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Academic year: 2021

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(2)  (1)() The Functional Increment of Ozonation Process and Application for Industrial Wastewater Treatment      NSC 87-2211-E-009-027     86/8/1~87/7/31.

(3)     . !". #$%&'()*+,-./. After understanding all the results from the ozone solubility and the mass transfer. establish models were 0123456'78(9:;<=)* experiments, >?@?AB3CD>)*EFGB0 established to simulate the behaviors of ozone 8.0 (mg/l)378(90 1atm2atm3atm in solution under different conditions. We also analyze and evaluate the results obtained from 4atm3(pH=3))*H?AB0 1.992 4.0086.2657.956 (mg/l)3=I./,- the ozonation of the chlorophenols chosen in JKL#MNOP78(9pH QR) *FSTPU3VW$XPUY#./H Z[L4Y\]^_A`ab]cMde +fgh2)*+iN3_jk,-I Kl+BR\]m`P+T3no) *+./2JpL q r s )*+3?AB3tu3l+3 m` ABSTRACT The objective of this study is to build the Pressurized ozonation system. It is attempted to increase both the solubility of ozone in solutions and the reaction efficiency of the system . The effects caused by the operating parameters including the reactor pressure, the hydroxyl ion concentration and the ozone gas flow rate were found. The analysis of reaction rate, mineralization efficiency and toxicity. this study. After the ozonation tests of the actual petrochemical wastewater, we can get the chemical oxygen demand removal efficiency and the changes on the biodegradability. Finally economic evaluation for the ozonation system.was also carry out . vwxR12 )*_yz#{|a}2*+9 ~3€k‚ƒ„] †initiator‡ˆ\ *+9‰}2Š*‹ŒLŽ-‘> ’‘g“mX3”€$*+•\]^$_ A2–fgL—ke+fg>˜Y™š ›œ2fgžŸ 3\]¡¢2Jpa 3”£¤¥¦"”aJ2]+¡¢§¨ 2%&R-‘L. ©2)*+¡¢§¨3ª$)*« were carried out during the whole experiment. ¬­¡¢Hg35?>@®2)*_ Furthermore, on the basis of the analysis, we y¯k°\]Š*‹Œ±²³]=$* made within the system we can evaluate the +3´Dµ¶k·¸4a¹º»¼¼H performance of the system..

(4) ¡¢L½£)*>g?AB¾3¿'J p)*ˆ\ÀHÁ¬Â#‰'L Ã. !"#$%& 4.1 '(. Ä)*¡¢§¨2-‘ÅÆLU6ÇÈ< ) 4-1 *+,-./012345 =)*>g2GBcɾˆ\À2Á¬ pH=3 34678)./019 Â#3ÊÂ01Ë)*-‘X2 "^ÌL :5 1atm 2atm 3atm 4atm ; ͹ÎÏÐÑÒÓ)*>@®2? 8.0(mg/l)< = 2>mg/l? 4>mg/l?. ABR#{Ô®2_(QÂÕÖL0<= 6>mg/l? 8>mg/l? @A5BC )*>?@2?AB3×iØ=( DEFGHIJK LMN ./3Ù)*_(QÚ'3EÛÚÜk? OPQRSTU ABLݵ$Þß ºª(à78H)* 4.1.1 PQVW01"pH X678 +§¨LÇ6€Œá¾JpH)*ˆ\À YZ[\]^ PQVW*_` ´Dá'HJâLãp0)*+./VD ä2åæL ç¢èéê. Pi = H ⋅ X i ……………..(1) Pi= xi= . JKabcdefgPQVWhi  pH Xj7kl\fg5"mCn o PQVW_`./01pj7. 8 qrst78u) 4-2 v w 5BC./xy>pH=3? q,z{ |YZ9} t~€‚cW. H=

(5)  (atm/mole fraction). ƒW„ a†‡ˆ qrv‰.          =     +    −      .(2). p H = 1 0 p H = 7. KA:. :  =  ⋅     . . ( 4 ) :  =  ⋅     . . ( 5 ). KB:.   =   × 

(6) −     −   =   × 

(7) −      • . 

(8)   3 d [O3(l ) ]. = K L a([O3* ] − [O3(l ) ]) − …(3) dt K d ([O3(l ) ]) N − ∑ Ki [O3(l ) ][CP ] O3(l):. (. /l). KLa: (m -1) O*3: (mg/l) Kd: o    (min -1) N:  

(9)  n=1.5 Ki :   mol-1min-1 J. Hoigne and H.Bader (1983)[5] Kcp : . 4.1.2 ŠA‹6Œ Ž‹X‘(Xu) 4-3  s’PQVW5“./01 ”•BC no–D Ž*OHŽ‹  ’—_`j˜™‹š 4.2 ›œ'( 4.2.1›œ5,-01"pHX6VW ,-./01 2-›œžŸ ¡* ¢./01£¤¥£¤)4-4 9 :u1atm 0.07525 (min-1) £¤¦2 atm  0.12877(min-1) 3atm0.14354 (min-1)u)4-5w2,4-§›œžŸ  ¡9:u1atm 0.07028 (min-1) £¤¦ 2 atm  0.11097(min-1)  3atm .

(10) 0.13394 (min-1)2,4,6-¨›œu)4-6 w© žŸ ¡*u1atm 0.17932 (min-1). 35%£¤¦ 92% òó) 4-10’a èÐH¼{|./01V0£¤¦. £¤¦2 atm  0.27877(min-1)  3atm 0.30302 (min-1). 2atm"3atm 3 Ê­9C´9:£¤ ¦ 80% 83%ô) 4-11. 4.2.2 ›œ5,-06ª1‹. õ"ö÷ó$ø. 9«›œ¬O­V. 1.. W ®‚ J. Hoigne and H.Bader 5 1983 D f¯Š°¢¬±3  |¬6‹š ²³ 2-›œ 2,4-§› œ 2,4,6-¨›œ5BCxy>pH=3? 5./01<¦ 3atm 3´j˜µ™. 01Aüý 4 þ 6p£¤ = 4 þ 2.. ‹š ¶·•V¸O ) 4-7 4.3 ¹¬º»¼¬6'( ½º¾¹¬¿ ÀÁÂÃÄ ÅÆ ÇAÈÉ ÊËÌÍÎϽº»¼Ð HÑÒ [Ó¬±¤ÔÕÖE×* EØÙÚÛܐÝÞßàáâãÑ 4.3.1 ¬±äžŸª16år )4-8*+æÓ»¼ÝÞ¬ ¬± ä|¬€ȼ¬±äžŸ ç$ ej12.2%ÕÖސaè¼ÝÞ ¬ ¬±äéêë 68.5%Ý $EØÙÚÊ­ÐHãѼ éêë 67.5%)4-9*ì’aèÐH¼¯Š,./01¬‘( fg¬±ä žŸ¡í“0>3atm?./x yî‡ï žŸ¡9:*68.5% 72.5% 87.1%. 3.. 4.. 5.. H&‹¤‹š 2-›œ 2,4-§›œ 2,4,6-¨›œž Ÿ ¡¢./01£¤¥¤  ¬¡ ¬ ´j#$’›œ ¬O­ ¡ ’ jµ™ q ‹¥v, ‹š ‘º»¼ÝÞ¬ ¬±ä žŸç$¤ÔÕ֐aèÐH¼ ãѼç$Ê­9C´ ¢6ü“ ç$a ¢./01£¤¥ üý — _ ` 5 “ . / 0 1 3   £ ¤ç $ ¤ ÐH ¡$5_`G ü. J. A. Roth and D.E. Sullivan, “Solubility of Ozone in Water” Ind. Eng. Chem. Fundam. Vol. 20, pp. 137-140, (1981). 2.. J. L. Sotelo, E. J. Beltran, F. J. Benitez and J. Beltran-Heredia, “Ozone Decomposition in Water:. ȼÝÞ¬ Ê­9Cð ÝÞ¤Ô 1.7%£¤¦ 5.3%>BOD/COD? Õ֐ÐH¼ ݬð 33%£¤ ¦ 60%ÝÞEØÙÚ§èÐH¼ñð. 5“ÁV0./•BC PQ VWh./01j7 üsÝ( ¤Ž ’ŠAµ™.

(11) “3 ‡“01./_` Aab™  " É 1.. 4.3.2 Ê­äÊ­9C9} uʬ䬱äîX v¦Ê­9Ccd. 5“./01ù  úñ¢t./01û“¥ü“./. Kinetic Study”, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 26, 39, (1987) 3.. A. Quederni, J. C. Mora and R. S. Bes, “Ozone Absorption. in. water:. Mass. Transfer. and.

(12) Solubility”, Ozone Science and Engoneering, vol. 9, pp. 1-12, (1987). 8. Bruno Langlais, David A. Reckhow, Deborah R. Brink, “Ozone in Water Treatment Application and Engineering”. A. W. W. A. Research. Foundation (1991). model3 1atm model3 2atm model3 3atm model3 4atm 1atm 2atm 3atm 4atm. 7 6. Ozone (mg/l). 4.. 5 4 3 2. 14. 1. . 0. . . . . . . .  . . 10. 20. 30. 40. 50. Time (min).  4-3  . . .  .


(14)     !. 0. . !"#$%&. "#"$% &$%     '() 

(15) *+ 

(16) *+. 4.5. 1atm 2atm 3atm. 4.0 3.5 3.0. -ln(C/C0).  . 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5. 1atm 2atm 3atm 4atm. 9 8. 0.0. 10. 15. 20. 25. 30.  4-4 2-'()*+$,-./0 $. 6. 12. 5 4 3. 3.5. 2. 3.0. 1. 2.5. 0. 0. 10. 20. 30. 40. 50. 60. Time (min).  4-1  pH=3 

(17) . ln(C / C0). Ozone (mg/l). 5. Time (min). 7. 1atm 2atm 3atm. 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0. 0. 5. 10. pH=10 pH=7 pH=3. 8.85. 15. 20. Time (min).  4-5 2,4-3'()*+$,-./0. 8.80. ln(Henry's const.). 0. $12. 8.75 8.70 8.65. 6. 8.60 8.55. 1atm 2atm 3atm 2,4,6-TCP, pH=3. 5. 1.0. 1.5. 2.0. 2.5. 3.0. 3.5. 4.0. 4.  4-2  pH 

(18) . ln(C0 / C). Pressure (atm). 3. 2. 1. 0. 0. 5. 10. 15. Time (min). 20. 25. 30.

(19)  4-6 2,4,6-4'()*+$,-./0.   pH=7. $12. 1atm 2atm 3atm. 0.9 0.8. BOD / COD. 0.7 1.0. COD / COD0. 0.8. 0.3 0.4. 0.0.          . 0. 20. 0.  4-8. 40. 60. 80. 100. 4-11. 120. ?:@

(20) . 1atm 2atm 3atm. 1.0. 0.8. 0.6. 0.4. 0.2. 0. 20. 40. 60. 80. 100. 120. Time (min).  4-9 AB;<8)9: *+$ >?:@

(21)       . 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0. 0. 20. 40. 60. 80. 100. 120. Time (min). 410 C56789: DEFGHIJ 

(22) $%&. 40. 60. 80. 100. 120. AB;<=78*+,9: D. EFGHIJ. 56789: ;<= >. 0.0. 20. Time (min). Time (min). COD / COD0. 0.5 0.4. 0.6. 0.2. BOD5 / COD. 0.6. . 

(23) $%&.




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