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Parent-Child Relationship and Personality Development of Chinese School Children


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Bul1etin of 剖ucational Psychology, 1979, 12, 195-212. Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan, China.

• 195 •





The objective of the present research is to study the relationships between parental chi1d-rearing practices and perωna1ity development of chi1dren in their school years. The subjects, 2084 in number, are drawn from grade 1 to grade 9 from two elementary and two junior high schools in Taipei area. Al1 the subjects have been given Parent-Chi1d Relation Questionnaire, Tennessee Self-Concept Sω,le and Chi1dren's Intemal-Extemal Control Scale. In addition, subjects in grades 4 to 9 have been given the Emotional Maturity Scale, and those in grades 7'to 9 have taken Eysenck's Juveni1e Persona1ity Inventory. Chi1dren in the 1st, 4th and 7th grades are also rated by their classroom teachers on cer個in problem behaviors. Multiple regression analyses have been employed and the results indicate that most of the personality variables can be significantly predicted by parental child-rearing practices. The self-concept, intema1ity, emotional maturity of the subjects are more susceptive to parental influences than their neurotic and problem behaviors. Parental loving and rejecting are more important than parental casual and demanding as far as their impacts on the persona1ity development of the child are concern-ed. Parental child-rearing practices exert greater influences on the personality development of children in upper grade levels than those in the lower grades. Father's and mother's influences are equal1y important.


The pr'自ent study is a part of a longitudina1 r,臼earch project which aims at making a systematic study on physical and psychological developtnent of Chinese children in their sch∞l

years from grade 1 through grade 9. This report confines 風lf to a correlationa1 study betw臼n parent-child relationship and persona1ity development of children.

Parent-child relationship is a very complicated matter which includes all 出sicinteractions between parents and children. The m個t frequently mentioned are various parental attitud部 and behaviors expressed in child-rearing practices such as loving or rejecting attitude toward children, techniques of reward and punishment, ways of satisfying children's 加sicpsychologica1

needs and so on. A number of investigators tried to conceptua1i扭曲e meaningful dimensions of parenta1 behavior. Shaefer (1965) proposed two: warmth-h個tility and autonomy-control.

Roe and Siegelman (1963) identified dimensions of acceptance-rejection and of casua1-d emand-ing. Armentrout and Burger (1972) further divìded the autonomy-control dimension into psychologica1 autonomy-psychol,曙ical control and firm control-lax control.

Some investigators were more interested in determìning the relationship between parenta1 * The material of this report is drawn from part of the data coUected in a longitudinal research project entit1ed

A study of physical and psychological development of Chinese children and adolescents in their school years". The project is participated by Professors C. H. Hwang, C. _M. Lu, C. W. 缸, W. C. Chiu, C. Y. Lu, M. F. Chien, and S. M. Chen of Department of Educational Psychology, National Taiwan Normal University.


behavior and 脾rsonality characteristics of children such as delinquent behavior, cogni位ve

ability, and general adjustment. Their findings indicated that paren個1 acceptance w但防范itively

related to 甜If-acceptan臼, happin臼s, and emotional maturity in chi1dren (Symond, 1949; Erikson, 1950; Becker, 1960; Siegelm帥,1965, 1966; Bo山nan,1967). On the other hand,但rents

wi由 rejecting attitude and authoritarian control tend吋 to have chi1dren who were insecure


anxious, withdraw, aggressive and(or with inferior fee1ings (Symo咽, 1949; Erikson, 1950; Bandura and Walters


1950; Medinnus


1961). Donald (1959) also found that parental ind品

gence was ass∞iated wi也 irresponsibility, anti-authority attitude and problem behavior in children. Clifford (1959) studied 出e types of discip1ine used by parents and their influences on children. He found that reward was associated with healthy adjustment while punishment

W晶晶sociated wi由 high level of anxiety and anti-social behaviors. Children treat吋 by

severe punishment tended to be repressive and withdrawn.

In recent years, Chinese psychologists have also done a great d臼1 of research in this field. Some f,凹used on the influences of 開rental behavior on co伊itive development (Chu,

1975), language (Wu, 1978) and creativity (Che嗯, 1978) of chi1dren. Others had their

em-ph扭曲 on the impacts of parents exerting on personality development and adjus恤entof children such as aggression (包, 1975), 1∞us of control (Yang, 1976), and adjustment (Su and Cher港,

1977; Chien, 1978). These studies have confirmed the findings of previous studies that parental loving behavior and warm attitudes will be conductive to the development of wholesome

perωnality in children and that parental rejecting atti個de and neglecting tend to impair children's personality and adjustment.

In m個t of the above mentioned studies, however, the researchers either lirnited their investigations to one particular aspect of child's personality or used only subjects from one grade or one age level. Thus, their results are not sufficient for making generalizations. The main puq犯記 of the present study 誨, therefore, to gather some systemtic information

con-cerning the relationship between parental child-reaing practices and 也e personality

character-isti,臼 of Chinese children in their sch∞,1 years. Meanwhile, since parental behaviors often vary with the age of the growing chi1d, we are also trying to fin

11. METHOD 1. Subjects:

2084 young pupils drawn from grade 1 位U"ough grade 9 from two elementary sch∞,18

and two junior high 8ch∞Is in Taipei area formed the sample of this study (Table 1). All Subj配ts were given Parent-Child Relation Questionnaire, Tennessee Self-Concept Scale and Children's Internal-External Contral Scale. ln addition, subjects in grades 4 through 9 were given the Emotional Maturity Scale


and those in grades 7 to 9 t∞k Eysenck's Juvenile Personality lnventory. Children in the 1哎, 4th and 7th grades were also rated by their classr∞m teachers on eight personality ttaits including problem behavior.


Parent-chi1d relationship and personality development of chinese school chi1dren


197 •

弋三 Grade

table 1: The number of Subjects 扭曲曲 grade level.

二 '16

'___8_ 9


ToæI 110


103!mlJO7( 叫 1031


士 1.

112 Boys Girls 124 112 115 112 107 I 1053 Tota! qL


,O 俑,缸 呵,也A守 U呵, 肉,必 F、d LU呵, ,nu nu 呵,u 峙,.


225 250 219 214 I 2084 2. Qu騙她D1l8扭扭曲d T,個個:

(1) Parent-Child Relation Questionnaire(PCQ曰: This Questionnaire was originally developed by &個 and Siegelman (1963) to measure the characteristic child-rearing practic旭s of

parents 也rough 也.e perception of children. The original form contains 144 items wi也 10

subscales namely: loving,個sual, protecting, neglecting, rejecting, demanding, symbolic-love reward, symbolic-love punishment, direct-object reward, direct-object punishment. The

Questionnaire has been revised by Chu (1975) for the use of Chinese children. Since it is t,∞ long for young pupils under grade 4, only six 鈴ales (loving, rejec位ng,個su划,

demanding, symbolic-love reward and direct-object punishment) with 10 items on 臼.ch

scale have been 自lected for the present use. Each child was asked to rate on a 5 point scale the frequencies of occurr,聞自 of certain behaviors conducted by his father and mother.

(2) 1切甜甜e Se(戶 Concept Scale: A short form of the revised Tenn自see Self-Concept

ScaIe wi血 30 items was given to subjects from grade 1 through grade 9.

(3) Children' s Internal-External Control Scale: τ'his scale was devel,嘲地 by 油wichi and Strickland (1973). The ful1 scale was given to:children of 4th grade and up while its short form was given to the 1哎, 2nd 3rd graders.

(4) The Scale o[ Emotional Maturity: It was develo伊d by Pearson (1954) 加sed on selected items of the MMPI for the measurement of emotional maturity of individuals. The revised form has 30 items and was given to children of the 4th and upper grad自.

(5) 局仰的IS Ju


nile Personality Inventory: This scale is d臼igned to m聞S叮e Extraver-sion and Neuroticism of young people. In this s個dy, it was only given to subjects from grade 7 to grade 9.

(6) Teachers' Ratings: Subjects of 1哎, 4th and 7th grades were rated by their classr∞m

teachers on 8 persona1ity traits: achievement, health, happin聞訊 leadership, popularity,

aggression, dependency and problem behavior. ßI. RESULTS

1. Parent-Child Relationship and the Self-Concept of Children:

Table 11 contains the correlations betw臼n the ratings of PCRQ for bo血 father-child

and mother-child Relationships and the subj配尬, scor,臼 on the Tenness前Self-Concept


Table ll: Correlations between Parent.Child Relat這個s and the Self.αmeept

of chin個eScltool Children.








iil互不 ~lll







BOy:-1 以 J斗三iJ17-l荊州 1-.15

I .13 ! .04 i .03





* P<O.05 Fa: Father **P<O.Ol Mo: Mother


Parent-chi1d relationship and personality development of chinese school chi1dren


199 •

mothers as warm, loving and accepting tend to have positive self-concept. Parents who use the technique of symbolic-love reward seem to have helf叫 their children in develop-ing favorable self-concept. The significant positive relationship between these two variables is very stable among the 5th and upper graders. For th由e under the 4th grade, the symbolic-love reward used by the mother seem to have greater impact on chi1dren's self -concept 由.an 出at used by the father. A1so shown in Table


, parental rejection Ìs seen negatively related to self-concept of children from grade 4 to grade 9. The data suggest that father's rejection seems to have greater harmful effect on the self-concept of boys while mother's rejection tends to assocÎate more c1個ely with the self-concept of gir1s. As far as the relation of parental direct-object punishment and the children's self-concept is concerned, the data show a negative correlation in majority of the cases. However, in grades 4, 5, and 9, the relations have not reached the level of significance. For the youngsters of grades 1 to 3


the father's behavior seems to have greater influence

than 也atof the mother on the child. But the opposite is true for subjects in grades 6 to 8. Neither parents' casual behavior nor their demanding correlates significantly wi曲曲e

self-concepts of their children.

2. Parent-Chi1d Relationship and the Belief of InternaI-External co喻。I of Children: Children's Internal-External Control Scale was administered to all subjects from grade 1 through grade 9. The scale is scored on

internality", i.e. the higher the score,也e

stronger the belief of internal c∞ntrol is. Table


gives the correlations between 也e

scor臼 of PCRQ and that of the

internality" of the children. We can see from Table III that parental loving is positively ass阻iated with the belief of internality of chi1dren. Most of the correlations


except th個e of grades 1 and 2


have reached the level of

signi-fi臼n臼﹒ Parental symbolic-love reward also correlates positively wi由 thebelief of internal control of children in grades 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. But the significant correlations are scattered around and do not show a consistent trend.

Table III also shows the tendency that unfavorable 伊rental chi1d-rearing behaviors such as rejecting and direct-object punishment are associated with 血e belief of external control of children. The correlations between the two variables are significant among subjects


Table ID: corre扭曲msbe何回iD par個b個個d Re1ations and the Intemal-Exten1al Control

。f 臼曲輪“岫1αlndr個.


Rejecting Demanding

但竺 \i 沁川\1 他 ;Fa


a Mo

Fa| 叮


一一一,----,一一一一 l 一一 l 一一一一一一一一一一一----,一


Parent-child relationship and persona1ity development of chinese school children


201 •

3. Parent-Child ReJationship and the 國noti,倒也1 Maturity of Children:

Correlation coefficients in Table IV show a clear trend that 伊rental loving and symbolic-love reward are p個itively related to the emotional maturity of children from grade 4 through grade 9. The only exception is grade 8 where the symbolic-love reward of mother does not seem to have any relation with the emotional maturity of her children.

On the other hand


parental rejection is found negatively associated wi也 theemotional maturity of the children in most of the grade Ievels. These relations are more consistent in children of grades 4 and 5 位w.n among the older grou戶﹒ In grades 7 and 9, fatl肘's rej凹tion seems to exert influences on the emotional development of bo血 boys and girls while the influence of mother's rejection is only limited to the emotional development of girls. Similarly


negative correlations are found between parental direct-object punishment and emotional maturity of children, and this relation is very clearly seen in grades 4 and 7. For other grades, the relationship is not consistent.

Table IV: Correlations be何個n Par個.t-Child Relat加個 and the Emotional Maturity

。,f Chin個e School Childr個﹒


Items Loving Rejecting


Reward I Punishment Casual Demanding




6 ~一一一一一-,一一-一一-~---I 一一~一一一 l 一一-一--'---1-一}←一

竺三iJ三i- _.2_1~1二02

.00 1 .22*1 .36料1 .01 1-.11 1 .03 1-.01 1-.06 1 .00


::(一三十三 tif--i芸芸-.月二:






4. ~前呱呱-Chi1d Re1a'組m油ip and the Neuroticism. of ch也釷個

The correlations between parental child-rearing practices and children's scor,臼 on

neuroticism are shown in Table V. ln this particular 部防划, girls seem to be more

sus臼ptive to their 開rental influenc自.

ln general


children' s neuroticism is definitely ass∞iated positively with parentalloving and negatively wi油開ren個1 rej缸tion. Tb自e relations ßre statisti臼lly sigi叫fi,臼ntamong

girls in all three grades of 7, 8, and 9. For boys, mother's loving for 自由e in grade 9

and mother rejection for 曲曲e in grade 7 'seem to have significant effect while father's handling d肥s not have such cl個erelations. As is ex戶~t甜,但ren個1symbolic-love reward correlates negatively wi由 children's neuroticism ín alm個t all cases,出ough the relation-ship is not statistically significant. On the other hand


parental direct-object punishment tends to 部S∞旭姆拉lSitively wi也 children's neuroticism, and for boys of grade 7 and for girls in grades 8 and 9 也e correlations have reacb吋 the significant level.

ln general, the relationship between parental casual and demanding behavior and children's neuroticism are neglectable and the few exceptions are: father's casual behavior related significantIy with neuroticism of girls in grade 7 and his demanding behavior seems to have invited neuroticism among 加'ys of grade 7 and among girls of grade 9.

Mother's 個.sual behavior is found rela鉛dsignificantly with neuroticism of girls in grade


5. P:前個It-Child Re1atim:曲ip and 臼過台帥'8 Problem Behavior Rated by 咄咄 T臨ebers

Table Vl pr'臼ents the correlations between parent-child relationship and children's problem behavior rated by teachers. Al也ough the correlations coefficients are generally low


the trend is in the expected direction


i.e. parental loving and 開rental


Table V: Corre1ati個.between Par個t晶晶.d Rela討缸l8 and Neuro翩翩

of Chin鴨做hω1 伯溫街叫﹒


Parent-child relationship and personality development of chinese school children


203 •

10哼e rewa吋 are ne伊tively relat甜的 ch且也凹'8 problem 恤havior while paren個1 rej間6嗯,

direct-object punis胎nent,個sual behavior and demanding are positively related to problem


T曲11e VI: Correlations be何揖n Parent晶鈕,d Rela組ms and Problem Behaviors

d 位le Subj甜ts in Grade 1


4 個d 7.



Rejecting 悅叫:l立1話::

I Casual i Demanding

\Sex"'-,一一?一一|一一于十一1 一一~I-~~--.:-~-, -!一一「← j


臼adL\\I Fa I Mo I Fa Mo Fa Mo 1 Fa Mo: Fa 1 Mo Fa I Mo



i -.22*



J~-.18J主lfJf IbET-j\哇

!?!111)1何-.07 I一lJ3?lf12叫一*

7(BWS J-03| 「05|-3們 19 卜。=---1-.04 i~!~札的 I .09 I .18 I .22料

lGi由 i-.o;-I~I-~I--~1;l:;-I-.08 I~!~i

* P<.05 ** P<.Ol 6. 團le Multiple R曙閥割i個ADalysis

In order to ur吋,erstand to what extent that parent-child relationships ac個allyinfluence the personality development of the child, multiple regaession analyses have 加enemployed. The five personality variables are used as 出,e criteria and they are (1) self-concept, (2) internality, (3) emotional maturity, (4) neuroticism and (5) problem behavior. The predictors are (1) mother's child-r,臼,ring practi<臼s, (2) fa出er's child-rearing practices and (3) 抽出 fa也er's and mother's child-rearing practio自. The predictors' contributions to the prediction of per田nalitycriteria are presen胎d in Table VII.

(1) As shown in Table VII, the regression of the self-concept of the child on mother's child-rearing practices has yielded multiple correlation coefficients of .38 to .80 which are significant in m個t of the grade levels. These signi自由nt mul位ple correlation coefficients

indicate 曲的 mother's child-rearing practices account for 11% to 64% of variance 扭曲e self-∞ncept of the subjects, depending on specific grade levels. The values of multiple correlation coefficients of fa出,er's child-rl胡ring practices are from .39 to .56 which aα:ount

for 15% to 31% of variance in 出e 扭扭-concept of the subjects. The values of multiple correlation coefficients of father's and mother's child-rearing practices are from .37 to .81 which account for 14% to 665百 of the variance 扭曲e self -concept of 油e subjects.

(2) Table VII also shows that the regression of the internality of the child on mother'8 child-rearing practices has yielded mu1tiple correla位on coefficients of .36 to .51 which are significant in m個t of the grade levels and account for 13% to 26% of the


Table VII M曲ipleαm-eJ.a抽msα>>effiei,個~ts betw明n Par扭扭1 個lld.R愉ing Praet扭曲 anà

the Per回mality Variables of the Subjec徊。f Grade 1 個 Grade9



















坤一即:間一一一一一一←拘一卅一仙一仙一仰 -3













m-M| 一 ---r-1 卜← i| 卜 l| ← -l 卜 -u 卜 -u| 「 L1 「 -r ← l 卜卜 lr! 戶









間 F4M 「 -r 一 .-5 一.一.一.-.一.一.一.﹒­ til--l




























MCRP: Mother' s Child-Rearing Practices FCRP: Father's Chi1d-Rearing Practices

FCRP & MCRP: Father's and Mother's Chi1d-Rearing Practices


Parent-child relationship and personality development of chine臨 school children


205 •

variance in the internality of the subjects. The vaiues of multiple correlation α:lefficients

of fa出缸's child-rearing practices are from .32 to .51 which account for 10% to 26% of variance in 也e internality of the subj郎ts. The values of multiple correlation coefficients of father's and mother's child-rearing practices are from .41 to .52 which account for 17% to 27~百 of the variance in the internality of the subjects. Th自er臼叫.tsalso indi,閻健 出at the influences of parental child-rearing practices on the internality of the subjects seem to be greater in upper grade levels than in 也e lower 001臼.

(3) Table


indicates 由此 the regression of the emotional maturity of the child on

mo也er's child-rearing practices has yield<吋 mul的ple correlation coefficients of .28 to .55 which are significant in m個t of 也e grade levels and which ao∞unt for 13~苦的 30% of variance in the emotional maturity of the subjects. The vaiues of multiple correlation coefficients of fa叫ler's child-rearing practices are from .26 to .49 which account for 12% to 24% of the variance in the emotional maturity of the subj前ts. As regarding to the influences or father's and mother's child-rearing practices


the values of multiple ∞η'ela­

tion c田fficients are from .43 to .57 which aocount for 18% to 32% of the variance in the emotional maturity of the subjects.

(4) Table


indicates that the regression of 也e neuroticism of the child on mother' s child-rearing practices has yielded multiple rorrela世on c扭扭icients of .25 to .50 which are significant only at grade 7 (切ys, R=.38; girls


R=.35). When father's child自r聞ring practi臼S 詢問ed 部 the predic做, its predictions to the neuroticism of the child are signi-ficant only at grade 7 (boys, R=.34; girls, R=.43) and at grade 9 (girls, R=.48). When

fartl肘's and mother's child-rearing practices is used 扭曲e prl吋ictor, its predictions to

也e neuroticism of the child are signifi,臼nt only at grade 7 (boys, R=.46; girls, R=.50)

and at grade 9 (girls


R==.50).τ'hese findings seem to suggest 也at 開ren個lc凶ld-r祖ring

practices might not be an important factor in determining the development of neuroticism of adol臼cents, es醉cially with the older on臼.

(5) Data in Table


shows that the regression of the problem behavior of the child on mo也肘 's child-rearing practices has yielded multiple correlation coefficients of .22 to .34. The values of multiple correlation coefficients are not significant ìn m個t of the grade levels except for grade 4 (girls, R==



1. Personality developmemt of an individual is a very complex proc個s and its determinants are t∞ complicated to be ana1y民d. However, the results of 也epr'個個tstudy 甜em to have

∞nfirmed 曲的 among 0由er 由ings, parent-child relationship is an important factor to the persona1ity development of young 伊~ple. The data of the multiple regression analyses

show 由ateither the con仕ibutionsof father's and mother's child-rearing practices combined together


or the con甘ibutions of the fa曲er or of the mother alone


to the prediction to

也.e persona1ity variables of the subj舵的 are significant in m個t grade levels. The values of multiple correlation coefficients between the predictors and the criteria are from .33 to .81 which account for 11 to 64% of variance in the criteria


depending on the specific personality attributes. This finding 時ems to sugg臼t,也e self-concept, internal control orientation and the emotiona1 maturity of the child are more susceptive to parental in-fluences than the neuroticism and problem beha吋or. Ba此on, Dielman and CatteIl (1978) found that mother's child-rearing practices accounted for betw自n 4 to 13 percent of the

varian個 in the child' s per剖nality scor,自. Comparing with 仕le results of their s叫你, the

pr間剖開前ern of r臼ults give us much more confidence in making generalizations of 也is

regard. However


the finding also shows that 個rental effect is mixed wi也 other influ-ences outside the famiIy such as peers




sch∞,ls and society.

2. Among the six 個rental child-r個ring practice variables, investigat吋 in 也is s個旬, it is

found 曲at parental loving and symboIic-love reward are m個t conducive to the develop-ment of favorable seIf-concept




emotiona1 maturity of the child and are nega-tively ass∞ia俊d with neuroticism and problem behavior in children a咄咄01臼cents. Th自e

findings are congruent with the results of many previous studies. For example



smith (1967) found 位mt mOthers of boys high in self吋steem were likely to be those who accepted their children by manifestations of concerns, affection and also rapport. Chien

(1978) found 出at 4血 graders who perceived 也.eir parents as loving tend吋 to have be仕:er

personal and s∞ial adjustment. They were self-reliant and self.回confident. SimiIar results

have 做到en foundaby Su and Cheng (1977).

The data obtained in the present study also indicate that unfavorable 開rental child-rearing practices such as rej臼ting and direct-obj自tpunishment are ass


Parent-chi1d relationship and personality development of chinese school chi1dren


207 •

strict regulations to them. Therefore, from children's view point, there is little variation in parental demanding through the perc甸的on of the subj肥ts.

3. The data der廿'ed both from simple correlation analyses and from the multiple regression analyses suggest 曲.at the impact of parental child-rearing practices upon a child's per-sonality development seems to be a function of the child's age. The paren偵1 behavior does not associate clearly with personality characteristics of a child when the latter is very young. The correlations betw目n the two variables show an increase 扭曲e child grows older. This is an interesting phenomenon, which seems to be contradìctory 扭曲e

general belief that the younger the child is the greater the environmental influences will be. However, d個e examination will reveal that this contradiation may be only a super-ficial one. One should keep in mind that 也e PCRQ in 位前.s study were answered by children through wh個e perception their parents' child-rearing practices were rated.

Be-sid白, it takes time for a child to get to the stage when he is able to put many scattered facts and experiences together to formulate a ∞ncrete concept or to analyze a diffused feeling or a general idea into systematic categori臼. Young children of lower grades may find it difficult to make clear differentiation about parents' behavior along a parti-cular scale. Undifferentia,ted ratings will naturally have lower correlations with other variables.

Another reason for the above mentioned phenomenon is that parents in general are more nurturant to younger chiIdren than to the older on自. Punishment and demanding practìces are not frequently used and usually a great deal of tolerance is given to young child's behavior. Even in the ca阻 of rejection, parental negative feelings are expressed very subtly rather than overtly. 1n other words, when the chi1d is young, his parents' caring behavior is generally simple and is hard to differentiated into sophisticated catego-nes.

4. As regarding to the impact of father versUs of the impact of mother, a glance of the data derived from the simple correlation analyses will notice the fact that in m個tof the cases significant correlations between parental child-rearing practices and the child's per-sonaIity development. Data derived from both simple correlation anaIyses and the multi-ple regI'自sion analyses show that both father's and mother's child-rearing practi


found 由此 without a musculine model, the 3- and 4- y'聞r-old boys from father-a加ent

homes manifested significantly less aggr自sion in doll play 也an boys from a fater-p時間nt hom臼. After having reviewed 也e literature on the topic of parental child-rearing

prac-tic臼 and moral development


Hoffman (1963) found that fa也.er's discipline emerged as relatively unimportant in young children but 部個lóng on increased significance wi血 older 00自﹒ Chu (1975) found that fa也er incr胡singly played an im伊r個nt role in the cogni-tive development of children of 4曲的 6也 graders. From the results of Su and Chen's

stu旬, the fathers 抽o exterted gr,明t impact on the personal and social adjustment of adolescence. The results of the pr個l ent study have brought to us further evidence that the importance of the father in regard to his influences on the development of the child cannot be u吋.erestimated or neg1凹ted.


Parent-child relationship and perωnality development of chinese school children • 209 •


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國立臺灣師範大學教育心理學系 教育心理學報民凹, 12期195-212頁 • 211 •


祿建文黃堅 l事處欽銘球淑美 摘要 本研究目的在探討親子關係對於國民教育階段中兒童及青少年人格發展之影響,研究受試為2084 名園小一年級至園中三年級學生,各年級受試分別接受親子關係問卷,自我概念及內外控信念量衰, 此外,國小四年級至園中三年級受試尚接受情緒穩定性暈衰,園中一年級至國中三年級受試尚接受青 年人格量表,國小一年級與四年級以及園中一年級受試尚就問題行為接受教師之評定,全部所得資料 經積差相關及多元迴歸處理分析之後,主要結果如下: 1.親子關係可有意義的預制兒童及背少年自我概念,內控信念及情緒穩定等人格特賞之發展。 2. 在各項親子關係當中,父母之愛護、獎勵、拒絕及懲罰等變項對於見童及青少年人格發展之影 響,顯較父母之寬鬆、命令等變項為大。 3. 親子關係對於園小中高年級兒童以及園中階段青少年人格發展的影響,顯較園小低年級學生為 犬。 4. 父子關係與母于闢係對於見童及背少年人格發展具有同樣重要之影響。


table 1:  Th e  number  of  Subjects 扭曲曲 grade  level.
Table  IV:  Correlations  be何個n Par個.t-Child Relat加個 and the  Emotional  Ma turity
Table  Vl  pr'臼ents the  correlations  between  parent -c hild  relationship  and  children's  problem  behavior  rated  by  teachers



• elearning pilot scheme (Four True Light Schools): WIFI construction, iPad procurement, elearning school visit and teacher training, English starts the elearning lesson.. 2012 •

maintenance and repair works should be carried out by school and her maintenance agent(s) to rectify defect(s) as identified in routine and regular inspections. Examples of works

 name common laboratory apparatus (e.g., beaker, test tube, test-tube rack, glass rod, dropper, spatula, measuring cylinder, Bunsen burner, tripod, wire gauze and heat-proof

The relationship between these extra type parameters, and the types to which they are associated, is established by parameteriz- ing the interfaces (Java generics, C#, and Eiffel)

If using electronic screen products is needed, parents should accompany children and provide timely guidance.. Parent

Microphone and 600 ohm line conduits shall be mechanically and electrically connected to receptacle boxes and electrically grounded to the audio system ground point.. Lines in

To enable pre-primary institutions to be more effective in enhancing school culture and support to children, actions can be taken in the following three areas: Caring and

Effective parental involvement in school affairs may be linked to parent educational programs which is central to high quality educational experiences of the children. The