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<The Migration from E-learning to M-learning in Workforce Training: Issues of Needs, Planning and


Academic year: 2021

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<The Migration from E-learning to M-learning in Workforce Training: Issues of Needs, Planning and

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訪談問巻 訪談問巻 訪談問巻 訪談問巻

I. E-learning

A 和 B 部分的問題,以5W 和1H 的基礎發問。

A. 如何導入如何導入如何導入如何導入 e-learning,,其計劃及方案為何其計劃及方案為何其計劃及方案為何其計劃及方案為何?

誰為 e-learning 的計劃者、負責推動的部門人員及訓練講師?

E-learning 的教材及課程形式為何?


此研究為探討台灣目前成功實施 e-learning 於教育訓練的企業,接下來 是否有繼續推行 m-learning(行動學習)於人力訓練的可能性。素聞

貴公司/單位以高品質人力資源管理享譽業界,或為著名人力資源管理專 家與學者,故本研究優先邀請 貴公司/專家學者,訪談內容將為此研究撰 寫之重要依據。您和 貴公司的寶貴經驗和意見,將對 e-learning 和 m-learning 領域研究和實務帶來極大的貢獻。

本問卷僅供此研究使用,研究者將妥善保密絕不作它用。請 您安心 接受訪談,就問卷題項惠賜 您寶貴的意見,並由衷感謝 您的協助與指 教!

國立台灣師範大學國際人力教育與發展研究所碩士班研究生 李佩璇 敬上 2006/6/6



受訓練者花多少時間熟悉及習慣 e-learning 的訓練方式?

受訓練者在何地接受 e-learning 的課程(教室/辦公室/家)?

B. 當當 e-learning 在公司實施時在公司實施時在公司實施時在公司實施時,,有何重大的困難需要面對有何重大的困難需要面對有何重大的困難需要面對?有何重大的困難需要面對?有何解決方法有何解決方法有何解決方法 ?有何解決方法 C. 在實施在實施在實施在實施 e-learning 後後,,員工的反應如何員工的反應如何員工的反應如何?員工的反應如何

實施 e-learning 對公司及員工的主要利益(優點)為何?

E-learning 為公司及員工帶來的衝擊為何?

E-learning 實施的主要缺點何?

相較於傳統的訓練方式,在實施 e-learning 之後,是否有改善原來的缺點?

II. E-learning to M-learning

A. 實施 e-learning 在人力訓練的下一步為何?

B. 是否有任何計畫發展 m-learning 在人力訓練的可能性?

如果有,從 e-learning 到 m-learning 的斷層、需求及困難為何?

貴公司計畫投資多少時間、金錢及人力在 m-learning 上?

為何貴公司想要實施 m-learning? 在人力訓練上,是否有任何優點強於 e-learning?


C. 對於實施 m-learning 在人力訓練上的主要基本內容及必要條件,您的意見為


您對於此研究是否有任何建議 您對於此研究是否有任何建議 您對於此研究是否有任何建議 您對於此研究是否有任何建議?

****** 謝謝您的熱心參與!*******


English version I. E-learning

The questions of section A and B base on 5W and 1H.

A. How is the scheme of input of e-learning? Who are the planner, co-team, and trainers? What are the teaching materials, courses style? How much money, time, and workforce do you cost? How is the scheme of output of e-learning? Who are the trainees? How much time do the trainees get used to e-learning? Where do the trainees take e-learning course (classroom/office/home)?

B. What are the major difficulties you met when e-learning were implemented in your corporation? What are the solutions for handling them?

C. What are the feedbacks of employees? What are the major benefits (or advantages) to your corporation and employees? What did the e-learning impact on organization and employees? What are the major disadvantages of e-learning? Are there any improvements of traditional training system after e-learning were implemented in your corporation?

II. E-learning to M-learning

A. What is the next step of e-learning system on workforce training?

B. Is there any planning to develop m-learning on workforce training?

If yes, what are the gaps, needs, difficulties between e-learning to m-learning in your corporation? How much time, money and workforce do you plan to invest in m-learning? Why do you want to implement m-learning? Does it have any advantage better than e-learning on workforce training?

If no, why not?


Do you have any suggestion for this study?

Many thanks for your kindness, assistance and sharing your experience.




1-1-1 Reducing training cost

1-1-2 Establishing their own learning platform

1-1-3 Renting platform

1-1-4 Visiting other companies which with successful e-learning experience 1-1-5 At beginning learning from compact

disk 1-1


1-1-6 Executing e-learning with many promotions and getting support by company owners

1-2-1 Training Department 1-2-2 Project group 1-2-3 HR

1-2-4 Other department 1-2

Planner/ Responsible Department/ Trainer

1-2-5 Internal trainer 1-3-1 Video streaming 1-3-2 Power point +voice 1-3-3 Producing by trainer 1-3

Teaching Material

1-3-4 Buying package

1-4-1 Time-1 to 2 years (2005~) 1-4-2 Time-3 to 5 years (2003~) 1-4-3 Time-above 5 years (1999~) 1-4-4 Money-within 1 million 1-4-5 Money-within 5 million 1-4-6 Money-within 10 million 1-4-7 Money-above10 million 1-4-8 Workforce-1 person

1-4-9 Workforce-1-2 HR and 10-20 trainer 1-4-10 Workforce-beginning-39 people, in

2006 only 10 1.

How to input E-learning?

1-4 Cost

1-4-11 Training and MIS Dept.

2-1-1 All employees 2-1



Time to get used to e-learning

2-2-2 Within half a year process of



Learning Place

2-3-1 Any place

3-1-1 Company-technical problem 3-1-2 Company-trainer developing 3-1-3 Company-Manpower insufficiency

in producing curriculum 3-1-4 Employees-inspiring learning


3-1-5 Employees-lack of computer skill 3-1


3-1-6 Employees-buying new computers 3-2-1 Company-communicating with

supervisor and trainer

3-2-2 Company-outsourcing or hiring part time worker

3-2-3 Employees-enhancing the

comprehension of the platform 3-2-4 Employees-offering technical aid 3-2-5 Employees-offering public

computers or signing the contract with computer company


Are there any difficulties during e-learning process?

What are the solutions?

3-2 Solution

3-2-6 Employees-designing the curriculum by employees’ needs

4-1-1 Company- reducing training cost 4-1-2 Company-trainers enhance self-skill 4-1-3 Company-lasting the core


4-1-4 Employees-learning flexible, repeated, segmenting with working time

4-1 Advantage

4-1-5 Employees-saving traveling cost of learning

4-2-1 Employees-Lack of interaction 4-2-2 Company-internet congestion 4-2-3 Company-hard to evaluate result of

learning 4.

What are the feedback of the company and

employees after

implementing e-learning?



4-2-4 Company-employees ask for


overtime because of diversity of culture

4-2-5 Employees-employees miscarry because of insufficient digital skill 4-3-1 Saving time, money, workforce cost

and solving problems of arranging trainers and classrooms

4-3-2 Enriching the content of curriculum 4-3-3 Improving the problem of absence 4-3


4-3-4 Lasting know how 5-1-1 m-learning


Next Step 5-1-2 KM

5-2-1 No consideration

5-2-2 According to character of jobs, but having no plan to input m-learning 5-2-3 Have considered but not yet 5-2

M-learning in training

5-2-4 PDA is the learning tool of m-learning and offers managerial functions

5-3-1 Make allowance of company owner to input m-learning

5-3-2 The platform of e-learning and m-learning can not be integrated 5-3-3 PDA is not popular but high digital

skill is necessary for trainees, so it causes training problems

5-3-4 Limited capacity of PDA

5-3-5 High developed cost of m-learning 5-3-6 Short battery life of PDA

5-3-7 Distrusting on PDA, it’s recognized for searching not learning

5-3-8 Insufficiency in security 5.

From e-learning to m-learning?




5-3-9 Special system controls PDA automatically to download learning


5-3-10 Curriculum design needs to be suitable for PDA; it can make up the problem of limited screen.

5-3-11 Equip with PDA by company 5-3-12 Company needs to have good experience in e-learning before m-learning.

5-4 Cost

5-4-1 Spend less time, money, and workforce than e-learning 5-5

Reason for implementing M-learning

5-5-1 Short-time learning is suitable for employees who have business trip or flight crew.

5-6-1 PDA makes employees feel technologic and accomplishable; it is more acceptable for employees.


Advantage/ Better than e-learning

5-6-2 It is convenient for people who work in aviation industry.

5-7-1 Continuing to enrich the content of e-learning.

5-7-2 Tool of m-learning is the burden of cost.

5-7-3 External environment is not mature and it is not cost effective for company.

5-7-4 Insufficiency in security

5-7-5 Training budget does not plan to m-learning.

5-7-6 M-learning is information searching not learning.

5-7-7 It will be more successful after KM.

5-7-8 High cost for inputting m-learning, the character of job of company is unnecessary.

5-7-9 Screen of PDA is limited.


Reason for not implementing M-learning

5-7-10 Capacity of PDA is limited.

5-8 5-8-1 According to the character of job of



5-8-2 If the security is mature enough, it can download any kind of content.

5-8-3 It is similar to e-learning in training.

5-8-4 Immediate message.

5-8-5 Searching information Content & Condition

5-8-6 Assistance in learning.

6-1-1 The popular and choice of the tool for m-learning is very important.

6-1-2 Financial insurance industry is more suitable for m-learning.

6-1-3 Cognition between Taiwanese and European is different, Taiwanese dose not believe searching knowledge is a learning model.

6-1-4 The spread of e-learning is relative to the basic education. If

m-learning starts from enterprises not school, employees may not believe getting information is learning.

6-1-5 M-learning will definitely become a trend in the future.

6-1-6 M-learning is the complement to e-learning and classroom learning.


Suggestion for the Research

6-1-7 The function of database for m-learning is needed to be very friendly and human nature.

6-2-1 The mindset of learner is different.

6-2-2 M-learning is hard to become training because of tool, it is fragmental learning.



6-2-3 KM should before m-learning.




PDA online learning

6-3-1 According to the wireless environment.



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