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臺北捷運公司 104 年 1 月 24 日新進司機員、技術員 甄試試題-語文科目


Academic year: 2021

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應考編號: . 選擇題:每題 2 分,共 50 題,計 100 分

1. 【4】 下列各組「」中的外來語,皆為音譯同時兼義譯的選項是:

(1) 吃「披薩」/「蘋果派」(2) 「信用卡」/傳「伊媚兒」(3)  「冰 淇淋」/談吐「幽默」(4) 「維他命」/「脫口秀」。

2. 【2】 漢字雖一字一義,但亦有兩字不能拆開,須合為一詞始具完整意義 者,如「玻璃」、「襤褸」等即是。下列選項內的詞,皆屬於此類 的是: (1) 輾轉/羞赧(2) 忐忑/荒唐 (3) 盟誓/延遲 (4) 闌珊


3. 【3】 漢語中有許多同義複詞,例如:「收拾」、「闕漏」,下列各組均 為同義複詞的選項是:

(1)選擇 /簇擁 (2) 忘記/臧否(3) 危急/曩昔 (4)田獵/作揖。

4. 【4】 下列各組「 」內的注音寫成國字後,兩兩相同的選項是:

(1) 「ㄒㄧㄠ」聲匿跡/「ㄒㄧㄠ」遙法外 (2) 「ㄓㄠ」然若揭/

「ㄓㄠ」攬生意 (3) 氣勢萬「ㄐㄩㄣ」/利益「ㄐㄩㄣ」霑 (4) 三 足「ㄉㄧㄥˇ」立/「ㄉㄧㄥˇ ㄉㄧㄥˇ」大名。

5. 【2】 下列各組「」中的字,讀音兩兩相同的選項是:

(1) 「數」見不鮮/「數」典忘祖 (2) 朋「比」為奸/接踵「比」

肩 (3) 安居「樂」業/敬業「樂」群 (4) 引「吭」高歌/悶不「吭」


6. 【3】 下列文句用字完全正確的選項是:

(1) 在比賽之前,必須凝聚向心力,不可亂說瀉氣話 (2) 這酒的釀 製技術一脈相成,數百年來沒有改變  (3) 淨心法師大嘆:功名利 祿有如鏡花水月,不值得為此汲汲營營 (4) 小王酒醉駕駛,還在酒 測時襲警,所以被弔銷駕駛執照。

7. 【2】 下列文句「」中的成語,運用正確的選項是:

(1) 一群年輕人徹夜狂歡,弄得公園「狼狽不堪」 (2) 看他忙於 辯解的樣子,簡直就是「欲蓋彌彰」,不打自招(3) 他的演講內容頭 緒紛雜、邏輯混亂,令人聽來聽去,始終「不可理喻」(4) 小陳對 長官那種「前倨後恭」、彬彬有禮的態度,值得大家學習。

8. 【4】 下列文句「」中的詞語,意義前後相同的選項是:

(1) 創業成功的他,「躊躇」滿志地接受掌聲/這二個方案各有短 長,令主管「躊躇」難斷(2)闖蕩「江湖」多年,他累積了豐富的經 驗/與其失意於政壇,不如終老「江湖」 (3) 說理應該思慮周密,

以免貽笑「大方」/她的表現沉穩「大方」,完全看不出新手的生 澀 (4) 在富裕環境中長大的人,無法體會貧窮的「滋味」/當眾出 醜的「滋味」,令人十分難堪。

9. 【2】 (甲) 蚊子長相奇醜,一副尖酸刻薄樣,牠□□□□,總在人們耳 邊嗡嗡哼哼擾人清夢。



(乙) 蟋蟀也嘮叨,夏夜裡□□地叫,恐怕也擾人清夢,卻具有詩意。


(1) 叮叮咚咚/刺刺(2) 嘮嘮叨叨/唧唧 (3) 嘩嘩啦啦/啪啪(4) 鏗鏗鏘鏘/喃喃。

10. 【2】 「我聞過水仙花的香氣,那種香氣,就像淡淡的浮雲」一句運用「移 覺」的修辭,下列文句也運用移覺修辭的選項是:

(1) 金黃的小葉映在嫩綠廣披的草地上,如夜裡蒼穹發光的星座(2) 巷子深處,有孤獨的鞋聲響起/蕭瑟如秋天的落葉,緩緩飄墜(3) 荷 葉在風裡翻飛/像母親今天的衣裳/荷花溫柔的送來/她衣褶裡的 暗香 (4) 大約潭是很深的,故能蘊蓄這樣奇異的綠,彷彿蔚藍的天 融了一塊在裡面似的。

11. 【2】 「暮色蒼茫中/一輛輛/流金瀉銀的汽車/競相奔赴/一城冷冷燃 燒的/火焰/一個原始而淒美的悲劇/正以現代壯麗的方式/進 行」上述詩作所詠的對象是:

(1)螢 (2)蛾 (3)塞車 (4)流星。

12. 【2】 「人上壽百歲,中壽八十,下壽六十,除病瘦死喪憂患,其中開口 而笑者,一月之中,不過四五日而已矣。」根據上文,推斷作者的 觀點最可能是:

(1) 死亡是人生必經的過程,不必看得太嚴重(2)生命有限,要達觀 處世,暢懷歡笑(3)人生的意義不在生命的長短而在是否精彩 (4)人生注定是苦海,活著受苦不如早些解脫。

13. 【1】 孟子:「山徑之蹊間,介然用之而成路,為間不用,則茅塞之矣。」


(1) 學習之道在於堅持有恆 (2) 為學不忘健身,保持運動習慣 (3)條條大路通羅馬,端視自己的能力選擇(4)路是人走出來的,只 要有信心,一定能成功。

14. 【4】 張戒《歲寒堂詩話》:「世言白少傅詩格卑,雖誠有之然亦不可不 察也。元、白、張籍詩皆自陶、阮中出,專以道得人心中事為工,



(1)真誠無飾(2)觀察細膩(3)意境高遠 (4)簡練含蓄。

15. 【2】 下列題辭使用場合正確的選項是:

(1) 「福壽全歸」賀長者壽誕(2) 「業紹陶朱」賀商家開張 (3) 「琴 瑟友之」賀樂團演出成功(4) 「鐵畫銀鉤」賀武術比賽獲勝。

16. 【2】 下列對聯,適用於元宵節的是:

(1) 銀漢無塵水天一色,金商應律風月雙清(2) 玉宇塵清一輪皓 月,銀花焰吐萬盞春燈(3) 榴花彩絢朱明節,蒲葉香浮綠醑樽(4) 何 處題糕酬錦句,有人送酒對黃花。

17. 【4】 「想要跑步的初入門者,首先要考量自身的體能,在運動前要做適 當的伸展操及肌力訓練。如果以前沒有運動習慣,或是過於肥胖的 人,關節肌腱可能已退化,不足以應付跑步所需的肌群強度,建議 先以快走的方式開始,接著慢慢適應後,再進階到短時間、分段式




(1)首先 (2)如果 (3)或是 (4)接著。

18. 【3】 「但肯尋詩便有詩,靈虛一點是吾師。夕陽芳草尋常物,解用都為 絕妙詞」。本詩的主旨,和下列選項最相近的是:

(1)深林人不知,明月來相照 (2) 此中有真意,欲辯已忘言(3) 好 鳥枝頭亦朋友,落花水面皆文章(4) 世事洞明皆學問,人情練達即 文章。

19. 【1】 「對手不是要和你正面衝突,就是要從背後殺你個措手不及。不論 從正面攻擊還是背面偷襲,他們的觀察最全面。對手發動攻擊的時 候,必須針對你的弱點,來展現他們的所長。所以,光是從他們的 攻擊中,你就可以體會他們最強的是什麼,而你最弱的又是什麼。」


(1)對手的可貴(2)攻擊的秘訣(3)全面觀察藝術 (4)化弱點為優勢。

20. 【1】 柏拉圖:「音樂是一種天賜的助力,促使我們內部運轉的不和諧趨 於次序與平衡。」關於這段話,下列敘述最適當的是:

(1)音樂能產生調節心理的神奇力量(2)音樂緣於自然,故須反映自 然的諧和(3)優美的音樂常反映作曲者內心的和諧(4)傳世的音樂創 作每每得力於信仰。

21. 【3】 下列文句「」內的詞語,何組詞性前後相同?

(1) 臺灣,最美最「母親」的國度/「母親」,最美麗善良的天使 (2) 這個案子要「麻煩」您了/保持低調可以省卻很多「麻煩」

(3) 隱性知識才是無可取代的職場「競爭」力想要在眾多的「競 爭」者中脫穎而出,就要有自己獨特的風格(4) 環保人士展開一連 串的「抗議」活動/針對不實的報導,他提出嚴正的「抗議」。

22. 【4】 「靜默是表示快樂的最好方法,要是我能夠說出我心裡多麼的快 樂,那麼我的快樂是有限的。」下列敘述最符合此句涵義的選項是:

(1)人生的快樂是有限的 (2)沉默是金,說話是銀(3)靜默才能得到 快樂 (4)真正的快樂無以名狀。

23. 【1】 孔子認為:「父母之年,不可不知也。一則以喜,一則以懼。」下 列關於孔子「喜」、「懼」兩種情緒的說明,正確的選項是:

(1)喜父母安享高壽,懼父母不久人世 (2)喜父母後繼有人,懼父母 過度期望 (3)喜父母神智清明,懼父母依賴牽絆 (4)喜父母同居相 伴,懼父母嘮叨不休。

24. 【2】 某建商設計廣告文案時,擬以對聯形式加深顧客印象,橫批為「風 華絕代」,上聯為「推窗迎綠蔭」,最適合作為下聯的選項是:

(1)開門邀雲入 (2)排闥納清風(3)散步詠涼天 (4)心靜自然涼。

25. 【4】 下列文句沒有語病的選項是:

(1)偉倫經過激烈競選,終於蟬聯第一任會長 (2)運動會能不能如期 舉行,關鍵在於天氣持續好轉(3)這個方案是針對職業安全所設計,

實施之後可以使員工們提供更完整的保障(4)表現優異的人,即使是 非常小的細節都會很留意。而這一連串小決定,往往就拉開了贏家 和輸家的距離。



26. 【2】 The train will stop in Taoyuan briefly, but its final _____ is Taipei.

(1) destiny (2) destination (3) stronghold (4) construction 27. 【4】 The giant panda is a _____ animal. With the loss of the bamboo

forests where they live, the panda is becoming scarce and rare.

(1) timid (2) monotonous (3) mischievous (4) precious 28. 【1】 Stephanie spent the weekend at the national library so she could

_____ on her studies.

(1) concentrate (2) innovate (3) ignore (4) relieve 29. 【2】 His brother __________ just two minutes before it was due.

(1) has finished to type the report (2) finished typing the report (3) has finished typing the report until (4) has been finishing to type the report

30. 【3】 _____ all our efforts to save this museum, the government decided to close it.

(1) Despite of (2) In spite (3) Despite (4) In spite with 31. 【3】 Brian:“ What can I get for you, Eric? Coffee or tea?” Eric: “I’ll

have a glass of orange juice, please. If I drink _____ after 5 p.m., I won’t be able to sleep.”

(1)dairy products (2) chowder (3) caffeine (4) sport drinks 32. 【1】 Peter was so _____ in class that he fell asleep.

(1) bored (2) boring (3) bore (4) boredom 33. 【4】 What her mother did __________her.

(1)has a great influence of (2) is greatly influenced to (3) is a great influence with (4) had a great influence on

34. 【2】 Try to _____ the amount of money you spend eating out at restaurants so that you can save more money.

(1)maximize (2) decrease (3) expand (4) contribute 35. 【4】 A: “Major airlines have their own training schools. For the first

six months, flight attendants usually work on call. Airlines

sometimes require them to show up for work with just an hour’s notice. “ B: “So their schedules can be very _____?” A: “Yes.”

(1) impassive (2) palatable (3) languid (4) unpredictable 36. 【1】 The famous singer _____ the day before yesterday.

(1) died (2) was dead (3) dead (4) was dying 37. 【3】 The train __________________ the MRT station.

(1) had already left since he has arrived at (2) have already leaved until he arrived in

(3) had already left when he arrived at (4) have already left for two minutes after he arrived



38. 【3】 I don’t think about my old friend very much, only __________.

(1)constantly (2) twice a day (3) now and then (4) regularly 39. 【3】 A: “Just as regular exercise can help people achieve skeletal

fitness, it can also help people improve their _____ fitness.” B:

“ Yes, I agree with you. One of the good things about exercise is that it reduces stress.”

(1) permanent (2) functional (3) emotional (4) cognitive 40. 【2】 This hotel is not busy. Let’s ask for a big _____ so we can save a lot

of money.

(1) promotion (2) discount (3) authority (4) account 41. 【1】 This is a club for _____ who are between 13 and 19 years old.

(1) teenagers (2) adults (3) toddlers (4) elders

42. 【2】 A:“Would you __________ a little? The wind’s just a little bit chilly.”

B:” Oh, I’m sorry! I’ll close it.”

(1)turn the radio up (2) roll your window up (3) turn down the radio (4) roll down your window

43. 【4】 Please __________ for assistance in case of emergency.

(1) contact with the station staff (2) make contact to the station staff (3) be contacting the station staff (4) contact the station staff

44. 【4】 A:“Didn’t you learn the traffic safety rules when you got your scooter license?” B: ”Yes, but most people here don’t seem to follow them.” A: “You should be careful. __________, you know.”

(1)No pains, no gains (2) When in Rome, do as the Romans do (3) Better late than never (4) Better safe than sorry

45. 【1】 I __________ you again.

(1) am looking forward to seeing (2) am looking forward to see (3) look forward in seeing (4) looking forward when I see 46. 【3】 Rebecca is not indolent; __________, she is a very diligent girl.

(1)on the other hand (2) in other words (3) on the contrary (4) in addition

47. 【2】 The helmet can _____ my head when I fell from the motorcycle.

(1)infect (2) protect (3) cuddle (4) recover

48. 【4】 A:”It’s __________.” B: “Yes, the temperature is below zero. Let’s stay home. It’s warmer inside.”

(1) cool and foggy (2) hot and sunny (3) nice and fair (4) cold and freezing



閱讀測驗 49‐50

Tour guide: “Los Angeles County Metro is unique among the nation’s transportation. It provides safe, clean, courteous, reliable, on‐time service. Most rail lines in LA start around 4 a.m. and keep running past midnight, but they’re less frequent in the evening.”

Tourists: “Any safety tips?”

Tour guide: “Yes, security is a top priority for the Metro. For example, you should always stand away from the edge of platform. Wait for exiting passengers to leave, then board. Also, watch the gap between the platform and train. Watch your step, especially at night or in wet weather. Don’t skate on the platform, stairs or escalators and don’t play near trains or tracks. Remember: pushing and shoving can cause accidents. If you travel with your child, hold on to your child when a train approaches. Last, take a seat if possible or use handrails.”

49. 【3】 According to the passage, which of the following is true about Los Angeles County Metro ?

(1) It is not dependable.

(2) The most critical thing for the Metro is convenience.

(3) Night time service is much more limited than daytime service.

(4) Passengers are told to push and shove when boarding or exiting the Metro.

50. 【4】 According to the passage you have read, which of the following does the tour guide advise ?

(1) Walking on the tracks or skating on the escalators is not prohibited.

(2) Children are not allowed to board the Metro when it comes.

(3) Passengers who want to get off the Metro should wait till all the passengers who want to board the Metro finish boarding.

(4) Standing too close to the edge of the train platform is dangerous.




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