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ǸཥᆪᏢࣴزǸ ಃΐΜය 2007ԃ1Д! ।187-194 Θ187Θ 㡳 寐 ʳ ʳ ʳ




ਜ! ! ӜǺRe-reading popular culture բ! ! ޣǺJoke Hermes рހВයǺ2005 ԃ р ހ ޗǺOxford: Blackwell ʳ ʳ *բޣഋד፣ࣁଯ໢ᔈҔࣽמεᏢЎϯ٣཰ว৖سշ౛௲௤Ǵ e-mail: viking@cc.kuas.edu.twǶ


ǸཥᆪᏢࣴزǸ ಃΐΜය 2007 ԃ 1 Д Θ188Θ ҁਜၮҔ᎙᠋Γ҇௼ᇞࣴزݤǴ໼᠋ВதࢬՉЎϯ٬Ҕޣ ޑᖂॣǴ٠ਥᏵӧӦ҇౲ޑᒃيਊҔ࿶ᡍᆶ፟៾གڙǴղ ۓࢬՉЎϯࠔ፦ޑଯեǴΨຑ՗ࢬՉЎϯ୏঩ᆶᆢᛠޗဂ ୖᆶޑૈໆǶբޣᇡࣁǴࢬՉЎϯၨࡹݯ׳ૈ୏঩҇౲Ǵ ӕਔයࡑ೸ၸӭϡࢬՉЎҁᆶӭϡ၍ញޗဂ஥୏׳ӭ౦፦ ޑϦ҇ୖᆶǶ! ʳ ԲԼ׈ધॣऱ૎ഏᇣԳ T. S. Eliot མڇτࡲඒፖ֮ᖂυԫ֮խ༩ ቮΚψإਢ߷ࠄᦰࠐ௣᎞ऱ֮ᖂ܂঴ኙݺଚթڶ່ՕՈ່றუլࠩऱᐙ ᥼ωΰᘭߦዿ֮ᖂᑻ٤ႃᒳᙀࡡ୉ᄎ᤟Δ1981: 256αΖՕຝ։ऱԳຟႉ ထψ່֟ࣂݼԺऱֱٻωၞ۩௣᎞ࢤऱᔹᦰΔڂڼהᎁ੡ᅝழੌ۩ऱՕ ฒ՛ᎅፖຏঋᏣ່ଖ൓ઔߒΖ T. S. Eliot ᅝྥլਢੌ۩֮֏ऱᖑᥨृΔהհࢬאૹီੌ۩֮֏ਢ ੡Ա෡Եᛵᇞڼԫඓᡏ֮ࣔऱψ׈ঋ׌ᆠωΖឈྥყࠐყڍऱᖂೃઔߒ ृٵრ T. S. Eliot ኙੌ۩֮֏ऱૹီΔথჸՂ T. S. Eliot ࢬլא੡ྥऱ ֮֏ᄅ۞ط׌ᆠଅᑪΔߢؘጠ׌೯ᔹᦫԳΔ௣၄ؘڶ۞ݺ।ሒፖݼࢴΖ Ոڂ੡ڕڼΔຍءط๛ᥞᖂृ Joke Hermes լ૕ߢూΕިᖸ۞ଳऱᄅ܂

Re-reading popular cultureΔᇨኔچٌזԱڔઔߒመ࿓ࢬᆖᖵऱᖂ๬੺б ੌ۩֮֏എΕՖࢤ׌ᆠᖂृбॺՖࢤ׌ᆠ࠹๶ृΕ֮֏ֆا෻უбا׌ ೶ፖ࿨࣠࿛լஙΕլᔞشΕլጐྥऱؿએඅ֬Δڇ່२ऱੌ۩֮֏ઔߒ ᇙᅝ᥆ฆᣊΖ ኙ Joke Hermes ۖߢΔ༓ۍڣࠐᕩፋԳଚගᆢუቝऱψഏ୮ωীڤ բᆖڤპΔ࠷ۖ זհऱਢ ሀഏ໾᧯ ፖٺڤ ٺᑌऱψಮ ֮֏ω ΰfan culturesαΖੌ۩֮֏ࢬਗದऱᖿ೯ፖᑷൣױ౨ֺਙएᝫڍΔۖૉ૞ᓵ ං೯ا׌೶ፖΔੌ۩֮֏Ոױ౨ֺ๺ڍਙ᤻ڇ۩Ζ



Θ189Θ ྥۖΔJoke Hermes ࠀլᇥՕຍᑌऱᑨԺΔڔലੌ۩֮֏ऱا׌࿨ ࣠ᅝ܂ڶৱኔᢞە᧭ऱࡎᠲΔࠀലੌ۩֮֏ขسऱ֮֏ֆاီ੡๵ಝፖ ݼ ࢴ ڍ ጟ ᦞ Ժ ࢮ ވ Հ ऱ ψ ۞ ݺ ݮ Ⴟ ਙ ए ω ΰ the politics of self-formationαΔਢ೚ࠐऱΰthe doing of cultural citizenshipαۖլਢ࿛ࠐ ऱΖ ፖԫ౳ᖑᥨੌ۩֮֏ऱᖂृլٵΔJoke Hermes ࠀլᝩᘨಘᓵ໾᧯ ፖࠡהੌ۩֮ءऱ঴ᔆΔլመൎᓳຍࠄ঴ᔆࠀॺطഏ୮ࢨဍ૎ၞ۩ءᔆ ᎁࡳΖڔലੌ۩֮֏ऱ঴ᔆړᡏ࣋ڇԳଚֲൄኔᔌխᛀ᧭Δᎁ੡ყ౨༼ ࠎኙ࿇୶Գ௑Εᛵᇞ۞ݺΕޏທषᄎڶشऱਚࠃΰusable storiesαΔყ ౨ᓿᦞاฒࠌࠡ൓אუቝዝᒭΰfictional rehearsalαᇞެس੒ፖൣፃം ᠲΔՈყ౨ᨃԳଚܓشࠡࠐᆖᖵΰworking throughαፖ෻ᇞழזऱլڜ ֗ܺቅΙڕڼΔੌ۩֮֏ऱᏝଖՈ༉။೏Ζ ੡ฤٽՂ૪૞ޣΔJoke Hermes ሎشᔹᦫԳاග፾ઔߒऄࠐႜᦫֲ ൄੌ۩֮֏ࠌشृऱᜢଃΔࠀ௅ᖕڇچاฒऱᘣߪபشᆖ᧭ፖᓿᦞტ ࠹Δܒࡳੌ۩֮֏঴ᔆऱ೏܅ΔՈေ۷ੌ۩֮֏೯୉ፖፂᢀषᆢ೶ፖऱ ౨ၦΖڼԫ࿜ฃਝᝩၲؐ੔ψဠೕრᢝীኪωऱ೏႙ޅܒΔՈլቝ׳੔ ψژڇؘڶᏝଖωऱاጰᓲ໼Ζ׽૞ڇ௽ࡳ౧࿮ൣቼࠌش৵౨ഛ塄ֆا ೶ፖΔጥה႕ᘷػᘷຟਢړᘷΖ ۟࣍ຘመੌ۩֮֏ࢬ֧࿇ऱಘᓵΕᖂ฾Ε໌რፖտԵΔױ౨ڶ९ ཚΕᄨנੌ۩֮֏Ꮖ഑ऱᐙ᥼ΔՈױ౨ڶඈ؆Εהृ֏ऱႜٻΔ܀ੌ۩ ֮֏ऱய࣠ٵᑌ൓طኔᔌᛀࡳΔۖੌ۩֮֏ࢬഛ塄ऱֆاՈױ౨অښՈ ױ౨ᖿၞΖJoke Hermes լቝ van Zoonenΰ2005α৬ᤜطψಮا׌ω ΰfan democracyα࠷זψֆاا׌ωΰcivic democracyα1౳چᑗᨠΔڔ ཚৱऱਢڍցੌ۩֮ءፖڍցᇭᤩषᆢΔܛ໌ທޓڍᣊۿ Negt ፖ Klugeΰ1993αࢬංശऱ counterpublicsΰp. 153αΔޓڍฆᔆऱֆا೶


ǸཥᆪᏢࣴزǸ ಃΐΜය 2007 ԃ 1 Д Θ194Θ


1 ڇڔ່ᄅऱထ܂ᇙΔvan Zoonen ፂ਍ԫ຃ኙੌ۩֮֏ऱا׌ॾ֨Δ ൎᓳ٤֨ދԵऱృ࿭ΰcommitted fansαإਢᅝছ෻უऱਙएֆا ࠢᒤΔࠠڶൎ௺೯ᖲΕᗨᄕ༈ބᇷಛΕᑷ಑ಘᓵΕᑑᄷᣤ௑׊໌რ Լ ߩ Ζ ڇ ԫ ࠄ ኔ ቼ ᆏ ؾ ΰ reality TV α խ ΰ ڕ Κ μ ભ ഏ ೝ ቝ ν

American IdolαΔృ࿭ ଚޓױऴ ൷ދปެ ࡳᆏؾ ࿨࣠Ζኙ van Zoonen ۖߢΔృ࿭լਢቝΰasαֆاΔృ࿭ࠡኔ༉ਢΰisαֆاΔ ץܶԱ๺ڍႚอਙएࢬඈೈऱࢨܮ֧լԱऱֆاΖ

2 ࢬᘯ counterpublics ਢਐൎᓳ஁ฆ׊ڱڇኙݼ׌୬հٵԫ֏ֆ٥Ꮖ ഑ऱྤᑇ໱഑ΖJoke Hermes ٵრ van Zoonen ڶᣂੌ۩֮֏ለႚอ ਙएޓࠠڶ೯୉ࢤፖץ୲ࢤऱᎅऄΔ܀ਢڔՈ༼ᙌੌ۩֮֏ڶࠡ࿨ ዌૻࠫΕՈڶᚘލஇႨᜢଃऱױ౨Ζױ൦ऱਢΔJoke Hermes ऱ༼ ᙌࠀآڇڔ۞աऱኔᢞઔߒխ୶෼Ζ


ᘭߦዿ֮ᖂᑻ٤ႃᒳ᤟ࡡ୉ᄎ᤟ΰ1981αΖτࡲඒፖ֮ᖂυΔπᘭߦዿ ֮ᖂᑻᙇႃΚ1948Δۦฃ௽ρΔ଄ 241-263 ଄Ζ؀קΚᛩဎۍ ઝΖ

Negt, O., & Kluge, A. (1993). The public sphere and experience. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

Zoonen, L. van (2005). Entertaining the citizen: When politics and popular



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