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Academic year: 2021

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Ethical Concerns for Elderly With

Dementia in Long-Term Care

C. J. Hsieh W. Y. Chang

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cde+ÂPÇý“¬Q+†‡ÌÊRSp ± J % T E « + U t . ± à  P Ç ý V W † ‡ 4cognition5¡sp4behavior5[XYZ[4mental status5\ˆ‰+S$JP]›^_+ÇÈà`+ ab.eZic¸+>dJÎo†p%e¾fÎ+ #$ývJ‚Îog<.•^_th+EiJi 4 €5:jkk9ýlÛ+†‡mnJ]›çùoÎ žpqr>sVom¼]aX.cdeKt†‡Ì Ê+Š‹uJt•Î•v-Àw+x†‡ÌÊ+e Z4noncognitive symptoms5Jbyz¡{|¡} ~¡•€•.yzn²“o‚{zƒÎbJP΄ Hv-sp”+äå[ST+U-J…m¼iS© ”Ú×܆ÏJ‡h%t•{E순ƒÎb+‰ ¥.•t•9ýcŠJ‹Jp:WXŒ•>J²ë ì S T ” Ù Û Ü Ú a † Ï t 4 Keating & Scarfe, 19985. i‰êcde•Ä>JŽ•%Ò+TöJ•? Vb½ï•Œ‘…’H“RK”cdt••–—˜ ™šìp:>+äåJ•…VOê›`at•+œ •Ö¡ž:ºŸ¡ ¡¡®o¢£+ÖWJÀ“ Haddad419995¤,“ƒ•+H“pšì‰²•p ¥ß.¦uJ¥nGØYGcde+t•)Χ• ¨©”+U-J˜iª¸+cde•ÄÚ‘ÊV« ¬©rØ-J+®¯J¦>S©Ä°b½ï±•’ !²+%³´©µ•—%’¿ÒuË+ˆ›@a´ ©•—%º%Ò•¶¦JNù+,-²V·ý9R 4Norberg & Athlin,19895.bî0౉²Jt• •C,â¸ÒÓ%¹E©J•icdet•²¥] ›É)®]›à±JŽ%•aº+É)J…»ýº

2ù+¼½J‡êS©Ä‚¾J¿%O߆Ï+À ÁJ¥ÂÏítÑÃÄ%êt••,+—%VíÅ ÒÓ. Tolson, Smith Ø Knight419995²89c de#!VA¿ÒeÆ#!ià±*”ÇWX±È —ÉÈ”+Å . Hillan41993589iTùCm—·¸S©p ±+ëœnJÊËC%ê{Ì+¦eST”+, -JÍ•ÎtÏ+ÐÑ%Ò•Ó+JÔÁC+…’ ê#:+{Ìh%ŠÕ+JST+p:~•Ö%î 0|}M+ÎׂŸØJ‚••7´I!+fg. Œëœ‘ÊÙ;#Ú¡Ÿ&+7´J‚Û¸ÜÉ× ²Jb¦¿„H{ÌØÝÞ—ß¼à•ÏáâfÎ +\ãJäL„Håæ+ývlž.À“JSTÄ b½i‡çÏ+èéêëÜÚìB%QRÀÃíË +ˆî.


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¸[.=.‡è,a4informed consent5±Ã+Ì ’i;6TØDEI!+à±J>‘“…?@!A ®|}õÜÚaBCJ…•\+?@!AÚ•6 mJ…t!Ø?@!ACàÚaDþJh…ƒV¬ EêëìØúûÚa¢F.•¥cd#!¿à±Ê ËÍcJ¿âãØs:Î%GHTù!ARÿ1¿ Iâ¸Jb¦%¹JKt•à±+C,4Hillan, 19935J¦U-%LÜMN+. !privacy" Êˉ²%†pI!•C⸺,hG+N z¡èÖ—I!:;6Oº7Ò!‡÷JiëìP hQVWR=S+kš¡tTÅU¡tèVW•J KxÙ;@°”+fÃJ‘;xk¢«+ëìXY Z » J ¹ ² I p ë ì ! A B ê t • + Ê Ë 6 O 4Waymack, 19985.ÊËC+%&;#!ST+è é%¨ÁoYZ+J[\%êcde•Ä]¿Y ÃJ¥¦JqD^t•+_Ouh%5YIJ+Ç ý.¦uJ·¸ST>hV#têH“+Œ•Øê P`ab+c¸J“®>‘“ÔÁdRHpÒ,e +f§+â¸4Johson, 19995.Œ¦‰²%¼•º !J+g²J•ê#!+ST‚¾¿%±Ã+‰ ². !beneficence" ph‰²±(ptÒ!+,)Jij-çJ¦ ‰²ê#!¡mk¡?@¯°Ä=lmn¡ho— ê¿•,+øsJ“`Et•+pq®r•êt• +Å J•Ž†pê:·Ä%-+ÙsÒíïJt …%ÒÓºuºa—/+Ò•qvoW‡J¦ï› lÛ›Jwt5Y!+౉². Haddad419995 +_ph‰²ØxÅ ‰²Jx‘Ê;²In=l t•ƒ¬+-çJØx‘ʺíÅ ÒÓJÀ“@ AH“+çyx‘Êr••-J[\%êcde• Ä‚¾ÚÁÃzC[r•J“…¿p:ºVWXŒ •J˜‘áâ¿564Castle, Fogel, & Mor, 19975.

!non-maleficence" ºÅ ‰²%˜™êt•+ž4Ÿ&„HÅ J p h ‰ ² Ø º Å ‰ ² ) Î % , > ö i + 4Day et al., 19955Jb÷#!ºz{¯TùCmJ• Ù;ðñ¿S©”+fg‚¨Á{¯Jb¦‘ÊV ¥ëì$çybH“J‚„H#!õÜÚaüýØ {|./0y3XYëøV4American Psychiatric Association, APA589ßI}t?lžÅ!¡à Å—~•è€‚¿Òˆ›]•>J‘’6TH“ çyRK”4Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organiza-tions, 19965.PH“¨Á%p t6Tt•®¿Ò!AŸ&J˜%šì*¡¨Á> s…’J‚xV‚t•C²!.,>J/0XY$ ž›isƒ²„…†‡lÛˆŠt•¡ˆ“¿‰J —Š‹¿s:àHJBHë"†p•¿¨Ã>Js ÊÕiJúB;tTŒl¿ˆ«¡ùH®•Ž>à 4FGMN•$žçJ 19935.•t%b¦J¥cd e#!ºÇ•‘›É)JbÿºoÅ JS©Ä Ø¿ß!%•ëì’Höi+Jî0ph¡ºÅ ‰²Js%“Y+cde#!STD”. !justices" #Ú‰²@A#÷[f•J‘–—ÈؘÈ+ ™‰RZ»J—Èš8º»I!¡¾›¡|}n+ #!—žt+›œ‚¾J˜È²%8•[¸ý§› œ+#!Jf“#Ú2ù+çq[GRêžJ/0 Ÿ® 420005+È¡JÃÈ#fJƒV¨Á¢Ë £¤¥¾±¡ÉÈ+º#ÚJ¦iq‰k§yuN 7J]¿êý§›œbcde#!Ú%Ã*‰ç ›Jëì=lÄB+_#Ú¡#f+ˆ«S©Ò Ó.iëìèénJSTÄΉÂXÃb½Èq# Úu+écJBbicde#!S©PhJ•Œ+ !Ë[>àêJb½#Ú+þ¨S©>àJ¿‰² p½•‡™‰À7•+%q?@+÷ø©þuJ% LÜáÓa“ªNJ˜S©Ä…‘lýJ«ŽÊ+ _7•t•+ÖWJ¬Ä²•ÇHÌÈHÀÃ^H +D”J˜ÊÔf+#Ú2ù4Day et al., 19955. !fidelity" -Õ%ê!+59•°J[^D•°+ÇýJ %![!CàÉ)ƒ•®+ÃgJbº“-OžJ ²]›O¯Dþ4Johson, 19995.;ëìabM+ À•!VW?@¡°?@¡S©Ä¡m¼¡ÝÞ


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Waymack41998589ßIJ•†‡ÊËŠ‹ >J²mk)ÎÚÛ_YÃ+âã¿ÀJ…%mk ÜXèÜÝâ+Ë´J‡ØÞ*ëìST%•Â¬ Ï Ð + . Rhymes, McCullough, Luchi, Teasdale Ø Wilson420005=9¥m¼žpÙéØt•pƒO ßJ%ƒ‘ßâãÇù!.á3Ì›„$…†‡× ¸t•Ž¥WÅ—žt‚Á¢àá¡a⺕—X Yã|JºÊs…à±C>J•\¿ëìBH„\ Äbt!+¨ä¡›¸Çù!¡åT!—›¸æˆ •°abM+çßÇRès.ëT!Ap¦ét• isëìçù>JBvëÜ”'„\Ä+,aJs ‘isJ•ÞêKu.¥¦Jßt•Øm¼+¸ž º,—•ëì>JÙfEsÿAJ[\%ß•m¼ í¼F[cde•ÄS©+âã>J@Aîv7• t•+ï-%ƒYÃ+.•¦â¸B%ºWm¼º zð¾ñ—ºzðòóS©t•J‚•Àôõ+. i·¸ST”JTù!AÚÛ_¼YÃ+¿ÀJº •‘³%qt•Ç¾!uJ…%t•C,+6T ÄJPTù!AêI}•öþW‡+÷©J¦÷© VW÷t!ioW‡+PhnJTù!A•÷©í ø¸I}•ÊËís…,aCŸ—%it!I⸠+PhnJÊ9ØKùú—(•+ôõ¥û.b¦ sÊø6I}oW‡+C,®ÝâI}à±+⸠4Annette & Lueckenotte, 19965.•iÒ•spÊË +t•JitlE•spÊË>jKšüýÄJ— Ò•Kšüý+!“®žjÙQþ•spÊË+ !J²ùßHm¼ïÇù!Jÿt•ƒó,)+” gJÇpIâ¸.eƆpm¼BÊ!"t!+ƒ ó,)J••>hº#Î.PTù!Alým¼. =•ºß—•$’+%v>JB±:&'Ñâ( ›J“6Tt•+ƒó,).


3;TùÿV; 1953 :“°#)Tù!AN ù×aJ*P-°+Û[ø†J; 2000 :=9ƒ Å+,+J-)89Tù!A•æ.Ù+©þ÷D Eïð¡K”Ut¡/‚ïð[r0Ö1.êTù !A‚¾J‡%&'e¢*+fgŸ…%TùC+ 2.TùS©êv%ºV¥:L¡3À¡D&¡) $¡cÊ—Ut¡*\¡34¡N5¡¾›—ƒV ›§‚•Àº,+4International Council of Nurses, 20015. 6‘+žrë쪫J%“žršì+ˆ«R çyUtJ?!ZpH]³ƒ7¡89¡:;82 ‚H+IJJÒÓ±¦<¯I’RÈXžr+JM ÚìJ;¦ª«Œh@AƒVØFù¥ûJ•±Ã Q%?];‰J+™‰JŽTù+Ù=p¦J²Á îÎ×Tù¡”g$+p:rh؉JTùp± >J•t•?I}+ÑL%Ãʆ‡XIJ+fg


ÏÐ*J˜¨Á=l2´+Tùp:JTùPh •IYÃ+µ*Jti;þ½+Tùx8E-% IJ+@7Øø†fgJsÊðñ¿ST+fg 4Hillan, 19935.• Robertson419965;#:XYñ tÏAA¿Nù‰²lýJê;t•Nù+ph‰ ²Øà±C+5YJëT!Aà•_º,+[GJ Tù!A;O,+Nù‰²>J•“yø+[2R 7´[@At•+à±CJ‚ë"²ß••“,) +BÁp±JPùø+ÑL[ST+Ù=%º#O ,+4Watson, 19935.Tù!A%·¸ST+± ËJiS©cd#!>VÇý9Õ°Nù”ÀÁ+ 7´JPTù!A%Nù+KBÄJ…%\]Ä. •¥cde#!¿†‡ÌÊ”•Š‹J˜žp”V 9ýî¤+spJÀ“]›ïoΞp+âã. Hasselkus419975²=9Œcde;oàST+C §>JDo؃VÙéOß+èéžpJ¿öiv -Nù”+U-JÀ“¨ÁN7÷qßVôõIJ sp>¿,aCp½•u.bDo+p:oäåJ ˜Nù+Î×”gWXEF>J¦ÇGjHPsp +cI ( cross the line )JBa“(•4JJ 20025. i 21 >?+KLJ‰ê3Mcde+#!! "³D`aJa”ëìñò+li…ÜNùU-õ ÜMRMÝÞJÀÃ\]+Nù™‰…NRNOJ À“iëìS©”+â¸PPÂÏI9o-+. =.•º»%zm«¡ƒ„«—|}«+STª «J–q#!XYTù+?@!AJp=QRS2 +Tù[Ù;ê!é+\T[5YJBí¼öÕà `+?@ÎâJâóUW2VØWXJˆÊ`@S T+"ÖGJ“…cde#!+NùSTײܓ YZ®¿ž456Ü“áT.


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Reading Task 6: Genre Structure and Language Features. • Now let’s look at how language features (e.g. sentence patterns) are connected to the structure

 develop a better understanding of the design and the features of the English Language curriculum with an emphasis on the senior secondary level;..  gain an insight into the

好了既然 Z[x] 中的 ideal 不一定是 principle ideal 那麼我們就不能學 Proposition 7.2.11 的方法得到 Z[x] 中的 irreducible element 就是 prime element 了..

volume suppressed mass: (TeV) 2 /M P ∼ 10 −4 eV → mm range can be experimentally tested for any number of extra dimensions - Light U(1) gauge bosons: no derivative couplings. =&gt;

For pedagogical purposes, let us start consideration from a simple one-dimensional (1D) system, where electrons are confined to a chain parallel to the x axis. As it is well known

incapable to extract any quantities from QCD, nor to tackle the most interesting physics, namely, the spontaneously chiral symmetry breaking and the color confinement.. 

• Formation of massive primordial stars as origin of objects in the early universe. • Supernova explosions might be visible to the most