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行政院國家科學委員會專題研究計畫 成果報告


計畫類別: 個別型計畫

計畫編號: NSC94-2213-E-009-029-

執行期間: 94 年 08 月 01 日至 95 年 07 月 31 日

執行單位: 國立交通大學資訊科學學系(所)

計畫主持人: 楊武

計畫參與人員: 楊武

報告類型: 完整報告

報告附件: 出席國際會議研究心得報告及發表論文

處理方式: 本計畫可公開查詢

中 華 民 國 95 年 10 月 25 日



A correct security protocol should satisfy four require-ments: no-intrusion, authenticity, freshness, and secrecy. We divide the four requirements into two groups (one for no-intrusion, authenticity, and freshness and the other for se-crecy). For the former we use the message-exchange forms and for the latter, we use the p-knows and n-knows informa-tion that is inferred from a latest topological orders of the trigger-graph. Based on these methods, flaws and weak-nesses hidden in an imperfect security protocol could be uncovered.

Keywords and phrases: authentication, authentication protocol, computer communication, computer security, se-curity protocol, verification.

1 Introduction

A security protocol is a set of messages that the com-municating parties use to establish secure communication channels, mostly by setting up agreed-upon secret keys. Ex-amples of computer security protocols include [10, 11, 12, 16, 8]. However, many security protocols are found to be flawed after they are deployed [1]. Given the rapid growth of computer networks, there is a pressing need for a frame-work and tools for the development and analysis of security protocols [4]. This implies that protocol verification is a difficult task.

A lot of work [14, 9, 5, 6, 12, 7, 15] was focused on pro-tocol verification. Some researchers propose methods for testing security protocols like testing software [17]. After reviewing the previous work on protocol verification, we feel that the security of a protocol is not a single property. Rather, it is the composition of several more fundamental properties. We list four requirements for an absolutely se-cure protocols and shows how to enforce the four require-ments.

no-intrusion No-intrusion means that an attacker cannot

intrude into a session of a protocol. If the attacker plans to impersonate a legitimate participant, he has to do it from the very beginning of the session.

No-intrusion implies that the attacker cannot inject fake messages in the middle of a session of a security pro-tocol without being detected.

authenticity Authentication means that a participant must

authenticate other participants in a session before he can trust them. Authentication is usually accomplished by demonstrating that a participant knows certain se-crets, such as a secret key.

freshness Freshness means that messages sent and

re-ceived in a session are generated specifically for the current session. An attacker cannot use messages from previous sessions in the current session.

secrecy Secrecy means that the contents of a message is

kept secret between the participants of a protocol ses-sion.

The four requirements together can guarantee the

correct-ness of a security protocol. No-intrusion assures that the

persons sending messages in a session are fixed participants. Their roles in a session will not be stolen by attackers. Au-thentication means the fixed participants can all show suf-ficient information to identify themselves. Freshness pre-vents a participant from mistaking a message from a previ-ous session as a legitimate message for the current session. Secrecy keeps a by-stander from obtaining vital information by eavesdropping on the communication media.

The crux of this paper is that we use two verification pro-cesses: First, we make sure that the no-intrusion, authentic-ity, and freshness requirements are satisfied. We do this by checking that the underlying structure of a security proto-col consists of message-exchange forms (to be discussed in Section 3). Second, we check that an attacker cannot know the important secrets. We use a earliest topological order (to be discussed in Section 4) to infer the information an attack could know immediately before each message of the security protocol is sent.

Clark and Jacob [4] identified seven kinds of common at-tacks to security protocols. Brackin [3] classified five kinds of security threats: freshness, type, binding, parallel ses-sion, and oracle attacks. There are many methods intended for protocol verification. Burrows et al. [2] proposes a logic


for security protocols. Their logic has much influence in the study verification; however, there are still flaws that es-capes their logic. Previously, we proposed an exhaustive testing method for security protocols [17].

The rest of the paper is organized as follows: The next section summarizes the terms and notations used in this pa-per. The third section discusses message-exchange forms. The fourth section infers knowledge of the attackers as well as the legitimate participants. The last section concludes this paper.

2 Preliminaries

In this paper, we will use the following Needham-Schroeder protocol [11, 13] as an example.

1. A → S : A, B, Na

2. S → A : {Na, B, Kab, {Kab, A}Kbs}Kas

3. A → B : {Kab, A}Kbs

4. B → A : {Nb}Kab

5. A → B : {Nb − 1}Kab

The key Kas is a shared key between A and S, which is established before a session of the Needham-Shroeder pro-tocol starts. Similarly, Kbs is a pr-established shared key between B and S. After a session of the Needham-Schroder protocol, the new key Kab would be known exactly to A,

B, and S.

A security protocol consists of an partially ordered se-quence of messages and a specification. Each message con-sists of an ordered sequence of items. An item could be ei-ther un-encrypted (which is called atomic) or encrypted. An encrypted item consists of an ordered sequence of subitems and an encryption key.

The specification of a security protocol include (1) the keys and other relevant secrets each participant knows be-fore a session of a security protocol, (2) public information that everybody (including the attacker) knows before a ses-sion of a security protocol, and (3) the information each participant and the attacker know and do not know after a session of the security protocol completes.

The legitimate communicating participants have some previously established secrets, such as shared secret keys and public keys. We assume that these previously estab-lished keys are well kept away from attackers. A security protocol cannot protect secrets once these keys are lost.

A session of a security protocol is made up of two ore more participants, who send and receive messages. The sender of the first message is the initiator of the session. In-tuitively, the initiator is the participant who intends to com-municate with other participants.

The purpose of (a session of) a security protocol is to es-tablish a new key between communicating parties (the ini-tiator of a session and a responder). This new key is called

the jewel of the session. For example, Kab is the jewel in the above Needham-Schroeder Protocol. Some security protocols may be capable of establish multiple new keys among three or or communicating parties. Our technique can be easily extended to these more capable protocols. The intended holders of the jewel are called propositi. For in-stance, in the above Needham-Schroeder Protocol, A and

B are the propositi whereas S, who knows the jewel, is not.

3 How can a receiver

R believe in a message

that he receives?

For a receiver to believe in the authenticity and freshness of a piece of information, the information must be properly enclosed in messages. The messages of a security protocol must consist of message-exchange forms. (We can guaran-tee the secrecy of a piece of information only by examining the whole security protocol and inferring what an attacker can know. We will study secrecy guarantee in the next sec-tion.)

The message-exchange form is either a basic form or its variations. The basic form (from the perspective of the re-ceiver R), shown below, consists of a pair of messages: a challenge and a response. The challenge need not be en-crypted; however, the response is usually encrypted.

R → . . . : tokenr — a challege . . . → R : {jewel, tokenr}Kp — a reply

Here tokenr is generated by the receiver R and Kp is the key that is agreed upon between R and (1) the intended producer of the jewel or (2) a participant who has already believed in jewel. Kp could be a shared that is established before the current session of the security protocol starts or it could be a key that is established in previous steps of the current session.

These two messages guarantee, to R, the freshness and authenticity of the jewel under the provision that the

at-tacker does not know jewel and Kp and the receiver R must be able to know Kp. (There is a provision in every

form discussed in this section. In the next section, we will show a method to check the provisions.)

To R, the freshness of jewel is guaranteed by tokenr, which is generated by R. The authenticity of jewel is guar-anteed by Kp, which is assumed to be a well-kept secret between R and the legitimate participant who creates the encrypted item{jewel, tokenr}Kp. Note that the two

mes-sages guarantees the authenticity and freshness of jewel

only to R, but not to other participants of the security

pro-tocol. Usually, R must present a proof of his identity addi-tionally.

tokenr can be viewed as a passport announced by R.


suitable key) as packaged later than R announced tokenr. Freshness is therefore guaranteed.

A slight variation of the second message is

{jewel, {f(tokenr)}K, . . .}Kp, where f is a fixed

function, such as one-way hash, increment, or decrement, that the receiver can verify and K is a key known to R. In this variation, either jewel or tokenr can be encrypted in order to achieve secrecy. The use of the function f is to avoid encrypting the same item (in the case, tokenr) several times. Certain encryption algorithms become easier to break if the same item is encrypted several times.

The whole second message can also be encrypted several times, such as{{{jewel, tokenr}Kp}K1}K2}K3, as long

as the receiver can decode it.

Example. Assume R and P share a previously

estab-lished secret key Krp. Consider the following three proto-cols:

Protocol 1:

R → P : tokenr

P → R : {jewel, tokenr}Krp

In Protocol 1, R generates a new token tokenr and sends it to P . P sends back a new key jewel, which is generated by P . Protocol 1 establishes a fresh and authenticated key

jewel between R and P

Protocol 2:

R → P : {tokenr, Knew}Krp

P → R : {jewel, tokenr − 1}Knew

Protocol 2 achieves a similar effect as Protocol 1. Protocol 3:

R → P : {tokenr, jewel}Krp

P → R : {tokenr + 1}jewel

Protocol 3 is flawed in that an attacker can pretend to be

R and re-sends a previous message {tokenr, jewel}Krp.

P will believe in the authenticity (but not the freshness)

of jewel if this protocol can guarantee that only P and R knows the key Krp. However, as far as R is concerned,

jewel is fresh and authenticated (since it is R who

gener-ates jewel).

An alternative, more flexible message-exchange form is shown below:

R → . . . : tokenr

. . . → R : {tokenp, tokenr}Kp

. . . → R : {jewel, tokenp}Kp

This alternative form can be viewed as two runs of the basic form. tokenr guarantees the freshness of tokenp, which in turn guarantees the freshness of jewel under the

provision that the attacker does not know jewel and Kp. tokenp must be generated by the party P .

The token tokenp may be considered as an intermediate jewel. It can be used to guarantee the authenticity and fresh-ness of other jewels. For instance, we may also use tokenp to encrypt the jewel. The third message could be replaced by the following message:

. . . → R : {jewel}tokenp

The provision for this variation is that the attacker does

not know jewel, Kp, and tokenp since tokenp is used to

encrypt other items.

We can generalize the above form further.

R → . . . : tokenr

. . . → R : {tokena, tokenr}Ka

. . . → R : {tokenb, tokena}Kb

. . . → R : {tokenp, tokenb}Kp

. . . → R : {jewel, tokenp}Kp

The provision here is that the attacker does not know Ka,

Kb, Kp, and jewel.

Example. Consider the following protocol:

Protocol 4:

1. A → B : A, nonceA

2. B → S : A, nonceA, B, nonceB 3. S → B : {Kab, nonceB}Kbs

4. S → A : {Kab, nonceA}Kas

We claim that a security protocol is correct if it consists of message-exchange forms for the propositi (and the pro-visions in the forms are observed) for each legitimate par-ticipant.

For Protocol 4, there are two message-exchange forms, one for each propositi (A and B):

message-exchange form for A 1. A → . . . : . . . nonceA

4. . . . → A : {Kab, nonceA}Kas

message-exchange form for B 2. B → . . . : . . . nonceB

3. . . . → B : {Kab, nonceB}Kbs

There is a freshness attack on the Needham-Schroeder protocol [11, 4]. Suppose the secret key Kab in the first session is compromised and is known to the attacker. The attacker can re-send the third message of the first session as the third message of the second session. Then B is fooled to take the old key Kab as the new secret key for the second session. The real trouble lies in that, though B can decrypt the third message, B does not have the guarantee that the message is fresh.

Our technique clearly shows that the message-exchange form for the propositus B is missing. There is only one message-exchange form, which is intended for A.

message-exchange form for A 1. A → . . . : . . . Na

2. . . . → A : {N a, . . . Kab, . . .}Kas

message-exchange form for B


In this section, we make an implicit assumption: The legitimate parties of the protocol—A, B, and P —who pos-sess the keys Ka, Kb, and Kp, respectively, are all


well-behaved. When an attacker tries to fool others, he never uses his real identity (so as to avoid being caught in the fu-ture). The attacker always impersonates as someone else. This is not a severe limitation. Most security protocols also make such an assumption.

4 What does an attacker know?

The information contained in the messages of a security protocol may belong to one of the two categories:

a. transient information those that is used only in the

cur-rent session

b. sustained information those that may be used in

subse-quent sessions.

Example. Consider the following protocol: A → B : {Ksession, Knew}Kold

In this protocol, Ksession is the key for the current ses-sion and Knew will replace Kold in the next sesses-sion. Thus,

Ksession is a piece of transient information while Knew

is sustained. (In this case, Ksession is the jewel while

Knew is just a piece of information transmitted in the

cur-rent session.)

Since sustained information gathered from one session might be useful in subsequent sessions, an attacker may quietly observe several sessions of the security protocol to obtain sufficient sustained information before launching his attack. Thus, we first infer what an attacker can know af-ter he observes enough sessions and then we infer what the attacker can know immediately before each message of the attacked session is sent out.

4.1 What an attacker can know before he launches

an attack

We assume that the attacker does not know any secrets initially. The legitimate parties knows suitable keys before a session of the security protocol starts. We also assume that the transmission media is subject to eaveasdropping. This implies that an attacker is able to collect all messages, though he probably could not decrypt the encrypted items. It is easy to infer what the attacker could know at the end of the whole session. There are two rules concerning the inference:

1. If an item is transmitted in plain text, the attacker is assumed to know the item right away.

2. If the attacker knows a key K and items encrypted with

K, then the attacker can decrypt the encrypted items.

This rule is based on the generally accepted assump-tion that the encrypassump-tion algorithm itself is known to the public.

Example. Consider the following protocol: A → B : K

B → C : {Q}K

C → D : {R, S}Q, {T }Kcd

At the end of a session of the protocol, the attacker would know K, {Q}K, Q, {R, S}Q, R, S, and {T }Kcd, but he

knows neither Kcd and T .

4.2 What the attacker can know immediately

be-fore a message is sent

A common, but implicit property of a security protocol is that there is an initiator (who is usually the sender of the first message). When a participant receives a message, he will send another message to another participant. We say the first message triggers the second. We may draw a trigger-graph in which each vertex represents a message. If message A triggers another message B, there will be an edge A → B. Usually the trigger-graph is a linear graph. However, sometimes a message may trigger two or more messages. In Protocol 4 in Section 3, the second message triggers the third and the fourth messages. In that case the trigger-graph is an acyclic directed graph.

On a trigger-graph, we may derive topological orders of the vertices. Among the topological orders, we wish to find the latest topological order.

Definition. Let G be a directed acyclic graph G. A topo-logical order is a linear order of the vertices of G such that

if there is an edge X → Y in G, then X appears before Y in the linear order.

Note that a directed acyclic graph may have more than one topological order. In a topological order, the first vertex is assigned the sequence number 1; the second is assigned 2. Similarly for other vertices.

Definition. Let A be a vertex in a directed acyclic graph G, a latest topological order with respect to A is a

topolog-ical order in which the sequence number of A is no smaller than that in any other topological order.

Example. Consider the graph in Figure 1. The orders

[C, D, B, E, A, F ] and [C, D, E, B, A, F ] are latest topo-logical orders with respect to vertex A because in both or-ders, the sequence number of A is 5. However, the topo-logical order[C, B, D, A, E, F ] is not a latest topological order with respect to A because the sequence number of A is 4.

In terms of the trigger-graph, the latest topological or-der with respect to a vertex (i.e., a message) A indicates the message A is delayed as much as possible. From the lat-est topological order with respect to vertex A, we may in-fer what an attacker can possibly know immediately before message A is sent out.

It is quite easy to compute a latest topological order with respect to a vertex A in a directed acyclic graph. We






Figure 1. A directed acyclic graph

tition the set of vertices into two categories: those that are not reachable from A and those that are. The vertex A will be put in the former category. Then the concatenation of topological orders of the two categories is the required lat-est topological order.

4.3 Two kinds of knowledge

After determining a proper order of message transmis-sion, we will infer the knowledge of the legitimate partici-pants and possibly the attacker.

In order to keep certain items secret, we encrypt them with keys. These encryption keys in turn need to be kept secret. We may use other keys to encrypt these keys. The same argument applies to these other keys. Eventually, we use pre-established encryption keys, that is, keys that are established before a session of a security protocol.

In general, for a deeply encrypted item such as

{X, {Y, {Z }K3}K2}K1, at least one of K1, K2, and K3

must be kept secret from each person who is not supposed to know the item Z.

Definition. A participant who is entitled to know the

jewel is called a knowledgeable.

The propositi are always knowledgeables whereas an at-tacker is never a knowledgeable. Other participants may also be knowledgeables. For instance, in the Needham-Schroeder protocol, A, B, and S are all knowledgeables. However, an attacker is not

It is the designer of a protocol who shall specify explic-itly the knowledgeables in his protocol. The responsibility of a protocol analyzer is to verify the designer’s specifica-tion.

In order to check the specification of who knows what in a security protocol, there are two cases to consider:

Positive Side We need to guarantee all the knowledgeables

are informed the jewel in some form that he could un-derstand, such as in an encrypted form that he could decrypt. That is, every knowledgeable p-knows the

jewel. (We will define p-knows later.)

Negative Side We need to guarantee nobody except the

knowledgeables is able to know the jewel. That is, no

one except the knowledgeables n-knows the jewel. (We

will define n-knows later.)

The main difference between p-knows and n-knows lies in, for p-knows, a participant can examine only messages sent to him whereas, for n-knows, an attacker can examine all messages sent over the transmission medium.

4.3.1 The positive side

Let Z be an item. Let E be a participant. For ev-ery occurrence of Z in the message sent to E, say

{X, {Y, {Z }K3}K2}K1, a sequence of keys that are used

to encrypt Z, in this case, [K1, K2, K3], is created. If Z appears as a plain (that is, un-encrypted) item in a message sent to E, an empty sequence is created. The set of all such sequences of keys is denoted asΣZ,E.

Definition. We say that E p-knows Z if and only if

(1) there is at least one sequence of keys in ΣZ,E, say

[K1, K2, . . . , Km], such that E p-knows every Ki in this sequence; (2) E knows Z before the session starts (for in-stance, Alice p-knows the pre-established key Kab shared between her and Beth); or (3) E generates Z.

It is straightforward to construct the setΣZ,E, for every

Z and E—simply by examining every message in the

pro-tocol. We can use an iterative algorithm to determine if E p-knows Z, for every participant E and item Z.

Theorem. If a knowledgeable p-knows the jewel, then

the knowledgeable eventually knows the jewel.

This theorem implies that the protocol successfully in-forms every knowledgeable the jewel.

4.3.2 The negative side

Let Z be an item. For every occurrence of Z in any mes-sage, say{X, {Y, {Z }K3}K2}K1, a sequence of keys that

are used to encrypt Z, in this case, [K1, K2, K3], is cre-ated. If Z appears as a plain (that is, un-encrypted) item in a message, an empty sequence is created. The set of all such sequences of keys is denotedΩZ.

Definition. Let E be a participant or an attacker. We

say that E n-knows Z if and only if there is at least one sequence of keys inΩZ, say[K1, K2, . . . , Km], such that

E p-knows or n-knows every Ki in this sequence.

It is also straightforward to construct the setΩZ, for

ev-ery Z—simply by examining evev-ery message in the protocol. We can use an iterative algorithm to determine if E p-knows

Z, for every participant E and item Z.

Theorem. If no one except the knowledgeables n-knows

the jewel, then no one except the knowledgeables knows the jewel.

This theorem implies that the protocol successfully hides the jewel from everyone except the knowledgeables.


Example. We use two tables to summarize the p-knows

and n-knows relations for the Needham-Schroeder protocol. Here is the p-knows relation:

pre-established inferred

p-knows atomic items atomic items

S Kas, Kbs N a, Kab

A Kas N a, Kab, N b

B Kbs Kab, N b

The p-knows table is good for checking if a security protocol successfully distribute the relevant keys to the in-tended participants. Usually, this is not a problem. The major problem in analyzing a security protocol is to decide what an attacker could know. This problem can be analyzed with the help of the n-knows table, shown below.

pre-established inferred

n-knows atomic items atomic items

S Kas, Kbs N a, Kab, N b

A Kas N a, Kab, N b

B Kbs Kab, N b, N a

D (a by-stander) N a

The n-knows table is more useful in estimating what at-tacker could know if he is one of the participants of the pro-tocol or if he is just a by-stander (by passively eavesdrop-ping on the communication lines).

5 Conclusion

We have proposed four requirements of a correct se-curity protocol—no-intrusion, authenticity, freshness, and secrecy. The first three can be guaranteed with message-exchange forms while the fourth can be guaranteed with

p-knows and n-p-knows, which are inferred from the latest

topo-logical orders of the trigger-graph.


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