望能達到加速傷口癒合、讓患. 四角位置,皮膚以優碘及70%酒精先後消毒。 框畫出2 cm × 2 cm 面積以手術刀片延線切開背. 者感到舒適及癒合後傷口的疤痕越少越好的目 的。銀耳多醣為萃取自銀耳 (Tremella fuciformis). 部全層皮膚 (full thickness),深度約4–5 mm,. 子實體的天然高分子聚合物,具有抗急性輻射 中毒 (Zhao et al. 1982)、抗發炎 (Ukai et al. 1983). 經鑷子剝皮下脂肪及結締組織,取下皮膚 (Roh et al. 2006)。若有出血,以滅菌紗布壓迫. 及保濕 (Yang et al. 2007) 等特性,以銀耳多醣為. 止血,取試驗樣品貼於背部傷口,再以無菌紗. 材料,可與海藻酸鈉材料製成包括不織布、水. 布、透氣膠布及黏著彈性繃帶包紮固定於背. 膠 (hydrogel) 或多孔體 (sponge) 等敷料產品。. 部。止痛措施於大鼠術後給予Rimadyl (Carpro-. 材料與方法 試驗樣品. fen, Pfizer, NY, USA) 皮下注射5 mg/kg,每天1 次,投予3天。. 皮膚創傷敷料操作及更換次數 ®. 市售敷料Kaltostat , Kal-PC,購自ConvaTec. 創口以0.9%無菌生理食鹽水清潔,取供試. 公司,作為陽性對照組敷料 (Calcium/Sodium. 驗敷料,海藻酸鈉不織布敷料、市售Kaltostat®. Alginate = 8:2, http://www.dressings.org/Dressings/. 敷料,或銀耳多醣不織布敷料,適量敷料置. kaltosta.html),海藻酸鈉不織布 (sodium alginate. 於傷口,再以透氣膠布 (MicroporeTM, 3M, St.. nonwoven, Alg-NC) 為陰性對照組及銀耳多醣不. Paul, MN, USA) 及黏著彈性繃帶 (ELATEX, Al-. 織布 (tremella polysaccharides nonwoven, Tp-nonW,. care, Tokyo, Japan) 包紮固定於背部,投藥後在. 銀耳多醣/海藻酸鈉 = 1:2) 銀耳多醣原料由農. 第3、7、10及14天更換敷料 (表1),並進行觀察. 試所提供,由財團法人紡織產業綜合研究所試. 及記錄創口變化,並依判定標準加以分析。. 製提供。. 評估項目. 試驗動物 雄性大鼠 (SD品系),購自樂斯科公司,. 體重變化:大鼠於手術後3、7、10及14天 以天平稱體重及記錄。. 試驗時為8週齡,體重約300 g,分為3組,每. 創口癒合面積觀察:創口面積計算,如圖. 組5隻。試驗期間給予充足的飼料及逆滲透飲. 1所示,以陰性對照組第3天為例 (圖1A),用.

(3) 銀耳多醣敷料創口癒合功效 3. 電荷耦合元件 (charge coupled device, CCD) 攝. 積0.5 cm × 2.5 cm (Roh et al. 2006) 放入10%的. 取各階段皮膚創口影像 (圖1B),經影像分析儀. 中性福馬林溶液固定1週,經粗修及石臘包埋. (Lieca, Q500MC, Nussloch, Germany) 進行定量. 後製成2 μm厚度之組織切片,分別以H & E. 分析,創口面積比率 (%) = [創口面積 (圖1C) ÷. 及Masson’s trichrome (MT) 方法染色 (Liu et. 切面總面積 (2 cm × 2 cm) (圖1D) ] × 100,求. al. 1996),於一般光學顯微鏡下 (Opticphot-2,. 出皮膚創口面積平均指數。. Nikon, Tokyo, Japan) 觀察皮膚癒合之各種組織. 組織病理觀察:術後第14天結束試驗,. 病理變化。. 以2% Isoflurane麻醉大鼠,經腹主動脈採血犧. 皮膚癒合之形態學評估:依據Altavilla et. 牲動物,取創口中心區皮膚組織之橫切面面. al. (2001, 2005) 方法評估項目,表皮上皮細胞. A. 圖 1. 大鼠皮膚創傷敷貼後創口癒合面積之評估。(A) 以陰性對照組第 3 天為例;(B–D) 以電荷耦合元件攝取 各階段皮膚創口影像,經影像分析儀進行定量分析。計算其創口面積比率 (%) = [ 創口面積 (圖 C) ÷ 切面總 面積 (2 cm × 2 cm) (圖 D)] × 100,求出皮膚創口面積平均指數。 Fig. 1. Measurement of residual wound area of rat skin after covered Alg-NC (negative control) for 3 days. (A) A photograph showing the wounded area; (B–D) Photographs of wound residual area taken by CCD camera. Note the wound residual area (%) was calculated by the area of wound (C) and divided by total excised area (2 cm × 2 cm) (D) and then multiplied with 100..

(4) 4. 台灣農業研究 第 61 卷 第 1 期. 表 1. 皮膚創傷敷料更換敷貼次數 Table 1. Time and procedure of treatment of wound dressing on rats Time of changing wound dressing. Treatment. Type of wound dressing. Alg-NC (Negative control). Sodium alginate nonwoven One time at 3, 7, 10 and 14 days. 1. Wound cleaning with 0.9% sterile saline 2. Covering with Sodium alginate nonwoven dressing (2 cm × 2 cm) 3. Covering with gauze (2 inch2). Kal-PC (Positive control). Kaltostat® dressing. One time at 3, 7, 10 and 14 days. 1. Wound cleaning with 0.9% sterile saline for 2. Covering with Kaltostat® dressing (2 cm × 2 cm) 3. Covering with gauze (2 inch2). Tp-nonW (Tremella-polysaccharides). Tremella polysaccharides One time at 3, 7, nonwoven dressing 10 and 14 days. 1. Wound cleaning with 0.9% sterile saline 2. Covering with Tremella polysaccharides nonwoven dressing (2 cm × 2 cm) 3. Covering with gauze (2 inch2). 再生癒合 (re-epithelialization)、肉芽腫 (granu-. Procedure of application. 0.05)。. 仍呈現明顯紅腫,紗布或敷料上仍殘留許多炎 症滲出液。以Alg-NC組及Tp-nonW組滲出液 相對較多,而Kal-PC組之創口則較為乾燥且表 面較為平整。各組皆未見顯著的傷口收縮或上 皮再生現象;Kal-PC組及Tp-nonW組可見部分 敷料與創口緊密黏合。第7天 (圖2D–F),各組 大鼠皮膚創口及其周圍組織仍呈現明顯紅腫, 紗布上仍殘留許多炎症滲出液;各組創口皆開 始收縮,創口面積逐漸縮小;可見肉芽腫組織 (granulation tissue) 生成,同時肉芽腫組織呈現 潮紅色,顯示亦有血管新生現象。各組大鼠 皮膚創口癒合情形以Kal-PC組最佳。第10天 (圖2G–I),各組大鼠皮膚創口及周圍組織呈紅 腫或結痂,紗布上殘留少量炎症滲出液。各 組創口面積持續收縮,以Kal-PC組 (圖2H) 及 Tp-nonW組 (圖2I) 最為顯著,創口周圍已可 見結痂。第14天 (圖2J–L),各組大鼠皮膚創口 依不等程度收縮。以Kal-PC組 (圖2K) 最為顯 著,創口區變為狹長,周圍已可見痂皮及毛髮 覆蓋。Tp-nonW組 (圖2L) 創口收縮面積介於 Alg-NC組及Kal-PC組之間,創口區亦變為狹 長,周圍同樣可見痂皮及毛髮覆蓋。. 創口癒合肉眼觀察. 創口面積. lation)、血管新生 (angiogenesis) 等級予以半定 量分析。評估分數為0–4個等級,其中0代表 無復原情形 (–, none)、1代表輕微 (+, slight)、 2代表中等度 (++, moderate)、3代表完全癒合 (+++, complete) 及4代表顯著 (++++, thick granulation) (表2)。. 結 果 體重變化 大鼠在試驗期間之體重於第3天陰性對 照組 (Alg-NC)、陽性對照組 (Kal-PC) 及銀 耳多醣敷料組 (Tp-nonW) 分別為312.76 g ± 15.25 g、317.56 g ± 11.21 g及311.52 g ± 11.89 g; 第7天各組體重分別為323.04 g ± 14.96 g、 328.84 g ± 11.89 g及327.60 g ± 20.88 g;第10天 各組體重分別為327.44 g ± 17.24 g、330.96 g ± 16.14 g及328.65 g ± 15.61 g;第14天各組體重 分別為341.28 g ± 19.09 g、347.36 g ± 9.83 g及 336.43 g ± 18.83 g,各組間無顯著性差異 (p >. 觀察試驗敷料皮膚敷料對大鼠皮膚創口於 第3、7、10及14天癒合情形。如圖2所示,第3 天 (圖2A–C ),各組大鼠皮膚創口及周圍組織. 以影像系統評估Alg-NC組、Kal-PC組及 Tp-nonW組之大鼠皮膚創口於第3、7、10及 14天癒合情形。如表3所示結果顯示,第3天.

(5) 銀耳多醣敷料創口癒合功效 5. 表 2. 大鼠皮膚創口癒合組織病理評估標準 Table 2. Criteria for estimation of wound healing on rats (Based on reports of Altavilla et al. 2001, 2005) Score. Re-epithelialization. Granulation of tissue. Angiogenesis. 0, –. Absent. Inflammatory tissue. Absence of angiogenesis, inflammation, and hemorrhage. 1, +. Little epidermal and dermal organization. Thin granular layer. Altered angiogenesis (1–2 vessels per site) characterized by a high degree of edema, hemorrhage, and occasional congestion and thrombosis. 2, ++. Moderate epidermal and dermal organization. Moderate granulation layer. Few newly formed capillary vessels (3–6 per site), moderate degree of edema and hemorrhage. Occasional congestion and inter vascular fibrin deposition; absence of thrombosis. 3, +++. Complete remodeling of epidermis and dermis. Thick granulation layer. Newly formed capillary vessels (7–10 per site), moderate degree of perivascular and interstitial edema and congestion. Absence of thrombosis and hemorrhage. Very thick granulation layer. Newly formed and well- structured capillary vessels (10 per site) vertically disposed toward the epithelium and at the wound margins. Slight degree of perivascular edema. 4, ++++. 之各組大鼠皮膚創口面積 (residue area) 分別. 0.05);第14天之各組大鼠皮膚已癒合面積分. 為65.9% ± 8.7%、68.2% ± 10.3%及72.7% ±. 別為80.3% ± 5.7%、93.3% ± 2.8%及90.0% ±. 3.3%;第7天之各組大鼠皮膚創口面積分別為. 2.7%,Kal-PC組與Tp-nonW組相對於Alg-NC. 41.0% ± 13.0%、30.7% ± 5.8%及44.8% ± 6.3%,. 組已癒合面積均有顯著性增加 (p < 0.05)。. 各組並無顯著性差異;第10天之各組大鼠皮膚. 組織病理評估. 創口面積分別為27.5% ± 7.1%、18.9% ± 2.8%及. 判讀大鼠皮膚創傷敷料處理後14天創口癒. 22.0% ± 6.3%,Kal-PC組較Alg-NC對照組創. 合之肉芽腫形成組織病理切片圖 (圖3),肉芽. 口開始有顯著性縮小 (p < 0.05);第14天之各. 腫形成組織病理積分,Ag-NC組、Kal-PC組、. 組大鼠皮膚創口面積分別為19.7% ± 5.7%、. Tp-nonW組分別為1.6分 ± 0.5分、1.8分 ± 0.4分. 6.7% ± 2.8%及10.0% ± 2.7%,Kal-PC組及. 及1.8分 ± 0.4分;創口癒合之上皮再生組織病理. Tp-nonW組相對於Alg-NC組皆呈現顯著性縮. 積分,各組分別為1.8分 ± 0.4分、2.6分 ± 0.9分. 小 (p < 0.05)。. 及2.2分 ± 0.4分;創口血管新生表現組織病理. 癒合面積. 積分,各組分別為1.2分 ± 0.4分、1.4分 ± 0.5分. 創口後之癒合情形如表3所示,第3天之. 及1.4分 ± 0.5分;在組織病理總積分,各組分別. 各組大鼠皮膚癒合面積 (healing area) 分別為. 為4.6分 ± 0.5分、5.8分 ± 0.5分及5.4分 ± 1.0分,. 34.1% ± 8.7%、31.8% ± 10.3%及27.3% ±. 如表4所示,各組間無顯著性差異 (p > 0.05)。. 3.3%;第7天之各組大鼠皮膚癒合面積分別. Kal-PC組與Tp-nonW組多數大鼠 (3/5) 創口癒合. 為59.0% ± 13.0%、69.3% ± 5.8%及55.2% ±. 已完全,而肉芽腫形成組織及血管新生病理積. 6.3%;第10天之各組大鼠皮膚癒合面積分別為. 分與Alg-NC組相比則無顯著性差異,推測因為. 72.5% ± 7.1%、81.1% ± 2.8%及78.0% ± 6.3%,. 創口癒合進程已經過炎症期和肉芽腫期,進入. Kal-PC組與Alg-NC組相比具顯著性增加 (p <. 組織重建期 (structure remodeling) 所致,受損組.

(6) 6. 台灣農業研究 第 61 卷 第 1 期. 圖 2. 大鼠皮膚創傷敷料敷貼後 3、7、10 及 14 天創口癒合肉眼觀察。第 3 天:(A) 陰性對照組 (Alg-NC);(B) 陽性對照組 (Kal-PC);(C) 銀耳多醣敷料 (Kal-PC)。第 7 天:(D) 陰性對照組;(E) 陽性對照組;(F) 銀耳多醣敷料。 第 10 天:(G) 陰性對照組;(H) 陽性對照組;(I) 銀耳多醣敷料。第 14 天:(J) 陰性對照組;(K) 陽性對照組; (L) 銀耳多醣敷料。 Fig. 2. Naked eye observation of healing of surgical wounds of rat skin covered with wound dressing for 3, 7, 10 and 14 days. Left column (A, D, G, J): Rats were treated with Alg-NC (Negative control) for 3 (A), 7 (D), 10 (G) and 14 (J) days. Middle column (B, E, H, K): Rats were treated with Kal-PC (Positive control) for 3 (B), 7 (E), 10 (H) and 14 (K) days. Right column (C, F, I, L): Rats were treated with Tp-nonW (Tremella polysaccharide dressing) for 3 (C), 7 (F), 10 (I) and 14 (L) days..

(7) 銀耳多醣敷料創口癒合功效 7. 表 3. 各敷料敷貼之大鼠皮膚創口癒合面積 Table 3. Area of residue and healing of each wound dressing covered on surgical wounds of rat skin Duration of treatment (Days) 3 7 10 14. Area (%). Alg-NC z. Kal-PC. Tp-nonW. 65.9 ± 18.7 w. 68.2 ± 10.3. 72.7 ± 3.3. Healing x. 34.1 ± 18.7. 31.8 ± 10.3. 27.3 ± 3.3. Residue. 41.0 ± 13.0. 30.7 ± 15.8. 44.8 ± 6.3. Healing. 59.0 ± 13.0. 69.3 ± 15.8. 55.2 ± 6.3. Residue. 27.5 ± 17.1. 18.9 ± 12.8*. 22.0 ± 6.3. Healing. 72.5 ± 17.1. 81.1 ± 12.8*. 78.0 ± 6.3. Residue. 19.7 ± 15.7. 6.7 ± 12.8*. 10.0 ± 2.7*. Healing. 80.3 ± 15.7. 93.3 ± 12.8*. 90.0 ± 2.7*. Residue. y. z. Alg-NC: Negative control; Kal-PC: Positive control; Tp-nonW: Tremella polysaccharide dressing. y Wound residual area (%) was calculated by the area of wound and divided with total excised area (2 cm × 2 cm) and then multiplied with 100. x Wound healing area (%) was calculated by the formula: Healing area (%) = (total excised area of wound)/total excised area (2 cm × 2 cm) × 100. w Data was expressed as Mean ± SD (n = 5). * Significant difference between the control and treated groups at p < 0.05.. 織從肉芽腫組織轉為較為成熟的膠原沈積 (mature collagen deposition),並已形成瘢疤 (scar)。. 討 論 以大鼠 (SD rats) 於背部以定形框畫出2 cm ×. 病理評估第14天皮膚創口癒合指數,病理總積 分Kal-PC組為5.8分,Tp-nonW組總積分為5.4 分,相對於Alg-NC組4.6分雖呈現上升趨勢, 但因個體差異較大,未具統計學上顯著性差異 (p > 0.05)。. 2 cm,以手術刀片延線切開並取下背部全層. 此外,在組織病理學觀察下可見Alg-NC. 皮膚 (full thickness)。取供試驗敷料貼敷於背. 組及Tp-nonW組在肉芽腫組織中有大量不染性. 部傷口,再以透氣膠布及黏著彈性繃帶包紮固. 斷片沉積,而Kal-PC組亦有部分不染性斷片沉. 定,手術後在第3、7、10及14天進行傷口癒合. 積 (圖3),比對肉眼觀察結果,敷料與創口有. 觀察及記錄,並依判定標準加以分析。結果顯. 緊密黏合情形。曾有報告指出,使用海藻酸鹽. 示,實驗期間各敷料組之大鼠體重及增重比率. 為基質敷料治療較無感染狀況的病人,可以發. (%) 無顯著性差異 (p > 0.05)。於第3、7、10及. 現較為顯著的異物肉芽腫性反應,並有報告指. 14天進行之皮膚創口癒合面積量化及組織病理 分析顯示,Kal-PC組於術後10及14天在創口面. 出此反應可能在約12週後完全消退 (Matthew et al. 1993; Odell et al. 1994),不過在臨床上認. 積相對於Alg-NC組有顯著性下降 (p < 0.05);. 為此藻酸鹽敷料特性雖在創傷初期形成一種不. Tp-nonW組在術後第10天之平均創口面積為. 可溶性的纖維斷片,但在止血期的過程中進行. Alg-NC組面積的80.0%,術後第14天之平均創. 離子交換後,可以變成水溶性膠體樣結構,最 後可以被身體正常的生理功能所移除 (Berry et. 口面積為Alg-NC組面積之50.8%,具有統計 學上顯著性差異 (p < 0.05);從已癒合面積比. al. 1996)。在本次試驗中,可見Tp-nonW組及. 較,Tp-nonW組在術第10天及第14天之平均癒. Kal-PC組的斷片周圍具有成熟的纖維細胞與小. 合面積較Alg-NC組分別增加20.0%及49.2%,. 微血管叢圍繞,證明此反應可以促進創傷區域. 亦具有統計學上顯著性差異 (p < 0.05)。組織. 的血管重新形成,且雖在新生肉芽組織內存在.

(8) 8. 台灣農業研究 第 61 卷 第 1 期. A. 圖 3. 各敷料敷貼 14 天後大鼠創口癒合之肉芽腫形成組織病理切片。(A) 正常皮膚;(B) 陰性對照組皮膚 (Alg-NC);(C) 陽性對照組皮膚 (Kal-PC);(D) 銀耳多醣敷料 (Tp-nonW)。Masson’s Trichrome staining, 40×。 Fig. 3. Histopathology of healing granuloma formed on surgical wounds of rat skin after 14 days of covered with wound dressing of Noraml skin (A), Alg-NC (B), Kal-PC (C) or Tp-nonW (D). Magnification: 40×. 表 4. 各敷料敷貼之大鼠皮膚創口組織病理評估 Table 4. Pathological scores of healing of wounded tissues of rats by the treatment of wound dressing Type of wound dressing. z y. Pathological score. Alg-NC z. Kal-PC. Tp-nonW. Epidermal and dermal regeneration. 1.8 ± 0.4 y. 2.6 ± 0.9. 2.2 ± 0.4. Granulation tissue thickness. 1.6 ± 0.5. 1.8 ± 0.4. 1.8 ± 0.4. Angiogenesis. 1.2 ± 0.4. 1.4 ± 0.5. 1.4 ± 0.5. Mean score. 4.6 ± 0.5. 5.8 ± 0.5. 5.4 ± 1.0. Alg-NC: Negative control group; Kal-PC: Positive control; Tp-nonW: Tremella polysaccharide dressing. Data was expressed as Mean ± SD (n = 5).. 大量的纖維斷片,但其新生的肉芽組織是較為. 醣、海藻酸鈉及氯化鈣等,日後製作銀耳多醣. 緻密且成熟的纖維結締組織。同時本次試驗皮 膚創口較為乾燥,推測可能延遲敷料基質的吸. 不織布敷料時,可更改敷料基質的比例 (Panchatcharam et al. 2006; Roh et al. 2006) 加強銀耳. 收時間。銀耳多醣不織布製作原料有銀耳多. 多醣不織布敷料促進傷口癒合的速率。.

(9) 銀耳多醣敷料創口癒合功效 9. 結 論 以動物創口癒合試驗之全層創口皮膚試 驗期中,從已癒合面積 (%) 方面比較,第10 天之各組大鼠皮膚已癒合面積,陽性對照組 (Kal-PC) 與陰性對照組 (Alg-NC) 相比具顯著 性上升 (p < 0.05);第14天則陽性對照組、銀 耳多醣敷料組與陰性對照組相比皆具顯著性 上升 (p < 0.05)。對大鼠創口皮膚之上皮再生 組織病理積分,三組皮膚敷料中依序為陽性 對照組 (市售敷料Kaltostat®, Kal-PC) > 銀耳多 醣不織布敷料組 (Tremella polysaccharides nonwoven, Tp-nonW) > 陰性對照組 (Sodium alginate nonwoven, Alg-NC)。. 引用文獻 (Literature cited) Altavilla, D., A. Saitta, D. Cucinotta, M. Galeano, B. Deodato, M. Colonna, V. Torre, G. Russo, A. Sardella, G. Urna, G. M. Campo, V. Cavallari, G. Squadrito, and F. Squadrito. 2001. Inhibition of lipid peroxidation restores impaired vascular endothelial growth factor expression and stimulates wound healing and angiogenesis in the genetically diabetic mouse. Diabetes 50:667–674. Altavilla, D., M. Galeano, A. Bitto, L. Minutoli, G. Squadrito, P. Seminara, F. S. Venuti, V. Torre, M. Calò, M. Colonna, P. Lo Cascio, G. Giugliano, N. Scuderi, C. Mioni, S. Leone, and F. Squadrito. 2005. Lipid peroxidation inhibition by raxofelast improves angiogenesis and wound healing in experimental burn wound. Shock 24:85–91. Berry, D. P., S. Bale, and K. G. Harding. 1996. Dressings for treating cavity wounds. J. Wound Care 5:10–17. Doillon, C. J. and F. H. Silver. 1986. Collagen-based wound dressing: effects of hyaluronic acid and firponectin on wound healing. Biomaterials 7:3–8. Gao, Z. R., Z. Q. Hao, Y. Li, M. J. Im, and R. J. Spence. 1992. Porcine dermal collagen as a wound dressing for skin donor sites and deep partial skin thickness burns. Burns 18:492–496. Gilchrist, T. and A. M. Martin. 1983. Wound treatment with Sorbsan – An alginate fibre dressing. Biomaterials 4:317–320.. Kirker, K. R., Y. Luo, J. H. Nielson, J. Shelby, and G. D. Prestwich. 2002. Glycosaminoglycan hydrogel films as bio-interactive dressings for wound healing. Biomaterials 23:3661–3671. Liu, C. H., Y. C. He, W. F. Jang, J. P. Jhu, and S. J. Wang. 1996. An Atlas and Manual of Histopathological Staining Methods: Histochemistry. Animal Technology Institute Taiwan (ATIT). Miaoli. 205 pp. (in Chinese) Liu, S. J., Y. C. Kau, C. Y. Chou, J. K. Chen, R. C. Wu, and W. L. Yeh. 2010. Electrospun PLGA/collagen nanofibrous membrane as early-stage wound dressing. J. Membr. Sci. 355:53–59. Matthew, I. R., R. M. Browne, J. W. Frame, and B. G. Millar. 1993. Tissue response to a haemostatic alginate wound dressing in tooth extraction sockets. Br. J. Oral Maxillofac. Surg. 31:165–169. Murakami, K., H. Aoki, S. Nakamura, S. I. Nakamura, M. Takikawa, M. Hanzawa, S. Kishimoto, H. Hattori, Y. Tanaka, T. Kiyosawa, Y. Sato, and M. Ishihara. 2010. Hydrogel blends of chitin/chitosan, fucoidan and alginate as healing-impaired wound dressings. Biomaterials 31:83–90. Odell, E. W., P. Oasdes, and T. Lombardi. 1994. Symptomatic foreign body reaction to haemostatic alginate. Br. J. Oral Maxillofac. Surg. 32:178–179. Panchatcharam, M., S. Miriyala, V. S. Gayathri, and L. Suguna. 2006. Curcumin improves wound healing by modulating collagen and decreasing reactive oxygen species. Mol. Cell Biochem. 290:87–96. Roh, D. H., S. Y. Kang, J. Y. Kim, Y. B. Kwon, H. U. Kweon, K. G. Lee, Y. H. Park, R. M. Baek, C. Y. Heo, C. Cho, and J. H. Lee. 2006. Wound healing effect of silk fibroin/alginate-blended sponge in full thickness skin defect of rat. J. Mater. Sci. Mater. Med. 17:547–552. Ukai, S., T. Kiho, C. Hara, I. Kuruma, and Y. Tanaka. 1983. Polysaccharides in fungi. XIV. Anti-inflammatory effect of the polysaccharides from the fruit bodies of several fungi. J. Pharmacobiodyn. 6:983–990. (in Japanese with English abstract) Wang, T. W., J. S. Sun, H. C. Wu, Y. H. Tsuang, W. H. Wang, and F. H. Lin. 2006. The effect of gelatin chondroitin sulfate hyaluronic acid skin substitute on wound healing in SCID mice. Biomaterials 27:5689–5697. Wittaya-areekul, A. and C. Prahsarm. 2006. Develop-.

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(11) 銀耳多醣敷料創口癒合功效 11. Effect of Tremella Polysaccharides Nonwoven Dressing on Healing of Surgical Wounds of Rats1 Kun-Chao Chen2,3, Jhaol-Huei Wu2,3, Chung-Hsin Chen2, Jiunn-Wang Liao2,3, Chan-Yi Yang4, and Shu-Hui Yang5,6 Abstract Chen, K. C., J. H. Wu, C. H. Chen, J. W. Liao, C. Y. Yang, and S. H. Yang. 2012. Effect of Tremella polysaccharides nonwoven dressing on healing of surgical wounds of rats. J. Taiwan Agric. Res. 61:1–11.. Some commercial products used as wound dressing in clinics are made of natural polysaccharides which are biodegradable and biocompatible. Polysaccharides extracted from fruiting bodies of Tremella fuciformis are nature polymers with moisturizing and anti-inflammatory properties. The objective of this study was to determine effects of the Tremella-polysaccharide non-woven product (TpnonW) as wound dressing on healing of surgical wounds of rats. Results showed that wound dressing with Tp-nonW or Kal-PC (a commercial product Kaltostat® made of Calcium/Sodium Alginate and used as positive control) significantly (p < 0.05) decreased the wound area of rats. Compared to the treatment of wound dressing of Alg-NC (a commercial product made of Sodium Alginate and used as negative control), the healing area of wounds covered with Tp-nonW for 10 and 14 days increased by 20 and 49.2% respectively. Results of the histopathological study showed that the score of regrowth tissues from wounded skin was 5.8 and 5.4 for the treatment of Kal-PC and Tp-nonW, respectively, compared to the score of 4.6 for the negative control Alg-NC, but the difference among these three treatments was statistically insignificant (p > 0.05). This study suggests that Tremella-polysaccharide non-woven dressing (Tp-nonW) has wound healing properties on rats and it may warrant further studies in human clinic trials. Key words: Tremella fuciformis, Polysaccharides nonwoven, Wound dressing, Animal model.. 1. Contribution No. 2611 from Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute (TARI), Council of Agriculture. Accepted: February 1, 2012 2. Research Assistant and Professor, Graduate Institute of Veterinary Pathobiology, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan, ROC. 3. Research Assistant and Professor, Animal Disease Diagnostic Center, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan, ROC. 4. Assistant Researcher, Department of Raw Materials and Yarns, Taiwan Textile Research Institute, New Taipei City, Taiwan, ROC. 5. Assistant Researcher, Department of Management and Utilization, Fengshan Tropical Horticultural Experimental Station, TARI, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, ROC. 6. Corresponding author, e-mail: debbie@fthes-tari.gov.tw; Fax: (07)7315590..




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