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Reduction of epitaxial alignment in n(+)-p poly-Si emitter diode due to gettering of P and As by Ar implantation


Academic year: 2021

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2.25MH;r nffsci. 'I'he clcvclo~ctl dexiiw meets ihc IS-95 CUMA device spccilicwtions under hoth 3.0V and 2.4V biws contlitioiis.

CrirrcirrsWts; A low voltage p o i w PHEMI' tbr CDMA applicii- tions IiiiS heen dcvcloped. Thc device h;is it double delta-tioped AIG~IAS~GJIA~/CT:IAS s(ructii rc to providc high drain current dcnsity aiicl transcoiiductaiic. 'l'lie size of l l i e layout of [lie dcvicc was mduccd tn iinpruvc the low tlic vnltagc pcrkmxincc. A1 2.4V bias, Ihc dcvdopcd devicc show? an oulpul powcr or 36dHni with

:I powcr added eificicricy nf bI.ST4 arid tlic gaiil of thc dcvice at maximuin output powur i s 8.47dU. Wlicri icstctl under IS-95 CDMA ruodul;ilioii conditions, llic dcvicc iiwcts ilic CIJMA spw ificiitions a1 huth 3.OV illid 2 . 4 V tlinin I h . A1 2 M B m lincar out- put pnwcr hiq CDMA ;ipplication, the devicc lltis ii powcr iitkled eRlcicticy or 373%) ;it 3.0V hias and 30.2%~ a t 2.4V bias. This Ltt- tcr represenis thc first reporl 011 powcr I'lIEMTs for 2.4V CDMA spplications. The dcvicc slioiild bc iipplicahk 10 the ncxl genera- tion of digital wirelcss coininunic;itioii systems.


coritacterl t i ' -p tliodcs without and with Ar iinpl;intntioii, respx-

livcly. l o r the diode williout A r ir~q~lantation in Fig. la, thc poly- Si/% iiilerkicc was frilly h o k i i i mil coinplctc cpitaxial realignmcnt or Ihc poly-Si with respect to thc Si substrate was obscrvcd. This is cousisteiil with thc result reporid in [(I), However, for Ihc diode with AV impl;uit~tion (Pig. Ih), onIy hnlr of thc poly-Si \vas epi- (axidly rciiligned (region I1 of i l c micrograpli). 'L'lic iissocintctl TEM diffraclioii patterns of i~gions A kind B are


showii in k'ig, I b . These pallerris indicatc that region A is polycrystalliiie and region B is a niono-cryshl. 1,'ig. 2 sliows a11 cnlwrgcd TEM micrograph 01" rcyiun A, whetc bubble-likc tlcccts i n llic

, .. . ,"* a Si oJim & . . . . ~. .



pply-Si/Si interfaco oAm

(I Without A V iiiip1;intntioii b With Ar inip1atit;itiun

1)iffrilclion plittcrns of rcgions A and B arc dso sliowri h i Fig. 3 h

implanktl polycrystal line rcgioii CBII he ohserved. lhcsc hul)hle-

like defects are bclicvcd to iict a s getteriiig cciilrcs for As, R aiid t;



iltoiiis, relarding their diITiisioii into the poly-WSi interface. 1:i.g. 3rr and h diow sindar TEM micrographs D I the cliotlcs which v"impltriilcd with P iiistcarl

or As.

I:or the diode without Ar implantation (Fig. 31~), Ihc polySilSi inlcrfiiw, was alsc iiilly bru- ken and cntnpletc epitilxial rarlignniciit or l h c poly-Si occurred: but for thc diode wilh AT impktntwiion (Fig. 3 4 only half of thc poly-Si m i l t e r w a s epit.iixially miligned (rcgiun U). For this siiiii- ple, II~WOVLY, i m r e micro-twins iliiin those or Ihc A d o p c d diode

of Fig. lb ~ I F C observed. Tlic assuciatcd TEhI diffraction pattenis ot' regioiis A and B for this diorlc ;irc also included in Pig. 3h. They also iiirlic;itc that reghi A nus polycrystalliiic and rccgion B w;is ii single crysial.

23 22 10 m E


21 c- 10 loeo 0 P






18 10 17 10 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 depth, wn (1) As (ill Ii .

. , . ,


, . , , , . witlinnt AI- ilnpl;mtatioti

- w i h i i r iinphiitntion, IO%III

1;ig 4 shows the secondary i o n inass spcctrometry (SIMS) pro- files of As ;ind T;, Iespcclivcly, of the j i + - p pcrlynittci's 01' Fig. 10

aiid b. I1 can dsn lie seeii Ilia1 llic AY implaii(cd sili~iple liad higher As arid F pwks at the Rp or l h c implaiited Ar in thc poly-Si tiliii.

a lower F' pcak ;it the poly-SYSi inicrfacc alii1 ti shiillowcr As prn- filc i n the utidcrlying silicon suhsirrik Thc lower As aiid 1: coii- ceirlr;ilion rcwlted


ii lowcr level of epitxxid rccaligitineiit or ~ h c poly-% willi rcspcct in ilic Si substrate. A similar SIMS profile or


and 17 Tor ihc j i l . - p poly-emillcr diodc of Fig. 3 sl~owcd the smile

resid t.

Clotrcksviuri: In this Isilcr, i t Iras t w n dcmotistraterl that Ar

implantation can rctard the epit;ixial icaligiiriictit in ;in t i t - p poly- einittei' diotlc by cicating bubble-likc dciects which gcttcr F, As, trnd P. This iwhniquc could bc m c h l for improving thc gait) of tlic poly-cmittcr trausislur in hipolar ICs.



by optimal











'I'l~c cotrrlructioii ol' a hylirid navclelcl lliieshold is prcscnlcd basctl myinpintic iicw-niiiiiiniix lixcd tIircshold rur iioi4c wpIircssiuii. T11c opiitniilily UT ilre prnpnscd Ihrcshold is dctnoristriiicd by ircovcring ii Garissian c n v d o F sinusoidal sigtinl ciiihiddcrl iii (lie adtlitivc wliilc G;iussian inoisc in goniitl iind ~ p u o r sigilal-to-noisc

CIL I I o mil atios.

nti k i u y cull\binitIloth of :in unbiawti risk wliiiiak iinrl a11

Introrluotirw Tn dcnoisiiig based on the discrclc wavelct 1r;lnsCom

(LlWl'), tlic gcricral appro~icl~ i s to apply ii ~Iii-esl~old to tlic LVBVC- h coemcieiits protlticctl hy tlic h w ; i r t l 1 IWT of thc noisc-cor- rupted signal, thcrccby allowing only significant wavclcl coefficients with their magnilutle values grciilcr tlitiii tlic tlircshold tn he iiscd in tlic inverse DWT ([DW'l~) to rcconstrrict [lie origind signul. Conscquciitly, there exists ii tlileiiiina in selling NI tipprqirialc thrculiold: raising ~ h c rhresliolrl to rcducc the i~oisc contribution iii

sigiial rcconsluictioii can inccciisc: [lie signal distorlion, becaiisc it inlay rcsul( in sinall wavclcl coertlcierits due IO the sigixil bciiig cxcliideti in the I D W T :ilkriii~1iveiy, lowcriiig the tlircsliultl 10

iricreasc the signnl coiitribulioii iii signd rccunsli'uction ciin

iiicrcasc noise interfercncc, bwcaiise it m;iy icsult in small wltvcler cocfticicnts tliic IO noise bcing iiiclutlcrl i i i tlic tI>Wl'. To solve thc dilcmmw, ti special fuzzy iiicnihealiip liinction has t m n prcvioiisly

proposctl such that t l c contrilmtion 01' it wvelet cocficicnt h i sig-

nal reconstriction dcpeiids on tlic rclalive significiincc of i t s inag- iiiliide v;iluc [ 11. Ilowever, thc compii1xtion of tlic opriiiial ti~zzy meinlicrship rtmction requircs kntiwledge oE the signal to lie rccov- crccd. To exteiid fuzzy lti~~eestioldiiig tu rhc recovery 01' niikiiown signals, iliis Lcticr proscnls the coiislructiuii of' ii Icvcl-clcpcndeiii

optiiiial tiizzy incinherstiip tiiiichn by coinbitling Skin's unbi;isctl risk cstiuiate (StJKE') ;inti mi asyiiiptolic tiear-miniiixix lixcd threshold to deteriniric ~ h c bcst vducs for ils cotitrolling piraiiie- ~ c r s . Also presciitcd arc ihe coinputcr simulation rcsiilts lo tleinon- stnttc thc optimality of thc propowl Tuzzy thrcshulrliiiy iitiictioii for denoising.

Op/irrim//irzz)~ 6 / ? V 0 d M J k / k g If s,, is llic Signal t o be rcsloi'eti iind 11;~ ir; the aclditivc xcro meui wliitc Qaiissiaii iioisc with miriiincc a?,

the11 tlic rcceiwrl signid is given by

I ' I L = s,, -1. IU,, '/I, = 0 , I ,


N ~ I . (1)

whwt N is the iitiinbcr of sainplcs in Ilia rcceivcd signal. Applying ihc IIWT with 11.1 tlccoiiipositioii slagcs lo I ; , yiclds ;ni iipproxiina-

tinn cocficicnt .sequeticc ;it tlic coalsest rcsolutioii, iil,,,, with / I =

0, 1,


( N 2 9

1 , arid :i sct oC delail coctYicicnt sccpieiices at dif-

fkrciit mololioiis, I/,,

,,,,, with

~ I I I = I , 2, ..., M niid I I = 0, I ,

..., (AQ'

2'")-I. Sincc tlic DiV"" is ~l lincm opcratinn, rlic DW.1' of tlic rwcivetl signal cm be viewcrl ;is ;I lineiir supcrpusitiou of thc 13WT of s,, with a small Iiumbcr of sigiiiticant cuclkieirrs a d tlic DWT or U:, with ;I largc inwilier of mull coeflicicnts. C:oizsc-

quciilly, clcnoising btvoiiies ii protilcm of fumtilahig an ;ipprulwi- ale tlireshnlil to cxcludc sinall detail cocfticieiils (prcsumahly gcncralcd h y noiscl in the IDWT, tlmrchy yielding ;1 rertnrcil vcr-

sinii of thc originid sigiid,


A fixcd form tlirestiold with some isyniptotic ncar-iniiiimax projxrlics Tor the detail cocficiciils wl ~ l i c J d i rcsoluhn level is givcti by [21


cients nt the firs1 rcsoliilioii level as

is llic nuisc variaiice cstirii;itcrl iisiiig [lie detail coetTi-

Altliough this clioicc or thrcsliold v;iluc is simple, i t i s kiiowii as ii

conrcrviitivc m e t h t tcncls Lo zero out i i w c dct;iiI coeflicients 11s thc niimbcr of detail cocfliciciits increascs. At thc liinit, the probir- bility d' n detail cociKcicnl. a t tlic mth resolution lcvel Iiaving i i value greatcr thaii tf"" will tend to zero i i s N approaclm =_

Aii altcriwtivc chuicc for yielding ii lowcr Ihrccsliold v d u c crime

Tiom tlic Stciii iinbiasctl risk eslitiwtc (SURIS) based oil miiiimisa- t i m of thc 1nc;in-sqiwed crrors bc~wccii s,, iiiid c*,,, I)y vxyiiig t h e tilrcsiloiri t


zel.o ull to


t;ll:,"" =

wlicre #{Id,,:,,,



f l

ticiiores the nuiiibcr d'detail cocfficiciils IIBV- ing tiiagiiiturlc values less than t. ChnpilwI with ihc fixed form lhrcshold, the heliaviouc or llie SIJRB tlircshold rends to bc crrxtic and leiids to iiiclritic


detail coctficicnts i n sigixil rccoristrudioii t l s the iioisc contribiitioii iiwe:iscs.

Coiisequeiitly, tlicic is a problem iii sclccting between the fixed

h i m i tlrreshold and thc SUIXE thrcslioltl. Whilc tlic rorincr ciin be

viewed as the nppcr boiind Ixcausc it Icnds 10 'overkill' thc detail

cnefticicnts, I h c iiittel can 1~ vicwcrl i i s [he lower t~otind bccilllse it tcnds l o 'uinderkill' tlic dclail coclTtieiits. A possiblc coiiiproiiiisc is i o usc ii i w z y incinbcrship rmciion to ;~llow thc detail cocfh-

ciei-lts lying hetwccn i,i:"" rind I ~ ; ; ~ ~ ' . to coiilribuie partially in the Sigrid rccons(riiclion according LO tfieir Iiiagnituclc va[ucs (propor- tionid shrinkage OT tlic dctiiil c o c k i e i i t s ) . One parlicular membcr-

ship runc(ion, wliich wils fouiirl to pcri'orin wcll for signal rccovwy

using the l>Wl', is given by



Similarly, sincc tlic dctail coefficients w i h v;ilucu gicatcr ~ l i a i i ~/,f"'d


most likcly lo be pladuccd by

(lie original signal, it is


to sei ilic tneinticrship value 10 alinost onc, tlcnoted by ILA, wlicii thc dclail cocfficicnts cq tial


Substitihng !?/ a i i d 1 A into cqii. S givcs



A cylindrical glass of radius r and height L is filled with water and then tilted until the water remaining in the glass exactly covers its base.. (a) Determine a way to “slice”

The proof is based on Hida’s ideas in [Hid04a], where Hida provided a general strategy to study the problem of the non-vanishing of Hecke L-values modulo p via a study on the

Then End L (φ) is a maximal order in D. conjugacy classes) of maximal orders in D correspond bijectively to the orbits of isomorphism classes of supersingular Drinfeld A-modules

Then, it is easy to see that there are 9 problems for which the iterative numbers of the algorithm using ψ α,θ,p in the case of θ = 1 and p = 3 are less than the one of the

A subgroup N which is open in the norm topology by Theorem 3.1.3 is a group of norms N L/K L ∗ of a finite abelian extension L/K.. Then N is open in the norm topology if and only if

(i) spectral factorization associated with circular cones; (ii) smooth and nonsmooth analysis for f L θ given as in (7); (iii) the so-called L θ -convexity; and (iv) L θ

Because both sets R m  and L h i ði ¼ 1; 2; :::; JÞÞ are second-order regular, similar to [19, Theorem 3.86], we state in the following theorem that there is no gap between

According to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, if the observed region has size L, an estimate of an individual Fourier mode with wavevector q will be a weighted average of