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不同承辦機構推動社區健康營造運作影響因素之探討; Study of Effects betweenDifferent Executive Institutions on Community Health Building


Academic year: 2021

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(1)摘. 要. 目前社區健康營造工作已在全國各地推展開來,承辦機構之性質更是豐富且多樣 化,而每家營造中心因機構性質、推動者個人特質不同,對營造推動之本質到底落實 多少?能否受到當地民眾之支持與認同呢?著實值得深入探討。 有鑑於此,本研究以中部地區包括:苗栗縣、台中市、台中縣、南投縣及彰化縣 等五縣市不同性質之承辦機構為主要對象,主要研究目的(一)探討在不同承辦機構 之個人特性、機構特性下,對機構經營管理層面之成效認同度如何?(二)探討在不 同承辦機構之個人特性、機構特性下,對社區健康營造運作層面之績效認同度如何? (三)探討不同承辦機構之機構經營管理層面與其推動社區健康營造運作層面之間的 關係。(四)藉由探討不同承辦機構對社區健康營造運作不同影響因素之分析,提供 研究發現的建言以及可行之意見,俾利社區健康營造永續經營發展。 本研究採用調查性研究方法,以問卷調查方式收集樣本資料,是屬於量化性質的 研究設計。研究對象為每所機構之營造中心負責人、推動委員會主任委員及副主任委 員、承辦人、志工正、副隊長及其他相關志工人員。問卷總計發出 592 份,回收 369 份,無效問卷為 6 份,有效問卷為 363 份,有效回收率為 61.3﹪。並採取 SPSS 統計 軟體作為資料分析工具,在統計分析方法上,主要是使用描述統計、獨立樣本的 t檢定、單因子變異數分析法、薛費法、皮爾遜積差相關、逐步迴歸分析及邏輯斯迴歸 分析等統計方法。 重要研究結果發現如下: 一、承辦機構之個人特性及機構特性分析: 本地人(78.5﹪)、40-49 歲(33.3﹪)、已婚女性(69.1﹪)、家庭主婦(26.2 ﹪) 、高中職(29.5﹪) 、居住 20-29 年(21.2﹪)居多;在營造中心職稱以志工人員 (42.7﹪)居多、加入年數以 1 年至 1 年以下(55.5﹪)居多、加入動機依序是「可 以助人」、「自我成長」、「認同機構理念」等、自覺個人魅力程度「還好」。機構特性 部份:所在地以鄉村地區(76.9﹪)為主、機構類型衛生所(38.8﹪)最多、屬性以 公立機構( 51.9﹪)居多、成立年數平均是 32.02 年、承辦營造中心年數平均是 3.22 年、承辦機構平均提撥 113,557.69 元給營造中心當配合款來運用、投入營造中心之 人力以 5 人以下(44.2﹪)居多。 二、機構經營管理成效認同度之分析: 各承辦機構,對機構經營管理成效認同度達九成以上。唯在經費來源的穩定性、 機構提供合理升遷措施、溝通管道、獎勵措施部分認同度偏低。 三、社區健康營造運作績效認同度之分析: 各類型承辦機構在推動社區健康營造計劃績效認同度平均高達九成四以上。.

(2) 四、不同個人特性、機構特性對機構經營管理成效認同度差異性分析: 居住身份的不同、加入營造中心時間長短、不同職稱,且自覺個人魅力程度不同, 對機構經營管理成效認同度有顯著性差異( p<0.05) ;而機構屬性、機構類型、機構 成立年數及承辦營造中心年數、不同配合款金額對機構經營管理成效認同度也有達顯 著性差異(p<0.05)。 五、不同個人特性、機構特性對社區健康營造運作績效認同度差異性分析: 居住身份的不同、加入營造中心時間長短、且自覺個人魅力程度狀況,對社區健 康營造運作績效認同度有顯著性差異( p<0.05) ;而機構屬性、機構類型、機構成立 年數、不同配合款金額對社區健康營造運作績效認同度也有達顯著性差異(p<0.05) 。 六、不同承辦機構之機構經營管理層面與社區健康營造運作層面之積差相關分析: 研究發現,不同承辦機構之機構經營管理層面其與推動社區健康營造運作層面影 響因素有達顯著正相關。 七、承辦機構之機構經營管理層面與社區健康營造運作層面之逐步迴歸分析: 以社區健康營造運作層面之「教育訓練」績效認同度而言:承辦機構「學校」 、 「政 府單位(鄉公所)」、「全部承辦機構」對教育訓練有較大預測力的是經營管理層面的 「個人福利面」;承辦機構「醫療院所」、「衛生所」對教育訓練具最佳預測力是經營 管理層面的「社會貢獻面」;承辦機構「民間組織」對教育訓練具最佳預測力是經營 管理層面的「政策面」 。而以社區健康營造運作層面之「活動內容」績效認同度而言: 承辦機構「學校」 、 「衛生所」 、 「全部承辦機構」對活動內容具較大預測力指標是經營 管理層面的「個人福利面」;承辦機構「醫療院所」、「政府單位」對活動內容具較大 預測力是經營管理層面的「社會貢獻面」;承辦機構「民間組織」對活動內容具有最 佳預測力指標是經營管理層面的「政策面」。當以社區健康營造運作層面之「服務內 容」績效認同度而言:承辦機構「醫療院所」 、 「衛生所」 、 「政府單位(鄉公所)」 、 「全 部承辦機構」對服務內容有較大預測力是經營管理層面的「社會貢獻面」;承辦機構 「民間組織」、「學校」對服務內容有較大預測力指標是經營管理層面的「政策面」。 八、承辦機構之機構經營管理層面與社區健康營造運作層面之邏輯斯迴歸分析: 以整體承辦機構及衛生所機構而言,機構經營管理層面對社區健康營造運作績效 認同度以經營管理層面中之「社會貢獻面」項目最具顯著性影響。 另外,針對研究建議分為三部分:一、對承辦機構:1.機構間相互合作,發揮截 長補短之功能、2.善用現有及媒體資源、3.加強工作人員教育訓練,增進個人福利、 4.善用募款技巧,穩定經費來源、5.觀摩學習、多方請益與經驗交流。二、對政府相 關單位:1.舉辦相關教育訓練,充實專業知識、2.協助各承辦機構之資源聯結。三、 對後續研究者:1.擴大研究對象、2.改善研究工具及方法、3.豐富研究主題。. 關鍵字:承辦機構、社區、健康、社區健康營造.

(3) Abstract Community health building has been launched nationwide, and varieties of executive institutions are abundant and diversified; however, how much each executive institutions with different properties and individuals with different characters can execute the launch of building and whether it is supported and identified by local residents require further discussion. Therein subjects of this research include central area such as Miaoli county, Taichung city, Taichung county, Nantou county and Chunghua county. Primary purposes are as follow: 1. To discuss agreement level of management effectiveness of different executive institutions within personal characters and institutional properties. 2. To discuss agreement level of operational performance for community health building of different executive institutions within personal characters and institutional properties. 3. To discuss relationship between management effectiveness of different executive institutions and operational performance of community health building. 4. By means of analysis with effects of different executive institutions on community health building, it provides suggestions based on research and doable suggestions to assist in perpetual development of community health building. This study use the method of survey research, to collect samples by questionnaire that is a quantitative research. Research target population are heads of each building centers, directors and vice directors of committee of execution, executors, directors and vice directors of volunteers and other related volunteers. 592 questionnaires were distributed and 369 questionnaires were collected. Six of them are invalid questionnaires and 363 questionnaires are valid, so the yield is 61.3%. Data analysis tool is SPSS analytical software. As for statistic analytical methodologies, mainly there are descriptive statistics, t -test with independent samples, one-way analysis of variance, Scheff'e Method, Pearson product-moment correlation, Step-wise regression analysis, and logistic regression. The study findings are as follow: 1. Analysis of personal characters and institutional properties of executive institutions: The locals (78.5%), the 40-49 age group (33.3%), married female (69.1%), housewives (26.2%), vocational high school and high school students (29.5%), and residents who have lived for 20-29 years (21.2%) are the majority. Volunteers is the majority member of building center (42.7%), people who has worked for one year and less than one year (55.5%) is the majority, and their motivations for joining such building center are “helping others”, ‘self-development” and “identifying with such institution”, and their self-conscious personal charm is “so-so”. In terms of properties of institutions, the majority of them locate in suburban area (76.9%). In terms of types of institutions, health centers are the majority (38.8%),.

(4) public institutions are the most (51.9%), and the average length of their establishment is 32.02 years. The average length of establishment of executive building centers is 3.22 years. Executive institutions distribute 113,557.69 dollars of funds to building centers on average. Work force of building centers mainly consists of fewer than 5 people (44.2%). 2. Analysis of agreement level of management effectiveness of an institution: Agreement level of management effectiveness of an institution is above 90 percent. Except for stability of access to funds, reasonable promotional measures of institutions, communication approaches, and merit measures are of low identity. 3. Analysis of agreement level of operational performance of community health building: The average agreement level of operational performance of launch of community health building of each type of institutions is above 90.4 percent. 4. Analysis of variances in agreement level of management effectiveness of institutions between individuals with different characters and institutions with different properties: Variances in inhabitants with different agreement level, different length of participation of building center, varied positions, and diversified self-conscious personal charm are notable (p<0.05). Variances in agreement level of management effectiveness of an institution of properties of institutions, types of institutions, length of establishment of institutions and length of establishment of executive building centers, and varied funds are notable (p<0.05). 5. Analysis of variances in agreement level of operational performance of community health building between individuals with different characters and different institutions: Variances of agreement level of operational performance of community health building of inhabitants with different agreement level, varied length of participation in building centers, and self-conscious personal charm are notable (p<0.05). Variances of agreement level of operational performance of community health building of institutions with different properties, types, length of establishment, and funds are notable (p<0.05). 6. Analysis of product-moment correlation of management effectiveness of different executive institutions and operational performance of community health building: The findings turn out that management effectiveness of different executive institutions and their launch of community health building are positive correlative. 7. Step-wise regression analysis of management effectiveness of executive institutions and operational performance of community health building: In terms of agreement level of “educational training” of operational performance of community health building, greatest predictability of educational training of executive institutions such as “schools”, “official units (local village administrations) is “personal benefits” of aspect of management effectiveness. Greatest predictability of educational training of executive.

(5) institutions such as “medical centers” and “health centers” is “contributions to society” of aspect of management effectiveness. Greatest predictability of educational training of executive institutions such as “private organizations ” is “policy making” of aspect of management effectiveness. In terms of agreement level of performance of “content of activity” of operational performance of community health building, greatest predictability of executive institutions such as “schools” “health centers” and “all executive institutions” is “personal benefits” of aspect of management effectiveness. Greatest predictability of executive institutions such as “medical centers” and “official units” is “contributions to society” of aspect of management effectiveness. Greatest predictability of executive institutions such as “private organizations” is “policy making” of aspect of management effectiveness. In terms of agreement level of “content of service” of operational performance of community health building, greatest predictability of service content of executive institutions such as “medical centers” “health centers” “official units (local village administrations)” and “all executive institutions” is “contributions to society” of aspect of management effectiveness. Greatest predictability of executive institutions such as “private organizations” and “schools” is “policy making” of aspect of management effectiveness. 8. Logistic regression analysis of management effectiveness aspect of executive institutions and aspect of operational performance of community health building: As for overall executive institutions and health centers, effect of aspect of management effectiveness of institutions on operational performance of community health building is the greatest in terms of “contributions to society” of the aspect of management effectiveness. In addition, based on this research suggestions consist of three parts: 1. For executive institutions: (1) Institutions cooperate with each other and bring out the best of each other. (2) Make the best of current resources and media. (3) Foster staffers’ educational training. (4) To stabilize source of funds by taking advantage of the fund raising skill. (5) Observe and learn. Consult others and exchange experiences. 2. For official units: (1) Hold up related educational training and enrich professional knowledge. (2) To assist all executive institutions to combine their sources. 3. For following researchers: (1) To increase research subjects. (2) To improve r esearch tools and methods. (3) To enrich research subjects. Key words: executive institutions, community, health, community health building..

(6) 目. 錄. 第一章 緒論 第一節 第二節 第三節 第四節. 研究背景與動機 研究目的 名詞釋義 研究範圍與限制. 第二章 文獻探討 第一節 第二節 第三節 第四節 第五節 第六節. 社區及健康社區的定義 社區健康營造之意涵 社區健康營造運作之內涵及影響因素 由系統理論觀看社區健康營造之運作 社區健康營造的相關研究 機構經營管理層面與社區健康營造運作層面之探討. 第三章 研究方法 第一節 第二節 第三節 第四節 第五節 第六節 第七節. 研究流程 研究架構與研究主題 研究設計 研究變項與操作性定義 研究對象及取樣 研究工具 資料分析方法. 第四章 研究結果與分析 第一節 承辦機構之個人特性、機構特性及各社區健康營造中心運作 現況分析 第二節 機構經營管理成效認同程度之描述分析 第三節 社區健康營造運作績效認同程度之描述分析 第四節 承辦機構之個人特性、機構特性與機構經營管理層面運用情 形之關係 第五節 承辦機構之個人特性、機構特性與社區健康營造運用情形之關係 第六節 承辦機構之機構經營管理層面與社區健康營造運作層面之關係. 第五章 結論與建議 第一節 研究結論.

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straight brown hair dark brown eyes What does he look like!. He has short

While Korean kids are learning how to ski and snowboard in the snow, Australian kids are learning how to surf and water-ski at the beach3. Some children never play in the snow

I am writing this letter because I want to make a new friend in another country.. Maybe you will come to Gibraltar

Sam: It’s really nice, but don’t you think it’s too expensive.. John: Yeah, I’m not going to buy it, but I wish I could

Location:Penghu Maker Base (Integrated Practice Building 5F, No. 63, Minzu Rd., Magong City, Penghu County).

Location:Penghu Maker Base (Integrated Practice Building 5F, No. 63, Minzu Rd., Magong City, Penghu County).

Location:Penghu Maker Base (Integrated Practice Building 5F, No. 63, Minzu Rd., Magong City, Penghu County).

Location: Southern Taiwan Maker Center Content: Self-made Community gathering Object: All citizens.