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(1)國立臺灣師範大學 資訊工程研究所碩士論文. 指導教授:李忠謀 博士. 以視覺為基礎之即時指揮手勢追蹤系統 A Vision-based Real-time Conductor Gesture Tracking System. 研究生:莊謹萍 撰. 中華民國 九十七 年 七 月.

(2) 摘 要. 以視覺為基礎之即時指揮手勢追蹤系統 莊謹萍. 隨著網路視訊的普及,網路攝影機品質日趨優良、價格也相對低廉,本研究 旨在提出一個「指揮者手勢追蹤系統」,代替鍵盤與滑鼠作為輸入單元,讓使用 者能透過視訊攝影機(Webcam)及個人電腦、運用基本的指揮動作,能夠即時追蹤 使用者手勢的軌跡與方向變化、偵測音樂節拍所在的時間點。 本研究可分為兩個主要階段:第一階段為目標物追蹤,採用 CAMSHIFT 演算 法來實現物件追蹤。CAMSHIFT 演算法為平均位移演算法的改良,此演算法利用使 用者所感興趣的顏色機率分佈特性,經由平均位移迭代的方式,找出其機率分佈 圖的峰值,此峰值即為可能性最高之影像區塊並得到物體移動路徑。第二階段則 利用兩種方法計算:K-曲率法則以及垂直分量低點偵測。K-曲率法則利用物體移 動路徑各點之區率並計算找出其方向轉變;而垂直分量低點偵測則是找出物體移 動的垂直低點,將此低點定義為音樂的節拍點。 本研究所開發之系統可以讓使用者自行選定偵測目標(如指揮棒)並準確偵 測移動的軌跡,將使用者的指揮動作上方向的改變,轉變成音樂檔的節拍事件, 其準確率平均可達 86.46%以上。 i.

(3) ABSTRACT A Vision-based Real-time Conductor Gesture Tracking System By Chin-ping Chuang In recent years, interaction between humans and computers is becoming more important. “Virtual Orchestra” is an Human Computer Interface (HCI) software which attempts to authentically reproduce a live orchestra using synthesized and sampled instruments sounds. Compared with the traditional HCIs, using vision-based gesture can provide a touch-free interface which is less bounding than mechanical instruments. In this research, we design a vision-based system that can track the hand motions of a conductor from webcam and extract musical beats from motions. The algorithm used is based on a robust nonparametric technique for climbing density gradients to find the mode of probability distributions. For each frame, the mean shift algorithm converges to the mode of the distribution. Then, the CAMSHIFT algorithm is used to track the moving objects in a video scene. After acquiring the target center point continuously, we can form the trajectory of moving target (such as baton, conductor’s hand…etc). By computing an approximation of k-curvature for the trajectory, and the angle between these two motion vectors, we can compute the point of the change of direction. ii.

(4) In this thesis, a system was developed for interpreting a conductor’s gestures and translating theses gestures into musical beats that can be explained as the major part of the music. This system does not require the use of active sensing, special baton, or other constraints on the physical motion of the conductor.. iii.

(5) 謹獻給我最親愛的家人. iv.

(6) 致. 謝. 兩年的研究所時光,隨著這篇論文的完成告一段落。感謝我的指導教授李忠 謀教授,無論在專業或是日常生活中有任何問題,老師都能給予我幫助與指導, 使我在做研究的方法與態度上獲益良多、在對未來的規劃上也更加明確。 感謝 VIP 實驗室的全體成員:謝謝富豪學長、政杰學長以及育慈學姐對於我 的研究給了我相當多的寶貴建議,讓我的論文更加完善;感謝在趕論文期間陪我 寫程式、一起 DEBUG 的定翔,沒有你的幫忙,我的系統肯定無法完成;感謝實驗 室的學弟妹們,因為有你們讓實驗室充滿歡笑與活力。 感謝育妏幫我完成系統所需的器材以及郁樺適時地打氣,能在研究所期間認 識你們兩個好室友真的很棒!還要謝謝大學時期的好友們,無論是快樂或是難過 的時候,都有你們的共享與陪伴,讓我的研究生歲月充實且無悔。 最後,更要感謝陪我度過每個重要時刻的父母以及和我同時接受畢業煎熬的 哥哥,無時無刻給我精神上的鼓勵、支持與生活上的照顧、體諒,是我能完成研 究所學業最重要的支柱。 再次,感謝你們給我的支持與幫助。 謹以最誠摯的心,願大家心想事成、一切順利。 莊謹萍 於國立台灣師範大學資訊工程研究所 中華民國九十七年七月二十三日 v.

(7) TABLES OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES ....................................................................................................... viii  LIST OF FIGURES ....................................................................................................... ix  Chapter 1 Introduction .................................................................................................... 1  1.1  Overview of the Problem ............................................................................................... 1  1.2  Challenges ...................................................................................................................... 2  1.3  Objectives....................................................................................................................... 4  1.4  Thesis Organization ....................................................................................................... 5 . Chapter 2 Literature Review ........................................................................................... 6  2.1  Key Terms in Music Conducting ................................................................................... 6  2.1.1  Beat ........................................................................................................................... 6  2.1.2  Tempo ....................................................................................................................... 7  2.1.3  Dynamics (Volume) .................................................................................................. 7  2.1.4  Other Musical Elements ............................................................................................ 7  2.2  Reviews of Conductor Gesture Tracking Systems ......................................................... 8  2.2.1  Instrumented Batons ................................................................................................. 9  2.2.2  Vision-based Conductor Gesture Tracking Systems ............................................... 12  2.2.3  Summary of Conductor Gesture Tracking Systems ................................................ 15  2.3  Backgrounds of Object Tracking ................................................................................. 19  2.3.1  Motion Detection .................................................................................................... 19  2.3.2  Motion Tracking ..................................................................................................... 20 . Chapter 3 Vision-based Conductor Gesture Tracking................................................... 23  3.1  Overview ...................................................................................................................... 23  3.2  User-defined Target Tracking Using CAMSHIFT ...................................................... 25  3.2.1  The CAMSHIFT Algorithm.................................................................................... 26  3.2.2  Color Space Used for ROI Probability Model ........................................................ 27  3.2.3  Histogram Back-projection ..................................................................................... 30  3.2.4  Mass of Center Calculation ..................................................................................... 32  vi.

(8) 3.3  Beat Detection and Analysis ........................................................................................ 34  3.3.1  K-curvature Algorithm ............................................................................................ 35  3.3.2  Local-Minimum Algorithm..................................................................................... 37 . Chapter 4 Experimental Results and Discussions ......................................................... 39  4.1  Overviews .................................................................................................................... 39  4.2  Experimental Results ................................................................................................... 42  4.3  Analysis of the Experimental Results .......................................................................... 47 . Chapter 5 Conclusion and Future Work ........................................................................ 49  5.1  Conclusion.................................................................................................................... 49  5.2  Future Work ................................................................................................................. 50 . References ..................................................................................................................... 52 . vii.

(9) LIST OF TABLES Table 2.1 The summary of the conductor gesture tracking system ............................... 16  Table 4.1  The overall experimental results with different methods ............................. 44  Table 4.2  The precision, recall rates and F1-measures using K-Curvature (θ 90°) . 45  Table 4.3  The precision, recall rates and F1-measures using K-Curvature (θ 60°) . 45  Table 4.4  The precision, recall rates and F1-measures using Local-Minimum ............ 46  Table 4.5  The False Positive and False Negative Error Rates...................................... 48 . viii.

(10) LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2.1  Figure 2.2  Figure 2.3  Figure 2.4 Figure 2.5 Figure 3.1  Figure 3.2  Figure 3.3  Figure 3.4. Figure 3.5  Figure 3.6. Figure 3.7  Figure 3.8  Figure 3.9  Figure 4.1 . The conductor has to “write” in the air to create different beats [9] ............ 6  Two kinds of 2-beat conducting patterns [3]................................................ 8  Radio Baton (left) and Buchla Lightning II (right) [14] .............................. 9  (a) Conducting an orchestra with the Conductor's Jacket system [10] ...... 11  (b) The magnetic sensors for motion tracking at DIVA [21] ...................... 11  (a) Declan Murphy using his conducting system [29] ............................... 14  (b) You’re the Conductor exhibit at Children’s Museum of Boston [26] ... 14  Diagram of the framework we proposed.................................................... 24  CAMSHIFT Algorithm .............................................................................. 27  RGB color cube (left) and HSV color hexcone (right) .............................. 28  (a) The Original image and ROI ................................................................ 29  (b) The Probability Map with Vmin = 0 .................................................... 29  (c) The Probability Map with Vmin = 108................................................. 29  Histogram Back-projection Procedure ....................................................... 31  (a) Original Image and ROI........................................................................ 32  (b) A Tracked Frame #1 .............................................................................. 32  (c) A Tracked Frame #2 .............................................................................. 32  (d) The trajectory of ROI ............................................................................ 32  (e) Probability Image of #1 ........................................................................ 32  (f) Probability Image of #2 ........................................................................ 32  The trajectories and the approximated directions of conducting patterns . 34  Another representative of conducting patterns .......................................... 35  Angle measured by the k-curvature algorithm ........................................... 36  A snapshot of our conductor gesture tracking system................................ 39 . Figure 4.2  Experimental Flowchart ............................................................................. 41  Figure 4.3  F-measure results of Vision-Based Evaluation using K-curvature ............ 46  Figure 4.4  F-measure results of Vision-Based Evaluation using local-minimum ....... 47 . ix.

(11) Chapter 1. Introduction. 1.1 Overview of the Problem In recent years, with the rapid development of computer technology, the computer is being used in more applications and the computer processing power is growing. At this stage, the interaction between humans and computers becomes more and more important. A user interface, such as a GUI, is how a human interacts with a computer, and Human Computer Interaction (HCI) goes beyond designing screens and menus that are easier to use [1][2]. Many researchers tried to develop a new kind of HCI and there are many new HCI technologies used widely in face tracking, hand tracking, face recognition and gesture recognition field. “Virtual Orchestra”, as the name implies, is one of the HCI software which attempt to authentically reproduce a live orchestra using synthesized and sampled instruments sounds. We can describe the scenario as an example: If in concert a singer takes a tempo different from the rehearsal tempo, the Virtual Orchestra should adapt in real time based on the information providing by the system procedure [3]. Such a 1.

(12) system would offer increased usability in a public space, and it would also be a very useful training tool for student conductor. Keyboards and mice are the standard devices that people typically use to interact with a computer. These standard devices might be convenient for office work, but for some other areas better alternatives are needed. For instance, gestures are more natural and convenient to express our intention. In the area of conducting music, there exists a language of conducting gestures that enable a conductor to communicate with an orchestra. These gestures are more formal than gestures used in daily life but they are still very expressive in their own application domain, so they can become a very useful gesture input [4]. Using vision-based gesture as the inputs, we can provide a touch-free interface which is less bounding than mechanical instruments.. 1.2 Challenges Designing a system that can track the motions of an orchestra conductor and at the same time extract a musical beat and other information (such as volume) from those motion is not a trivial problem. While new interaction methods for digital music have became hot topics in today’s research community, much of the work has remained. Researchers have examined several different input devices to achieve our goal. Based on previous researches, these approaches can be classified into two categories: One is the “instrumented baton”, and the other is “vision-based system” [5]. 2.

(13) Within the “instrumented baton” approach, the researchers always use sensors to monitor body measures (such as heart rate, temperature) or use special batons fitted with infer-red sources to monitor their locations. But these instrumented batons are fatiguing in prolonged use, do not feel like "the real thing", and need to attach some special hardware. In order to reduce the device cost and provide the more approachable interface, the other vision-based approach is needed. These vision-based systems sense the motion of conductor’s baton and hand with video cameras. This kind of mechanism provides an advantage that the conductor or musician does not need to carry any other device or sensor. The conductor’s motion is captured from the video camera aiming at the conductor. What we are concerned are to detect human motions and extract musical beats correctly, furthermore, control the music playback via these information. In order to detect and track these objects correctly, the lighting environment needs to be build properly to make the baton and the conductor’s hands clearly visible. The conductor’s baton needs to be coated with some material whose color is different from the environment at the tip and the conductor needs to wear the special-colored glove to overcome environmental problem and deduce the processing complexity. So that we can assure the moving targets are uniformly bright against a reasonably contrasting background. 3.

(14) We can obtain the location of the baton’s tip or the centroid of the hand while we are tracking the baton or hands. In order to play the music dynamically, some special points (we called it “beat”) need to be mapped to parameters that generate the sound. It poses the question, “What is the way that a real musician interprets the conductor?” We tried to use heuristic rules to extract the main beat of an up-down movement or some features, such as the change of direction, to solve this problem. Another problem is the discrete sampling of the baton locations due to the limited frame-rate of the video sequence [6]. This procedure must run fast and efficiently with consuming as few system resources as possible, so that the object could be tracked in real time.. 1.3 Objectives In this thesis, we design an HCI system for interpreting a human conductor’s gestures and translating theses gestures into musical beats that can be explained as the major part of the music. This system enables conductors to conduct electronic music using natural gestures of a baton or hands which are acquired and translated by a video recognition system into beat and tempo control. It does not require any use of active sensing, special baton, or other constraints on the motion of the conductor. The goal of our work is using the technology to support these methods of multimedia interaction, and to encourage people exploring music more interactively. 4.

(15) 1.4 Thesis Organization Following the Introductory chapter, Chapter 2 presents an overview of existing conductor gesture tracking system. We also discuss the performances of the previous methods. Chapter 3 describes our system framework and details the algorithms we proposed for conductor’s gesture tracking. Chapter 4 is the experimental result and discussions. Finally, conclusions and future works are given in Chapter 5.. 5.

(16) Chapter 2. Literature Review. 2.1 Key Terms in Music Conducting This section describes some music conducting terminologies for those users with no prior music experience. It is based on several conducting on-line course documents [7] and the use of Wikipedia encyclopedia [8][9].. 2.1.1 Beat In written music, beats and notes are grouped into measures. The beat of the music is typically indicated with the conductor's right hand, with or without a baton. The hand traces a shape in the air in measure and indicates each beat with a change from downward to upward motion. The instant at which the beat occurs is usually indicated by a sudden click of the wrist or change in baton direction (as Figure 2.1).. Figure 2.1 The conductor has to “write” in the air to create different beats [9] 6.

(17) 2.1.2 Tempo Tempo, the Italian word for “time”, is the speed of the fundamental beat and should stay even from beat to beat. The tempo of a piece will typically be written at the start of a piece of music, and in modern music is usually indicated in beats per minute (BPM). The greater the tempo, the larger the number of beats that must be played in a minute is and, therefore, the faster a piece must be played.. 2.1.3 Dynamics (Volume) In music, dynamics normally refers to the softness or loudness a sound or note. It always be communicated by the size of the conducting gestures: the larger the shape, the louder the sound. Changes in dynamic may be signaled with hand that is not being used to indicate the beat: an upward motion indicates a crescendo and a downward motion indicates a diminuendo or decrescendo. In general, loud dynamic levels are conducted with larger beat patterns, and soft dynamic levels with small beat patterns.. 2.1.4 Other Musical Elements Time signatures are figures written on the score at the start of the composition. Each measure is assigned a meter that tells the musician how many rhythmic beats there are within the measure and what type of note equals one beat [3]. For instance, a measure with a. meter tells the musician there are two rhythmic beats in the measure. (from the “2” in the numerator) and quarter notes are the fundamental beats for this 7.

(18) measure (from the “4” in the denominator). The number of beats per measure and the time signature usually stay the same from the start of a song to the end, but it may vary on different time signature.. Figure 2.2 Two kinds of 2-beat conducting patterns [3] (a) A legato style pattern (b) a staccato style pattern. Every meter can have a range of conducting patterns depending on the style of the piece and the type of mood that the conductor is trying to present to the musicians and audience. The conductor may use flowing gestures as a means of expressing the legato style. Alternatively, a piece like a “march” that is in the same meter as the legato piece would be conducted in a much more angular manner which we called it staccato style. These two terms legato and staccato indicate how much silence is to be left between notes played one after another.. 2.2 Reviews of Conductor Gesture Tracking Systems There are many approaches to design a system which can understand a human conductor gesture [10]. In this section, we classified these systems into two categories 8.

(19) in conductor’s gesture tracking. The reviews of instrumented baton will be introduced in Section 2.2.1, and the other categories of vision-based conductor’s gesture tracking systems will be mentioned in Section 2.2.2.. 2.2.1 Instrumented Batons Some approaches introduce special instrumented batons as the input of the system. Max Mathews, who is called one of the fathers of computer music, created the first conductor’s gesture tracking system. His system, Radio Baton, consisted of two batons that omitted radio waves from their tips and a plate which was equipped with antennas to receive the signals emitted by the batons [11]. Buchla Lightning Baton Series (see Figure 2.3) is another instrumented baton that senses the position and movement of wands and transforms this information to MIDI signals to control musical instrumentation more expressively [12]. The baton has been used in many systems, which is like Adaptive Conductor Follower [13] and Personal Orchestra [14].. Figure 2.3 Radio Baton (left) and Buchla Lightning II (right) [14] 9.

(20) Besides using Lightning Baton as an input, Adaptive Conductor Follower [13] provided three methods of tracking and predicting tempo at beat analysis stage. The most important achievement of the system was that it produced the first attempt using Neural Networks for recognition purpose. In the Extraction of Conducting Gestures in 3D Space [16], it included two Lightning batons to track the baton’s movement in 3D space and extracted information including tempo, dynamic, beat pattern and beat style. Teresa Marrin Nekra et al. presented Digital Baton in 1997 [17]. They developed an input device which included acceleration sensors to measure baton’s movement and other pressure sensors to obtain the every finger pressure values of the hand holding the baton with an infrared LED at the tip of the baton. A position-sensitive photodiode was placed behind a camera lens to track position of the infrared LED. But there was no beat information was derived from the input to control the tempo of the piece. In 1998, they created the Conductor’s Jacket system [18][19] used a multitude of sensors built into a jacket to record physiological and motion data. The Conductor’s Jacket consisted of four muscle tension (EMG) sensors, heart rate and respiration monitor, temperature sensor, and skin response sensor (see Figure 2.4(a)). Tommi Ilmonen et al. created a system to track conducting gestures with neural networks and it was part of a system DIVA (see Figure 2.4(b)) to extract rhythm data from conductor’s movements [20][21]. It used magnetic motion tracker as the input to 10.

(21) collect positional information and used the neural networks to classify and predict beats. But the system has some limitations: The system only understand the standard conducting techniques, so users must have some prior knowledge about conducting.. (a) Figure 2.4. (b). (a) Conducting an orchestra with the Conductor's Jacket system [10] (b) The magnetic sensors for motion tracking at DIVA [21]. In 2002, Jan Borchers et al. designed the Personal Orchestra system [14] using a Buchla Lightning baton [12]. Users can interact not with a synthetic, but an original audio/video recording of a real orchestra. A beat was detected each time the baton changed from going down to going up and vertical coordinates of the left hand was dynamic indicators. Its audio stretching algorithm which rendered audio and video at variable speed without time-stretching artifacts, such as pitch changes, made a notable contribution in further systems. Moreover, it did not contain complex rules to extract beats and tempo. So the system could be a more general system for those users with little or no conducting experience. It is also the first system that allows users to control an audio/video recording in real time, using natural conducting gestures.. 11.

(22) 2.2.2 Vision-based Conductor Gesture Tracking Systems In 1989, Morita et al. built a system, A Computer Music System that Follows a Human Conductor. This system tracked either a white marker attached to the baton or the hand wearing a white glove, using a CCD camera and special feature extraction hardware that passed two-dimensional position values to a PC. The computer derived tempo and volume information from upper and lower turning points of the trajectory. It is the first project to use a CCD camera as an input device [22]. Light Baton created in 1992 by Graziano Bertini et al. was another system using a CCD camera and the baton with a LED light on its tip [22]. The position of the baton was analyzed by a special image acquisition board and the playback of pre-recorded score is adjusted in terms of tempo and intensity of notes. Michael T. Driscoll [3] proposed A Machine Vision for Capture and Interpretation of an Orchestra Conductor’s Gestures in his master thesis in 1999. This work involves the design and implementation of a real-time Vision-based HCI that analyzes and interprets a music conductor's gestures to detect the beat. It used several basic image processing methods, such as rapid RGB color thresholding, multiple contour extraction, and center of mass calculations to understand the time location of beats. But there were performance constraint due to the insufficient time resolution of the system. This issue might create a “choppy" response by the Virtual Orchestra. 12.

(23) In 2000, Jakub Segen et al. created their Virtual Dance and Music system [24] and Visual Interface for Conducting Virtual Orchestra [25]. It used two synchronized cameras to acquire a 3D trajectory of the baton and beats were placed at the locally lowest trajectory points. It aloes presented an simple scenario in beat following: If the music sequencer had already played all notes corresponding to the current beat, the sequencer should wait until the user conducted the next beat, and if the user had already conducted the next beat before the music sequencer finished playing the notes corresponding to the last beat, the sequencer should increase the tempo slightly to catch up with the conductor. Declan Murphy et al. presented a conducting gesture recognition system which was able to control the tempo of an audio file playback through standard conducting movements in 2003 [29]. It worked with one or two cameras as input sources for front and side view of the conductor. Computer vision techniques were then used to extract position and velocity of the tip of the baton or of the conductor’s right hand. In Section 2.2.1, we mentioned about T. Marrin and J. Borchers who involved in this field several years. They worked with Eric Lee to design another museum exhibit for the Children’s Museum in 2004. The final system was called You’re the Conductor [26]. Instead of employing a Buchla Lightning baton for input, a rugged baton-like device was developed, which was mainly a light source and could stand heavy use. 13.

(24) Movement of baton was translated into playback speed and volume, so that children for all ages could use the system. If the child started moving the baton faster or slower, the orchestra sped up or slowed down, respectively, and if the child stopped moving the baton, the orchestra slowed to a halt. Compared with Personal Orchestra, it used a real-time, high-quality time stretching algorithm for polyphonic audio and allowed the system to respond more instantaneously and accurately to user input.. (a) Figure 2.5. (b). (a) Declan Murphy using his conducting system [29] (b) You’re the Conductor exhibit at Children’s Museum of Boston [26]. R. Behringer presented another system Conducting Digitally Stored Music by Computer Vision Tracking in 2005 [6]. At this stage, Computer vision methods are used to track the motion of the baton and to deduce musical parameters (volume, pitch, expression) for the time synchronized replay of previously recorded music notation sequences. Combined with acoustic signal processing, this method can provide the automatic playing which the conductor conducts both this instrument as well as the human musicians. In 2007, Terence Sim et al. presented a vision-based, interactive music playback 14.

(25) system, called VIM, which allows anyone, even untrained musicians, to conduct music [31]. Because of the assumption above, they did not recognize any specific musical gestures which mean any kind of motion will suffice and used a webcam to capture the movements. This system applied the Intel OpenCV Library as a useful programming tool, to decide the speed and area of the moving object. This system also provided some visualization to project colorful patterns that respond to the user.. 2.2.3 Summary of Conductor Gesture Tracking Systems This section presents a summarized description of all systems described in this chapter in table format [10] (see Table 2.1). To simplify our expression, we usually have the name of the latest system as the representative of the entire series which were created by the same research group unless there are major changes between two systems.. 15.

(26) Table 2.1 The summary of the conductor gesture tracking system Year. Name. Authors. Input Device. Tracked Info.. Control Var.. Output. Features. 1989. Computer Music. Hideyuki. CCD camera,. Baton 2D position,. Tempo,. Prerecorded. Computer vision. System that. Morita, Shuji. White glove. Trajectory,. Dynamics. MIDI. system. Follows a Human. Hashimoto,. Baton with marker. Conductor. Sadamu Ohteru. Radio Baton. Max Mathews. two radio-wave batons,. 2 batons positions. Tempo,. Prerecorded. First baton conducting. a plate with antennas. above the plate. Dynamics,. MIDI. system for computers,. 1991. Limit: small work area. Voice balance 1992. Light Baton. Bertini. CCD camera. Graziano,. Baton with LED. Baton 2D position,. Tempo,. Prerecorded. Use image acquisition. Dynamics,. MIDI. board to get the baton. Paolo Carosi. position. 1991-. Buchla Lightning. Buchla and. Batons with tiny. Batons’ coordinates. 1996. Series. Associates. infrared transmitters. (four values total). 1992-. Conductor. Bennett Brecht,. Buchla Lightning Baton,. Baton 2D position,. 1995. Follower. Guy Garnett. Mattel Power Gloves. MIDI notes. 32 voice. Expensive commercial. synthesizer. equipments. Tempo,. Prerecorded. First system to use. Dynamics,. MIDI. neural network for beat analysis. 16.

(27) Table 2.1 The summary of the conductor gesture tracking system (Cont.) Year. Name. Authors. Input Device. Tracked Info.. Control Var.. Output. Features. 1995-. Extraction of. Forret Tobey,. Two Buchla. Baton 3D. Tempo,. Prerecorded. First system to acquire. 1996. Conducting Gestures. Ichiro Fujinaga. Lightning Batons. position,. Dynamics,. MIDI. 3D position. in 3D Space. Beat. coordinates. patterns, Beat style, 1996. Digital Baton. Teresa Marrin,. Digital Baton. Joseph Paradiso. Pressure,. Tempo,. Prerecorded. Combined several. Acceleration. Dynamics,. MIDI. sensors onto one baton. LED coordinates, 1998. 1999. Conductor’s Jacket. Teresa Marrin,. Physiology sensors,. Muscle tension,. Tempo,. Prerecorded. Record the gestural. Rosalind Picard. Motion sensors. Breath speed,. Dynamics,. MIDI. motion and musical. Heart rate,. Articulation,. gesture, but Jacket is. Skin response. Vibrato…etc. weird. Conductor Following. Tommi Ilmonen,. Data dress suit with. 3D positional. Tempo,. Prerecorded. ANN analysis system. with Artificial Neural. Tapio Takala. 6-dof sensors. information for. Dynamics,. MIDI,. with 6-dof positional. ( motion trackers ). the body. Vibrato…etc.. 3D graphics. sensors. 1 video camera. Right hand 2D. Tempo,. Prerecorded. Use basic IP methods. MIDI,. to extract the hand’s. Network 1999. A Machine Vision System of an. Michael T. Discoll. position. Conductor’s Gestures. position. 17.

(28) Table 2.1 The summary of the conductor gesture tracking system (Cont.) Year. Name. Authors. Input Device. Tracked Info.. Control Var.. Output. Features. 2000. Visual Interface for. Jakub Segen. 2 video cameras. Right hand 3D. Tempo,. Synchronized. Do synchronization. Conducting Virtual. Senthil Kumar. position. Dynamics,. prerecorded MIDI /. between music and. Orchestra. Joshua Gluckman. Video. video. Personal Orchestra. Jan O. Borchers,. Buchla Lightning. Right hand 2D. Tempo,. Synchronized. No recognition of. Wolfgang Samminger,. Baton. position. Dynamics,. prerecorded Audio /. beat patterns, just up. …etc.. Video. or down movements. Tempo. Prerecorded Audio,. Robust and easy. 3D graphics. obtainable hardware. 2002. Max Mühlhäuser 2003. 2004. Conducting Audio. Declan Murphy,. 1 or 2 CMOS. Right hand 3D. Files via Computer. Tue Haste Anderson,. cameras. position. Vision. Kristoffer Jensen. (direct / profile). You’re the Conductor Eric Lee,. Teresa Marrin,. Infrared, rugged. Right hand 2D. Tempo,. Synchronized. The input device. baton-like device. position. Dynamics,. prerecorded Audio /. could stand heavy. …etc.. Video. use. Right hand 2D. Tempo,. Synchronized. Is more Intuitive, and. position. Dynamics,. prerecorded Audio. provide more. Jan O. Borchers 2005. Conducting Digitally. ReinHold Behringer. CMOS camera. Stored Music by. 2007. Computer Vision. Pitch,. applications which. Tracking. Expression. can be implemented. VIM: Vision for. Terence Sim,. Interactive Music. Dennis Ng, etc. A simple webcam. Hand 2D. Tempo,. Synchronized. Using the Intel. position. Dynamics,. prerecorded MIDI. OpenCV as a tool.. 18.

(29) 2.3 Backgrounds on Object Tracking In general, many previously approaches for motion detection and tracking are conceptually ambiguous. According to the articles written by W. Hu et al. [33] and W. Yao [34], we can classify these two issues and introduce them separately in Section 2.3.1 and 2.3.2.. 2.3.1 Motion Detection Identifying moving objects from a video sequence is a fundamental and critical task in many computer-vision applications. Motion detection aims at detecting regions corresponding to moving objects from the rest of an image. Detecting moving regions provides a focus of attention for later processes such as tracking procedure. Here we introduce basic methods as examples: background subtraction, temporal differencing, and optical flow. (1) Background Subtraction It is a popular method for motion detection, especially under those situations with a relatively static background. It detects moving regions in an image by identifying moving objects within the current image and the reference background image. But it is highly dependent on changes in dynamic scenes derived from lighting and extraneous events. Therefore, an active construction and updating of the background model are indispensable to reduce the influence of these changes. 19.

(30) (2) Temporal Differencing Temporal differencing makes use of the pixel-wise differences between two or three consecutive frames in an image sequence to extract moving regions. Temporal differencing is very adaptive to dynamic environments, but it may not work well for extracting all relevant pixels. That is, there may be holes left inside moving entities. (3) Optical Flow Optical-flow-based algorithms was used to calculate the optical flow field from a video sequence attempt to find correlations between adjacent frames, generating a vector field showing where each pixel or region in one frame moved to in the next frame. Typically, the motion is represented as vectors originating and terminating at locations in consecutive video sequences. However, most optical-flow-based methods are computationally complex and sensitive to noise, and they cannot be applied to streams in real time without specialized hardware.. 2.3.2 Motion Tracking The tracking algorithms usually have some intersection with motion detection during processing. Although there are many researches trying to deal with the motion tracking problem, existing techniques are still not robust enough for stable tracking. Tracking methods are divided into four major categories: region-based tracking, active contour-based tracking, feature-based tracking, and model-based tracking. 20.

(31) (1) Region-Based Tracking Region-based tracking algorithms track objects according to variations of the image regions corresponding to moving objects. In these algorithms, the background image is maintained dynamically, and motion regions are detected by subtracting the background from the current image. They work well in scenes containing only a few objects, but they may not handle occlusion between objects reliably. So they cannot satisfy the requirements in a cluttered background or with multiple moving objects. (2) Active Contour-Based Tracking Active contour-based tracking algorithms track objects by representing their outlines as bounding contours and updating these contours dynamically in successive frames. In contrast to region-based algorithms, these algorithms describe objects more simply and more effectively and reduce computational complexity. Even under partial occlusion, these algorithms may track objects continuously. However, a difficulty is that they are highly sensitive to the initialization of tracking, making it more difficult to start tracking automatically. (3) Feature-Based Tracking Feature-based tracking algorithms do the objects tracking by extracting elements, clustering them into higher level features and then matching the features between images. These are lots of features that can help us in tracking objects, like edges, 21.

(32) corners, color distribution, skin tone and human eyes. However, the recognition rate of objects based on 2D image features is low, and the stability of dealing effectively with occlusion is generally poor. (4) Model-Based Tracking Model-based tracking algorithms track objects by matching projected object models, produced with prior knowledge, to image data. The models are constructed off-line with manual measurement, or other computer vision techniques. Compared with other tracking algorithms, the algorithms can obtain better results even under occlusion (including self-occlusion for humans) or interference between nearby image motions. Ineluctably, model-based tracking algorithms have some disadvantages such as the necessity of constructing the models, high computational cost, etc.. 22.

(33) Chapter 3. Vision-based Conductor Gesture Tracking. 3.1 Overview Most of conductor gesture tracking systems presented before focused on technical issues and did not mention how to organize a framework to build a complete HCI. The framework we present here is based on tracking the target that user defined, and the output must be the timing of musical beat after we analyzed. Inspired by face tracking approaches to track the center of our target, the position data must be detected via a real-time algorithm. After acquiring the successive position data, our algorithm was formulated to detect the time point when the target changed its direction. Our proposed framework can be divided into two independent modules, CAMSHIFT tracking and beat detection and analysis module. The diagram of our system is shown in 1Figure 3.1, and the details of these two modules will be discussed in Section 3.2 and 3.3. (1) CAMSHIFT Tracking Module We created the ROI (Region of Interest) probability map using the 1D histogram from the Hue channel in Hue Saturation Value (HSV) color system that corresponds to 23.

(34) projecting standard RGB color space. Then we computed Histogram Back-projection algorithm to calculate the ROI probability map. The major consideration is the correct rate in detecting the moving target, which is a critical issue to the following module. (2) Beat Detection and Analysis Module Our system used the movement of the target that we detected in the last module to determine the change of direction. After selecting the WAV file and other parameters, we also display the beat detection result in the visualization waveform of WAV file and calculate the precision and recall rate.. CAMSHIFT Tracking Module. Beat Detection and Analysis Module. Figure 3.1 Diagram of the framework we proposed 24.

(35) This system was designed in this way so that all algorithms within one module can be changed at will, without affecting the functionality of the other module.. 3.2 User-defined Target Tracking Using CAMSHIFT User-defined target tracking module is the first stage of the system we proposed, which separates the target from the background and extracts position information. In our system, we applied the CAMSHIFT (Continuously Adaptive Mean Shift) Algorithm [35][36],which is an efficient and simple colored object tracker, as the kernel of this module. The target area from the user are sampled by mouse, so the target can be user’s head/hand, baton and other objects which color are different from the background. Using the Histogram Back-projection method, we can measure the characteristics of target which we are interested in to build ROI probability model which is also the first step of the. At the same time, color distribution derived from video change over time, so we utilize the Mean Shift algorithm to calculate the center of mass of the color probability within its 2D window of calculation, re-centers the window, then calculates the area for the next window size, until convergence (or until the mean location moves less than a threshold which means there is no significant shift). The details are described in as follows.. 25.

(36) 3.2.1 The CAMSHIFT Algorithm In the latest years, the tracking algorithm of the Continuously Adaptive Mean Shift Algorithm is being concerned because of its practicability and robustness. For object tracking, CAMSHIFT is an adaptation of the Mean Shift algorithm which is a robust non-parametric technique that climbs the gradient of a probability distribution to find the mode (peak) of the distribution [37]. The primary difference between CAMSHIFT and the Mean Shift algorithm is that CAMSHIFT uses continuously adaptive probability distributions (That is, distributions may be recomputed at each frame) while Mean Shift is based on static distributions, which are not updated unless the target experiences significant changes in shape, size or color [36]. For each video frame, the raw image is converted to a probability distribution image via a color histogram model of the color being tracked. We use the zeroth and first-order moments of target color probability model to compute the centroid of an area of high probability which is the main idea in the Mean Shift algorithm. So, the center and size of the color object are found via the mean shift algorithm operating. The current size and location of the tracked object are reported and used to set the size and location of the search window in the next frame. This process is repeated for continuous tracking [35]. 26.

(37) The procedure can be summarized in the following steps [35]:. 1.. Set the region of interest (ROI) of the probability distribution image (PDF) to the entire image.. 2.. Select an initial location of the Mean Shift search window.. 3.. Calculate a color probability distribution of the region centered at the Mean Shift search window.. 4.. Iterate Mean Shift algorithm to find the centroid of the probability image. Store the zeroth moment (distribution area) and centroid location.. 5.. For the following frame, center the search window at the mean location found in Step 4 and set the window size to a function of the zeroth moment. Go to Step 3. Figure 3.2 CAMSHIFT Algorithm. Because CAMSHIFT uses the color feature to track the moving object, the change of the color feature is very small when the object is moving. So it is a robust method. Moreover, much time is economized because the moving object is searched around the position where the object possibly appears. So CAMSHIFT also has real time feature.. 3.2.2 Color Space Used for ROI Probability Model The ROI probability model, also called probability distribution image (PDF), can be determined by methods which associate a pixel value with a probability that the given pixel belongs to the target. In order to create the probability distribution image of the desired color, we first create a model using a color histogram. The color model that we capture from an image stream is within the standard Red, 27.

(38) Green, and Blue (RGB) color model. However, the RGB color model is influenced by illumination easily. Hence, we adopt the Hue Saturation Value (HSV) color model to the RGB one, because of its hue (color) separated from saturation (how concentrated the color is) and from brightness. The RGB color model is additive, defining a color in terms of the combination of primaries, whereas the HSV color model encapsulates the information about a color in terms that are more familiar to humans. Figure 3.3 shows the RGB and HSV color model respectively. Descending V axis in Figure 3.3 (b) gives us smaller hexcone corresponding to smaller (darker) RGB subcube in Figure 3.3 (a).. Figure 3.3 RGB color cube (left) and HSV color hexcone (right). The formula from the RGB color model to the HSV one is described below:. H. π 0 3 π 2 3 π 4 3. b max r, g, b b max r, g, b b max r, g, b. r min r, g, b r min r, g, b r min r, g, b. if g. max r, g, b. if b. max r, g, b. if r. max r, g, b. (3.1). S. max r, g, b minx r, g, b max r, g, b. (3.2). V. max r, g, b. (3.3) 28.

(39) Where H, S and V represent hue, saturation and luminescent components in HSV color model, the r, g, b represents red, green and blue component in RGB color model. To generate the PDF, an initial histogram is computed from the initial ROI of the filtered image. We create our color models by taking 1D histogram from the H (Hue) channel in HSV space. When sampling is complete, the histogram is used as a lookup table, to convert incoming video pixels to a corresponding probability of ROI image. When using real cameras with discrete pixel values, a problem can occur when using HSV space. When brightness is low (V near 0), saturation is also low (S near 0). Hue value becomes quite noisy, since in such a small hexcone, the small number of discrete hue pixels cannot adequately represent slight changes in RGB. To overcome this problem, we simply ignore hue pixels that have very low brightness values. In our system, we set minimum brightness value of target as the lower threshold of brightness value at first. Users also can adjust these two threshold values by themselves.. Figure 3.4. (a) The Original image and ROI (b) The Probability Map with Vmin = 0 (c) The Probability Map with Vmin = 108. 29.

(40) 3.2.3 Histogram Back-projection Histogram Back-projection is used to answer the question "Where are the colors that belong to the object we are looking for (the target)?" The back-projection of the target histogram with any consecutive video frame can generate a probability image where the value of each pixel characterizes probability that the input pixel belongs to the histogram that was used. Suppose we have a target image and try to locate it in a crowded image. We use the 1D Hue histogram of the target image we calculate in the last section. Given that m-bin histograms are used, we define the n image pixel locations x q. …. …. and. are the histogram value of the elements. We also define a function c:. 1 … m that associates to the pixel at location x and the histogram bin index c x . The unweighted histogram is computed as: n. δ c xi* ‐u. qu. (3.4). i 1. , where δ x is the unit impulse function. Using the formula above, we can derive the unweighted histogram, which is also the probability distribution image (PDF) q of the target. The formula of histogram normalization is as: p. min. 255 q , 255 max q. (3.5) …. 30.

(41) That is, the range of histograam bin valu ues in 0, max m q. caan be normaalized to. t interval of [0, 255] based on Eq. the E (3.5), wh here pixels with the highest probaability of b being in thee sample hisstogram willl map as viisible intenssities. Thenn the image element v value of im mage corressponding too the value of the histtogram for each colorr can be l linked up byy back-projeection.. Figgure 3.5 Histogram Bacck-projectionn Procedure. Lookingg up the noormalized histogram h table, we caan produce the back-p projected i image. The center of the t target object o withiin the crow wded imagee must be th he point w which has most m neighbbors with higgh value. So o the final task is simplle, we find the peak a after applyinng the convvolution andd that will bee the point where w the oobject lies. Figure 3.6 (a) shoows the origginal imagee and our taarget ROI iis bound by y yellow r rectangle; F Figure 3.6 (dd) shows thhe continuous trajectorry. Figure 3.6 (b)(c) are results 31.

(42) we tracked, and Figure 3.6 (e)(f) are the probability Image of (b)(c) respectively.. (a). (b). (c). (d). (e). (f). Figure 3.6 (a) Original Image and ROI. (b) A Tracked Frame #1. (c) A Tracked Frame #2. (d) The trajectory of ROI. (e) Probability Image of #1. (f) Probability Image of #2. 3.2.4 Mass of Center Calculation Image moments is a global image descriptor and have been applied the shape analysis of binary image before. The moments in one image sum over all pixels, so the moment are robust against small pixel value changes. The centroid, mean location, within the search window of the discrete probability image computed found using moments [35]. Given I(x, y) is the intensity of the discrete probability image at (x, y), the Mean Shift location can be found as follows: (1) Compute the zeroth order moment M. I x, y. (3.6) 32.

(43) (2) Find the first order moment for x and y M. x. I x, y. (3.7). M. y. I x, y. (3.8). (3) Compute the mean search window location Center of Mass. M M. ,. M M. (3.9). where Mmn denotes the mth and nth moments in x and y directions. By definition, M00 is the area of a two dimensional object. Using these Equations, we can descend the pixel data to an object position.. The target of the area in the image is reflected by the moments. The color probability distribution is discrete gray image whose maximum is 255, therefore the relation of the size of search window S and 255 is. Search window size. 2. M 256. (3.10). We also need to set the ratio of window width and length according to the interested probability distribution in search window. For our object tracking, we set the window width to S and window length to S height and width value of target selected by user.. 33. , where height and width are the.

(44) 3.3 Beat Detection and Analysis After extracting the target location by user-defined target tracking module, the next step is the beat detection and analysis module. Compared with the exactly hand sign language recognition, the detection of beat events for analyzing a musical time patterns and tempo does not have to be so accurate [39]. Compared with slight posture or hands movement in the hand sign language represents an independent and important meaning, only salient features like beat transition point of hand motion are the most important information in the conducting gesture.. (a). (c) (b) Figure 3.7 The trajectories and the approximated directions of each conducting pattern. (solid line - trajectory, dashed line - motion direction, red circle- direction change point). Figure 3.7 illustrates the representative features which are called as direction change points (red circle) of each musical time pattern. During the detection of these points (DCP), we can detect the beat event more easily. That is, we can calculate the motion of consecutive extracted target region and generates the gesture features, direction change point, which is the point of sudden motion direction changes. 34.

(45) In order to measure every DCP happened exactly, we compute an approximation of k-curvature, which is defined by the angle between the two vectors [P(i-k), P(i)] and [P(i), P(i+k)], where k is a constant and P(i)=(x(i), y(i)) is the list of trajectory points. When the angle between these two vectors is less than the threshold we defined, we can imply the change of direction point which is also a beat event in conducting gesture.. Figure 3.8 Another representative of conducting patterns. Based on another conducting style [25], the beat always occurs at locally lowest points which we called local-minimum points of trajectory. A typical 2-beat, 3-beat and 4-beat conducting pattern is shown in Figure 3.8. A beat event is defined to be a local minimum of the vertical component of target’s trajectory. We evaluate the trajectory of the target and seek a local minimum of its vertical component, y t . Thus, we obtain the current timing of beat and tempo of the playing music via these two methods.. 3.3.1 K-curvature Algorithm The k-curvature algorithm was proposed in [40] and this method was used in chain-code corner detection field widely. In this thesis, we use this method to measure 35.

(46) the angle between two consecutive motion vectors. The details of this algorithm are described as follow [41]: A point pi one the curve is defined in terms of the chain-code corner vectors vi as. p. p. v. , where p0 is the initial point on the trajectory and vj is a vector from the set {(1, 0), (1, 1), (0, 1), (-1, 1), (-1, 0), (-1, -1), (0, -1), (1, -1) }. The k-curvature θ at pi is given by θ , where V. ∑. cos wv. V ·V V and V. V ∑. wv. . We chose the weight w to be 1.. For this case, the angle is illustrated in Figure 3.9.. Figure 3.9 Angle measured by the k-curvature algorithm. More specifically, we define the object trajectory as a time sequential list P, P. x ,y , x ,y , x ,y ,… x ,y. , where t is the frame number we finished. tracking and θ is the angle we want to measure . We also defined two vectors: 36.

(47) V. x. x ,y. y. (3.11). V. x. x ,y. y. (3.12). 0°. 90°. V · V. 0. V · V. 0. θ. V · V. 0. 180°. 90°. (3.13) 90°. So we can compute the inner product of V and V , V · V , to decide the angle between these two vectors. Because we cannot get the trajectory information at future time, what we can do is to decide whether the point x. ,y. is a direction change. point or not at frame t. That means we need to allow the detecting delay k. To deuce the impact of detecting delay, we use 1 as the K factor in this thesis.. 3.3.2 Local-Minimum Algorithm Figure 3.8 also confirms the fact that a beat always directly corresponds with a downward-to-upward change in direction. While the y-axis data can be searched for a change in direction from downward-to-upward movement, the x-axis data we collected can be completely ignored. We assume the situation that the y-axis scale increases from top to bottom. So, if the y-axis waveforms are rising, subtracting the previous y position value from the current y position value produces a negative value. If the waveform is unchanging, the result is zero. If the waveform is falling, this produces a positive value. Mathematically, this can be expressed as: 37.

(48) sign t. 1 1. if y t if y t. y t y t. 1 1. 0 0. (3.14). According to the reference scale used, a maximum is characterized by a change from a negative to a positive. . Using similar idea, a minimum is characterized. by a change from a positive to a negative. . Since the beat directly corresponds. with the minima, the system only has to search for a change in. from positive. to negative. A minimum cannot be detected until the first rising point after the minima has been acquired, so a slight delay will always be present.. 38.

(49) Chapter 4. Experimental Results and Discussions. 4.1 Overviews We designed a conductor gesture tracking system to help users training their conducting gesture. This system which realizes the algorithms described in the previous chapter will track the target and detect the beat event to calculate the relative correction rates.. Figure 4.1 A snapshot of our conductor gesture tracking system 39.

(50) Figure 4.1 shows a snapshot of our conductor gesture tracking system. In our experiments, the video inputs are captured from the Logitech QuickCam webcam with the resolution of 320×240 pixels and the music files are sampled from compact discs, 10 constant-speed songs with different Beats per Minute (BPM). The BPMs of the music are from 60 to 124 beats per minute and the lengths of music are from 54s to 85s. All the software of our real-time conductor’s gesture tracking system is run on a personal computer with 1G RAM. The software includes the CodeGear C++ Builder 2007 and Windows XP Home SP2. The throughput obtained is from 5-8 frames per second. In section 4.2 and 4.3, we will explain our experimental procedure and demonstrate the results and analysis afterward. Combined with Figure 3.1 and Figure 4.1, we can figure out the relation between the processing procedure and user interface demonstration in Figure 4.2. Our system tracks a target from an image sequence and provides a robust tracking result. However, computer vision-based tracking is extremely difficult in an unconstrained environment, and many situations may affect the accuracy of tracking such as interfering with other objects with the same color in the background, variety of illuminant condition, too small tracking targets. In order to simplify tracking we assume there is no other object with the same color to interfere with the system. After choosing the tracking target, our system starts producing probability map at 40.

(51) Right-UP column of our system UI. Upon the probability map image, we also can see the centroid and rectangle region of the target we tracked via CAMSHIFT Algorithm. At the same time, we can see the trajectory of the target and DCPs at Right-Bottom column of our system UI.. Figure 4.2 Experimental Flowchart. To demonstrate the beat events in real-time, we drew the time information when beat events happened on the WAV form data of music file. We defined the correct interval is Correct_Time. RT. Correct_Time. RT, where T is the time we. detected beat events, Correct_Time which came from the ground truth (via calculation at different BPM or men-make file) is the correct time of beat event i and the RT is based on reaction time we will mention later. If the time of beat event we detected is in the correct interval we defined, we called it a correct beat detection. 41.

(52) 4.2 Experimental Results We use Precision, Recall and F-measure rate to evaluate the correctness of the experiment output. In an Information Retrieval scenario, Precision is the fraction of the documents retrieved that are relevant to the user's information need and Recall is the fraction of the documents that are relevant to the query that are successfully retrieved [8]. With similar thought, we can define Precision, Recall more specifically. Precision Rate Recall Rate. #of correct beat we detected # of beat we detected. (4.1). #of correct beat we detected # of correct beat from ground truth. (4.2). That means, Recall parameter denotes the percentage of correct detection by the detection algorithm with respect to the overall beat events and the Precision is the percentage of correct detection with respect to the overall declared beat events. Precision and Recall usually trade off against each other. As precision goes up, recall usually goes down (and vice versa). In order to take these two parameters into account, we use F-measure to combine precision and recall. F. 1. α α. precision precision. recall recall. (4.3). And F1-measure combines recall and precision with an equal weight as follows: F. 2. precision recall precision recall. (4.4). We experiment our system using the same video and audio inputs with these two 42.

(53) methods, K-Curvature and Local-Minimum algorithm, respectively. In K-Curvature algorithm, there exists a factor θ, the degree between two consecutive motion vectors, to control in K-Curvature algorithm. Therefore, we compute our experiment twice with two different factors, θ. 60° and θ. 90° , for comparison purpose.. The experiment contains two parts: Music-based and Vision-based evaluations. The ground truth for Music-Based evaluation was determined by the constant BPM of music. If BPM =80, the time interval between two consecutive beats should be 0.75s and the continuous beat point series should be { 0.00, 0.75, 1.50, 2.25, …} until the music ends. The ground truth for the Vision-based evaluation was determined by men-make file whose time interval may not be so as stable as the Music-based one. In Vision-based evaluations, we set the ground truth manual when we saw the beat events (the time point of direction change); in music-based evaluation, we conducted when we heard the beat events. Because people always need some time to react the visual or sound stimulus, it is overconstrained to limit the time point of beat event we detected must be exactly match with the ground truth. So we need to join the idea of reaction time (RT), which is usually defined as the time that an observer might be asked to press a button as soon as a light or sound appears. In the Master thesis of Lain [42], mean RT is 351±44 milliseconds to detect visual stimuli, whereas for sound it is 256±41 milliseconds. 43.

(54) Table 4.1 The overall experimental results with different methods Music-Based Evaluation. Vision-Based Evaluation. (RT=256). (RT=351). Methods. K-Curvature °. K-Curvature °. Local Minimum. Precision. Recall. F1-measure. Precision. Recall. F1-measure. 90.59. 84.43. 87.34. 89.18. 84.03. 86.46. 85.43. 92.97. 89.02. 84.69. 92.67. 88.48. 95.91. 86.98. 91.21. 93.70. 85.30. 89.29. Table 4.1 shows the overall experimental results using different methods. Figure 4.3 and Figure 4.4 show the F1-measures in two different evaluations. In Music-based evaluation, the lowest F1-measure is 78.29% and highest F1-measure is 96.31%. The lowest and highest F1-measure is 77.26% and 94.81% in Vision-based evaluation. We further analyze the vision-based evaluation more specifically: Compared with the F1-measure rate in θ. 60° and θ. 90° is higher than the F1-measure at θ. 90° , we find that the F1-measure at θ 60° . When θ. 60° , the range that precision. rate decreased is higher than the range that the recall rate increased. Also, there is no significant impact between the BPM (the music speed) and F1-measure and we can handle the music whose BPM is between 60 and 120 without any further support. Moreover, the Reaction Time (RT) can be adjusted dynamically based on the reacting ability of user. If we set RT more widely, it can help to raise the recall and precision rate efficiently, but it may decrease the accuracy of the system. 44.

(55) The following Table 4.2, Table 4.3 and Table 4.4 show the precision rates, recall rates and F1-measure in every test sequence respectively. °. Table 4.2 The precision, recall rates and F1-measures using K-Curvature (. Sequence No.. ). Music-Based Evaluation. Vision-Based Evaluation. (RT=256). (RT=351). BPM Precision. Recall. F1-measure. Precision. Recall. F1-measure. 1. 60. 89.91. 97.01. 93.33. 86.37. 93.94. 90.00. 2. 65. 81.69. 87.81. 84.64. 79.32. 84.86. 82.00. 3. 68. 89.14. 96.30. 92.58. 77.38. 85.00. 81.05. 4. 79. 75.21. 82.40. 78.64. 77.60. 86.14. 81.65. 5. 88. 90.29. 92.89. 91.57. 87.12. 89.51. 88.30. 6. 93. 87.17. 94.84. 90.84. 87.17. 95.99. 91.37. 7. 100. 84.07. 93.66. 88.60. 88.00. 97.20. 92.37. 8. 103. 86.66. 98.39. 92.16. 86.29. 98.16. 91.84. 9. 120. 83.28. 88.79. 85.95. 89.81. 97.02. 93.28. 10. 124. 86.82. 97.64. 91.92. 87.80. 98.83. 92.99 °. Table 4.3 The precision, recall rates and F1-measures using K-Curvature (. Sequence No.. ). Music-Based Evaluation. Vision-Based Evaluation. (RT=256). (RT=351). BPM Precision. Recall. F1-measure. Precision. Recall. F1-measure. 1. 60. 94.73. 87.06. 90.74. 89.54. 83.33. 86.33. 2. 65. 93.32. 91.76. 92.53. 82.44. 81.31. 81.87. 3. 68. 90.48. 88.89. 89.68. 78.45. 78.33. 78.39. 4. 79. 78.31. 78.28. 78.29. 82.74. 83.52. 83.13. 5. 88. 94.12. 84.27. 88.92. 91.02. 81.27. 85.87. 6. 93. 84.17. 79.76. 81.91. 89.36. 85.14. 87.20. 7. 100. 86.25. 85.45. 85.85. 91.68. 90.19. 90.93. 8. 103. 97.80. 87.59. 92.41. 90.62. 87.13. 88.84. 9. 120. 94.24. 82.18. 87.80. 98.65. 86.86. 92.38. 10. 124. 92.48. 79.06. 85.24. 97.27. 83.22. 89.70. 45.

(56) Table 4.4 The precision, recall rates and F1-measures using Local-Minimum. Sequence No.. Music-Based Evaluation. Vision-Based Evaluation. (RT=256). (RT=351). BPM Precision. Recall. F1-measure. Precision. Recall. F1-measure. 1. 60. 99.40. 86.57. 92.54. 92.17. 81.31. 86.40. 2. 65. 99.62. 89.61. 94.35. 87.03. 78.44. 82.51. 3. 68. 97.79. 90.94. 94.24. 79.67. 75.00. 77.26. 4. 79. 85.51. 79.40. 82.34. 88.70. 82.40. 85.43. 5. 88. 100.00. 92.89. 96.31. 94.69. 88.02. 91.23. 6. 93. 91.12. 82.54. 86.62. 98.26. 89.56. 93.71. 7. 100. 92.86. 86.86. 89.76. 98.25. 91.60. 94.81. 8. 103. 99.24. 89.89. 94.33. 98.50. 89.20. 93.62. 9. 120. 95.88. 84.07. 89.59. 100.00. 88.64. 93.98. 10. 124. 97.68. 87.02. 92.05. 99.68. 88.84. 93.95. Figure 4.3 and Figure 4.4 shows the Vision-based evaluation results in chart forms. We will discuss the reasons of failed detection in vision-based evaluation in the next section.. Vision‐Based Evaluation (RT=351) K‐Curvature (θ=90°). K‐Curvature (θ=60°). 100.00 . F‐measure (%). 95.00  90.00 . 91.37 . 90.00  88.30  86.33 . 85.87  81.87 . 85.00 . 82.00 . 80.00 . 87.20 . 92.37  91.84  90.93  88.84 . 93.28  92.38  92.99  89.70 . 83.13  81.65 . 81.01  78.39 . 75.00  70.00  60 . 65 . 68 . 79  88  93  100  BPM of music (beats per minute). 103 . 120 . 124 . Figure 4.3 F-measure results of Vision-Based Evaluation using K-curvature algorithm 46.

(57) Vision‐Based Evaluation (RT=351) Local Minimum 100.00  93.71 . 95.00 . 94.81 . 93.98  93.62 . 93.95 . F‐measure (%). 91.23 . 90.00 . 86.40  85.43 . 85.00 . 82.51 . 80.00 . 77.26 . 75.00  70.00  60 . 65 . 68 . 79  88  93  100  BPM of music (beats per minute). 103 . 120 . 124 . Figure 4.4 F-measure results of Vision-Based Evaluation using local-minimum algorithm. 4.3 Analysis of the Experimental Results In this section, we classified our beat detection errors into two categories based on Vision-based evaluation. They are known as false positives and false negatives. (1) False Positive Error: A false positive is the error which normally means that a test claims something to be positive, when that is not the case. In our experiment, our beat detection with a positive result (indicating that here is a beat event) has produced a false positive in the case where there is no beat event. We separate the errors into two situations: detected the beat events when there was no beat event and detected the beat events when the correct beat event was already detected. (2) False Negative Error: A false negative is the error of failing to observe when in truth there is one. In our case, our beat detection without a positive result has 47.

(58) produced a false negative where there is a beat event at that moment. Table 4.5 The False Positive and False Negative Error Rates False Positive. Type of Error Method. False Negative. Non-beat but detected. duplicate detected. beats but not detected. 4.72%. 6.10%. 15.97%. 5.37%. 9.93%. 7.34%. 4.79%. 1.51%. 14.70%. K-Curvature °. K-Curvature °. Local Minimum. When the false positive errors occurred, we need to separate the errors into two kinds of situations: detected the beat events when there was no beat event and detected the beat events when the correct beat event was already detected. We detected non-beat events falsely due to the trajectory of user including some non-beat change of direction. The duplicate detection always occurred due to the tracking lost when the target left the scene or the vibration of the target. This kind of situation might be solved by the design of dynamic beats filter to eliminate those successive wrong beats while the time interval between two consecutive beats is too close. The false negative errors always occurred if θ. 60° (in K-Curvature algorithm). or in Local-Minimum algorithm. It is due to the frame lost because of the performance of the program. If we can increase the maximum frame rates we processed, this kind of mistake might be solved.. 48.

(59) Chapter 5. Conclusion and Future Work. 5.1 Conclusion In this thesis, we have presented an efficient real-time target tracking system for conductor gesture tracking based on CAMSHIFT algorithm. Also, in order to extract beat events of trajectory of the trajectory of the target, we used K-Curvature algorithm and Local-Minimum algorithm to interpret different kinds of conductor gesture. The major part of our framework is based on CAMSHIFT algorithm which is a very simple, computationally efficient colored object tracker. It is usable as a visual interface and it can be incorporated into our system that provides the conductor gesture tracking. The CAMSHIFT algorithm handles computer-vision problems as follows: z. Irregular object motion: CAMSHIFT scales its search window to object size thus naturally handling perspective–included motion irregularities, so it is suitable for our purpose to detect the change of direction.. z. Distracters: CAMSHIFT ignores objects outside its search window so other objects do not affect CAMSHIFT’s tracking. 49.

(60) z. Lighting Variation: Using only hue from the HSV color space and ignoring pixels with high/low brightness gives CAMSHIFT wide lightness tolerance. In other words, we design an HCI system for interpreting a conductor’s gestures. and translating theses gestures into musical beats that can be explained as the major part of the music. This system does not require the use of active sensing, special baton, or other constraints on the physical motion of the conductor. Thus, this framework can also be used for human analysis and many other applications such as interactive virtual worlds that allow user to interact with computer systems.. 5.2 Future Work Since CAMSHIFT relies on color distribution alone, errors in color (color lighting, dim illumination, too much illumination…etc) will cause errors in tracking procedure. More sophisticated trackers use multiple modes such as feature tracking and motion analysis to compensate for this, but more complexity would undermine the original design criterion for CAMSHIFT. Other possible improvements include: z. Improve tempo following: the current system cannot react to some complex and subtle movement of professional conductor, not only for the direction change. We can replace our beat detection and analysis module with some more sophisticated gesture recognition algorithms, so that we can adjust our module according to the different level of users conducting skill. 50.

(61) z. Include time stretching algorithm: time stretching algorithm is the process of changing the speed or duration of an audio signal without affecting its pitch. While our system can adjust the music playback speed according to the beat event, it can help users to understand the conducting speed he/she performed.. z. New application area: we can use our framework to several different areas in interface with vision and some other multimedia. We not also can estimate the accuracy of beat events for conducting gesture, but also the movement of the dancer. Based on the previous future work, we can design another system for a dancer whose routine is no longer constrained by the tempo of a recording and the music would spontaneously react to his/her movements. In conclusion, since the system we proposed is a framework which combines the. video and audio processing areas, the applications of this technology can help us to examine unexplored area in interfaces with music and other multimedia. We can build an “interactive karaoke” system where a user could sing a song along to a recording, but have the recording adjusting to the user’s tempo. Some other applications can be implemented following these rules, including conductor training, live performance and music synthesis control, and so forth. We hope that the flexible and interchangeable modules would make the further researches easier in the future.. 51.



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