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Distance graphs and T-coloring


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Distance Graphs and T-Coloring

Gerard J. Chang*

Department of Applied Mathematics, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu 30050, Taiwan

E-mail: gjchangmath.nctu.edu.tw

Daphne D.-F. Liu

-Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, California State University, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California 90032

E-mail: dliucalstatela.edu

and Xuding Zhu

Department of Applied Mathematics, National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaoshing 80424, Taiwan

E-mail: zhumath.nsysu.edu.tw Received April 3, 1997

We discuss relationships among T-colorings of graphs and chromatic numbers, fractional chromatic numbers, and circular chromatic numbers of distance graphs. We first prove that for any finite integral set T that contains 0, the asymptotic T-coloring ratio R(T ) is equal to the fractional chromatic number of the distance graph G(Z, D), where D=T&[0]. This fact is then used to study the distance graphs with distance sets of the form Dm, k=[1, 2, ..., m]&[k]. The chromatic

numbers and the fractional chromatic numbers of G(Z, Dm, k) are determined for all

values of m and k. Furthermore, circular chromatic numbers of G(Z, Dm, k) for

some special values of m and k are obtained.  1999 Academic Press


The T-coloring problem was formulated by Hale [18] as a model for the channel assignment problem, in which an integer broadcast channel is

Article ID jctb.1998.1881, available online at http:www.idealibrary.com on


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Copyright  1999 by Academic Press All rights of reproduction in any form reserved.

* Supported in part by the National Science Council under Grant NSC86-2115-M009-002.

-Supported in part by the National Science Foundation under Grant DMS-9805945. Supported in part by the National Science Council under Grant NSC86-2115-M-110-004.


assigned to each of several locations so that interference among nearby locations is avoided. Interference is modeled by a non-negative integral set T containing 0 (called a T-set) as forbidden channel separations. One can construct a graph G=(V, E) such that each vertex represents a location; two vertices are adjacent if their corresponding locations are nearby. There-after a valid channel assignment or T-coloring is a mapping f from the vertex set of V of G to the set of non-negative integers [0, 1, 2, ...] such that | f (x)& f ( y)| Â T whenever xy # E. The span of a T-coloring f is the difference between the largest and the smallest numbers in f (V), i.e., max[ | f (u)& f (v)|: u, v # V]. Given T and G, the T-span of G, denoted by spT(G), is the minimum span among all T-colorings of G.

T-coloring has been extensively studied in the literature (see [4, 5, 16, 2326, 3032, 35]). Let _ndenote spT(Kn), where Kn is a complete graph

with n vertices. Griggs and Liu [16] proved that the difference optimum sequence, 2_=(_n+1&_n)n=1, is eventually periodic. This implies that for

any T-set, the asymptotic T-coloring ratio R(T ) := lim




exists and is a rational number. This result was also proven by Rabinowitz and Proulx [30] and Cantor and Gordon [1] by different approaches.

The notion of distance graphs originated with the plane-coloring problem: What is the smallest number of colors needed to color all points of a Euclidean plane such that points at unit distances are colored with different colors. It is well known that four colors are necessary [28] and seven colors are sufficient [17]. However, the exact number of colors needed remains unknown (see [6]). Motivated by this problem, Eggleton [10] made the following generalization. Suppose S is a subset of a metric space M with metic d, and D is a set of positive real numbers. The distance graph G(S, D) with distance set D is the graph with vertex set S and edge set [xy: d(x, y) # D]. The objective is to determine /(S, D), the chromatic number of G(S, D). Note that the plane-coloring problem introduced above is equivalent to finding /(R2, [1]).

Let D be a set of positive integers (called a D-set). The distance graph to be studied in this article is G(Z, D), which has Z as the vertex set and [uv: |u&v| # D] as the edge set. The problem of finding /(Z, D) for different D-sets has been studied extensively (see [2, 7, 9, 1114, 21, 3741]). A fractional coloring of a graph G is a mapping c from I(G), the set of all independent sets of G, to the interval [0, 1] such that x # I # I(G)c(I )1 for all vertices x in G. The fractional chromatic number

/f(G) of G is the infimum of the value I # I(G)c(I ) of a fractional coloring


For a given T-set, letting D=T&[0], Liu [26] proved that the asymptotic T-coloring ratio R(T ) is a lower bound of /(Z, D). Hence, T-colorings and distance graphs are closely related. We shall explore further relationships between these two concepts. In Section 2, we prove that for any T-set, R(T ) is equal to the fractional chromatic number of the distance graph G(Z, D), if D=T&[0]. This relationship provides new insights concerning the parameter R(T ), and can be used to simplify the proofs of some known results regarding R(T ).

Section 3 focuses on the family of distance graphs with D-sets of the form Dm, k=[1, 2, ..., m]&[k]. The chromatic numbers of such distance graphs, denoted as /(Z, Dm, k), have been investigated in the following articles.

In [11], Eggleton, Erdos and Skilton obtained the solution for k=1, and partial solutions for k=2: /(Z, Dm, 1)=w(m+3)2x for any m2,

/(Z, Dm, 2)=w(m+4)2x when m3 (mod 4), and w(m+3)2x

/(Z, Dm, 2)w(m+5)2x for any m4 with m#3 (mod 4). For 3k<m,

the same authors provided the bounds





1 2


m k&1+1




/(Z, Dm, k)min




1 2


m k+3




, where t=2 if k=3, and t=k&2 if k4. The same result for the case k=1 was also proven by Kemnitz and Kolberg in [21] by a different approach.

The lower bound of /(Z, Dm, k) in the above has been improved to

W(m+k+1)2X by Liu ([26]), who also showed that the new bound is sharp for all pairs of integers (m, k) where k is odd. Furthermore, complete solutions for k=2 and 4, and partial solutions for other even integers k are given in [26].

The main results of this paper are complete solutions for the chromatic numbers and the fractional chromatic numbers of the distance graphs G(Z, Dm, k) for all values m and k. These results are also applied to study the circular chromatic number of distance graphs.

Suppose k and d are positive integers such that k2d. A (k, d )-coloring of a graph G=(V, E) is a mapping c from V to [0, 1, ..., k&1] such that &c(x)&c( y)&kd for any edge xy in G, where &a&k=min[a, k&a]. The

circular chromatic number /c(G) of G is the infimum of kd for all (k, d

)-colorings of G. The circular chromatic number is also known as the star-chromatic number in the literature (see [36, 42, 43]).

For any graph G, it is well known that





The parameters involved in (V) for distance graphs are explored in this paper. For simplicity, let |(Z, D), :(Z, D), /f(Z, D), and /c(Z, D) denote

the clique number, the independence number, the fractional chromatic number, and the circular chromatic number of G(Z, D), respectively.


This section shows that for any T-set, the asymptotic T-coloring ratio R(T ) is equal to the fractional chromatic number of the distance graph G(Z, D), if D=T&[0]. Based upon this result, we give simpler and different proofs of some known facts regarding R(T ).

Theorem 1. For any finite T-set, if D=T&[0], then R(T )=/

f(Z, D).

Proof. Suppose c is an optimal T-coloring of Kn, where 0=c(1)<

c(2)< } } } <c(n)=_n. Let m=1+maxd # Dd. For 1ic(n)+m, let

Ii=[ j # Z : j#i+c(k) (mod c(n)+m) for some k with 1kn]. It is straightforward to verify that each Iiis an independent set in G(Z, D),

and that every integer belongs to exactly n of the independent sets Ii

(1ic(n)+m). Define a mapping c$: I(G(Z, D)) Ä [0, 1] as



1n, if I=Ii for 1ic(n)+m;

0, otherwise.

Then c$ is a fractional coloring of G(Z, D). This implies that for any positive integer n, /f(Z, D)(c(n)+m)n. Hence, we have

/f(Z, D) lim nÄ  c(n)+m n = limnÄ  _n n=R(T ).

To show /f(Z, D)R(T ), let Gnbe the subgraph of G(Z, D) induced by

the vertex set [0, 1, 2, ..., c(n)]; i.e., Gn=G([0, 1, 2, ..., c(n)], D). Then the

set of vertices [c(1), c(2), ..., c(n)] is a maximum independent set in Gn. So,

for any positive integer n, we have /f(Z, D)/f(Gn)





This implies /f(Z, D) lim nÄ  c(n)+1 n = limnÄ  _n n=R(T ). Therefore, R(T )=/f(Z, D). Q.E.D

The theorem above provides new insights into the asymptotic T-coloring ratio R(T ). Some previous results concerning R(T ) can be obtained from this approach. For example, it is well known that R(T )2, provided T{[0] (see [1, 16, 30]). This is straightforward when we consider fractional chromatic numbers, since the fractional chromatic number of any non-trivial graph is at least 2. Moreover, for a non-trivial graph G, /f(G)=2 if and only if G is bipartite. Since G(Z, D) is bipartite if and only

if D contains no even integers (assuming that gcd(T )=1), we have the following result.

Corollary 2. For any T-set with gcd(T )=1, R(T )=2 if and only if T contains only odd integers except 0.

Theorem 1 can also be applied to some other known results about R(T ) which are closely related to an earlier number theory problem, namely, sequences with missing differences. Given a T-set, a T-sequence is an increasing sequence S of nonnegative integers such that x& y  T for any x, y # S. Motzkin [29] proposed studying the supremum +(T ) of the asymptotic upper densities of these sequences S. Cantor and Gordon [1] determined the exact values of +(T ) when |T | =2 and 3. Haralambis [19] gave partial solutions when |T | =4 or 5. It is known that +(T ) is equal to the reciprocal of R(T ) (see [16]). Therefore results on sequences with missing differences can be applied to T-colorings. Cantor and Gordon [1] and Rabinowitz and Proulx [30] proved that if T=[0, a, b], gcd(a, b)=1, and a and b are of different parity, then R(T )=2(a+b)(a+b&1). The original argument in proving the inequality R(T )2(a+b)(a+b&1) in [1] was quite complicated. However, applying some facts about fractional chromatic number, one can obtain the following simpler proof. Since a and b are of opposite parity, G(Z, D) with D=[a, b] contains an odd cycle Ca+b. As /f(C2m+1)=2+1m, it follows that /f(Z, D)/f(Ca+b)=

2(a+b)(a+b&1). Thus, by Theorem 1, R(T )2(a+b)(a+b&1). Indeed, combining Theorem 1 with the fact that /f(H)/f(G) if H is a

subgraph of G, the following is obvious.

Corollary 3. If H is a subgraph of the distance graph G(Z, D), then /f(H)R(T ), where T=D _ [0].


3. VALUES OF /f(Z, Dm, k), /(Z, Dm, k), AND /c(Z, Dm, k)

In this section, we first calculate /f(Z, Dm, k), which, according to (V), is

a lower bound of /(Z, Dm, k). We then determine /(Z, Dm, k) for all values

of m and k. Using this approach, circular chromatic numbers of G(Z, Dm, k)

for special values of m and k are obtained as well.

The values of R(T ) as T=Dm, k_ [0] are given in [26]. Thus, the

following two results can also be obtained by using Theorem 1. Here we include methods of calculating /f(Z, Dm, k) directly.

Theorem 4. If 2k>m, then

|(Z, Dm, k)=/f(Z, Dm, k)=/c(Z, Dm, k)=/(Z, Dm, k)=k.

Proof. Since the set of vertices [1, 2, ..., k] forms a clique in G(Z, Dm, k), k|(Z, Dm, k).

By (V), it is sufficient to show /(Z, Dm, k)k. Define a vertex-coloring f

on Z as f (i)=(i mod k). Then f is a proper coloring, since Dm, k contains

no multiple of k. Q.E.D

Theorem 5. If 2km, then /

f(Z, Dm, k)=(m+k+1)2.

Proof. For any i with 0  i  m + k, Ii= [ j # Z : j & i # 0 or k

(mod m+k+1)] is an independent set in G(Z, Dm, k). Furthermore, each

integer is contained in exactly two such independent sets. Define a mapping c: I(G(Z, Dm, k)) Ä [0, 1] as

c(I )=


1 2,


if I=Iifor 0im+k;


It is easy to check that c is a fractional coloring of G(Z, Dm, k). Thus,

/f(Z, Dm, k)(m+k+1)2.

Since :([0, 1, ..., m+k], Dm, k)=2 for 2km, by (V), /f([0, 1, ...,

m+k], Dm, k)(m+k+1)2. Therefore, the proof is complete. Q.E.D

Because /(G) is an integer, Theorem 5 and ( V ) imply the following:

Corollary 6 [26]. If 2km then /(Z, D

m, k)W(m+k+1)2X.

We are now in a position to given the complete solutions to /(Z, Dm, k)

for all values of m and k. This is accomplished in the next two results. As will be shown, /(Z, Dm, k) is either W(m+k+1)2X or W(m+k+1)2X+1.


Lemma 7. Suppose 2km. Write m+k+1=2rm$ and k=2sk$, where r and s are non-negative integers and m$ and k$ are odd integers. If 1rs, then /(Z, Dm, k)>(m+k+1)2.

Proof. Since 1r, m+k+1 is even. Assume to the contrary that

/(Z, Dm, k)(m+k+1)2. By Corollary 6, /(Z, Dm, k)=(m+k+1)2.

Color G(Z, Dm, k) by using (m+k+1)2 colors.

For each integer i, consider the subgraph of G(Z, Dm, k) induced by the

m+k+1 vertices [i, i+1, ..., i+m+k]. This subgraph has independence number 2. Hence, each of (m+k+1)2 colors is used at most, and hence exactly, twice in this subgraph. Thus, each color is used exactly twice in any consecutive m+k+1 vertices. Consequently, vertices i and i+m+ k+1 have the same colors for all i # Z. Therefore, for each i # S := [0, 1, ..., m+k], the only possible vertices in S having the same color as i are i+k and i&k (mod m+k+1).

Consider the circulant graph C(m+k+1, k), with vertex set S and in which vertex i is adjacent to vertex j if and only if j#i+k or i&k (mod m+k+1). It follows from the discussion in the preceding paragraph that two vertices x and y of S have the same color only if xy is an edge of the circulant graph C(m+k+1, k). Since the intersection of each color class with S contains exactly two vertices, the coloring induces a perfect matching of C(m+k+1, k). However, C(m+k+1, k) is the disjoint union of d cycles of length (m+k+1)d, where d=gcd(m+k+1, k). Since C(m+k+1, k) has a perfect matching, each cycle has an even length. This

implies that r>s, contrary to the assumption rs. Q.E.D

The next theorem determines the chromatic number /(Z, Dm, k) for all

values of m and k. Incidentally, it also shows that the converse of Lemma 7 is true.

Theorem 8. Suppose 2km. Write m+k+1=2rm$ and k=2sk$,

where r and s are non-negative integers and m$ and k$ are odd integers. Then

/(Z, Dm, k)=


m+k+12 ,




if r>s; otherwise.

Proof. It follows from Corollary 6 and Lemma 7 that if r>s, then

/(Z, Dm, k)(m+k+1)2; if rs, then /(Z, Dm, k)W(m+k+2)2X.

Therefor it suffices to show that G(Z, Dm, k) is (m+k+1)2-colorable, if

r>s; and G(Z, Dm, k) is W(m+k+2)2X-colorable, if rs. It is known that


coloring for the subgraph of G(Z, Dm, k) induced by all non-negative


We first decompose k into the sum of an odd number of integers, k=a1+a2+ } } } +ap, as follows:

Case 1. For r>s or s=0, let p=k$ and aj=2s for 1 jp.

Case 2. For rs{0, let p=k&1 and aj=1 for 1 j<p and ap=2.

Next, partition the set Z into consecutive blocks of sizes a1, a2, ..., ap

periodically. Then ``pre-color'' the blocks, alternating RED and BLUE. We call a vertex RED (or BLUE) if it falls within a RED (or BLUE) block.

Define a coloring f on the vertices of all non-negative integers of G(Z, Dm, k) according to the following three rules:

(R1) f (i)=i, if 0ik&1;

(R2) f (i)= f (i&k), if i is BLUE and ik;

(R3) f (i)= the smallest non-negative integer that has not been used as a color in the m vertices preceding i, if i is RED and ik.

To show that f is a proper coloring, we claim that for any vertex i, f (i){ f ( j) for all j{i&k with i&m j<i. It is easy to see that the claim is true when (R1) or (R3) is performed. Suppose (R2) is executed, i.e., i is BLUE, ik, and f (i)= f (i&k). Since k is divided into an odd number of blocks, i&k is a RED vertex. By (R1) or (R3), f (i&k) is different from any of the colors of the m vertices preceding i&k. Thus, it is sufficient to show that f (i){ f ( j) for all j with i&k< j<i.

If j is RED, by (R1) or (R3), f ( j){ f (i&k) and so f (i){ f ( j). If j is BLUE, by (R1) of (R2), f ( j)= f ( j&k). One has i&k&m<j&k<i&k (because 2km), so f (i&k){ f ( j&k). This implies f (i){ f ( j).

To complete the proof of the theorem, it is sufficient to show that f is an ((m+k+1)2)-coloring if r>s; and f is an W(m+k+2)2X-coloring if rs. One can accomplish this by counting the number of colors that have been used for the m vertices preceding a RED vertex i for which ik. The first k vertices need at most k colors. For the remaining m&k vertices, only those RED vertices need new colors.

If r>s, then m&k+1 is a multiple of 2s+1. Any consecutive 2s+1

vertices have 2s BLUE vertices and 2s RED ones, so there are exactly

(m&k&1)2 RED vertices in the remaining m&k vertices. Therefore, the total number of colors used in f is at most k+(m&k&1)2+1= (m+k+1)2.

If rs (with s=0 in Case 1 and s{0 in Case 2), then there are at most W(m&k)2X RED vertices in the remaining m&k vertices. Thus, the total

number of colors used in f is at most k+W(m&k)2X+1=


We now present the following two results concerning the circular chromatic number of G(Z, Dm, k). The first one follows from (V) and

Theorems 5 and 8.

Corollary 9. Suppose 2km. Write m+k+1=2rm$ and k=2sk$,

where r and s are non-negative integers and m$ and k$ are odd integers. If r>s, then /f(Z, Dm, k)=/c(Z, Dm, k)=/(Z, Dm, k)=(m+k+1)2.

Theorem 10. If 2km and k is relatively prime to m+k+1, then

/f(Z, Dm, k)=/c(Z, Dm, k)=(m+k+1)2.

Proof. Since k is relatively prime to m+k+1, there exists an integer n such that nk#1 (mod m+k+1). Consider the mapping c defined by c(i)=(in mod m+k+1) for all i # Z. For any edge ij in G(Z, Dm, k), we shall prove that &c(i)&c( j)&m+k+12. Suppose to the contrary, that

&c(i)&c( j)&m+k+11; i.e., c(i)&c( j)#0 or 1 or &1 (mod m+k+1).

Then i& j#0 or k or &k (mod m+k+1), which contradicts the fact that i is adjacent to j. Thus c is an (m+k+1, 2)-coloring of G(Z, Dm, k). This

along with Theorem 5 and ( V ) implies the theorem. Q.E.D

Remarks. Many new results related to this topic have been obtained since the submission of this paper. In [3], the circular chromatic numbers of all the graphs G(Z, Dm, k) are determined. The chromatic number, circular chromatic number and fractional chromatic number of distance graphs with distance sets of the form Dm, k, s=[1, 2, ..., m]&[k, 2k, ..., sk]

have been studied in [8, 20, 27, 44]. (Accordingly, the distance graphs discussed in this paper are G(Z, Dm, k, 1).) In [27], the chromatic numbers

of all the graphs G(Z, Dm, k, 2) are determined. The same paper also

deter-mined the fractional chromatic numbers of all the graphs G(Z, Dm, k, s). In

[8], the following was proved:

W(m+sk+1)(s+1)X/(G(Z, Dm, ks))W(m+sk+1)(s+1)X+1.

Moreover, both the upper bound and the lower bound are attainable. Then in [20], the chromatic numbers of all the graphs G(Z, Dm, k, s) are

com-pletely determined. Finally and most recently, [44] determines the circular chromatic numbers of all the graphs G(Z, Dm, k, s).




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