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拔蕉 (Musa balbisiana L. A. Colla) 台灣新歸化野生香蕉


Academic year: 2021

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(1)‫؀‬᨜ልᄐઔߒ (J. Taiwan Agric. Res.) 56(3):215-223 (2007). ‫ܘ‬ᑴ (Musa balbisiana L. A. Colla) Ѡ᡼ཥᘜϯഁғ३ᑴ1 ߋ፵ᓪ2 ‫׵‬లम3 ယቼᓪ4,7 ೚ӥ༡5 ယοᄪ6 㛧  尐 ५ᔕᚊΕ‫ිޕ‬૎ΕᆺᐜᚊΕ๺‫څ‬ჁΕᆺ՟ዊΖ2007Ζࢸᘔ (Musa balbisiana L. A. Colla)Δ ‫؀‬᨜ᄅូ֏ມ‫س‬ଉᘔΖ‫؀‬᨜ልᄐઔߒ 56:215-223Ζ ॔ᘔ᥆ཬढਢ॔ᘔઝխ່Օ‫ૹ່׊‬૞ऱԫ᥆Δપ‫ ڶ‬30-40 ଡጟΖ‫؀‬᨜ཬढ፾ಖሉԱ 2 ଡ‫؀‬᨜଺‫س‬ጟ॔ᘔΖ‫ء‬ઔߒ໴ᖄ 1 ូ֏࣍‫؀‬᨜ቯᆠΕৠࣟਁਞ‫֗୾ת‬क़ᓊ‫چ‬೴ऱມ‫س‬ ጟଉᘔ-ࢸᘔ (Musa balbisiana L. A. Colla)Ζ‫ཬء‬ढཬ௓೏Օษ݇Εហ‫س‬Δ೗๓ছጤ֗ᆺ ᙫຝ։ࢶ‫ػڶ‬ృΔ࣠ၗፖक़‫ݧ‬ၗ٠ᄶྤֻΔႂक़૓૓ׂ෡࿫દ‫ۥ‬Δ୶ၲ৵լ֘൴‫׊‬ຝ։ മ‫ژ‬Δጟ՗լ๵ঞᡈ‫ݮܜ‬Δࣔ᧩լ‫؀࣍ٵ‬᨜଺‫س‬ມ‫س‬ጟଉᘔΖ‫֏ូڼࠎ༼֮ء‬ጟऱཬ௓ ༴૪Ε։ؒΕᒵ༴ቹ֗൑‫ۥ‬ᅃׂΖࠀ፹‫܂‬ᛀ౉।‫א‬ᇷ೴ܑ଺‫س‬ፖូ֏‫؀‬᨜հ॔ᘔ᥆ཬढΖ. ᙯᔣෟΚ॔ᘔઝΕ॔ᘔ᥆ΕࢸᘔΕូ֏ཬढΕ‫؀‬᨜Ζ. ⓜ  岏 ॔ᘔ᥆ (Musa) ਢ॔ᘔઝ (Musaceae) խ່Օ‫ૹ່׊‬૞ऱԫ᥆Δ๺‫ૹڍ‬૞ऱᆖᛎ்ഛ঴ጟ݁ជ ᥆‫ڼ‬᥆Ζ‫׌‬૞։ؒ࣍ࠅ੊তຝΕࣟতࠅΕՕ੉੊Ε‫ٱ‬৫‫៳֗୾ת‬ᐰࠅ (Samoa) ᆢ୾࿛ᑷ൅‫چ‬೴հ ᑪᛘ‫܀‬լᗨֽऱ՞ߣ֗խ‫܅‬௧ࢸऱࣥၴ़‫( چ‬Cheesman 1948; Daniells et al. 2001)Ζ٤෺પ‫ ڶ‬30-40 ଡጟΔࠡխ‫ڞ‬ᘔ (Musa acuminata L. A. Colla) ֗ࢸᘔ (M. balbisiana L. A. Colla) ਢଉᘔ‫܂‬ढ்ഛጟ հ଺ጟ (progenitor) (Cheesman 1947, 1948; Dodds & Simmonds 1948; Kurz 1865; Simmonds & Shepherd 1955) Ζೈ‫ڼ‬հ؆Δԫࠄ்ഛጟհᙊႚิ‫ ܶץٍګ‬M. schizocarpa N. W. Simmonds հ S ഗ‫᧜ࢨิڂ‬ፂᘔ (M. textilis Nee.) հ T ഗ‫( ิڂ‬Carreel et al. 1994, 2002)Ζ‫᧯࣍ط‬าઽ᧢ฆፖጟၴᠧ ٌ‫ף‬Ղ़ၴፖழၴऱ‫ش܂‬࿛‫ైڂ‬Δዝ֏‫᠆נ‬༄‫ڍ׊‬ᑌऱᙊႚᇷᄭΔ۟վ٤෺բঅ‫ژ‬၌መ 6,000 ٝ‫ޗ‬ ற ( INIBAP 2006)Ζ ‫؀‬᨜‫॔࣍ۯ‬ᘔ᥆ཬढࣴฆ֏խ֨؆ᒴ‫ק‬ጤΔ‫؀‬᨜ཬढ፾รԫΕԲठႛಖሉ‫؀‬᨜॔ᘔ (M. formosana Hayata) ፖᥞᚡ॔ᘔ (M. insularimontana Hayata) Բଡ଺‫س‬ጟ (Kao & Lai 1976; Ying 2000)Δࠡ խ‫؀‬᨜॔ᘔբ๯ᒔᎁΔۖᥞᚡ॔ᘔঞࡸৱ᠖堚 (Chiu et al. 2004; Chiu 2005)Ζ࿝ृ࿛‫ڇ‬ቯᆠխ ୕Εᮌֽ‫چ‬೴Ε೏ႂΕਁਞΕ֗क़ᓊ‫چ‬೴ᨠኘࠩԫጟ‫؀‬᨜ཬढ፾ࠀ‫آ‬ಖሉऱມ‫س‬ጟଉᘔΔຍࠄග 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.. ۩ਙೃልᄐࡡ୉ᄎልᄐᇢ᧭ࢬઔߒ໴‫ܫ‬ร 2296 ᇆΖ൷࠹ֲཚΚ2007 ‫ ڣ‬8 ִ 20 ֲΖ ‫܂ࢬء‬ढጟ଺ิ‫ܗ‬෻ઔߒ୉Ζ‫؀‬᨜ ‫؀‬խᗼ ᣆ୽ၢΖ ‫؀‬᨜ଉᘔઔߒࢬ‫ܗ‬෻ઔߒ୉Ζ‫؀‬᨜ ৠࣟᗼ ԰‫ڕ‬䃃Ζ ৠࣟઝ‫ݾ‬Օᖂཤࣥߓ೫ඒ඄Ζ‫؀‬᨜ ৠࣟᗼ փ୕䃃Ζ ഏ‫؀م‬᨜ՕᖂႼᢌߓඒ඄Ζ‫ؑק؀‬Ζ ೏ႂஃᒤՕᖂඒߛᖂઔߒࢬ໑Փఄઔߒ‫س‬Ζ೏ႂؑΖ ຏಛ‫ृ܂‬Δሽ՗ၡٙΚpumayeh@gmail.comΙႚటᖲΚ(08)7740134Ζ.

(2) 216. ‫؀‬᨜ልᄐઔߒ! ร 56 ࠴! ร 3 ཚ. ᆢ‫ڇ‬ছ૪‫چ‬೴݁౨۞۩᜗૜Δࠡ௽ᐛਢ‫ܮ‬ॕហ‫س‬Ι೗๓೏Օษ݇Ε႓ጸ‫ۥ‬Ι೗๓ືጤ֗ᆺᙫຝ։ࢶ ‫ػڶ‬ృΙ࣠ၗፖक़‫ݧ‬ၗ٠ᄶྤֻΙႂक़૓૓ׂ෡࿫દ‫ۥ‬Εືጤ႓‫ۥ‬Δ៿‫ر‬णΔᐈ‫ݮܜ‬Δ٣ጤၬ‫ݮ‬Δ ୶ၲ৵լ֘൴Ιႂ‫ٽ‬ᡰक़؆ೡ൅‫ڶ‬࿫દ‫ۥۥ‬ᄉΙ‫֨ޢ‬৛ࠠ؄۩լᖞᏘશఇΙጟ՗႕ᓣ‫ۥ‬Εլ๵ঞᡈ ‫ݮܜ‬Ζᆖᇷறֺኙ੡଺‫ٱ࣍س‬৫তຝΕᒱߋΕ௠ഏ֗ဗ৳ᎏ࿛‫چ‬೴ऱࢸᘔΖ‫֏ូڼࠎ༼֮ء‬ጟऱ༴ ૪Ε‫؀ڇ‬᨜հ։ؒ‫چ‬೴Εᒵ༴ቹ֗൑‫ۥ‬ᅃׂΔࠀ፹‫܂‬ᛀ౉।‫א‬ᇷ೴ܑ଺‫س‬ፖូ֏‫؀‬᨜հ॔ᘔ᥆ཬढΖ. 㧟㠨咖㡈㽤 ֻྏ౎ϠࢶᏁᄃّ‫ې‬አߤ! ‫ء‬ᇢ᧭հ‫ޗ‬றΔ੡ 1998 ۟ 2002 ‫ڣ‬ၴආ۞‫؀‬᨜ቯᆠխ୕Εᮌֽ‫چ‬೴՞ࡕ‫چ‬Δ٥ 10 ٝᛜ塄᜗ཷ ௓Ζ࠷‫ڃ‬৵Δጟཬ࣍‫؀‬խᣆ୽ልᄐᇢ᧭ࢬ‫܂‬ढጟ଺অ‫୒ژ‬Ζ‫ޢ‬ٝ‫ޗ‬றហ‫ س‬5-10 ྤࢤ᜗ཷ௓Ζᒵ༴ ቹԯࠉᖕঅ‫࣍ژ‬ልᄐᇢ᧭ࢬ‫܂‬ढጟ଺অ‫୒ژ‬ऱ‫ޗ‬றᢄ፹ۖ‫ګ‬Ζ ࠉᖕ 1984 ‫ ֗ڣ‬1996 ‫ڣ‬ഏᎾཬढᙊႚᇷᄭઔߒࢬ (International Board for Plant Genetic Resources/International Plant Genetic Resources Institute, IBPGR/IPGRI) ‫נ‬ठհଉᘔࢤण༴૪᡻ (Revised Banana Descriptors)Δᓳ਷ፖ༴૪ࠡᔆၦࢤण௽ࢤΔᑇၦࢤणঞࠉՀ٨ֱऄྒྷၦΚ(1). ೗๓ (pseudostem) ೏৫ਐലࢼक़૓հཬ௓ൕ‫۟૿چ‬क़૓ࢼ‫נ‬๠հ೏৫Ι(2). ೗๓ࡌ९ (circumference) ਐྒྷၦലࢼक़૓հཬ௓ᠦ‫ ૿چ‬30 cm ๠հ೗๓Ⴝࡌ९Ι(3). ᆺׂ (lamina) ९ਐൕ೗๓ືጤ࢓Հᑇ ร؄ׂ‫ݙ‬٤୶ၲհᆺׂഗຝ۟٣ጤհ९৫Ι(4). ۖᆺׂᐈਐᆺׂ່ᐈऱຝٝऱ९৫Ι(5). ᆺਲ਼ (petiole) ९ਢਐᆺׂഗຝ۟ᆺᙫհ९৫Ζ࣠ኔࢤण‫ץ‬ਔΚ(6). ࣠ਐ९ਐլ‫ץ‬ਔ࣠඲հ࣠ਐ९৫Ι (7). ࣠ਐࡌ९ྒྷၦ࣠ਐ່ᐈऱႽࡌ९Ι(8). ࣠ਐૹਐլ‫ץ‬ਔ࣠඲ૹհ࣠ਐૹၦΙ(9). ጟ՗Օ՛ਢਐ ጟ՗່ᐈऱᖩஉፖጟ៯۟ጟ౩ऱ९৫Ι(10). ጟ՗‫ۍ‬ศૹ੡ 100 ศհૹၦΖ. 俟  㨫 ̶ᙷ఍ந! Musa balbisiana L. A. Colla, Memorie dellƍ accademia reale delle scienze di Torino 25:384 (1820). [Memoria sul genera Musa e monografia del Medesimo 56 (1820).] and E. E. Cheesman, Kew Bulletin 3(1):14 (1948).ΰቹ 1Εቹ 2α Ζ Calem-Bala Hendrick Adriaan van Rheede tot Drakenstein, Hort. Malab. 20 (1686). Musa XI Pisang batu seu pisang bidii G. E. Rumphius, Herb. Amb. 5, 132, t. 60 fig. f. (1750). Musa troglodytarum C. Linnaeus, Species Plantarum ed. II. 1478 (1763). Musa seminifera J. de Loureiro, Fl. Cochinch. 644 (1790). Musa sapientum C. Linnaeus (‘the wild sor’) sensu W. Roxburgh, Hort. Beng. 19 (1814); Corom. Pl. t. 275 (1819); Fl. Ind. 2, 484 (1824) et ed. 2. 663 (1832); non C. Linnaeus. Musa sapientum C. Linnaeus sec. F. A. W. Miquel, Fl. Ind. Bat. 587 (1855) quoad Pisang bidji; sec. S. Kurz in Journ. Agric. Hort. Soc. India 14, 296-301 (1865-66) excl. syn. M. paradisiaca; non C. Linnaeus. Musa paradisiaca C. Linnaeus sec. Trimen, Flora of Ceylon 4, 265 (1898); non C. Linnaeus. Musa brachycarpa C. A. Backer, in Handb. Flora van Java, Alf. 3. 134 (1924)..

(3) ࢸᘔ! 217. ቹ 1. ࢸᘔ༴ቹΖa.ႂक़Ιb.ႂक़ᓤ‫ٽ‬ᡰΙc.ႂक़ཾᠦᡰΙd.ႂᘎΙe.ႂक़क़ਪΙf.࣠ኔΙg.ጟ՗Ιh.ႂक़૓Ζ Fig. 1. Line draw of Musa balbisiana L. A. Colla. a. Male flower; b. Compound tepal of male flower; c. Free tepal of male flower; d. Stamen; e. Style of male flower; f. Fruit; g. Seeds; h. Male bud..

(4) 218. ‫؀‬᨜ልᄐઔߒ! ร 56 ࠴! ร 3 ཚ. ቹ 2. ࢸᘔΖa.ቯᆠ‫چ‬೴հ‫چߛس‬Ιb.ᆺᙫΙc.೗๓ഗຝΙd.ᆺਲ਼ᖩ֊૿֗ᆺഗຝΙe.ᆺ٣ጤΙf.क़‫ݧ‬Ιg.ႂक़૓ ֗ࠡ૓ׂΙh.ႂᘎΙi.ؔ࣠ᖩ֊૿Ιj.࣠ኔΙk.‫ݙ‬ᑵ࣠ኔΙl.ጟ՗Ζ Fig. 2. Musa balbisiana L. A. Colla. a. Habitat; b. Sheathes; c. The base of pseudostems; d. Cross section of petiole and the base of leaf; e. The apex of leaf; f. Inflorescence; g. Male bud and its bract; h. Stamen; i. Cross section of fruit finger showing four-rowed of ovules; j. Immature fruit and longitudinal section of immature fruit showing seeds imbedded in pulp; k. Mature fruit; l. Seeds..

(5) ࢸᘔ! 219. Musa sapientum L. subsp. seminifera J. de Loureiro forma pruinosa G. King MSS ex J. G. Baker, Ann. Bot. 7, 214 (1893). Musa sapientum L. var. pruinosa G. King MSS ex A. M. Cowan & J. M. Cowan, Trees of North. Bengal. 135 (1929). Musa liukiuensis (J. Matsumura) T. Makino ex Kuroiwa, Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 14:141(1900). Musa paradisiaca L. subsp. seminifera (J. de Loureiro) J. G. Baker var. pruinosa G. King MSS ex K. Schumann ex A. M. Cowan & J. M. Cowan, Trees of North. Bengal. 135(1929). Musa paradisiaca L. subsp. sapientum (L.) K. Schumann, Revis. Gen. Pl. 2:692(1891). Musa dechangensis J. L. Liu & M. G. Liu, Acta Bot. Yunnan. 9:163(1987). Musa lushanensis J. L. Liu, Acta Bot. Yunnan. 11:171(1989). Musa luteola J. L. Liu, Invest. Stud. Nat. 10:41(1990). ّ‫ې‬ೡࢗ! ཬ௓ហ‫س‬Εൎ೜Δ೏‫ױ‬ሒ 5 m ‫א‬ՂΙഗຝ 30 cm ๠ࡌ९પ 50-70 cmΔ෡ጸ‫ۥ‬Ιᆺᙫ႓ጸ‫ࢨۥ‬ ጸ‫ۥ‬Δᆺᙫ֗ᆺਲ਼ࢶ៿լ‫ٵ‬࿓৫ऱ‫ػ‬ృΔᆺ‫ݧ‬յ‫س‬Ζᆺׂ९ᖭႽ‫( ݮ‬oblong)Δ٤ᒴΔ९પ 2-3 mΕ ᐈ 40-50 cmΔ٣ጤ඙ኲ‫( ݮ‬truncate)Δഗຝլኙጠ֨‫( ݮ‬unequal cordate)Ιᆺ૿ጸ‫ۥ‬Δᆺહ෍ጸპ៿ ‫ػ‬ృΔխۛጸ‫ࢨۥ‬႓ጸ‫ۥ‬Ιᆺਲ਼પ 50-60 cmΔছጤᢰᒴጹຨཛփΔഗຝᢰᒴ႕‫ۥ‬Δጹ፷೗๓Ζ क़‫ݧ‬ՀিΔ࣠඲֗क़‫ݧ‬ၗ٠ᄶྤֻΖഗຝ੡Ꮏࢤक़Δ‫֫࣠ޢ‬પ 12-16 ࣠ਐΔ‫ܧ‬Բ٨Ιືጤ੡ႂ क़Ζक़ၗ९ (rachis) տ࣍ 63-93 cm հၴΖႂक़૓਍ᥛጳ࣋Δᐈ‫ݮܜ‬Δ९પ 15.9 cmΔᐈપ 6.9 cmΖ ່؆ᐋ૓ׂ‫៿ץ‬ᖞଡक़૓Δືጤၬ‫( ݮ‬obtuse)Δ෡࿫દ‫ۥ‬Δ൫‫ڞ‬ጤ੡႓ጸ‫ۥ‬Ζ૓ׂ९પ 13.1 cmΔ ᐈપ 10.1 cmΔ؆ᐋ।૿៿‫ڶ‬լ‫ٵ‬࿓৫ऱ‫ػ‬ృΔ൅‫ڶ‬᜕‫ٻ‬ᆆెΔփᐋᄆદ‫ۥ‬Δᆆెၴ‫ڶ‬ᖩ‫ٻ‬ऱᒋኹΔ ‫ٵ‬ԫழၴ‫ׂڍڶ‬૓ׂ୶ၲΔլ؆൴Δक़᝔৵૓ׂᄎๅᆵΔ૓ฉࣔ᧩Δ‫ࠄڶ܀‬മ‫ژ‬Δ௽ܑਢለ৵ཚ୶ ၲऱ૓ׂΖ ႂᘎ (stamen) ᓤ‫ٽ‬ᡰ (compound tepal) પ 4.0 cm ९Δ1.2 cm ᐈΔ෉‫෉۟ػ‬႓‫ۥ‬Δ؆ೡ൅‫ڶ‬࿫ દ‫ۥ‬ᄉΔືጤ੡႓‫ۥ‬ΔնᕡါΖཾᠦᡰ (free tepal) ຘࣔ‫ۥػ‬Δํ‫ݮ‬Δືጤ෍փ‫ן‬Δ‫ן‬ະ๠൅‫ڶ‬՛ ‫ڞ‬ᙰΙփ‫៲ױן‬क़፫Δ९৫પ੡ᓤ‫ٽ‬ᡰऱԲ։հԫΖႂᘎն࣭Δक़ਪԫ࣭Δ݁ፖक़๯࿛९Δ‫ګ‬ᑵழ ‫נۼ‬क़๯Ζ՗ࢪՀ‫( ۯ‬epigynous)Δ෉႓‫ۥ‬Δ९પ 1.6 cmΖ ۭ࣠ՀিΕጹയΔ࣠ਐ‫ػ‬ጸ‫ۥ‬Δપ 8.5 cmΕᐈપ 10.8 cmΔ࣠ਲ਼પ 1.4 cmΔᆆߡࣔ᧩Δືጤ‫ܧ‬ ᐈၬ‫ݮ‬Δਪᙰമ‫ژ‬Ζ‫ګ‬ᑵழ‫ܧ‬෍႓‫ۥ‬Ε࣠ۚ‫ۥػ‬Εࠠก࠺֗ଉ௛Δ࣠‫ؼ‬પ 1.6 mmΔ࣠ૹપ 39.3 gΔ ጟ՗႕ᓣ‫ۥ‬Δࠠլࣔ᧩ઁΔլ๵ঞᡈ‫ܜ‬णΔՕ՛પ 4.7 mm × 5.6 mmΔ‫ۍ‬ศૹપ੡ 6.8 gΖ ̶ο! ቯᆠխ୕ΕᮌֽΕ೏ႂᚢືΕৠࣟਁਞ‫֗୾ת‬क़ᓊִઍᖯ࿛‫چ‬Ζ ͔ᙋᇾώ! TAIWAN CHIAYI: Jhongpu, H. L. Chiu, Apr. 2001; May 2007 (PPI), Yunshuei, H. L. Chiu, Apr. 2001; May 2007 (PPI), KAOHSING: Lingkeng , H. L. Chiu, Dec. 2000 (PPI), PINGTUNG: Kenting street, C. L. Yeh & C. R. Yeh, Apr. 2007 (PPI), Kenting Forest Recreation Area, H. L. Chiu, Jan. 2006 (PPI); C. L. Yeh, Oct. 2006 (PPI); C. R. Yeh & C. L. Yeh, Apr. 2007 (PPI), Longpan, C. R. Yeh & C. L. Yeh, Apr. 2007 (PPI), HUALIEN: Yuemei Bridage, H. L. Chiu, May 2001 (PPI)Ζ !.

(6) 220. ‫؀‬᨜ልᄐઔߒ! ร 56 ࠴! ร 3 ཚ. έ៉౎Ϡ‫܁‬Ꮑᛳങ‫ۏ‬ᑭ৶ܑ! 1. ᆺᙫছጤ֗ᆺહ૿ྤᥣృࢨპ๯ᥣృΙक़ၗ֗࣠ၗയ‫܉‬࿩ֻΙႂक़૓૓ׂ୶ၲ৵֘൴Ιࠠߨ๓ 2. ႂक़૓૓ׂ႓ጸ‫៿ࢶۥ‬࿫દ‫ۥ‬᜕‫ٻ‬යె···························· ‫؀‬᨜॔ᘔ Musa formosana 2. ႂक़૓૓ׂᄆ࿫દࢨ࿫દ‫ ····················ۥ‬ᥞᚡ॔ᘔ Musa insularimontana (Hayata 1913) 1. ᆺᙫছጤ֗ᆺહ૿݁๯ᥣృࢨპ๯ᥣృΙक़ၗ֗࣠ၗ٠ᄶྤֻΙႂक़૓૓ׂ୶ၲ৵լ֘൴Ι լࠠߨ๓····································································································· ࢸᘔ Musa balbisiana. 岝  嵥 ឈྥࢸᘔਢଉᘔ்ഛጟऱ଺ጟհԫΔ‫ࠡ܀‬ᙊႚࣴฆ৫۟վս‫آ‬ᇡา൶ಘΔՈྤࠅጟ๯༼‫נ‬Δࠡ ଺‫ݙآࡸٍچس‬٤ᒔࡳ (De Langhe & De Maret 1999; Shepherd 1990; Sotto & Rabara 2002; Ude et al. 2002)ΖSotto and Rabara (2002) ᓳ਷۞ဗ৳ᎏආႃऱ 75 ٝࢸᘔ‫ޗ‬ற‫ܛ‬ਐ‫ࠡנ‬ᙊႚ᧢ฆᚨઌᅝ‫چ‬ՕΔ ‫׼‬؆ Carreel ࿛Գ (2002) ֗ Ude ࿛Գ (2002) ऱઔߒٍਐ‫ࢸנ‬ᘔऱᙊႚࣴฆ৫ֺቃཚऱՕΔࠀ৬ ᤜ૞‫ף‬ൎ‫ڼ‬ढጟऱઌᣂઔߒΖ ࢸᘔऱ‫ش‬ຜઌᅝᐖऑΔ‫ࣟڇ‬তࠅ‫چ‬೴Δ௽ܑਢ್ࠐ‫چ‬೴Ε௠ഏΕ‫ٱ‬৫֗ဗ৳ᎏ‫چ‬೴ऱࡺ‫ࠡ࠷ا‬ ႂक़૓ (male bud) ֗փᐋऱ೗๓ᅝ೚ᓋလΔᔪ፹ؔ࣠ΰጟ՗ࡸ‫آ‬࿇ߛছαଇ‫ش‬Δᆺׂঞ‫ش‬೚ଇढ ‫ץ‬ᇘ‫ޗ‬றΔࢼ࠷೗๓᧜ፂ೚‫ګ‬ᢃ౉ࢨࠡ‫᧜ה‬ፂ፹঴ࢨ೚੡੪ఌऱ堶ற࿛࿛ (Allen 1965; Sharrock 1997; Simmond 1962 )Ζ ‫؀‬᨜ଉᘔ‫܂‬ढጟ଺‫ڶ‬ૠ྽ऱ֧ၞΕჼႃፖঅ‫ ࣍ࡨژ‬1970 ‫؀ڣ‬᨜ଉᘔઔߒࢬ‫مګ‬Δࠀ࣍ 1983 ‫ڣ‬ದ‫ڇ‬ልᄐᇢ᧭ࢬቯᆠ։ࢬ (Chia-Yi Agricultural Experiment Station, Agriculture Research Institute) ၞ۩‫ض‬ၴঅ‫ژ‬Δ۟վ٥অ‫ ژ‬178 ٝ‫ޗ‬றΔࠡխ‫ڶ‬༓ٝࢸᘔ‫ޗ‬ற (Tang et al. 1997)Ζೈ‫ڼ‬հ؆Δᕼԭ ཤࣥሏᑗႼ೴Ε‫؀‬᨜ՕᖂፖխᘋՕᖂ݁‫ڶ‬অ‫ࢸژ‬ᘔ‫ޗ‬றΖ‫ࢸࠄڶ‬ᘔΔ‫‘ ڕ‬Pacol’Δ‫ۚ࣠ࠡڂ‬խጟ՗ ᑇለ֟‫᧜ࠡ׊‬ፂႇ৫ለൎΔൄ๯ᅝ‫ࢮ؍್܂‬຾ (Manila hemp) ࠌ‫ش‬Δ‫ڰ׊‬ཚဗ৳ᎏ੡‫᧜ߜޏ‬ፂᘔऱ ᧜ፂ঴ᔆፖ‫ݼ‬ఐࢤΔၞ۩ᠧٌߛጟΔߛ‫נ‬๺‫ڍ‬঴ጟΔ‫ؾ‬ছ‫ױ‬ᒔᎁऱ঴ጟല२ 100 ‫ڍ‬ଡΖࠏ‫ڕ‬ፖࢸᘔ ϖPacolϗᠧٌΔߛ‫נ‬ϖCantonϗ֗ϖPacolϗ࿛঴ጟΔ‫ڂ܀‬ᘣ‫ء‬ၴ਩‫᧯ۥ‬ᑇլ࿛ऱᣂএΔຍࠄ঴ጟ ༓‫׏‬ຟլᆉ (Valmayor et al. 2002)Ζឈྥቯᆠ։ࢬ‫ڶ‬অ‫ژ‬ϖAbacaϗ‫ޗ‬ற [Abaca ‫ܛ‬ਢ್‫ࢮ؍‬຾Δ᧜ ፂᘔ்ഛणኪழऱጠࡅ (Valmayor et al. 2002) ]Δ‫׊‬ᕼԭཤࣥሏᑗႼ೴ࢬঅ‫ژ‬ऱ‫ޗ‬றආ۞ᥞᚡΖ‫ط‬ ࣍ຍࠄ‫ޗ‬றऱཬ௓ൎ೜೏ՕΕ࣠ۚ݁‫܉‬የጟ՗Δ‫׊‬ႂक़૓ᠱ‫ۥ‬੡દᓣ‫ۥ‬Ε່؆ᐋ૓ׂ༓‫៿׏‬።ᖞଡ ႂक़૓Εۭ࣠ጹയΔፖ᧜ፂᘔཬ௓᧜าΕႂक़૓੡ጸᓣ‫ࢨۥ‬࿫ᓣ‫ۥ‬Ε່؆ᐋऱ૓ׂႛ៿።Կ։հԲ ႂक़૓Εۭ࣠ᠾཋऱ௽ᐛࣔ᧩լ‫ٵ‬Δංྒྷຍࠄ‫ޗ‬றᚨਢ᧜ፂ‫ش‬ऱࢸᘔΖ‫ࢸ࣍ط‬ᘔ࣠ኔփ‫ך‬የጟ՗Δ լ໰ଇ‫ش‬Δ‫׊‬࿝ृ࿛ආႃࠩऱࢸᘔ݁ਢऎထ್ሁऱ඙ࡕ‫س‬९ΔԳ੡௽რ்ഛऱ‫ױ‬౨ࢤլՕΖ‫ڂ‬խ୕ ፖᮌֽ‫چ‬೴ፖቯᆠ։ࢬΰቯᆠؑαऱ၏ᠦઌᅝ२Δංྒྷຍࠄ‫ޗ‬ற‫ױ‬౨ਢଢ຺ࢬႚᐾΙৠࣟᕼԭ‫چ‬೴ ௅ᖕཤࣥሏᑗ೴ಯٖԳ୉।‫ق‬Δֲᖕழ‫ז‬མᆖጟཬ೚੡᧜ፂ፹‫܂‬ऱጟ଺Δۖ৵‫ڇ‬Ⴜ೴փᆖ‫؀ط‬᨜㓑 ྭፖ຺ᣊ೻ଇ৵ႚᐾၲࠐΖ‫ڕ‬վ‫ڇ‬ᕼԭཤࣥሏᑗႼ೴հੱᅔ᛻ཤࣥ֗৬ᗰढৢືΔ‫֗א‬ᕼԭཤࣥሏ ᑗ೴ྨᑔ۟‫گ‬ปॼऎᒵֆሁᢰΕᕼԭՕဩհඈֽᄮ྄ᢰΕᚊᒙ౻଺ᝩଅ๠հᥒហփઃ‫ܧࠩߠױ‬෼ມ ‫س‬णኪհࢸᘔ‫س‬९Ζ۟࣍೏ႂፖक़ᓊ‫چ‬೴ࢬආႃऱ‫ޗ‬றࠐᄭঞࡸৱ਷ᢞΔٍլඈೈ੡೯ढႚᐾၲࠐ հ‫ױ‬౨ࢤΖ.

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(9) ࢸᘔ! 223. Musa balbisiana L. A. Colla, A Newly Naturalized Wild Banana in Taiwan1 Hui-Lung Chiu2, Shu-Inn Lee3, Ching-Long Yeh4,7, Chou-Tou Shii5 and Chuan-Rong Yeh6 Abstract Chiu, H. L., S. I. Lee, C. L. Yeh, C. T. Shii, and C. R. Yeh. 2007. Musa balbisiana L. A. Colla, a newly naturalized wild banana in Taiwan. J. Taiwan. Agric. Res. 56:215-223. Musa L., comprising about 30-40 species, is one of the largest genera and the most important perennial crops in the family Musaceae. In Taiwan 2 native species of Musa have been recorded. Musa balbisiana L. A. Colla is described as a new naturalized plant to the flora of Taiwan in this paper. It is a wild banana and found in southern and southeastern Taiwan. M. balbisiana could be easily distinguished from M. formosana native in Taiwan by having no stoloniferous suckers, highly and robust pseudostems, more or less glaucous leaf-sheaths and petioles, glabrous peduncle and rachis, dark purple-red bracts, no revolute bracts when lifted, occasionally persistent bracts after flowering and irregular globose seeds. Key words: Musaceae, Musa, Musa balbisiana, naturalized plant, Taiwan.. 1. Contribution No.2296 from Agricultural Research Institute, Council of Agriculture. Accepted: August 20, 2007. 2. Assistant Researcher, Plant Germplasm Division, ARI, Wufeng, Taichung, Taiwan, ROC. 3. Assistant Researcher, Taiwan Banana Research Institute, Pingtung, Taiwan, ROC. 4. Associate professor, Department of Forestry, Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Pingtung, Taiwan, ROC. 5. Professor, Department of Horticulture, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC. 6. Doctoral student, Department of Education, National Kaohsiung Normal University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, ROC. 7. Corresponding author, e-mail: pumayeh@gmail.com; Fax: (08)7740134..




03/2011 receiving certificate of Honorary Chair Professor from National Taiwan University of Science & Technology... 05/2013 receiving certificate of Honorary Chair Professor

Department of Mathematics, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan..

2 Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan.. 3 Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National Tsing Hua

Department of Physics and Institute of nanoscience, NCHU, Taiwan School of Physics and Engineering, Zhengzhou University, Henan.. International Laboratory for Quantum

Associate Professor of Department of Mathematics and Center of Teacher Education at National Central

Department of Physics and Taiwan SPIN Research Center, National Changhua University of Education, Changhua, Taiwan. The mixed state is a special phenomenon that the magnetic field

Department of Mathematics, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan..

Assistant Professor, Industrial Engineering and Management Chaoyang University of Technology. Chen Siao Gong JULY 13 , 2009 Chen