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環境、行為與使用者資訊滿意之實證研究A Sociotechnical Approach to the Study of User Information Satisfaction


Academic year: 2021

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(3)  A Study of User Satisfaction in Computer Skill Training: An Application of Social Cognitive Theory and Goal-Setting Theory .

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(13) =•–' (>ƒ—˜™š›œžŸ= & #žŸ>; †QC¡E. Abstract User satisfaction in information systems (IS) has been considered as important factor in determining IS success. Past related research of user satisfaction (US) can be divided into three classes: user satisfaction as the sum of various functional indices; user satisfaction as a disposition influenced by cognitive and affective evaluation of external antecedents; and service quality measurement as a substitute for user satisfaction. All three classes use the cross-sectional approach, thus ignore that satisfaction should be considered as a dynamic psychological construct interacting with other self-regulatory mechanisms and that IS user satisfaction should be measured continuously in a long-term manner. In this research, the authors propose a theoretical model of user satisfaction based on the Social Cognitive Theory and Goal-Setting Theory. Experiments using simulated organizations in which students play the role of trainee provide insights into these psychological processes. The results show that user satisfaction is a function of past performance, specific computer self-efficacy, personal goal, and computer performance. In addition, subjects of the “challenging goal” group scores higher than those of the “do best” group in computer self-efficacy, computer.  

(14) ?GHIJ#$?L MN#$E. 1.

(15) Ïú./Èûüýþ45 u#$23K<!(dynamic)?@ A(long-term)BCDíì

(16) E F    L  q  G H I J #$ Keywords: = social cognitive theory > = Bandura, User Satisfaction, Social Cognitive Theory, 1977,1986>ƒLMN#$=goal-setting Goal-Setting Theory. theory>=Locke and Latham, 1990>2 3ö ¹º=E>?¥=B>ƒÅ 

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(18) ; † ?? ª«¬F­®?¯°±²ƒ³8 #=Bandura, 1977,1986; Wood and ; Ej—L“€ab  Bandura, 1989a>h <!)*íìxy u´µ©¶·¸=Delone and Mclean,

(19) EF Â#$23. 1992>EW†¹ºHj»¼½¾c¿

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(22) u n=efficacy>HŽ¹º?Ń Æ vw(past performance)?abxyzd Ç5Èɽ<E ‡qruÊËÌ = computer self-efficacy > ? L  M N ŃTUÍAL(goal)W†H\Ì (goal-setting)ƒab{z(performance)| ÎÏÆǽ<ÐÑuÒ¶vÓPÔÕ } E~F QSTU=simulation Ö)×ØdÙÚÛÜEŽÂ# organization >    M V = Wood and ©*‚†Ý²Þß=favorable> ¹ Bandura,1989b>WXYZ[TU^ º. ^_ dnK{z _`\abcd]e=Visual Basic f =performance>Â¨

(23) g>‚jkLMN:lmL(challenge =user satisfaction, US>¬¢£ — ¬zuÊÈËÌÍAzr ƒ à goal)Kn5(do best)TvW w=trials>DopFQCE áâ§ãä³åæE.

(24) Pçu¥  B‰©¶9:=construct>=Ives et al.,  1983; Melone, 1990>E

(25)  ¢£¤<ab¦§¦°¡ €a 0·èéE—Pu

(26) °" b uZ[·¸ÇEŽÂ “=Pearson and Bailey, 1983 ; Doll

(27)  ¬  © ¶  ! and Trokzadeh, 1988>+,©*‚ =Melone,1990>Eú4./ †(index)êëE~ì$. =Ives et al.,1983>?íì#$å

(28) #$23©¶Ç=Molone, 1990> æ=Melone,1990>?op9:K—˜½ ƒ !"#$23íì

(29) K— } =  ž Ÿ >  · "=Baroudi et ˜½}=ž >0·Ç=Barouri et al.,1986>ƒ; %&'(D9: al., 1986>îï†ðñé©*Eò‡ 45678

(30) ; <!?@A %&'()*íì

(31) =Shirani et BCDÛÜE al., 1994> îóôõöÍA=expectation> F Bandura(1997 ,1986).O KP÷Ç=confirmation>øù°"EÎ GHIJ#$K Locke and Latham=1990> performance, and user satisfaction. Several recommendations to management are made based on this finding.. 2.

(32) FQC©‚†ÅôI J "abxyzdƒ

(33) EŽÂ +QCKLö¢£#ABhd LM àá/0^_Xă N OEŽÂ1TU¹º‚‘’NO= _PQR" S> xT°" IJ? < uÊóUƒ ¥{ zVd-`Ö`ÐÑ

(34) E àყWÅ^ŠW. . §žŸxT?XY Z Ž=Ë¬LY[?”\>ƒ]. /0—{zß^D.”—

(35) ° "EŽ _

(36) î`tžŸ_¬ a=Delone and Mclean, 1992>E_¬a žŸ_dbTUcDzdE&.

(37) /0¢£ àá†â §ã§WÅ^žŸe¼K Ê„d*(01©¶f‹åæE     1. Ajzen, I. And Fishbein, M. Understanding Attitude and Practing Social Behavior, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1980. 2. Bailey, J.E. and Pearson, S. W. gDevelopment of a Tool for Measuring and Analyzing Computer User Satisfaction,hManagement Science (29:5), May 1983, pp.530-545. 3. Bandura A. and Jourden , F. J. “Self Regulatory Mechanisms Governing the Impact of Social Comparison on Complex Decision Making,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (60:6),1991,pp.941-951. 4. Bandura, A. “Self-Efficacy Mechanism in Human Agency,” American Psychologist(37:2), February 1982, pp. 122-147. 5. Bandura, A. and Cervone, D. “Differential Engagement of Self-Reactive Influences in Cognitive Motivation,” Organizational Behavior and Human Decision. .OLMN#$23.OP.

(38) QCQCÏ.

(39) uvw?abxyzd?L MNKab{z|}E‚MVB ‰# K Wood and Bandura (1989a)0k ³8 QSTUBCWXYZ[ `\abcd]e=Visual Basic fg> ^_vWèwDopQCƒ —$%E& SEM QCKq9'( J

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(41) -`KÖ` .œzrst

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(44)   ‚X345gF./PÈ #$23

(45) QCE úÈ =Melone, 1990>.O!"0 ·#$; ‚

(46) 455È# $íì66.OopqrE~ È, =Shirani et al., 1994; Pitt et al.,1995> %&'()*

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