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An Overview of the Google Books Project and Other Digitization Initiatives


Academic year: 2021

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An Overview of the Google Books Project

and Other Digitization Initiatives:

Implications for Libraries


Books 及其他數位化專案對圖書館的蘊義

Rosemary Spellman

Library Assistant II,Libraries Service Center,

Johns Hopkins University,U.S.A.

Email: rspellm3@jhu.edu

Robe前 P. Holley

Professor,School of Library and Information Science,

Wayne State University,U.S.A.

Email: aa3805@wayne.edu

Keywords (關鍵詞)


Google Books; Collection Development (館藏發展)



Pr叫 ects (數位化專案)


Digital Resources (數位化資源)




This paper analyzes the e行ects of Google

Books upon collection development efforts in academic libraries. Other mass digitization

pr吋ectsare also briefly discussed. The focus

is on the hurdles that these projects face

such as copyright questions, long-term

technological planning, and continuing

permanent funding. The authors also

examine the role of digitization pr吋ects as a

form of preservation and/or conservation.

Finally, the paper looks at the culture of

libraries, how use of library materials may

change as a result of these pr吋ec峙. gives

some ideas of how the public will want to

access information, and presents some

thoughts about how libraries can maintain their relevance even as the public has access to a wealth of digital resources.

【摘要】 本文分析了 Google Books 對學術圖書館館 藏發展的影響,並概述了其他大規模數位化的 專案。本文重點在民對這些數位化專案所面臨 的障礙之探討,如版權問題、長程技術規劃、 和持久性資金憊款。作者也探討了這些數位化 專案對圖書館館藏保存和保護所扮演的角 色。文章最後審視了這些專案將如何改變公眾 對圖書館資源的使用和獲取資訊的需求,並提 供圖書館在面臨大量開放性豐富數位資源的 情況下,如何保持其職能相關性之幾點思考。



Google Books has certainly capωred the public's

attention, especially considering the number of

lawsuits that have been brought against Google for

various claims of copyright in什ingement. This paper

gives an overview of this project and a few other mass

digitizationinitiativ郎,discusses some of the technical

and copyright issues,shows how digital archives can

function both for access and for preservation,provides

a brief overview of the culture surrounding libraries as

well as that of the general public, and, finally, the

evaluates these digitization projects with an emphasis

on how Google Books has,and will continue to,affect

collection development in large academic libraries.

Overall, we think that Google Books will have a

positive effect upon collection development but with some caveats that will be explained in this paper.

Several mass digitization initiatives are already underway. A few have made headlines while others are working in the shadows. Many are freely available to the public or freely available at libraries. Some of the

larger players are Google,the Internet Archive,and the

Open Content Alliance. Other smaller projects,which

often focus on more specific areas,are useful to their

subscribers even if they do not have a big name sponsoring them.

Overview of Projects

All of this started in 1989 with the Library of

Congress and its “American Memory Project," which

attempted to see if there would be an audience for

“intellectual content in digital form." (Fineberg,2009).

Obviously,time has shown that there is an audience

and a market willing to pay for such materials,

although free information is always prefeπed. Some

smaller projects include one from the Library of

Congress, called

“仕ee巳, national, searchable database of historic

American newspaper pages published between

1880-1992"(Finebe嗯,2009). Wayne State University

contributed a selection of film negatives that comprise

the “Vi巾al Motor City" collection (Pruzin, 2010). A

similarpr句ectat the British Library seeks“to digitize

40 million historic pages" from their collection of

newspapers(“B吋 tishLibrary",2010). Other initiatives

include Project Gutenberg, the Universal Library

Project/Million Book Project, and the International

Children's Digital Library (Lackie,2008).

Larger projects include JSTOR, Project Muse and

the Internet Archive, which not only digitizes books

but also archives websites with the Wayback Machine. Two of the largest ventures are the Google Books and

the Open Content Alliance,which has the backing of

Microsoft and Yahoo. Some initiatives focus on access to content by working to make OPACs widely available with projects such as OAlster and Open

Library (Hutton, 2008; Lackie, 2008). HathiTrust's

goal is to be a major access point as well as acting as a digital archive for materials for these above mentioned

projects to access(Wille鈍, 2009).

The threem勾 orplayers to be discussed in this paper

are Google Books,the Internet Archive,and the Open

Content Alliance. Google, starting with only five

libraries,has said that it would“cost $10 [each] to scan

the 15 million documents set for digitization,and that

the process could take a decade or more" (Flagg,

2005a). The Internet Archive operates all over the United Sates with special scanning stations and allows users to submit works of their own to the Archive. The

Open Content Alliance was created partially as

challenge to Google. It has more international input and is also searchable across multiple search engines whereas Google Books is only available via Google

(Crawford, 2006). The Open Content Alliance also

“will scan and digitize only texts in the public domain,

except where the copyright holder has expressly given

permission" (Flagg,2005b).

Google Books has been criticized for being

Anglo-centric. The problem arose from the tentative


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restrictions have been placed on the use of these

“library digital copies" (Grogg & Ashmore, 2007;


As an example of the issues that using Google

Books might create for libraries, in 200 I, Shuler

presented a study of a possible future for the federal

government depository model. While we feel that the

depository model still has some value, it may change

企om having depositories of physical materials to

having depositories of electronic materials. However,

for such a sort of “electronic depository" truly to

become a reality, libraries must be able to rely on

stable Internet access and be able to educate users on how to use the various services and projects that are

available. Since library budgets are,at best,remaining

stable but, more often, being cut; having a large

electronic collection may not be something that a

library can a叮ord. K.ichuk (20 10) thinks that higher

costs and economic troubles are what is keeping

"universal accessibility" at bay and“if a library cannot

provide electronic content,patrons will go elsewhere'\

Some believe that,if large research libraries never

weed and then participate in a mass digitization project,

there will be an imbalance of access to outdated

information before current information is found

(Tenna肘,2005). Another technical challenge is merely

finding the desired information. While WorldCat has

long been held up as sort of “one-stop shopping,"


digital collections were frequently

represented...as a single record for an entire collection"

(Hutton,2008). Also,Willett (2009) says that“there is

no central service or discovery tool for an end user to discover whether or not a particular book or journal has been digitized by one of these projects." Legal

challenges have certainly changed Google Books,but

it is impo口ant to remember that technological issues

also come into play for such a long-term project as this

one. With a 27% “average net annual growth rate"

(Kichuk,20 I0) for electronic resources,all these issues

reqUIre attentIOn.

Electronic Collections and Storage

As more and more materials become available

online,electronic collections are now considered to be

more valuable than print versions ofthe same materials

When working with or creating an electronic collection,

one important task is to plan for the long termfuωreIn

the same way that that preservation was an important

consideration for print materials. However,“the fact

that increasingly more information is moving from

paper to electronic form,and is correspondingly more

accessible,does not obviate the need for a permanent

record and ongoing availability" (Barnes, 1997). This

is especially true when one considers that any

digitization project could suddenly cease without warning and that those digitized materials might be

lost. While the InternetArchi珊 's “WaybackMachine"

archives Web sites, this data could be lost if the

website is not“crawled" frequently enough or if the

data is housed in a database-backed Website

inaccessible to the Web crawlers as well as for other

less common reasons (Szydlowski,20 10).The Internet

Archive's FAQ section describes how people can

exclude their site using a robots.txt file but also

discusses that“dynamic" pages that use coding other

than HTML can be improperly archived, if they are

even able to be archived at all(Internet Archive,n.d.).

Digitization projects must have some form of stable

funding because,if a project is only funded by a grant

or from extra money in operational budgets, the

likelihood of an electronic collection disappearing

increases (Davis


2009). Libraries that have disposed

of paper copies of journals when a digital copy became available should be concerned about the potentially fragile future of digital copies because most producers

make “no assurance of long-term availability of the

journals" (Bam郎, 1997). Libraries are inclined to

weed print copies that have digital alternatives to make more room available in the library for new materials and for other uses such as increased study space

(Adams, 2009). Another advantage of digital

collections is that “digitization also enables the


re-unification of collections and items that were

conceived together, but have become physically

separated" (Brindley, 2009). Researchers, who may

have had otherwise to travel to many different sites in

order to consult needed research materials, especially

benefit from such digitization projects.

While materials are increasingly being digitized and,

in some cases, born digitally, it is important to

remember that digital collections are not as permanent as people may think they are. Libraries should take this

into account whenever considering projects like

Google Books. If libraries decide to undertake their

own digitization projects, they face the same

challenges with regards to copyright and technical

issues. Only long-term planning for digital

preservation and careful analysis of the items to be weeded in favor of electronic copies will keep any sort

of electronic collection,even one created by the library

itself,in good working order and available for users in

the distant future.

Digitization as Preservation

Some argue that digitization is a way of preserving

materials for thefutu悶;but it may not be a good first

line of defense, especially with the possibility of

coπuption of digital copies and the issue of

technological format changes. On the other hand,

digital copies are one option when planning for disasters since they can be easily stored in an off-site location and most often take up less space than their

physical counteφarts. Palmer (2008) suggests that

having redundant copies and well thought out plans along with stable digitization policies and procedures will help assure the most consistent practice over time. Section 108 of the Copyright Act allows libraries to

have more than one copy of an item, which is

especially important since libraries often need to have

“an ‘iron mountain' copy, a master copy, and a use

copy, with only the use copy accessible at anyone

time" (American Library Association,n.d.).

Nonetheless, digitization has positive aspects for

preservation and conservation. Ceynowa (2009) states


the digitization by Google thus serves the

pu中ose of collection conservation [since] information

contained in the threatened books can be saved." The Library of Congress has adopted this strategy for some

of its more brittle items (Swartz,2007). Having digital

copies is a good way to preserve fragile documents because these copies allow multiple users to access documents that would be too fragile to examine

physically. Preservation,however,is a side benefit of

many digital initiatives. Capell (20 I0) says that,while

digitization can help preservation goals,“the driving

factor behind most digitization efforts is ready remote

availability." Certainly,Google did not initiate Google

Books primarily to help libraries preserve their

collections; but libraries should not overlook this added benefit since many books are at or near the point where they can no longer be handled without damage.

The dig>tization of documents that are considered to

have “intrinsic value" is also helpful in preserving

items that are important enough to maintain in whatever original format they happen to be. The National Archives and Records Administration has detailed information about the definition of documents

having “intrinsic value" (National Archives and

Records Administration, 1999). Coyle (2006) also

points out that “the production of a

preservation-quality copy is somewhat contrary to the

desire to digitize whole libraries quickly and

inexpensively with the least amount of human

intervention." While these two ideas are not

completely at odds with one another,some documents

may require greater care than others. In the end, to

avoid fuωre problems, the goals of any digitization

project,be it for a few hundred or a few million items,

must be clearly defined before a single page is scanned.

As with all digital projec俗, the problems of data

formatting and redundancy must be dealt with in order


to create a solution that will withstand the challenges

of time. Shuler (200 I) says that, no matter what,

electronic information “must be durable, authentic,

have validi旬, and [be] permeable." Adams (2009)

suggests that libraries might even be able to take a

more active role and become a“publishers" of digital

materials,although this fails to take into account the

potentially murky financial and legal situations that

would inevitably occur. Technical issues w>II likely

forever dog the heels of any efforts to make

digitization a first-line of defense against the

carelessness of users and the ravages time upon

materials,but digitization clearly has somepa口 toplay

in protecting fragile documents.

Culture of Libraries

In a world where digitization is becoming

increasingly popular and where an increasing number

of documents exist only in a digital form, libraries

must adapt to this situation and be willing to work with users to create a viable future. What will be the role of

libraries in this future? If libraries are merely

warehouses, then they can become data farms with

nothing but racks and racks of servers holding electronic copies of materials for access by users all

over the world. If,on the other hand,“libraries exist to

preserve society's cultural artifacts and to provide

access to them," (Proskine, 2006) then a different

approach must be taken to adapt to the increasing emphasis on electronic materials. There is also the potential for a compromise where libraries continue to serve as access points for materials held by others.

As one example,the Internet Archive considers Web

pages to be an important cultural artifact and therefore keeps copies of previous versions for the future. Dye

(2006) says that“the goal of a research library...is to

secure, preserve, and archive knowledge--all of 此,

because...if we don't preserve and protect it,no one

else will."Once again,Google has become part ofthis

process with its book scanning though they claim to

want to be only an indexing service and not necessarily provide access to the materials. Goog1e does provide access in the sense that they give links for users to find

copies of the materials they see on their screens,even

if only as a snippet.Thus,Google should be considered

to be an impo前ant potential partner for any sort of

hωreprojects,especially for research libraries as they

face budget challenges that may cause problems with

providing access to materials, especially ones that

require supervision while being used. If an electronic

copy is readily available, users can access that copy

whenever and wherever they so choose,which frees up

staff time for other projects

The availability of digitized Google books may lead

to a“just in time versus just in case" change in how

libraries provide access to books. Barnes(1997) states

that with this change in thinking,one must separate the

issues of“access" versus“ownership." Ifusers are able

to download a copy of a particular book to their computer (as Google Books allows for some items as

well as does the Internet Archive,among others),the

question of ownership becomes a bit trickier. Is a

digital copy enough to constitute “ownership" of an

item? With the increasing usage of devices such as

Kindles and Nooks to license e-books, obviously

people are beginning to consider a digital copy to be good enough to be considered owned. When items are

available from a different library,even ones across the

world, access is something that becomes more

important, especially for those who may be doing

research in areas that require travel to where the

particular item is physically available but the

researcher cannot easily afford the trip. Another twist

is that

evidence is mounting that any material that is

not available in digital form does not get used" (Hahn,

2006). Students and researchers have come to expect

materials to be available digitally. Library

expenditures indicate this change. Martell (2007)

shows that “expenditures for electronic serials

increased 2,175 percent" between 1995 and 2004.


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 An infrastructure that can spawn, destroy, grow, shrink and move pro cesses dynamically and efficiently within and across data centers.. Key Initiatives to Enable an Elas

The construction was part of an intense competition in  New York for the title of &#34;world's tallest building&#34;. Two  other  projects  fighting  for  the 

The construction was part of an intense competition in  New York for the title of &#34;world's tallest building&#34;. Two  other  projects  fighting  for  the 

As the above-mentioned 'An Outline to the Classified Books...' is an authorized and influental academic work in the bibliographical field, the late

Under the guiding principles for the ongoing renewal of the school curriculum, it is proposed that the seven learning goals should continue to focus on promoting the

- Informants: Principal, Vice-principals, curriculum leaders, English teachers, content subject teachers, students, parents.. - 12 cases could be categorised into 3 types, based

To provide additional teaching staff for schools to take forward various education initiatives and enhance the quality of education for the benefit of our students, the current

• to assist in the executive functions of financial resource management (such as procurement of goods and services, handling school trading operations, acceptance of donations,