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美國密西根大學院長Dean Laurie McCauley蒞臨演講


Academic year: 2021

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美 國 密 西 根 大 學 院 長 Dean Laurie McCauley 蒞 臨 演 講 研究發展及學術矚目 張貼人:研究發展處 ╱ 公告日期:2015-01-12 報名網址:http://event.tmu.edu.tw/actnews/signup.php?Sn=1536

美 國 密 西 根 大 學 院 長 Dean Laurie

McCauley 蒞 臨 演 講

謹 訂 於 一 月 十 五 日 (四 )附 醫 第 三 醫 療 大 樓 11 樓 會 議 室 舉 辦 『 美 國 密 西 根 大 學 院 長 Dean Laurie McCauley』 特 別 演 講 , 敬 備 午 餐 , 歡 迎 全 校 師 生 踴 躍 出 席 !

講 題 :

12:30~13:30 Lecture

The R ole of P arathryoid Hor mone in S keletal Regene rative Medicine


13:30~14:00 Seminar

Current Updates: Osteonecr osis of the Ja w

演 講 者 : 美 國 密 西 根 大 學 牙 科 院 長 Laurie McCaule y

Dean, School of Dentistry, Uni versit y of Michiga n

時 間 : 104 年 1 月 15 日 (四 )下 午 12:30~14:0 0 地 點 : 附 醫 第 三 醫 療 大 樓 11 樓 會 議 室 主 辦 單 位 : 國 際 事 務 處 、 口 腔 醫 學 院 、 研 究 發 展 處 、 轉 譯 醫 學 博 士 學 位 學 程

The Role of Parat hryoid Hor mone in Ske let al

Rege ner at ive Me dicine

Craniofacial skeletal defects are associated with

significant morbidity an d compromised function. Optimal healing of b on y defects in the oral cavit y after tooth

extractions, period ontal proce dures, disease, or due t o surgical reconstruction is crucial to r egeneration an d restorati on of function. Macrophages in b one termed

‘osteomacs’ play a key role in wound healing and promote intramembran ous bone healing. P arathyroid h ormon e

(P TH), a potent bone anab olic agent currentl y used for the treatment of hu man ost e op orosis was sh own t o benef it oral osse ous healing, fracture healing, and extraction site




(c) Draw the graph of as a function of and draw the secant lines whose slopes are the average velocities in part (a) and the tangent line whose slope is the instantaneous velocity

[This function is named after the electrical engineer Oliver Heaviside (1850–1925) and can be used to describe an electric current that is switched on at time t = 0.] Its graph

• P u is the price of the i-period zero-coupon bond one period from now if the short rate makes an up move. • P d is the price of the i-period zero-coupon bond one period from now

• P u is the price of the i-period zero-coupon bond one period from now if the short rate makes an up move. • P d is the price of the i-period zero-coupon bond one period from now

• P u is the price of the i-period zero-coupon bond one period from now if the short rate makes an up move. • P d is the price of the i-period zero-coupon bond one period from now

( D )The main function of fuel injection control system is to _________.(A) increase torque (B) increase horsepower (C) increase fuel efficiency (D) make 3-way catalytic

Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s emphasis on adapting Buddhism to local cultural practices is crucial to Fo Guang Shan's success in spreading the Dharma overseas.. In this paper,

(In Section 7.5 we will be able to use Newton's Law of Cooling to find an equation for T as a function of time.) By measuring the slope of the tangent, estimate the rate of change