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The Effects of the Cognitive Styles of Elementary School Children on the Discussing Methods of Moral Teaching 邱瑞堂、翁淑緣


Academic year: 2022

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The Effects of the Cognitive Styles of Elementary School Children on the Discussing Methods of Moral Teaching


E-mail: 9605048@mail.dyu.edu.tw


The purpose of the study is to find out the effect of the discussing methods of moral teaching on elementary school children and the influences caused by the cognitive styles so as to offer a reference to moral education. To meet our goals, the study adopts the

"pretest-posttest equivalent groups design" in quasi-experimental research. Samples come from convenience sampling. Six classes of 5th grade students from four elementary schools of Changhu County were selected to participate in this study. 85 students were assigned to the experimental group instructed by the moral teaching method by discussing 5 weeks courses, and 85 students as the control group who didn’t receive any treatment. The measure instruments in this study include 1)Social Issue Questionnaire, 2) Moral Behaviors Judgment Scale, 3) Morality Awareness Judgment Scale, 4) Morality Sentiment Judgment Scale, and 5) Group Embedded-Figures Tests. The major findings were as follows: 1. these 2 groups reached the distinct standards in moral judgment and moral action, and the experimental group was superior to the control group. This proved the effect of moral teaching. 2. There were significant differences between genders on moral judgement and moral action. 3. Moral teaching method by discussing reached the goal of congnitive and affective teaching. 4. Cognitive styles did not cause any influences on the discussing methods of moral teaching. 5. Most students in the research group were satisfied with the “ Moral Teaching Method By Discussing Curriculum”, and were willing to attend which means that the curriculum is worthwhile to promote. At last, according to the findings above, discussion is undertaken and some suggestions are offered as teaching practice and future study reference.

Keywords : cognitive style, moral judgement, moral act, discussing methods of moral teaching.

Table of Contents

書名頁 授權書 中文摘要 .................. iii 英文摘要 ..................

.iv 誌謝辭 .................... i 內容目錄 .................. vii 表目錄

....................ix 圖目錄 ....................xi 第一章 緒論..

................ 1 第一節 研究動機與目的............ 1 第二節 名詞釋義.....

.......... 4 第三節 研究限制............... 6 第二章 文獻探討...........

..... 8 第一節 道德發展相關理論........... 8 第二節 討論式道德教學............16 第三節 道德判斷的影響因素及相關研究.....22 第四節 道德行為的影響因素及相關研究.....25 第五節 認知類 型的理論與相關研究.......30 第三章 研究方法................38 第一節 研究設計....

...........38 第二節 研究假設...............41 第三節 研究對象..........

.....42 第四節 教學設計...............42 第五節 研究工具...............48 第六節 實施程序...............62 第七節 資料處理與統計分析..........65 第四章 研究結 果分析..............67 第一節 基本統計分析.............67 第二節 道德實驗教學對道 德判斷之影響.....69 第三節 道德實驗教學對道德行為之影響.....71 第四節 認知類型對討論式道德教學成效 之影響..79 第五節 道德實驗教學在認知教學目標效果....81 第六節 道德實驗教學在情意教學目標效果....86 第五章 結論、討論及建議............90 第一節 結論與討論..............90 第二節 建議

................ 102 參考文獻 .................. 106 附錄A 「仁愛」道德教學 活動設計 ....... 118 附錄B 「守法」道德教學活動設計 ....... 120 附錄C 「信實」道德教學活動設計

....... 122 附錄D 「正義」道德教學活動設計 ....... 124 附錄E 「禮節」道德教學活動設計 ....

... 126 附錄F 日常生活行為量表(預式量表) ...... 128 附錄G 日常生活行為量表(正式量表) ...... 130 附 錄H 道德教學認知目標和情意目標量表 .... 132


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