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On the profile of the corona of two graphs


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On the profile of the corona of two graphs

Yung-Ling Lai


, Gerard J. Chang


aGraduate Institute of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Chia-Yi University, Chiayi, Taiwan bDepartment of Mathematics, National Taiwan University, Taipei 106, Taiwan

Received 3 November 2003; received in revised form 10 December 2003 Communicated by S. Albers


The concept of profile, together with bandwidth, originates from handling sparse matrices in solving linear systems of equations. Given a graph G, the profile minimization problem is to find a one-to-one mapping f : V (G)→ {1, 2, . . . , |V (G)|} such thatv∈V (G)maxx∈N[v](f (v)− f (x)) is as small as possible, where N[v] = {v} ∪ {x: x is adjacent to v}. This paper

studies the profile of the corona G∧ H of two graphs G and H . In particular, bounds for the profile of the corona of two graphs are established. Also, exact values of the profiles of coronas G∧ H are obtained when G has certain properties, including when G is a caterpillar, a complete graph or a cycle.

2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Profile; Corona; Numbering; Interval graph; Caterpillar; Complete graph; Cycle

1. Introduction

The concept of profile, together with bandwidth, originates from handling sparse matrices in solving linear systems of equations, see [2,8,11,12,17] and their references. This problem can be re-formulated as the following problem in graphs.

A numbering (or labeling or layout) of a graph G is a one-to-one mapping f from V (G) onto{1, 2, . . .,

|V (G)|}. For a numbering f , the profile-width of a

vertex v is defined as

wf(v)= max x∈N[v]

f (v)− f (x),

* Corresponding author. Supported in part by the National

Science Council under grant NSC92-2115-M002-015. E-mail addresses: yllai@mail.ncyu.edu.tw (Y.-L. Lai), gjchang@math.ntu.edu.tw (G.J. Chang).

where N[v] = {x ∈ V (G): x = v or xv ∈ E(G)} is the

closed neighborhood of v. The profile of a numbering f of G is


 v∈V (G)


and the profile (or skyline) of G is

P (G)= minPf(G): f is a numbering of G


A numbering f is called a profile numbering of G if

Pf(G)= P (G).

The profile minimization problem has many equiv-alent definitions, such as interval graph completion [1,20] and graph searching [5]. In this paper, we are more concerned about the interval graph completion. A graph G= (V, E) is an interval graph if we can as-sociate each vertex v with a (closed) interval Ivin the

real line such that two different vertices x and y are

0020-0190/$ – see front matter 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.ipl.2003.12.004


adjacent if and only if Ix∩ Iy= ∅. The interval graph

completion problem is for a graph G finding a super-graph of G (which is a super-graph Gwith V (G)= V (G)

and E(G)⊆ E(G)) of minimum size that is an

inter-val graph.

Proposition 1 [1,20]. For any graph G the profile of G

is equal to the smallest number of edges in an interval supergraph of G.

The interval graph completion problem is known to be NP-complete even for edge graphs (see [7]). On the other hand, there are linear-time algorithms for cographs [5,14] and an O(n1.722)-time algorithm for

trees of n vertices [14,15]. Because of its important applications, quite a few approximation algorithms have also been developed, see [13,23,28–30]. We say that the profile minimization problem is solved for a class of graphs if either a polynomial-time numbering algorithm which achieves the profile for each graph in the class is provided or a formula of the exact value is given for each graph in the class. The profile minimization problem is solved only for a few classes of graphs (most are graphs obtained from two graphs applying some graph operations), see [9,16–18,20,21,24]. Lai and Williams [19] provide a survey of recent works. The current paper is to study the profile of the corona of two graphs, which was introduced in [6].

Definition. Given graphs G and H with n and m

ver-tices, respectively, the corona of G with respect to

H is the graph G∧ H with vertex set V (G ∧ H )

= V (G) ∪ {n distinct copies of V (H ) denoted V (H1),

V (H2), . . . , V (Hn)} and edge set E(G∧H ) = E(G)∪

{n distinct copies of E(H ) denoted E(H1), E(H2),

. . . , E(Hn)} ∪ {(ui, v): ui∈ V (G), v ∈ V (Hi)}.

Fig. 1 shows P3∧ P4.

Graph parameters such as bandwidth, edgesum, and domination number have been studied on coro-nas of graphs, see [3,4,10,27,31]. Also, the incidence

Fig. 1. P3∧ P4.

coloring of corona graphs has been studied by several researchers, see [22,25,26]. In this paper we establish bounds for the profile of the corona of two graphs. Ex-act values of the profiles of coronas G∧ H are deter-mined when G has certain properties, including when

G is a caterpillar, a complete graph or a cycle.

2. Bounds for general graphs

In this section we establish bounds for the profile of the corona of two general graphs. For convenience, we introduce the following terminology.

An interval-labeling of a graph G (which is not necessary an interval graph) is a mapping f on

V (G) that maps each vertex v to a (closed) interval

f (v) such that xy∈ E(G) implies f (x) ∩ f (y) = ∅.

Let If(G) denote the number of unordered pairs {f (x), f (y)} with x = y for which f (x) ∩ f (y) = ∅;

and I (G) denoted the minimum value of If(G),

where f is taken over all interval-labellings of G. An interval-labeling f is called I -optimal if If(G)=

I (G). According to Proposition 1, P (G)= I (G) for

any graph G. We will use P (G) and I (G) inter-changeably.

In the above definition, we may assume that f is

canonical (i.e., the 2|V (G)| endpoints of the intervals f (v) are all distinct) as this does not affect the value

of I (G). In particular, each interval f (v) is non-trivial (i.e., has a positive length) and the intersection of any two intersecting intervals f (x) and f (y) is also non-trivial. We assume that all interval-labellings are

canonical throughout this paper.

Suppose f is an interval-labeling of a graph G. For any vertex v, denoted by Mf(v) the minimum number

of intervals f (x) intersecting a non-trivial interval Jv

with Jv∩ f (v) = ∅, where x is taken over all vertices

in G and Jv is taken over all possible intervals with

Jv∩ f (v) = ∅. Notice that Mf(v) is a finite number

even if there are infinitely many possible Jv as there

are only finitely many f (x). Denote by Mf(G) the

sum v∈VMf(v), and M(G)= min{Mf(G): f is

an interval-labeling of G}. An interval-labeling f is called M-optimal if Mf(G)= M(G).

In the above definition, we may assume that Jvis a

non-trivial subinterval of f (v) and all Jvs are pairwise

disjoint, as this does not affect the value of M(G). We are now ready to establish a lower bound for the profile P (G∧ H ) in terms of P (G), P (H )


and M(G). We assume that V (G)= {u1, u2, . . . , un}

and the copy of H corresponding to ui is Hi with

vertex set V (Hi)= {vi1, vi2, . . . , vim} for 1  i  n.

Lemma 2. If G and H are two graphs of orders n and

m, respectively, then P (G∧ H )

= minIg(G)+ nP (H ) + Mg(G)m:

g is an interval-labeling of G. (1)

Proof. Suppose fis an I -optimal interval-labeling of G∧ H . Let gbe the restriction of fon V (G) and

hi the restriction of fon V (Hi) for 1 i  n. Then

P (G∧ H ) = If(G∧ H )  Ig(G)+ n  i=1 Ih i(Hi)+ m  j=1 n  i=1 bij,

where bij is the number of intervals g(uk)s that

intersect the interval hi(vij). Notice that the inequality

may possibly be strict if f(vij) intersects f(vij)

for some i= i. As hi(vij)∩ g(ui)= ∅, we may

choose hi(vij) as Jui in the definition of Mg to get

bij Mg(ui). Then P (G∧ H )  Ig(G)+ n  i=1 P (Hi)+ m  j=1 n  i=1 Mg(ui)

 right-hand side of Eq. (1).

On the other hand, suppose g∗ is an interval-labeling of G that attains the minimum in the right-hand side of Eq. (1). For each ui in V (G) there is

an interval Jui with Jui ∩ g(ui)= ∅ that intersects

Mg(ui) intervals g(uk)s. Without loss of generality,

we may assume that each Jui is a non-trivial

subin-terval of g(ui) and all Juis are pairwise disjoint. For

each i we may choose an I -optimal interval-labeling

hi of Hi such that each hi(vij) is a subinterval of Jui.

Define the mapping fon V (G∧ H ) by


g(x), if x∈ V (G);

hi(x), if x∈ V (Hi).

It is clear that fis an interval-labeling of G∧ H with

P (G∧ H )  If(G∧ H ) = Ig(G)+ n  i=1 Ihi(Hi)+ m  j=1 n  i=1 bij,

where bij is the number of intervals g(uk)s that

intersects the interval hi(vij). Then bij Mg(ui) and

so P (G∧ H )  Ig(G)+ n  i=1 P (Hi)+ m  j=1 n  i=1 Mg(ui) = Ig(G)+ nP (H ) + Mg(G)m.

Both inequalities prove the theorem. ✷

Consequently, we have the following lower bound for the profile of the corona of two graphs.

Theorem 3. If G and H are two graphs of orders n

and m, respectively, then

P (G∧ H )  P (G) + nP (H ) + M(G)m.

Proof. The theorem follows from Lemma 2 and the

fact that Ig(G) P (G) and Mg(G) M(G) for any

interval-labeling g of G.

The minimization in Eq. (1) depends not only on

G but also on the value m. It is also the case that

the minimization is attained for the “mixed” value of both Ig and Mg, rather than individual Ig and Mg.

However, if there is a g∗ that attains the minimum individually for Igand Mgat the same time, then the

lower bound in Theorem 3 is in fact the exact value.

Theorem 4. If G has an interval-labeling gthat is both I -optimal and M-optimal, then

P (G∧ H ) = P (G) + nP (H ) + M(G)m.

Proof. The theorem follows from Lemma 2 and the

fact that g∗attains the minimum of the right-hand side of Eq. (1). ✷

Next, we establish an upper bound for the profile of the corona of two graphs in terms of their profiles.

Theorem 5. If G and H are two graphs of orders n

and m, respectively, then


Proof. Let g be a profile numbering of G and h be

a profile numbering of H . Define a numbering f of

G∧ H as follows: f (x)=    (m+ 1)g(x), if x ∈ V (G); (m+ 1)(g(y) − 1) + h(x), if x∈ V (H ) and (x, y) ∈ E(G ∧ H ). Then P (G∧ H )  Pf(G∧ H )  (m + 1)P (G) + nP (H )+ nm. ✷

The upper bound in Theorem 5 is tight as illustrated by En ∧ H , where En is the complement of the

complete graph Kn. Note that En∧ H is n separate

copies of K1∧H whose profile P (K1∧H ) = P (H )+

m, and then P (En∧ H ) = n(P (H ) + m) = (m +

1)P (En)+ nP (H ) + nm.

3. Exact values

This section establishes exact values of the profiles of coronas G∧ H by means of Theorem 4. These include when G is a caterpillar, a complete graph or a cycle, for which the values of P (G) and M(G) are also determined.

We first consider the case when G is a caterpillar. A caterpillar is a tree from whom the removing of all leaves results a path (possibly empty). More precisely, suppose n= r +1<i<rsi, where r  2

and each si  0. A caterpillar with the parameters

(n; r; s2, s3, . . . , sr−1) is the tree T with

vertex set V (T )= {x1, x2, . . . , xr}


{yi1, yi2, . . . , yisi}


edge set E(T)= {x1x2, x2x3, . . . , xr−1xr}


{xiyi1, xiyi2, . . . , xiyisi}.

Theorem 6. If T is a caterpillar with parameters

(n; r; s2, s3, . . . , sr−1) and H is a graph of m vertices,

then P (T )= n − 1 and M(T) = 2n − r and

P (T ∧ H ) = P (T ) + nP (H ) + M(T)m

= n − 1 + nP (H ) + (2n − r)m.

Proof. First, it is clear that P (T ) |E(T)| = n − 1.

Next, suppose g is an M-optimal interval-labeling of T . Suppose u is the vertex for which g(u) has the smallest left endpoint, and v is the vertex other than u for which g(v) has the largest right endpoint. Let Q be the u–v path in T , and assume it has q vertices. Then, w∈V (Q)g(w) is an interval in the real line that

includes g(z) for any vertex z∈ V (T ). Consequently,

Mg(w) 1 for each w ∈ V (Q) and Mg(z) 2 for

each z∈ V (T ) − V (Q). As q  r, we have M(T) 

q+ 2(n − q) = 2n − q  2n − r.

On the other hand, define an interval-labeling g∗by

g(z)=      [4i, 4i + 5], if z = xi, 1 i  r;  4i+ 2 +2(s2j i+1), 4i+ 2 + 2j+1 2(si+1)  , if z= yij, 1 < i < r, 1 j  si.

It is clear that gis an interval-labeling of T with

Ig(T)= n − 1 and Mg(T)= 2n − r. Consequently,

gis both I -optimal and M-optimal, and P (T )=

n− 1 and M(T) = 2n − r. The theorem then follows

from Theorem 4. ✷

We next consider the case when G is the complete graph Kn.

Theorem 7. If Kn is a complete graph of n vertices

and H is a graph of m vertices, then P (Kn)=

n(n− 1)/2 and M(Kn)= (n + 1)2/4 and

P (Kn∧ H ) = P (Kn)+ nP (H ) + M(Kn)m = n(n − 1)/2 + nP (H )

+(n+ 1)2/4m.

Proof. First, it is clear that P (Kn) |E(Kn)| =

n(n− 1)/2.

Next, suppose g is an M-optimal interval-labeling of Kn. We recursively define u1, u2, . . . , un/2 and

v1, v2, . . . , vn/2 as follows. Having defined uj and

vj for all j < i, let ui be the vertex (other than the

above vertices) for which g(ui) has the smallest left

endpoint, and vi is the vertex (other than the above

vertices and ui) for which g(vi) has the largest right

endpoint. Repeat this process until all vertices of Kn

are scanned. It is the clear that for each 1 i 

n/2 we have that g(ui)∪ g(vi) is an interval in the

real line that includes g(uj) and g(vj) for all j i.


Mg(vi) i for 1  i  n/2. Then Mg(Kn) 1 +

2+ · · · + n/2 + 1 + 2 + · · · + n/2 = (n + 1)2/4.

On the other hand, suppose V (Kn)= {x1, x2,

. . . , xn}. Define gby g(xi)= [i, i +n] for 1  i  n.

It is clear that gis an interval-labeling of Kn with

Ig(Kn)= n(n − 1)/2 and Mg(Kn)= (n + 1)2/4.

Consequently, gis both I -optimal and M-optimal, and P (Kn)= n(n − 1)/2 and M(Kn)= (n + 1)2/4.

The theorem then follows from Theorem 4. ✷ Finally, we consider the case when G is the cycle Cn.

Theorem 8. If Cn is a cycle of n vertices and H

is a graph of m vertices, then P (Cn)= 2n − 3 and

M(Cn)= 2n − 2 and

P (Cn∧ H ) = P (Cn)+ nP (H ) + M(Cn)m = 2n − 3 + nP (H ) + (2n − 2)m.

Proof. We first prove that P (Cn) 2n − 3 by

induc-tion on n. The case of n= 3 is clear as P (C3) |E(C3)| = 3. Suppose P (Cn) 2n − 3 for n  3.

Choose an I -optimal interval-labeling g of Cn+1. Let

x be the vertex whose g(x) has a smallest right

end-point. Then its two neighbors y and z both contain this right endpoint. Consequence g(y)∩ g(z) = ∅. Hence the restriction gof g on V (Cn+1)− {x} is an

interval-labeling of Cn. Then P (Cn+1)= Ig(Cn+1)

2+ Ig(Cn) 2 + P (Cn) 2 + 2n− 3 = 2(n+ 1) − 3.

Therefore, P (Cn) 2n − 3 for all n  3.

Next, suppose g is an M-optimal interval-labeling of Cn. Let u be the vertex for which g(u) has the

smallest left endpoint, and v be the vertex other than u for which g(v) has the largest right endpoint. Then Cn

is the union of two internally vertex-disjoint u–v paths

Q1and Q2. It is the case that g(x)

y∈V (Q3−i)g(y)

for each vertex x∈ V (Qi), i= 1, 2. Consequently,

Mg(x) 2 for all vertices in Cn except Mg(u) 1

and Mg(v) 1. Then Mg(Cn) 2(n − 2) + 1 + 1 =

2n− 2.

On the other hand, suppose V (Cn)= {x1, x2,

. . . , xn}. Define gby g(xi)= [2i, 2i + 3] for 1 

i n − 1 and g(xn)= [3, 2n + 2]. It is clear that g

is an interval-labeling of Cn with Ig(Cn)= 2n − 3

and Mg(Cn)= 2n − 2. Consequently, g∗ is both

I -optimal and M-optimal, and P (Cn)= 2n − 3 and

M(Cn)= 2n − 2. The theorem then follows from

Theorem 4. ✷


The authors thank the referees for many construc-tive suggestions.


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