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As soon as Kristine stepped out of the arrival gate and saw her parents, she ran up to them and


Academic year: 2021

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國立彰師附工 104 學年度上學期 高職二(含綜二孝仁愛) 英文科 補考

I. 字彙及慣用語:(30%,每題 2%)

1. To have good health, we should ____________the junk food we eat.

(A) increase (B) decrease (C) educate (D) admire

2. As soon as Kristine stepped out of the arrival gate and saw her parents, she ran up to them and ______________ them tightly.

(A) embraced (B) frustrated (C) persuaded (D) wounded

3. The local government takes _____________ to stop drug dealing in this area.

(A) measures (B) portions (C) confidence (D) pollution

4. Careless drivers overlook traffic ____________ and make life difficult for other drivers and passers-by.

(A) schedules (B) inventions (C) elements (D) regulations

5. Tony has a(n) ___________ for music. He learns how to play musical instruments very quickly.

(A) promise (B) talent (C) agency (D) memory

6. The residents expressed ______________ about the plan to build a chemical factory in their neighborhood.

(A) value (B) concern (C) inspiration (D) apology

7. Jenny is an interesting person. Her colorful ___________ makes her popular among her classmates.

(A) character (B) manager (C) staff (D) achievement

8. The bank is in _______________ not only with other local banks but also with overseas ones.

(A) communication (B) concentration (C) competition (D) construction

9. Charlie cares about animal rights, and he always speaks with great _____________ about animal protection.

(A) patience (B) passion (C) temper (D) feature

10. Exercising is not only good for the mind but also good for the ________ health.

(A) global (B) major (C) talented (D) physical

11. In ancient times, people believed that magic power could heal sick people.

(A) destroy (B) survive (C) honor (D) cure

12. Ellen is employed to take care of the patients in the hospital.

(A) advertised (B) competed (C) hired (D) managed

13. Lily moved to Canada right after she finished her high school ________ in Taiwan.

(A) promise (B) wound (C) apology (D) education

14. By practicing speaking English every day, Emma’s English has improved ________.

(A) over time (B) at all (C) in common (D) and so on

15. Grace got up ________ in order to catch the first bus in the morning.

(A) over time (B) in her excitement (C) as early as possible (D) no wonder

II. 綜合測驗: (30%,每題 2%)

Our lives are full of ads. Some are on TV. Others are in mailboxes. 16 are on the Internet. Most companies are willing to spend a lot of money on advertising to increase the sales of their products. In addition, 17 putting ads, companies can make people 18 aware of their brand names.

An ad which attracts people’s attention is a successful one. However, not all ads are true, because people should not put their trust in every ad. For example, if an ad 19 that people using its product can be slim within a week, it will be very likely to be a lie. A picture of a slim lady 20 the product seems quite convincing. However, it can be cheating. So, when an ad attracts attention, people shouldn’t trust it completely.

16. (A) Other (B) Still others (C) Another (D) The other 17. (A) by (B) from (C) for (D) in

18. (A) being (B) to being (C) to be (D) be 19. (A) suggesting (B) is suggested (C) will suggest (D) suggests 20. (A) holds (B) to hold (C) who holding (D) holding

When I was young, I had some problems with self-control. I often lost my 21 and got mad easily. 22 I became angry, I would say hurtful words to other people. As a result, I had 23 friends at school. This situation made my father very worried. Therefore, he thought of an idea to help 24 me how to control my anger. He suggested that I 25 a nail into the fence in our backyard when I began to feel angry. It was not easy 26 the nails


into the fence, so I started to learn to control myself. Then, when I was able to control my anger, he asked me to pull the nails out of the fence. 27 at the fence scarred by holes, I finally realized one thing: Angry words 28 the nails, and they hurt people and leave scars 29 will never disappear. Then, I promised my father that I would never say hurtful words to others again. He smiled and said he was very proud 30 me.

21. (A) promise (B) temper (C) frustration (D) apology 22. (A) Whenever (B) Although (C) How (D) Nevertheless 23. (A) a lot (B) few (C) a little (D) much

24. (A) teaching (B) taught (C) teach (D) to teaching 25. (A) to hammer (B) hammering (C) hammer (D) hammers 26. (A) pounded (B) to pounding (C) to pound (D) for pounding 27. (A) Looking (B) Looked (C) To look (D) Look

28. (A) like (B) are like (C) as are (D) as 29. (A) that (B) who (C) what (D) ×

30. (A) on (B) as (C) of (D) at

III. 翻譯填空:(40%,每格 1%)

1.我以為 Christina 聽完這個悲傷的故事會哭。令我感到非常驚訝的是,她開始大笑。

I thought Christina would cry after she heard the sad story. to my , she began to laugh.

2. 這項活動不包含在團費裡。如果你想要參加,需要支付額外的費用。

This activity is not included in the tour price. If you want to ___________ __________

__________ it, you need to pay extra money.

3. 服務生給我一杯茶,而不是咖啡。

The waiter gave me a cup of tea _____________ _____________ coffee.

4. Simpson 先生是一位如此聰明的男子,以至於很多人都尊敬他。

Mr. Simpson is ___________ a wise man ____________ many people respect him.

5. Henry 喜愛西方藝術。他家有大量的歐洲繪畫收藏。

Henry__________ Western art. He has a great collection of European paintings in his house.

6. Jeff 經常取笑 Tracy。難怪她不喜歡他。

Jeff often makes fun of Tracy. It’s that she doesn’t like him.

7. 當 Helen 看到她抽屜裡有蜘蛛時,她的臉立刻變得慘白。

When Helen saw a spider in her drawer, her face immediately . 8. 你一定要將我的話牢記在心,這樣才不會犯同樣的錯誤。

You must my words so that you won’t make the same mistake.

9. 儘管 Victoria 的家離學校只有三分鐘的路程,她仍然每天早上都遲到。

the fact that Victoria lives only three minutes away from school, she is still late every morning.

10. 那起車禍昨天造成五個人喪生。

The car accident _____________ _____________ five deaths yesterday.

11. Calvin弄丟了他的皮夾。更糟的是,他所有的錢和信用卡都在裡面。

Calvin lost his wallet. _____________ _____________ _____________, all his money and credit cards were in it.

12. 我既沒有選法文也沒有選西班牙文當作我的第二外語。

I chose _____________ French _____________ Spanish as my second foreign language to study.

13. Rose在興奮之下忘了拿手機就衝出去。

In her _________________, Rose rushed out and forgot her cell phone.


The terrible storm _____________ our trip _____________ a disaster.

15. 自從和 Yvonne 第一次見面,Benjamin 就愛上她了。

Benjamin _____________ ____________ ____________ ___________ with Yvonne ever since they first met.

16. 這本小說經得起時間考驗且在現今仍廣為眾人閱讀。

This novel has _____________ the _____________ of time and is still widely read by people today.

17. 這些舊照片對 Rosa 來說非常寶貴。它們總是讓她憶起清晰的童年記憶。

These old photos are very _____________ to Rosa. They always bring back vivid _____________ of her childhood.


國立彰師附工 104 學年度上學期 高職二(含綜二孝仁愛) 英文科 補考

I. 字彙及慣用語:(30%,每題 2%)

1.B 2 A. 3. A 4. D 5 B.

6. B 7. A 8. C 9. B 10. D

11. D 12. C 13. D 14. A 15. C

II. 綜合測驗: (30%,每題 2%)

16.B 17. A 18. D 19. D 20. D

21. B 22. A 23. B 24. C 25. C

26. C 27. A 28. B 29. A 30. C

班級:______________ 座號:________ 姓名:__________________

III. 翻譯填空:(40%,每格 1%) 1. Much surprise

2. take part in

3. instead of 4. such that

5. is fond of

6. no wonder

7. turned pale

8. keep in mind

9. In spite of

10. resulted in

11. What was worse 12. neither nor

13. excitement 14. turned into

15. has been in love

16. stood test

17. valuable memories



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