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教與寫的創新:一個寫作系列的設計A creative approach in the teaching of writing: the design of a writing series ,以新視窗打開


Academic year: 2021

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A creative approach in the teaching of writing:

the design of a writing series


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The Education reform launched in Hong Kong in 2000 recommended highly the enhancement of students' learning skills. Nine generic skills were identified. Creativity is among one of these nine skills. It was found in surveys that many teachers did not fully understand the theory of creativity. They equated games, competitions and some flashy activities in class as "creativity". They failed to understand that creativity is related to cognitive development, and even to multiple-intelligence. This article reports the design of a writing series for junior secondary students. The design takes into consideration the psychological development of adolescents, writing objectives, the genres in writing and the development of different thinking skills.



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