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IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) will take place in HK for the first time


Academic year: 2021

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IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) will take place in HK for the first time


A globally renowned IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) will take place in Hong Kong from 11-15 March 2007. WCNC is the world’s leading international event for engineers and researchers at the forefront of development and deployment of wireless technologies, and wireless communications industry professionals interested in the latest research. The HKUST Wireless Research Team and its cutting-edge work in the field have been instrumental in attracting the prestigious event to the city, which marks the first time the WCNC conference has been held outside North America.

Interest in the WCNC conference in Hong Kong has already proved extensive. According to Prof. Ross Murch, Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering at HKUST and Technical Program Chair for WCNC 2007, more than 1,700 submissions have been received, nearly double the previous record.

Prof. Khaled Ben Letaief, Chair Professor and Head of the Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering at HKUST, who is serving as the General Chair of WCNC 2007, said: “HKUST is proud to be one of the patrons of WCNC. As a premier university dedicated to the development of science and technology, we are already a world leader in the core enabling technologies, such as microelectronics, software, and wireless communications. HKUST researchers’ publications in IEEE electronic devices and wireless communications journals have been ranked among the Top 5 in the world and the University’s research will position Hong Kong to play a major role in the emerging wireless communication market.”

In a significant advance for Hong Kong research, two algorithms developed by the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) Wireless Research Team and Huawei Technologies have been conditionally accepted for inclusion in international standards for the revolutionary 802.22 Wireless Regional Area Network (WRAN) system.

Specification for the 802.22 WRAN system is being standardized by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the world’s leading professional association for the advancement of technology. It is extremely difficult for research results to be accepted as part of IEEE standards due to the focus on implementation considerations. The acceptance of HKUST’s algorithms (through collaboration with Huawei Technologies) illustrates the University’s strength in practically oriented research and the importance of industrial collaborations. The majority of contributions usually come from companies rather than universities.

WRAN is one of the major commercial applications of Cognitive Radio, chosen by MIT’s

Technology Review in May 2005 as one of the 10 emerging technologies that will transform

the world. Unlike 802.11, commonly known as WiFi, which is designed for stand-alone, short-range wireless networking (~100m), the 802.22 WRAN system is targeted at long-range (~50km) wireless access and designed to operate in the underused VHF/UHF television frequency range, enabling dynamic sharing with spectrum license users. Among the new opportunities this presents is the provision of cost-effective wireless internet access to rural areas where fixed-line access is expensive.

Cognitive Radio and other leading wireless research areas will be further explored at the IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC). The leading global conference will bring many influential figures in the wireless communications world to Hong Kong. Plenary speakers include:

Prof. Leonard Kleinrock, UCLA: the inventor of packet switching, the technology

underpinning the internet. Prof Kleinrock’s host computer at UCLA became the first node of the internet in September 1969. He has been listed among the “50 People Who Most Influenced Business This Century” by the Los Angeles Times.

Prof. Wu Hequan, Vice-President of the Chinese Academy of Engineering: Prof. Wu

has played various leadership roles in technology as well as the development of policies and strategies for the communications industry in China.

Dr. Young Ky Kim, Executive Vice-President of Samsung Telecommunication Network Business: Dr. Kim is also Executive Vice-President for Samsung Electronics Ltd,


and General Manager of the Next Generation System R&D Division, responsible for Samsung R&D and commercialization of Samsung’s mobile broadband network and services.

Showing the HKSAR Government’s support for the conference, Mr. Joseph W. P. Wong, Secretary for Commerce, Industry & Technology, will welcome participants from all over the world at the opening ceremony.

For more information on WCNC 2007, visit http://www.ieee-wcnc.org/

無線通信與網路會議(WCNC) 是世界無線通信的盛事,由電機暨電子工程師學會(IEEE) 所舉 辦,今屆將會首度從北美洲移師到本港,並定於2007年3月11至15日舉行。全球從事最前線 無線科技發展和部署的工程師、工程學者與工程學研究員,以及無線通訊業業界專才,均對 這項國際盛事深表關注。科大積極參這次研討會的籌備工作,校內的無線科技研究隊伍,以 尖端的創新研究成果,為世界無線技術舞臺作出重大貢獻。

這次在本港舉辦的WCNC,備受國際業界專才關注。科大電子及計算機工程學系穆樂思教授 擔任本屆研討會的技術項目主席,他表示,大會已收到超過1,700份參與發表的學術論文,是 有紀錄以來的兩倍。

擔任本屆研討會總主席的科大電子及計算機工程學系系主任暨講座教授李德富認為:「科大 以贊助WCNC 2007為榮。作為一所在國際上具影響力的研究型大學,我們在相關的核心應用 技術領域,如微電子、軟件及無線通訊等,已具備國際領先地位。在國際聞名的電機暨電子 工程師學會有關電子器件和無線通訊的學術期刊中,科大研究人員發表的論文數量,位居全 球前五位。而大學的研究,將使香港在新興的無線通訊市場中擔任重要的角色。」

在一項促進香港科研發展的研究中,香港科技大學無線科技研究隊伍與華為技術有限公司所 開發的兩項演算法,獲「電機暨電子工程師學會」(IEEE) 列入革命性802.22無線區域網 (WRAN)系統的國際標準,這項成就將促進香港科研發展,帶動本港成為世界領先的無線網 路發展中心。

電機暨電子工程師學會是馳譽世界的專業協會,致力促進全球科研發展。現今被廣泛使用 的 “Wi-Fi”,即 802.11 系 統 標 準,亦 為 其 所 制 定。該 學 會 現 正 進 行 802.22 無 線 區 域 網 (WRAN) 系統的標準化。被學會納入為系統標準的首要因素,是這項技術的可實行性。由於 大學的科研結果往往實用性不足,故不易獲採納為系統標準,因此大部份貢獻源於商業機 構。今次科大的演算法式,獲列入電機暨電子工程師學會的國際標準,反映了科大在實用性 科學研究的實力,以及與業界合作、共同研究的重要性。

無線區域網 (WRAN) 為認知無線電 (Cognitive Radio) 的一個主要商業應用。於2005年5月,

麻 省 理 工 學 院 的

《科 技 評論》

把 認 知 無 線 電,列 為「改 變 世 界 的 十 項 新 興 科 技」之 一。

WRAN (802.22) 與 Wi-Fi (802.11) 不同之處,在於Wi-Fi為獨立及適用於短程 (約100米) 的無 線網路系統;而WRAN則透過VHF/UHF 電視頻寬傳輸,有利於長距(約50公里) 的無線播 送。IEEE 802.22系統能自動偵測未使用的電視頻譜,為沒有固網連接所覆蓋的偏遠地區,提 供具成本效益的無線上網服務。

認知無線電(Cognitive Radio)為當今無線技術發展中備受觸目的議題,更是2007年度無線通 訊與網路工程研討會(WCNC)的重要主題之一。IEEE WCNC 將於3月11至15日,假座香港喜 來登酒店舉行。是次盛會將吸引無線網路界的科研領袖及業界精英參加,應邀主講嘉賓包 括:

克蘭羅克教授 (Prof. Lenoard Kleinrock), UCLA: 網路通訊中,分組交換 (packet switching) 的發明者。他在加州大學洛杉磯分校的計算機主機,於1969年9月成為互聯網上第一個節 點。克蘭羅克教授曾被



鄔賀銓教授, 中國工程院副院長: 鄔教授在中國電信業的科技及政策發展上,佔重要的領導地 位。

Dr. Young Ky Kim, Samsung: Dr Kim 是「三星電訊網路商業」及「三星電子有限公司」副

行政總裁,並擔任「下世代系統」研究與發展部門總經理;負責三星的研究發展及流動寬頻 網路服務的商業化。


For media enquiries:

General: Mei Yee Ho tel:2358-8982 email: egmeiho@ust.hk WCNC 2007: Jerman Cheung tel:2358-8525 email: eejerman@ust.hk


何美懿 張婉雯 (有關WCNC 2007)


電郵:egmeiho@ust.hk 電郵:eejerman@ust.hk



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