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A Study of Basic Physical Performance Tests for Physical Education Majors


Academic year: 2021

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體育魚學垃體能測驗代表性項目之編製 ( 305 )



Department of Physical Education, NTNU



Basic physical perfonnance tests" were published by the Subcom-mittee of The International ComSubcom-mittee on Physical Fitness in 1968. The test items selected in this battery represent some of the important and measurable components of basic sport elements and basic sport skillsinc1uding speed, power, static strength, flexibili旬,and muscular endurance.

The purpose of this study was to select the representative tests of physical capacity in physical education students, which can be used for an overall evalua-tion of one's physical perfonnance of physical educaevalua-tion majors.


In 1972, H凹, Shuh-Yuan1 studied the resp時sentative basic perfonnance tests for senior high boys. The result was as follows:

a. The representative test itmes were: 1) 40-meter sprint

2) grip strength

3) standing longjump 4) shot-put

5) trunk forward flexion (standing position) 6) trunk forward flexion (sitting position)

b. The regression equation for prediction of the criterion form the six written selected tests in the standard deviation score fonn by means of the formula as follows:



0.3242 Z1 +0.3744 Z2+0.3347 Z3+02216 Z4+0.2462 Zs+0.2156 Z6 c. The above regression equation may also be written in score fonn.


(306 )師大學報第二十六期







94.26 X3








In 1975


76 National'Taiwan Norma1 University ma1e students m吋 oring 詛

physica1 education were us~~d as subjects.

A total of 23 items were inc1uded in the study and the Wherry-Doolittle test selection method was used for analyses of data.

Twenty-three items; measure for speed








muscular strength




coordination and accuracy factors were as fol1ows:

A. speed 1) 4Q-meter sprint 2) 50-meter sprint

3) 60~meter sprint 4) 80-meter sprint 5) 100-meter sprint

B. Flexibility 6) trunk backward flexion 7) trunk forward flexion

C. Endurance 8) 1 OOO-meter run 9) 1200-meter run

D. Agility 10) shuttle run 11) side-steps

12) zigzag run E. Muscular 13) push-ups

strength 1 日 sit-ups(1 min.)

F. Power 17) Verticaljump

19) standing triple jump

14) sit-ups (30 sec.) 16) pull-ups

18) standing longjump

G. Coordination 20) soft ball throw for distance 21) hand ball throw f or distance H. Accuracy 22) baseball throw for accuracy

23) soft ball throw for accuracy


1614P Canon electronic calculator was used to ca1culate each mean and standard deviations of 23 items. The results are shown in table 1.

A. Correlation coefficients among 23 items and their total score are shown in table 2.


體育手法學生體能說驗ft表性項目之緝製 ( 307 )

Table 1. Means and standard deviations of 23 items and their total point

Items Average Standard Remark

Mean deviation

1. 40-meter run (sec.) 5.74 0.18

2 50-meter run (sec.) 6.96 0.26

3 60-meter run (sec.) 8.07 0.40

4 80-meter run (sec.) 10.53 1.18

5 100-meter run (sec.) 13.15 1.56 N=76

6 trunk backward flexion (cm.) 46.95 7.27

7 trunk forward flexion (cm.) 13.67 6.56

8 1000-meter run (sec.) 229.74 36.78

9 1200-meter run (sec.) 270.98 33.76

10 zlgzag run (sec.) 9.83 1.43

11 side司steps (t.) 44.21 7.27

12 shuttle run (sec.) 9.33 0.86

13 push-ups (t.) 33.17 14.15 14 sit-ups (30 sec.) (t.) 22.28 7.02 15 sit-ups (1') (t.) 37.58 12.23 16 pull-ups (t.) 10.60 3.89 17 vertical jump (cm.) 57.64 11.65 18. standing 10ng jump (m.) 2.43 0.18

19 standing triple jump (m.) 7.58 0.37

20 softball throw for distance (m.) 50.06 16.38 21 handball throw for distance (m.) 27.36 6.80 22 softball throw for accuracy (T.) 7.94 1.65 23 softball throw for accuracy (T.) 8.94 2.87


(山。∞) 囝

Coreliltion coefficients among 23 items and their validity coeftïcients Tab1e 2 電怔的程茹 油 Uf 寸 Md 造 0.7735 0.5099 O.而3820.5899 0.6490 0.3590 0.4015 0.1598 0.0533 0.2078 0.3666 0.0070 0.2734 0.3096 0.2743 0.1046 0.4880 0.5203 0.5497 0.4081 0.2444 0.4619 0.1431 。 7655 0.7442 0.6158 0.7503 0.0912 0.0597 0.1802 0.2737 0.2280 0.2691 0.1154 0.1012 0.1816 0.0289 0.0149 0.1998 0.2258 0.3527 0.2005 0.1361 0.3067 O.03Gl 0.7641 0.6988 0.7804 0.0663 0.1138 0.0726 0.1491 0.1870 0.2759 0.0259 0.0347 0.1113 -0.0026 0.0057 0.1776 0.1299 0.2669 0.1436 0.1192 0.3413 0.1576 。.7855 0.8269 -{).0103 -0.0232 0.0036 0.1482 0.2317 0.3045 0.0858 -0.0568 0.0777 -0.0425 0.0422 0.1912 0.0089 0.1491 0.1435 0.0720 0.4056 0.0820 。.7872 -{).0437 0.0442 0.0815 -0.0480 0.1955 0.2177 -0.0681 -0.0694 -0.0205 -0.0819 0.0264 0.2425 0.1285 0.2731 0.1787 0.1678 02402 0.0477 0.1007 0.1312 0.0144 0.2005 0.1281 0.11020.0350 -0.1276 0.0752 -0.0435 -0.0231 0.2940 0.1381 0.2167 0.1637 0.1817 0.2642 -0.0264 。 4745 0.0128 -0.0316 -0.0295 0.1764 0.0299 0.1245 0.1356 0.1027 0.0368 0.3343 0.2890 0.2802 0.1496 0.0022 0.0491 -0.0861 0.0740 -0.0273 0.1627 0.1865 -0.1348 0.1238 0.0620 0.0910 0.0414 .0.3100 0.3016 0.3062 0.2106 0.1618 0.1601 .0.0763 。.7360 0.1778 -0.1084 0.0518 0.0611 0.1082 0.0664.-0.2491 0.0446 0.0865 0.0253 -0.1069 -0.0735 -0.1284 -0.1106 0.1636 -0.1663 -0.0965 0.0640 0.1210 0.0432 -0.0106 0.0981 0.1330 -0.1728 -0.2523 -0.1134 0.0572 -0.1710 0.0751 0.3341 -0.0027 0.1823 0.0802 -0.1495 0.0005 -0.0266 0.0702 -0.1889 -0.1225 0.0754 0.1041 0.0247 0.0827 0.1271 -0.0966 -0.0264 0.2867 -0.0231 0.1528 0.0906 0.0873 0.2262 -0.0548 -0.0272 0.2908 0.2606 -0.1427 -0.0242 0.0962 0.1203 0.0368 -0.0901 -0.0344 -0.0352 o. '72. 0.2072 0.2349 0.5360 -0.1008 0.1460 0.0322 0.1049 -0.0316 -0.01ge -0.0122 0.7933 0.1057 日 0541 0.2068 0.0259 -0.0028 0.1130 0.10Q~ -0.0076 0.1035 0.0295 0.1527 0.0100 -0.0740 0.0940 0.0214 -0.0507 -0.3873 0.0001 -0.1186 -0.0679 -0.1501 -0.1049 -0.0875 0.5386 0.5231 0.3620 0.1256 0.3032 0.1660 0.5945 0.2436 0.0228 -0.0092 -0.0271 0.3815 0.0942 0.0835 0.0564 。 47130.37980.2109 0.3853 0.15 呵。 0.3307 23 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 6 5 4 2 d ,一


體育朱學生體能測驗1t表性項目之蝙製( 309 ) B. The Wherry-Doolittle test selection method was used to select the tests of the battery ana1ytica11y and as a result, only five items were selected. They were as follows:

1) 40-meter sprint 3) vertica1 jump

5) softbal1 throw for accuracy

2) trunk forward flexion 4) sit-ups

When the above 5 items were selected and were inc1uded in the following standardized multiple-regression equation.

Zc= 0.6653 Z


+ 0.2364 Z2 + 0.2914 Z3 + 0.1870 Z4 + 0.1611 Z5

In other words, the status conceming physical performance of physica1 education male students can be assessed by substituting five standard scores which

缸e, in tum, derived from their respective raw score on 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, into the equation for that group.

To incorporate the values of ß and R, it was detennined that

R:(1 , 2, 3, 4, 5)= 。 1γCl + ß2 γC2 + ß3 γC3 + ß4 'YC4 +戶 5'Ycs

In which C is the Criterion (total point on 23 items) for validation and re-presents the correlation between an item and criterion. Therefore,

R~ (1, 2,3,4,5) = 0.5146 + 0.0949 + 0.1422 + 0.0513 + 0.0440 = 0.8470

R2 (1, 2,3,4,5) = 0.9203

It was obsetved that 85% of the variance of the criterion was accounted for according to the percentages 51.4%, 9.5%, 14.2%, 5.1% and 4.4% for items 1,2,

3, 4, and 5, respectively.

To predict the criterion score of anY subject in our group, substitute his scores in 1, 2, 3,4, and 5 (expressed as Ó scores) in this equation. The regression F. equation may also be written in score fonn.

Xc = 286.7070 X可+2.7953 X2


1.9402 X3 + 0.7953 X4 + 69.5250 X5 and the




was 30.2503


' -/、

( 310 ) 師大學報 第二十六期

one's basic physical perforτnance.


1. Hsu, Shuh-Yuan. A study of se1ection in physica1 capacity test items. Presenta-tion on physica1 EducaPresenta-tion Research Findirigs, Republic of China University Sports Federation, pp. 269-273, 1976.




本文的研究目的在選擇體育學來學生體能之代表性項目。依攘基本運動因素、 基本運動技街,本文選擇 23 項連串測驗,國立台灣師範大學體育學系男生 76 人作 為受試對象。利用威杜法選擇分析連串測驗,結果選上五個測驗項目,如下: (1)的公尺跑 (2) 體前屈, (3) 垂直跳, (4).,-分鐘仰臥起坐 (5) 俯臥撐 統計結果指出,選擇之五項目和 23 項間之效度係較為 0_9203 。五項選出項目之 迴歸公式以標準差數式寫出如下:


=0.6653 Z 汁。 .2364 Z


0.2914 Za+O.1870 Z~-l--O .16 1l Zä 以原 始分數代入,得到乎姐歸公式為 Xc=286.7070 X f十'2.7953 X2+1. 9402 Xs+O. 7953 X.十-6 9.4250 X5 原分是迴歸公式之標準誤差為 30.2523 。


Table  1.  Means and standard deviations of 23  items and their total point



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