(3) . 高齡者使用觸控介面績效之研究 中. 中文摘要 今 予. 人. 化人. 口. 分. 、化. 上. 予. ? 2. 予 : 太. top. 上. 4 手太. 4.7 6. 8. 10. double. 12 mm. 9.6 ?3. tap and drop. 予 予. 比. 比 且. 今. 比. 12mm 予. 予. 太. 手太. 日及. 予. i. 5.
(4) . Research on the performance of the touch panel interface for elders Author: Ya-Han, Cheng Adviser: Yu-Hung, Chien. ABSTRACT Daily life in the modern era requires frequent use of touchscreen technology applications. As the technology has developed, changes in screen size have influenced the way most people use touch panels. A variety of Internet of Things (IoT) applications have also been developed for smart devices with Internet connections. Such applications mean that older individuals (elders) can potentially make use of digital devices both for communications purposes and to obtain adequate care. In this study, we investigated elders touch panel performance through an interface operation experiment and questionnaires to better understand elders usability requirements for touchscreen applications. The experiment primarily analyzed the effects of the following factors on elders touch panel performance: screen size (4.7” and 9.6”); touch target size (circles of 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12 mm in diameter); and gesture type (tap, double tap, and drag and drop). Through an analysis of the Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration, we explored elders visual-motor integration skills. Results showed that as individuals age, their visual-motor integration skills deteriorate. Still, screen size has no influence on elders performance on touch panel interfaces. However, larger touch target sizes are preferred, with circles of 12 mm in diameter recommended. Simpler gestures, such as the tap gesture, are more suitable for elders. Our findings indicate that elders find it more difficult to perform the double tap than the drag and drop.. Keywords. elders, screen size, touch target size, interface operation. ii.
(5) . 目錄 ············································································· i ············································································ ii 仍 ················································································· iii ·················································································· v. 」. ················································································· vi 入. ········································································· 1 ······················································ 1. -. 支 ················································ 4 。 ······················································ 5 ··································································· 6. -. ························································· 6 -. ························································ 10 ························································ 11 ························································ 13 ································································· 15 ······························································ 15. -. ······························································ 20 ······························································ 21 ······························································ 24 水 ····················································· 30 ························································ 31 ························································ 31. -. ·················································· 35 iii.
(6) . ·················································· 40 ··············································· 46 ············································ 51 ;. ························································ 52 ······························································ 55. ···································································· 56 -. ···································································· 58 ··········································································· 60 ·································································· 60. -. ·································································· 62. 仍. 66. 仍-. 比. 68. 仍. 比. ············ 69. iv.
(7) . 表次 」 1-1 2015. IDC. ··························· 2. 」 3-1 SAMSUNG GALAXY TAB. ······························ 25. 」 3-2 LG GOOGLE NEXUS 4. ··································· 26. 」 4-1. ······················································ 33. 」 4-2. ······················································ 34. 」 4-3. t. (1) ··························· 36. 」 4-4. t. (2) ··························· 37. 」 4-5. t. (1) ··························· 38. 」 4-6. t. (2) ··························· 39. 」 4-7. t. (1) ··························· 42. 」 4-8. t. (2) ··························· 43. 」 4-9. t. (1) ··························· 44. 」 4-10. t. (2) ·························· 45. 」 4-11. (1) ··················· 47. 」 4-12. (2) ··················· 48. 」 4-13. (1) ··················· 49. 」 4-14. (2) ··················· 50. 」 4-15. 比. ··············································· 51. 」 4-16. 比. ··············································· 51. 」 4-17. 予. ; ····················································· 53. 」 4-18. 予. ; ····················································· 54. v.
(8) . 圖次 2-1 IDC 2011. 2015. ················· 8. 以. 2-2 2014. 」 ··························· 9. 2-3. ;. 3-1. 夕. 比-. ·········································· 11 ?. 3-2. ······························································ 16. 3-3. ······························································ 17. 3-4 Parse 3-5. 主. 3-6. ·················································· 18 ······························································ 19 ······························································ 23. 3-7 SAMSUNG GALAXY TAB E 9.6 3-8 LG GOOGLE NEXUS 4 3-9. WIFI. ·· 25 ······················· 26. ······························································ 27. 3-10. ······················································· 29. 3-11 ;. ······················································· 29. vi. ························· 16.
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(42) . 」 4-2 口 14 10 21 2 1 3 21 1 1 1 1 6 9 5. 20~29 30~39 40~49. LG SONY MOTO HTC IPHONE , IOS ANDROID 1 3. 9 15 1 23. :n=24. 34. (%) 58.3 41.7 87.5 8.3 4.2 12.5 87.5 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 25 37.5 20.8 37.5 62.5 4.2 95.8.
(43) . -. ; t. 五. 3. 」 4-3 太. 予. 4-4. 太. 4mm. 且 -. 太. 2 手太 、. 且. ,. 、 1. 手太. 6mm. 且. 12mm. 太. 且. , -. 12mm. 且. 主. 手太. 太. 、. ,. 」 4-5 、. 4-6. 太. 且. -. 太. 手太 手太. 3. 、且 4mm. 且. 3. 且. 4mm. 2手. 手太. 12mm. 且. 主 、. 口之且 、. 35. 太 ,. 手太.
(44) . 4-3. t. (1). stage1. phone. 04. time. 1. N 24. M 71.16. SD 38.68. N 25. M 261.08. SD 175.10. p 0.000*. stage1. phone. 06. time. 1. 24. 62.29. 37.09. 25. 310.52. 306.93. 0.000*. stage1. phone. 08. time. 1. 24. 61.62. 36.61. 25. 349.76. 286.11. 0.000*. stage1. phone. 10. time. 1. 24. 64.08. 44.32. 25. 408.76. 450.70. 0.001*. stage1. phone. 12. time. 1. 24. 67.66. 54.13. 25. 342.40. 313.99. 0.000*. stage2. phone. 04. time. 1. 24. 230.20. 40.07. 25. 561.04. 1083.47. 0.142. stage2. phone. 06. time. 1. 24. 219.62. 44.20. 25. 399.08. 266.02. 0.002*. stage2. phone. 08. time. 1. 24. 216.95. 37.60. 25. 435.60. 327.03. 0.003*. stage2. phone. 10. time. 1. 24. 223.00. 37.03. 25. 379.04. 109.22. 0.000*. stage2. phone. 12. time. 1. 24. 212.25. 39.12. 25. 377.68. 106.62. 0.000*. stage3. phone. 04. time. 1. 24. 1190.58. 956.93. 25. 1315.12. 1197.15. 0.690. stage3. phone. 06. time. 1. 24. 1071.29. 865.90. 25. 1090.64. 863.55. 0.078. stage3. phone. 08. time. 1. 24. 1235.25. 922.00. 25. 1144.64. 971.66. 0.335. stage3. phone. 10. time. 1. 24. 1216.29. 638.61. 25. 965.16. 783.12. 0.226. stage3. phone. 12. time. 1. 24. 1077.83. 678.36. 25. 1584.40. 1324.42. 0.099. p<0.05. 36.
(45) . 4-4. t. (2). stage1. phone. 04. time. 2. N 24. M 64.04. SD 43.70. N 25. M 316.88. SD 300.09. p 0.000*. stage1. phone. 06. time. 2. 24. 64.54. 38.47. 25. 317.56. 365.46. 0.002*. stage1. phone. 08. time. 2. 24. 61.62. 36.20. 25. 421.56. 496.70. 0.001*. stage1. phone. 10. time. 2. 24. 69.70. 47.98. 25. 284.76. 212.00. 0.000*. stage1. phone. 12. time. 2. 24. 140.83. 303.64. 25. 349.64. 425.75. 0.055. stage2. phone. 04. time. 2. 24. 228.50. 48.86. 25. 333.20. 78.80. 0.000*. stage2. phone. 06. time. 2. 24. 228.66. 44.26. 25. 645.12. 1497.81. 0.180. stage2. phone. 08. time. 2. 24. 219.45. 40.96. 25. 432.64. 336.22. 0.003*. stage2. phone. 10. time. 2. 24. 210.25. 38.82. 25. 400.32. 261.74. 0.001*. stage2. phone. 12. time. 2. 24. 208.16. 32.80. 25. 350.12. 92.45. 0.000*. stage3. phone. 04. time. 2. 24. 1448.04. 1440.21. 25. 1040.08. 869.48. 0.234. stage3. phone. 06. time. 2. 24. 1103.41. 844.09. 25. 1253.72. 1003.85. 0.574. stage3. phone. 08. time. 2. 24. 1053.70. 657.29. 25. 802.76. 690.27. 0.199. stage3. phone. 10. time. 2. 24. 1181.62. 650.59. 25. 1004.32. 784.83. 0.859. stage3. phone. 12. time. 2. 24. 1080.04. 829.13. 25. 1286.72. 958.35. 0.424. p<0.05. 37.
(46) . 4-5. t. (1). stage1. pad. 04. time. 1. N 24. M 69.83. SD 34.54. N 25. M 257.84. SD 191.44. p 0.000*. stage1. pad. 06. time. 1. 24. 62.54. 25.21. 25. 463.88. 887.03. 0.033*. stage1. pad. 08. time. 1. 24. 59.54. 23.30. 25. 301.24. 280.67. 0.000*. stage1. pad. 10. time. 1. 24. 65.20. 41.12. 25. 284.96. 217.39. 0.000*. stage1. pad. 12. time. 1. 24. 68.54. 41.99. 25. 454.64. 606.31. 0.004*. stage2. pad. 04. time. 1. 24. 214.62. 29.76. 25. 358.60. 79.83. 0.000*. stage2. pad. 06. time. 1. 24. 213.00. 32.51. 25. 346.40. 74.29. 0.000*. stage2. pad. 08. time. 1. 24. 219.79. 31.54. 25. 337.36. 93.00. 0.000*. stage2. pad. 10. time. 1. 24. 211.20. 30.03. 25. 367.24. 92.91. 0.000*. stage2. pad. 12. time. 1. 24. 208.16. 27.01. 25. 340.44. 54.33. 0.000*. stage3. pad. 04. time. 1. 24. 1758.58. 1104.09. 25. 1229.04. 1089.72. 0.098. stage3. pad. 06. time. 1. 24. 1294.75. 587.57. 25. 1489.96. 1405.31. 0.527. stage3. pad. 08. time. 1. 24. 1271.58. 602.69. 25. 1407.88. 2581.07. 0.802. stage3. pad. 10. time. 1. 24. 1242.04. 603.33. 25. 1160.92. 1048.40. 0.743. stage3. pad. 12. time. 1. 24. 1337.00. 687.01. 25. 1702.56. 1514.93. 0.281. p<0.05. 38.
(47) . 4-6. t. (2). stage1. pad. 04. time. 2. N 24. M 64.62. SD 24.20. N 25. M 313.12. SD 283.81. p 0.000*. stage1. pad. 06. time. 2. 24. 60.04. 38.73. 25. 295.84. 225.87. 0.000*. stage1. pad. 08. time. 2. 24. 59.25. 24.46. 25. 333.08. 268.39. 0.000*. stage1. pad. 10. time. 2. 24. 66.79. 51.84. 25. 305.24. 272.28. 0.000*. stage1. pad. 12. time. 2. 24. 117.08. 212.60. 25. 228.40. 308.66. 0.029*. stage2. pad. 04. time. 2. 24. 215.58. 40.09. 25. 335.60. 53.26. 0.000*. stage2. pad. 06. time. 2. 24. 210.00. 37.08. 25. 447.16. 291.61. 0.000*. stage2. pad. 08. time. 2. 24. 205.16. 30.11. 25. 380.84. 133.64. 0.000*. stage2. pad. 10. time. 2. 24. 211.66. 34.38. 25. 348.00. 130.03. 0.000*. stage2. pad. 12. time. 2. 24. 211.83. 38.80. 25. 443.20. 519.96. 0.035. stage3. pad. 04. time. 2. 24. 1464.54. 598.85. 25. 3429.68. 12198.79. 0.435. stage3. pad. 06. time. 2. 24. 1373.79. 640.33. 25. 1663.48. 1512.95. 0.386. stage3. pad. 08. time. 2. 24. 1189.58. 449.28. 25. 1397.76. 1387.94. 0.482. stage3. pad. 10. time. 2. 24. 1205.50. 769.19. 25. 1244.00. 1235.36. 0.897. stage3. pad. 12. time. 2. 24. 1363.08. 802.30. 25. 1916.36. 2100.05. 0.229. p<0.05. 39.
(48) . t. t. DC Ip 0. 4-7. 4-8. 4mm. 1 12mm. 1. 10mm. 6mm. 8mm. 2 3. 4mm 3. 4mm. 12mm. 40.
(49) . 4-9. 4-10. 8mm. 1 12mm. 1. 4mm. 6mm. 10mm 3. 2 3. 12mm. 41. 4mm.
(50) . 4-7. t. (1). stage1. phone. 04. DC. 1. N 24. M 3.50. SD 9.79. N 25. M 5.94. SD 6.75. p 0.313. stage1. phone. 06. DC. 1. 24. 1.77. 1.21. 25. 6.99. 11.59. 0.033*. stage1. phone. 08. DC. 1. 24. 2.35. 1.23. 25. 7.31. 7.73. 0.004*. stage1. phone. 10. DC. 1. 24. 2.53. 1.26. 25. 6.53. 8.00. 0.021*. stage1. phone. 12. DC. 1. 24. 3.16. 2.47. 25. 5.53. 5.53. 0.062. stage2. phone. 04. DC. 1. 24. 1.57. 0.78. 25. 15.70. 19.95. 0.002*. stage2. phone. 06. DC. 1. 24. 2.00. 0.52. 25. 11.33. 11.45. 0.000*. stage2. phone. 08. DC. 1. 24. 2.21. 0.69. 25. 11.49. 12.62. 0.001*. stage2. phone. 10. DC. 1. 24. 2.63. 0.94. 25. 12.22. 16.22. 0.007*. stage2. phone. 12. DC. 1. 24. 2.87. 0.91. 25. 10.04. 13.51. 0.014*. stage3. phone. 04. Ip. 1. 24. 0.005. 0.031. 25. 0.000. 0.001. 0.000*. stage3. phone. 06. Ip. 1. 24. 0.004. 0.003. 25. 0.001. 0.002. 0.000*. stage3. phone. 08. Ip. 1. 24. 0.003. 0.002. 25. 0.000. 0.001. 0.000*. stage3. phone. 10. Ip. 1. 24. 0.002. 0.001. 25. 0.001. 0.001. 0.002*. stage3. phone. 12. Ip. 1. 24. 0.004. 0.003. 25. 0.000. 0.001. 0.000*. p<0.05. 42.
(51) . 4-8. t. (2). stage1. phone. 04. DC. 2. N 24. M 4.55. SD 10.30. N 25. M 5.97. SD 10.20. p 0.631. stage1. phone. 06. DC. 2. 24. 3.78. 5.26. 25. 7.64. 10.58. 0.115. stage1. phone. 08. DC. 2. 24. 3.31. 1.12. 25. 8.64. 12.90. 0.051. stage1. phone. 10. DC. 2. 24. 3.31. 0.99. 25. 10.12. 13.63. 0.020*. stage1. phone. 12. DC. 2. 24. 5.59. 7.23. 25. 5.29. 4.47. 0.684. stage2. phone. 04. DC. 2. 24. 2.38. 0.92. 25. 14.91. 17.39. 0.001*. stage2. phone. 06. DC. 2. 24. 2.75. 0.88. 25. 13.93. 15.24. 0.001*. stage2. phone. 08. DC. 2. 24. 3.33. 0.83. 25. 10.81. 12.21. 0.005*. stage2. phone. 10. DC. 2. 24. 3.37. 0.88. 25. 9.15. 11.69. 0.021*. stage2. phone. 12. DC. 2. 24. 4.08. 1.02. 25. 7.27. 6.44. 0.022*. stage3. phone. 04. Ip. 2. 24. 0.002. 0.002. 25. 0.001. 0.002. 0.235. stage3. phone. 06. Ip. 2. 24. 0.003. 0.003. 25. 0.000. 0.001. 0.000*. stage3. phone. 08. Ip. 2. 24. 0.003. 0.002. 25. 0.001. 0.002. 0.000*. stage3. phone. 10. Ip. 2. 24. 0.002. 0.002. 25. 0.001. 0.002. 0.016*. stage3. phone. 12. Ip. 2. 24. 0.002. 0.002. 25. 0.000. 0.001. 0.010*. p<0.05. 43.
(52) . 4-9. t. (1). stage1. pad. 04. DC. 1. N 24. M 1.47. SD 1.15. N 25. M 17.63. SD 28.32. p 0.009*. stage1. pad. 06. DC. 1. 24. 1.34. 1.18. 25. 17.55. 30.10. 0.013*. stage1. pad. 08. DC. 1. 24. 1.76. 1.17. 25. 11.33. 28.56. 0.107. stage1. pad. 10. DC. 1. 24. 2.38. 1.67. 25. 15.75. 30.78. 0.040*. stage1. pad. 12. DC. 1. 24. 2.61. 1.68. 25. 7.75. 15.69. 0.117. stage2. pad. 04. DC. 1. 24. 1.34. 1.18. 25. 20.89. 27.07. 0.001*. stage2. pad. 06. DC. 1. 24. 1.39. 1.02. 25. 23.32. 29.84. 0.001*. stage2. pad. 08. DC. 1. 24. 1.51. 1.16. 25. 24.44. 37.60. 0.006*. stage2. pad. 10. DC. 1. 24. 1.73. 1.16. 25. 16.60. 25.82. 0.008*. stage2. pad. 12. DC. 1. 24. 2.31. 1.31. 25. 20.14. 29.75. 0.006*. stage3. pad. 04. Ip. 1. 24. 0.003. 0.001. 25. 0.000. 0.000. 0.000*. stage3. pad. 06. Ip. 1. 24. 0.003. 0.001. 25. 0.000. 0.001. 0.000*. stage3. pad. 08. Ip. 1. 24. 0.004. 0.002. 25. 0.000. 0.001. 0.000*. stage3. pad. 10. Ip. 1. 24. 0.004. 0.004. 25. 0.000. 0.001. 0.000*. stage3. pad. 12. Ip. 1. 24. 0.002. 0.001. 25. 0.000. 0.001. 0.000*. p<0.05. 44.
(53) . 4-10. t. (2). stage1. pad. 04. DC. 2. N 24. M 2.86. SD 1.40. N 25. M 18.05. SD 33.35. p 0.032*. stage1. pad. 06. DC. 2. 24. 2.76. 1.60. 25. 15.17. 35.26. 0.092. stage1. pad. 08. DC. 2. 24. 3.45. 1.40. 25. 11.90. 22.13. 0.069. stage1. pad. 10. DC. 2. 24. 4.08. 1.86. 25. 6.31. 11.61. 0.353. stage1. pad. 12. DC. 2. 24. 5.71. 7.55. 25. 11.78. 20.49. 0.175. stage2. pad. 04. DC. 2. 24. 2.28. 1.04. 25. 22.67. 28.42. 0.001*. stage2. pad. 06. DC. 2. 24. 2.39. 1.16. 25. 21.95. 37.78. 0.016*. stage2. pad. 08. DC. 2. 24. 2.71. 1.28. 25. 21.51. 34.71. 0.012*. stage2. pad. 10. DC. 2. 24. 3.42. 1.34. 25. 26.93. 38.74. 0.006*. stage2. pad. 12. DC. 2. 24. 3.80. 1.35. 25. 29.26. 39.70. 0.004*. stage3. pad. 04. Ip. 2. 24. 0.002. 0.002. 25. 0.003. 0.001. 0.006*. stage3. pad. 06. Ip. 2. 24. 0.003. 0.002. 25. 0.000. 0.000. 0.000*. stage3. pad. 08. Ip. 2. 24. 0.002. 0.001. 25. 0.000. 0.000. 0.000*. stage3. pad. 10. Ip. 2. 24. 0.002. 0.002. 25. 0.000. 0.001. 0.001*. stage3. pad. 12. Ip. 2. 24. 0.002. 0.001. 25. 0.000. 0.001. 0.000*. p<0.05. 45.
(54) . SF. 4-11. 1. 4-12 12mm. 1. 12mm. 4mm. 12mm. 2 3. 4mm. 4mm. SF. 4-13. 1. 12mm 1. 2. 4mm. 12mm 4mm. 12mm. 4-14. 4mm. 4mm. 46. 3.
(55) . 4-11. (1). stage1. phone. 04. SF. 1. N 24. M 17(70.8%). SD 7(28.0%). N 25. M 7(29.2%). SD 18(72.0%). p 0.003*. stage1. phone. 06. SF. 1. 24. 20(69.0%). 4(20.0%). 25. 9(31.0%). 16(80.0%). 0.001*. stage1. phone. 08. SF. 1. 24. 23(69.7%). 1(6.3%). 25. 10(30.3%). 15(93.8%). 0.000*. stage1. phone. 10. SF. 1. 24. 23(60.5%). 1(9.1%). 25. 15(39.5%). 10(90.9%). 0.003*. stage1. phone. 12. SF. 1. 24. 23(56.1%). 1(12.5%). 25. 18(43.9%). 7(87.5%). 0.024*. stage2. phone. 04. SF. 1. 24. 16(80.0%). 8(27.6%). 25. 4(20.0%). 21(72.4%). 0.000*. stage2. phone. 06. SF. 1. 24. 24(80.0%). 0(0.0%). 25. 6(20.0%). 19(100.0%). 0.000*. stage2. phone. 08. SF. 1. 24. 24(70.6%). 0(0.0%). 25. 10(29.4%). 15(100.0%). 0.000*. stage2. phone. 10. SF. 1. 24. 24(70.6%). 0(0.0%). 25. 10(29.4%). 15(100.0%). 0.000*. stage2. phone. 12. SF. 1. 24. 24(61.5%). 0(0.0%). 25. 15(38.5%). 10(100.0%). 0.001*. stage3. phone. 04. SF. 1. 24. 23(88.5%). 1(4.3%). 25. 3(11.5%). 22(95.7%). 0.000*. stage3. phone. 06. SF. 1. 24. 22(73.3%). 2(10.0%). 25. 8(26.7%). 17(89.5%). 0.000*. stage3. phone. 08. SF. 1. 24. 24(80.0%). 0(0.0%). 25. 6(20.0%). 19(100.0%). 0.000*. stage3. phone. 10. SF. 1. 24. 21(67.7%). 3(16.7%). 25. 10(32.3%). 15(83.3%). 0.001*. stage3. phone. 12. SF. 1. 24. 24(68.6%). 0(0.0%). 25. 11(31.4%). 14(100.0%). 0.001*. p<0.05. 47.
(56) . 4-12. (2). stage1. phone. 04. SF. 2. N 24. M 13(72.2%). SD 11(35.5%). N 25. M 5(27.8%). SD 20(64.5%). p 0.013*. stage1. phone. 06. SF. 2. 24. 16(69.6%). 8(30.8%). 25. 7(30.4%). 18(69.2%). 0.007*. stage1. phone. 08. SF. 2. 24. 19(59.4%). 5(29.4%). 25. 13(40.6%). 12(70.6%). 0.046*. stage1. phone. 10. SF. 2. 24. 21(60.0%). 3(21.4%). 25. 14(40.0%). 11(78.6%). 0.015*. stage1. phone. 12. SF. 2. 24. 20(52.6%). 4(36.4%). 25. 18(47.4%). 7(63.6%). 0.342. stage2. phone. 04. SF. 2. 24. 9(64.3%). 15(42.9%). 25. 5(35.7%). 20(57.1%). 0.175. stage2. phone. 06. SF. 2. 24. 16(66.7%). 8(32.0%). 25. 8(33.3%). 17(68.0%). 0.015*. stage2. phone. 08. SF. 2. 24. 20(69.0%). 4(20.0%). 25. 9(31.0%). 16(80.0%). 0.001*. stage2. phone. 10. SF. 2. 24. 24(61.5%). 0(0.0%). 25. 15(38.5%). 10(100%). 0.001*. stage2. phone. 12. SF. 2. 24. 23(62.2%). 1(8.3%). 25. 14(37.8%). 11(91.7%). 0.001*. stage3. phone. 04. SF. 2. 24. 12(75.0%). 12(36.4%). 25. 4(25.0%). 21(63.6%). 0.011*. stage3. phone. 06. SF. 2. 24. 21(87.5%). 3(12.0%). 25. 3(12.5%). 22(88.0%). 0.000*. stage3. phone. 08. SF. 2. 24. 22(75.9%). 2(10.0%). 25. 7(24.1%). 18(90.0%). 0.000*. stage3. phone. 10. SF. 2. 24. 21(70.0%). 3(15.8%). 25. 9(30.0%). 16(84.2%). 0.000*. stage3. phone. 12. SF. 2. 24. 18(62.1%). 6(30.0%). 25. 11(37.9%). 14(70.0%). 0.027*. p<0.05. 48.
(57) . 4-13. (1). stage1. pad. 04. SF. 1. N 24. M 17(81.0%). SD 7(25.0%). N 25. M 4(19.0%). SD 21(75.0%). p 0.000*. stage1. pad. 06. SF. 1. 24. 22(78.6%). 2(9.5%). 25. 6(21.4%). 19(90.5%). 0.000*. stage1. pad. 08. SF. 1. 24. 23(62.2%). 1(8.3%). 25. 14(37.8%). 11(91.7%). 0.001*. stage1. pad. 10. SF. 1. 24. 22(64.7%). 2(13.3%). 25. 12(35.3%). 13(86.7%). 0.001*. stage1. pad. 12. SF. 1. 24. 22(55.0%). 2(22.2%). 25. 18(45.0%). 7(77.8%). 0.076. stage2. pad. 04. SF. 1. 24. 18(90.0%). 6(20.7%). 25. 2(10.0%). 23(79.3%). 0.000*. stage2. pad. 06. SF. 1. 24. 20(87.0%). 4(15.4%). 25. 3(13.0%). 22(84.6%). 0.000*. stage2. pad. 08. SF. 1. 24. 24(72.7%). 0(0.0%). 25. 9(27.3%). 16(100.0%). 0.000*. stage2. pad. 10. SF. 1. 24. 23(71.9%). 1(5.9%). 25. 9(28.1%). 16(94.1%). 0.000*. stage2. pad. 12. SF. 1. 24. 24(66.7%). 0(100.0%). 25. 12(33.3%). 13(100%). 0.000*. stage3. pad. 04. SF. 1. 24. 21(84.0%). 3(12.5%). 25. 4(16.0%). 21(87.5%). 0.000*. stage3. pad. 06. SF. 1. 24. 22(88.0%). 2(8.3%). 25. 3(12.0%). 22(91.7%). 0.000*. stage3. pad. 08. SF. 1. 24. 24(88.9%). 0(0.0%). 25. 3(11.1%). 22(11.2%). 0.000*. stage3. pad. 10. SF. 1. 24. 22(84.6%). 2(8.7%). 25. 4(15.4%). 21(91.3%). 0.000*. stage3. pad. 12. SF. 1. 24. 22(73.3%). 2(10.5%). 25. 8(26.7%). 17(89.5%). 0.000*. p<0.05. 49.
(58) . 4-14. (2). stage1. pad. 04. SF. 2. N 24. M 6(50.0%). SD 18(48.6%). N 25. M 6(50.0%). SD 19(51.4%). p 0.935. stage1. pad. 06. SF. 2. 24. 17(70.8%). 7(28.0%). 25. 7(29.2%). 18(72.2%). 0.003*. stage1. pad. 08. SF. 2. 24. 20(69.0%). 4(20.0%). 25. 9(31.0%). 16(80.0%). 0.001*. stage1. pad. 10. SF. 2. 24. 23(62.2%). 1(8.3%). 25. 14(37.8%). 11(91.7%). 0.001*. stage1. pad. 12. SF. 2. 24. 20(57.1%). 4(28.6%). 25. 15(42.9%). 10(71.4%). 0.071. stage2. pad. 04. SF. 2. 24. 9(69.2%). 15(41.7%). 25. 4(30.8%). 21(58.3%). 0.088. stage2. pad. 06. SF. 2. 24. 16(69.6%). 8(30.8%). 25. 7(30.4%). 18(69.2%). 0.007*. stage2. pad. 08. SF. 2. 24. 19(67.9%). 5(23.8%). 25. 9(32.1%). 16(76.2%). 0.002*. stage2. pad. 10. SF. 2. 24. 21(70.0%). 3(15.8%). 25. 9(30.0%). 16(84.2%). 0.000*. stage2. pad. 12. SF. 2. 24. 21(63.6%). 3(18.8%). 25. 12(36.4%). 13(81.3%). 0.003*. stage3. pad. 04. SF. 2. 24. 12(92.3%). 12(33.3%). 25. 1(7.7%). 24(66.7%). 0.000*. stage3. pad. 06. SF. 2. 24. 22(81.5%). 2(9.1%). 25. 5(18.5%). 20(90.9%). 0.000*. stage3. pad. 08. SF. 2. 24. 18(90.0%). 6(20.7%). 25. 2(10.0%). 23(79.3%). 0.000*. stage3. pad. 10. SF. 2. 24. 18(75.0%). 6(24.0%). 25. 6(25.0%). 19(76.0%). 0.000*. stage3. pad. 12. SF. 2. 24. 20(71.4%). 4(19.0%). 25. 8(28.6%). 17(81.0%). 0.000*. p<0.05. 50.
(59) . ,. 2.08. , 25.16. ,. 9.40. 1.04. t. 4-15. t N 25. 4-16. M 9.40. SD 2.08. M 25.16. SD 1.04. t N 24. 51.
(60) . 4. 4. 6. 8. 10. 12 mm. ,. 2. 3. ,. 2.48. 8 mm. ,. 10 mm. 4 mm. 4.70. .46. 4. .65. 5. ,. 6 mm. . 1.28. .45. ,. 1. 2. 2.87. ,. .44. 2. 3. 52. ,.
(61) . 2. 3. ,. 2.56. 8 mm. ,. 10 mm. 4 mm. 4.75. .44. 4. .65. 5. ,. 6 mm. . 1.28. .45. ,. 1. 2.87. .44. 2. 3. ,. 2. 4-18. ,. N. M. SD. 25. 2.48. 0.65. 25. 1.28. 0.45. 25. 2.56. 0.65. 25. 1.28. 0.45. 53.
(62) . 4-17. N. M. SD. 24. 4.70. 0.46. 24. 2.87. 0.44. 24. 4.75. 0.44. 24. 2.87. 0.44. 54.
(63) . ,. ,. ,. 49 24. 60. , 49. 25 2940. 4. t. ,. ,. ,. ○. 55.
(64) . ?. ,. ,. 12mm. ,. 4mm. 3. ,. 12mm. 4mm. 12mm. ,. ,. ,. ,. 。. ,. 12mm. 56. ,.
(65) . ,. 24. ,. 25. 1 9. ,. ,. ,. 8 mm. ,. 4 mm. 10 mm. 6 mm. 12 mm. ,. 57. ,. ,.
(66) . ). ). 24. 4mm. 5. 。 3. ,. ,. 10. ,. ,. ,. 30. 。. ,. ,. ,. ○. , 3. , 3. ?. ?. 58. ,.
(67) . ,. ,. , , ,. 12mm. 12 mm. , ,. 10. ,. ,. 59. ,.
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Consistent with the negative price of systematic volatility risk found by the option pricing studies, we see lower average raw returns, CAPM alphas, and FF-3 alphas with higher
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With the results of the literature review on cooperative learning of game design structures, this research examines the possibilities of applying the “Multi-Touch Control”
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