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智慧醫療服務行銷策略之研究- 以A公司與F醫院為例


Academic year: 2021

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2019 智慧企業資訊應用發展國際研討會 台灣,2019/06/29(六)


英文姓名:Chiung-Yu Huang



英文職稱:Chairman of Dept. of Information Management





2019 智慧企業資訊應用發展國際研討會 台灣,2019/06/29(六) 智慧醫療服務行銷策略之研究- 以 A 公司與 F 醫院為例 黃瓊玉 黎明技術學院資訊管理系 hcyjoan@gmail.com 羅怡雯 中央大學 EMBA smlw@mgt.ncu.edu.tw 李小梅 中央大學資訊管理系所 smlw@mgt.ncu.edu.tw 林安琪 黎明技術學院創業產品設計系 hcyjoan@gmail.com 摘要 近年來隨著資通訊技術(ICT)的快速發展,ICT 開始受到重視,各國政府紛紛推動 智慧城市,期望透過行動網路技術、物聯網、大數據、雲端運算等資訊科技的應用,協 助解決城市資源分配、自然資源與環境汙染的管控等問題,其中智慧醫療即政府推動智 慧城市主要項目。 智慧醫療在政策引導下,各家醫院對於智慧醫療迫切需求且積極投入。因此智慧醫 療的需求提升,智慧醫療產業也開始受到高度重視。台灣軟體與硬體的研發能力在國際 上享有盛名,軟硬體整合的銷售能量應該是 1 + 1 > 2 的產品組合,因此軟硬整合產品銷 售若只用原有的軟體銷售或硬體銷售的思維來設計行銷策略,恐怕己經不足以應付新的 市場需求。 故本研究以服務行銷為基礎,配合醫療服務的整體需求與目前智慧醫療的發展現況, 透過個案漸進式分析,歸納出公正客觀的服務行銷策略,並希望本研究結果可以做為未 來專案管理者在導入智慧醫療軟硬整合服務方案的管理經營策略參考,使智慧醫療軟硬 整合專案服務品質得以永續。 關鍵字:智慧醫療、服務行銷策略、一對一行銷、服務黃金三角、7P's Abstract


2019 智慧企業資訊應用發展國際研討會 台灣,2019/06/29(六) technology (ICT), ICT has begun to receive attention. Governments have promoted smart

cities and hope to help solve urban problems through the application of information technology such as mobile Internet technology, Internet of Things, big data, and cloud computing. Issues such as resource allocation, natural resources and environmental pollution control, among which smart health is the government's main project to promote

Under the guidance of policies, intelligent hospitals urgently demand and actively invest in smart medical care. As a result, the demand for smart medical care has increased, and the smart medical industry has begun to receive high attention. Taiwan's software and hardware research and development capabilities are well-known internationally. The sales energy of software and hardware integration should be 1 + 1 > 2 product mix. Therefore, if only soft and hard integrated products are sold, the original software sales or hardware sales are used. Thinking to design a marketing strategy, I am afraid that it has not been enough to cope with.

Therefore, this study is based on service marketing, in line with the overall demand for medical services and the current development of smart medical care, through a case-by-case analysis, to summarize a fair and objective service marketing strategy, and hope that the results of this study can be used as future project managers. In the introduction of the management business strategy reference of the smart medical software and hardware integration service program, the quality of smart medical software and hardware integration project service can be sustainable.

Keywords: smart medical, service marketing strategy, one-to-one Marketing, service golden triangle, 7P's



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