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Effect of Cancer Pain on Performance States, Mood States, and Level of Hope among Taiwanese Cancer Patients


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© 2003 U.S. Cancer Pain Relief Committee 0885-3924/03/$–see front matter Published by Elsevier. All rights reserved. PII S0885-3924(02)00542-0

Vol. 25 No. 1 January 2003 Journal of Pain and Symptom Management 29

Original Article

Effect of Cancer Pain on Performance Status,

Mood States, and Level of Hope Among

Taiwanese Cancer Patients

Chia-Chin Lin, PhD, RN, Yuen-Liang Lai, MD and Sandra E. Ward, PhD, RN School of Nursing (C.-C.L.), and School of Medicine (Y.-L.L.), Taipei Medical University; Hospice & Palliative Care Center (Y.-L.L.), McKay Memorial Hospital; Center for General Education (Y.-L.L.), National Yang-Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan; and School of Nursing (S.E.W.), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin, USA


The purposes of this study were: 1) to compare performance status, mood states, and level of hope between patients with cancer pain and patients without cancer pain; and 2) to determine the relationships of pain intensity and pain interference with daily life to performance status, mood states, and level of hope. A total of 233 Taiwanese cancer patients with pain and 251 without pain participated. The self report instruments consisted of the Chinese version of the Profile of Mood States (POMS) short form, the Chinese version of the Herth Hope Index, the Brief Pain Inventory-Chinese version (BPI-C), the Chinese version of the Karnorfsy

Performance Scale (KPS), and a demographic questionnaire. The major findings of this study were that cancer patients with pain reported significantly lower levels of performance status and higher levels of total mood disturbance than did cancer patients who did not experience pain after controlling for sex, disease stage, and recruitment site. In addition, patients with cancer pain experienced significantly more anger, fatigue, depression, confusion, and lethargy than did patients without pain after controlling for sex, disease stage, and recruitment site. Among patients with pain, pain intensity was significantly correlated with performance status and mood state, but not with level of hope. Pain interference with daily life was significantly correlated both with performance status, mood state, and level of hope. Pain intensity and pain interference were significantly correlated with each mood state as well as with total mood disturbance. This study has demonstrated the effect of cancer pain on patients’ physical, psychological, and spiritual life and has supported the multidimensional notion of the cancer pain experience in Taiwanese patients. J Pain Symptom Manage 2003;25:29–37. © 2003 U.S. Cancer Pain Relief Committee. Published by Elsevier. All rights reserved.

Key Words

Pain, cancer, performance status, mood states, hope


Cancer pain has been postulated as a multi-dimensional phenomenon1–3 having a

signifi-cant impact on the overall quality of a cancer patient’s life by influencing physical, psycho-logical, and spiritual aspects.4 Pain is the end

Address reprint requests to: Chia-Chin Lin, PhD, RN, School of Nursing, Taipei Medical University, 250 Wu-Hsing Street, Taipei, 110, Taiwan.


30 Lin et al. Vol. 25 No. 1 January 2003

product of a complex process that may involve emotional, spiritual, cognitive, and sensory components.5 The concept of pain as a

multi-dimensional phenomenon has greatly influ-enced the management and assessment of can-cer pain. However, up until the last decade, very few researchers comprehensively addressed the simultaneous impact of pain on cancer pa-tients’ physical, psychological, and spiritual well-being (i.e., quality of life).6 Only recently has

the relationship between pain and quality of life dimensions been considered in the overall management of cancer pain.4 There is a

pau-city of research comprehensively exploring the effect of cancer pain on important patient out-comes,7 such as performance status, mood

states, and level of hope. Moreover, there has been no study extensively investigating the ef-fect of cancer pain in Taiwanese patients. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to inves-tigate the impact of cancer pain on perfor-mance status, mood states, and level of hope among Taiwanese patients.

Performance status is a global assessment of a patient’s ability for ambulation and self-care.8

Since the first introduction of performance sta-tus assessment,9 it has become an important

prognostic indicator and a useful measure of the effect of cancer treatments.10,11 Recently,

performance status has been applied in cancer pain research to examine the relationship of performance status to cancer symptoms,12 its

effect on neuropsychological performance,13

its predictive ability of adequate pain manage-ment,14 and its usefulness as an outcome

indi-cator of pain treatment.15

Pain causes not only physical but also psy-chological distress. Intense pain may cause pa-tients’ anxiety or worry about disease progres-sion or death to increase,16 which in turn may

increase patients’ mood disturbance. Although many studies have explored the relationship between pain and mood states, very little re-search has been done to compare the mood states between patients with cancer pain and patients without cancer pain.17

The effect of cancer pain on spiritual aspects of patients’ lives has been little explored or un-derstood. Hope is considered to be an impor-tant component of the spiritual dimension of quality of life in cancer patients with pain.18

Hope is a multidimensional dynamic life force characterized by a confident yet uncertain

ex-pectation of achieving a future good which, to the hoping person, is realistically possible and personally significant.19 Cancer pain may

cre-ate a sense of hopelessness because patients fear that their lives are not worth continuing or patients lose the meaning of living if they must live in pain.20 There has been no empirical

study exploring the effect of cancer pain on pa-tients’ levels of hope.

Therefore, the purposes of this study were as follows: 1) to compare performance status, mood states, and levels of hope between patients with cancer pain and patients without cancer pain; and 2) to determine the relationships among pain and pain interference with daily life, per-formance status, mood states, and level of hope among Taiwanese cancer patients.


Subjects and Setting

This study was conducted at the oncology units and outpatient radiotherapy clinics of two teaching hospitals in the Taipei area of Taiwan from August 1999 to July 2000. A convenience sample consisting of inpatients and outpatients with and without cancer-related pain was re-cruited. To be included in the study patients had to a) be over the age of 18, b) have been given a diagnosis of cancer, and c) be able to communicate in Mandarin or Taiwanese. In addition to these criteria, to be included in the pain group patients had to have experienced pain related to cancer in the last 24 hours (1 or more on a 0–10 scale). Pain caused by surgery or other procedures was excluded.

A total of 233 cancer patients with pain and 251 cancer patients without pain (n 484) par-ticipated in this study. Table 1 presents a demo-graphic and pain profile of study participants. Compared to patients without pain, those with pain were more likely to be male, their disease was more likely to have metastasized, and they were more likely to be recruited from inpatient units (Table 1). Cancer sites in patients with pain included colorectal (16%), lung (16%), breast (10%), nasopharyngeal (9%), liver (9%), oral (8%), cervical (8%), gastric (6%), prostate (5%), lymphoma (5%), brain (3%), and vari-ous other types (5%). Cancer sites in patients without pain included breast (26%), colorectal (18%), liver (11%), cervical (10%), lung (8%), gastric (6%), nasopharyngeal (6%), oral (4%),


Vol. 25 No. 1 January 2003 Effect of Cancer Pain on Taiwanese Cancer Patients 31

lymphoma (4%), brain (3%), and various other types (4%).


The instruments consisted of the short form of Profile of Mood States (POMS),21 the Herth

Hope Index,22 the Brief Pain

Inventory-Chi-nese version (BPI-C),23 the Karnofsky

Perfor-mance Scale (KPS),24 and a demographic

ques-tionnaire. Before data collection, the POMS short form, the Herth Hope Index, and the KPS scale were translated into Mandarin Chi-nese using the translation and back-translation procedure and were verified by a panel of ex-perts to ensure semantics of the Taiwan version of these questionnaires.

Profile of Mood States (POMS) Short Form. The POMS short form21 was used to assess the

pa-tient’s mood states in this study. The POMS short form consists of 30 items (based on the 65-item questionnaire in the long form) and con-tains the same six scales measured by the long form. The POMS measures tension, depression, anger, fatigue, confusion, and vigor. A compos-ite score, the total mood disturbance (TMD) score,

is computed by summing each of the individual scores for tension, depression, anxiety, fatigue, and confusion, with vigor scores subtracted to indicate patients’ total mood disturbance. Each item of the POMS short form is scored on a 5-point Likert scale ranging from 0 (not at all) to 4 (extremely). The reliabilities (Cronbach’s ) ranged from 0.75–0.95 for an outpatient sample.21 The reliability (Cronbach’s ) for the

POMS subscales ranged from 0.75–0.93 for pa-tients with pain and ranged from 0.71–0.91 for patients with no pain (Table 2).

Herth Hope Index (HHI). Hope was measured by the Herth Hope Index.22 The HHI, a 12-item

adapted version of the Herth Hope Scale (HHS),25 assesses the multidimensional aspects

of hope in adults. Each item is rated from 1 (strongly disagree) to 4 (strongly agree) and to-tal scores range from 12 to 48, with a higher score reflecting greater hope. The HHI has dem-onstrated test–retest reliability, internal consis-tency, criterion-related validity, divergent valid-ity, and construct validity.22 In this study, the

alpha coefficient of the HHI was 0.77 for patients with pain and 0.75 for patients with no pain. Table 1

Mean (SD) and Number (%) of Demographic and Pain Characteristics of Cancer Patients With Pain (n 233) and Without Pain (n 251)

Characteristics Patients With Pain Patients Without Pain t or 2

Age (years) 58.06 (14.52) 58.50 (14.77) t (482) 0.32, ns Education (years) 8.28 (5.11) 8.81 (5.15) t (482) 1.15, ns Worst pain 5.20 (3.34) — — Least pain 1.03 (1.60) — — Average pain 2.43 (2.14) — — Pain now 1.54 (2.01) — —

Composite pain intensity 2.55 (1.95)

Pain interference 3.79 (2.76) — — Sex, n (%) 2 (1)  9.36, P 0.003a Male 128 (54.90) 103 (41.00) Female 105 (45.10) 148 (59.00) Marital status, n (%) 2 (1)  0.35, ns Married 187 (80.30) 196 (78.10) Other 46 (19.70) 55 (21.90) Religious affiliation 2 (3)  0.47, ns Buddhist or Taoist 176 (75.60) 183 (72.90) Christian 19 (8.00) 23 (9.20) None 36 (15.50) 43 (17.10) Other 2 (0.90) 2 (0.80) Disease stage, n (%) 2 (1)  58.99, P 0.00a Localized 44 (18.88) 132 (52.59) Metastasized 189 (81.12) 119 (47.41) Recruitment sites 2 (1)  27.63, P 0.00a Inpatient 168 (72.10) 122 (48.60) Outpatient 65 (27.90) 129 (51.40) ns  not significant. aP 0.01.


32 Lin et al. Vol. 25 No. 1 January 2003

Brief Pain Inventory-Chinese Version (BPI-C). The Brief Pain Inventory-Chinese version23 was used

in this study to assess the multidimensional na-ture of pain, including intensity and subse-quent interference with life activities in the preceding 24 hours. The first part of the BPI consists of four single-item measures of pain in-tensity: worst pain, least pain, average pain, and pain now. Each item is rated from 0 (no pain) to 10 (the worst pain I can imagine). The composite of the pain intensity score (i.e., the average of worst pain, least pain, average pain, and pain now) was computed to represent pa-tients’ overall pain intensity.23 The second part

of the BPI consists of seven items that assess the extent to which pain interferes with gen-eral activity, mood, walking, working, relations with others, sleeping, and enjoyment of life. Each item is rated on a 0–10 scale. An interfer-ence score was computed, which was the aver-age of the seven items. The reliability and va-lidity of the BPI-C in a Taiwanese sample with cancer pain has been demonstrated.16 In this

study, the internal consistency for overall pain intensity and pain interference was 0.85 and 0.90, respectively.

Karnofsky Performance Scale (KPS). Patients’ per-formance status was assessed by the Karnofsky Performance Scale. The KPS is rated by a re-search assistant on a scale of 1–100, in steps of 10. The KPS assigns percentages based on per-formance as follows: normal activity, 100%; mi-nor symptoms, 90%; moderate symptoms, 80%; self-care only, 70%; needs some help, 60%; needs much help, 50%; disabled, 40%; needs special care, 30%; needs active support, 20%;

moribund, 10%; and dead, 0%. The KPS has been documented to have predictive validity.26 Demographic Questionnaire. A demographic sheet covering basic questions regarding age, sex, ed-ucation, and marital status was developed for this study.


Approval for this study was obtained from the Human Subject Committees of the two hospitals involved. Patients who met the selection criteria were approached individually by the research as-sistant who described the study and obtained oral consent. Patients were given a questionnaire that they were asked to fill out independently, with no assistance from others. If a patient was unable to complete the questionnaire on his/her own, the research assistant read questionnaire items to each patient and recorded the answers.

Statistical Analysis

Descriptive statistics were used to describe the sample characteristics in terms of demo-graphic and disease-related variables. Chi-square or t-tests were used to examine the relationship between patient characteristics and character-istics of pain versus no pain. T-tests were em-ployed to determine if scores of performance status, mood states, and level of hope differed in response to patients’ experiences of pain. Among patients experiencing cancer-related pain, Pearson’s correlations were used to ex-plore the relationship among pain intensity, pain interference, performance status, mood states, and level of hope. All significance levels were set at  0.01.

Table 2

Peformance Status (KPS), Emotional States, and Levels of Hope for Patients With Pain (n 233) vs. No Pain (n 251)

Internal Consistency Mean (SD)

Pain No Pain Pain No Pain t value

KPS — — 71.90 (18.11) 84.29 (13.71) 8.48a

Hope 0.77 0.75 32.54 (4.19) 33.80 (3.88) 3.43a

Total mood disturbance 0.94 0.91 15.78 (20.98) 6.75 (16.49) 5.10a

Tension 0.79 0.75 3.69 (3.72) 2.94 (3.07) 2.41 Anger 0.75 0.71 3.95 (3.65) 2.65 (2.92) 4.30a Fatigue 0.91 0.90 4.82 (4.86) 2.92 (3.60) 4.87a Depression 0.93 0.89 4.70 (5.08) 3.45 (4.23) 2.95a Vigor 0.92 0.91 6.44 (3.98) 8.36 (4.14) 5.12a Confusion 0.78 0.74 5.46 (4.29) 3.88 (3.34) 4.50a aP 0.01.


Vol. 25 No. 1 January 2003 Effect of Cancer Pain on Taiwanese Cancer Patients 33


Comparisons of Performance Status, Mood Disturbance, and Level of Hope Between Patients With Cancer Pain and Patients Without Cancer Pain

The performance status, level of hope, and mood disturbance scores for cancer patients with pain and without pain are presented in Ta-ble 2. Cancer patients with pain reported signif-icantly lower levels of performance status, lower levels of hope, and higher levels of total mood disturbance than did cancer patients who did not experience pain. Also, patients with cancer pain experienced significantly more anger, fa-tigue, depression, confusion, and lethargy than did patients without pain. In patients experi-encing cancer pain, the three highest mood disturbance scores were confusion, fatigue, and depression. In patients experiencing no pain, the three highest mood disturbance scores were confusion, depression, and tension.

Because patients who experienced pain ver-sus patients who experienced no pain differed significantly by sex, disease stage, and recruit-ment site, it was necessary to control for the po-tential effect these differences may have had on important outcome variables (i.e., perfor-mance status, mood disturbance, and levels of hope) by performing regression analyses. Re-sults indicated that even after controlling for the effect of sex, disease stage, and recruitment site, the patient experience of pain versus no pain was a significant predictor for perfor-mance status (B  8.98, P 0.01), total mood disturbance (B 7.43, P 0.01), anger (B  1.22, P  0.01), fatigue (B  1.51, P  0.01), vigor (B  1.33, P  0.01), and confu-sion (B  1.48, P  0.01). However, levels of

hope, tension, and depression did not differ between patients with pain and patients with-out pain after controlling for sex, disease stage, and recruitment site.

Relationships Among Pain Intensity, Pain Interference, Performance Status, Mood Disturbance, and Level of Hope for Patients With Pain

For patients with pain (n  233), pain inten-sity was significantly correlated with perfor-mance status (r  0.18, P  0.01) and mood states (r  0.26, P  0.01), but not with level of hope. Pain interference was significantly corre-lated with performance status (r  0.43, P  0.01), mood states (r  0.53, P  0.01), and level of hope (r  0.31, P0.01) (Table 3). Relationships of pain intensity and pain inter-ference to each mood state are presented in Ta-ble 3. Pain intensity and pain interference were significantly correlated with each mood state as measured by the POMS as well as significantly correlated with the total mood disturbance.


The results of this study provide several portant implications for understanding the im-pact of cancer pain on patients’ performance status, emotional state, and level of hope. The findings of this study support the multidimen-sional notion of the cancer pain experience1

and demonstrate the effect of cancer pain on the physical, psychological, and spiritual aspects of Taiwanese patients’ quality of life. There have been very few studies that directly com-pare performance status of cancer patients without pain to those with pain,27 and the

re-Table 3

Relationship of Pain Intensity and Pain Interference to Performance Status, Each Mood State Measured by the POMS, and Level of Hope (n  223)

Variables Pain Intensity Pain Interference

Performance status 0.18a 0.43a

Total mood disturbance 0.26a 0.53a

Tension 0.18a 0.38a Anger 0.23a 0.45a Fatigue 0.28a 0.53a Depression 0.28a 0.43a Vigor 0.14a 0.42a Confusion 0.16a 0.37a Level of Hope 0.11 0.31a aP  0.01.


34 Lin et al. Vol. 25 No. 1 January 2003

sults of this study show that pain has deleteri-ous effects on Taiwanese patients’ functional status. In this study, patients with cancer pain had significantly lower performance status (KPS) scores than did patients without cancer pain. Both patients’ pain intensity and pain in-terference with daily life were negatively corlated with performance status scores. These re-sults are consistent with the findings in a study conducted in the United States by Miaskowski and Dibble,27 in which they found that in

breast cancer patients, pain-free patients had a significantly better performance scores than did patients without pain.

Researchers have emphasized that perfor-mance status of cancer patients is a very impor-tant prognosticator.28 Performance status

mea-sures have been widely used in oncology research and practice. Oncology researchers or practi-tioners have applied performance measures for the following purposes:8 1) to select

pa-tients for inclusion in treatment trials, 2) to stratify patients on the basis of performance status evaluation at the beginning of a clinical trial, 3) to measure the efficacy of treatment, and 4) to measure the quality of survival of can-cer patients. When cancan-cer pain has deleterious effects on patients’ performance status, this ef-fect may confound the treatment efficacy of a clinical trial and have an impact on the quality of survival of cancer patients. Because this study shows that cancer pain negatively affects patients’ performance status and numerous studies have documented performance status as a predictor or prognosis of survival of cancer patients,29 the question is raised as to whether

cancer pain also has a negative impact on pa-tients’ survival. Although one study shows that there is no relationship between the patients’ reporting of pain on admission and subse-quent survival time,30 more empirical research

effort is needed to explore the relationship be-tween cancer pain and patients’ survival.

Pain is not a symptom that exists in isolation. Chronic pain, especially, tends to create prob-lems, such as emotional disorder.31 This

phe-nomenon is suggested by the definition of pain as an “unpleasant sensory and emotional expe-rience associated with actual or potential tissue damage.”32 Psychological distress of cancer

pa-tients has been shown to be related to shorter survival.33,34 In contrast to the physiological

components of cancer pain, about which much

is known, there has been little prior research on other aspects of cancer pain experiences, such as psychological or spiritual distress. In this study, after controlling for sex, disease stage, and recruitment site, patients who experienced cancer-related pain reported higher levels of anger, fatigue, lethargy, confusion, and total mood disturbance than did patients who did not experience cancer-related pain. Also, levels of pain intensity and pain interference with daily life were significantly correlated with each mood state and the total mood disturbance.

In a study of 200 American cancer patients who were experiencing pain and 169 cancer patients who were pain-free, Glover et al.17

found that patients who experienced cancer pain scored significantly higher on anxiety, de-pression, anger, fatigue, confusion, and total mood disturbance, as measured by the Profile of Mood States.21 These results from the

cur-rent study conducted in Taiwan are, therefore, consistent with prior studies conducted in other countries,17,27 which may indicate that

cancer pain has a great impact on patients’ mood status and emotional distress.

It also appears that emotional state or distress could be related to survival. Recently, researchers34

demonstrated that emotional distress is signifi-cantly associated with shorter survival among lung cancer patients, independent of the influence of the biomedical prognostic factors. Moreover, a se-ries of 5-year, 10-year, and 15-year follow-up stud-ies concluded that patients’ psychological or emo-tional responses to breast cancer were significant predictors of patients’ survival.35–37 Thus, it

ap-pears that emotional state or distress could be re-lated to patients’ length of survival.

Very limited research effort has gone in to exploring the relationship between mood dis-turbance and cancer pain. In studies of pain other than cancer pain, investigators have supported the important role of unrelieved pain in emotional disturbances. Feldman and colleagues38 reported that increased pain led

to greater depressed, anxious, and angry moods in chronic pain patients. They also found that depressed mood, but not anxiety or anger, contributed to increases in pain. In one study, it was found that induced depressed mood shortened subjects’ tolerance times of labora-tory pain.39 The relation of pain to anxiety has

been explored in populations with cancer. Re-searchers have consistently concluded that


in-Vol. 25 No. 1 January 2003 Effect of Cancer Pain on Taiwanese Cancer Patients 35

creases in cancer pain are significantly related to increases in anxiety.40–42

As far as the relationship of anger to percep-tions of pain, researchers have claimed that an-ger is a critical concomitant of the chronic pain experience.43 In addition, Fernandez and Turk44

state that chronic pain patients may underre-port anger because of denial. In fact, anger is one of the most salient emotional correlates of pain, even though past research has been pri-marily confined to the study of depression and anxiety.44 This notion is further supported by a

recent study of chronic pain, in which anger to-ward oneself was significantly associated with pain intensity, and overall anger was signifi-cantly related to perceived disability.45

The relationship between cancer pain and fatigue has been sparsely explored, although pain and fatigue are two of the most common problems experienced by oncology patients.46

Pain and fatigue have several components in common47 and chronic pain is commonly

asso-ciated with fatigue.48 One study revealed that

poor sleepers reported greater pain intensity and pain unpleasantness than did good sleep-ers in a sample of chronic pain patients.49

How-ever, whether poor sleep among cancer pain patients contributes to their fatigue remains controversial. Therefore, additional research is warranted to comprehensively explore the re-lationship between cancer pain and fatigue.

For patients with progressive life-threatening diseases, pain can add greatly to the debilitat-ing effects of the disease and foster hopeless-ness and fear.31 Cancer threatens patients’

ex-istence and cancer pain may cause suffering which leads to spiritual distress for cancer pa-tients.50 Very few studies have investigated the

relationship between cancer pain and spiritual dimensions. One such study included 78 can-cer patients who were being treated for pain-related problems and found that unrelieved cancer pain has an impact on existential con-cerns.41 The study further found that patients

with higher pain scores expressed significantly more fear about the future. In this study, after controlling for gender, disease stage, and re-cruitment site, levels of hope did not differ be-tween patients with pain and patients without pain. However, pain interference with daily life, but not pain intensity, was significantly negatively correlated with level of hope. The lack of significant differences in levels of hope

between patients with cancer pain and patients without cancer pain could be due to the limita-tion of the use of hope measurement tool (i.e., HHI, which was originated in a Western coun-try) in the Taiwanese culture. For example, the majority of the participants in this study were Buddhists and Taoists. It is common for Tai-wanese patients to hope for not carrying the Karma into to the next life and hope for a bet-ter reincarnation. However, these concepts are not captured in the Herth Hope Index. There-fore, development of a hope measurement tool or modification of the current hope mea-surement tools for Taiwanese culture may be needed.

Another explanation for the significant rela-tionship between levels of hope and pain inter-ference, but not pain intensity, in this study could be related to the notion of suffering. Chapman and Gavrin31 have maintained that

unrelieved pain can not only create an over-whelming degree of personal discomfort but contribute to suffering in a more insidious way. Suffering is the perceived damage to the integ-rity of the self and represents a subjective sense of identity.51 When cancer pain occurs, it can

contribute to a disparity between who a person believes himself or herself to have been and, because of pain, who the person has actually become. This disparity is the essence of suffer-ing because it may threaten the integrity of self, not only in the present but also in the fu-ture.31 The contribution of disturbing

incon-gruity between perceived self and actual self to suffering may explain why pain interference with daily life and not pain intensity signifi-cantly negatively correlated with level of hope.

The spiritual dimension of cancer pain has been explored much less than other aspects, such as physical or psychological pain. The spir-itual dimension of cancer pain may include is-sues such as hopefulness, suffering, religiosity, uncertainty, positive changes, sense of purpose, meaning of pain, and transcendence.20

Re-search has documented that the impact of can-cer pain and the meaning of cancan-cer pain affects the spiritual dimension of cancer patients and may cause great distress.52 The findings of this

study support the notion that cancer pain inter-ference with daily life may create a sense of hopelessness, perhaps resulting from patients’ fear that their lives are not worth continuing if they must live in pain.18 Recent research41 has


36 Lin et al. Vol. 25 No. 1 January 2003

demonstrated that unrelieved cancer pain in-creases patients’ fear about the future, which contributes to existential suffering and may in turn threaten patients’ levels of hope.

The magnitudes of the correlations between pain intensity and performance status, mood state, and level of hope were quite small (from 0.1–0.3), although some were statistically signif-icant. On the other hand, the magnitudes of the correlations between pain interference with daily life and performance status, mood state, and level of hope were large (ranged from 0.3– 0.5). This finding may imply that pain interfer-ence with daily life may have more of a negative impact on performance status, mood state, and level of hope than does pain intensity among Taiwanese cancer patients. Therefore, when cli-nicians perform a cancer pain assessment, not only pain intensity but also pain interference with daily life should be carefully assessed.

In conclusion, this study has demonstrated that Taiwanese cancer patients, similar to cancer patients in Western countries, are affected in many dimensions of their lives by cancer pain. The similarity in these patient responses indi-cates that the negative impact of cancer pain is not culture specific. It is important for clinicians to make every effort to prevent cancer pain and to relieve pain effectively and promptly. Based on experiences from Western countries, pain therapy that addresses only one component of the pain experience might be destined to fail.53

Interventions that address the multidimensional aspect of pain by relieving the patient’s physical burden, psychological disturbance, and spiritual distress are more likely to lead to long-term ben-efits, not only for patients in Western countries but also for Taiwanese patients.


The authors would like to express their ut-most gratitude to Denise Dipert for her assis-tance in editing this manuscript. This study was supported by Grant NSC88-2314-B-038-106 from the National Science Council of Taiwan.


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ORN rate: 2 out of 100 irradiated head and neck cancer patients at risk of developing ORN; 1968 Clayman find out RT dose change & systematic dental program contribute;

Material and Methods: The databases Scopus, embase, ebsco and PubMed were reviewed from January/2003 to October/2010 with the following keywords: laser therapy, low-level

potential agent to prevent and treat oral cancer... Structure and pharmacokinetics of

Therefore, the aim of this study was to obtain, explore and interpret a deeper understanding of patients’ experiences and perspectives after they have experi- enced dental

patients with stage I/II disease but not in those with stage III disease.43 A high serum level of VEGF is associated with poor survival among patients with small cell lung

This retrospective magnetic resonance imaging study of patients under 21 years of age found that these young patients are susceptible to all stages of disk displacement and that

Our case highlights an enigmatic presentation of oral submucous fibrosis and its coexistence with oral cancer presenting with unusual neurological disturbance of the inferior

The CN V3 branch was the most frequently involved branch of the trigeminal nerve in this series of patients with 149 (46.6%) patients having pain solely in