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For many years


psychologists have showed considerable interest in the relationship between ability and verbal learning and retention. In general


the research evidence is consistent with the common beHef: rate of acquisition of a verbal task is a positive function of initial level of abi1ity (6










22). Data of this type suggest that verbal learning is a fertile field for research on learning and individual difference in inte1ligence.

This generalization




does not hold in the forgetting phenomenon. A1though an early study by Gi1lette (9) indicated that fast learners retained more than slow learners


the data of recent studies (12






28) indicated that the individual differen-ces presented in forgetting do not follow the same pattern as those in learning. That is


there is no evidence that the rate of forgetting differs significantly between fast and slow learners.

Group differences in learning and forgetting based on independent variables other than inte1ligence have not yet been investigated. The present study represents an attempt to investigate the effects of social environment on paired-associate learning and retention in two groups of normal elementary school children.

The major theoretical position from the experimental point of view with respect to forgetting places great emphasis upon interference as a critical factor (24


29). The interference is said to stem from the learning of other tasks fol1owing the learning of the task to be recal1ed (retroactive inhibition) and from tasks acquired prior to the learning of the task to be recal1ed (proactive inhibition). There has been a shift in the relative importance assigned to these two sources of interference. In earlier years


retroactive inhibition was assumed to be the major source of interference in producing forgetting. Recently




Underwood (29)


Underwood and Postman (32) and Postman (24) have assigned the major role to proactive inhibition. The reason for this switch in emphasis comes mainly from the concept of spontaneous recovery of old habit being temporarily suppressed during the learning of a new habit. Thus spontaneous recovery of prior learning producing proactive inhibition is assumed to be an important variable in long-term memory. This assumption has been supported by research evidences (2





This study was supported by a research grant from the National Council of Science Development




25, 15). This concept has been widely accepted (14, p. 501) and been extended by Underwood and Postman (32) and McGovern (20) in terms of ordinary language habits (letter-sequence interference and unit-sequence interference) and multidirection associations (S-R and R-S



This development has brought about a fundamental change in the interference theory and has stimulated a new direction of research. Several hypotheses have been developed based on the concept. Klausmeier et aI. (16)


for example


hypothesized: (1)

high IQ children would learn rapidly and forget rapidly whereas low IQ children would learn slowly and forget slowly; and (2) retention would be the same among children of low




and high intelIigence when the tasks are learned to the same criterion. Underwood (31) hypothesized: (1) very young children would show less rapid forgetting of a verbal task than colIege students because of the fewer conflicting associations in children's repertoire to cause proactive inhibition; and (2) if an imbecile were given enough trials on a verbal task to reach the same degree as that attained by a genius, the genius would show more rapid forgetting because he has learned more things and wilI subsequentIy learn more things that wiII interfere.

These kinds of hypotheses have been tested by a number of studies in the last decade


but the resuIts are conflicting. Some findings indicated no difference among groups with different IQ levels either on original learning or on retention (5, 13, 18,). Some studies found differences on rate of learning, but not on retention (3 ,時, 17). StiII others indicated no differences among abiIity levels on learning, but significant differences on retention (23, 33).

In general, the previous studies have three similarities: (1) verbal tasks were used as learning material and the single paired-associate learning technique was employed; (2) measures of long-term memory were used as criterion of retention; and (3) two (or more) IQ groups


principalIy normal and mentalIy reatarded children


were used as subjects. Based on the original hypotheses proposed by Klausmeier (16) and Underwood (31)


and according to the current version of the interference theory


it seems logical to assume that the degree of proactive and retroactive interference is greater for normal children than for retardates because of their more diverse verbal experience. From the met

If other variables rather than verbal experience were equal


the less inteIligent children might forget less rapidly because of less interference. Unfortunately, the experiments comparing normals and retardates on learning and retention permit no degree of experimental control over the related variables. Underwood (30


p. 123)


for example, suggested that if we separate subjects on the basis of a particular charac-teristic (e.g.


intelIigence) and then test them on an aspect of bèhavior not used in the


Effects of Social Environment on Learnig and Retention 13

original separation


the groups should be equated on al1 other variables other than those used to effect separation. More recently


Goulet (10) pointed out that mentally retar-ded subjects may have an additional variable of structural memory deficiency. If this is the case, the course of forgetting over time in the normals and in the retardates would be different. Verbal forgetting in normal children might be attributable to only two variables




proactive and retroactive interference. In the retardate group




the course of forgetting must be considered to be a joint function of three variables, proactive and retroactive interferences and the structural deficiency.

Because of the methodological weakness, the results of the studies comparing normals and retardates are subject to difficulty in interpretation. This led Baumeister (3) to conclude

To understand the behavior of retardates one must study the behavior of retardates. The study of normal behavior is quite irrelevant to this purpose." To the same effect, to understand the behavior of normal one must study the behavior of normals. For this reason


the present study instead of comparing normals and retardates in learning and retention


two normal groups drawn from different social environments employed as subjects. According to the current version of the interference theory


it is reasonable to assume that individuals living in a complex and enriched social environment would have more verbal stimulations than that of living in a simple and deprived social environment. These differences may influence children's verbal experience in producing different effects upon their learning and retention. The present study was designed to investigate the effects different verbal environment on children's

paired-associate learning and retention.

In viewing of our language habits in terms of the concepts of unit-sequence interference (32) and multi-direction associations (20), they seem to be more relevant to Chinese than to English. The basic expressions in the Chinese language are not single words (characters) but terms


which are combinations of two or more single words. Chinese children have to learn the meanings of the single words as wel1 as the derived new meanings of the terms. In considering the variety of Chinese lan-guage


two features


at least


of the basic unit of Chinese language should be identified


retention of learned material based on the number of correct responses obtained after different time intervals.


Subjects Fifty normal children (25 boys and 25 girls, IQ range 90 to 115), who were enrolled in elementary public school fourth grade classes in an urban area (Taipei City) were selected as subjects for the urban normal group (UNG). In addition to the variable of intelligence determined by a standardized non-verbal intelligence test


the UNG subjects were selected on the basis of the following criteria. All of the chi1dren had attended kindergartens at least one year. Their parents had at least high school educations. They had lived in the same environment since birth. Most of their families provided reading materials above and beyond school textbooks.

Another fifty normal children (25 boys and 25 girls


IQ range 90 to 115)


who were enrolled in elementary public school fourth grade classes in a rural area were selected as subjects for the rural normal group (RNG). The selection of this group was based on the following criteria. None of the children had preschool education. Their parents' education did not extend elementary school. They had lived in the same environment since birth. Most of their homes did not provide reading materials other than school textkooks.

MateriaIs The learning materials for this experiment consisted of 12 paired-associate verbal tasks (unrelated pairs of Chinese characters). Each of the paired-associate words was printed in black ink on a 4" x 6" white card. These words were selected on the basis of two criteria: (1) all words had to be known by the subjects; the subjects' task was to learn the associations of the paired words


not the separate words themselves; and (2) according to the textbooks previously used by the subjects and the Chinese language used daily


none of the paired-associates could be a meaningful term; that is


the learning task had to be new to the subjects and the pairedassociate words had to be unrelated.

Procedure Since one of the purposes of the study was to investigate the relation-ship between subjects' verbal experiences and their learning environments


it was necessary to devise a technique for measuring verbal complexity. Therefore



free-recall test was given to the subjects before experiment. A list of 15 Chineses words drawn from textbooks used previously by the subjects was given to the subjects


and they were required to use them as cues for making word-combination terms. In other words


the subjects were asked to recall freely the words associ


Effects of Social Environrnent on Learnig and Retention 15

number of the terms an individual recalled represented his verbal complexity


which was used as an index of the level of language development.

The experiment was conducted in a small room in the school. The experimenter

(E) worked with subjects (5) individually. The subjects was seated at a small table facing E. After E recorded the name and birth date


the following instructions were g1Ven:

We are going to play a game with these cards. 1 want you to read each of the two words on the card (E points to the card). Try to remember that the two words go together, because later 1 am going to show you just one word (E shows him the stimulus word on the back of the-c.ird) and ask you to tell me which word goes with it. Do you know how we play? (if 5 indicates understanding) OK


let's begin now.

E then manually presented each card to 5 at a rate of approximately five seconds per card


with 5 saying the words aloud. After one trial


exposing all 12 cards to 5


E shuffled the cards and said:

Now 1 am going to show you only one word on the opposite side of the card. Would you please tell me which word goes with it?

The cards were presented at a rate of approximately 5 seconds per card


with 15-second intertrial interval. At the end of each trial the cards were shuffled during the 15-second interval in order to control for possible serial effect. If 5 made an incorrect response to the stimulus word


E turned the card and 5 verbally corrected his response to the stimulus. Following a correct response, E responded with


that's fine," or other expressions of approval and rE'frained from the card.

The material was learned by the adjusted-learning method originated by Woodworth

(3日 and adapted and refined by Gillette (9). By this method the cards in the deck were dropped out after 5 correctly responses. Again


when the number of cards in the deck reached zero


the deck was reassembed a third time and readministered to 5. Thus


each subject made three correct responses to each of the stimulus words.

Subsequent to the attainment of the criterion


retention was measured by presenting 5 with only the stimulus words and recording correct responses. The time interval between termination of learning and the first retention test was one hour. When retention was measured


incorrect responses were not corrected by turning cards These procedures were repeated one day (土 2 hours)


and 15 days (土 4 hours) after initial training session.


Original Learning The means and standard deviations of trials to criterion as well as the mean number of trials needed to reach the point of error1ess response at different time of learning practice for the two groups are presented in Table 1. Since the main purpose of the study was to investigate the effect of social learning


environ-ments on pairedassociate verbal learning


the difference in the measures of learning of UNG and RNG should be tested first. Test of significance (t-test) applied to these data indicated that the difference between these two groups was not statistically sig-nificant.

To analyze the effect of interaction of social groups and the measures of learning


a 2 x 3 complete factorial analysis of variance with repeated on one factor (34) was used. The groups (UNG and RNG) and the three times of learning practice to reach the points of errorless response served as the independent variable


and mean numbers of trials needed for reaching the points served as a dependent variable. The resu1ts are shown in Table 2. The data indicated that the main effect of subject cJassification (UNG and RNG) was not significant. There were no effects attributable to the interaction between the subject cJassification and the mean numbers of trial needed to reach the points of errorless response for each time of learning practice. The data show cJearly that both of the groups improved significantly (F=173.90


p<.Ol) through the three time of learning practice. The first hypothesis of the present study




was not rejected.

To provide more information concerning paired-associate verbal Jearning as reJated to environmental and sex factors


a 2 x 2 complete factorial analysis of variance was used to further analyze the data. The resu1ts are presented in Table 3


and the summary of the analysis of variance is shown in Table 4. As indicated in Table 4


the differences between boys and girls and between UNG and RNG were not significant. The effects of interaction of these two variables were also not significant.

Verbal Complexity The means and standard deviations of measures of subjects' verbal complexity two groups obtained by the method of free recall are presented in Table 5. Tests of significance (t一test) applied to these data indicated that the RNG Ss were significantly inferior to UNG (t=4.51, p<.Ol). This resu1t indicated that the verbal development was a function of social learning environment.

Table 1 Means and Standard Deviations of Trials to the Point of Errorless Response and to Criterion

I First Time I Second Time I Third Time I Total

Reaching I Reaching Reaching ! Number

the Point the Point ! the Point I of Trials

of Errorless I of Errorless of Errorless ; to



Response i Response ) Criterion

Group N



Mean SD!



UNG 回 7.78 I 2.98 4 布 1 啞 3 曲( 1.38 16.02 5.44



Effects of Social Environment on Learnig and Retention

Summary of the Analysis of Variance of Trials Needed for Reaching the Point of Error less Response

Table 2 172.90** 1.58 .56 F 9 臼 戶 hd

-9UH 一 21.34 13.54 438.23 1.40 MS 1373.33 876.45 2.80 494.08 2723.59 df SS 99 1348.26 21.34 1326.92 2 2 196 299 200 98 1 Source Between Subjects Between Groups Subjects within Groups

Within Subjects Between Times Interaction (Groups x Times) Times x Subjects within Groups Total **p<O.Ol Girls 15.88 (n=25) 19.72 (n=25) Means of Trials to Criterion of Paired-associate Learning as Related to Environmental and Sex Factors

Table 3 Boys 16.16 (n=25) 15.60 (n=25) Group UNG RNG

Summary Analysis of Variance of Trials to Criterion of Paired-associate Learning as Related to Environmental and Sex Factors Table 4 F 1. 74 3.14 2.37 MS 92.16 67.24 38.51 121 SS 67.24 92.16 d


1 1 1 Source Between

(Boys and Girls) Between

(UNG and RNG) Interaction

(Sex Groups x Social Groups)

Within Total




Table 5 Means and Standard Deviations of Measures of Verbal Complexity N 50 50 Mean 125.74 106.92 SD 19.05 22.54

Retention The means and standard deviations of the correct responses of different groups on the tests of retention of learned material at different time intervals are presented in Table 6. A 2 x 3 complete factorial analysis of variance with repeated measures on one factor was used to analyze the retention data


and the results are presented in Table 7. These tables indicated


as expected


that the mean numbers of correct responses measured at different intervals were significantly different (F=222.鈕,

p<.Ol). That is


the recall of the learned material was significatly reduced as time passed. Inspection of Table 7 indicated that differences between groups were also significant (F=16.妞, p<.01). In order to determine which comparisons among the three means were significant


t一test was applied


and the resu1ts are shown Table 6. The results indicated that the retention scores of RNG were significantly superior to UNG at all three tests of retention obtained at different time intervals after original learning. The effect of interaction of groups and intervals was also significant.

Based on the results analyzed the second hypothesis that there is no significant difference between groups in the measures of retention was





The measures of retention as related to environmental and sex factors were analyzed. The difference between boys and girls was not significant.

Table 6 Means and Standard Deviations of the Correct Responses of two Groups on Tests of Retention of Learned Material

1 hour Group N Mean SD UNG 50 8.14 1.86 RNG 50 9.72 2.18 t 料p<O.01 Retention Interval 1 day Mean SD 6.90 8.02 2.93料 1.73 2.08 15 days Mean 4.94 6.78 4.34** SD 2.09 2.15


Effects of Social Environment on Learnig and Retention 19

Table 7 5ummary of the Analysis of Variance of 5cores of Two Groups on Tests of Retention of Learned Material

50urce F

Between Subjects

Between Groups 5ubjects within Groups

Within Subjects Between Intervals Interaction (Groups x Intervals) Intervals x 5ubjects within Groups Total 而p三三。而I 可乏正的 df 55 M5 1166.92 171. 77 995.15 686.00 471.53 n曰, inmuhuqd nynyhu qh 171. 77 10.15 16.92** 235.77 222.42料

3.13* 2 6.64 3.32 196 207.83 1.06 1852.92


According to the interference theory and based on the facts that the children from culturally deprived environment were retarded in verbal development


it would be reasonable to assume that the subjects in RNG would have fewer old associations with the familiar stimulus words to b 三 extinguished during the acquisitions of new associa-tions. This might reduce the proactive inhibition produced by previous associations and consequent1y result in faster learning. In other words


the group which had lower verbal complexity would need fewer trials to criterion. The results of the present study




did not support this assumption. Contrary to expectations


when two groups were combined and mixed up without regard for social classification


a negative correlation (r

= -



p< .05) was found between the measures of learning and the measures of verbal complexity. That is


the subjects who had more complex language habits learned faster than those who had simpler language habits. Based on the con-cept of interference


this rather tangled problem could not be readily answered. This phenomena might be explained in terms of extraexperimental transfer proposed by

Goulet (11).

Fundamental旬, there are two paired-associate transfer paradigms: A-B, A-C; and A-B


C-B. The designation implies that subjects learn two consecutive paired-associate lists. The A-B


A-C paradigm


involving identical stimuli and unrelated responses on the two lists


typically results in negative transfer. This negative transfer is attributed to interference where the first-list association (A-B) inhibits the new associations of the second-list (A-C). In the A-B


C-B paradigm


involving unrelated stimuli and identical or similar responses


a positive transfer is expected. This positive transfer


stem from the transfer of response 1earning from the first-list to the second-1ist. 1n the two-list experiment these types of transfer can readily be identified. Now could we use these concepts to interpret the peculiar phenomena of the obtained data?

1n this experiment


instead of a two-list design


a single paired一associate task was employed. And particulary


both the stimulus and response items were meaningful Chinese words known previously by the subjects. These words


a1though unrelated in the designated pairs


were apparently associated with other words in the subjects natural language habits (word-combinationterms). If we take the learned single paired-associate task as A-C, and assume the stimulus item

A" had a number of preexperimen-tal learned associations such as A-B, A-D, A-E, . . . .; the higher the verbal complexity, the more preexperimental associations. If this is the case, extraexperimental transfer would be negative (since the conceptualized paradigm is A-B, A-C).



the single paired-associate A-C should be considered as a mu1tireaction association (20). Since both

A" (the stimulus item) and

C" (the response item) are meaningful words, they would not only have their own preexperimental associations, but also be associated in different ways. The following paradigm could be conceptua一




(Preexperimental association)


(The single paired-associate)

If this is the case


the extraexperimental transfer would resu1t in a positive effect.

Furthermore, the preexperimental associations could be in various forms such as B-C, D-C, E-C, . . . ., with identical responses and unrelated stimuli. It follows from this paradigm that the higher verbal complexity and the more preexperimental associations


the better facilitation learning condition would be.

With these conceptual analyses above


the extraexperimental transfer might be either positive or negative in nature. The findings in the present study that the higher verbal complexity


the faster the learning to criterion


might be attributable to the positive extraexperimental transfer.


Based on the current version of the interference theory


the effects of children's verbal learning environment on paired-associate learning and retention was examined. Two groups, UNG (n=50) and RNG (n=50), with equal 1Q levels were drawn, based on defined selected criteria, from two social environments. The learning material was 24 unrelated Chinese characters, and the single paired-association technique was used. The results indicated: (1) The difference of measures of learning to criterion between two groups was not significant. (2) The difference of measures of verbal complexity measured by free recall revealed that the RNG Ss were significantly inferior to Ss in UNG. (3) RNG Ss retained significantly superior to Ss in λJNG. (4) No significant difference between boys and gir1s was found either in learning or in retention. (5) The interference theory was partially supported by the findings of the present study.


Effects of Social Environment on Learnig and Retention 21


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University of California





( 2) Barnes,


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Fate" of first-list association in transfer theory. Journal of Experimental Psychology







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( 4) Briggs, G. E. Retroactive inhibition as a function of the degree of original and interpolated learning. Journal of Experimental Psychology







( 5) Cantor


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( 8) Games, P. A. A factorial analysis of verbal learning tasks. Journal of Experimen-tal Psychology






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(18) Lott


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(19) Mandler ,丘, and Huttenlocher



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(20) McGovern



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McGraw-Effects of Social Environment on Learnig and Retention



張 春 摘要 23 從實驗心理學的觀點君,干擾論 (Interference Theory) 素為解釋語文學習後遺忘現象的主 要理論。以往千擾論者成認倒攝抑制 (Rotroactive Inhibition ,以後學得的習慣抑制舊有習慣的 記憶〉為構成遺忘的主要原因。但近十幾年來,非但理論的觀點業已改變,而且也獲得實驗結果的 醋,也迪里彭扯開|民喇叭 Proactive Inhibition ,舊經驗的現抑制了新學習的記憶〉 是墮旦遣草草龜且主草屋單斗比一觀點對語文學習後的長程記檔(Long-Ter官 Memory) 的解釋 ,理主題墮空宣史!J激相同而所需反應相異的情形主,具有甚大的價值。此→哇空前的基 主題金主且: ( 1)學習任何事物都不是孤立的,在個體的生活中,學習總是連續的產生;( 2)在個 體從事某一項特定事物學習時,舊習慣中與新學習有關但卸不適於新學習的反應,必得暫時棄置而 產生一種「反學習 J ( Unlearning )現象;( 3 )等新學習過後,因「反學習」而暫時壓制之舊習 慣,將會產生「自發性怯復 J (Spontaneous Recovery )現象;( 4 )當個體需要同憶新學習的反 應時,舊體驗的自發性恢復叉將千擾其對新學習的記腎。 基於上述理論,本研究提出以下四個假設,並試經實驗方法以考驗之:(1)兒童之語文經驗較 復雜者,在從事一項以舊體驗為基礎的新語文經驗的學習時,將有較多且具千擾性的舊經驗需「反 學習 J ; (2) 語文經驗直雜者,新學習過後也將會產生較多的「自發性怯復 J ; (3)在語文刺激豐 富環境中見童語文習慣的直雜度應較同智力階層但語文刺激貧乏環境中見童者為高; (4)在以見童 熟知單字但無邏輯意義時驅遐皇軍時,吉拉型直堅豐宮組他盟主其學習速度將較前渝,、 鈕,些變墮至星星星E藍足三 本研究之受試者為小學四年級見童,分為城市( 50人,男女各半〉與鄉村( 50人,男女各半〉 兩組;前者均曾接受學前教育,其父母教育程度較高,家境較富裕,課外閱讀機會較多。以下為本 研究獲得的重要結果: ( 1)城市組見童的語文擅雜度(以定時造詞量為準〉遠較鄉村組見童為高; ( 2 )在學習速度方面,兩組無顯著差異; ( 3 )在遺忘速度方面,城市組在習後各次測驗上都顯示 比鄉村組遺忘者較多; (4)未發現性別上的差異。在盟主持果大體上支草草主擅益主盟主益主 - j !Z;Ü)


Table  1  Means  and  Standard  Deviations  of  Trials  to  the  Point  of  Errorless  Response  and  to  Criterion
Table  2  172.90** 1.58  .56 F  9 臼戶hd -9UH 一 21.34 13.54 438.23 1.40 MS 1373.33 876.45 2.80 494.08  2723.59 df SS 99 1348.26 21.34 1326.92 2 2 196  299 200 98 1 Source Between  Subjects Between  Groups Subjects  within  Groups
Table  5  Means  and  Standard  Deviations  of  Measures  of  Verbal  Complexity  N  50  50  Mean  125.74 106.92  SD  19.05  22.54
Table  7  5ummary  of  the  Analysis  of  Variance  of  5cores  of  Two  Groups  on  Tests  of  Retention  of  Learned  Material



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- Informants: Principal, Vice-principals, curriculum leaders, English teachers, content subject teachers, students, parents.. - 12 cases could be categorised into 3 types, based

好了既然 Z[x] 中的 ideal 不一定是 principle ideal 那麼我們就不能學 Proposition 7.2.11 的方法得到 Z[x] 中的 irreducible element 就是 prime element 了..

volume suppressed mass: (TeV) 2 /M P ∼ 10 −4 eV → mm range can be experimentally tested for any number of extra dimensions - Light U(1) gauge bosons: no derivative couplings. =&gt;

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incapable to extract any quantities from QCD, nor to tackle the most interesting physics, namely, the spontaneously chiral symmetry breaking and the color confinement.. 

(1) Determine a hypersurface on which matching condition is given.. (2) Determine a