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國立台東高級中學 102 學年度 第一次期中考高二英文科考卷 A 卷


Academic year: 2021

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國立台東高級中學 102 學年度 第一次期中考高二英文科考卷 A 卷

103. 03.24 第二學期

適用班級:201、202、205、206、209 畫卡 是■ 否□

I、綜合測驗:30 題,每題 1 分,共 30 分。


You might have had difficulties understanding the nutrition facts on the food labels when you are deciding which food products to buy. Now, there is a new system (1) traffic light labeling that can help you make food choices more quickly.

This system has several (2) . One of them is that the labeling is exactly the same (3) traffic lights. Therefore, you can tell (4) if the food products you want to buy would possibly cause (5) diseases. This system makes finding information about food easier, lest consumers (6) a product’s nutritional information just because reading these nutrition facts takes time. (7) , it can be universally applied without worries about (8) consumers understand English or not. It is instantly recognizable even to children. Nevertheless, there is opposition to this idea. People in the food industry (9) that this

approach is too simplistic. To them, giving exact figures to indicate nutrition facts in one serving is preferable. Even though not everyone supports traffic light labeling, this system is still helpful when you make food choices. With traffic light labels on the package of a food product, you can pause for thought, consider carefully, and then (10) what you should put into your shopping basket.

1. (A) call (B) calling (C) which is called (D) to call

2. (A) awards (B) advantages (C) advertisements (D) agents

3. (A) like (B) such (C) as (D) much

4. (A) as usual (B) as a result (C) at most (D) at a glance

5. (A) related-obesity (B) obesity-relating (C) obesity-related (D) relating-obesity

6. (A) ignore (B) ignored (C) ignoring (D) to be ignored

7. (A) In addition to (B) Besides (C) Except for (D) Exceptional

8. (A) whether (B) which (C) wonder (D) when

9. (A) interpret (B) describe (C) talk (D) state

10. (A) decided (B) deciding (C) decide (D) to decide


Taiwan is closely connected with the ocean. (11) water on all sides, Taiwan not only is rich in marine resources, but it also relies on sea for international trade. However, few Taiwanese value the ties with the ocean as (12) as the Tao people living on the Orchid Island do. The reason why the ocean is (13) much significance to the Tao people lies in the geographical environment of Orchid Island. The land (14) very rugged and infertile, (14) can only catch fish to get enough protein intake. Over the years, the Tao have developed many traditions for fishing. For example, they (15) fish with their bare hands, and they follow a fishing calendar that corresponds to the movements of ocean currents. The period from March to June, also (16) the flying fish season, has become an important period for the tribe.

As the Tao people (17) flying fish (17) a gift from their god, they hold many ceremonies to show their gratitude to the god. In addition, they use their wood-carving skills to build their plank boats (18) have certain totems on them to ward off evil spirits. It is a pity that the Tao’s lifestyle has been changed. The plank boats that they

(19) are now being replaced with engine-powered rafts these years. The worst thing is that the thousands of tons of nuclear waste stored on Orchid Island present a threat to the Tao people’s living environment. Fortunately, (20) all the difficulties, many Tao people manage to preserve their living environment and traditional culture.

11. (A) Surrounding with (B) Surrounded into (C) Surrounding by (D) Surrounded by

12. (A) more (B) much (C) most (D) worse

13. (A) of (B) with (C) above (D) upon

14. (A) being; and the Tao people (B) being; the Tao people (C) is; the Tao people (D) ×; so the Tao people 15. (A) are used to catch (B) are used to catching (C) used to catch (D) are used to be caught 16. (A) noted to (B) known for (C) famous as (D) well-known of

17. (A) refer; to (B) think; as (C) view; as (D) count; on

18. (A) that (B) , which (C) which (D) , on which


19. (A) used to sail (B) used to sailing (C) are used to sailing (D) are used to sail

20. (A) Although (B) Nevertheless (C) Though (D) Despite


Many elements can contribute to depression. Here are just a few. The first one is (21) physical problems. Some illnesses and problems with hormones can lead to depression. Depression can also be a side effect of some medicines. There may be genetic causes as well. People (22) relatives have experienced depression are more likely to experience it themselves.

The second element is from life experiences. Depression can result from (23) experiences. These could

(24) financial problems, such as divorce, a loved one’s death or childhood trauma. Even positive changes like starting a new job or getting married can lead to depression. For example, moving to a different country can make one’s depression worse.

Psychological factors also contribute to depression. A pessimistic (25) , low self esteem and worry are often associated with depression. But experts aren’t sure if these are causes or effects of the disease.

The most common treatments for depression are therapy and medicine. One kind of therapy focuses mostly on thought patterns and actions. The counselor helps the patient see life more positively and realistically. (26) types of therapy focus on past trauma or on relationships. In this case, therapy may focus on troubling emotions, (27) triggers them and how to handle them productively.

Therapy is often effective for treating mild or moderate depression. More (28) cases require medication. Drugs called antidepressants try to treat depression by changing a person’s brain chemistry. They can often help severe depression, especially when combined (29) therapy. However, the patient should watch for side effects, and tell his or her doctor if any new problems emerge.

Fighting depression (30) time and effort, but the darkness does pass. Understanding the causes of depression and discerning the right strategy to defeat it are important steps toward healing.

21. (A) because (B) because of (C) as a result (D) in a consequence

22. (A) whom (B) who (C) whose (D) that

23. (A) stress (B) stressed (C) stressful (D) stressfully

24. (A) inclusive of (B) included (C) including (D) include

25. (A) altitude (B) attribute (C) attitude (D) appetizer

26. (A) Another (B) Others (C) Any other (D) Other

27. (A) which (B) that (C) whether (D) what

28. (A) extreme (B) exact (C) punctual (D) external

29. (A) into (B) of (C) to (D) with

30. (A) spends (B) costs (C) takes (D) spares

II. 文意選填(每題 1 分 共 10 分)

We eat to satisfy our hunger and to provide necessary nutrition for our body, but there are other reasons to reach for particular foods. Research shows that there are (31) when certain foods may provide possible solutions for various problems. For example, when you can’t sleep, try a few almonds for a late-night snack. Almonds contain magnesium, an essential nutrient that helps (32) the muscles and promote sleep.

Besides, when you have bad breath, try to drink a cup of black, green or oolong tea, which contains (33) stopping the growth of the bacteria that causes bad breath. When you feel (34) , reach for a chocolate bar! Chocolate makes most people happy, not only because it (35) good, but also because it increases the production of serotonin, which affects peoples’ moods. When you have joint pain, eat strawberries, oranges or other foods (36) with Vitamin C.

Eating two oranges daily gives you 120 milligrams of Vitamin C, which may help slow the (37) and tear on your joints.

And at last, when you don’t have much energy, drink ample (38) of water, when you don’t drink enough water, oxygen and nutrients can’t reach your brain in an efficient manner, (39) you tired and less able to concentrate. The next time you have a problem, remember to check your kitchen first for a (40) .

(A) compound (B) tastes (C) solution (D) times (E) relax


(AB) amounts (AC) leaving (AD) irritable (AE) loaded (BC) wear

III. 閱讀測驗 (每題 2 分 共 16 分)


The world is getting fatter. The World Health Organization says that 300 million people worldwide are dangerously overweight. With so many obese people, diets are all the rage. The Atkins diet, for example, developed by Dr. Robert Atkins in the 1970s, has become hugely popular as Hollywood superstars like Renee Zellerger, Jennifer Aniston, and Brad Pitt have followed it and lost weight.

But many doctors and medical researchers have called the diet crazy. It goes against all the research over the years that shows cutting down on fat and red meat, increasing fruit and vegetables, and, most importantly, regular exercise are the only ways to lose weight and keep it off.

Many also say the rapid weight loss experienced by Atkins dieters is mostly due to water. People are not losing fat; they are burning up glucose and with it a lot of water. And doubts have prevailed about the effectiveness of this diet as, when Atkins died of heart disease in April 2003, he himself was obese, weighing 117 kilograms at 1.82 meters in height, with a body mass index of over 35.

The truth may be that changing your eating habits and your lifestyle is what helps you to lose weight. The simple equation

—burn more calories than you eat and drink—is the only way to reduce fat from your body.

41. The phrase “all the rage” in the paragraph one means .

(A) annoying (B) what make people crazy (C) has become unpopular (D) has become a fad 42. What is a good way of losing weight as shown by research from past years?

(A) Going on the Atkins diet (B) Reducing meat and increasing vegetables in your diet (C) Getting as much exercise as you can (D) Eating earlier in the day

43. What can be said about the Atkins diet?

(A) Some Hollywood superstars have been fans of it. (B) Many doctors and researchers are against it.

(C) It suggests a diet of more meat than vegetables. (D) All of the above.

44. What is the author’s attitude toward the Atkins diet?

(A) He is supportive. (B) He is impressive. (C) He is suspicious. (D) He is curious.


Have you ever wondered about the origin of the coffee bean? The coffee bean is said to have been discovered centuries ago by a Muslim physician named Omar. At that time, the king summoned Omar to treat his daughter for a life-threatening disease.

However, Omar was exiled after he had saved the princess’s life as he stayed with the princess over night while curing her.

The king felt that it was not good for his daughter’s reputation. Afterward, he wandered the wilderness, living the life of a tramp. One day, he was unable to find any food and collapsed under a tree. As Omar was about to die, he discovered that a bird had begun to look energetic soon after eating some unknown beans. Curious, he boiled some of these beans to make a thick liquid. To Omar surprise, his strength was quickly restored. The whole thing was such an encouraging experience for Omar that he decided to use these beans as medicine. Soon, the people of Mocha thought of Omar again as another epidemic hit the city. After they had finally found Omar, he had the city’s residents drink the liquid made from this magic bean. Each of them recovered from the disease, and Omar was welcomed back to Mocha as a hero.

45. The story is mainly about .

(A) a place with a lot of coffee beans called Mocha (B) a physician who once saved a princess’s life (C) how to cure people during an epidemic (D) how coffee beans were discovered 46. What happened to Omar after he drank the liquid he had made from the magic bean?

(A) He began to chirp like a bird (B) His energy was quickly restored (C) He fell asleep very quickly (D) His body began to throb and itch 47. The beans that Omar discovered were considered to be magic because .

(A) they could be made into coffee (B) they could prevent people from being executed


(C) they could cure people of some diseases (D) they could cause a deadly epidemic 48. From this story we know that .

(A) the magic beans are rare and precious (B) Omar was exiled from his homeland ever after.

(C) Omar ended up the life of tramp at last (D) Omar became powerful after he discovered the magic beans

IV. 文意字彙 (每題 2 分 共 24 分)

49. After the American financial tsunami in 2008, people tended to be more c s about investment.

50. To c e energy, we use energy-saving bulbs and turn off lights when leaving a room.

51. The birth rate in Taiwan has been d ning over the past years or so. It stood at 1.5 in 1998, and it dropped to 1.0 in 2009.

52. The comedian received loud applause from the audience because of his e y performance.

53. As a consumer, you should know that a high price does not i y that a product is better.

54. Rick is completely in a e of his teacher, Ms. Lin. He is extremely nervous whenever she talks to him.

55. In 2010, the e c of H1N1 was successfully controlled by vaccination.

56. As a strong a e of world peace, Linda is against any country ever going to war.

57. The professor believes that the p l goal of art is to stimulate creativity rather than to imitate other works.

58. The poet was e d after a long day at work. She needed to get some rest.

59. “What is the meaning of life?” is a typical (philosophy) question.

60. Since childhood, my parents have always taught me to show respect and (obey) to my teachers.

V. 句子改寫(每題 2 分 共 6 分)

61. Harriet did not realize her purse was missing until she arrived home. (用 Only when 開頭改寫) 62. A child develops the habit of brushing his or her teeth after every meal. (用 It is important 開頭改寫) 63. If Jerry had not been stuck in a traffic jam, he might not have missed the train. (以 Had……改寫句子)

V I . 翻 譯 題 ( 共 出 4 題 , 1 4 分 )

6 4 . 這 位 內 科 醫 師 不 計 一 切 代 價 想 要 挽 救 那 位 病 人 的 生 命 。( 3 分 )

65. 很明顯地,達悟人已經創造出一種很獨特,以海洋為導向的文化(3 分)

6 6. 為 了 預 防 一 些 像 是 高 血 壓 及 心 臟 病 的 疾 病 , 我 們 應 該 避 免 含 有 太 多 脂 肪 的 食 物 。 ( 4 分 )

67. 一般來說,我們在一樣食物上的包裝上看到的綠燈越多,那樣食物就越健康。(4 分)

國立台東高級中學 102 學年度 第一次期中考高二英文科 A 卷答案卷

103. 03.24 第二學期

適用班級:201、202、205、206、209 班級: 座號: 姓名:

IV. 文意字彙

(每題 2 分 共 24 分)





















exhausted 59.





句子改寫(每題 2 分 共 6 分)

61. Only when Harriet arrived home did she realize her purse was missing.

62. It is important that a child develop the habit of brushing his or her teeth after every meal.

63. Had Jerry not been stuck in a traffic jam, he might not have missed the train.

V I .

翻 譯 題

( 共 出 4 題 , 1 4 分 )


The physician wants to / save the patient ’s life / at all costs. (3 )


Obviously, the Tao people / have created a unique , / ocean-oriented culture. (3 )


To prevent some diseases / like high blood pressure and heart disease, / we should keep off

foods / which contain too much fat. (4 )


Generally speaking,/ the more green lights /we see on a package of food, / the healthier it is.

(4 ) 選擇題:

1~5 C B C D C 6~10 A B A D C 11~15 D B A B B 16~20 C C B A D 21~25 B C C D C 26~30 D D A D C

31~35 D E A (AD) B 36~40 (AE) (BC) (AB) (AC) C 41~45 B B D C D 46~48 B C C



中國語文科卷一 閱讀理解 學生做小測.. 中國語文科卷一 閱讀理解

主旨探析》(載《濰坊教育學院學報》2012 年 1 月第 25 卷第 1

中三級 中文科聆聽卷(普通話) 小三級 中文科閱讀卷 小六級 中文科聆聽卷(廣州話) (NCS版本). 小六級 中文科聆聽卷(普通話)


Consider 37 your social media notifications off during meals with family and friends or important meetings at work?. Also, pay attention to what you do and how you feel



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