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104七下英文科第二次段考(797 KB )


Academic year: 2021

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聽力測驗 25%

一、辨識句意:根據聽到的內容,選出符合描述的圖片代號。(每題 1 分,共 5 分。) 1. ( ) (A) (B) (C) 2. ( ) (A) (B) (C) 3. ( ) (A) (B) (C) 4. ( ) (A) (B) (C) 5. ( ) (A) (B) (C) 二、基本問答:根據聽到的內容,選出一個最適合的回應句。(每題 2 分,共 10 分。)

1. ( ) (A) It’s October 6. (B) It’s on March 6. (C) Today is Saturday. 2. ( ) (A) Chicken soup. (B) Yes, I like fish soup. (C) Let’s have some soup. 3. ( ) (A) Yes, it is in the living room. (B) No, I don’t like juice. (C) Yes, but only a bottle of it. 4. ( ) (A) They are very expensive. (B) Two cups, please. (C) It is fifty dollars.

5. ( ) (A) There are two dogs. (B) There are four. (C) There is a hamburger on it.

三、言談理解:根據聽到的內容,選出一個最適合的答案。(每題 2 分,共 10 分。)

1. ( ) (A) Three cups of coffee. (B) Two cups of milk. (C) Three cups of black tea. 2. ( ) (A) December 7. (B) December 8. (C) December 18.

3. ( ) (A) Ten dollars. (B) Fifteen dollars. (C) Twenty dollars. 4. ( ) (A) Water. (B) Milk. (C) Flour.

5. ( ) (A) The party is on May 15. (B) The basketball game is on May 10. (C) Linda’s birthday is on May 10. 10 月 12 星期三 11 月 12 星期三 12 月 12 星期三


讀寫測驗 75%

四、文意字彙:(1~5 題看中文寫英文,每題 1 分;6~10 題每題 2 分,共 15 分。)

1. 三明治________________ 2. 二月__________________ 3. 碗__________________ 4. 中國人________________ 5. 披薩__________________

6. __________________ N________r is the eleventh month of the year. 7. __________________ Mark is from the USA. He is an A________n.

8. __________________ Mr. Wang’s fruit s________d sells bananas and oranges at the night market(夜市). 9. __________________ There is a new r________t near our school. It sells hamburgers and French fries. 10. __________________ Many people eat p________n pie and turkey on Thanksgiving every year.

五、文法選擇:(每題 2 分,共 20 分。)

1. ( ) A:What’s the ________ today? B:It’s ________ May 17.

(A)day; (B)day;on (C)date;on (D)date; 2. ( ) Which do you like, ________?

(A)cakes or pie (B)juice or tea (C)rice or noodle (D)flours or sugar 3. ( ) A:How ________ soy milk ________ Mom drink a meal(餐)? B:One bottle.

(A)much;does (B)much;is (C)many;does (D)many;do 4. ( ) Sunday is ________ day of the week.

(A)the one (B)first (C)the first (D)one 5. ( ) A:________ is the banana pie? B:It’s NT$450.

(A)How much (B)How many (C)What (D)Which 6. ( ) A:________ is Eva’s birthday? B:It’s ________ Monday.

(A)When; (B)What day;on (C)What date;on (D)When;in 7. ( ) Today is Dina’s ________ birthday. She is twenty years old.

(A)twentieth (B)the twentieth (C)twenty (D)the twenty 8. ( ) A:We don’t have ________ water at home. B:Let’s buy(買) ________.

(A)many;it (B)some;much (C)any;some (D)any;many 9. ( ) There ________ one box of ________ here.

(A)are;cookies (B)is;cookie (C)are;cookie (D)is;cookies 10. ( ) A:Do you like coffee, milk, or tea? B:________

(A)Yes, I like coffee. (B)I don’t like juice. (C)I like milk. (D)She likes tea.

六、克漏字選擇:(每題 2 分,共 12 分。)

Frank:Which do you like, chocolate milk shake or banana milk shake? Joyce:I like chocolate milk shake. Can you make it?

Frank:(1)________. Just give me milk and chocolate ice cream.

Joyce:How (2)________ milk do you need?

Frank:I need (3)________ milk. And I (4)________ need a small cup of chocolate ice cream.

Joyce:Then how do you make it?

Frank:First, put the milk and chocolate ice cream in a blender. (5)________, blend (6)________ one minute.


1. ( ) (A)Of course not. (B)Of course. (C)No, I can. (D)Maybe not. 2. ( ) (A)many (B)some (C)much (D)any

3. ( ) (A)two glasses (B)two (C)two glasses of (D)a glass 4. ( ) (A)also (B)too (C)then (D)or 5. ( ) (A)Two (B)The second (C)The two (D)Second 6. ( ) (A)for (B)in (C)on (D)with

七、填空:請填入正確的日期、代名詞或介係詞。(每格 1 分,共 10 分。)

1. Teddy’s birthday is on (6/12) (1)________ (2)________.(數字請用英文寫。)

2. Can you call (3)________ (Elaine and Vicky) five minutes later?

3. Peter is playing basketball with (4)________ (William and I).

4. Mother takes care (5)________ me every day. I have a gift (6)________ her.

5. Don’t worry (7)________ me. I am fine.

6. Christmas Eve is (8)________ the evening (9)________ December 24.

7. There is a baseball game (10)________ 3 p.m. this Sunday.

八、閱讀測驗:(每題 2 分,共 8 分。) I. 3 for NT$220 NT$90 / each 2 for NT$120 NT$70 / each 5 for NT$99 NT$24 / each 3 for NT$100 NT$40 /each 6 for NT$115 NT$20 / each  on sale 特價中 each 每一 1. ( ) It is May 18. Jenny needs two bags of flour, a bottle of milk, and two apples. How much money does she need?

(A)She needs NT$248. (B)She needs NT$258. (C)She needs NT$278. (D)She needs NT$309. 2. ( ) Today is May nineteenth. Bella has only NT$300. What CAN’T she buy(買)?

(A)Ten apples. (B)Four bags of flour. (C)Nine bags of sugar. (D)Four bottles of milk.

II. Molly’s Schedule

Sun. Oct. 2 Go to Anna’s birthday party 3. ( ) Whose(誰的)birthday comes after Molly’s birthday? (A)Lisa’s. (B)Troy’s. (C)Kevin’s. (D)Anna’s. 4. ( ) Today is Tuesday. Which is true?

(A)Today is October 6. (B)Today is Lisa’s birthday. (C)There is a magic show. (D)There is a welcome party. Mon. Oct. 3 My birthday

Tue. Oct. 4 Lisa’s welcome party Wed. Oct. 5 Kevin’s birthday party Thu. Oct. 6 Go to Troy’s magic show

 schedule 行程表 九、翻譯:(1~2 題每題 3 分,第 3 題 4 分,共 10 分。) 1. 這場演唱會是在九月的第三個星期三。 _______________________________________________________________ 2. 她喜歡哪個當午餐,飯糰還是炒飯? _______________________________________________________________ On Sale! May 17-20


答 案 卷

聽力測驗 25%

一、辨識句意:根據聽到的內容,選出符合描述的圖片代號。(每題 1 分,共 5 分。)

1 2 3 4 5

二、基本問答:根據聽到的內容,選出一個最適合的回應句。(每題 2 分,共 10 分。)

1 2 3 4 5

三、言談理解:根據聽到的內容,選出一個最適合的答案。(每題 2 分,共 10 分。)

1 2 3 4 5

讀寫測驗 75%


(1~5 題看中文寫英文,每題 1 分;6~10 題每題 2 分,共 15 分。)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


(每題 2 分,共 20 分。)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

六、克漏字選擇:(每題 2 分,共 12 分。)

1 2 3 4 5 6


(每格 1 分,共 10 分。)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


(每題 2 分,共 8 分。)

1 2 3 4


(1~2 題每題 3 分,第 3 題 4 分,共 10 分。)

1. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. A:_________________________________________________________B:__________________________________________


答 案 卷

聽力測驗 25%

一、辨識句意:根據聽到的內容,選出符合描述的圖片代號。(每題 1 分,共 5 分。)

1 A 2 B 3 C 4 B 5 B

二、基本問答:根據聽到的內容,選出一個最適合的回應句。(每題 2 分,共 10 分。)

1 B 2 A 3 C 4 C 5 B

三、言談理解:根據聽到的內容,選出一個最適合的答案。(每題 2 分,共 10 分。)

1 C 2 C 3 B 4 A 5 B

讀寫測驗 75%


(1~5 題看中文寫英文,每題 1 分;6~10 題每題 2 分,共 15 分。)

1 sandwich 2 February 3 bowl 4 Chinese 5 pizza

6 November 7 American 8 stand 9 restaurant 10 pumpkin


(每題 2 分,共 20 分。)

1 D 2 B 3 A 4 C 5 A 6 B 7 A 8 C 9 D 10 C

六、克漏字選擇:(每題 2 分,共 12 分。)

1 B 2 C 3 C 4 A 5 D 6 A


(每格 1 分,共 10 分。)

1 June 2 twelfth 3 them 4 us 5 of

6 for 7 about 8 on 9 of 10 at


(每題 2 分,共 8 分。)

1 B 2 D 3 C 4 D


(1~2 題每題 3 分,第 3 題 4 分,共 10 分。)分段給分

1. The concert is on the third Wednesday of /in September.

2. Which does she like for lunch, rice balls or fried rice?


聽 力 稿

一、 辨識句意:根據聽到的內容,選出符合描述的圖片代號。 1.錄音稿:The milk is NT$30, and the cake is NT$65.

2.錄音稿:The concert is on the second Tuesday of October. 3.錄音稿:We need two bags of flour and three apples for the pie. 4.錄音稿:Patrick doesn’t like rice, but he loves noodles. 5.錄音稿:It is November 12 today.

二、 基本問答:根據聽到的內容,選出一個最適合的回應句。 1.錄音稿:When is the talent show?

2.錄音稿:Which soup do you like, chicken soup or fish soup? 3.錄音稿:Is there any juice in the kitchen?

4.錄音稿:How much is the fruit milk shake?

5.錄音稿:How many hot dogs are there on the table?

三、 言談理解:根據聽到的內容,選出一個最適合的答案。 1.錄音稿: W: Do you drink a lot of coffee every day?

M: No. But I drink three cups of black tea every day. Q: What does the man drink every day?

2.錄音稿: M: Happy birthday to you, Tina.

W: Oh, thanks. But today is December eighth. My birthday is on December eighteenth. M: Really? Isn’t today December seventh?

Q: What date is Tina’s birthday?

3.錄音稿: M: The orange juice is really great, but I have twenty dollars. I can only buy one bottle. W: Don’t worry. I have ten dollars, so you can buy two.

M: You’re so kind. Thanks.

Q: How much is a bottle of orange juice?

4.錄音稿: G: John, can you make chocolate cake?

B: Of course I can! I can make some for you now. Do you have flour and chocolate? G: Yes, there are some in the kitchen. What else do you need?

B: I may also need milk and sugar.

Q: What doesn’t John need for the chocolate cake?

5.錄音稿: G: Kevin, are you free on May 10? Come join Linda’s birthday party.

B: I have a basketball game in the morning, but I can go to the party after 3 p.m. By the way, isn’t her birthday on May 15? G: Yes, but she is not in Taiwan on that day.

B: I see.



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